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coffee-and-vroomvroom · 8 years ago
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**WARNING: ELECTRIC FEELS AHEAD ⚠⚡** Just because you didn't see me posting stories over the weekend about FE, it doesn't mean I wasn't closely following it on tv... I'm still so freaking happy about it! I was searching my closet when I came across this season one tshirt signed by Lucas di Grassi and Daniel Abt and it got me thinking a bit... It's been 3 amazing seasons, 33 fantastic races, not one dull moment along the way. It feels like yesterday when I heard about this new category in motorsport with all-electric cars, and I remember telling @jollygoodtime74 about it, being uncontrollably excited hahaha! That was over 3 years ago... +3 YEARS!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? ALREADY? I'm not just happy because of the result of the championship, but also for the lovely people I met along the way (you guys know who you are), for the shared moments, the chats, the jokes, ALL THE ELECTRIC ADVENTURES we shared at the BA ePrix. I will never forget that. And though it makes me incredibly sad that we won't get to have an ePrix in BA next season, I have hopes that we will again soon. Maybe season 5 or 6. Who knows? Maybe we win the lotery and go to the races in Chile and Brazil 😜 Anyway, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being my partners in crime. None of this would have been the same without you. 💕💕⚡ #FormulaE #DanielAbt #LucasdiGrassi #BAePrix
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romeorosso · 8 years ago
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via Magui
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hyprix · 8 years ago
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Lucas Di Grassi obtiene su primer Pole Position en Formula E, en Buenos Aires.
Más: http://www.hyprix.com.mx/lucas-di-grassi-obtiene-su-primer-pole-en-buenos-aires/
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gridracing-blog · 8 years ago
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📷 @fiaformulae ・・・ @pechito37 ponders ahead of hitting the track in #BuenosAires #BAePrix #FormulaE #fiaformulae #electricstreetracing #JoseMariaLopez #Pechito #photooftheday #Motorsport #racing
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3 in a row for @sebastien_buemi now. - #formulae #baeprix #buenosaires #renault #cars #carswithoutlimits #driver #autosport #motorsport #instaart #instagram #instagood #instadaily #instaphoto #instapic #instacool #michelin #nikon #nofilter #nikonnofilter #photography #picoftheday #photooftheday #portrait
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jonathanhurlock · 8 years ago
An updated version from the previous post, 15 Second Motion Graphics for this weekends @fiaformulae Buenos Aires ePrix #FormulaE #BAePrix 🇦🇷
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formulatrash · 6 years ago
Sam Bird is a really great dude and you need to chill your ass if you don’t realise it
I missed this because I was in Hong Kong and then working on Australia so my perception of time currently is pretty... nonexistent but thought I’d come see my old chums on Tumblr dot com and check the Formula E tag and hWAT teh fcEK
I get that everyone is very angry that Sam punctured Andre’s tyre and that you wanted Andre to win but going in on Sam just because you don’t like him as much is ridiculous.
Sam Bird is the most decent bloke in Formula E, maybe in the whole of motorsport. I could give you endless examples - but here’s a good one.
You know Buemi? Not really been a thing for over a season now but one of the most fearsome Formula E competitors, for sheer speed and skill and his ability to give as good as he gets from Di Grassi in off-track mud-flinging.
In Season 2, the BaePrix produced a truly proper ding-dong for the win between Buemi and Bird; it’s gone down in legend as one of the fiercest fights in Formula E history. And here is the aftermath:
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It’s one of my favourite ever photos in Formula E because S2 was not easy and the drivers were fighting for respect everywhere - remember everyone thought Formula E was a joke, at this point - and Sam had just had his teammate hospitalised and then an explosive and controversial fight in the team
Nowt but respect after the race, though. After so many laps of blisteringly fighting with each other, wrestling still-experimental cars with the balance of a mola mola in a jacuzzi. 
They don’t you need to slang each other for them.
