#baekhyun ceo au
elysiangroundsforall · 3 months
In the Course of It ...
"You're my only Bambi, Bambi"
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Synopsis: INB100 is holding auditions and Y/N applies and gets selected but the CEO falls in love with Y/N. Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x reader Warnings: None Type: Angst, Fluff Started: 09/07/2024 (July 9th) Ended:
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"But I'm only a trainee."
"It doesn't matter to me."
"EXO member and INB100 CEO Byun Baekhyun reportedly dating a trainee under his company"
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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spacequokka · 2 years
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Pairing: ceo!Baekhyun x Reader Genre: CEO AU Rating: G Summary: You don’t know the first thing about running a business, so you enlist the help of an investor to help you save it. Word Count: 1.3k I can explain Warnings: mentions a deceased parent
Inspired by this post. This is actually part of a larger work I’ve been sitting on titled Gossip Man. I’ve wanted to write something in the style of Kdramas (tropes and all). Depending on the reception, I’ll release it next year or so.
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You fidgeted with your clothes, running your trembling hands down the front of your soft cotton t-shirt. Were you dressed too casually? Should you have picked out your job interview ensemble? The email hadn't given you any clue one way or another. You hoped it didn't matter — everything you had depended on this consultation. If it ended badly because you’d chosen denim slacks over the black pencil skirt, you’d seriously consider jumping from the nearest bridge. ‘Calm down, girl. Get it together.’ You inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly through your nose, summoning calm and control of your nerves.
You needed this consultation like you needed air. The old bookstore had meant the world to your mother, and you would do everything in your power to keep it open and operational. Okay, so maybe you didn't know jack shit about running a business. It was also possible that you used a little over half of your inheritance from your mother's life insurance policy to buy the bookstore from the lovely old couple who had put it up for sale. Just as it was more than likely that you would have to use the rest of your savings — all of it — to make the necessary repairs and update the place to be able to compete with other bookstores in the area that offered new modern services like online sales and ebooks. That's why this meeting was so life threatening. If the best investing company Seoul had to offer didn't see a way to save the store, all of your attempts to save it would have been in vain and would leave you in debt. Worst of all, you would lose the one thing your mother treasured and hoped that her grandchildren would be able to visit in the future. You wanted to keep the bookstore open as your way of honoring the woman who brought joy to so many others.
The front door opened smoothly, setting off a high chime of the wind catcher that hung near the door. This is it. You took another deep breath and turned around. A tall, slender man stood there with his hands in his pockets, eyes taking in his surroundings. He looked so out of place, all dressed up as if he were going to a cocktail party or some red carpet affair. He made the dusty, run down store look worse just by existing. As if he could hear your thoughts, his eyes fell on you expectantly, lips curved into a gentle smile. “Ms. Davids, I suppose?”
He extended his hand, but didn’t budge from his spot. Your jaw moved as you tried to find the voice to speak, to answer his question, but your brain had shorted out for a second. “Y-yes. That’s me. Call me _____, please.” You moved around the counter and took his hand, not too surprised by the strength in his grip. Of course, he’s strong. He probably can afford a gym trainer if his suit was anything to judge by. “I was under the impression the agency was sending over a woman, Mrs. Howard?”
Mr. Suit’s eyes were fixed on you now. “She was supposed to come, but I found myself with an open schedule this morning and decided to take the consult. She’s due to have her baby soon, so I thought she’d like to rest her feet.” He glanced at the store, then returned that piercing gaze to you. “Besides that, I’ve been keeping tabs on this shopping center.”
“Y-you have?” You swallowed hard and fought to stand your ground. It felt like he was crowding you, even though he was standing a bit more than an arm’s length away. His presence was so…overwhelming.
He nodded and took a step away from you, examining one of the bookshelves that stood near the register. “Of course. Real estate is one of my areas of expertise. The shopping center has always been a hot commodity since the university opened up. Personally, I’m impressed the owners of the various stores have been able to keep the corporate companies at bay.”
You fought to keep up your friendly smile. “We’re a family here. We help each other out. Selling out to those hounds wouldn’t help anybody.”
“True.” He mused, slipping a book off of a shelf and thumbing through its pages. “But then again, business has been down since the bidding war began, right? What happened to the couple who owned this store before you? The Choi’s?”
You looked down at the ground between you, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “Their health isn’t the best right now. With the cost of health care, they couldn’t afford to keep the store open. I bought it from them to keep it open and away from the bidding war.”
“I see. Smart decision, seeking help from an investment firm. My name is Byun Baekhyun, by the way.” He nodded his head towards you, stuffing his hands back into his pockets as he leisurely made his way through the store. You followed behind him, keeping your distance while wringing your hands with worry. He didn’t say much, occasionally asking questions about things he spotted, like holes in the ceiling, cracks in the wall. He even noticed things you hadn’t seen before or thought to look at. It was clear that an inspector would have to come out and thoroughly check the building out. By the time you’d reached the back of the store, the look on his face wasn’t promising. “Let’s sit down and talk about this, shall we?”
Baekhyun extended a hand to allow you to pass by him. As you did, his hand lightly touched the small of your back as he guided you back to the register and prompted you to sit down on the stool behind the counter. He stood in front of you on the other side, resting his elbows on the counter and clasping his hands together.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” You asked.
He exhaled hard and nodded. “Yeah, it is. I’ll be honest with you, _____. I don’t see how this place has been operational. There are a number of issues I can see, so there’s no telling how much more will be uncovered with a proper inspection.”
“I have money saved up. I’m willing to do whatever is necessary to save this place.” You leaned forward and looked him in the eye. “Please, this place means the world to me.”
He held your gaze for what seemed like forever until he stood up straight. “I’ll arrange for the inspector to come and assess the property. If the repairs needed are reasonable, I’ll have someone set up an appointment with you to get things going.” He looked around the store. “I can’t guarantee that things will go your way, though.”
You nodded, biting your bottom lip. “I understand.”
Baekhyun studied you a moment longer, then took a step forward and placed a hand on your shoulder. “This place has a lot of charm to it and it’s in a great location. Don’t lose hope just yet, okay?”
You looked into his eyes and were startled by the gentleness you found in them. You’d come across a slew of men in suits with kind smiles, offering to pay top dollar for the property if you and the other store owners agreed to sell. Baekhyun’s smile was the first genuine smile you’d seen in a while. You weren’t sure if you should trust him, but it wasn’t like you had much of a choice. “Okay.”
⟨⟨ Series ML || Group ML ⟩⟩
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Severance - BTS OT7 CEO au Chapter 16
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So did anybody guess what was on the news? I thought it was rather obvious (it’s getting harder and harder to find gifs I haven’t used)
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“Care to explain this Y/n,” Junmyeon says, reaching for the remote and pressing play.
You feel your world freeze, the newscasters lips moving but the thumping in your ears drowns her out. Footage after footage of your dates, the three maknaes and you at the airport, date stamped proving you played hooky, there was nothing you could say to disprove the videos, not when in every single one they steal a kiss.
Your mouth opens but nothing comes out, not even a breath goes in, you’re stuck. You don’t see anything but the screen where the secret you so desperately wanted to keep was aired out for the world to witness. You don’t see Jongin desperately texting Jimin under the desk, what you do see is the channel cut to a newscaster introducing the last woman you ever expected to see, the shock filling your lungs with air so fast it makes you dizzy. Your eyes sting with tears as she starts talking, was this karma? Was this the universe telling you you made the wrong choice, that you should never have fallen for them, that you were too greedy for their love. Was this the price, the consequences? 
“I think she’s hyperventilating,” the voice sounds muffled, your ears feel like they're full of burning cotton but at least someone has the sense to turn the screen off. Baekhyun fills your vision instead, hands on your shoulders with worried eyes on your form. 
“Cars coming to pick her up, back entrance,” you recognise it's Jongin that’s speaking but the word’s go over your head. 
Someone hands you a tissue but you don’t register the gesture until you hear a sigh. Chanyeol gently wipes your tears away, the stern look on his face softening when you look up at him. The sound of the phone ringing sounds so distant, like it was at the end of the tunnel. Jongin answers it before handing it to Junmyeon.
“Namjoon,” he greets through the line, the sound of his tone cutting through the fog you were drowning in. Joonie, you wanted nothing more than to be buried in his arms away from all this, but he wasn’t here. Whatever he was saying though the line made your current boss stare at you with an accusation that didn’t budge.
“We need to get her out without any more commotion,” he says to the others stiffly after he cuts the call. 
“I’ll sort out the employees,” Kyungsoo states walking out. 
The silence that follows is palpable, the lead CEO breaks it with a sigh, and you know it’s due to the aftermath he would have to deal with because of your decisions. He moves to walk past you, but you grab his sleeve before he can. You try not to flinch under his stare, your hands trembling where they hold him. 
“I’m so sorry,” you say as sincerely as you can through a hoarse whisper. He acknowledges your words with a nod before he leaves. You’re quickly ushered to the corridor by the others, the sight of them shielding you like your own personal bodyguards would make you chuckle on any other day, but you were still shaking like a leaf. 
All that work, all those years of making something of yourself, all the sacrifices and it came to this. Your life exposed to the world in a way that would cause it ruin. Your future at e.xo was done, no other company would ever employ you, you could never go back to work for bangtan. Everything was gone. 
“Yeah we’re in the car, we got her out safe,” Seokjin says through the phone while Yoongi drives, his eyes glancing at you with worry. 
A question Namjoon asks on the phone had Jin tensing, looking at you hesitantly. Is she okay?
“She’s not saying anything, she’s just shaking,” he sighs, he wanted to say more, how you were staring at the floor despondently, how when Jin tried to hold your hand to comfort you, you tensed and turned away.
The fear in their hearts that you regretted everything you had with them made Jin pull away, all he could do was be grateful they got to you before the media did, and in the tinted vehicle you were at least safe. 
“It’s safe to go back to the mansion,” Jin tells Yoongi when he hangs up the call.
The drive is silent, they didn’t know what to say, everytime they tried the words died before they could form. Security was back in full force at their estate, running out any media outlet that tried to sneak close, their lawyers were having a field day. Not to mention the commotion at the office as they walked out, the whispers conjugated together so loud, not even Namjoon’s glare could silence them.
The gates open to the estate, and Yoongi can hear his heartbeat thumping faster and faster in his ears, it felt like they were coming to an impasse and there was no going back. The car slows to a stop, and as he kills the engine all they can do is stare at you.
Move. You had to move.
You could hear a faint commotion outside, the three maknaes running towards the car but a stern look from Yoongi stopped them in their tracks. Worry, anticipation, anxiety, no one knew exactly what concoction of emotions paralysed them, what made them hesitate to reach out to you.
“Kitten,” Yoongi starts softly, “you need to talk to us.”
That made you move, the door opening without a word in return. Your legs work against you, feeling like lead on twigs, a second away from collapsing. You couldn’t speak right now, your whole body felt empty and yet the weight of thoughts in your head made you need to bury it. You wanted your bed, you wanted to hide, and you wanted to be alone. 
Yoongi shares a look with Jin, the hurt flashing between both of them at your rejection but they try not to take it to heart. You never wanted your relationship with them made public, not yet at least, you weren’t ready for the backlash, but now the choice was taken from you in the most heinous way. 
“Noona,” Jungkook calls for you gently, a sadness in his eyes at the way you were walking with your head hanging low. Jimin holds him back, understanding better than anyone how you were feeling. He used to do the same, when something went wrong, when he made a mistake, he cut himself off from everyone, it would be a mistake to approach you until you were ready, until the voices in your head either broke you or quietened down. 
The steps to the front door took so much energy from you, you didn’t think you had any left. You could feel them walking behind you at a distance, and yet it didn’t feel far enough or close enough. Something inside of you was tearing its way out and you didn’t know if you wanted to be embraced through it or to suffer it alone the way you had before so many times. 
“Y/n,” Namjoon didn’t get the memo, he tries to embrace you but feels you stiffen against him, letting go immediately to look at your face with worry. “Baby girl, we'll fix this, okay? We-”
You push him away and he looks at you in shock, you didn’t want to hear it right now, you were barely holding yourself together. Voices were pounding inside of your head, the same repeated phrases over and over about how all your work was ruined, it was all for nothing, all your dreams, all your efforts. You couldn’t handle anything right now, you just needed your bed and to cry yourself to sleep alone. 
“Y/n talk to me,” Namjoon says sternly, brows knitted at the way you didn’t even look at him. 
He blocks your path when you try to walk past him, why didn’t he understand what you needed right now? You hear him sigh, as if his patience with you was wearing thin. 
“Baby girl, you always do this,” he says, holding onto your shoulders to ground you, to keep you from leaving him. “You shut yourself down, you punish yourself, you push us away and then you break.”
“You can’t do that anymore sunshine,” Hoseok says standing beside you. “We’re in a relationship, we’re in this together, your pain is our pain Y/n.”
They watch you shake your head, bowing your head down so low as they hear the telltale sniffle that turns into a violent sob. Namjoon is quick to catch you in his arms, hushing your softly, stroking your hair until you calmed. All the while guilt ate him up, this was his fault, he could see it in all of their eyes as they watched you fall apart. 
The house was solemn and quiet, you had retreated upstairs to your room, Jimin staying beside you while you slept. 
“We underestimated that bitch,” Yoongi breaks the silence with what they were all thinking. They’re all scattered around the living room, Jungkook sitting deep in thought on the headrest of the sofa, Yoongi on the seat beside him. Namjoon sat opposite them with Hoseok on the armrest, Jin pacing the room slowly while Taehyung sat on the floor with his face in his hands. The black face of the TV on the wall stared at them, taunting them with what it held inside. The face broadcasted alongside yours and theirs was one that they barely remembered, but she had the audacity to be interviewed by any news outlet desperate enough for a story. They didn’t want to turn on the TV and see her face. 
“She signed an NDA,” Namjoon says, a headache forming, “we didn’t think she was going to be a problem.”
“That’s where arrogance gets us,” Jin scoffs.
“Flower worked so hard for so long,” Taehyung says quietly, mourning for you. They all knew it better than anyone. 
“We’ll fix this,” Namjoon states, he wouldn’t rest until they did. 
“Namjoon be real for a second,” Hoseok sighs, “we might not be able to fix it.”
“No company is going to take her without an agenda,” Jungkook pipes in stoically.
“Or without thinking she’s a corporate spy,” Jin agrees. 
“We can’t control everyone and everything,” Hoseok finishes, patting the lead CEO on the shoulder sympathetically. 
“And we definitely can’t ignore a problem away,” Yoongi scoffs, staring daggers into Namjoon. 
“Let’s not start this now,” Jin warns, feeling Namjoon’s guilt from a mile away.
“What does he mean?” Jungkook asks, feeling confused. 
“Namjoon’s been burning threats concerning us,” Yoongi continues accusatively. 
“We never opened those letters,” Namjoon argues back, “we don’t know what they contained.”
“Well we know now,” Yoongi says mockingly. He hated when you were upset, the feeling made his own claws unsheath, ready to tear into anyone who was held responsible. 
“We don’t know the two things are connected,” Hoseok tries to defend their lead. 
“Don’t be stupid Hobi,” Yoongi seethes, “Kitten’s whole career has gone down the drain because of us, what the fuck is she going to do if she finds out?”
“You best hope she doesn’t,” Taehyung snapped, his earlier melancholy now fueled by fear. 
“We can’t keep this from her,” Hoseok shakes his head, disregarding the point.
“She’ll hate us,” Jungkook states, terrified it would manifest before his eyes soon. 
“She’ll be angry at us,” Jin corrects him, “but we have to tell her.”
“Not now, it’s too soon,” Namjoon says quickly, his own fear warping his judgement.
“You should’ve opened one fucking letter,” Yoongi can’t let it go, all of this could’ve been avoided if it wasn’t for Namjoon’s stupid stubbornness. 
“What good is bringing that up now going to do?” Hoseok sighs again. 
“We don’t know if it’s connected!” Namjoon yells exasperated. “What we do know is Shin Suran leaked the photos and the story, and she is going to fucking pay.”
“So you’re saying the CEOs fired you because you threatened to expose their relationship to HR?” Solar, the newscaster asks her aghast. 
“Honestly, I didn’t want to expose their… relationship,” she can’t hide the disgust in her voice at the word, “but I was concerned for Y/n’s wellbeing, I thought maybe they were holding her job over her head until I found out she was only entertaining them to climb the corporate ladder.”
Both anchors were shocked, the information sending them reeling.
“I mean what self respecting young woman would sell herself like that? Y/n was never a team player, or very good at her job but somehow she was always favoured by the CEO’s. It should have been obvious really.”
“Wow, that’s a lot of information to unpack Suran,” Solar says. “Aren’t you scared of the repercussions, these are the world’s business leads you’re going up against.”
“I only want to convey the truth,” Suran lies through her teeth. “It isn’t fair that the women who have worked hard and devoted themselves to Bangtan corporations are not appreciated or given the opportunities they deserve.”
“But Miss L/n left bangtan corporations,” the other anchor Hwasa finally speaks after having watched the little snake for so long. Something didn’t sit right with her and this woman’s sickly sweet attitude, it stank of deceit and she wasn’t blind to it. 
“I have it on good information that she was sent to spy on the competition,” Suran’s eyes narrow, not liking her tone of voice. 
“That’s a wild allegation,” Hwasa replies, every bit the professional. “I hope you have the evidence to back it up.”
“Bangtan corporations are under serious investigation after allegations of corporate espionage came from their former employee…”
She smiles at the screen plating in front of her, the chaos unravelling in so many wonderful ways. The Sun was shining despite the winter air, how many interviews could she fit into one day? Many it seemed, and while the day was over there was always tomorrow to cause more havoc to your life. Now she would sit and bask in the TV light, watching all of her fire ignite. 
She had only gotten cosy when the doorbell rang to her little flat, groaning as she went to the door to answer it.
“Shin Suran?”
The three piece suit should give away something serious was in the brown paper envelope in his hands but she couldn’t bring herself to show any respect to the figure. She sneered and rolled her eyes, this man might’ve looked intimidating but she was currently on a high from ruining your life, nothing was going to bring her power trip down.
“Wi HaJoon,” he continues in the absence of a greeting, handing her the envelope. “You’ve been served.”
“What?” That elicits a reaction out of her, for some reason she didn’t even contemplate there would be consequences for her actions, deluded into thinking she was untouchable.
“You’re being sued for stalking, defamation and breaking the nondisclosure agreement you signed.”
That wasn’t part of her plan, her jaw drops to the ground and she realises maybe she played her cards all wrong. In the violent web of wanting to destroy your life she didn’t realise all her defences were gone. Maybe he was right after all.
When you wake up, the sun begins to set and Jimin’s warmth engulfs you. The feeling is comforting but fleeting, unfortunately real life problems don’t fade just because you’re in his arms. You wanted to bury yourself in his hold, have him take everything away until you were ready to deal with it. Jungkook’s favourite grey sweatshirt swallows you whole, his smell calming your senses, you try to focus on it when your mind tries to swim through the thoughts that wanted you to drown. 
The door creaks open, two figures cautiously peaking in whispering to themselves. When Tae notices you’re awake he takes a seat beside you, caressing your cheek in his palm gently, his thumb soothing your skin. His eyes are downtrodden.
