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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Spinal Infection Is A Rare But Serious Condition
Spinal Infection Is A Rare But Serious Condition    
It Can Be Caused By An Infection In Another Part Of The Body And Affect The Spine, Vertebra, Disks, And Even The Spinal Fluid    
Back pain is usually caused by strained muscles, nerve compression, and poor posture, among others. But there is a rare condition called a spinal infection, which can affect the vertebral bones, and the spine, including the spinal fluid. One of its symptoms is back pain, but it is fairly common, and the doctor can misdiagnose it. Other symptoms are fever, headaches, and chills, as any infection. Additional symptoms are limitations and mobility and muscle spasms. In more serious cases, there can be neurological issues, such as poor balance, changes in vision, and speech and mobility limitations. It can be caused by bacteria or fungi, originated in an infection in another part of the body, or even a cut, which allowed bacteria to enter the bloodstream. If the bacteria affects the disk, it might weaken and erode, and also affect the vertebrae, pressing the nerves, resulting in back pain. There are diagnostic procedures and treatments to minimize the damage, but, if extended, it might require surgery to clean the infected area. Click here for more information.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Back Pain On Runners Has Several Causes
Back Pain On Runners Has Several Causes    
Among Them Is Poor Posture While Running, Insufficient Strength On Certain Muscles, And Excessive Training    
The back and lumbar areas are crucial for physical activity and sports. One of them is running, therefore any physical issue related to the back will force the muscles to compensate for working harder or using other muscles designed for other tasks. Among the causes for back pain are weak core, poor posture, or even vertebral disk problems. One sport that can be affected by back pain is running, and there are several things that can cause it. Among them is poor posture while running, such as poor flexibility or hunched shoulders, preventing normal movement. The head position is important because a head tilted forwards will increase the tension on the neck and shoulders. Another cause can be excessive training, due to the fact that it demands more effort to the body, which affects several muscles, including the ones located in the back. Other causes are certain muscles that require strengthening, such as the glutes, which give trunk and core stability, and the core, which will increase the risk of back pain because it forces the abs to work harder to compensate. More info click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Spinal Fractures Are Very Common In Elderly Adults
Spinal Fractures Are Very Common In Elderly Adults    
They Can Be Cases By Falling, Improper Lifting, Or Simply Bending Over    
It is well known that one of the perks of old age is back pain, along with poor sight and hearing loss, among others. But back pain in seniors can have several causes. One of them is compression fractures, caused by a fall or after lifting a heavy weight or bending over to pick something. Studies reveal that 95% of compression fractures are due to weak bones and osteoporosis. In many cases, patients are not aware they have osteoporosis. There is a higher risk of osteoporosis for smokers, thin women, women with early menopause, and women after 50, among others. It can be prevented by strengthening the muscles. There is a natural process called remodeling, which maintains bone mass, in which old bone is removed, and new bone is generated. The key is the generation process, which can be promoted by a proper diet, with calcium and vitamin D, strength exercises, among others. Spinal fractures can be treated with a procedure that injects bone cement in the vertebrae. Additional information click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Weight Training Has More Benefits Than Just Cardio
Weight Training Has More Benefits Than Just Cardio    
It Improves The Cardiovascular System, Helps With Weight Loss, And Strengthens The Core To Prevent Back Pain    
Strength training is sometimes overlooked in a proper workout, in which many people prefer cardio, such as running, cycling, or swimming. The truth is that strength training helps with weight loss, improves cardiovascular condition, lowers blood pressure, and helps with the immune system. Cardio workouts consist of a series of repetitive movements, which, to be done safely, require strength. It also helps with weight loss, because strength training and muscle gain will increase the basal metabolic rate because muscle burns much more calories than fat. Strength training also helps to decrease muscle loss in elderly people and also reduces the risk of osteoporosis. It also helps to build a stronger core, improving posture and reducing back pain. Many people tend to avoid weight training because they don’t want to get bulky, however, a normal male body usually increases muscle at a monthly rate of 1% of their body weight. Also, it is not necessary to include heavy weights, because light weights with more repetitions have the same result. Click here for more info.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Addressing The Myths About Back Pain