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motoamerica · 8 years ago
Panasonic Jaguar Racing | Adam Carroll Cooks
Adam Carroll swaps his Panasonic Jaguar Racing team helmet for a chef's hat as he experiences local Buenos Aires cuisine ahead of the BAePrix. Find out more about Panasonic Jaguar Racing, here: http://bit.ly/2eCqLIm Connect with Jaguar: Website: http://www.jaguar.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Jaguar Twitter: http://twitter.com/Jaguar Instagram: http://instagram.com/jaguar
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dsclub · 8 years ago
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Te perdiste de ver el monoplaza #DSV-02 en el #BAePrix ? Vení a verlo en el #SalonAutoBA, el Club te invita! Date una vuelta por nuestro Facebook y enterate como participar. #DSAutomobiles #LoveDS #AbsolutelyDS @SalonAutoBA @dsargentina @ds_official @DS_Performance Link del sorteo: http://ift.tt/2rremzZ http://ift.tt/2ryiSrI
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romeorosso · 8 years ago
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via Nat Twiss
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yutanews · 8 years ago
A close up of history. Two driverless cars racing on a city street circuit for the first time. #BAePrix Thank you for all your tweets, replies and support this weekend. A truly historic weekend. Stay tuned for more next week. via Pocket
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Mahindras are red, e.Dams are blue, Something something, This poem is poo. #fiaformulae #formulae #baeprix #buenosaireseprix #motorsport #autosport #cars #carswithoutlimits #carporn #instagood #instagram #instadaily #instaphoto #instapic #instacool #instaart #michelin #nikon #nikonnofilter #nofilter #nikontop #photography #photooftheday #picoftheday #race (at Battersea Park)
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jonathanhurlock · 8 years ago
An updated version from the previous post, 15 Second Motion Graphics for this weekends @fiaformulae Buenos Aires ePrix #FormulaE #BAePrix 🇦🇷
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takachan · 8 years ago
Roborace 初のデモレースはクラッシュで終了。AI 自動運転で185km/hを記録も本番レースには課題
  アルゼンチンで開催されたフォーミュラE第3戦、ブエノスアイレスePrixにおいて、完全自動運転EVによるレース「Roborace」のデモ走行が行われました。フォーミュラEイベント内でのデモレースは初の試みでしたが、貴重なテストカーの1台がコンクリートウォールにヒット、クラッシュしてしまい、走行はその時点で終了しました。 ブエノスアイレスePrixのコースに持ち込まれたのは、DevBotと命名された2台のRoborace開発車両。どちらも耐久レース向けのプロトタイプカーをEV化し、自動運転機能を備えたマシンで、開発車両ゆえにカウルなどはすべてとっぱらった状態となっています。 Si, estos dos autos no tienen piloto... son los @roborace, pic.twitter.com/2sSX22XDyd - Diego Zorrero (@dzorrero) 2017年2月18日 DevBotは2015年の8月には英国ドニントンサーキットでデモ走行を披露していたものの、本番レースの舞台となる公道コースを使ったデモレースは今回が初のことでした。それでも2台のDevBotは約185km/hというなかなかの速度で互いに距離を保ってコースを周回し、それなりに「レースに見える」走行を展開。しかし、コーナリングであまりに強引になりすぎてしまった1台がクラッシュ。その場でデモ走行は終了と相成りました。 事故後、Roborace主催者は「誰ひとりとして危険な目に遭わなかった」と自動運転レースの安全性をアピール。「そうじゃないだろ」というツッコミはぐっとこらえるにしても、人間のドライバーなら直感的に処理する"レースの駆け引き"という点は、やはりAIの自動運転にはまだまだ難しいと言えそうです。 Papelón de un vehículo autónomo en Puerto Madero: el Roborace sin conductor chocó contra la estatua de Lola Mora Más https://t.co/fEzjiYCJAM pic.twitter.com/8B3bufHJwX - Autoblog Argentina (@Autoblogcomar) 2017年2月18日 もちろん、今回のデモ走行は本番マシン用のテストを兼ねたものでもあり、今後開発すべきポイントを顕在化させたという意味ではむしろクラッシュしてよかったとも考えられます。10台以上が同時にスタートすることになるであろう本番レースの開催までには、マシンが判断ミスをおかさず高度な走行を見せるまでにしなければなりません。それでもたぶんクラッシュは発生するでしょうが、超高速パレードみたいになるぐらいなら、多少は荒削りな方が面白くはなりそうです。 ちなみに、クラッシュ発生後の一時走行中断の際、1匹の犬がホームストレート上のDevbotの前に乱入するというハプニングもありました。このとき、最終コーナー付近でオフィシャルがイエローフラッグを出しているのですが、そもそもドライバーがいないのに、誰に向かって旗を振っていたのかが気になって仕方ありません。 Who let the dogs out? We've always wanted obstacles in Roborace 😉 #BAePrix pic.twitter.com/jUOyLqnrie - Roborace (@roborace) 2017年2月18日 Se acaban de pegar los dos coches robots de la #RoboRace #PuedePasar pic.twitter.com/YIIbIMkpr4 - Daniel de Ocaña (@f1dhani) 2017年2月18日 http://j.mp/2mcFXhn Engadget Japanese
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dsclub · 8 years ago
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#VamosPechito #37 #TriCampeónFia #Repost @fiaformulae ... @pechito37 ponders ahead of hitting the track in #BuenosAires #BAePrix #FormulaE #fiaformulae #electricstreetracing #JoseMariaLopez #Pechito #photooftheday #Motorsport #racing http://ift.tt/2m8N9xO
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coffee-and-vroomvroom · 8 years ago
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How it's been a month already?! My kingdom for a DeLorean. #ElectricBlues😢 #BAePrix #FormulaE #motorsport
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