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Blendy 💧
Credit to @hairby.kala
Ps: please make sure to book your appointments! I am all full for January and February is more than halfway full!
#hair #haircolor #hairtransformation #creamyblonde #hairenvy #hairinspiration #morevibrance #schwarzkopf #balayage #k18 #blondebalayage #hairideas #licensedtocreate #behindthechair #undiscoveredhairstylists #americansalon #hairstylistanonymous
#balayageartists #modernsalon #balayagequeens #balayageinspo #balayagist #balayageombre #colorspecialists #bestofbalayage #mastersofbalayage #balayageandpainted. #stylistssupportingstylists
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barbarhairtools · 6 years ago
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Dimension • The Paris Way✨ Repost from @yanetvan_colorist19em using @RepostRegramApp - YAN&VAN colorist Paris 19em blonde dimension by Vanessa @yanetvan_colorist19em #wavyhair #beautylaunchpad #hairpainters #showmethebalayage #stylistssupportingstylists #hairstyle #haircolor #hairgoals #balayageartists #balayageandpainted #modernsalon #citiesbesthairartists #olaplex #fanola #ittakesapro #behindthechair #rootshadow #balayagedandpainted #paintedhair #besthair #armstrongmccall #mastersofbalayage #maneaddicts #imallaboutdahair #coiffeurparis #olaplex #btcpics #fanola #livedinhair #dimensionalblonde ##beachblondehair #eppro (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24DcNJHnPw/?igshid=1sz14k609f6mf
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mybikiniflex · 6 years ago
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#warmbalayage #straighthairstyles #b3brazilianbondbuilder #hairinsta #hairstyleposts #indola #hairstyleideas #elevatehair #haircolorideas #balayageandpainted #ghdhair #hairvendor #wellafamily #bodywavebundles #redkencolor #niceday☀️
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nicoleempirio · 2 years ago
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Loving this color correction swipe left to see the the before @salondipanache #AVEDA #hair #salon #haircolor #style #beauty #color #painting #fashioncokors #Avedavivit #balayage #balayageombre #balayagehighlights #balayagehair #hairpainting #avedacolor #aveda #balayageandpainted #mastersofbalayage #avedavibrance #livedincolor #njhairstylist #njsalon #behindthechair #hairbrained #hairgoals #haircolor #haircolorist #curls #ombre #AVEDA #shareaveda https://www.instagram.com/p/CoycN9zsgr6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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noirsalon · 6 years ago
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🌟E L E N A🌟@elenafust #hair @noirsalon_ #balayageombre / #ondasalagua Reservas www.noirsalon.es #noir #peluqueria #alicante #playasanjuan #balayage #balayagehighlights #babylights #showmethebalayage #coloredhair #balayageartists #balayageandpainted #love #haircolor #coolhair #wella #wellacolor #olaplex #olaplexlove #beauty #fashion #makeup #bloggerspain #bloggerstyle #bloggeralicante (en NOIR - Alicante) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuduSb-gaQ_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=miovlq6pvjm6
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gogandru · 3 years ago
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✨corlor correction✨ Pentru a menține integritatea părului, în momentul în care decidem să tranzităm de la o culoare închisă la blond, trebuie să ne înarmăm cu multă răbdare! Procesul este complex, părul este stresat prin procedurile chimice astfel că trebuie să îi lăsăm timp să se refacă și să îl îngrijim corespunzător între proceduri pentru ca acesta să poată suporta transformările la care îl supunem! O transformare de acest gen nu se produce peste noapte, nu se poate realiza într-o singură ședință, motiv pentru care trebuie să avem încredere în proces, pentru a putea ajunge la rezultatul dorit. . . . . . . . . . #gogandru #blondebalayage #blondetransformation #colorcorrection #blondehighlights #beigeblonde #blondegoals #hairtransformation #colorcorrectionspecialist #hairstylisttimisoara #blondehairdontcare #balayageartists #balayagecolor #blondehaircolor #coafura #balayageandpainted #coafortimisoara #blondespecialist #balayagetimisoara #iceblondehair (at Timisoara, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CciiR9iKZw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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salonplatinum · 5 years ago
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How beautiful is @halstonstrange ?? It’s always such a pleasure having you in the salon! • I did a foilayage using @trionicshaircare KO Blondes & Actuator, @paulmitchellpro The Demi 9v for glossing, @brazilianbondbuilder for protection and @randco for styling. • #salonplatinumict #beautybyzacch #wichita #wichitaks #wichitastylist #wichitasalon #wichitahairstylist #wichitablonde #wichitablondebalayage #wichitablondespecialist #balayagespecialist #balayageandpainted #showmethebalayage #balayageartist #balayageblonde #blondespecialist #blondebabe #icyblonde #platinumhair #icybalayage #trionics #trionicshaircare #brazilianbondbuilder #b3 #paulmitchell #paulmitchellpro #randco #randcolove #modernsalon #cosmoprof (at McConnell Air Force Base) https://www.instagram.com/p/B78r4K7Ar6o/?igshid=14axje1to3nhn
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iimdiifferent · 7 years ago
No more pop up bands👎🏽 gave my client a @brazilianbondbuilder demi treatment to bring that color and hair back to life 💖 Call or TEXT (323) 548-4171 to schedule your Free Consultation ✨😽 #makeupmania #hairtrend #hairporn #hairfashion #hairofinstagram #buzzfeed #buzzfeedtopknot #scissorsalute #americansalon #modernsalon #kenraprofessionals #balayageartist #hotonhair #hotonbeauty #ganggangganggang #mermaidgang #fuckinghair #unicorntribe #balayagedhair #balayageandpainted #balayageartist #hairbykrystalmichelle™️