Addressing The Myths About Back Pain    
Among Them Is Staying In Bed, While It Required Physical Activity, And The Need For Scans To Determine The Cause    
There are certain myths about back pain that may worse it, rather than treat it, Among these the most common, is staying in bed until the pain heals. In almost every illness, the doctor will order staying in bed to facilitate healing. However, back pain requires movement and body activity. The problem is that certain movements will cause pain, so the sufferer will be afraid to perform any movement, leading to negative emotions such as fear, depression, and distress. Other myths are that persistent back pain wild get worse with age, and that the patient will require a wheelchair, and that scans are required to identify the cause of the pain. More details click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Sudden Weight Gain Can Be A Sign Of A Serious Health Issue
Sudden Weight Gain Can Be A Sign Of A Serious Health Issue    
Among Them Are Heart Failure, PCOS, And Ovarian Cancer, Which Also Present Back Pain    
An increase in body weight is usually due to a low activity level and a poor diet. However, there are serious health conditions that can result in a rapid weight gain. Among them is thyroid disorder, which will also show swollen glands, dry skin, and excess fatigue. It can also have other symptoms, such as poor memory and concentration. Another health condition is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a hormonal condition that can cause the development of cysts in women’s ovaries, along with acne and hair growth. Another condition that develops in women is uterine fibroids, in which weight gain shows up with constipation, lower back pain, and pressure in the bladder. Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that can appear as excess belly fat. Its rapid weight gain comes with frequent coughing, and with problems lying flat, the cause can be heart failure, which also shows with abdominal and heart pain. This is a serious condition and requires visiting a doctor ASAP. Also even though sudden weight loss is one of the most common signs of cancer, it Is the opposite in ovarian cancer shows with abdomen pain, irregular menstruation, and sleeping issues. Additional info click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Several Medications Can Have Negative Interactions With Alcohol
Several Medications Can Have Negative Interactions With Alcohol    
Among Them Are Heartburn, Blood Pressure, Depression, And Sleep Medication    
Most people take a drink or two in social events or as a way to relax, among others. However, there are medications that have adverse reactions to alcohol, and taking a drink can worsen things. Among them are OTC medications for pain and fever, which contain acetaminophen, a substance that can damage the liver, cause ulcers, stomach issues, and a fast heartbeat, if mixed with alcohol, while prescription pain medication can cause breathing issues, and memory problems. Also, medication for allergy, cold, and flu can cause drowsiness. In the case of antibiotics, it can lead to an increase in blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat. Heartburn medication, mixed with alcohol, will affect blood pressure and lead to a faster heartbeat. In the case of sleep medications, alcohol will cause breathing difficulties, and blood pressure medication can result in arrhythmia and drowsiness. Click here for more details.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Porous Structure In Cartilage In The Spine Can Be The Key For Unexplained Back Pain
Porous Structure In Cartilage In The Spine Can Be The Key For Unexplained Back Pain    
It Allows The Growth Of Sensory Nerve Endings    
Even though 4 of 5 people will suffer from back pain once in their life, most of it is not originated by injury, especially in older adults. According to studies, there are nerves that grow into the cartilage that joins the vertebrae, which can be the origin of the pain. Experiments in animals showed that the cartilage between the vertebrae and spinal disks, which works as a shock absorber for the spine, develops a porosity that allows the penetration of sensory nerves. Cartilage does not usually have nerve and blood vessels. However, the porosity of its structure allows space for sensory nerves, causing back pain. This porous structure is due to a special type of cells called osteoclasts. Laboratory animals lacking the gene that generate these cells do not present the porous structure, decreasing the risk of pack pain. More Information click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Understanding SPD, Which Affects The Ligament Between The Pelvic Bones
Understanding SPD, Which Affects The Ligament Between The Pelvic Bones    
It Can Affect The Stability Of The Pelvic Bones And Lead To Back Pain And Incontinence    