Jungkook kneels on the floor next to you, taking your hand in his and covering it with hard kisses, resting his cheek where they intertwined.
You try to get up but Jimin beside you grumbles in discontent, shuffling closer mumbling something under his breath without opening his eyes. A chaste kiss to your shoulder where the fabric hangs off your skin, lets you know he’s awake but refusing to let you go. The gesture brings a small but genuine smile to your face, one that turns into confusion as the commotion downstairs gets louder.
The younger two give each other knowing glances, one you don’t miss.
“What’s going on?” You ask, voice still hoarse from crying.
The hesitation in both of them fills you with dread. Did something else happen? 
“They’re just trying to sort things out bunny,” Jungkook tries to reassure you, “it’s nothing to worry about.”
Despite Taehyung not wanting you to find out, something sickened him at the idea of keeping secrets from you. He knew how the truth always found its way out, and he knew if you didn’t hear it from them, it would have worse repercussions. 
“Tae?” you could see a storm in his eyes, a battle between the loyalty to the others and his love for you. 
“The hyungs…” he hesitates, Jimin now fully awake and sitting up at his deep uncertain tone. 
Jungkook looks at him imploring him not to say it yet, it was going to be too much to deal with so soon after this morning. You grab Jimin’s arm, pulling yourself up closer to Taehyung who now avoided your gaze.
“Guys what’s going on?”
“I’ve been here with you,” Jimin mumbles half asleep, his hair a soft mess on his head. 
“Kookie?” you turn to the youngest who bites his lips nervously, doe eyes begging you not to ask him. 
“You’re worrying me,” your nerves were shot, the trauma from this morning making you beyond paranoid. What could be worse than this morning, what weren’t they telling you. 
“Jimin, Jungkook and I didn’t know,” Taehyung starts slowly, not wanting to put his hyung’s under the bus but he wasn’t going to let them shoulder the blame when they were innocent. Plus when this was over he had a feeling you would ostracise the older four for a while, he couldn’t handle being a part of that. 
“Didn’t know what?” you ask tentatively, urging him to continue.
“I still don’t know,” Jimin grumbles, getting annoyed with the suspense. 
“Namjoon Hyung has been getting letters,” Jungkook says when Taehyung pauses for too long. He sighs, cursing the hyung’s for keeping this from you when he knew the betrayal would crush you. 
“What letters?” 
Something ticks in Jimin’s brain, his sleep filled eyes going wide with realisation. The other day in the office, when the hyung’s went solemn, it was to do with that?
“We think…” Taehyung tries not to stumble over his words, “they were threats, about you or us, but we don’t know because…”
Threats? You’re sent reeling, did Namjoon know this was coming? And he did nothing to warn you, or confide in you?
“Because what?” you breathe, your voice heavy, eyes watering as your thoughts ran away from you. Jimin places an arm around your shoulders, trying to soothe you.
“He burned the letters before he opened them,” Jungkook finishes, feeling a deep rooted shame for his favourite hyung, and for selling him out. 
Jimin calls after you as you throw the covers off of you, storming downstairs to confront the men hiding things from you. 
“You’ve been getting threats and you didn’t tell me?” 
They startle at your accusation, as right as it was, the four of them confounded until the younger three stumble in behind you. All four hyungs glance at them disgruntled and disappointed, this was not the way to handle things, the thought was hypocritical but justified in their minds. 
“You didn’t tell me?” Your teary eyes pierce Yoongi with so much sadness, of all of them you never expected him to keep it from you, and for some reason it stung the worst.
“Kitten,” he tries reaching out to you, a vulnerable edge to his voice. He would let you scratch and claw at him until you were satisfied, anything to keep you from looking at him like that again. 
“Babygirl it’s my fault,” Namjoon sighs, taking the edge of his hyung and shouldering all the blame. “I told them not to.”
You turn back to him with anger in your eyes.
“Namjoon you’re the lead at work but that doesn’t make you the lead in this relationship,” you snap. “You had no right to keep this from me!”
“I know,” he says, his voice small.
“How long have you been getting these letters?” You ask and he hangs his head in shame. 
“Months…” he replies, “since you left the company.”
You stare at him appalled and it wounds him.
“You have the gall to tell me how to behave in this relationship Kim Namjoon,” Your voice is strained through the onslaught of angry tears. “And you keep this from me?”
“I didn’t know what the letters said,” he says as an excuse, and he knows it’s a feeble one. 
You shake your head in disbelief.
“I thought you of all people would get it Joonie,” the way your voice breaks cuts through him with shame. “You built everything from the ground up, I admired you long before I loved you. So how the hell could you play with my future like this?”
“Baby girl that was never my intention,” he begs you to understand him now, that he didn’t behave nonchalant with a potential threat, he thought he was doing what was best. 
“It doesn’t matter what your intention was! There was a clear right and wrong, and you know it.”
He bows his head again, you were right, he disrespected you when he didn’t discuss the letters with you, you should’ve made the decision together as to what to do with them. But in his heart he thought he was protecting you, protecting your peace and happiness, but all of that was a bubble set to burst.
“We don’t know that it’s connected beautiful,” Jin steps in between you, speaking as softly as he can knowing you were full of rage and sorrow, but he watched Namjoon take the blow and needed to shield him a little. 
“We don’t know that it’s not,” you argued back. “We have no way of knowing, because instead of talking to me about something unpleasant, you guys decided to bury it.”
“Sunshine, I get that you’re upset-” Hoseok tries but the look of incredulous shock shuts him up.
“Upset?” you repeat, the strain in your voice carrying tears. “Everything I worked for, all my dreams, are gone.” 
It was a struggle to get out every word, having to take a breath between each one, but you were determined to. 
“No company is going to employ me, even if they do I’ll be subjugated to whispers and isolation and we know how that worked out last time.”
You sniffle, wiping your nose and tears with your sleeve. You wanted to appear strong but you were breaking down, didn’t they understand what they had done? Didn’t they care? Or were they so comfortable in their gold seats so far above you they forgot about their struggles on the way there?
“I didn’t join your company to seduce you, I wanted to work hard and make something of myself, maybe start my own company one day, but all of that is gone.”
“Kitten,” Yoongi dares himself to try again, to console you even if you pushed him away. He walks over to you, remembering all the times you seeked him out for comfort. It used to confound the others, how Mr Stoic Stone was the one that you reached for, and even though it was unusual for him to step into those shoes, with you it came so naturally. He wanted to be the one you searched for when you needed soothing, he never wanted to lose that connection he built with you, ever. He knew it was a privilege, one he never took for granted.
He hates the way you look at him now, it breaks his heart, those watering eyes showing how truly hurt you were while you tried to control the trembling of your bottom lip, tried to look strong in front of him. 
“Whatever you think is gone, we can rebuild,” he takes your face in his hands, kissing the top of your head softly before looking into your eyes. “I am so sorry for not telling you, but I promise you whatever dreams you had will come true. It's just going to suck for a while and that’s our fault.” 
“We know better than anyone how hard you work sunshine,” Hoseok smiles at you sadly, regretting not telling you. 
“If you want a company babygirl, we’ll get you a company,” Namjoon’s own voice thick with remorse. “Whatever you want.”
“There’s enough space in the office for another desk,” Jimin tries to lighten the mood with a teasing lilt to his voice, but he’s not joking at all. “No one would dare to whisper about our angel CEO.”
You shake your head, removing Yoongi’s hold on you. They didn’t get it. You’ve worked for everything you had, it was how you had always been. You didn’t want to be handed a title you didn’t earn, or have your powerful boyfriends buy positions for you. 
“Why would that be such a bad idea, beautiful?” Jin asks softly. “You’re more than capable.”
“I don’t need anyone thinking I slept my way to the top,” you scoff. 
“Who cares what other people think, Kitten?” Yoongi sighs. “No one can deny you deserve a CEO position.”
You shake your head again, breathes of humourless laughter escaping your lips. They really didn’t get it. It was so easy to say that when you were untouchable to people’s words. 
“You guys made the decision by yourselves to keep this from me,” you state, not looking at them but to the ground. “My career has nothing to do with you, whatever happens next is my choice.”
“You don’t have the right Yoongi,” you try to keep the anger out of your voice. “None of you do right now. I need to figure this out alone.”
“Are you breaking up with us?” Jungkook asks in a panic, not moving from the doorway, he would block your exit, he would fall to his knees and beg you to stay. 
“No,” you reassure him with a syllable. “I love you, I always will, I’m just angry right now.”
“And you have every right to be,” Namjoon agrees solemnly. 
“I just have one last thing on my mind,” you frown, an obvious question was left unanswered. 
You face Namjoon, knowing he would hold the answer.
“You destroyed the letters before opening them,” it’s not a question but it sounds like one. 
He nods, wondering where you were going with this. 
“So how did you know they were threats?”
He hesitates, trying to build up the courage to tell you how he knew exactly who they were from. 
“The return address,” Jin answers for him. “It was from the penitentiary.”
The realisation hits you, and for some reason it makes the whole situation so much worse. The accusation in your eyes returns as you gaze at Namjoon. He knew exactly what he was dealing with when he got rid of those letters, and looking at you now he knew he would have to beg for your forgiveness. 
Bonus scene flashback:
Dear Kim Namjoon,
You haven’t responded to the last 6 letters I have sent, so either you’re not taking me seriously, or you haven’t read a single one. Both choices are not in anyone’s best interest, I don’t think you realise the situation you’ve put me in, I have nothing to lose. 
The deadline is approaching for you to transfer the funds and secure my release. I am not spending years in jail because of your jealousy. Enclosed are copies of the images I will release to the media, I bet you’re wondering how I was able to get these when you locked me away. 
It seems I’m not the only one you thought you could cross and toss away. For your sake, I hope you make the right choice.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Alexander Pettyfer
“They haven’t responded to a single one of your stupid letters, what makes you think they will now?” Suran scoffs at the news that he sent another. 
“Just be patient,” he replies, the usually clean cut male looking rugged and rough. “We need something out of this other than just ruining their lives.”
“Look, the images I got are proof enough about what that whore is doing, I say we release them.”
“Not yet!” The rise in his voice gets the guards attention, and he takes a deep breath to calm down. Stupid woman didn’t know when to listen, it was unfortunate that he had to use her, although he should count his blessings the day she came and visited for the first time with an idea to take the CEOs down. 
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baekhyunsbestie · 1 month
♡⸝⸝ sparks and vows (bbh series!) ⊹。°˖➴
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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧♡₊˚ pic credit ♡ song・₊✧♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧🥂
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 pairing: soloist!baekhyun x unnamed female o/c (y/n) 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 content: 18+/MDNI. smut, romance, wedding!au, angst, fluff, exos and o/c's, pussy whipped baek, ex-playboy baek, ceo nepo baby reader, smut (tbh probs every chapter), language, scenes with alcohol +/or smoking throughout story, pretty tame tho tbh!!! 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 summary: at his best friend's lavish engagement party, world-famous idol baekhyun, notorious for his flirtatious nature and carefree approach to relationships, finds himself unexpectedly intrigued by (y/n), an heiress to a prominent hotel empire. who is also newly single after calling off her own engagement due to infidelity. when baekhyun and (y/n) meet, sparks fly instantly. in a whirlwind of emotions and social expectations, baekhyun and (y/n) explore the depths of their connection, challenging their perceptions of love and commitment. 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 wc: 5,700+ 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 a/n: idk if this is lame but every chapter is gonna be named after a song that kinda captures the essence/inspo of it :') i'll be linking the song next to the pic credits just like how it's formatted above!! also idk how many parts this fic is gonna be??? maybe 3? maybe 5? who knows. who cares. this is all just for fun anyway! but anyways, enjoyyyyyy hope you like it <3 if u hate it don't tell me pls i will cry
s&v | mlist | ★ ch.1: locked out of heaven ★ | next | ch 3
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in a sprawling, modern home, its floor-to-ceiling windows allow soft, natural light to fill the space and beautifully capture the colors of the setting sun. the open floor plan seamlessly connects the living room, dining area, and kitchen together. the large floor-to-ceiling sliding doors cast open to where the party spills out into the spacious backyard, where additional floral arrangements and twinkling string lights create a magical atmosphere.
everywhere you look inside and out, there are stunning floral displays, with elegant bouquets of roses, peonies, and lilies in tall vases, and smaller arrangements of wildflowers and greenery scattered across tables. servers move gracefully through the crowd, offering trays of delicate appetizers.
the atmosphere is lively, with guests chatting animatedly as they mill about, glasses of sparkling wine in hand. laughter and conversation echo throughout the space, creating a warm, festive ambiance. the guests, a mix of family and close friends are clearly excited, stealing glances toward the grand staircase at the far end of the room. they’re all waiting for the moment when the true guests of honor, the newly engaged couple, make their entrance.
baekhyun stands near the corner of the bustling room, a glass of something fizzy and forgettable clutched in his right hand, the left in the pocket of his sleek black slacks purposely bought for this occassion. the ring on his middle finger clashes lightly against the glass as he brings it to his lips, the sound barely audible over the hum of conversation buzzing all around him. the two equally well-dressed men in front of him have shifted their discussion to recent global news, one of them gesturing animatedly as he shares the latest headlines. baekhyun nods occasionally, but his attention is elsewhere. the guests of honor were supposed to arrive 30 minutes ago, and the delay is starting to test his patience.
he tunes in just long enough to catch a snippet about how apparently all the giant pandas around the world, including the ones in zoos, technically belong to China. he can’t help but smirk at the randomness of it, but his interest fades quickly. his mind is preoccupied, his eyes flicking occasionally toward the grand staircase at the far end of the room, where the newly engaged couple is expected to make their entrance.
as he listens with half an ear, the impatience gnawing at him, the murmur in the room suddenly quiets. the couple has finally arrived. baekhyun straightens up, his expression softening into a proud smile as he watches his best friend and his new fiancée step into the room, looking radiant and happy.
as the couple receives a warm and lively welcome from the crowd, baekhyun's attention shifts to a captivating woman who enters just behind them. his smile falters, replaced by a flicker of curiosity. who is she? his gaze lingers, captivated and intrigued. the party may be just beginning, but for baekhyun, the night has already taken an unexpected turn.
the crown jewel of the lee family’s hotel empire. (y/n), the heiress to the vast fortune, moved with effortless grace. her presence commanded attention, not just because of her family's status but because of the aura of confidence and allure she exuded. behind the poised facade, there was an air of detachment, as if the world around her was just a beautifully constructed stage.
the instant baekhyun lays his eyes on her walking down the stairs, he is captivated. her figure embodying a perfect balance, each curve and line harmonizing effortlessly. she moved with such natural grace that he couldn't help but be irresistibly drawn to her. the gentle slope of her shoulders, the elegant taper of her waist—every part of her silhouette was a living masterpiece. he found himself utterly smitten, unable to look away, completely entranced by the quiet confidence and natural beauty she exuded with every step.
her smile was effortless, and magnetic, drawing people to her like moths to a flame. baekhyun watches as she glides making her rounds in the crowd, exchanging warm greetings and laughs that seem to resonate long after she's moved on. it’s clear to him that she's well-liked, the kind of person who doesn’t just walk into a room but lights it up. his heart began to beat faster, not with anxiety, but excitement—a thrill akin to a lion hunting its prey. he couldn’t help but plot in his mind the different ways he could draw her closer, the tantalizing thought of getting her into his bed tonight pulsing in the back of his mind.
baekhyun's thoughts and predatory-like gaze were interrupted when the taller man beside nudged his arm and spoke, "geez, baek. if you keep your mouth open any longer, you'll catch a fly."
baekhyun's friends scan the crowd and spot who he has his eyes set on and it doesn't take them long to put two and two together.
the short one makes his realization audible before he goes, "it seems baekhyun's got his eye on dinner already," his tone playful.
this isn't out of character for him. with more than a decade of friendship, the two men beside baekhyun know him more than they know themselves. they know that he is well-known and charismatic with women, using his flirtatious and vibrant personality to get what he wants from them.
baekhyun’s had his fair share of relationships—though calling them that might be a stretch. they typically fizzled out within a few months, more like passionate flings or fleeting encounters than genuine connections, and often ended badly. the common thread was his tendency to put in minimal effort outside the bedroom.
he just didn't have the time and energy to be in a fully committed relationship. with the demanding schedule of being a best-selling solo artist—tours, press, interviews, photoshoots— where would he have time to settle down?
they say heavy is the head that wears the crown, and lately, baekhyun’s crown feels like it's too much for his shoulders to bear.
as much as he enjoyed sex, his career, money, and—most importantly—his independence always came first. he liked things just the way they were: simple, uncomplicated, and with no strings attached. in other words, his love life was exactly how he wanted it—non-existent.
a smile tugs at baekhyun's lips as he realizes he's been caught. "i have no idea what you’re talking about, jongdae," he lies smoothly, before downing the rest of his glass. the now lukewarm champagne burns slightly as it slides down his throat.
"you know (y/n) is hana's best friend, right?" the tall man asks baekhyun, “sorry to burst your balls but i'm pretty sure she's off limits."
he stays quiet as he takes a mental note of the mystery woman's name.
"hate to admit it, but chanyeol’s got a point," jongdae says, fiddling with the opulent watch on his left wrist. "you know kyungsoo, not to mention hana, will absolutely have your head if you even think about messing with her best friend."
well fuck, he thinks to himself resigning before the game even began. just then, a server with a silver platter of champagne weaves through the crowd toward him. he casually places his empty glass on the tray and swaps it for a fresh one.
"what’s got baekhyun pouting like that?" a voice asks from behind. baekhyun glances at the two men with a look that clearly says, "don’t say shit."
the three of them turn to see the couple of the hour—kyungsoo, hand in hand with his fiancée, hana. "thank you so much for being here," hana gushes, embracing each of them warmly. "i still can’t believe you three managed to keep this party—let alone kyungsoo’s proposal—a secret!" she adds, her smile bright and infectious.
baekhyun takes in how beautiful and happy the couple in front of him looks, their love almost palpable in the air. they complemented each other well. for a moment, a pang of jealousy hits him—jealous of the connection they share, jealous because he’s never come close to feeling that way. but more than jealousy, he feels overwhelming happiness and pride for his best friend in finding his very own person.
"hey! we can be trustworthy," chanyeol whines, clutching his hand over his heart as if her words were an arrow struck through his chest.
"oh, chanyeol, always the drama queen. give it a rest, will you?" hana rolls her eyes. "i never said you guys weren’t trustworthy, just that you can’t keep your mouths shut. it’s hard to believe you didn’t let it slip around me—especially you, chanyeol," she says his name through gritted teeth, landing a playful punch on his shoulder. "how could my own big brother keep such a secret from me?!"
her fiancé and his friends laugh at their usual sibling banter. chanyeol rubs his arm, trying to soothe the sting. "whatever! what about (y/n)? she knew this whole time too—how come you're not giving her a hard time?!"
hana rolls her eyes with a smile before saying, "don't worry. i gave her an earful on the car ride here."
"did i hear my name?" a smooth, honeyed voice seemed to stir baekhyun's entire world.
there she was. baekhyun’s eyes were drawn to the most stunning woman in the room—perhaps the most beautiful he had ever seen.
