#bakukiri fanfic
ineffectualdemon · 4 months
Not monogamy
Not polyamory
But a secret third thing called "They're monogamous but also That Guy is there"
He is not romantically or sexually involved but he is an integral part of their relationship.
He's the load bearing dumbass that keeps their relationship afloat
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crushmeeren · 6 months
AO3 Kiri/Baku/Todo Fics Anyone???
Alright, so I know most of you are on Tumblr for MHA x Reader content…
BUT!! I wanted to put some of my character x character works on here, in case some of you are interested.
I currently have a 5/5 chapter fic for the pairing mentioned above. It’s about 20,000 words? I’ll put my little summary below.
——————— Only you can prevent forest fires link
Shouto misses the message from Izuku that says — “yes they’ll both be there tomorrow, I thought you knew?” He also misses the second, rapid fire message stating — “oh no, are you going to need emotional support after this? Maybe you should get Strawberry certified.”
Or: Shouto is a preschool teacher who forgets it’s fire prevention week at his school. Bakugou and Kirishima are old classmates and firefighters who show up for the presentation in his class.
Shouto promptly feels his heart fall out of his ass as he rediscovers all the feelings he still has for them—and vice versa.
I ALSO have a 3/5 chapter fic for the same pairing that I’m currently working on. Again, summary below.
—————— I was hoping you would take my side link
The devil works hard — but Bakugou Katsuki works harder.
Of course, that’s not the only thought tumbling around Shouto’s brain as he plummets through the sky.
He also thinks very fondly — oh, that’s Katsuki, when he recognizes the tell tale bone quaking, rumbling thunder of explosions sounding off to his left.
Or — Shouto has the misfortune of being involved in an accident while out on a mission. It results in him losing the last three years worth of his memories.
Including his entire relationship with Katsuki and Eijirou.
I know this is shameless advertisement of my works, but I’m extremely proud of them and I feel like they are well written. I’ve put my blood, sweat, and tears into those motherfuckers!!
I was just hoping to reach more people this way.
Anywho, if you do check them out it would mean the world to me — and if not I totally understand.
Please mind the tags, my stories are R rated.
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foreverlilmeowmeow · 8 days
Growing up I always believed in Plato, a great Greek theater and comedy writer, who narrated the story of the Soulmates in "The Symposium." He had described that; “According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.” I thought I had found mine until I saw him walking hand in hand with another, my soul mate Bakugou Katsuki. A hot headed blonde with anger issues and top notch grades. His boyfriend, Eijiro kirishima, a golden retriever boyfriend with a kind loving heart. I didn't want to break them up but with how life was and the mark that was burning the closer I got to him, meant we were suppose to be. I just wish this could be easier... I hated being the bad guy...
(Should I make this a story as well???)
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kitkatrix · 1 year
Mermaid Kiri sees Sailor Baku for the first time and just needs to tell him that he's the prettiest pearl he's ever laid eyes on, and that he'd like to court him.
To Bakugou though, a redheaded mermaid hits the boat, lifts its head, and then proceeds to scream like a banshee.
Does it work on Bakugou? Duh. He teaches Kirishima how to talk, and of course the mermaid is more than happy to learn! He wants to court his new mate right, and eventually he will.
One day he and Baku are hanging out, with him mindlessly swimming on the side while Baku does his own thing. Then Kiri decides to try out what he's learned.
"Ka...Ka--sii... may...tee?"
Bakugou stops what he's doing and tilts his head to the side, smiling. "Yes. Yes, I'm your mate."
Kirishima understands the word "yes", and lets out another loud noise, his gills vibrating with excitement. It was official. He finally courted Bakugou! He couldn't be happier.
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mattzerella-sticks · 20 days
asking for a friend (ao3)
4k, GA, Shouta POV, Bakugou/Kirishima
I was hoping you could give me some advice,” Kirishima asked. “Y’see, I have this friend…” Ah. A friend. Aizawa had much experience advising many of Kirishima’s classmates’ on how to solve their… “friends”… problems. OR Kirishima asks Aizawa for advice on how to help a friend. Aizawa assumes the "friend" in question is Kirishima, himself. But is this assumption correct?
“Aizawa-sensei? Do you have a moment?”
               Aizawa groaned in response. He raised his head just enough to find Kirishima there, alone, dawdling in the classroom instead of eating lunch with all his other students who had left moments before. He wanly glared at the younger boy for disturbing his rest, but it went ignored. Kirishima was too busy fiddling with the straps of his knapsack to notice. Aizawa picked himself up from the desk and assumed a more professional posture.
               “Yes, Kirishima-san?”
               “I was hoping you could help me with something.”
               He steepled his fingers while relaxing into a slouch. “What do you need my help with?” Aizawa asked. “Is it about schoolwork? Hero Training?” He rattled off, as if guessing would make Kirishima leave sooner. “Do you have a conflict with your schedule – with your internship?”
               “No – no! Nothing like that!” he hurriedly corrected Aizawa, wincing as his face broke out in a rosy flush. “I was hoping you could give me some advice,” Kirishima asked. “Y’see, I have this friend…”
               Ah. A friend.
               Aizawa had much experience advising many of Kirishima’s classmates’ on how to solve their… “friends”… problems.
               As their educator, and mentor, Aizawa had an unspoken responsibility to attend to the issues facing these future heroes by caring for, listening to, and – when called on – sharing his insight with them. He hated it. But Aizawa never turned a student away.
               He let Uraraka vent about her “friend’s” frustrations when the class chose group activities without considering the overall cost. Consoled Ojiro after his “friend” commented on Hagakure’s appearance without realizing she was in the room, too. Sat with Kouda until he felt comfortable with sharing his “friend’s” reticence of public speaking.
               Every time they had asked him to share his thoughts on the issue, Aizawa answered. And every time they left happier than when they had approached him.
               Aizawa wondered what dilemma Kirishima – or rather, Kirishima’s “friend” – found himself in.
               “My friend, he sort of has these… feelings? For another of my friends. Romantic feelings.”
               He hadn’t been expecting that.
               Aizawa had so far avoided being called on for romance and relationship advice during his tenure as a teacher. He assumed it was a topic that kids never wanted to speak about with adults or, if they were inclined, related any concerns to their guardians. If they were desperate enough for a teacher’s perspective, there were others who found these kinds of topics interesting like Nemuri or Hizashi. Surely, they’d be much better suited for Kirishima’s request than him?
               But no. Kirishima laid his worries at Aizawa’s feet.
               His “friend’s” worries, that is.
               “I was hoping,” Kirishima continued, “you might have any ideas on how to help me help them out!”
               Kirishima flashed his fangs in a wide grin, smashing his hardened fists together with a lively thwack that contrasted heavily to the dour expression Aizawa still wore.
               However, the longer Aizawa drew their silence out the more Kirishima’s confidence shrank. By the time he arrived at a decision Kirishima had returned to fiddling with his knapsack strap, smile forgotten in favor of gnawing on his lower lip.
               Aizawa repressed the urged to scold Kirishima for it, otherwise he’d be here for the entire lunch period instead of the few minutes it would take to deal with his silly, little problem.
               So he says, “That depends.”
               “Depends on what?”
               “What do you…” Aizawa coughed, clearing his throat. “I mean, what are you hoping your friend does about his crush?”
               Kirishima’s gaze broke from his and dipped low towards the floor. “I want him to confess, but he’s scared. Thinks that confessing will only lead to disaster.”
