#baek cheol  :  threads .
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         waiting for seung to come back home, cheol found himself almost falling asleep -- sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and something random passing on the tv. with a hand covering his lips as he yawned, he tugged down the sweater he was wearing to cover himself better. hearing the door open, cheol perked up. “ ah, you’re finally here... ” / @mvnesidus.
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           it had been a few days since seung came back to the apartment but cheol still hadn’t had enough of him. nuzzling into him as he woke up, the boy muttered. “ should we get up and get breakfast or stay in bed a little longer..? ” / @mvnesidus.
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chcrrypcps · 6 years
(m) korean names; mix n match
90+ KOREAN SYLLABLES to mix n match together to form names!
– common hanja meanings attached !  
**not all name meanings are listed & not all names have to mean something– some people just like the sound of them!\
(female version here!)
아 (ah)
兒 son, child, oneself; final part
亞 second
我 our, us, my, we
牙 tooth, teeth; serrated
芽  bud, sprout
雅 elegant, graceful, refined
안 (ahn)
安 peaceful, tranquil, quiet
案 table, bench
眼 eye; hole
岸 bank, shore, beach coast
顔 face, facial appearance
배   (bae)
北 north, northern
配 match, pair; equal
杯 cup, glass
輩 generation, lifetime
korean for pear
백 (baek)
白 pure, white, unblemished
百 one hundred
범   (beom/bum)
犯 criminal; to commit a crime
凡 ordinary, common
비  (bi/bee)
秘 secret, mysterious
悲 sorrow, grief; sorry, sad
飛  fly, go quickly
卑  humble, low, inferior
肥 fat, plump; fertile
丕 grand, glorious, distinguished
빈  (bin)
彬 cultivated; well-bred
분 (boon/bun)
芬 perfume. fragrance. aroma
憤 resentment, hatred
보  (bo)
保 protect, defend, care for
寶 treasure, jewel, precious, rare
普 universal, widespread
補 mend, fix, repair, restore
甫 begin, man, father, great
輔 protect, assist
복 (bok)
福 happiness, good fortune, blessings
卜 fortune, prophecy
馥 fragrance, scent, aroma
변 (byun/byeon)
變 rebel; change, transform, alter
卞 excitable; impatient
차 (cha)
茶 tea
差 different, wrong
초 (cho)
草 grass straw herbs  
哨 whistle, chirp
焦 burned scorched; anxious vexes
천 (cheon/chun)
千 thousand
天 sky, heaven; celestial, god
川 stream, river
泉 spring, fountain; wealth money
淺 shallow, superficial
賤 cheap, worthless
철 (cheol/chul)
鐵 iron; strong, solid, firm
哲 wise, sagacious; wise-man, sage
대 (dae)
代 replacement
臺 tower, lookout
貸 to lend, borrow, pardon
다 (dah/da)
多 much, many
茶 tea
도 (do)
道 path, road
島 island
都 elegant refined
徒 disciple, follower
桃 peach; marriage
悼 grieve, lament, mourn
동 (dong)
棟 support beams of a house
東 east
冬 winter; 11th lunar month
洞 cave; grotto
童 virgin; child, boy
銅 brass, copper, bronze
凍 to freeze, congeal
언 (eon)
言 words, speech, speak
彦 elegant
은 (eun)
銀 silver, cash, money, wealth
恩 kindness, mercy, charity
隱 hidden, secret
殷 abundant, flourishing; many, great
誾 respectful
고 (goh/go)
古 old, classic, ancient