"i was wondering why my ears feel like they've been on fire since walking in."
her joking remark sent a jolt of paranoia through baekhyun, causing him to choke on his drink. his ears and neck flushed red with embarrassment. "shit, excuse me," he muttered, clearing his throat and awkwardly patting his lips with the back of his hand.
his friends exchanged puzzled glances, clearly bemused by baekhyun's sudden and uncharacteristic behavior, while (y/n) appeared unfazed, her attention drifting around the party. desperate to recover, baekhyun cleared his throat and blurted out, "i don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting." he extended his hand with an attempt at casual charm. "i’m baekhyun."
jolted from her seemingly indifferent survey of the room, (y/n) turned her attention back to him, her smile lighting up her face with charming dimples on each cheek. holy shit, she was stunning. “oh, hi! i know you—you're an idol, right? i’m (y/n).”
his stomach did a flip when he realized how perfectly her soft, warm hand fit into his. trying to steady himself, he lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. while most girls might have blushed and swooned at the gesture, she simply looked at him with a matter-of-fact expression and asked, “wow, dude. why is your hand shaking?”
the swell of pride he felt from her recognition deflated instantly at her candid response.
the group of friends erupted in laughter at her question, and baekhyun’s face turned crimson. he knew he would never hear the end of it later.
baekhyun chuckled softly before leaning in, his voice dropping to a playful whisper in one last attempt to save this undeniably awkward first encounter. “well, forgive me, it’s not every day you meet a billionaire heiress. especially one as breathtakingly stunning as you.”
the others erupted in playful whoops and whistles, teasing them about their flirtatious exchange. (y/n) rolled her eyes, a smirk dancing on her lips. her gaze remained inscrutable, as though she was still contemplating baekhyun’s intentions. she was the first to break eye contact, glancing at the rest of the group before declaring, “well then, let’s get drunk and celebrate the happy couple, shall we?”
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
baekhyun and (y/n) found themselves naturally gravitating toward each other throughout the night, their laughter echoing louder with each shared joke. It wasn’t long before they realized how much they had in common—their sense of humor was almost identical, both loving the same quirky, offbeat memes and inside jokes that left others in the dark.
the party buzzed with energy, everyone around them having a great time, but even in the midst of all the fun, their friends couldn’t help but notice how well Baekhyun and (y/n) clicked. there were curious glances and whispered comments about how it was surprising they hadn’t been introduced sooner. it was like they were made to be in each other’s orbit.
their likes and dislikes synced up too, from their mutual love for late-night snacks to their shared disdain for overly serious conversations at parties. every time their eyes met, it was as if they were sharing a secret that only they understood.
as the night wore on, the magnetic pull between them became impossible to ignore. there was a spark, an undeniable attraction that seemed to draw them closer with every shared laugh and knowing glance. it wasn’t just the fun they were having—it was the way they seemed to fit together so effortlessly, like two pieces of a puzzle that had finally clicked into place.
the connection was electric, and their friends noticed it too, exchanging knowing looks and silently wondering if something more might be brewing between the two. for baekhyun and (y/n), the attraction grew stronger with every moment, leaving them both questioning if this was just a fleeting connection or the start of something much bigger.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
“(y/n)!” hana calls out to her best friend, relieved to finally find her without a tipsy baekhyun hanging on. “how’s it going?” she asks in a playful, sing-song voice. "you and baekhyun are actually kinda hot together.”
(y/n) grins, a little unsteady on her feet. “he’s adorable, right? tell me what you know about him.”
“well…” hana drags out the word, thinking. “he’s not really the serious type. but he’s been tight with kyungsoo for, like, forever. from what i’ve seen, baekhyun’s a good guy—just not into commitment. definitely a charmer, though, especially with the ladies.”
(y/n) silently processes hana’s words, her drunken smile fading just a bit.
“look,” hana continues, her tone softening. “i know you’re having fun, and you deserve it—you never let loose like this. but just… be careful. i don’t want you to get hurt again.”
(y/n) kisses hana on the cheek before wrapping her in a warm hug. “thanks for watching out for me. i love you.”
“i love you too, dummy,” hana replies with a warm smile, her eyes filled with protectiveness and worry. “just remember, (y/n), you’ve got to put yourself and your happiness first.”
(y/n) nods at her best friend, sweetly promising, “i know, i will.”
hana wipes the cheek (y/n) kissed with the back of her hand, playfully grimacing. “ugh, you always try to make out with me when you’re drunk.”
“how could i resist? you’re just so kissable,” (y/n) teases, puckering her lips at hana.
as kyungsoo and baekhyun, now within earshot, glance over with raised eyebrows, (y/n) catches sight of them and playfully narrows her eyes.
“you perverts would listen in during that specific part of the conversation,” she teases, her tone dripping with mock accusation.
kyungsoo feigns innocence, holding up his hands. “hey, we just happened to walk by at the right—or maybe wrong—time.”
baekhyun grins mischievously. “not our fault you’re talking about things that sound way more interesting than whatever the guys were chatting about.”
hana smirks at the two men. “you’re just jealous you weren’t invited to the ‘girls' night’ makeout sessions.”
the four of them burst into laughter at her remark.
the thought of the two women kissing flashes through baekhyun’s mind, stirring him up. shaking off the distraction, he grins and says, “oh, definitely jealous. if you ever feel like extending an invite for next time, that’d be greatly appreciated.” he gives (y/n) a playful wink.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
the party was still going strong, and (y/n) and baekhyun were lingering near the snack table, where baekhyun was helping her fix a small plate of hors d'oeuvres.
“here, try this one,” baekhyun said, handing her a delicate canapé. “it’s amazing.”
(y/n) took a bite, her eyes lighting up with delight. “wow, this is incredible! thank you.”
baekhyun chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “you know, you owe me now.”
(y/n) shot him a confused look, one eyebrow arched. “owe you? for what exactly?”
(y/n) chuckled softly, shaking her head. “a proper date for some appetizers i probably would’ve eaten anyway? are you really trying to cash in on this?”
“absolutely,” baekhyun replied with a playful grin. if you compared a photo of him at that moment to one of a puppy, you might struggle to tell them apart. “i think it’s only fair. you get to enjoy the best snacks at a party, and i get to enjoy your company on a date.”
(y/n) considered his proposition, her smile softening. “that’s quite a deal you’re offering."
baekhyun’s smile widened. “it is, isn’t it? so, what do you say? are you up for it?”
(y/n) took a moment, her gaze meeting his. the playful glint in his eyes and the genuine warmth in his voice made it hard to resist.
she thought for a moment. really thought about it. would it be too soon for her?
it had been a few months since (y/n) and daniel called off their engagement, but it felt like no time at all compared to the years they had spent together. they had been promised to each other for as long as they could remember. as heirs to two wealthy and powerful families, their betrothal seemed only natural. their families often joked that (y/n) had been promised to daniel since she was still in her mother’s womb, while daniel was just learning to walk.
daniel had been her safe haven, her first kiss, and her first love. despite everything looking perfect on paper, their teenage romance had evolved into something dull and monotonous. they realized they didn’t have much in common, and the spark in their relationship had faded, which eventually led to his infidelity.
initially, the betrayal felt like an insurmountable obstacle, leaving her wondering if she’d ever truly move on. but through countless tears, deep self-reflection, and the unwavering support of her family—and most importantly, her best friend hana—she began to see that she didn't really blame him. they had both been caught up in meeting their families' expectations, often at the expense of their own desires.
fortunately, the pain has lessened considerably for her. now, when she reflects on it, she's more overwhelmed by the disgust and regret over having wasted her youth on someone she didn't truly love. she despises half-hearted efforts in life and has come to realize that the person and relationship she once deemed most important were ultimately superficial.
before she could politely decline his offer, hana's voice echoed through her mind: just remember, (y/n), you’ve got to put yourself and your happiness first.
“alright,” she said at last, her voice warm and genuine. “you’ve got yourself a date,” she replied with a smile.
baekhyun’s eyes sparkled with excitement, and a relieved sigh escaped his lips as his shoulders relaxed. “perfect. i’ll make sure it’s worth every bite of that canapé.”
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
after countless rounds of shots and a few too many drinking games, the party was finally winding down. baekhyun and (y/n) ended up in one of the lounge areas in kyungsoo’s backyard, nursing bottles of water in an effort to sober up. the market lights twinkled softly overhead, their warm glow mixing with the stars above to create a gentle, romantic ambiance around them.
i have to admit," baekhyun murmured, his voice soft as he leaned in closer, a blush spreading across his cheeks from the alcohol. (y/n)'s gaze traced the pink hue creeping down his ears and neck, her thoughts drifting to how enticing he looked in the dim light. she imagined her lips lightly brushing against his neck, the smell of his cologne and sweat from the summer heat making her heart thump.
at the same time, baekhyun's eyes locked onto (y/n)'s, his heart racing as he took in her breathtaking proximity. he was caught off guard, his mind betraying him with a flood of desire. he didn’t want her to feel like just another conquest, but resisting the urge was becoming increasingly difficult. "i never thought I’d meet someone who could make me feel both nervous and tipsy at the same time."
(y/n) arched an eyebrow, a teasing smirk tugging at her lips. "is that your way of saying you're not usually this charming?"
baekhyun laughed loudly, his eyes dancing with mischief. “oh, (y/n), i’m always this charming. it’s just tonight I'm competing with an open bar.”
she laughs, lifting her water to her lips. "hana was right about you."
"was she now?" he replies, intrigued. "and what did our dear hana have to say?"
"that you make all the girls swoon," (y/n) teased rolling her eyes with a smile.
he leans in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "and am i? making you swoon?"
"what would you do if i said you were?"
his face inches closer to hers, their breaths mingling. "then i’d ask if you wanted to get out of here."
her mind spins, heart hammering in her chest as a whirlwind of thoughts crash over her—one voice warns her to keep her distance, to not fall for his charm, while another urges her to take the risk, to seize the moment. she’s only ever known the safety of her ex-fiancé, but a part of her always believed there was more to her. hidden beneath the reliable, conservative exterior was someone different—someone who yearned for excitement, for the thrill of the unknown.
which voice would she listen to?
the silence lingers, and baekhyun stiffens, the tension between them thickening with each passing second. she notices the flicker of insecurity in his eyes and, before she can second-guess herself, makes her choice.
"then ask me," she finally whispers, her voice steady despite her racing heart. "ask me to get out of here."
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
they ended up at baekhyun’s nearby apartment, a spacious yet cozy and stylish retreat that perfectly mirrored his warm personality. the atmosphere was intimate, bathed in soft lighting and a soothing, gentle ambiance. as the door closed behind them, the tension in the air was palpable, almost tangible.
baekhyun intertwined his fingers with (y/n)’s, guiding her gently back against the wall. they shared a lingering, passionate kiss that spoke volumes without words. “i’ve been wanting to do that all night,” baekhyun murmured, his breath warm against (y/n)’s lips, his hand cradling her chin.
“you took your sweet time,” she teased, her playful smile making baekhyun’s eyes light up with admiration.
baekhyun guided (y/n) further into his apartment, leading her towards the kitchen. with a grin, he uncorked a fresh bottle of wine and poured it into two elegant glasses as she settled onto a stool at the sleek marble island directly across from him.
“just so you know,” he said, handing her a glass, “this isn’t quite the ‘proper date’ i had in mind earlier.”
(y/n) raised an eyebrow, her curiosity growing. “oh, really? what’s your idea of a ‘proper date’?”
baekhyun’s smile widened as he moved to sit on the empty stool right next to her, his touch warm and reassuring as he gently caressed her arm. “let’s just say it involves more than just good wine and a cozy setting. i’m talking about something a bit more adventurous, maybe a little unexpected.”
as he spoke, he leaned in and pressed a light, teasing kiss to her cheek. (y/n) giggles at the gesture, her cheeks flushing with warmth. “well, if this is just a preview, you’ve definitely piqued my curiosity.”
with a playful grin, baekhyun took her hand, his thumb brushing softly against her skin. “you know, i’ve always believed that the best dates are the ones that keep you guessing.”
their eyes locked, and in a moment of shared flirtation, baekhyun leaned in for a quick, unexpected kiss on her lips before she had a chance to respond. (y/n) blinked in surprise but couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.
they continued talking, but each pause in the conversation was filled with light touches and lingering glances. baekhyun would occasionally brush his fingers through her hair or lightly graze her shoulder, sending sparks of electricity through both of them. (y/n) would respond with teasing remarks and playful nudges, her fingers occasionally finding their way to his arm or chest.
the night continued with their flirtatious banter and affectionate touches, each kiss and gentle caress adding to the undeniable chemistry between them. as they talked and laughed, it was clear that the connection they were building was both magnetic and incredibly promising. the warmth and chemistry between them grew stronger with each passing minute. they talked about their favorite things, shared personal stories, and discovered even more common interests.
baekhyun and (y/n) eventually move onto the living room sofa, nestled closely, their bodies pressed close together. the playful teasing from earlier had transformed into more meaningful touches and lingering glances. the connection they shared felt electric, and every brush of their skin sent shivers of anticipation through both of them.
their conversation had softened into hushed tones, filled with flirtatious whispers and soft laughter. the wine bottle had long been emptied, and the atmosphere in the room grew increasingly intimate. their earlier inhibitions had melted away, replaced by a palpable desire that simmered between them.
baekhyun’s hand wandered to (y/n)’s waist, his fingers tracing gentle patterns against her skin. he leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear. “what are you thinking about?” he asked softly, his voice laced with a hint of anticipation.
(y/n) turned her head slightly, her lips brushing against baekhyun’s ear as she whispered, “i’m thinking about how amazing tonight has been… and how much i want to be closer to you.”
his breath caught at her words, and he looked into her eyes, seeing the same desire reflected back at him. slowly, he closed the distance between them, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. the kiss was slow at first, exploratory, but quickly grew more urgent as their desire for each other became undeniable.
baekhyun’s hands roamed over (y/n)’s back, pulling her closer until they were pressed together, their bodies fitting seamlessly. he gently guided her to straddle his lap, his hands sliding up her sides, pulling her shirt slightly out of place. the feeling of her skin against his sent waves of pleasure through both of them.
(y/n) responded eagerly, her hands slipping under baekhyun’s shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin. she kissed him deeply, her lips moving against his with increasing fervor. the room seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them wrapped in a cocoon of desire.
as their kisses became more heated, baekhyun’s hands slid down to the hem of her shirt, lifting it slowly. he pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, his expression filled with longing and affection. “are you sure you want this?” he asked, his voice husky with emotion.
(y/n) nodded, her eyes filled with desire. “yes, i want you. i want this.”
baekhyun wasted no time guiding (y/n) to his bedroom. the soft glow of the bedside lamps created a romantic ambiance, casting a warm, inviting light over the room. baekhyun’s gaze was filled with affection and longing as he slowly closed the door behind them, his hands lingering on (y/n)’s hips.
they took their time, their actions a blend of curiosity and tenderness. baekhyun’s fingers traced delicate patterns along (y/n)’s arms, while her hands explored the contours of his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her fingertips. each touch, each caress, was both an exploration and an expression of their growing intimacy.
baekhyun led (y/n) to the bed with a gentle but insistent pull. he kissed her deeply, their mouths moving together in a slow, passionate dance. as he began to undress her, he took great care, his fingers brushing over her skin with reverent touches. his kisses traveled from her lips to her neck, his breath hot and eager as he peppered her skin with soft, teasing kisses.
(y/n) responded with equal passion, her hands working to remove his clothing, her touches becoming bolder as she felt the heat of his body against hers. she guided him gently, exploring the contours of his muscles and the warmth of his skin with both hands and lips.
with a nod of understanding, baekhyun’s lips curved into a soft, reassuring smile. he positioned himself carefully, his touch tender as he guided himself to her entrance. the anticipation in the room was almost tangible, the air thick with their shared longing.
as he entered her, the sensation was electric, a feeling so intense and profound that it was as if a whole new world had been born. the connection between them was immediate and overwhelming, each movement bringing a rush of pleasure that seemed to transcend the physical.
baekhyun’s eyes closed in pure ecstasy as he felt the warmth and tightness of (y/n) enveloping him. the sensation was so overwhelming that his first thought was a mix of fear and embarrassment at the possibility of reaching his climax too soon.
he moved slowly at first, savoring the sensation and the incredible closeness they now shared. (y/n) gasped, her body arching slightly as she felt him inside her, the sensation almost too intense to put into words.
everything outside faded away, leaving just the two of them in this moment of pure connection. every touch, every thrust felt like a discovery, with each new sensation deepening their bond. their movements turned into a passionate dance, each glance and touch strengthening their connection even more.
the bedroom was filled with the soft sounds of their shared breaths and whispered words, each movement between them a careful balance of passion and tenderness. they took their time, savoring every moment, every kiss, every touch, as they were discovering each other for the first time.
for (y/n), this was her first time since her recent breakup with her ex-fiancée. the memory of her past relationship lingered like a shadow, but as baekhyun’s hands roamed over her body and his lips met hers, she found herself lost in a different kind of connection. she had thought she knew what good sex was, but what she experienced with baekhyun was otherworldly.
their bodies moved together with a natural rhythm, each touch sending waves of pleasure that were both intense and unfamiliar. the connection they shared was electric, and the intimacy they felt transcended anything she had experienced before. baekhyun’s touch was gentle yet passionate, each kiss and caress amplifying the pleasure they gave each other.
the bed seemed to dissolve into a world of its own, the outside world fading away as they became enveloped in their shared passion. as their bodies rocked together, the intensity of their movements and the depth of their connection created a sensation that was nothing short of incredible.
(y/n) felt an overwhelming sense of amazement, her previous experiences dwarfed by the sheer bliss she was now experiencing with baekhyun. each moment was filled with the kind of pleasure that seemed to transcend physical sensation, merging with an emotional intimacy that left her breathless and wanting more.
as the intensity between them built, their movements became more urgent and synchronized. baekhyun’s breaths grew heavier, matching the quickening pace of their bodies moving together. the pleasure was palpable, a crescendo of sensations that was drawing them closer to the edge.
(y/n) felt every touch, every thrust with an intensity that left her breathless. her hands gripped baekhyun’s shoulders, her nails digging in slightly as waves of pleasure washed over her. each deep, penetrating movement brought her closer to the peak of ecstasy, her moans mingling with his in a symphony of passion.
baekhyun’s eyes were locked onto hers, the look of raw, unfiltered desire evident as he lost himself in the moment. his grip on her hips tightened, pulling her closer with every thrust. the intensity of their connection was overwhelming, each movement amplifying the sensations coursing through their bodies.
as they neared their climax, their breathing became ragged, the room filled with the sounds of their shared pleasure. baekhyun’s thrusts grew more urgent, his body moving with a rhythm that matched the rising tide of (y/n)’s pleasure. she arched her back, her eyes closing as the waves of ecstasy began to crest.
then, with a final, powerful thrust, they both reached the peak of their desire. the sensation was electrifying, a surge of pleasure that seemed to pulse through every nerve ending. (y/n)’s body tensed, her cries of pleasure mixing with baekhyun’s groans as they climaxed together, the intensity of their shared experience creating a moment of pure, blissful unity.
as the waves of their climax subsided, they clung to each other, their breaths coming in heavy, satisfied gasps. baekhyun’s arms wrapped around (y/n), pulling her close as they both reveled in the afterglow of their intense connection.
they lay together, their bodies still intertwined, each touch and caress a testament to the profound bond they had forged. the night had brought them to a new level of closeness, their shared climax a powerful affirmation of their connection and desire for each other.
baekhyun’s fingers traced gentle patterns on (y/n)’s skin. “so, are you still convinced i’m just charming because of the drinks?”