               “He’s afraid of being rejected?”
               “A little… but I think he’s more afraid of losing the friendship he has now, with his crush.” Kirishima frowns. “That, whether his feelings are returned or not… whatever happens after won’t be the same. Maybe things go wrong and – and they try to be friends despite the fallout but it’s too awkward, so they start to drift apart? Or they do get together, only for it to be worse than being friends and they grow to hate each other until it all explodes!”
               This problem was more complex than Aizawa expected it to be.
               Shame and pride warred within his heart. Shame for his assumption that – because his problem was romantic, and Kirishima was still a child – it would be silly and, ultimately, a non-issue that required little effort to solve. Pride because Kirishima’s explanation of the situation showed great emotional maturity, an admirable quality in any hero. Aizawa’s shame ebbed under pride’s unrelenting tide as he considered the best way to support his student.
               He mulled over what he’d been told. While Kirishima provided great insight into his problem, there was one last question Aizawa wanted to ask.
               “Would you feel comfortable sharing who your “friend” happens to have a crush on?”
               Kirishima squeaked as a heavy blush settled across his face. “It’s not… I don’t think it’d be manly of me if I named names.”
               “Because it’s someone in this class?” Aizawa guessed.
               He hadn’t needed a response, but Aizawa appreciated his nod regardless. It narrowed his list of suspects.
               Kirishima was a popular student, for both his friendly disposition and early hero debut. Aizawa had overheard Kirishima’s name shared quite frequently in the hallways during his trek to the classroom from the teacher’s lounge, from clusters of students who’d giggle and sigh immediately after. If Kirishima had a crush on someone Aizawa didn’t teach, guessing wouldn’t be as easy.
               At least this gave him a chance.
               Ashido and Jirou came to mind first, since they were the two girls Kirishima spent most of his time around. He and Ashido were especially affectionate. It made sense, given his history with her, that feelings might develop. But Aizawa wasn’t convinced. Kirishima’s crush could very well be on Uraraka. Toshinori had mentioned, once, that she and Kirishima regularly sparred together after classes. Flirting disguised as sparring seemed like a tactic Kirishima would employ. He probably thought it was manly to literally wrestle with his attraction.
               Which, reminded of Kirishima’s obsession with manliness, then forced Aizawa to think about the boys in his class in relation to Kirishima.
               Like Ashido and Jirou, Sero and Kaminari were top of mind. Aizawa dismissed them easily. There wasn’t any added depth to Kirishima’s relationship with those boys beyond what was obvious. Shinsou, however… Kirishima had been the first to welcome Shinsou into their classroom, folding him into his friend group with ease before his other classmates might have tried. Did that signal Kirishima’s interest? Or was Kirishima more blatant, such as when he fondled Sato and Shoji’s biceps while discussing training regiments and diets instead of studying. Aizawa must also consider Midoriya as all his students – at one point or another – had a crush on their green-haired classmate. It’d be funny if it was Midoriya, only because Bakugou would –
               It was absolutely obvious who Kirishima’s crush was. Why didn’t he realize it sooner?
               “You’re looking for advice on what to say to your “friend”?” Aizawa asked, “To give him the strength and courage he needs to express his feelings?”
               “Please? It’d be super helpful if you could.”
               Aizawa nodded, shutting his eyes as he weighed how best to help Kirishima confess to his crush, Bakugou.
               He reflected on their relationship. While not privy to the inner workings of their bond, Aizawa was able to watch it develop throughout their time at school. Bakugou came a long way from the feral, problem child he started as. Aizawa knew that transformation wouldn’t have been possible had Kirishima not put in the effort to befriend him and had Bakugou not seen Kirishima as worthy enough to let him try. Kirishima was Bakugou’s first, real friend at U.A.. Despite his happy-go-lucky attitude and great camaraderie with his classmates, and Bakugou’s own abrasive personality, he was Kirishima’s closest friend and confidante. No wonder Kirishima greatly worried about how a confession might affect their relationship. He didn’t want to risk losing Bakugou because of this.
               Aizawa doubted he’d lose anything.
                “What I would tell you…” he began, “to tell your “friend”, that is… is change can be scary, but it is also good. People are constantly undergoing change. You are not the same person you were on your first day of school. Are you not the better for it?”
               “I… I guess so.”
               He nodded. “To not change is to stagnate and die. As we evolve, so do our relationships with each other. There is nothing we can do to prevent this kind of change, either, to attempt it risks alienating the very people we want to keep close to us. Does this make sense?”
                “Yeah.” Kirishima stared at him, bug-eyed, his jaw hanging slightly open.
               “Good.” Aizawa returned to his earlier position, steepled fingers pressing into his chin while he spoke. “Change is a constant part of life, and the only way forward is to embrace it. A confession is less about what you are feeling but rather how you communicate your feelings. Love, frustration, hope, fear… we share these feelings with each other and trust that our voices will be heard, our feelings will be validated, and that any attempt at reaching out will be met and embraced as you move forward, together. That is true for any relationship, whether romantic or platonic. If both parties are dedicated, honest, and open about their expectations and feelings, then there is an opportunity to grow together rather than apart.”
               “Sometimes things don’t work out, and it can suck, but you need to have faith that it will. Because being a hero is about faith. Having faith that everything will turn out okay in the end.”
               Aizawa watched Kirishima’s expression brighten after he finished his speech. It caused his own mouth to twitch into a brief smile.
               A very brief smile. It was gone before Kirishima could notice.
               “Is that all?” he asked, “Or does your friend have another crisis he needs help with?”
               Kirishima bowed and thanked him profusely. “With a pep talk like that, things are bound to work out,” he said.
               Suddenly another of his students barged into the room, interrupting their goodbyes.
               Bakugou stomped past the threshold towards them, his teeth gnashing, a dull glare hidden behind spiky bangs trained only on Kirishima. “What’s the hold up? Lunch is halfway done and I’m starving!”
               “Nothing!” Kirishima chuckled. His blush from earlier returned, brighter than ever. “I was asking Aizawa some questions about today’s lesson –“
               “Idiot. Why the fuck couldn’t you ask me? Then you’d have had answers and we’d be eating already!”
               “I didn’t want to bother you again since you already wasted your entire night last night beating equations through my thick skull.”
               “Well, you still managed to bother me by making me wait outside for you.”
               “Dude. No one told you to wait for me!”
               “Like I’m gonna eat lunch without you, Shitty Hair!”
               Aizawa waited until his bickering students left to slam his head back onto the desk. Their loud voices carried down the hall as they kept arguing. He tightened his bandages around his ears hoping to muffle the noise so he could catch at least a few moments of rest. It didn’t work. “How he thinks Bakugou doesn’t like him…” he sighed, “I’ll never know.”
On Saturday, Aizawa asked Kirishima to stay behind after the bell rang for lunch. Kirishima was surprised but didn’t argue, instead lingering by his desk while the others hurried to the cafeteria.
               Kirishima’s friends hovered beside him discussing why Aizawa might have requested only his presence. They weren’t a quiet bunch. He heard their panicked interrogation alongside Kirishima’s assurances that, whatever it was, he wouldn’t take long. Soon they filtered out, too, Ashido followed by Sero, then Kaminari and Jirou side by side. Finally, Bakugou dragged his feet towards the door, glancing back at Kirishima every couple of seconds until he disappeared from view past the doorjamb, leaving Kirishima and Aizawa alone.
               He strolled over to Aizawa. “What can I do for you, sensei?”