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trinitysalonandspa-blog · 7 years ago
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Bronde balayage, by Candace Beebe Design. #cnystylist #color #balayageandpainted #evascrivo #trinitylookbook #behindthechair_com #freeagenthairstylist #hairporn #syracuse #goldwell #goldwellcolor #evascivosalon
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kimjette · 6 years ago
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Naturally sun-kissed effect. Love this dimensional balayage✨✨⠀ @kimjettehair 💖 . .⠀ .⠀ Paint with @joico #freeplay and wide plank patterns to create this breauty😍⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #blondeorlando #orlandobalayage #blondhighlights #balayagehair #balayagedandpainted #sunkissedhair #sunkissedblonde #topsalonorlando #balayageandpainted #balayagespecialist #balayageblonde #balayageorlando #orlandoblondes #winterparkfl #centralfl #behindthechair #blondelove #dimensionalblonde #orlandohair (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzjmq_rBdWt/?igshid=1xst0cso3ymvd
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nicoleempirio · 2 years ago
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@salondipanache #AVEDA #hair #salon #haircolor #style #beauty #color #painting #fashioncokors #Avedavivit #balayage #balayageombre #balayagehighlights #balayagehair #hairpainting #avedacolor #aveda #balayageandpainted #mastersofbalayage #avedavibrance #livedincolor #njhairstylist #njsalon #behindthechair #hairbrained #hairgoals #haircolor #haircolorist #curls #ombre #AVEDA #shareaveda https://www.instagram.com/p/CotFc1cMwJc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rrose80 · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @hairbymadisoncarbrey - b a l a y a g e s p i c e 🥃 . . . #pahairstylist #phillybalayage #mediapa #phillybesthair #kennettsquare #balayageombre #balayageandpainted #hairpainted #bestofbalayage #showmethebalayage #citiesbesthairartist #maneinterest #hairgoals #hairinspo #balayageinspo #balayagegoals #brunnettebalayage #beautylaunchpad #basicsofbalayage #balayagefeatured #balayageproject #balayageartist #behindthechair #modernsalon #btcpics #framar https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXFUTDgmxw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=utimcse0p1x3
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kayandkompany · 6 years ago
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🍯Hand Painted Honey Hair Anyone?🍯 . ‼ Darkest Brown Box Dye Build Up, Balayaged By Our Colour Specialist Stacey‼ @kayandkompany . . #kayandkompany #hairdressers #muswellhill #n22 #n10 #londonhair #northlondon #londonsalon #colourspecialist #colourchange #colourcorrection #hairoftheday #colourislife #honeyblondehair #balayageartists #balayagecolor #balayagegoals #balayageandpainted #showmethebalayage #warmbalayage #coloursalon #hairgoals #loveyourhair #loveyourhair #haironpoint #instahair #instasalon #hairthings #kayandkompanysalon #salonthatcares #instahair (at Kay and Kompany) https://www.instagram.com/kayandkompany/p/BvybjDYFIA4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h9r8i9yzv0ii
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gogandru · 3 years ago
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✨blonde✨ Swipe 👉🏻 for before&after . . . . . . . . . #gogandru #blondebalayage #blondetransformation #balayageinspo #blondehighlights #beigeblonde #blondegoals #hairtransformation #iceblonde #hairstylisttimisoara #blondehairdontcare #balayageartists #balayagecolor #blondehaircolor #coafura #balayageandpainted #coafortimisoara #blondespecialist #balayagetimisoara #iceblondehair (at Timisoara, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcetCv4DVK6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kdotlogan · 6 years ago
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Autumn was her birth name..now she's giving us Spring vibes!! 😎😎 @kloganhair where change is a good thing!!! #kloganhair #whoslayedit #kslayedit #justgonaked #atlantanaturalhair #teamnatural #blondehair #blackgirlblonde #like4like #cutlife #boblife #haircut #atlsilkpress #atlantahairstylist #silkpressmasters #changeisgood #positivevibes #blackhairstyles #afrohaircom #balayageandpainted #highlights #tmlhair #mobhair #allherhair #berrycurly #curlgang #colorist #beforeandafter #shorthair #transformationtuesday (at K. Logan Hair) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuFiFU4BW5I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14as9dk3z113
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salonplatinum · 5 years ago
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Bobalayage❄️😍 • @trionicshaircare for lifting & developers @brazilianbondbuilder for protection @paulmitchellpro for glossing @randco centerpiece, chiffon, park avenue, outer space for styling. • #salonplatinumict #beautybyzacch #wichita #wichitaks #wichitastylist #wichitasalon #wichitahairstylist #wichitablonde #wichitablondebalayage #wichitablondespecialist #balayagespecialist #balayageandpainted #showmethebalayage #balayageartist #balayageblonde #blondespecialist #blondebabe #icyblonde #platinumhair #icybalayage #trionics #trionicshaircare #brazilianbondbuilder #b3 #paulmitchell #paulmitchellpro #randco #randcolove #modernsalon #cosmoprof (at Charles Koch Arena) https://www.instagram.com/p/B76mOisAZ_P/?igshid=zf9d9ao8ndi7
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