(y/n) smiled, her eyes heavy with contentment. “maybe it’s the charm mixed with a genuine connection. either way, i’m glad we took the chance.”
despite the warmth of the moment, baekhyun couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that something deeper was stirring within him. this unfamiliar and somewhat frightening sensation was new to him. even in past relationships where he’d had plenty of time to understand someone, he had never felt such intense longing. (y/n) had entered his life and challenged his perceptions of relationships, making him question everything he thought he knew. this profound feeling left him both excited and apprehensive about what the future might hold.
as he grappled with these overwhelming thoughts and emotions, he realized that (y/n) had drifted off to sleep, her face illuminated by a peaceful, contented smile. he admired her serene expression, marveling at how swiftly she had fallen into slumber. with a tender smile of his own, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. his voice was soft and sincere as he whispered, “me too.”
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s&v | mlist | ★ ch.1: locked out of heaven ★ | next | ch. 3
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mybiasisexo · 1 month
can i request 27 & 53 for the drabble withhhhh baekhyun? idk if i’m able to ask if it can lean towards an enemy/frenemies to lovers type trope but if not, it’s alright it’s up to your creativity and writing! i’m grateful for you and this writing, hope everything goes well for you, and thank you so much!
Effort 🤛
Genre: angst | arranged marriage!au | ceo!bbh | nonidol!au Pairing: Baekhyun x f.Reader Length: 1.4k Warnings: language
a/n: bro.... im only like half way done with these drabbles yall 😭. a lot of them are written its just getting them out now so yay for that! this is why i dont do these things. next time i know forsure to only accept like 10. thank you for the request! Sorry for taking so long 😭 but by this point yall should know the drill lmfaoooo 💖
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You march into your condo in search for the other person that lives there.
You find him in the kitchen, sitting at the massive island, cradling a glass of whiskey.
On a mission, you make your way over to him and slam your hand on the marble top, demanding his attention.
Baekhyun jumps at the sound, turning to you with blurry eyes.
“Did you get into a fight?” You ask in annoyance.
Rolling his eyes, he huffs a laugh before taking a sip of his hard drink. “Hello to you too, Wife.”
Narrowing your eyes, you fight the warmth in your chest at the title. Wife. It’s been almost a year and you still haven’t fully come to terms with your newfound role.
“I heard what happened,” you inform him. You catch the stiffening of his shoulders and him muttering something about word traveling fast.
“If you already heard, why're you asking?”
“Because I need you to confirm it, and I need to know why.”
Baekhyun gulps, staring blankly ahead. “Mr. Lee. He was saying some very disgusting and vulgar things about you.”
That isn’t shocking. You are an heiress who spent majority of your youth causing chaos for your family. You were a wild child, spending most of your time partying for the tabloids to see. You had known the life you were going to be subjected to, so decided to live freely while you still could. Unfortunately, it earned you the reputation of being a drunk slut that followed you throughout the years. Despite getting your shit together, taking over your family business, and pushing it to bigger levels. Despite going as far as getting married, people still saw you as that reckless little girl. Many people within your company undermined your authority because of that, but it never swayed you. If anything, it only encouraged you more. You loved proving people wrong. Hearing someone as creepy as Mr. Lee was making lewd comments about you was unfortunately unsurprising.
What is surprising is your husband’s reaction.
In any other setting, a husband defending his wife’s honor is a normal act of love. That’s what they do, support and defend their spouse. But your marriage is a tad different due to the fact Baekhyun didn’t marry you out of love.
Actually, neither one of you had any say in this little arrangement. This union was only possible from the agreement of your parents.
You aren’t exactly happy about the situation, but you understand your position. That’s why you accepted the proposal without complaint. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was severely against the marriage and threatened everyone involved. Allegedly, he already had someone that he cherished around that time. You even had the pleasure of meeting her—at your own wedding, no less—and she was amazing. You totally understood why Baekhyun was angry. Still, he followed through with the arrangement, and here you are now, arguing in your shared apartment.
It isn’t the first time, nor the last you’re sure. You want to at least try to make this relationship work, but Baekhyun makes it impossible. He takes all his frustrations of your predicament out on you with cruel words and cold shoulders. He’s constantly reminding you how much he loathes you, like it was your idea to get married. As hard as you try to brush it off, it hurts. You were forced into this marriage too! You wanted the fairytale ending just as badly as everyone else in the world, but that simply wasn’t your reality. So, you make the best out of a shitty situation. Still, it feels extremely unfair for him to treat you like desperate trash just because he can’t outwardly express his pain and fury to his parents.
“And?” You reply. “Wouldn’t be the first time? They said he got a black eye and a bloody nose. He’s threatening to press charges. The board is contemplating your suspension.”
His jaw clenches, but he doesn’t answer. Only takes another swig of his liquor.
“Baekhyun.” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “It’s unlike you to react like this. I’m sorry that being tied to me is tarnishing your reputation. I know my parents promised that it wouldn’t, but it appears it is.”
“I don’t give a fuck about that,” he seethes. “It had nothing to do with me and everything to do with the fact he was disrespecting my wife!”
He finally turns and gives you his attention. The fury he still feels over the situation radiates off of him in a heat so hot you’re surprised his clothes haven’t lit on fire. Your first instinct is to step away, not wanting to be his next victim. But, you stand firm, feigning courage.
“And I’d do it again,” he admits. “I’ll beat up anyone that talks about you like you’re some kind of whore they can pass around.”
“Why?” You ask in a whisper. “You hate me.”
He sighs. “I don’t hate you. I never have. I hate the situation we’re in. I hate that we didn’t mean it when we said ‘I do’.”
He lets go of his glass to take your hands in his. ��But I don’t hate you. And I don’t blame you. I know I’ve been the worst husband ever, but these past few months I….”
He nibbles on his bottom lip and you blink back tears. “I’ve also said some hurtful things, and to your face. I’ll spend the rest of my life making up for that. You’ve been trying, and it’s been working. I’ve realized now how much of an idiot I’ve been. We can make an opportunity out of this. We’re married now, and it’s time that I started acting like it.”
You give him a smile full of relief. “What’s changed?”
“It’s been little things, but the biggest change was at the merger last month.”
Oh. You didn’t think he remembered.
It was your first real public appearance together, so you had to chum it up for the cameras. You were the new It Couple, both the children of two of the most successful businesses in the country. You were tech royalty, and the merging of your families was like two warring nations signing a peace treaty. That night showed you a tender side of Baekhyun you’d never been exposed to, and you couldn’t help but to fall for this person. You knew that none of it was real, but he was just so kind and flirty and when he kissed you it sparked something from deep within. Baekhyun must had felt it as well, because the moment you were back home, you were all over each other. The both of you had been drinking, so that may have played a role on your eagerness. You convinced yourself you weren’t that drunk, and that he was your husband. This was what married couples did. When you were in the bed, Baekhyun pulled away for just a couple seconds to grab a condom and came back to you passed out. It was a reality check for him, and he panicked as the realization of what you were about to do dawned on him. Once the panic dimmed, he was relieved, knowing that your dynamic was already messed up as it was, sex would just make things worse. You woke up the next morning in an empty bed, fully clothed, and Baekhyun never brought it up.
Now that you think of it, Baekhyun has changed since. He has been a lot less hostile, and has been coming come early enough to share dinner with you. During your meals, he made a point to have conversation with you, and you’ve felt like there has been progress between you.
“Truth is,” he says quietly. “Ever since that night, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I don’t deserve you, but I want you anyway.”
“You want me?” You ask.
“I do,” he admits. He pulls you closer to stand between his legs and lets go of your hands to hold you by your hips. “I want to make us work. I want to know everything about you. What makes you laugh, what makes you happy, what your favorite food is, what turns you on.” He smiles suggestively and you shove his shoulder playfully. “I want to know you. I want to protect you. I want to be your husband.”
You blink back the flood of tears that blur your vision so that you can see him. “I want that too, Baekhyun. I want us to try.”
He kisses the corner of your mouth before daring a kiss to your lips, which you reciprocate. When you pull away, he rests his forehead against yours.
“Then let’s try.”
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marvelous-llama · 1 year
EXO recs
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<<original book
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
one shots
Be Mine by @bvidzsoo
Baekhyun x f.reader (wc - 18.5k) sugar daddy AU - smut Sometimes you meet the most weirdest people at the most unexpected places. Kang Y/N, you, is just a simple, broke, university student who goes out clubbing to try and relieve some stress where she meets Byun Baekhyun, young CEO, who miraculously proposes to be your Sugar Daddy...but you are stubborn, will you accept?
goodnight n go by @its-not-sof
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 3k) friends to lovers - fluff, smut
How To Kiss A Boy by @gyudior
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 1.3k) - fluff how to kiss a boy: 1.) grab his waist, 2.) slip your hand in his pocket, 3.) steal his wallet, 4.) don't even kiss him, just run
What If I Kissed You? by @kwanisms
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 2.5k) roommates to lovers - fluff, bit of angst Moving in with your best friends ex boyfriend sounds like nothing but trouble, even if he has a girlfriend. But what happens when they break up?
Better Than Revenge by @byunified
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 20.1k) - fluff, angst, smut, romance All those years you are convinced that you only like the same gender. However, after ending a long-term unhealthy relationship, you decided to start anew. Not expecting to meet new people, and him.
Don´t Go by @anyamaris
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 2.7k) best friends to lovers - fluff, angst, smut Your longtime friend is thrown off by you mentioning going to dinner with a mutual friend and the misunderstanding causes events that you'd only played out in your dreams.
Enchanted by @byunified
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 21.1k) time travel AU - romance, angst, fluff Tired of constant fights of your parents, you found herself in the attic where an old wardrobe stood at the corner years before your family moved in the house. What could an antique furniture do to change your life? Meet someone from the past? Because you totally did.
Guys My Age by @bvidzsoo
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 6.7k) best friend´s brother - fluff, angst(ish), smut Baekhyun was your best friends brother. You grew up knowing him and his sister. Having feelings was a thing,,,but him liking you back, not so expected. You had enough of stupid high school guys, but did Baekhyun want you?
For Me by @spacequokka
Baekhun x fem!reader (wc - 6.5k + 7.3k) best friends to lovers - fluff, smut When your best friend Baekhyun asks you over to his place for dinner, you see this as your chance to make your feelings known. But what to wear? You drag him with you to pick out a dress sure to drive him up the wall. part 1, part 2
Siren by @cyberexo
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 7.1k) supernatural, strangers to lovers - fluff, smut part 1, part 2
Lost and Found & Stay the Night by @icequeenbae
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 3.3k + 3.2k) exes to lovers, second chance - fluff, angst, smut (only 2nd part) Baekhyun bumps into you while dropping his friend’s niece off in daycare. It’s been almost three years since you’d disappeared, so you definitely have a lot to catch up on. Especially because your carefully maintained secret is now out…
City Lights by @suhoerections
a collection of stories
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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oneskynground · 11 months
Do You Think About Me Too?
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Despite her successful life and career, camille continues to dwell on the year she spent as an visual art director for a Korean singer.
Genre: EXO Baekhyun Fanfic, slice-of-life, angst (it's not that deep), idol-au
Written as: one shot
Authors note: ctto of the image above. Take in mind you're reading from a non-writer, okay? Give it a <3 or anything so I'd know if it's read?
Camille doesn't know what regret feels like. Despite how awful things could turnout she never found herself in regret of anything. It's always been a matter of holding-on. If you wait long enough, things will be for the better.
Want a trolley bag for middle school? Don't ask your mom, she'll never let it happen. Backpacks are way practical for your horrendous amount of books, according to her. Let your sister ask for it and as the youngest, you'll get hers, eventually.
Been wanting to have a birthday party or just a celebration since a kid? Let's wait till you can throw yourself one. Beacuse her parents realized how exhausting the planning is from her sisters birthday parties, god forbid they throw another one ever.
No one thought she was serious with persuing arts in college? Let alone, animation? Just keep pushing and pressing on dedication. She had to prove yourself to non-believers, be handed wounding words of love. But believe it or not, they'll gaveup trying to make her reconsider other programs. But hey! Look at her and the professional that she is working for big productions. Animating shows and films that are going places that even she could never visit.
Or not even when america was too much for her. Perhaps leaving the country for a job opportunity and thinking everything will turn out fine was ambitious for an animator of a year of experience in the field. Right form the start she knew it would be lonely, depressing, and dangerous. she's got scars to prove it. They've told her too. But after 3 years of living in denial of her own loneliness, Camille prevailed. Everything finally turned out fine (before she could breakdown).
She'd give anything not to return to a similar situation. Then the strike happened and there was no work. Fresh out of her masters, she couldn't stay in the picket lines as long as they needed. She had to find a job. Any job.
Minhyuk came in saving. He was her supervisor-work friend in the production studio. Minhyuk had refered her to a job.
" What are you worried about? This is what your masters in media and communication are for, right? so you'd finally level up to director's role. Well this is it! They want an interview with you to be their art director!"
Before he told her anything about the referral, hed already shared Camille's public portfolio. Even a certain whirl-of-the-moment project of hers: a redesign of an album with mock-ups that landed the interview.
This was an opportunity for her! To finally become the art director shes always wanted (tho not for animation) either way. She can see how this can pave the way for it. But the problem was the work was in South Korea.
She'd give anything not to return to a similar situation—when she moved to america. When she moved to a country alone, without knowing anyone.
But she's done it once, so how hard could it be right? And given the situation begars can't be choosers. This is an opportunity falling in her lap.
And things are different! This time she's moving to an Asian country, so things couldn't be so different from home? Who knows things could be easier for the second time around.
Camille doesn't know what regret feels like. Until she came to South Korea for work.
Until she came there and met her employer, the CEO. Minhyuk and Camille haven't been talking to the same person. Minhyuk's friend was the CEO of the company Red Signiture. Whom he met during their military enlistment in South Korea. On the other hand the person who interviewed Camille via video conference was his secretary. Former manager, as a matter of fact
Because the CEO that's been looking for an in-house art director, who is friends with Minhyuk and couldn't hire anyone local beacuse of his status as a "start-up" was Baekhyun.
Baekhyun of Camille's favorite k-pop group, since highschool, EXO.
Camille doesn't know what regret feels like, So does Baekhyun. Despite how awful things could turn out he never found himself in regret of anything. It's always been a matter of holding-on. If you wait long enough, things will be for the better.
Until her.
"Two years later, youre still on my mind."
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peachesvanilla · 2 years
Come with me?
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Characters: Baekhyun, reader
Genres: fluff, slight angst, CEO au
Warnings: swear words
Inspirations: 17th prompt from these prompts
I tap my pen onto my planner, closing my eyes and practising the calming exercise. Deep breaths and count till ten. Violence is never the answer. But the contents in the mail still plays in my mind. How could he even do this? Did he leave his brain at home while coming to the office? Not that he has one in the first place. I don’t even know how he is running the company. 
I snap my eyes open, breaking the calming exercise and reread the mail from him. It’s an extension of the wedding invite of his friend, Park Chanyeol. It’s not the wedding I am pissed at but at him, my superior, Byun Baekhyun, CEO of the prive fashions.
Forgot the wedding. Have to attend. Mark my calendar and clear all my schedules.
I open another chain of mails which has been going on since last week, and where he has been looped and even replied. The latest mail says
Excited to meet you, B. Looking forward to our collaboration. 
And their meeting date is fixed on the same day as the wedding. Seventeenth of this month. How can he simply say to clear his schedule when everything has been booked? He wanted to have a collaboration with Suho for months. And I have spent countless days and nights(overtime) researching about the designer, what he looks for in others for collaborating and in which way I can approach him so that he can’t say no. 
Just for a wedding he is gonna piss off the most reputed designer? A mere wedding when he can send a flower bouquet and a simple note. Not like he is best friends with Chanyeol. I didn’t even see him talk to his friend in months. 
I stretch my arms, massage my temples, check my hair in the mini mirror I carry. Despite my hair for once being in place and wavy I still don’t feel calm. I just want to rip him apart and scream at him. That’s the only way I can let go of this frustration. 
Checking the time I realise his meeting would have ended by now. I pick up my notes and pen and march into his office. 
“Etiquette says one should knock before coming.” Baekhyun cranes his neck side to side, his eyebrows pulled together in pain. His gray suit is on the hanger in one of the corners of his office, he sits in a plain white shirt and the top button undone. 
“I got your mail.” I maintain my tone, no matter how much I hate him he pays me well. “I can’t clear your schedule on seventeenth.”
He rolls his chair out of the table a little, a curl of his hair falling perfectly on his forehead. “And why is it?”
“Because we are flying to Paris on the fifteenth and we have a meeting on the seventeenth with Suho.” I smile. His eyebrows narrow. The game begins again. “Remember we were working on this collaboration for a long time?” 
Baekhyun’s frown deepens, his lips pressed in a thin line. And I won't let go of this chance. 
“The endless meetings we had just last week?” I take confident steps towards him and rest my palms on the table. “And aren’t you so excited for this collaboration?” I give him a mocking smile. “I can make arrangements to send your regard to your friend, Mr. Byun.”
Baekhyun intertwines his hands and looks straight into my eyes. “Well,” he says, “first thing I shouldn’t have given my assistant this much freedom.” 
I take my hands off of the table and stand straighter. 
“And,” he drops his gaze to the screen and clicks the mouse twice, “send an apology mail to Suho. Can’t miss the wedding.” 
That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. “You aren’t even that close to that Park Chanyeol?! There’s no guarantee Suho will want to work with us again. He is a known prideful ass.” I gasp, clasping my mouth. That wasn’t supposed to come out. 
Baekhyun’s eyes flicker to mine and my hands cupping my mouth. A sliver of a smile passes through. 
“Etiquette. Please.” Baekhyun stands up from the chair and picks up his suit. Slipping his hands through the sleeves he says, “I believe you’ll make him agree to the postponement. You have excellent negotiation skills and a crap mouth.”
I glare at him. All of my formality is kicked out of the window. Fuck formality and job. Is he nuts? Believe in me? That’s it? This collaboration can give us twice the profit than what we are getting now. 
“Mr. Byun, don’t take this easy. We have invested so much in this.” I cry in frustration. 
“I know what I’m doing!” He barks out in frustration. “If you aren’t capable let the thing be. I’ll send an apology mail.”
“If you have done your job correctly we would have originally planned the meeting late!” I scream back. Red warning signs blare in my mind reminding me that he is my boss and CEO, I shouldn’t cross my line. But when he is taking irrational steps knowing the consequences I can’t hold back. “You didn’t tell me about this magically wedding which appeared out of nowhere and—”
“Stay in your fucking lane, Ms.Kim.” He slams his hand on the table, anger radiating off him. “I don’t need your corrections. Just do what you are told or pack your things.” 
My mind goes blank at his words. Pack your things? He wants me gone? Over this? All these years I spent by his side, helping him achieve his goals, building his company and expanding his business, everything just went to drain. If that’s what he wants then I’ll give it to him.