               “I wanted to check in. See if my advice was of any use.”
               It was like a switch had flipped inside him, as Kirishima shook off his unease to beam at Aizawa. “Really? That’s super nice of you!”
               Aizawa didn’t ask to be nice. His reasons were more selfish.
               Ever since he spoke with Kirishima on Monday, he’d been pestered by his romance-obsessed coworkers for closure to his students’ love lives.
               It was his own fault. He didn’t have to tell them any of their conversation. Yet when Toshinori mentioned how weird Bakugou acted during afternoon training because, in his words, Kirishima spurned him for another partner, Aizawa had to snort into his coffee.
               The teacher’s lounge went quiet.
               Aizawa winced as every eye turned to him though he tried playing cool. Hizashi hadn’t bought his act. He, along with Nemuri, annoyed the information out of him and then spread it around to the rest of the faculty.
               The teachers were worse than the students.
               Between Tuesday and today, his coworkers stopped him at some point feigning questions about coursework and curriculum while asking, under their breath, if it had happened.
               If Kirishima had confessed to Bakugou.
               He desperately needed the faculty to stop harassing him. The only way he’d be free of them was if he gave what they wanted. An answer.
               Leading him to now.
               “Don’t mention it,” Aizawa brushed aside Kirishima’s compliment. He steepled his fingers, pinning Kirishima with a heavy stare. “Well? Did it work?”
               Kirishima chirped, “It did!” and Aizawa relaxed.
               Then he said, “Kaminari totally asked Jirou out soon after I gave him that speech you gave me!” and Aizawa’s heart stuttered a beat too long.
               “It was really cool and manly,” Kirishima prattled, unaware, “he had me invite Jirou up to the dorm’s roof – I lied and told her we ran Mineta’s underwear up the flagpole and he got stuck climbing it, but once we got up there Kaminari stepped out with his guitar! He serenaded her with this song he wrote – he had to have come up with it on the spot because he used what I said, what you told me to say, in his lyrics! Anyway, after the song he confessed and asked her out and she said yes! They’re going to a concert later tonight. Isn’t that great?”
               Aizawa spluttered. He was still stuck on the Kaminari part of this whole situation.
               “You mean you actually were asking for advice for a friend?”
               Kirishima seemed to realize Aizawa hadn’t matched his enthusiasm, and his expression reflexively dampened. “Uh… yeah?” he feigned another smile. “Who did you think I was talking about?”
               Aizawa blinked. Kirishima blinked back. Aizawa blinked, again.
               All the blood within Kirishima slammed against his face like a tidal wave leaving his expression drenched in a bright, red hue. He looked everywhere except where Aizawa sat. His body spasmed. His hands roamed from head to neck to hip to chest, over and over in that same pattern. His shoulders jumped and then lurched, his open knapsack sliding loose as it slammed into the floor. A notebook flew out and fell open at his feet with a dull thwomp.
               His laughter sounded strained, squeaky, and wrong. “That’s hilarious, Aizawa-sensei! Very, very… funny… Like I’d ever need to ask for advice on love. Not that I know everything about love, since I came to you…” Aizawa barely followed his ramblings, Kirishima’s thoughts leaving him as slurred, half-finished sentences. “A relationship on top of – what with school, training, internships… it’s all messy. I don’t have the time for it, to even think of – there’s no one. No one that I… who would I even like in that way?”
               Just then, an all-too familiar voice exploded from outside the classroom, proving Kirishima far unluckier than Aizawa in that moment.
               “Fuck off Carburetor Legs! I can stand here for as long as I want… …It’s none of your business so eat shit and quit it!”
               Aizawa blinked at Kirishima one final time.
               Kirishima’s face turned redder than his hair. He trembled and attempted to hide his discomfort behind a grin but could only manage a pitiful grimace.
               “Kirishima –“
               “I should probably go break that up. Keep Bakugou from killing Iida and… yeah.”
               He bolted from the room, sharply spun on his heel, and ran to his right. Away from Bakugou.
               Bakugou saw him run out as well and immediately began chasing after him, yelling, “Oi! Shitty Hair! Where are you – why are you running?!? Fucking, slow down!” He tore past the open classroom door in a furious blur.
               Iida zoomed by, too, shouting, “No running in the halls!”
               Aizawa sighed. “Great job, Shota. Knocked that one straight out of the park.”
               He stood to leave and, as he rounded the desk, his foot brushed against Kirishima’s notebook. Kirishima had forgotten it in his flight. Aizawa snatched it up, trailing his thumb along the spine, fanning its pages. He didn’t bother to glance at any of what was scribbled inside. Aizawa repeated all this as he headed towards the teacher’s lounge thinking of how to correct the mess he made.
               Unfortunately, he came to the conclusion that it would require more meddling.
Kirishima arrived late to class the following Monday. He refused to meet Aizawa’s gaze as he trudged to his desk. Then, after the bell rang for lunch, he darted away before any of the other students.
               Aizawa had expected Kirishima’s evasiveness. Which was why his plan didn’t involve him, but someone else.
               Bakugou idled beside Aizawa’s desk, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “The hell’s going on?” he huffed once they were alone. “Why didn’t I get my test back?”
               “I wanted to speak to you.”
               “About the test –“
               “You did fine.” Aizawa handed him his test, “Second best grade, after Yaoyorozu.”
               Bakugou snatched it from Aizawa’s hands. He glanced at it, then him. “Why’d you make me wait for it then?”
               “Because I wanted to speak with you.”
               “Could’ve asked me.”
               “I didn’t want to draw attention to it.”
               He eyed Aizawa warily. “I’m not in trouble, am I? Because I’ve been exploding people less forcefully outside of training, or ‘taking my anger out’ on random crap like my therapist suggested –“
               “You’re not in trouble,” Aizawa explained. “I… wanted to share an anecdote, one I thought you might find interesting.”
               Bakugou scowled, though it wasn’t his usual, combative expression. This scowl meant he was listening, but he wouldn’t be forever. The clock was ticking.
               Aizawa began, “The other day I happened to reconnect with an old friend of mine, from back when I went to U.A. As we caught up, I learned that he’d recently gotten engaged.”
               “The fuck kind of story –“
               “If you’d let me finish.” Aizawa met Bakugou’s glare with his own and successfully cowed his student into surrendering. “To my surprise, he’d gotten engaged to another mutual friend from our class.”
               Aizawa spun his tale about how his friend had once had feelings for this mutual friend that went beyond friendship, except he never revealed them throughout their entire tenure at U.A. It was his biggest regret at graduation, he told Bakugou, and once they began their hero careers in separate cities, his friend assumed he lost any chance he had of the kind of relationship he wanted with the mutual friend. This regret caused him to drift away from their mutual friend and throw himself fully into his hero work. Despite becoming a very successful hero in his own right, he wasn’t happy. He kept thinking about their mutual friend, and what if he’d been brave enough to confess when they were here at U.A..
               However, their paths crossed again.
               “Clearly,” Bakugou mumbled, “seeing as they’re engaged and all…”
               Aizawa let his snide remark slide as he continued.
               They reconnected on an assignment, which was also how Aizawa’s friend found out their mutual friend had transferred to the same city he worked in. “He got lucky. Our friend was single and interested in reconnecting. Here was his second chance to get it right. But…”
               His friend was scared.
               Scared that he had waited too long, and any feelings their mutual friend might have had had faded if not disappeared completely. Scared that he would be rejected, laughed at for harboring a decade-long crush. Scared that he would lose their friend all over again.