There is a condition called SPD (Symphysis pubis dysfunction) that can affect the stability of the pelvic joint. The pelvic bones are joined by a ligament at the front of the pelvis. SPD, also called pelvic girdle, is caused when these ligaments get relaxed. Among its symptoms is a pain in the pelvic area, which can also reflect in the lower back or the perineum, a struggle when walking, incontinence, and a clicking sensation in the pelvis, among others. The main cause is pregnancy, in which, due to certain hormones, the ligament joins the pelvic bones relaxes, to allow childbirth, however it can also occur in non-pregnant individuals, as a result of arthritis or pelvic damages. It is not understood why it affects only one-third of pregnant women. It has also side effects, including excessive stress in other parts of the body and affecting mobility. Additional details click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Arthritis Can Be Treated By A Diet Based On Fatty Fish
Arthritis Can Be Treated By A Diet Based On Fatty Fish    
These Contain Omega-3, Which Has Anti-Inflammatory Effects    
Arthritis is a condition that causes swelling in joints. Its symptoms are joint pain and stiffness that deteriorate with age. There are two types, Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis which cannot be cured but can be treated. There are some foods that have anti-inflammatory properties, such as fatty feet, which include mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout. They have in common a high level of omega-3 fatty acids, which has very powerful anti-inflammatory effects. According to a study, omega-3 fatty acids supplements provide less pain sensitivity and also less morning stiffness. Fatty fish is a good source of vitamin D, we can prevent the deficiency of this vitamin, due to the fact that rheumatoid arthritis is also associated with low levels of vitamin D. Also, another good idea is to lose excess weight, which causes excessive pressure in the joints of the hips, knees, feet and ankles, resulting in increased pain and mobility problems. Click here for more information.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Opioid Painkillers Can Increase Pain Sensitivity
Opioid Painkillers Can Increase Pain Sensitivity    
It Occurs If Taken In High Doses For A Prolonged Period Of Time    
The most prescribed prescription medications for chronic pain, are opioid painkillers, which are also the most powerful analgesics. They help millions of people to manage severe pain related to surgery, broken bones and cancer, and also chronic pain. However, in some cases, it does not provide pain relief but increases the pain because it heightens the sensibility to it. This condition is known as opioid-induced hyperalgesia, also known as OIH. The medications work well initially, and that pain can be controlled. However, doctors receive conflicting reports about the effectiveness of pain resistance, therefore, one important factor is to decrease opioid use. Nevertheless, patients are looking for relief, so they take more opioids, which only aggravates the problem, and worsen their suffering condition. Opioid-induced hyperalgesia is considered a result of opioid toxicity and is usually associated with high doses, high potency drugs, taken for a long duration of usage, increasing sensitivity to pain More info click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
New Techniques And Tips For Preventing And Treating Neck Pain
New Techniques And Tips For Preventing And Treating Neck Pain    
Among Them Is Decrease Smartphone Usage, Wearing The Correct Prescription Glasses, And Even A High-End Massage Device    
Neck pain can have several causes, such as sitting hunched over a computer screen, using the phone or the tablet with the head tilted forward, which increases tension on neck muscles or carrying a heavy pack. Statistics have shown that containing 20% of the population has reported suffering from neck pain. However, there are now new techniques for treating neck pain. Among them are patches applied directly to the skin, and can be worn under the clothes. Unlike oral painkillers, there is no risk for side effects and addiction. Another technique is called percussive therapy, which uses a device that looks like an electric massager. It sends pulses and vibrations to the neck area in order to override the pain signals sent to the brain, providing a comfortable massage and promoting blood flow. This discharges muscle tension and increases the range of motion. It penetrates 16 millimeters deep into the muscle, making repetitive strokes 40 times per second, which is 60% deeper than vibration massagers. There are also pillows that contain foam inserts that can be added and remove it to vary the height and alight the head, neck, and spine. Last, but not least, it is important to wear glasses with the correct prescription. Wrong prescription glasses, will lead to a hunching over to the computer screen or to a book, tilting the head forward, causing a neck pain because of excessive muscle tension, which is the same that occurs with excessive smartphone or tablet usage. Additional information click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Lowering The Risk Of Opioid Painkiller Side-Effects For Chronic Pain Sufferers
Lowering The Risk Of Opioid Painkiller Side-Effects For Chronic Pain Sufferers    
Non-Invasive Treatments Normally Help 95% Of Patients, Recovering After 12 Weeks    