“Ok.” I nod, holding back my tears. I wouldn’t let him see my weakness. I can’t let him win that too. “Good luck hiring a new candidate.”
He freezes in his place, his eyes widening listening to me. I pick my notebook and head out of his office. When the door closes behind me the tears spill incessantly. How can he do this to me? He could have explained to me the reason instead of telling me to pack my things. 
I turn off the system and clear my desk. Baekhyun doesn’t leave the cabin or asks me to stay. Why would he? Within a snap of his fingers he could replace me given his reputation and craze. Even in our company co-workers are dying for me to be gone so they can take my place and work closer to him. Maybe he wants that. Maybe he got tired of me always putting hurdles in every work of his or torturing him with the whys and what ifs. 
Looking back once at his cabin I walk into the elevator. What am I even expecting? I shouldn't have given my all to him and this job. In the end I am nothing. Now the girls can have a party since I am gone. They can get to him without any difficulty.
I switch channels on the TV trying to find a decent movie or show to pass time. But at twelve in the night nothing is playing except for home shopping. 
Absent-mindedly I pick my phone and stare at it blankly. No mails or messages. Lately I am having a lot of free time, a bonus from not being employed. But at the same time the panic of month end and the bills I have to pay is dancing around my mind. 
Baekhyun, the asshole of the year, didn’t even ask me to come back. Why would he ask me? He must be celebrating me being gone and the new freedom of no one questioning his decisions. 
I roll over the couch, staring at the blank screen. Working overtime and all the time invested in my job resulted in not having any friends or close contact with family. Slowly we drifted apart, the texts from my friends stopped coming after months of me not replying, daily calls from my family turned into a call monthly once.
Baekhyun one way or the other filled in that gap. We used to go out for dinner after a long day, or he brings us lunch when I am working late and couldn't join my colleagues. When everyone has already left and I have to eat alone in the cafeteria, he magically appears and has our food. In his office, on the floor we had our lunch while bonding over the latest release of Marvel movies or his favorite childhood TV show.
Days spent like that have brought us together. I should have been repelled from the idea of spending more time with my boss even after hours but I liked it. It stings a bit now knowing he is indifferent to me not being around. If he cared he would have at least texted me right?
Did he already find a replacement? Am I that easy to be replaced?
I open Hyorin’s contact, my ex-coworker, and send her a message. I know if I poke her a bit I can get all the happenings in the office. Being she is the one who told me about girls dying over to be with Baekhyun including her.
Why did you leave?
Oh we are jumping right into the topic. Before I can reply to her string of messages pour down on me. 
Why is he such an ass?
All the looks are for deceiving.
I take back my words!!!! I don’t want to be his assistant!!!!!!! Can you believe I’m still in the office?! 
I have to submit a report tomorrow. And he points out mistakes or just give silly reasons like formatting etc etc
Pleaseeeeeeee come backkkk
So I take it you are his assistant. 
All this and you still need to ask that? No, I am not. I'm just his temporary.
The chat bubble goes on and on but the message never comes despite waiting for two minutes. She must be back to working. So he did replace me. My mouth turns sour and something pulls in my chest at the thought. In the end I am of no value.
And he really postponed or cancelled the meeting with Suho as today is fifteenth. What is with him and taking harmful decisions for the company. 
I switch channels and I find a movie playing before I spiral down into this more. No matter how much I think it’s never going to change. 
The movie reaches its climax, the hero is about to find the villain’s abode and get his revenge when the doorbell buzzes. 
I get startled at the sound. Who the fuck can be ringing me at one in the night? I remain in my place thinking it may be some drunkard neighbor getting the wrong door. I can’t concentrate on the movie and my attention constantly jumps to someone standing on the other side of my door. 
It rings again and at the same time my phone rings. 
My heart skips a beat and at the same time panic rises. Why is he calling? Why is the person outside my home not going away? I pick up the phone and hurriedly answer his call.
“Baekhyun,” I say, my voice shaking a little, “there’s someone outside my home. I think I will die.” 
“You won’t. Open it. I’m waiting.” He replies. 
“What?” I spring to my feet and run to the door, half thinking he is bluffing and another half excited. Why am I excited?
I open the door a little and peek at the man standing outside. Baekhyun meets my eyes and his shoulders slouches down. The frown on his face replaces it with calm and curious eyes scanning me as soon as I open the door wide. He ends the call, and sighs. 
He is still in his suit, and there are dark circles under his eyes. “Why are you here, Mr. Byun?”
He winces. “We agreed on not using formal terms when not working.” He leans on the door frame, “aren’t you going to invite me in?” He looks inside my home, and I shield it with my body.
He drops his head. “You are still mad. I know I crossed my line.” 
He smiles, and then rolls his eyes. “And you did too.”
“No.” I fold my hands across my chest, his eyes drop to the movement and flicks back up. His ears turn red. “I was just stating facts. And showing you about your stupid decisions.”
He runs his hand through his hair and groans. “But I handled it!” He takes a step in, towering over me, his scent filling my nostrils and my eyes on his broad chest as if it can see nothing else. “Suho agreed to postpone the meeting. But we have to agree to whatever negotiations he puts up. He really is an ass.” 
I hum and giving an I told you so.
“Can we just go inside?” He begs. “Please.”
“God! You are so petty.” He says, but smiling. "I should have told you about the wedding sooner. I know I messed up."
“Remind you about the fact that you told me to leave.” I reply. “You think you’ll get the niceties from me?”
Baekhyun grips my arm and pulls me near to him, his fingers brushing my chest in the movement. My neck burns at the sensation and my eyes widen. Before I can hyperventilate on the contact he pulls me so close that his face is a few inches away from mine. “This marriage is important. Chanyeol, my best friend, is marrying my ex.”
I gasp, cupping my mouth. “Scandalous.” This right here can make an excellent gossip article if it gets out. He was in love once? A little pinch in my heart, but who am I to feel anything regarding this. Except curiousness.
He reads my face for a minute, a slow smile spreading on his face when he should be sad or angry at his best friend or the ex. “For something so scandalous, your eyes are shining bright. You are enjoying this.”
I control my urge to find more about this scandalous, angsty turn of events in his life. Pulling up a poker face I say nonchalantly, “no?” But it's so hard.
“It is still showing.” He flicks my forehead. “So,” he drops his head to his shoes, “I decided to go to their wedding when my friends said they are planning to get married.” 
“I’m surprised you have a life.” I frown. “Why do you have a social life? And I don’t?”
He gives up. “Are you focused on that? My social life?”
“Okay. Okay.” I open my door wide. “You are allowed in. And you need to tell me everything about it.”
He lets out a sigh. “Finally. While we are at it please go and put on some pants.”
I look down at my bare legs and also remember that I am not wearing my bra. I gasp and run into my room. “One minute!” 
I hear his laughter as I close the door to my room. I missed that laugh. I missed being around him. Wanting to spend more time in his presence I quickly grab onto random pants and pull on the bra. 
He is sitting on the couch and flipping through my celebrity gossip magazines. I sit beside him and wait for him to complete the reading of an article. His hair is out of the perfectly styled hairstyle and falls onto his forehead making him younger than his age. But the stress has taken a toll on him.
He had an ex-girlfriend? And his best friend marrying his ex must have hurt him so hard. That’s one betrayal no friend ever expects and yet he wants to go to their wedding? Cancelling everything?
“Don’t pity me.” He says not looking up from the magazine. “I’m good. I just want to go because I don’t want people to think I’m weak.”
“No one thinks you are weak if you don’t attend it, Baekhyun.”
“I don’t know.” He leans back on the couch and stares blankly at the TV. “I just want to be, you know, casual and fine with them marrying. I’m fine with their marriage.” He turns to me. “Really. So no pity. Not from you at least.”
I nod. “Okay. Sorry for saying this but your ex and best friend are an ass. Going behind you and still sending an invite? I didn’t see ignorant people like them anywhere else.”
He laughs but it dies down quickly. “Come back. Come back to the office.” He fiddles with his fingers. 
Is this why he is here? To ask me to come back? Did he come to me directly from the office?
He groans. “I’m sorry, okay? It was all too much and I wasn’t functioning well, and I shouldn’t have taken it upon you.” 
“Be a little more desperate I’ll think about it.” 
He tackles me into a headlock. “I shouldn’t have given you too much freedom.”
I hit his arm repeatedly to let me go of this chokehold. He does, but doesn’t remove his arm around me and says, “while we are at it, will you come with me to the wedding?” His ears are red, his fingers drawing circles on my neck.
“What?” I shiver a little from the sensation of his fingers, and my mind stopped working the moment he wants me to tag along. Why?
He gulps as he says the next words and literally ending me. “As my date.”
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pajarinwrites · 1 year
EXO recs
directory | general masterlist
✨ favourites
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OT9 / Multi
an adventurer's guide to romance ✨ @guardians-of-exo & @softly-savage-mint-yoongi i'm not giving up hope that they'll still post Jongin, Jongdae, and Baekhyun TT, fantasy!au, i haven't read all of them yet but yixing and yeol are so good i refuse to believe any of the others could disappoint
EXO Mall ✨ @yehet-me-up i don't know why everyone and their mother does EXO series, but i am definitely not complaining, junmyeon's was adorable, xiumin's is brilliant, i'm sure the others are just as great
EXO as Rich Kids @spacequokka EXO has more group series than every other group combined, every time i find a good fic it's part of a series like what? so far i've read jongdae's it's super cute
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don't call it a love song (EXO mall series) ✨ @yehet-me-up 16.8k deserves it's own mention bc music nerd minseok?? rocker minseok?? bookstore owner!reader??? it's like this thing was written specifically for me, i ate this shit up it was so cute, their interactions were so cute, probably my favourite idiots2lovers ff, the snow scene, the singing scene, the dancing scene, the everything scene, minseok being a simp regularly, there is no fault in this ff, i'm gonna stop now i could keep going god help me
burning bridges @kwanisms 1.5k this hurt me, it's angst, it's not exactly happy, the synopsis tells you as much but every time i still read it and think maybe, maybe...
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the meet cute (EXO mall series) @yehet-me-up 4.5k also deserves it's own mention, dilf!junmyeon??? how does writer know all of my favourite things in the world?? TT the antique store thing suits our leader so well, why is he so attractice? and his sungmin is super cute argh, i have beef with this ff because why is it so short TTTTT
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you work too hard @cxsmicmyeon 0.7k just some domestic fluff with workaholic yixing, i'm projecting so hard onto this fic omg
extraordinary ✨ (an adventurer's guide to romance) @softly-savage-mint-yoongi & @guardians-of-exo 10k apothecary!yixing, yixing with glasses(!!!!!!), he's so sweet in this, they're both so cute, it's one of my favourites of the series so it deserves a special mention here
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inquiring minds @papermatisse 2.7k professor!baekhyun, i don't know what is up with exo-ls but y'all always find my most absolute favourite au versions for the boys like fr what's going on, anyway, this was soo freaking good! i read a professor one about woozi (svt) that was trying to do what this ff did but...., and now i get to read the concept executed perfectly, i'm screaming ugh
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disclaimer: these are obviously works of fiction and they take place in non-canon universes. we all wish jongdae and his family only the best, duh. if you're uncomfortable with reading ff about him, skip ahead. me, personally, i'd like to keep a little delulu corner in my daydreams available for him &lt;3
CEO!Jongdae ( EXO as Rich Kids series) @spacequokka 0.5k it's so short TT but it's super sweet, the last line really got me, too
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kissed barely awake @irregular-idol-imagines 0.6k this confused me but it was so cute and fluffy that i didn't really care tbh
the doctor will see you now @kwanisms 4.5k this was kinda unhingend, in the best way possible, that's a high compliment in this context, incubus!yeol? i didn't think i'd like that premise but i did, i loved the slight horror aspects, the ending?? and how it linked back to the beginning? borderline genius, chapeau
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spellbound ✨ @whimsical-ness 6.7k ahhh this is soooo good, their dynamic is so nice, kyungsoo is such a freakin' cutie i cannot, and the other member cameos are so fitting ugh i love this so much
but you're warm... @kwanisms 0.5k ew this is so cute, i love cuddly, clingy kyeongsoo TT
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movie night @galaxybam2 0.8k reading this taught me things about myself i'd have preferred not to know. enjoy, sluts (affectionately)
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spellbound @navellera 6k this doesn't feel like 6k, it was over in the blink of an eye, one of the only sehun ff i've read so far that i could actually stand, most of them (that i've looked at so far) have really weird writing in that the author puts weird sentences in a row that feel disconnected and irrelevant to one another sometimes, this one didn't have that, also, i've been looking for some hogwarts!exo and this really scratched that itch
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bobohu4eva · 1 year
hiya! i'm not sure if you're taking requests at all but i've had this one baekhyun thought on my mind for so long and i'm desperately trying to find someone who can write it for me! 😭
this comes specifically from listening to unholy.. idk what it is about that song but it gives the perfect vibes for this scenario in my opinion.
baekhyun is the very rich owner of a big branch of strip clubs and bars stretching across the country. he's known internationally and has a reputation for always being well-dressed and devilishly handsome. all the dancers and staff in his establishments talk about him, especially when they're anticipating his arrival since he often visits these clubs to meet the new dancers. rumours have spread about why he is still single despite being so hot and having so much money. after all, who wouldn't want him? many refer to him as a 'cold-hearted ceo' in suspicion that this is the reason why nobody has managed to seduce him yet.
the reader is an underground dancer, hiding her talents in the shadows, until a friend of hers asks her desperately to cover for her at her work. the reader doesn't know much about this club, only the name and the rough location. still, she wants to help her friend out and she needs the extra cash, so she agrees and turns up at this club with a bag of clothes and makeup.
typically, this is the night that ceo baekhyun is visiting this specific club. he hears about a 'surprise act' taking place later on in the evening, a new dancer filling in for the usual, and it piques his interest a little. this isn't something that usually happens, so he stays to watch.
because the reader isn't comfortable stripping down completely as that isn't the kind of dance she's used to, it's a new kind of performance that the club hasn't seen before. it's full of mystery and tease, the reader gives it her all and locks eyes with baekhyun at the front of the crowd, not realising he's the ceo. everyone else knows of course, so they're all shocked when she leans forward in her dance and takes his tie in her hand, smirking deviously. it's safe to say that baekhyun is intrigued by her and what she's bringing to the table. she rakes in so much money for the club that night too, the numbers are insane. all because she wouldn't give the audience everything they wanted (and because she's such an amazing dancer ofc).
that's all i've been imagining for the most part. i'm not sure if this would work better as a smut oneshot or a series with pining involved? i think if you're interested in writing this, it'd be up to you! for a series i'm imagining baekhyun tries to hire her but she refuses, and then when he offers her a ton of money she almost caves because she needs it. baekhyun can't stop thinking about her and he so badly wants a private dance, he wants her all to himself 😵‍💫
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OKAY.... I wasn't originally gonna go for this but the recent teasers have made me consider things a bit differently 🥴 like the vibe just fits I know you know what I mean like those teasers are CRAZY however since I have already done a stripper AU I would do things a little differently, maybe instead of a chain of strip clubs, a high end burlesque lounge? Something more akin to the Movie w Cher? She's a new hire and has some kind of special talent that makes her stand out, etc. etc.
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elysiangroundsforall · 2 months
In The Course of It ...
"You're my only Bambi, Bambi"
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The next few weeks were a whirlwind of preparation. Now that the semi-final lineup was announced, our training intensified even more. Every day was packed with vocal exercises, dance rehearsals, and occasional media training sessions. The stakes were higher than ever, and the pressure was mounting.
One afternoon, we were in the dance studio practicing a new routine. The atmosphere was tense, with everyone focused on perfecting each step. The dance instructor, a stern woman with a sharp eye, watched us closely, correcting even the smallest mistakes.
"Y/N, more energy in your movements," she called out, and I nodded, pushing myself harder.
As the session ended, we all collapsed onto the floor, drenched in sweat but satisfied with our progress. Soojin handed me a water bottle, and I took a long drink, grateful for the break.
"You're improving so much, Y/N," she said, smiling.
"Thanks, Soojin. You too," I replied, catching my breath.
Just then, Baekhyun walked into the studio, and the atmosphere shifted. We all stood up, instantly alert. He had that effect on us—his presence commanded attention.
"How's the practice going?" he asked, his gaze sweeping over the group.
"Good, Baekhyun-nim," we responded in unison.
He nodded, then walked over to the mirrors, where we had been practicing our routine. "Show me what you've been working on."
We quickly got into position, and the music started. As we danced, I could feel Baekhyun's eyes on us, analyzing every move. I pushed myself to give it everything I had, feeling the music flow through me.
When the routine ended, we stood there, panting and waiting for his feedback. Baekhyun smiled, a rare sight that instantly lifted our spirits.
"That was impressive," he said. "I can see the hard work you're putting in. Keep it up, and remember to always connect with the music. Make sure your emotions shine through."
His words were like fuel to a fire, reigniting our determination. As he left the room, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest. Over the past few months, my admiration for him had only grown, but now it was becoming something more.
Later that evening, as I sat in the dormitory common room with Hana and Minseo, I found myself lost in thought.
"What's on your mind, Y/N?" Minseo asked, nudging me.
I hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's Baekhyun… I can't stop thinking about him."
Hana looked up from her phone, her eyes widening. "You mean, like, a crush?"
I nodded slowly, feeling my cheeks flush. "Yeah, I think so. It’s just… he’s so talented, and he’s always so supportive. I know he’s our CEO, but I can’t help how I feel."
Minseo smiled softly. "It's understandable. He's a great guy, and he's been there for us through this whole process. But just be careful, Y/N. These feelings can get complicated."
"I know," I sighed. "But it's hard to ignore."
Hana patted my shoulder. "We're here for you, no matter what. Just take it one day at a time."
As we sat there, I realized that this crush was more than just admiration. It was something deeper, something that both excited and scared me. But I knew I had to keep my focus. The upcoming months would be crucial, and I couldn't afford any distractions.
Still, the thought of Baekhyun lingered in my mind, making my heart race every time I saw him. It was a feeling I would have to learn to navigate, especially with so much at stake.
The morning after the semi-final lineup announcement, the air in the dorms was filled with a mixture of relief and anticipation. We were all thrilled to have made it this far, but we knew the real challenge was only just beginning. Every day was a chance to prove ourselves, to show that we were worthy of the final lineup.
Despite the rigorous schedule, I found myself growing more confident with each practice session. My voice was strong, my dance moves were sharp, and I could feel myself improving in ways I hadn’t expected. I wasn’t struggling with high notes or complex choreography anymore. Instead, I was focused, driven by the goal ahead.
The days passed in a blur of rehearsals and meetings, with every moment spent refining our skills. Baekhyun often dropped by to observe our progress, offering tips and encouragement. Each time he entered the room, I felt a flutter of excitement—one that I tried to ignore but found increasingly difficult to dismiss.
One afternoon, after a particularly intense dance practice, I found myself alone in the vocal room, running through the song we were working on. The notes came easily, flowing from me without effort. I was so lost in the music that I didn’t notice when Baekhyun quietly slipped into the room.
“You’ve got a great voice, Y/N,” he said, startling me out of my focus.