               He was scared, and so he held his tongue.
               “He pushed his feelings aside, convinced that being friends was all he’d be allowed to have.”
               “What changed?”
               “There’s only so much space in the human body that we can use to suppress things. Thoughts, opinions… feelings. It grows smaller the older we get. One day, my friend couldn’t hold it inside any longer and he – he exploded. Everything came rushing out of him. He confessed how he felt, how he had always felt, to our mutual friend. And do you know what?”
               Bakugou leaned forward. “What?”
               “His feelings were reciprocated,” Aizawa shrugged. “They always had been. Our mutual friend was as scared as my friend, and he refrained from speaking on his own feelings for the same reasons.”
               “That’s fucking stupid.”
               “They would agree with you,” he said. “Once our mutual friend finished his confession, the two shared a good, long laugh.”
               “They laughed? Why the fuck would they laugh?”
               “Because they realized that, had they faced their fears instead of hiding from them, they could have acted on their feelings much earlier. Who knows how different their lives might have been? The years they could have spent together, instead of pining from afar…”
               He trailed off, lapsing into silence as he hawkishly watched Bakugou.
               He appeared contemplative, however Bakugou soon shifted towards a harsher visage despite how pale he looked. “That all? That’s why you kept me here?” He scoffed without a trace of derision.
               “I thought you’d find it interesting. Informative, even.”
               “How? Not like I’m someone who’s afraid to say what they feel.”
               “You’re right.” Aizawa smirked. “You have no problem expressing how you feel with the world, your classmates, you friends…”
               He pouted and jutted his chin out with a ‘tch’. “Exactly.”
               “If it were you,” Aizawa challenged, “you’d have probably confessed sooner than my friend had. Maybe even as soon as you understood you had those kinds of feelings.”
               Bakugou said nothing.
               “Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say. You can go.”
               He almost let Bakugou slink away without another word. Almost.
               “Oh, that reminds me. Bakugou!”
               “What?” he snapped, gripping onto the doorjamb with a trembling, sparking hand.
               Aizawa dangled Kirishima’s forgotten notebook between his fingers. “Could you see this is returned to Kirishima? I was going to hand it to him after class, but – well, you saw how he rushed out of here…”
               A splotchy ruddy color crept up Bakugou’s neck. “Sure it can’t wait until tomorrow?” he asked. “It’s not like I’ve had much luck flagging him down, either.”
               “You have a better chance than you think.”
                Bakugou’s blush encroached further, tinting his ears a similar color as his neck. When he turned to rip the notebook away from Aizawa, it was apparent that the ruddiness spread across his face, too.
               He stormed into the hallway, muttering about “stupid teachers”, “nosy asses”, and “Kirishima”.
               Aizawa eased his head onto the desk with an airy chuckle. Students weren’t the only ones who could invent fake friends.
               Sleep came easily to him soon after.
Kirishima and Bakugou stayed behind after class had ended the next day, briefly, to thank him before they left for hero training hand-in-hand.
               Moments like these, he thought, made teaching worthwhile.
               Aizawa would never admit this aloud, however, much like how his students would never reveal their “friend’s” problems were their own.
               It was an arrangement that worked for everyone.
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mayahawkeswife · 4 months
i’m looking for a fic along these lines: “i saw somewhere like headcanon bakugou saw kiri during the entrance exams and got a lil crush or whatever (he didn’t realize) but since kiri dyed his hair he didn’t recognize him but like connected the dots later (after they were together) or somthn” (message sent to my equally brain rotted friend)
if you know any fic or anything along these lines PLEASEEE SEND I BEG.
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mercury-viennazu · 3 months
Me: I HATE Bakugo! I despise Bakugo! He is awful and annoying and I DO NOT LIKE HIM
Also me:
Tumblr media
Anyways if anyone wants to read a 50K Angst Bakugo-centric, Izuku Dies In Ep 1 AU, KiriBaku-adjacent WIP lmk cause I didn’t NOT work on this for a month during last year’s NaNoWriMo to not put it on ao3 til it’s finished
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animlcrisscross · 1 month
Wanna Hold You Just For A While
One Shot
He couldn't erase his grin as he walked in, almost giddy to see his best friend, the worry of the moment gone. 
“Hey, buddy.” Katsuki’s dad said as soon as he walked in. Eijiro stayed by the entrance, the feeling of nerves creeping back up on him as quickly as they had left. 
“I'm not fucking five, dad.” He heard Katsuki scoff.
“Don't swear, brat. We have a guest.” Said a woman. 
“Another fucking doctor that's gonna tell me something's wrong with my head? Maybe I'd remember shit if these assholes stopped bugging me.”
“Katsuki, your doctors are just trying to help.” Katsuki’s dad assured him. “One of your friends is here, be nice.”
He heard Katsuki sigh, and he finally came from the cover of the door. He doesn't know why he's so nervous, considering that it's well…Katsuki . Maybe it's because he's around his parents for the first time. But they seem nice enough. And apparently, Katsuki talks about him. Which is a nice thing to know, especially because he loves to talk about Katsuki all the time. 
But how could he not? He's his best friend and his super cute crush. The biggest crush he's ever had at this point. And it's just nice to talk about all the sweet things Katsuki does for him and how much he admires him. No one ever gets to see that side of Katsuki, the caring, considerate side. He always feels so special that he gets to see it.
Could you blame him for wanting to talk about Katsuki all the time?
“Someone else I'm not gonna remember from that stupid school I go to?”
“Katsuki…” the woman said again, a sigh heavy on her voice. 
“What, Ma?”
He saw Katsuki in time to witness one of his signature eye-rolls, and he smiled.
“Hey, Kats. How are you feeling?” He greeted with a wave. 
Katsuki’s eyes went wide, pretty pink flushing his cheeks and he swallowed, “Holy fucking shit.”
He walked an inch closer, “Man, I was so worried about you.” He admits, laughing quietly. 
Katsuki shook his head for a split second, “Who the hell are you?”
Eijiro’s heart gave a single pound. His dad had said his brain was a little messed up, but…
“Um—ah, I'm Kirishima. Or uh, you like to call me Shitty Hair. Or Eiji.” His cheeks flamed as the words left him.
“Sorry, kid. The doctor said he was hit by some type of memory loss quirk,” explained Katsuki's mom. 
“Oh,” he pouted, “That's okay. Uh—I mean, I'm sorry.”
“Not your fucking fault.” Katsuki said, scoffing.
“Why don't we let you two catch up? Want some food, Katsuki?” Katsuki's dad asked.
“What about you, kiddo? Have you eaten yet?” Katsuki’s dad turned to ask him. 
“I'm fine, thank you!” Eijiro replied. 
With that, Katsuki's parents left, and Eijiro didn't know how to act. Especially because Katsuki was staring him straight on, an intense glare like he was an equation he was analyzing.
“Who are you?” Katsuki said with a squint of his eyes.
“Um...Eijiro? We go to U.A together.”
“Fucking obviously.”
Katsuki gets hit with a memory loss quirk and Eijiro doesn't know how to navigate thier "new" friendship.