苦 bitter; hardship, suffering
固 strength; solid, strong
孤 orphan; solitary
故 ancient, old
枯 withered, decayed
국 (guk/gook/kuk/kook)
國 nation, country
菊 chrysanthemum
규 (gyu/kyu)
叫 cry, shout; hail, greet, call
하 (ha)
夏 summer
河 river, stream
荷 lotus, water lily
해 (hae)
海 sea, ocean
害 harm, destroy, kill
희 (hee/hui)
喜 joy, love
希 rare; hope, expectations
稀 rare, unusual
姬 beauty
熹 warm bright; glimmer
禧 happiness
화 (hwa)
火 fire flame; burn; anger, rage
花 flower, blossoms
和 harmony, peace; peaceful, calm
嬅 beautiful
禍 misfortune, calamity, disaster
혜 (hye)
慧 bright, intelligent
현 (hyun/hyeon)
賢 virtuous, worthy, good
炫 shine glitter; show off, flaunt
玄 deep, profound
호 (ho)
呼 sigh, breath, exhale
好 fine, excellent
戶 family, household
護 to protect, guard, defend, shelter
胡 reckless, foolish; wild
虎 tiger; brave, fierce
豪 brave, heroic, chivalrous
昊 sky, heaven; summertime
皓 bright, luminous; clear
祜 blessing, happiness, prosperity
환 (hwan)
煥 shining, brilliant, lustrous
患 suffer, worry
歡 joy, happiness, pleasure
換 substitute; change, exchange
幻 fantasy, illusion, mirage
일 (il/eel)
一 one; alone, singular
日 sun, day, daytime
인 (in)
麟 female chinese unicorn
人 people, mankind, man, population
仁 humane; benevolence, kindness
認 to recognize, know, understand
寅 respect, reverence
忍 endure, bear, suffer
재 (jae)
才 talent, ability
災 calamity, disaster, catastrophe
財 wealth, riches
宰 to slaughter; to rule
栽 to cultivate; to care for plants
장 (jang)
長 leader; to excel in
奬 prize, reward
腸 emotions; sausage, intestines
障 shield, barricade; separate
丈 gentleman, husband
墻 wall
樟 camphor tree
자 (jah/ja)
子 child, offspring; fruit, seed
資 property; wealth
慈 kind, charitable, benevolent
紫 purple, violet; amethyst
磁 porcelain
지 (ji/jee)
地 earth, ground, soil
紙 paper
志 determination, will
智 wisdom, knowledge, intelligence
池 pool, pond
진 (jin)
珍 precious, valuable; rare
眞 genuine, real, true
주 (ju/joo)
晝 daytime, daylight
朱 cinnabar, vermilion
酒 wine, spirits, liquor
宙 time as a concept
洲 island
珠 precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl
준 (joon)
駿 noble steed;
俊 handsome; talented, capable
遵 honor; obedience
峻 stern; high, steep, towering
濬 deep, profound
정 (jung/jeong)
正 right, proper, correct
情 emotion, feeling, sentiment
程 journey, trip
精 essence, spirit
征 invade, attack, conquer
靜 gentle, quiet, still
淨 pure, clean, unspoiled
貞 loyal; virtuous pure
晶 crystal; clear, bright, radiant
汀 beach, bank, shore
禎 good omen, lucky
종 (jong)
終 ending, finale
宗 lineage, ancestry; ancestor
鍾 glass, goblet, cup
鐘 clock; bell
縱 to indulge in
강 (kang)
疆 boundary, border, frontier
强 strong, powerful, energetic
康 peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy
剛 hard, tough, rigid, strong
鋼 steel; hard, strong, tough
姜 ginger
기 (ki/gi)
麒 legendary auspicious animal
汽 steam, vapor, gas
器 receptacle, vessel; instrument
奇 strange, unusual, uncanny
機 machine; moment, chance
起 to rise, stand up; to begin
棄 to reject, abandon, or discard
忌 jealousy, envy; fear
欺 to cheat, deceive, or double-cross
祈 to pray; entreat, beseech