I turned, heart skipping a beat. “Oh! I didn’t see you there.”
He smiled, stepping closer. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to tell you that you’re doing really well. You’ve made a lot of progress.”
“Thank you,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the nervous flutter in my stomach.
“You seem more confident now,” he continued, leaning casually against the piano. “It’s good to see. Confidence is key in this industry.”
I nodded, unsure of what to say. Being around Baekhyun always left me a little tongue-tied, not because I was intimidated, but because I was starting to realize just how much I admired him—not just as an idol, but as a person.
He must have noticed my silence because he gave me a warm, encouraging smile. “Don’t let anything shake that confidence, okay? You’re exactly where you need to be.”
I smiled back, feeling a warmth spread through me at his words. “I won’t,” I promised.
As Baekhyun left the room, I sat back down at the piano, my fingers gently brushing over the keys. The notes I played were soft, almost reflective, as I tried to process the strange mix of emotions swirling inside me. I was focused on my training, determined to secure my place in the group, but there was no denying that Baekhyun was becoming a bigger part of my thoughts.
That evening, as I lay in bed, I replayed our conversation over and over in my mind. I couldn’t help but smile at the way he had looked at me, the way his words had lifted my spirits. It was becoming clear that my admiration for Baekhyun was turning into something deeper, something I hadn’t anticipated.
But as much as I found myself drawn to him, I knew I couldn’t let these feelings get in the way of my goal. I had worked too hard to let anything distract me now. With a deep breath, I closed my eyes, focusing on the future I wanted to achieve—a future where I was on stage, fulfilling the dream I had worked so hard for.
Yet, as I drifted off to sleep, Baekhyun’s smile lingered in my thoughts, a gentle reminder of the new and unexpected emotions I was beginning to grapple with.
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After the semi-final lineup was announced, the atmosphere in the dorms shifted. While the nine of us who made it were excited and motivated, there was an undeniable tension in the air. The trainees who hadn’t been selected tried to remain supportive, but some couldn’t hide their disappointment.
One trainee in particular, Eunji, seemed to take the news especially hard. Eunji was incredibly talented—a strong vocalist with sharp dance skills—and many of us had thought she was a shoo-in for the final lineup. But when her name wasn’t called, she grew distant, barely speaking to anyone.
At first, I tried to reach out to her. We had been close during the early stages of training, and it hurt to see her so upset. “Eunji, I know this is hard, but you’re so talented. I’m sure you’ll have other opportunities,” I told her one evening after practice.
She gave me a tight smile. “Thanks, Y/N. I’m fine. Just need some time to process, you know?”
I nodded, hoping she would bounce back soon. But as the days went on, things started to change. Eunji’s distant behavior became more pointed. She would make snide comments under her breath when we passed in the halls, and I started noticing that small things of mine would go missing—hair ties, practice notes, even my favorite water bottle. At first, I thought I was just being forgetful, but then it became clear that something was off.
One day, I was in the practice room going over choreography when I noticed my dance sneakers were missing. I was sure I had left them in my locker the night before, but they were nowhere to be found. I searched everywhere, growing increasingly frustrated. It was just another in a series of strange occurrences, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that Eunji had something to do with it.
Just as I was about to give up, Hana walked in, noticing the distress on my face. “What’s wrong?” she asked, concern evident in her voice.
“My sneakers are gone. I swear I left them in my locker last night, but now they’re missing,” I explained, running a hand through my hair in frustration.
Hana frowned. “This isn’t the first time something of yours has gone missing, right?”
I shook my head. “No, it’s been happening a lot lately.”
Hana seemed to consider something for a moment before speaking. “You think it could be Eunji?”
I hesitated. “I don’t want to accuse her without proof, but… I don’t know. She’s been acting so differently since the lineup was announced.”
Hana sighed. “I’ve noticed that too. She’s obviously hurt, but that doesn’t give her the right to mess with you like this.”
We decided to keep an eye on things, but I couldn’t let it consume me. The final evaluations were coming up, and I needed to stay focused. But the strange incidents didn’t stop. My sheet music would be rearranged, my practice outfits were swapped with ones that were too small, and once, I even found my vocal warm-up notes in the trash.
Despite everything, I did my best to push through. I spent more time in the practice rooms, working late into the night to make up for any setbacks. Baekhyun noticed my exhaustion one evening and pulled me aside. “You’re working hard, Y/N, but don’t burn yourself out,” he advised, his tone gentle.
“I just want to make sure I’m ready,” I replied, not wanting to reveal the turmoil I was facing.
He smiled at me, his eyes full of understanding. “You’re doing great. Just remember to take care of yourself too.”
His words gave me a sense of comfort, but they also made me more determined. I wasn’t going to let Eunji or anyone else sabotage my chances. I had worked too hard to let something like this take me down.
The final straw came a week before the next evaluation. I walked into the practice room early one morning and found a note taped to the mirror. It was in Eunji’s handwriting, and it read: “You’re not as good as you think. Give up before you embarrass yourself.”
My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the note. I knew I couldn’t ignore this anymore. It was one thing to deal with minor inconveniences, but this was an outright attempt to break my spirit.
I took a deep breath, crumpling the note in my hand. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of seeing me upset. Instead, I channeled all my anger and frustration into my practice. Every dance move was sharper, every vocal note stronger. I could feel myself improving, despite everything that was happening.
When the day of the final evaluation arrived, I was ready. I walked into the room with my head held high, determined to show everyone, including Eunji, that I wasn’t going anywhere.
As I performed, I could feel Baekhyun’s eyes on me, watching every move, every note. When I finished, there was a moment of silence before he stood up, clapping slowly. “Well done, Y/N,” he said, a proud smile on his face.
I felt a surge of pride and relief. I had done it. No matter what happened next, I knew I had given it my all.
As I left the room, I passed Eunji in the hallway. She didn’t say anything, just glared at me with a look that could cut glass. But I didn’t let it faze me. I had come too far to be brought down by her bitterness.
Hana was waiting for me outside, her face lighting up when she saw me. “How did it go?”
“I think it went well,” I replied, smiling. “I think I finally proved I belong here.”
And as we walked back to the dorms together, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I was ready to face them head-on. I had earned my place in this group, and I wasn’t going to let anyone take it away from me.
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Ch 7 >>
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jongbross · 10 months
This may sound silly, but I have such a thing for CEO!exo and chaebol au! Pls tell me I’m not the only one. Like have you seen them in SUITS!?!?!?! Breathtaking! They all scream old money, but a new age vibe.
So, with that being said, here’s the companies that I believe the exos would have:
-Xiumin: A soccer club. He loves soccer/football, so this a no brainer. Or a coffeehouse chain (like Starbucks). He did say he would like to try being a barista if he wasn’t an idol
-Suho: I feel his company would be journalism/media related. Like running an online newspaper or media company, like CBS or Forbes Media.
-Lay: Chromosome Entertainment. Need I say more?
-Baekhyun: Definetly a video game company of sorts. I feel that would suit him perfectly.
-Chen: ok, this one I struggled with but I see him has the head of a hotel/resort chain. Like he’s so nice and tender that he would want to extend that to ppl traveling around the country.
-Chanyeol: I see him running/founding an architecture/interior design company. Why not put that masters degree to use? 👐
-D.O: An extremely successful restaurant chain. I don’t think I need to explain lol.
-Kai: I feel he would be in charge of a generations old Performing Arts Institute that’s been passed down in his family. Like it’s super prestigious and renowned all over the world.
-Sehun: Definitely a fashion brand, a la Dior or Gucci. He just has that vibe.
What do you think? I would love to see a CEO one-shot series from you! Keep up the great work!
i never gave much thought about ceo!exo tbh, but it's a nice concept if you ask me 🤔 i can't pinpoint what companies they would have, except for:
junmyeon: something really fancy, like a perfume brand of something? or maybe a hotel chain? it suits him.
jongin: anything related to art, so i agree with you! i can see him having kind of a school of performing arts where people get in to learn how to be an idol or something? and he would have like all around the world, and the best students would definitely be presented to companies such as sm (jongin would be really stern about it though), hybe, and international labels as well. kind of a talent center, half of the next generation of idols/international entertainers would be his alumns.
baekhyun: ceo of his new company, of course 😃☝️ would be jongin's number #1 client - jongin finds the talented kids, mold them to be artists, and then they go to baekhyun's company where he manages their careers (with a much more human, fair approach then sm's, obviously 🤮).
okay, that's what i can think about for now. i'll definitely think about the other members too (:
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papermatisse · 1 year
Need to know about Asymptomatic, Kingdom by the Sea, and whatever that Baekhyun one is!! Pls 🥺
jsjfks hello 😂
asymptotic is my yonghee royal au! named after the analytical concept in math, asymptotic basically refers to approaching a value for an infinite amount of time, yet never actually reaching it. and I thought it would be interesting to base a story off of it bc not only is yonghee a math geek and everything, but also the idea of someone being as unapproachable and unaccessible as an asymptotic graph just seems intriguing.
kingdom by the sea was based off the Edgar Allan Poe poem, Annabelle Lee, but also this cool historical event of this lady who owned a lighthouse and saw two stranded sailors from her vantage point, and she used her strength and resourcefulness to row a boat all the way over to them in the middle of a storm at sea, and managed to save all of them! I thought that was wicked! and I wanted to have a character that was strong like her.
my baekhyun one is one of my oldest WIPs that I came up w sometime in high school and never actually wrote? but I feel like my writing has matured enough that I can sorta emulate it now. it's technically CEO au, but like just fun and silly, not like intense CEO au. but yeh just silly fun times, baekhyun is goofy, and there's angst bc I like angst :))
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baekhyunsbestie · 12 days
♡⸝⸝ sparks and vows (bbh series!) ⊹。°˖➴
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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧♡₊˚ pics 1 2 ♡ song・₊✧♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧🥂
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 pairing: soloist!baekhyun x unnamed female o/c (y/n) aka [✶] ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 content: 18+/MDNI. smut, romance, wedding!au, angst, fluff, exos and o/c's, pussy whipped baek, ex-playboy baek, ceo nepo baby reader, smut (tbh probs every chapter), language, scenes with alcohol +/or smoking throughout story, pretty tame tho tbh!!! ଘ(ᵕ˵ ૩ᵕ)━☆゚.*・。゚ baekhyun is down bad like real bad, reader lowkey being a lil punk, also ksoo cant read the room 😭 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 wc: 7.9k+ omg 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 a/n: omg so im going to start putting [✶] and just know that means (y/n) k? k :') as always lmk ur thoughts!! <3 hehe mwah
s&v | mlist | prev | ★ ch.2 rendezvous ★ | next
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it was that in-between time when night lingers in the air, yet morning remains a distant thought. [✶] lay fast asleep in baekhyun’s arms, their naked bodies intertwined, sheets tangled beneath them like the remnants of a dream. outside the window, the city lights flickered softly, a quiet backdrop to the intimate chaos within. baekhyun's room was evidence of their passion—a scatter of clothing across the floor, nightstands cluttered with the remnants of their shared moments, condom wrappers, and crumpled napkins bearing witness to the night’s intensity.
baekhyun watched her sleep, completely captivated by the gentle rhythm of her breathing, each rise and fall of her chest like a soft melody that tugged at something deep within him. she looked so serene, so devastatingly beautiful, and it sent his heart into a wild, unfamiliar rhythm. this wasn’t who he was—love had always seemed like a distraction, something that pulled focus from what truly mattered. for the last 15 years, his life had been dedicated to music, every beat of his heart, every ounce of his passion poured into his art. it was his everything—until now.
now, baekhyun held [✶] close, her body fitting against his like they’d been crafted for this moment, his arms wrapped around her with the kind of desperation that comes from realizing you’ve found something you didn’t even know you were missing. less than a day ago, she was just a stranger, someone whose name he didn’t even know. yet here she was, tangled in his arms as if she had always belonged there.
it wasn’t out of character for him to bring someone home after a night out—it was routine, a brief escape that ended with the sunrise and no strings attached, inevitably leaving a trail of frustrated women, disappointed by the imbalance between their hopes and his intentions. but this? holding [✶] long after the moon had set, thinking about her like she was more than just another fleeting moment? it shook him. the sharp, sweet ache in his chest made no sense. he had no room for this—no room for her. his life was full, overflowing with plans, projects, and the relentless pace of his career. he didn’t have the time or the ability to be the kind of partner she deserved. yet something inside him was urging him to try, to just see where this could go. and the thought of treating her like all the others—women who were here one night and gone the next—felt impossible. she was different, and he couldn’t imagine letting her slip away the same way.
a storm of emotions raged inside him, battling between running from the overwhelming intensity of it all or surrendering completely, losing himself in the feeling of her in his arms. the dawn was creeping closer, and with it, the inevitable confrontation of reality. what would he say when the first light touched her skin? how could he possibly put into words the confusion and intensity that gripped him?
‘so, [✶],’ he could imagine himself saying, half-joking, half-serious. ‘last night was unbelievable. and god–the sex? THE best i’ve ever had, hands down. but, uh… now i think i’m starting to feel something real, something genuine.’
but no, that couldn’t be right. he couldn’t possibly feel that way—not after just one night.
except, maybe that was exactly the whole fucking point. he’d only known [✶] for such a short time, yet she had already flipped his entire world upside down. and of course, he didn’t know her in the traditional sense—there were no shared experiences, no history between them. but somehow, he felt like he knew her. like her soul had been cut from the same fabric as his, and no matter how crazy it seemed, it just felt right.
as he navigates a whirlwind of emotions—excited by the possibility of a future together and grateful for the universe’s twist of fate—he’s also plagued by persistent doubts. the question, ‘what if it doesn’t work out?’ echoes relentlessly. amidst this emotional storm, one truth stands unwavering in his heart: he wants [✶].
he wants all of her—the good, the bad, and everything in between. for the first time in his life, baekhyun doesn’t feel the insistent urge to run away. that thought alone is both terrifying and freeing. with his arms still wrapped around her and her warmth grounding him in a way he’d never felt before, baekhyun’s eyes finally grow heavy. as sleep overtakes him, only one thought remains: ‘i want ✶’.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
as the morning sun filters through baekhyun's bedroom curtains, casting a soft glow over their still-entwined bodies, [✶] stirs awake. the weight of the previous night crashes down on her with an almost physical force.
the first thing she notices, with a wave of relief, is the absence of a pounding headache or any trace of a hangover. silently, she thanks the gods for sparing her the consequences of her indulgence. but as awareness creeps in, the feel of her bare skin against baekhyun’s sends a surge of insecurity through her. instinctively, she pulls the covers tighter around herself, though her head remains nestled on his chest, just as it was when she fell asleep.
his chest rises and falls beneath her, his slow, steady breaths a sign that he's still deep in slumber. she glances up through heavy-lidded eyes, a soft smile forming as she takes in his peaceful features—the defined bridge of his nose, the pout of his lips, the few scattered freckles that dot his face. his slightly tousled hair falls gently over his forehead, enhancing his impossibly breathtaking appearance.
as her body fully awakens, the remnants of last night’s passion make themselves known, a dull ache settling in her thighs and core—a reminder of just how unforgettable the night had been.
oh, last night was pure magic.
from the very first moment, an undeniable spark ignited between them—a fusion of laughter and playful banter that effortlessly drew them closer with each shared joke. the attraction was magnetic, their energies blending in a way that felt almost fated. by the time they made it back to baekhyun’s place, a deeper intimacy had already begun to unravel as they stripped away layers of themselves, exposing vulnerabilities and desires. every movement between them was fluid, like a perfectly choreographed dance, each touch and caress in sync, flowing seamlessly. when their lips finally met, it was breathless, electric, as if every kiss was proof of the chemistry they couldn’t deny. there was no awkwardness or hesitation—just a quiet, unspoken understanding that made everything feel effortless and right.
despite the magic of the night and the waves of pleasure baekhyun had given [✶], she couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that she was just another conquest. another notch on his belt.
she had been fully aware of the boundaries she was crossing when she let things go as far as they did. but now, lying there in the dim morning light, she couldn’t shake the nagging doubt. was it the ache of loneliness, stretching back months before her breakup, that had driven her into baekhyun’s bed? the realization made her feel small and pitiable. this was supposed to be what she wanted—just a night of fleeting pleasure. she’d never intended for anything more, had she?
baekhyun’s reputation wasn’t a mystery. she knew his story, his resistance to commitment. hana had given her all the warnings. so why did she feel this sense of disappointment creeping in? did she really think he’d change for her? the thought twisted like a knife in her chest, leaving her feeling small and foolish.
the more she dwelled on it, the worse it got. her mind spiraled, and what had started as a gnawing insecurity quickly turned into a suffocating weight pressing down on her. each breath felt harder than the last. the comfort she’d found with baekhyun now felt like a cage she desperately needed to break free from.
with delicate, almost trembling grace, she gently disentangles herself from baekhyun’s hold, slipping out of his bed as silently as a shadow slipping through the night. she dresses with deliberate care, each movement slow as though she fears shattering the fragile peace. her heart feels heavy, weighed down by a whirlwind of unspoken fears and doubts.
she pauses for a moment, casting one last, lingering glance at the man she’s leaving behind, her chest tightening with the unvoiced turmoil inside her. then, she quietly turns toward the door, each step a soft whisper of the internal struggle pulling her away from the comfort she craves.
“where are you going?” his voice is soft but laced with urgency, cutting through the silence as [✶] freezes at the front door of his apartment, her hand on the doorknob. she turns, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of him. baekhyun stands in the doorway of his bedroom, the morning light spilling through the curtains, casting a warm glow on his skin. his usually confident demeanor is nowhere to be found—his lips are trembling ever so slightly, betraying a fear he’s never known before. 
but this time is different. this time, the thought of her leaving without even saying goodbye has shaken him in ways he wasn’t prepared for.
“i... i just thought i should go,” she mumbles, avoiding his gaze. it feels safer that way, to not see the way he looks at her, like he cares—like this is more than just another fleeting moment for him. because if she looks, she might start believing it. and she can't afford to be that naive.
baekhyun takes a step closer, his expression growing more concerned. “w-why?” his voice is quieter now, softer, as if he's afraid of scaring her away completely. “did i...do something wrong?”
the question nearly shatters her. no, he didn’t do anything wrong. he did everything right. maybe too right. it was her who was messed up. her thoughts swirl, and the doubts she had managed to suppress crash back down on her, heavier than before.
not only is he saying all the right things, it definitely doesn’t help that he looks absolutely unreal. his toned abs are visible beneath the loosely held sheet around his waist—not overly muscular, but defined just enough to show the faint lines of his effort. his hair, still messy from the night before, frames his face with an effortless charm. strands fall messily across his forehead, his undercut now more visible, revealing the sharp contrast between the tousled top and the freshly shaved sides. 
“i just... don’t want to complicate things,” [✶] whispers, her throat tightening. “we both know this wasn’t meant to be anything serious.”
baekhyun’s jaw clenches, his expression hardening for a brief moment, but it softens again almost immediately. “who said that?”
his words catch her off guard. she looks up at him, finally, her brows furrowing as she tries to gauge the sincerity in his eyes. “you don’t have to say that. we both know what this is. you don’t have to pretend.”
his dark eyes search for hers, filled with a sense of longing and desperation that makes her heart skip. the way he’s looking at her isn’t just lust or satisfaction from a night well spent. no, it’s more. it’s something real, something vulnerable.