AO3: [x]
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Eijiro One Shot 👉👌 18+
X Marks The Spot // "Camping" with KiriBaku 👉👌 18+
Older ProHero!Kiri 👉👌 18+
Writing on the Wall 💔
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow 🍭 and a little 18+ (just to be safe)
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ac34 · 1 year
Kirishima woke up, stretching his arms above his head. "Aaah.." The spiky haired man groaned, rubbing his eyes. "It's too early.." He sighed, looking at the blonde next to him. It had been about five years since him, Bakugo and the rest of class A had graduated from UA. Some of them had gone on to become side kicks of pro heroes but a select few became heroes themselves. Including him and Bakugo. The pro heroes Red Riot and Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.... or just Dynamight for short. Of course, Midoriya had become a hero, too. As had Todoriki. As expected. Even though they'd only graduated five years ago, Red Riot and Dynamight had their own small agency together. It was nothing big but Bakugo couldn't be prouder of him and Kirishima. The public knew that him and Bakugo had an agency together and that Kirishima was one of the few people that Bakugo actually tolerated as his friend. What they didn't know, however, is that they were together. Often news channels would ask them if they were dating anyone. Most pros were in a relationship by now. Just look at Midoriya and Uraraka. One of (if not the) cutest hero couples out there. Or Todoroki and Yayorozu. They weren't as popular as Deku and Uravity but they still had some fans fawning over them. But Red Riot and Dynamight? No. They hadn't been in a relationship since high school. Last news reporters knew is that Kirishima broke up with another hero, Pinky (or just plainly: Mina) four years ago. But since then no one knew anything about the two's relationship statuses.
"Kat.." Kirishima mumbled, kissing his boyfriends neck gently, making sure not to cut his skin with his sharp teeth. "Kat...Wake up." He said, brushing some blonde strands from his face. He wasn't waking up. But this wasn't unusual, Bakugo slept through practically everything. He hadn't changed much from his high school self, nine already being late for him and sleeping through basically everything. "Katsuki.." He whispered near Bakugo's ear, giving it a gentle bite. It was a sensitive spot for the blond hero. Yet, he still didn't budge. "Come on, Sparky." Kirishima tried again. "If you don't wake up Deku's gonna beat you to UA." He snickered. Immediately, Bakugo shot up. "Like hell he will!" He raged, jumping out of their bed, rushing to the bathroom to take a shower. "Knew that'd work." He knew his boyfriend well. Even though Bakugo had long apologized to Midoriya, they still had a rivalry. Bakugo and Midoriya, or Dynamight and Deku if you will, had been invited to UA by Aizawa to take on the new first years. They'd been as bratty as they were in their first year. "Ei!" Yelled Bakugo from the bathroom, "Ei, where the hell is my toothbrush?!" "Cupboard." Kirishima answered calmly.
Soon, Bakugo reappeared from the bathroom in his hero suit, gauntlets not yet on. His hero suit hadn't changed much, except for his suit being blacker and covering more of his body to collect sweat from all over, so he'd be able to make bigger and more frequent explosions. "There you are." Kirishima smiled and stood up from their shared bed and walked over to his boyfriend. Gently, he put an arm around his waist, which was quite petite for a man Bakugo's size. Kirishima pulled him in for a kiss. "There, that's better." The pale blond now had a gentle blush on his face. "Hey! Don't do that while catching me off guard anymore, stupid hair!" He protested. Kirishima knew he was just flustered, though. "Yeah, yeah." He laughed, leaving their bedroom, down the hallway to their living room and kitchen. "Breakfast?" He asked. Kirishima wasn't dressed yet. It was his day off, after all. "Of course! Why would I skip the most important meal of the god damn day, idiot?" Bakugo answered with a grin on his face. So Kirishima started making breakfast, eggs with chili flakes, toast, bacon. The usual. Bakugo walked up to the fridge, pouring himself a glass of milk from it. He took a big gulp. "Ahh.." He licked his milk mustache clean. "Smells good, Ei." The blonde pecked his boyfriend on the cheek, he was so good to him. "Thanks!" He enthusiastically replied. "I'm glad." Kirishima finished up cooking and put the eggs and bacon on some toast for them, Bakugo having the eggs with chili flakes. Although Kirishima had become accustomed to the spicy flavors of Bakugo's cooking, every once in a while he liked to have something not spicy.
After finishing their food, it was time for Bakugo to leave. "I love you!" Kirishima pecked him and let him leave. Now. It was time. To set up a party for their three year anniversary! Even though Bakugo didn't like surprises, Kirishima did. He knew Bakugo had thought he'd forgotten their anniversary, but no. HE was just a really good actor. "Let's do this!"
He started cleaning their apartment first, Bakugo liked things clean. Then, he invited Ashido, Sero and Kaminari over to come help him set up. They'd known about it for weeks. It was hard to plan something behind Bakugo's back, especially with Kaminari involved. But they did it! Bakugo hadn't noticed anything!
"What can we do, Kiri?" Ashido immediately asked, hanging her coat over their couch. "Yeah man!" Kaminari filled in, "what does sparky like anyways?" "Spicy stuff...explosions..no Midoriya." Kirishima started listing things. "Yeah well we know that." Sero chuckled, pulling Kirishima down on the couch to brainstorm. Maybe they should've done this before the day of the party. "Right." Kirishima started thinking. What would Bakugo actually like on their anniversary party? "I know!" Ashido jumped up from the couch. "Karaoke!" "No way." The three boys said in unison. "Aw." They continued thinking, brainstorming here and there. "What about games? He likes to win, right?" Kaminari said. "You're right!" Kirishima now had a big, toothy grin on his face. "Party games! And I'll bake him a cake too!" That seemed like a good plan.
Soon, they'd set up plenty of party games. From a rip-off dance dance revolution, to Uno and Donkey Shot. "Oh man, this is gonna be great! Thanks, guys." Kirishima smiled at his friend. "No worries, Eijiro!" Ashido said and the three gave him a hug. "I will see you guys tonight then? Around seven?" He asked, letting them go from the hug. "Yep!" Kaminari replied, the three of them grabbing their coats. And off they were, now it was for Kirishima to bake a cake.
It wasn't easy. He had looked up a recipe online but he still didn't manage. Usually his boyfriend was the one to do the cooking and baking around the house. Two hours or so passed and seven o'clock crept closer and closer, when Kirishima's phone rang. "Hey Kiri," Sero's voice spoke from the other side of the phone. "Haven't you checked your phone?" "No?" Kirishima answered, he'd been too busy making this terribly bad cake. "There's a big storm coming man, we won't be able to make it tonight. I'm so sorry." Sero sighed. "Aw man.." Kirishima sighed as well, checking his phone. Sero was right. "Another time, though?" Sero proposed. "Yeah." He hummed a bit. "Another time." The redhead finished up the terrible cake, pushing some sad, drooping candles onto it when he heard the keys unlock the door. "Kat! Don't open the do-" It was already too late, Bakugo now in their home, looking at his boyfriend and kitchen covered in flower and glazing. Bakugo was drenched with water from the rain outside, looking like a wet cat. "Ahh...the surprise is ruined.." Kirishima whined, rubbing some stuff off of his face.
"Surprise?" The blond mumbled after a moment of silence. "Yeah," Kirishima sighed defeated, "I made you a cake and set up party games and- and Sero, Kaminari and Ashido were supposed to come over to celebrate our three years together but the storm-" "You idiot." Bakugo interrupted him, "you should know by now i much prefer spending time one-on-one with you." He laughed, dropping his bag and gauntlets at the door, leaving a little puddle near it.