飢 hunger, starvation, famine
冀 to hope for; wish
岐 majestic
璣 a pearl that's not quite perfect
琪 a type of jade
琦 gem, precious stone, jade
氣 spirit; air, steam, vapor
記to remember, record
基 strong foundation, or base
技 skill, ability, talent
경 (kyung/kyeong/gyung/gyeong)
敬 respect, honor
輕 light, gentle
警 guard, watch
鏡 mirror, glass
卿 noble
炅 brilliance
瓊 jade; rare, precious; elegant
민 (min)
閔 mourn, grieve
憫 pity, sympathy
敏 clever, smart
旻 heaven
玟 gem
문 (moon/mun)
門/ gate, entrance
文 literature, writing; culture
명 (myung/myeong)
命 life; destiny, fate, luck
明 light, bright, brilliant
冥 dark, gloomy; night
나 (nah/na)
奈 bear, endure
남 (nam)
南 south
오 (oh)
五 five
午 noon
惡 evil, wicked, bad, foul
傲 proud, haughty; overbearing
嗚 sound of crying, sobbing; sound of sadness
娛 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
汚 filthy, dirty, impure
烏 crow, raven; black, dark
리 (ri/li/lee/ree)
李 plum
梨 pear
림 (rim)
林 forest, grove
사 (sa)
四 four
使 messenger
死 die; death; dead
士 scholar
思 think, consider, ponder
師 teacher, master
私 secret, private, personal
絲 silk, fine thread
:沙 sand, pebbles
蛇 snake
詐 trick, cheat, swindle, feign
邪 wrong, evil, vicious
唆 mischievous
상 (sang)
上 top, superior, highest
賞 reward, prize
傷 wound, injury
常 common, normal, frequent
象 ivory; elephant
喪 mourn
祥 happiness; good luck, good omen
裳 beautiful
霜 frost; crystallized
서 (seo)
西 west
庶 numerous various
徐 composed, dignified; quiet, calm
恕 forgiveness; mercy
誓 swear, pledge, promise, oath
석 (seok)
夕 evening, night, dusk
石 stone, rock, mineral
惜 pity, regret, rue
昔 ancient
奭 red; anger
碩 great, eminent; large
선 (seon/sun)
瑄 ornamental jade
仙 transcendent, immortal
善 good, virtuous, charitable, kind
鮮 fresh, new; rare
璿 fine jade
璇 star; beautiful jade
성 (seong)
晟 clear bright; splendor
城 castle; city, town
誠 sincere, honest; true, real
聲 sound, voice, music
聖 holy, sacred
盛 abundant, flourishing
星 a star, planet
승 (seung)
勝 victory
承 succeed
乘 rise, ascend
昇 peace; rise, ascent
신 (shin)
辰 early morning
信 trust, believe
新 new, fresh, modern
神 spirit; god, supernatural being
晨 early morning, daybreak
辛 bitter
시 (si/shi)
矢 vow, swear, promise
時 time season; age, period, era
施 grant, bestow, give
詩 poetry
屍 corpse
소 (so)
消 vanish, die out, melt away
笑 smile, laugh
素 white silk
昭 bright, luminous
蘇 revive, resurrect
슥 (sook/suk)
宿 constellation
淑 good, pure, virtuous, charming
수 (su/soo)
樹 plant, tree
守 defend, protect, guard
收 gather collect; harvest
秀 refined, elegant, graceful
壽 old age, long life
殊 different, special, unusual
태 (tae)
颱 typhoon
太 very, too much; big; extreme
態 manner, attitude
殆 dangerous, perilous
怠 idle, negligent
泰 great, exalted, superior
兌 cash, money; to exchange, barter
胎 fetus, embryo, unborn child
특 (teuk)
特 special, unique, distinguished
와 (wah/wa)
瓦 pottery
왕 (wang)
王 king, ruler, royalty
旺 prosperous; prosperity
위 (wee/wi)
位 throne, rank, status
偉 great, robust, extraordinary
危 dangerous
威 power; powerful; dominate
慰 calm, comfort, console
衛 guard, protect, defend
違 disobey, defy, rebel; be different than