“[✶],” he steps closer, and for the first time, there's a sense of urgency in his voice, “i’m not pretending. i don’t know what this is, but i know it’s not nothing. i didn’t–i don’t want you to leave.”
her heart stumbles at his admission. she wasn’t expecting that. she was expecting indifference, a casual goodbye, maybe even relief on his part. but instead, she finds herself facing a man who seems genuinely rattled by the thought of her walking out of his life.
“why?” she blurts out before she can stop herself. the question is raw, tinged with the vulnerability she’s tried so hard to hide. “why would you care if i leave? i’m just another girl to you, right?”
his eyes darken with frustration, and before she can retreat any further, he closes the distance between them. “no. you’re not just another girl.” his voice is firm, with an edge of desperation. “if you were, i wouldn’t be standing here right now, trying to figure out why you’re running away. i wouldn't have tried so fucking hard all night to get you to agree to go on an actual date with me.”
she swallows hard, her mind racing. this wasn’t the baekhyun she had expected—the one standing before her now felt different, almost… vulnerable. it threw her off balance, disarming in a way that left her both intrigued and unsettled. this glimpse of him, raw and open, scared her more than she wanted to admit.
“you don’t know what you’re saying,” she mutters, turning her face away, her voice barely above a whisper. “you don’t know what you want.”
baekhyun’s hand reaches out, gently grasping her wrist, not to restrain her, but to ground her. “maybe i don’t,” he admits, his tone softer now. “but i know i want to find out. with you.”
his words land like a punch to the gut, stirring something deep inside her, something she’s trying so hard to bury. it would be so easy to believe him, to let herself hope. but her insecurities scream louder than the quiet sincerity in his voice.
“i’m scared,” she finally admits, the truth spilling out before she can stop it. “i don’t want to be just another one of your conquests.”
baekhyun’s grip on her wrist tightens just a fraction, as if silently reassuring her. “and you’re not. look, i don’t know what i’m doing either. i admit, when it comes to my love life, i’ve been a mess for a long time. but last night... it wasn’t just fun for me. like i said, i didn’t want it to end, and i’m not ready for it to end yet.”
her heart races, battling against her fear, her doubts. she wants to believe him. god, she wants to so badly. but the weight of her past, of her insecurities, makes it so hard to trust, to let herself fall.
she whispers, her voice trembling. “why does it feel like i’m setting myself up to get hurt?”
baekhyun exhales slowly, stepping even closer, so close she can feel the warmth of his skin, the sincerity radiating off him. "because i’ve been that guy before,” he says, his voice low and regretful. “i know what you’ve heard about me, and i know it makes me look untrustworthy. but i’m trying to be different. i want to be different. for you.”
her breath catches, and for a moment, she doesn’t know what to say. she’s standing at a crossroads, one where she can either run from this potential or take a leap into the unknown, into the terrifying, fragile possibility that baekhyun might actually mean what he says.
“just stay,” he pleads, his eyes searching hers. “we don’t have to figure it all out right now. just... stay. at least let me make you a coffee.”
and in that moment, she realizes she’s not the only one who's afraid. he’s scared too—scared of losing something real, something that might be worth the risk.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
“thanks for meeting me so early,” hana says, her voice light yet tinged with a hint of mischief as she glances at [✶]. she raises her glass, savoring a generous sip of her mimosa, the citrus tang lingering on her lips. “i hope you’re not too hungover from last night.”
after the events of the previous evening—and everything that followed—hana had insisted on brunch. [✶] had reluctantly agreed, though she had wished to stay wrapped up in baekhyun’s arms a little longer. she stayed for coffee, at least, and during that brief pause, they had talked. they agreed to take things slow, letting the pace be hers. it was new for both of them, but they decided they’d figure it out together.
still, she wasn’t fully convinced. as baekhyun spoke, opening up in a way she hadn’t expected, there was a nagging voice in the back of her mind, reminding her of all the reasons she should be cautious. part of her wanted to believe him—his sincerity did seem genuine.
then, before she could overthink further, another voice—softer, almost hopeful—urged her to agree. give him a chance, just this once.
so then she nodded in agreement, the words tumbling out of her mouth almost reflexively. 'yeah, okay. sure. we’ll take it slow. let’s see where this goes.' the second she said it, she felt the weight lift slightly, though her heart still carried the lingering burden of doubt.
as soon as their conversation came to a close, [✶] had barely managed to get through half of her cup before baekhyun swept her up, carrying her bridal-style back to his bedroom to pick up where they left off the night before.
baekhyun had been between [✶]'s legs when hana called. she forwarded the call to voicemail the first couple of times, her focus lost in the heat of baekhyun’s mouth. the third call, baekhyun paused long enough to nudge her to answer. “it might be important,” he murmured, his lips still brushing her skin. breathless, she agreed, assuming he’d give her a moment of peace to handle it.
just seconds into the call, baekhyun dove back in, his lips finding their place between [✶]'s thighs once again. her back arched in response, a hand flying to her mouth to stifle the moan that nearly escaped. his quiet chuckle vibrated against her, making her toes curl. he was tormenting her and he was relishing every second of it.
hana had asked to meet for brunch later that morning, and despite the overwhelming distraction, [✶] couldn’t bring herself to say no. hana would immediately sense something was off if she refused, and [✶] wasn’t ready to explain what—or rather, who—was keeping her busy. with a steadying breath, she agreed to brunch, trying to sound as casual as possible, all while baekhyun continued his irresistible teasing beneath the sheets.
before she could even say goodbye, baekhyun snatched her phone, powered it off, and tossed it lightly across the room and out of her reach.
she shot him a disbelieving look, her mouth hanging open in shock. “baek, did you seriously just throw my phone?”
“don’t worry, babe,” he murmured, his lips brushing gently against her thighs, punctuated by playful nibbles. “if it’s broken, i’ll just get you a new one.” he said it with such effortless ease, his tone carrying an unspoken promise—he wasn’t done with her just yet.
she released a shaky breath, her body trembling from the waves of pleasure surging through her. the sight alone was almost enough to push her over the edge—his plush, pink lips enveloping her completely, his relentless tongue expertly circling her most sensitive spot. the dark, intense look in his eyes never left hers, watching her fall apart beneath his touch, turning her into a helpless mess. he was being so mean.
“why do i get the feeling you’re going to be the death of me, byun baekhyun?”
a wicked, self-satisfied grin twisted his lips at the desperate, broken whine that bubbled up from her. god, that sound was like pure, addictive nectar to him—he couldn’t get enough. his touch was merciless, each stroke and caress a calculated torment meant to make her squirm and beg. her thighs clamped down on his head, nearly crushing him, and he thrived on the way she writhed with pleasure. he was consumed by an unholy hunger to hear every gasping whimper and frenzied moan she made. nothing was too extreme, no act too cruel, just to keep her trembling and on the edge of madness. he’d happily lose himself entirely—drown in her juices—if it meant he could keep hearing those sweet, desperate sounds that drove him wild. to him, her pleasure was an intoxicating obsession, and he’d do anything to keep those sounds coming.
in his haze, the thought of returning to his old playboy ways was utterly inconceivable. how could he go back to such meaningless encounters now that he had experienced the depth of having [✶] beneath him, that he had tasted her so intimately? the fleeting pleasures of his past life were nothing compared to the all-consuming need he felt for her. the idea of being with anyone else, of indulging in any other woman’s touch, was abhorrent to him. he needed her and only her, every day, every night, for the rest of his days. the sheer thought of anything else was a betrayal of the dark, obsessive desire that now consumed him.
now, sitting in the bustling restaurant, surrounded by the sounds of clinking glasses and lively chatter, the air warm and fresh as they chose a spot outside, [✶] tried to ground herself in the present. the late morning sun bathed the two friends in a gentle glow, the rays caressing their skin with a comforting warmth.
[✶] smiled, mirroring her best friend as she took a slow sip of her drink. “well, when my best friend calls, i answer.”
she cleared her throat, trying to push away the vivid memory of baekhyun’s touch while she answered that very call, her pulse quickening momentarily. the contrast between the intimate, fevered haze of the morning and the casual brunch setting was stark, and [✶] struggled to keep her composure as she engaged in light conversation with hana.
hana's lips curled into a smile at [✶]'s remark, but that smile slowly fell once her gaze drifted lower. her eyes locked onto something just above [✶]'s collarbone—a faint mark, barely concealed under the edge of her cardigan, but unmistakably there.
"um, what the hell is that?!" hana’s voice practically squealed with excitement as she pointed at the mark, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.
[✶] froze, her face a mask of horror. they hadn't even been sitting at the table for five minutes, and hana had already spotted it. her mind scrambled for an excuse, but she came up empty-handed. before she could even react, hana’s eyes widened in delight. "oh, you dirty whore! i knew you went to baekhyun’s last night! is that why you kept declining my calls this morning?!"
“hey, weren’t you the one telling me to have fun?” [✶] retorted, her hand instinctively flying to cover the mark, her sudden insecurity evident as hana’s gaze bore into her with playful intensity.
desperate to divert the attention away from herself—and the telltale mark on her neck that her best friend’s keen eyes had already noticed—[✶] blurted out, "anyway, what’s up? i’m shocked kyungsoo’s not too busy basking in 'betrothed bliss' to let you out of his sight." her words came out in a rush, the playful jab at her friend laced with a hint of anxiety as she tried to steer the conversation away from the previous night’s events.
hana narrowed her eyes playfully, giving her best friend a knowing look that promised a full interrogation about baekhyun later. with the tension between them dissolving, she relaxed back into her seat, a soft smile playing on her lips. "well, if you must know, i do have a little surprise for you."
she then reached down and brought out a stunning bouquet of flowers, the delicate pinks and whites of peonies and carnations mingling with the airy softness of baby’s breath. the arrangement was breathtaking, each bloom carefully selected to create a harmonious blend of color and fragrance. as [✶] took the bouquet, the sweet scent of the flowers filled the air, wrapping her in a comforting embrace. but it wasn’t just the flowers that caught her attention.
as [✶]'s eyes drifted down, she noticed the newspaper wrapping the bouquet—a charming and personal touch. on it was a nostalgic picture of the two of them as children, arms wrapped around each other, their smiles wide and full of innocent joy. above the image, a headline in bold letters asked, ‘will you be my maid of honor?’
tears welled up in [✶]'s eyes, her heart swelling with happiness at the heartfelt proposal. she looked directly across the table at hana, her voice choked with emotion. “oh my god, hana, of course i’ll be your maid of honor!”
the two rise from their seats, the excitement in the air nearly palpable. as they step into each other's embrace, the hug is tight and full of unspoken emotions—love, pride, and the overwhelming joy of this moment. [✶] feels her chest swell with happiness for her best friend, the kind that makes her eyes glisten with unshed tears. this is a moment she'll cherish forever.
as they settle back down, [✶] takes hana's hand, her grip firm and reassuring. "i promise you, i'm going to make this wedding everything you've ever dreamed of," she says, her voice filled with determination and warmth. "you know i'm the best when it comes to planning and parties," [✶] brags with a playful smirk. "you won't even have to lift a finger. you can count on me."
hana grins and winks at her, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "duh, that's why i picked you for the job. did you think it was because of the 20+ years of history we have with each other?" she joked causing [✶] to roll her eyes.
“but anyways, now that we’ve got all of that out of the way,” hana says with a sly grin, finishing off the last sip of her mimosa. the waiter arrives just in time to refill her glass, but hana barely acknowledges him, her focus entirely on [✶]. she leans in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “spill. about baekhyun, i mean. i want every single detail, especially the juicy ones. this is a first for us, after all.”
it’s true. [✶] has never had anything this juicy to share before—how could she, when there was only ever one person she’s been with? this whole experience is as new to [✶] as it is to hana.
hana’s eyes gleam with pride and excitement for her best friend. it was always hana who had the wild stories of one-night stands and steamy affairs—until kyungsoo came along and changed that, of course. but now, it’s [✶]’s turn, and hana couldn’t be happier to see her best friend finally stepping into the spotlight, embracing a side of life she had never explored before.
as [✶] captivates her best friend with the events of the previous night, her voice is a mix of excitement and raw emotion. she starts with the first kiss, describing it as a moment suspended in time—the spark that affirmed that there truly was something between her and baekhyun. she talks about their conversations, rich and engaging, where they uncovered just how much they had in common. their chemistry was evident in every shared laugh and glance.
the conversation takes a more heated turn as [✶] details what happened in baekhyun’s bedroom. her eyes flutter with a mix of excitement and lingering nervousness as she recounts the intensity of their encounter—an experience that surpassed anything she’d ever known.
her cheeks warm with the flush of several mimosas as she describes waking in the soft morning light, her heart pounding with a blend of fear and exhilaration. she had almost left without a word, but then she had seen the hurt in baekhyun’s eyes—a look that pierced through her and left her trembling. [✶] recounts the heartfelt things baekhyun had told her, his affirmations that he wanted her to stay. though his words were beautiful and convincing, she couldn’t shake the fear weighing on her heart. his promises seemed so simple, but she hardly knew him, and his reputation with women only added to her doubts.
“i know we agreed to take things at my pace and see where this goes,” [✶] gushes to hana, her voice tinged with frustration and uncertainty. “but i can’t help feeling scared. he said all the right things, hana,” she continues, her eyes searching for reassurance. “he made everything sound so… simple. but with what i know about his past with women, i’m just not sure if i should fully trust him yet.. or ever.”
hana listens intently, her gaze reflecting a blend of empathy and understanding. she can’t help but draw parallels between [✶]’s current turmoil and her own past experiences. she recognizes the familiar echoes of her own journey with kyungsoo in [✶]’s struggle. 
she reflects on the early days of her relationship with kyungsoo, remembering how he grappled with insecurities about her popularity and past. the relationship had been rocky at times, but they weathered the storm and built a foundation of trust that led them to where they are now—engaged and committed. 
hana finds herself empathizing with baekhyun’s situation as well, sensing a genuine depth in his feelings for [✶]. the shock of discovering that he might actually have developed real emotions for [✶] resonates with hana’s own experiences. she understands the challenge of overcoming past impressions and the difficulty of navigating new emotions in a relationship. the parallels between [✶]’s predicament and her own journey with kyungsoo feel strikingly similar.
hana reaches across the table, her smile soft and comforting. “i understand, [✶]. trusting someone when there’s so much uncertainty is never easy. but sometimes, the only way to truly get to know someone is to take a leap of faith. and as much as it surprises me to say this about byun baekhyun of all people, who knows? it might actually work out between you two. he seems genuine. besides, he wouldn’t risk playing with your feelings, especially knowing you’re my best friend. baekhyun might not always come across as a gentleman with women, but he does have his principles.”
“yeah,” [✶] replies, her voice tinged with exhaustion and a touch of resignation. “OR i could just ghost him and skip all this potential heartache. save myself from getting hurt.” she shrugs, trying to sound casual, but her eyes reveal the deeper unease she’s feeling. 
unknowingly, [✶]'s reaction mirrors the very hesitance she perceives in baekhyun. 
“that option seems like the safest bet. besides, i probably won’t see him again until the wedding, so there’s plenty of time and distance to figure things out.”
as [✶] continues to pour out her feelings, hana’s attention is drawn to the two men approaching their table. her heart skips a beat as she recognizes them, bracing for what could be an awkward encounter. she tries to catch [✶]’s attention, hoping to steer the conversation away, but her friend, lost in a haze of inebriated candor, remains blissfully unaware.
“i mean, who knows, maybe he’s probably already forgotten all about—”
a smooth, confident voice interrupts [✶]’s ramble. “fancy seeing you two here,” one of the men says, his tone dripping with amusement.
kyungsoo strides over to his fiancée with a warm, affectionate smile. leaning down, he presses a gentle kiss to hana’s lips. as he pulls back, his gaze shifts to [✶]. “you remember baekhyun from the party last night, right?”
[✶] turns to face the towering figure behind her, her eyes widening in surprise. her heart races as she meets baekhyun’s gaze, his expression a mixture of charm and intrigue. the blush rising on her cheeks and neck could easily be attributed to the alcohol, but deep down, she knows it’s more than that. it feels as though her breath has momentarily escaped her, caught in the magnetic pull of baekhyun’s presence.
“uhhh… yeah,” [✶] murmurs, her voice barely a whisper, eyes widening in a mix of surprise and embarrassment. “hi, baekhyun.”
[✶]’s hands tremble slightly as she tries to compose herself, her voice wavering. baekhyun, on the other hand, stands effortlessly, his relaxed posture and easy smile showing no sign of the tension [✶] is feeling.
“hi there, [✶]. long time no see.” baekhyun’s eyes twinkle with amusement as he casually greets her, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. his demeanor only heightens [✶]’s sense of unease, making her feel even more out of place.
‘why is he here? why does he look so fucking good? and why the hell is he acting like he wasn’t just eating me out like his very life depended on it just an hour ago?’ the questions race through [✶]’s mind, her anxiety evident in the way her heart pounds and her thoughts scatter.
the two men slide their chairs into place beside them, the scrape of wood against the floor sounding louder than usual in the tense atmosphere. hana’s gaze locks onto kyungsoo with a palpable blend of frustration and disbelief. her eyes, usually warm and inviting, are now sharp and pleading, as if trying to send a silent message through sheer willpower. her jaw is set tightly, the muscles working under her skin as she silently implores him to understand that this is absolutely not the moment for an interruption.
as expected, kyungsoo remained blissfully unaware of the charged atmosphere between the two women in front of him. he was the type of man who missed the subtle undercurrents of energy and instead focused on concrete, verbal exchanges.
“soo, you didn’t mention you were having breakfast with baekhyun this morning?” she asked, her voice laced with barely concealed irritation, teeth clenched as she spoke.
kyungsoo, oblivious to the simmering tension, responded nonchalantly, “oh, well, i checked your location and saw you were here. we just finished eating at the tap house not too far down the street. baekhyun parked nearby here, so i thought i’d walk him to his car since you’re here anyway.”
hana and [✶] exchanged frantic glances, their eyes wide with unspoken panic. they silently hoped that the two men would take the hint and leave, but their casual intrusion and self-assured demeanor suggested otherwise.
kyungsoo leaned back, a casual grin tugging at his lips. “and then we saw through the window that [✶] was with you,” he continued, eyes twinkling with mischief. “and since baekhyun here seemed so smitten with her at the party, he thought he’d swing by to say hi.”
baekhyun shot him an incredulous look, eyebrows shooting up as if he couldn’t believe his best friend just threw him under the bus. with a soft chuckle, he accepted that kyungsoo had no concept of subtlety. “yeah, something like that,” baekhyun laughed, settling more comfortably into his chair. 
his hand slipped beneath the table, settling on [✶]’s thigh with a comforting warmth. he gently caressed her skin, his thumb brushing up and down in soothing strokes, occasionally squeezing her knee like it was second nature. each subtle movement edged higher, his fingers grazing the sensitive spot between her legs—a place he had intimately explored in the early hours of the morning.
she bit down on her lip, desperately trying to focus on anything but the subtle movements of his hand beneath the table. there was no way she could look at him—seeing baekhyun again so soon had her heart pounding out of control. her skin already tingled with warmth, and she knew that if their eyes met while he touched her, she’d completely fall apart. she couldn’t let her best friends catch on just yet to how dangerously head over heels she was for him.