"Oh. Right." It was so obvious, Bakugo enjoyed spending time with him. Why didn't he think of that. His blond boyfriend walked up to him, looking at the mess he'd made. "Can't you do anything without making it seem like a bomb went off?" Bakugo rolled his eyes, moving his hand up to wipe some glazing off of Kirishima's cheek. "Sorry," mumbled Kirishima, "I cleaned before but it's basically ruined now." Bakugo shut him up with a kiss, pressing his lips against the others.
"Shut up, weird hair." Said Bakugo, connecting their lips again, gently pushing his boyfriend against the kitchen counter. "Mh- Kat.." Kirishima gasped, wrapping his hands around Bakugo's back and waist. He moved his hands across his upper body, around his back, shoulders. But also his waist, stomach and chest, feeling his heart racing in there.
The explosive hero gently pushed Kirishima onto the counter, kissing on his cheek, down his neck and biting down on his T-shirt. "Katsuki.." Kirishima groaned, he knew exactly where this was going, and so did Bakugo. After all, it was his fault. Or no, Kirishima's. For being so cute. And caring. And hot.
"Kat.." Nothing but his name seemed to be coming out of Kirishima, his face nearly blending in with his bright red hair. "Cat got your tongue?" Bakugo chuckled, lifting up Kirishima's shirt and kissing at his chest, abs and stomach, slowly kissing down his happy trail. "Do you want to, Ei?" In moments like these Bakugo could be caring and sweet, surprising to most.
"I do."
Hii! First little one shot on here! I could continue this in a seperate post, it will be NSFW, though! Just lmk with some feedback!
I enjoyed writing it alot!
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When Stars Align
(A Kiribaku x F!Reader fic)
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
(Chapter 2) First Day Jitters
The day is finally here. You have quite literally been counting down the days awaiting this moment. Sleep wasn't exactly a commodity the previous night but that fatigue is hardly on your mind. The best hero school in all of Japan, possibly the world, is standing in front of you in all of its magnificent glory. Nature must be mirroring you because you swear the sun just got a little bit brighter. This is such a tremendous occasion, a three-year-long dream finally coming to fruition, so why can't you move? Your feet have opted to remain firmly in place, settling into the concrete beneath you as though freshly poured and drying around your shoes. The longer you stare at the gates, the deeper you sink.
"Hey," a grainy, yet soft and excitable, call bellows from behind you. "Congrats on making it in!"
Lifting away from the invisible chain and ball, you turn on your heel to greet the familiar voice. Despite recognising the voice, the face of this teenager is one that you are presumedly unacquainted with. His bright, red hair is the first notable feature, almost perfectly matching his eyes. He must use a lot of products to keep his hair in place like that. Your whole face crumples into a scrunch as you try to figure out who it is you're looking at. Names are something you have never been good with but you never usually forget a face, especially one that seems to beam like the sun itself. With a note made of your confusion, he takes a step closer and smiles sheepishly.
"Sorry, I forgot about the whole 'blindness' situation," he admits whilst extending a hand out to you. "I'm the guy from the practical exam."
Of course, that's where you know that voice from! Although, from what little you were able to see, you could have sworn his hair was black. Never the matter. It actually looks really cool, reminiscent of a certain Red Riot what with the way it's been styled. So, this is the student that oh-so-selflessly stuck by your side during your starry-eyed endeavour. It doesn't appear to you as much of a shock, he has that kindness behind his eyes: the kind of sweet nature one finds supporting a puppy's grin. If it weren't for this, you would be a sweltering, blabbered mess. Despite the red-head also passing the exam, you can't rid of the stone in your stomach, as much as it may have eroded by now. He doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge or harbour any mallice but that isn't entirely the point. You were still reckless and someone could have gotten hurt by your hand. Speaking of hands, you should really shake his. You do just that and wave the other dismissively.
"Hey, s'all good! Glad I have a face to put to the voice now," you laugh in the hopes of easing some tension; there isn't any, it's purely your own anxieties you're attempting to whither. "Just need the name now."
He bares a bright grin as your hands clasp together. "Eijiro Kirishima."
"(Y/n) (L/n)."
Greetings set aside, your fingers return to the sanctuary of your rucksack straps. That's one name down, only 18 more to go. With both parties eager to start, you make haste in beginning your journey to becoming a hero and that starts with walking to class. The occasional conversation regarding favourite heroes and such ensue before a burning question takes the spotlight.
"I hope this doesn't come across rude," Kirishima starts, almost hesitant to ask, "but where are you from?"
"Guessing the accent is noticeable, huh?"
"You could say that," he concurs, rubbing the back of his neck. "That and you kinda blurted something out during the exam that I couldn't understand."
Initially, you're stumped, struggling to pick your brain for the aforementioned occurrence. It takes a second to rake over the memory and that pit deepens upon remembering why it was that happened in the first place. Yet again, if his focus is on what you said at the time rather than the event itself then that must mean things are all good. Yeah! The only one mulling over this seems to be you. That thought alone is enough encouragement to shine over the deep, blue cascade sunken into your chest. No more guilt. Not until you engage in purposeful wrong-doings, anyway.
"Well, to answer your question, I'm from England," you finally disclose, reassuring his apparent rudeness as a mere interest with a grin.
"That's so cool! Okay, another question then: why move to Japan?"
"I first heard about U.A. when I was 12, I think, and it just seemed like the right fit." You shrug and readjust your bag against your back. "I knew what I wanted more than anything in that moment. I've always wanted to be a hero ever since I got my quirk and U.A. is said to be the best, so I thought aim high, y'know? It took a lot of work but my parents and I moved over here a couple years back and here we are. Luckily, my Paps was raised In Japan, so we had that working in our favour."
That's an attitude Kirishima can get behind. Such devotion is something to be admired. It goes without saying that he was already impressed with you back at the practical exam. The fact that you were persistent in continuing despite your lack of vision made an impact on him. You won't know it but he was over the moon when he found out that you'd be a classmate of his.
"Your parents sound amazing!" he beams, in turn making you smile. "Not only that but to move to the other side of the world to become a hero? That's aspirational!"
"Hey, dream big, right?"
The two of you share a chortle before you're diverted to your destination. Upon entering the classroom, the abundance of colourful personalities is immediately obvious. A fair few seats are still awaiting to be filled but you may as well get acquainted with the current rabble. Kirishima takes the first leap in making his presence known with exuberant confidence. He introduces himself to an already established group, seemingly familiar with a pink-haired girl based on how they are talking with one another. The corners of your lips turn up with the girl's volume, seemingly ecstatic about Kirishima's hair change. So, it was different from before. You had a hunch.
Peering around, you can't say there are any identifiable faces on your end. You've been living in Japan for a few years now, which is plenty of time to establish bonds, but your background is, unfortunately, the reason you never made any real close friends. It must have been a stroke of bad luck but most of the students in your middle school didn't look favourably towards foreigners. Some managed to dismount from their high horses in giving you a chance but there was still an air of awkward tension with every conversation and encounter. Thinking about it, you recall a few students mentioning that they would be trying out for U.A. You would never wish bad luck on anyone but there is certainly a wave of relief at the fact that no one from your old school is here. Does that make you a bad person?
You don't get a chance to answer your own question, having been disrupted by a ruckus between two students. One appears to be scolding the other for resting his feet upon his desk, spouting something about being disrespectful to past generations of school attendees, you think. You didn't start listening to the dispute until halfway through the lecture, so you're a little confused. Part of you wishes you hadn't tuned in.
"Like I care," the blonde declares smugly, turning an eye up at the other. "What school are you from, you extra?"