尉 officer, military rank
원 (won)
源 spring
園 garden, park, orchard
原 beginning, source, origin
願 to wish, ambition, desire, want
怨 hatred, enemy, resentment
苑 park, garden
瑗 a ring of fine jade
媛 beauty; a beautiful woman
우 (woo/wu)
友 friend, companion
牛 cow, ox, bull
雨 rain; rainy
優 superior; excellent
宇 house, building, structure
愚 stupid, foolish
憂 sad, grievance; grief, melancholy
羽 feather, plume; wings
佑 to help, bless, protect
祐 protection; divine intervention
욱 (wook/ook)
頊 grief, anxiety
旭 brilliance, radiant
昱 dazzling, bright light, sunlight
煜 bright, shining, brilliant
郁 sweet smelling; rich in aroma
운 (woon/wun)
運 luck, fortune
雲 clouds
云 clouds
芸 art, talent ability; rue (herb)
야 (yah/ya)
夜 night, dark
野 open country, wilderness, field
惹 irritate, offend
열 (yeol/yul)
烈 fiery, violent, ardent
劣 bad, inferior
연 (yeon)
然 promise, pledge
燃 burn; ignite
緣 karma, fate
戀 love, long for, yearn for
燕 swallow (bird) ; comfort, enjoy
蓮 lotus, water lily; paradise
漣 flowing water; ripples
영 (yeong/young)
永 perpetual, eternal, forever
英 petal, flower, leaf; brave, hero; england, english
令 commandant, magistrate
領 neck, collar; leader, guide
映 to reflect light
榮 glory, honor; to flourish or prosper
寧 serenity, peace; peaceful
嶺 mountain ridge, mountain peak
影 shadow, reflection; photograph
泳 to dive, swim
詠 sing, hum, chant
零 zero; fragment, fraction, sliver
靈 spirit, soul
瑛 crystal, gem
盈 full, overflowing
이 (yi/ie)
二 two; twice
利 gains, profit
李 plum
易 change
異 different, unusual, strange
梨 pear; opera
泥 earth, mud, clay
怡 harmony, joy, pleasure; to be glad
용 (yong)
龍 dragon; symbolic of emperors
勇 brave courageous fierce
容 looks appearance; figure, form
庸 common, ordinary, mediocre
傭 servant; to hire, employ, charter
溶 overflowing with; to melt, dissolve
熔 to melt, fuse, mold
瑢 gem ornaments, usually used for belts
유 (yoo/yu)
柳 willow tree; pleasure
遊 wander, roam, travel
柔 soft, gentle
維 maintain, preserve
裕 rich, abundant, plentiful
劉 to kill, destroy
육 (yook/yuk)
六 six
율 (yool/yul)
栗 chestnuts, chestnut tree
윤 (yoon/yun)
潤 soft, moist; sleek, fresh
尹 govern, oversee, direct
胤 heir, successor
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wcvensouls-archive · 4 years
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oh kyungjae  :  threads . oh kyungjae  :  visage . oh kyungjae  :  about . oh kyungjae  :  aes . oh kyungjae  :  closet .
baek cheol  :  threads . baek cheol  :  visage . baek cheol  :  about . baek cheol  :  aes . baek cheol  :  closet .
lin  ‘ chase ’  kuo  :  threads . lin  ‘ chase ’  kuo  :  visage . lin  ‘ chase ’  kuo  :  about . lin  ‘ chase ’  kuo  :  aes . lin  ‘ chase ’  kuo  :  closet .
gok  ‘ blake ’  namkyu  :  threads . gok  ‘ blake ’  namkyu  :  visage . gok  ‘ blake ’  namkyu  :  about . gok  ‘ blake ’  namkyu  :  aes . gok  ‘ blake ’  namkyu  :  closet .
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TAG DUMP, baek cheol!
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baek cheol ( aes. )
baek cheol ( closet. )
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