Chronic back pain, sometimes at an excruciating level, has resulted in excessive painkiller ingestion, leading to opioid abuse. Opioid painkillers are being prescribed for 9% of the people with lower back pain, which is the most common reason for painkiller prescriptions. Statistics show that, in the US, there are 2 million people who are experiencing opioid-use disorder and there are more than 47,000 deceases each year due to overdose. According to specialists, 70% of all that people experience lower back pain at least one time in their lifetime. Among the causes are aging, previous injury or muscular issues or even arthritis of the spine. However, there are some ways to reduce the risk of low pain, such as performing an activity. Contrary to other health conditions. it is not advisable to stay in bed if suffering from back pain. Depending on the pain level, it can be walking, swimming, or even yoga and Tai Chi. It is also important to consider non-surgical options, such as chiropractic care, physical therapy, over the counter drugs (OTC) and acupuncture. All these non-invasive treatments and options usually help 95% of the people with back pain and typically recover after 12 weeks. If these do not work, the source of pain could be more serious, requiring medical imaging, and surgery, as a last resort. Click here for more info.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Mind-Body Therapy For Chronic Pain Goes Beyond Painkillers And Physical Therapy
Mind-Body Therapy For Chronic Pain Goes Beyond Painkillers And Physical Therapy    
Negative Thoughts Will Increase The Level Of Chronic Pain, While Positive Thoughts Will Do The Opposite    
A new approach for chronic pain is based on mind-body therapies, such as cognitive behavior therapy CBD), which has been associated with a lower level of pain and reduced its craving for opioid painkillers. This is because the mind and mind and body are in constant interaction. Normal therapy only considers the biomedical aspect, related only to tissue damage and physical trauma, and treated by painkillers and physical therapy. However, if psychological processes are also treated, such as emotions, perceptions, and thoughts, it can provide additional help to chronic pain decrease. These psychological processes occur in the cerebral cortex, where thoughts are generated, and the limbic system, which is the emotion center. Therefore, negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, anger, and stress, will amplify the pain sensitivity, increasing chronic pain. However, the opposite is also true. Positive emotions, like calm and hopeful thoughts, relaxation and distracting activities will decrease pain sensitivity, reducing the level of chronic pain. More details click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
New Non-Drug Treatment For Persons Returning From Deployment
New Non-Drug Treatment For Persons Returning From Deployment    
It Decreases Risks Related To Chronic Pain And Mental Issues    
People returning from military deployment usually suffer from physical and mental health issues. Among them are chronic pain, depression, alcohol, and drug usage disorders, and even thoughts of suicide and self-harm. A new study has found that a treatment not based on drugs can increase the odds in veterans suffering from chronic pain. This can occur more frequently in the back, joints, neck, and bones. The study is considering non-pharmaceutical therapies, also known as NPTs, such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage, and spinal manipulation, among others. The result has been a 35% reduction in the possibility of accidental poisoning and overdose from opiates, and other narcotics. Also, there is a 17% lower risk to sustain self-inflicted injuries, and 12%, less possibility to have thoughts of suicide. The effect of non-pharmaceutical therapies go far beyond from pain relief, making a chronic pain, much more bearable, Additional info click here.
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justnobackpain · 4 years ago
Some Types Of Back And Abdominal Pain Are Associated With Men
Some Types Of Back And Abdominal Pain Are Associated With Men    
Among Them Are Prostatitis, Testicular Pain, And Kidney Stones    
Both men and women suffer from back pain, but there are some conditions that appear more in men than women or are related exclusively to men. In general, lower abdominal pain is located below the belly button, which can be originated by any of the tissues and organ systems in the area. In the case of appendicitis, the pain is located in the central area and moves to the right side. If the pain is just above the bladder bone it can be related to bladder, in which there is low central pain, cramping, and burning. Testicular pain can be felt in the lower abdomen, causing frequent urination, with the presence of blood. The cause can be a sexually transmitted disease, trauma, or bladder stones. Pain can also be related to the prostate, a small gland that is located between the bladder and the penis and produces a fluid part of the semen. Pain shows in the genitals or in the lower abdomen and can be due to an inflammatory process, resulting in pain or difficulty while urinating. Last but not least, kidney stones cause very severe pain in the abdomen, back, and groin. The pain occurs when the body tries to push the stones from the kidney to the ureters. Click here for more details.
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