Extra? Who does this guy think he is? This sounds like a classic case of main character syndrome if ever you've seen it. You try your best not to judge so quickly but this guy has a sinister energy to him that is hard to ignore. It isn't unheard of for heroes to don a more intimidating approach - Endeavour and King Orca come to mind - but this student seems like he's in a different league. The longer you stare at him, the more you feel like you've seen him somewhere before. Did he attend your middle school? Nah. With an attitude as rotten as his, you'd recognise him immediately. Was he in the same testing location as you for the practical exam? Not likely. You can't think of a quirk to associate with him and you always remember a person's quirk. Perhaps he's a member of your weekend roller disco. Doubtful. Something tells you that isn't his thing. On the news? Yes! That's it! He was the kid that got attacked by that sludge monster last year. A pride settles into your belly with your deduction.
"Hey! What are you looking at?"
Nevermind. Like a deflated balloon left out in the snow, that warmth in your stomach shrivels up. Eyes of crimson stare you down with an eclipsed annoyance and your spine stiffens. If it hadn't been for the fact that he's a fellow classmate of a highly esteemed hero school, you'd think he was a villain. Making enemies on the first day is a no-go. Making any enemies at all in this school isn't on your agenda, actually.
"Sorry." In the hopes of reconciling, you stand up straight. "The commotion just caught my attention."
"You should mind your damn business, foreigner," he sneers.
Your body tenses in tandem with your newly clenched fists, unable to withhold the bitterness burning in the back of your throat. "If you weren't so loud, maybe I would."
A curly plume of green shakes vigorously in the corner of your eye and voiceless sirens blare from the freckled face sat below. This might be one of those situations in which you should have kept your mouth shut. You don't typically like to sharpen your tongue, especially on strangers, but the unsavoury name spat in your direction hit a nerve. Too many times have you had to endure such name-calling, and too many times have you let it run over you like scolding, hot water. A new school means a fresh start and the opportunity to quit being a pushover. It's just a shame that this first test of courage is in the face of assumingly the most aggressive student in the classroom. He takes a step up from his seat, palms crackling like embers to damp wood. A fire quirk of some description? They aren't entirely uncommon. Guess this guy is a firecracker figuratively and literally. That's good to know. Looking as though he's ready for a fight, you prepare to stand your ground - not exactly how you envisioned your first day of school going but you never back down. Never.
"If you're here to cause a disruption, then get out."
Everyone's attention is tugged away from you to the outside of the classroom where a sleeping bag lays. At first, it appears to be just that until you see a haggard face poking from the opening. That certainly isn't something you see every day. The overgrown caterpillar lifts up from the ground, unzipping and a man who looks as though he's seen better days emerges. You're sure there are worse-looking butterflies out there. Alongside his rough appearance, dark clothing hangs from his hunched, lanky body with a thin, white scarf wrapped around his shoulders like messy buttercream atop a cupcake. He saunters to the front of the classroom, now holding all of your watchful eyes. You're glad that the fire between yourself and 'hedgehog hair' has dispursed - though he still looks ready for battle - but you are just too focused on trying to figure out who this strange man is. He can't possibly be a teacher. The teachers here are all pro heroes and he doesn't look like one you've ever seen before.
"It took eight seconds for you to quiet down," he continues. "Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you?" The question is rhetorical, of course, and he continues, "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you."
You are now truly realising that you need to stop making assumptions in this new school. Clearly, everything isn't what it seems. You're only glad that everyone else is as surprised as you are, the whole class practically screaming with shock upon this revelation. One query in particular stokes at your brain: If this man is your teacher then what is his pro-hero name? A puzzle that will have to remain unsolved for now as he quickly beckons you all to get changed into your gym uniform and re-assemble out onto the school grounds. A dubious request but you suppose you have no choice.
Once changed, everyone is quick to meet outside, each student being perceivably confused. There's something rather comforting about them all being in the same boat as you, otherwise, you'd assume yourself an idiot. The situation doesn't become any clearer when your teacher admits to this circumstance being a test of your quirks.
"What about the entrance ceremony?!" one girl raises hastily, ultimately expressing everyone's thoughts on the matter. "The guidance sessions?!"
"No time to waste on stuff like that if you want to become heroes," he retorts blandly. "U.A. is known for its 'freestyle' educational system. That applies to us teachers, as well."
He lists off a series of rudimentary fitness tests you all would have engaged in during your time in school. It takes a second but you have a hunch that you know where this is going.
"You did all of these in middle school, yes?" Once again, he doesn't wait for an answer. "Your standard no-quirks-allowed gym tests. The country still insists on prohibiting quirks when calculating the average of those records. It's not rational. The Department of Education is just procrastinating."
If it isn't obvious enough what's happening by now, you feel sorry for any of the students who are still in the dark. Tempted by curiosity, you take a quick glance and want to take pity on some of the bewildered faces. Everything will be revealed in good time, you are sure.
Your teacher turns towards that blonde-haired punk from earlier and asks, "Bakugo, how far could you throw in middle school?"
"Sixty-seven meters."
"Great. Now try it with your quirk." Aizawa throws a ball over to the student. "Do whatever you need to do. Just don't leave the circle."
Bakugo - a name that you shan't soon forget given what's about to happen. Why bother even feigning shock at this point? This is the best hero school in Japan, after all, and that only means that it's going to house the best students.
"Give it all you've got."
Bakugo grins darkly with the baseball in hand and takes a stand within the appointed circle. "Awesome."
I had the intention of getting this out a lot sooner but procrastination and writer's block are quite the combo. Not to mention, I had written so much that this ended up being split into two chapters. One might think that means you won't have to wait as long for Chapter three but this is me we're talking about :') @sky-angel101
Also, also, if anyone wants to be part of this tag list, lemme know!
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crushmeeren · 11 months
I appreciate everyone who answers 🥹
Reader inserts are more for Tumblr I think so I’m doing a ship pairing for AO3, and I know bakukiritodo is rare pair and so is kiritodo, but I love the dynamics 💕
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foreverlilmeowmeow · 2 years
The Snow Didn't Bother Him Anyway... (Kiribaku x Reader)
So this is the first time I'm writing a polyamorous relationship story so sorry if it seems one sided. I've been contemplating if I should post this anywhere and since a lot of you liked my Junkrat x Reader story I thought I would try this... So enjoy!
Summary: The reader is worried about Bakugo being out in the cold. It was snowing a lot more than normal and hoped that their boyfriend would make it home to them safely
Warnings: None that I thought of, but if you think there should be warnings please don't hesitate to tell me !
Words: 1700
“There you are… I was wondering if you were out with the girls or moping around the apartment like you usually do when Bakubro is usually out on patrol. What are you doing up Pebble?” Kirishima asked as you were staring out the window watching the snowfall as this was what you did most nights when Bakugo was out patrolling alone.
“I couldn’t sleep.” You replied, looking over your shoulder as you sighed, glancing back at the frozen window that sat before you, “I’m worried that Bakugo will struggle tonight and not being there to help out worries me that he won't come home… Will he come home tonight?”
Kirishima looked at you and then looked out the window as well. The snow was a bit thicker than when Bakugo left but for some odd reason Mr. Positivity struck him and he nodded, gripping his fists tight together with a smile, “Of course he’ll come home! Its Bakugo! He’s too manly to not come home.” He said as he sat down beside you pulling you into his lap and snuggling you tight. He smelt clean, cleaner than normal. He smelt like cedar wood and cinnamon. Almost as if he was wearing Bakugo’s cologne just to have that comfort of his and your boyfriend around. 