“oh, by the way,” kyungsoo interjected, like a light bulb suddenly twent on in his brain. he turned to hana, his face lighting up with a blend of excitement. the words that followed his mouth, left [✶] in a state of utter shock. “i had asked baekhyun to be my best man just now, and he agreed.”
“oh..did he?” hana asked, her voice laced with disbelief. “i thought you were planning to ask your brother to be your best man?”
kyungsoo shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. “nah, it makes more sense for baekhyun to be my best man. he’s more reliable.” he gave a meaningful nod towards his best friend.
hana’s eyes wandered over to [✶], who was sitting across the table with a mix of surprise and discomfort etched on her face. “i just asked [✶] to be my maid of honor, too, and she said yes,” hana confessed, a hint of guilt in her voice.
kyungsoo’s eyes softened as he looked across the table at baekhyun and [✶]. “this is perfect! and you two hit it off so well last night, too. i’m so glad.” his gaze then shifted to his fiancée, who was glaring at him with an intensity that could burn through steel.
baekhyun glanced at the time, his expression tightening. “well, i should get going. i'm running late for a meeting with my manager.” he gave her knee a final, lingering squeeze before rising from his seat, the chair sliding back with a soft scrape.
before heading out, he turned to [✶] with a warm, his fingers grazed her shoulder, sending a shiver through her. “guess we’ll be seeing each other more often, [✶],” he said with a wink, a toothy smile curving up into the familiar crescent moons that made her heart flutter. if she’d been uncertain about her feelings before, the gentle brush of his hand and that teasing smile left her even more confused.
as baekhyun bid the couple and [✶] a warm goodbye, his departure was marked by a casual wave and a charming smile. the soft chime of the restaurant doorbell signaled his exit, the door closing behind him with a gentle swoosh. hana’s gaze followed him until he was out of sight, her fingers lightly tapping kyungsoo's arm in a gesture that was both exasperated and affectionate.
“what the hell, kyungsoo?! can’t you take a hint?” hana’s voice was a mix of frustration and disbelief, her eyes flashing with irritation.
kyungsoo winced, the sting of hana’s playful yet sharp slap making him flinch. he rubbed his arm with a wince, his brow furrowing in confusion. “what do you mean? aren’t you happy that our best friends are playing such important roles in our wedding?”
hana’s reaction was to scoff, shaking her head as though in disbelief at her fiancé’s lack of understanding. “i’ll explain when i get home later,” she said, her tone carrying a weight of finality.
[✶], who had been silent and seemingly lost in thought, finally spoke up. her voice was thin and quivering, as if she were struggling to find the right words. "i’m going to head into the office, actually.” she said, her throat feeling dry. "i have a lot to prepare for the charity event this upcoming weekend.” 
as she packed up her bag with a hurried efficiency, her movements were sharp and deliberate. she tossed a generous amount of cash onto the table, covering their bill with a decisive flick of her wrist. “i’ll text you when i get home, hana, yeah? i’ll see you both later, bye.”
before hana could even muster a response, [✶] was already making her way to the exit, her steps quick and determined. the restaurant's warm ambiance seemed to dim as she left, her sudden departure leaving a palpable void. hana and kyungsoo were left in stunned silence, their expressions a blend of concern and confusion as they watched [✶] storm out, her figure disappearing into the busy street.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
as [✶] slides into the driver’s seat of her car, she feels the cool leather against her skin. the soft hum of the engine, which she usually finds comforting, now seems to mock her inner turmoil. she's slumped into the seat, her back pressing against the headrest, her breath hitching as she silently berates herself. “why did this have to happen now?” she muttered to herself, her voice trembling with the intensity of her emotions. “why did baekhyun have to show up like that? and why did kyungsoo have to be so fucking oblivious?” she ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, trying to make sense of her jumbled thoughts and emotions.
a tap on her windshield startles her, and as she looks up, she catches the glint of a familiar face through the sunlight. it’s baekhyun, his presence as unexpected as it is electrifying.
“talking to yourself now?” his voice, smooth and teasing, floats through the air, just as the soft knock on the glass fades.
[✶] mentally shakes herself, a whirlwind of thoughts crashing together. 'get your shit together', she thinks while drawing in a deep breath. the whir of the window motor is the only sound that punctuates the brief silence as she rolls it down.
baekhyun’s face appears, framed by the soft light of day, and his smile is a blend of mischief and warmth. his eyes sparkle with a flirtatious glint, the kind that makes her pulse quicken and her thoughts scatter.
“hi again,” he murmurs, leaning into the window with a playful, teasing tone. his lower lip caught between his teeth, he meets her gaze, then lets his eyes trail down to her lips before returning to hers. the proximity of his body, his breath brushing against hers, sends a shiver racing down her spine.
caught off guard, she fights to regain control of her swirling thoughts. but as the sunlight bathes him in a golden hue, the moment pulls her in, stealing her hesitation.
“hi,” [✶] replies, her voice soft but brimming with warmth.
baekhyun’s gaze softens as he reaches out, the back of his fingers grazing her cheek with a feather-light touch. he gently tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, his touch electric and tender. “wow. you’re even prettier in the daylight,” he murmurs, his voice low and sincere. “didn’t know that was possible.”
the compliment wraps around [✶] like a cozy blanket, stoking a fire of confidence within her. she lifts her chin slightly, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. “i could say the same about you, baekhyun,” she responds, her voice taking on a flirtatious edge as she lets her smile widen.
the playful exchange lingers in the air, a shared moment of magnetic attraction, as they stand on the precipice of something exhilarating and unknown.
"hmph.” his voice rumbles softly, eyes looking at her with longing as if he was looking at something he couldn't quite have.
“sorry,” he murmurs, his tone a mix of concern and something she couldn’t quite place. “i didn’t mean to interrupt your little monologue just now. i just saw you practically sprinting to your car as i was about to pull off and wanted to make sure you were okay.”
as he speaks, his hand moves with a gentle, deliberate slowness, fingers brushing against the side of her face. his touch is warm, his thumb grazing the delicate curve of her chin. the contact sends a spark through her, turning her into putty. his thumb lingers, tracing the line of her jaw, and she can’t help but lean into his touch, her breath hitching as the tension between them crackles like electricity in the air.
"thanks for checking on me,” [✶] sighs, her voice barely above a whisper as she fidgets with the hem of her shirt. her eyes dart nervously to the side, avoiding baekhyun’s intense gaze. “but i’m okay, really—i just wasn’t expecting to see you so soon after… you know—”
“oh—right!” baekhyun says with a snaps his fingers. his eyes light up with sudden realization, his expression shifting to one of playful mischief. “what was it you were saying earlier? something about how you thought the next time you'll see me is at their wedding? and that it would leave plenty of time and distance between us? is that right?”
[✶]’s heart drops, and her eyes widen in shock as she feels her stomach twist with embarrassment. she can barely believe her ears. her mouth goes dry, and her voice falters. “heh. oh, so you… you heard that?”
baekhyun nods, his hand resting dramatically over his chest as if wounded. “wow. i can’t believe the only girl who has me in a complete chokehold was planning to ghost me.” his tone is light, teasing, but there’s an underlying note of sincerity that makes [✶]’s cheeks flush. “welp, i’m glad i caught you, then. cause now i can tell you that you’re going to have to try harder to get rid of me.” he says lightly pinching her cheek.
she feels exposed, her earlier confidence crumbling under his playful yet piercing gaze. the memory of her conversation with hana floods back, and she mentally kicks herself for being so careless. but as much as she wants to sink into the floor and disappear, there’s something about the way baekhyun looks at her—like she’s the only person in the world that matters in that moment—that makes her chest tighten with something other than dread.
"welllllll," [✶] drags out the word, her voice laced with a playful drawl, "it was really nice chatting, baekhyun, but i really have to get going. i have a lot to plan for this annual charity event coming up this weekend, and—"
she’s immediately cut off as baekhyun’s expression shifts, realization dawning on him like a flash of lightning. the pieces fall into place with a sudden clarity that makes him silently curse himself for not figuring it out sooner. how could he have missed this?
"wait—" he interrupts, astonishment coloring his voice, "the humanitarian gala at the lee hotel this saturday? i just signed on to perform there. i'm actually meeting with my manager soon to go over the details."
[✶]’s eyes narrow, her thoughts racing back to the chaotic conversation she had with her assistant yesterday morning, just before kyungsoo and hana’s engagement party. the memory is a blur of stress and frantic planning, and she can almost feel the looming headache from the mess that’s undoubtedly waiting for her in her inbox. the thought of the endless list of tasks she needs to tackle—one so long it could rival a cvs receipt—makes her shoulders sag with exhaustion.
"hmm," she muses aloud, her tone thoughtful but distant, "i did tell my assistant that she needed to find us someone else since one of our other performers had to back out." she sighs, a sound heavy with resignation, wanting to wrap up this conversation so she can retreat to the relative sanctuary of her office and start putting out fires.
“wow, so i’m your second choice? you’re really breaking my heart today.” his tone once again dramatic.
[✶] rolled her eyes, barely able to suppress the grin threatening to break free. his dramatic antics, always over-the-top and laced with flair, were just so… him. the way he puffed out his chest and cast exaggerated glances her way was almost comical. a subtle smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, betraying her amusement even as she tried to keep a straight face.
'you weren't even a choice to begin with, baekhyun,' she thought to herself, the idea nearly making her chuckle aloud. but she quickly bit her tongue, knowing full well that voicing it would only encourage him more. she could already imagine his endless banter, the way he'd latch onto her words and turn them into an ongoing inside joke. and as much as she adored that mischievous glint in his eye, she wasn't quite ready to deal with the inevitable playful teasing that would follow.
so, instead, she simply shook her head, her smirk widening as she watched him. "well then, i guess i'll see you on saturday, baekhyun," she quips, her tone light yet laced with playful sarcasm. "can’t wait to see what all those fangirls of yours are drooling over. who knows? maybe i'll become one of them."
her words hang in the air, a teasing challenge that sends a shiver down baekhyun’s spine. he feels a rush of electricity as the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, the intensity of her gaze lingering even as she reaches for the car window.
with a slow, deliberate motion, the window closes, creating a tangible barrier between them. but instead of diminishing the tension, the thin sheet of glass only amplifies it, making the charged atmosphere between them almost palpable. baekhyun watches as her car pulls away, his heart beating just a little faster, hands beginning to sweat, knowing that saturday’s performance will be different with her eyes on him.
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hazybyun · 5 years
Crazy For You [M]- BBH
Summary: He’s your boss. Naturally you’d think it wrong to be having these thoughts. You were in the wrong after all and that was the only reason he had called you to his office...at first it seemed.
Pairing: CEO! Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: oneshot | Smut | angst
Warnings: Explict sexual imagery, explicit language, breath play, degradation, overstimulation, impact play...idk this whole fic is a warning tbh
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1.8K
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“Miss Kim...” His voice seemed calm, yet also passive aggressive. Your boss lowered his head slightly as he turned away from you letting out a slow, obviously irritated sigh. Of course you would immediately say that the reason for the stocks dropping wasn’t entirely your fault- the cause was falling behind on work due to insomnia and a few dinner plans with an ex that had backfired horribly: resulting in the revelation of his cheating. It was a distraction to say the least, one that had impacted on not only your work but your entire teams...which had therefore effected the companies sales. And so, here you were standing in front of the ceo. He was far much younger than you expected and handsome too; his dark brown hair that seemed to fall perfectly just before his eyes, matching the slightly honey glaze upon his skin something that was extremely distracting during a serious meeting like this especially when he stood in the setting sun, the rays of sunlight seeming to perfectly hit and bounce off his skin.
It was an understatement to say that Mr Byun was goddamn flawless. You cleared your throat slightly, trying your best to stray away from the inappropriate thoughts lingering at the back of your mind “Yes sir..?” You asked in a quieter yet professional voice whilst he took off his suit jacket. Revealing obvious back muscles that fought against the fabric of his shirt- it was almost like he was doing this on purpose. The man slowly turned to you, his gaze locking with yours almost in a challenging light.
Did he bite his lip?? Holy shit, holy fucking shit he did. No matter how subtle it was, your eyes didn’t miss it as he slowly approached you, leaning back against his desk. A soft sigh and chuckle left his lips “You do realise how much of an issue you’ve caused my company...” he stated, looking you up and down. Mr Byun, your boss, the most damn attractive guy you had ever seen, was really checking you out right now. This meeting was supposedly to discuss you possibly losing your job, not an opportunity for the ceo of your company to mentally undress you.
“Sir, I can explain...it really wasn’t intentional I-”
He stopped your rambling by simply holding his hand up to silence you. Perhaps it was the fact you were newly single, perhaps it was the fact that him being able to control you effortlessly with a wave of his hand...your ceo currently was such a turn on. A silence hung in the hair for a brief moment, it was like he was deciding what to do. The male’s dark iris’ never left your figure, he raised his hand once again and beckoned you with one long, delicate finger. And just like that, your legs were moving quickly towards him without even thinking. Your eyes trailing his body, fixating on his soft lips as they slowly pulled back into an amused smirk. “I could fire you, you know. Right now. You’d have to immediately pack your things and leave.” The Male hummed, looking you up and down slowly, taking in every curve.
You nodded slowly and sighed “I know...and I’m really sorry for not being able to keep up with my work Mr Byun.” He immediately shook his head at your words. Was he...really not caring for your apology right now? It was complete surprise as to what he did next, your boss slowly snaked his arm around your small waist and pulled you closer- in between his slightly spread legs.
“Baekhyun. Just Baekhyun.” He mumbled, standing up as he pressed his chest against yours leaning down as he smashed his lips against yours in a heated kiss. It had completely caught you off guard but god were you not complaining. He tasted like strawberry chapstick, the way he moved his lips passionately against yours, gripping your hips tightly “You can’t expect to stand there looking like that princess and not expect me to fucking do something about it.” Baekhyun breathed against your lips, earning a soft whimper in return. He slowly ran his tongue along your bottom lip before slowly slipping it into your mouth. The man who seemed oh so charasmatic and darling during company gathering was like fire- oh so hot as he shoved his tongue down your throat, his hands freely roaming your body.
You let out a soft whine into his mouth, softly tugging on his tie before undoing it, causing the Male to pull away briefly, leaving a trail of saliva running down your chin “Did I give you permission to do that?” He asked, to which you stayed completely silent, shaking your head slowly, earning a small scoff as he lifted you onto the table, his fingers played with the fabric of your skirt whilst a deep chuckle left his throat “You want to stay here..?? Earn it. You pathetic slut.” Baekhyun spat as he ripped the material of your tights pulling them down as he threw your panties to the side.
He was rough, but god how you loved it. Your boss knelt down slightly as he pushed open your legs, slowly beginning to leave kisses up your thighs. This was wrong. So wrong. He was your boss and you were his employee, work place relationships were banned as a starter but you also couldn’t help but remember that Byun Baekhyun was also hard to reach since he always had meetings with superiors during the day...and one of them could walk in any moment to see the purple marks staining your skin and his head between your legs. It was so much of a risk that one noise could spark curiousity of a coworker nextdoor and yet...this singular thought couldnt help but add to the throbbing of your core during the heat of the moment.
You closed your eyes and let out a shaky breath whilst his tongue slowly lapped at your clit, and god was he amazing at it. The way he gripped your thigh with his free hand, the other slowly running along your wetness before he slowly pushed two fingers into your interance, causing you to cover your mouth to prevent the loud moan escaping your lips and being heard by others. Byun Baekhyun was truly incredible, the way he hit all the right spots...it wasn’t long until your thighs was shaking as you hit your climax. His flawless face now soaked. “B-Baek...” You whimpered as he didn’t pull away, your head was spinning now feeling like you were going insane as he slipped his tongue into your enterance and now moved his thumb to slowly rub circles against your clit. It was too much, far too much for you to take in with a clear mindset. Your hands slowly tangled into his hair, gently tugging at it- earning small grunts and groans in response.
The man finally pulled away, his face completely drenched in your fluids. He looked up at you with an amused smirk, slowly standing up. Baekhyun made a motion with his finger, silently ordering you to turn around for him. It was like you didn’t have control over your own body, whatever Mr Byun wanted, Mr Byun had. You weakly turned and bent over the table, supported only just by your shaking and unstable legs that you thought could possibly give way due to overstimulation any second.
He chuckled softly in amusement whilst slowly unzipping his pants “You know princess, you really are something...” he noticed how unstable you were and couldn’t help but laugh as he held his hardened member in his hands, slowly guiding it to your entrance “I love how pathetic you are.” Baekhyun smirked as he slowly pushed into you, a deep groan leaving his lips as it almost matched your lewd one only muffled by biting down on your bottom lip that was sure to be evidently bruised after this. His movements were slow at first as he adjusted to you, but Baekhyun soon began to show just how rough he could be. You whimpered and moaned softly as he relentlessly pounded into you. It wasn’t like anything you had ever done before, he was so rough with his thrusts and yet his hand that rested on your hips was gentle, carefully holding you incase your legs finally gave way.
As Baekhyun continued to pound into you; the room was filled with the sound of skin slapping together loudly and a mix of irregular breathing, soft whimpers, loud moans and deep grunts. You could feel the tight knot forming in your abdomen once again “Baekhyun I-” you mumbled in an almost inaudible voice, rambling on whilst your mouth hung open, completely lost in the heat of the moment. His hand came down with full force on your ass, most likely leaving a bright red handprint as you jolted forward with a small yelp.
He gritted his teeth whilst looking down at you “Hold it.” Baekhyun ordered in a lower and almost more threatening tone. You rested you head on the desk, whining as you tried your best to hold back your climax. Your boss’ voice kept you going, whispering small praises between his deep groans- “Now.” He hummed, giving you permission to have your release as he pulled out, letting out a slightly louder groan as his fluid poured onto the small of your back.
You didn’t dare move as Baekhyun grabbed a few towels from his bathroom cleaning the two of you up. He did up his pants before catching you off guard once again, your breath hitching slightly as your boss pulled you into his lap. Baekhyun’s arms were warm, secure, safe. You nuzzled into his shoulder and smiled a little “That was...” you breathed out, your hot breath hitting his shoulder in waves causing a small puppy-like grin to appear on his lips.
“Insane.” Baekhyun finished as he looked down at you, his hands slowly running through your hair as he spoke in a gentler tone than you had possibly ever heard him use before. The man cleared his throat, a curious glint in his eyes “Hey um, would you like to have coffee with me on your break?” He asked- a hopeful glint in his oh so innocent seeming eyes, to anyone who could see the look on his face right now they would never believe he was the same Byun Baekhyun who moments ago was able to control you with a wave of his hand.
You met his gaze, a small, tired smile upon your face “Would that be okay? I mean...wouldn’t people talk?” Naturally you would worry. What would coworkers think if you returned from your meeting with the Ceo all hot and bothered, your clothes a mess, and then only to see later the two of you on a coffee date? Of course people would talk. But he seemed to be completely unphased by this idea.
Baekhyun chuckled softly and shrugged “Who cares? I’m crazy for you Miss Kim...”
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