You sighed, “I hope he does. The bed feels empty when he or you aren’t in it and even if one of you is in it with me, there’s still that side of me that feels cold because I’m used to you both sleeping with me.” 
Kirishima nodded, “I know Pebble, but trust me. He will come home. If not I’ll go look for him and bring him home so you're not sad anymore. We hate when our Pebble is sad.” he said as that got you to smile just a little bit. Your eyes were still scanning the weather outside as you knew cold was Bakugo’s enemy. It made his quirk not work as quickly and honestly it worried you that maybe just maybe he would lose because the weather decided to take his quirk away from him. 
“Shit! Of course it had to snow today.. Why didn’t anyone warn me?!” Bakugo grumbled as he was out patrolling for the day. He and Denki had gotten partnered to patrol downtown, but for some odd reason Denki split off so it was just Bakugo roaming the streets questioning if he should head home early or if he should continue walking the streets of Japan hoping he could at least get one more job done before calling it a night. The snow coming down in thicker flakes as the snow did look pretty, he could admit that, but with how his hands froze every time he stood still it made them hurt and crack almost as if he was being faced with mother nature herself.
“Someone stop him! He stole my purse!” someone shouted a block away as he gripped his hands and jetted off in the direction he heard the cry. A woman in her late fifties had gotten her purse stolen and for some odd reason Bakugo was the closest hero around to save her. His hands hurting from the cold as he jetted faster chasing the villain as he jumped mid air and landed, knees digging, into the person that stole the elderly woman’s bag.
“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” The elderly woman smiled as dug in her bag and pulled out what could only be a piece of cinnamon candy and handed it to him as if to give him a reward for getting her bag, “I know it's not much, but I hope it’s enough to say thanks for getting my bag back.” 
“Tch, I don’t need your stupid candy, ma’am, I’m just doing my job.” Bakugo said as he took it anyway trying his best to interact with his fans a bit more or even those he’s saved.
“Well, thank you, it means a lot to me. This bag was given to me from my great-great-great-grandmother and I would hate to lose such a precious gift. You did an amazing job, young fellow.” The woman said as Bakugo rolled his eyes and then sighed looking down at his phone that he had subconsciously pulled it out of his pocket while the woman was going on and on about how special this bag was to her. 
Shitty Hair: Hey just checking in… Pebble is getting worried you wont make it home in time and was wondering how patrol is going.. I know you usually don’t check your phone during patrol as often as I do, but I just wanted to check in and make sure you were still alive and kickin’. I know how bad the snow can be and I just… hate seeing Pebble upset. So… text me you can okay, babe?
Bakugo rolled his eyes, always worrying about others and never about himself. Bakugo thought as he jetted off again, this time stopping a criminal robbing a bank and another at a gas station not too far from where he first started his patrol. The day practically slipped away as when he checked his phone again he didn’t realize it was nearing two in the morning and that he went over his usual patrol time. 
“Shit, now I’m really gonna hear it from them aren’t I?” Bakugo mumbled to himself as he headed back to the agency to change and then head home to hopefully fill in the answers on why he was late. His heart pounding in his chest as he hated upsetting the both of you. You were always understanding as you knew how important it was to Bakugo to be the number one hero, but to know that he would always come home to you and Kirishima no matter what the cost was. He loved you both that much. 
“I’m home…” Bakugo whispered shouted as Kirishima pressed his finger to his lips as if to tell the loud one at the door to be quiet. You, now asleep on Kirishima’s lap, had spent most of the night watching the door while the tv played quietly in the background. Kirishima checked his phone every now and again as when he did decide to text Bakugo he saw that you were fighting sleep and that it was okay for you to pass out now and would be woken once your’s and his’ boyfriend had returned home. Your body curled to the redhead that when Bakugo looked down and saw this snapped a photo and smiled happy to know that you had indeed gotten sleep and that when you awoke would get all the cuddles in the world from Bakugo knowing he had made it home safe. 
“How was the patrol babe?” Kirishima asked as he looked up at his lover with a golden smile.
“Long, I ended up going over time because backup didn’t show up on time. It sucked.” Bakugo said as he started removing his shoes knowing damn well Kirishima would not let him have the end of it if he saw how much snow was being dragged through the house already by Bakugo checking in on how you were doing.
“Awe, I’m sorry, wasn’t Denki suppose to be with you?” 
Bakugo nodded his head, “Yeah, but we got split off somehow and knowing him he ran off to go patrol with his girlfriend.” Bakugo said with a sigh. He plopped down on the couch and looked over at you. Your head in Kirishima’s lap as you looked peaceful sleeping, “How long did they wait? I bet they were exhausted…” 
“I wanna say they finally went to sleep around midnight? It was hard to tell because they kept dozing off while they were watching tv. But I assure you I made sure they fell asleep before you came home.” Kirishima said with a giant smile. 
“Good, I would hate to be the reason why they didn’t sleep. They need it.” Bakugo said as he decided to take you and place you in his lap. Kirishima slightly pouted as they were enjoying you in their lap while you were keeping him warm while they waited for Bakugo to get home.
“What are you going to do now? I’m sure you’re tired as well babe.” Kirishima said as he got up and stretched, flexing his muscles and groaning when all the bones that needed to be popped and his happy trail showing just above his jogging pants and Bakugo bit his lip trying to remain calm and not hop his boyfriend’s bones for a quickie.
“I’m gonna cuddle y/n for a little bit. I’m sure they were worried and knowing that I’m the one they wake up to is going to be a nice surprise instead of your loud ass who would probably end up throwing them off sometime throughout the night.” Bakugo said as Kirishima made a slight hurt sound and then sulked.
“I would never do such a thing! I can’t control what I do in my sleep!” Kirishima whined as Bakugo rolled his eyes and smirked.
“Whatever, Shitty Hair, just know that you don’t have to sleep in the bed alone tonight. You can always join the cuddle puddle if you really want too. There’s plenty of room on this couch for the three of us.” Bakugo said as Kirishima blushed.
“Sure, just let me run to the bathroom and grab a blanket for the three of us to share. I promise this won’t take long.” Kirishima said as he smiled and darted down the hall. He took maybe fifteen minutes before he finally came back out and saw that he was now carrying a blanket and a pillow and decided to turn the tv back out for background noise. The three of you now snuggled as when you did finally wake up you saw that both boys were with you and that even though you didn’t get to greet your boyfriend when he got home, finding out that he was here with you snuggled on the couch made your morning so much better. He was home and that was all that mattered.
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plantzawa · 1 year
I gotta figure out how to do fics on here
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roomiganzoomigan · 1 year
His Heart is Buried in Otheon - Chapter 9
“Something is wrong. You have been acting strangely since we left Otheon.”
Izuku averted his gaze, chewing on his bottom lip.
When it became obvious he was neither going to deny nor confirm his statement, Shouto continued, “Since we left him.”
After the events of World Heroes Mission, Shouto realizes that Izuku has developed feelings for Rody. And if getting them together is what it will take to make Izuku happy, Shouto will gladly make it happen.
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kirb-birb · 2 years
I know posting on bird app is a good way to engage and generate interest in my fics but I’ll be real, I hate bird app. Maybe I’ll promote my fics here instead? Any interest there?
Hi, I’m Alex, or Sugar_n_Spite on ao3 - I write KrBk fics!
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