#bae jinyoung fanfic
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Solace || B.JY

â genre: horror, fluff?
â word count: 5.4k
â warnings: extreme stalker behavior, paranoia, betrayal

â synopsis: when the world seems to be entirely against you, sometimes all you need is a comforting set of arms and whispered reassurances to get you by.
â (a/n): fourth installment of spooktober anthology! stalkers freak me TF out :)! this is also the longest one thus far ���. enjoy!
â taglist: @scuzmunkie @hipsdofangirl @hydroyaksha
anthology | masterlist

The life of a star is never purely the glitz and glamor they portray it as being, and the same goes for social media influencers. Not that she'd compare herself to a star, because she was anything but. Just an average nobody who managed to post pretty, aesthetically pleasing pictures that appealed to the masses. Though aside from the few hundred thousand people who awaited for her next update, she lived her life just as normally as anyone else. Wake up, go to work, go home. If she was feeling especially daring, perhaps she'd take a different route home just to experience something new. Her free time was spent traveling with her friends and gaining new experiences in life, all the while taking pictures to document her memories forever.
Perhaps things started changing around the time she grew more comfortable with her platform. She'd perfected the art of showing, not telling. Her brief stories were enough to sate the curiosity of her followers, though still maintain her overall privacy. She'd even grown comfortable slapping on the locations of her travelsâalbeit, she'd post them after she left.
At first, it was mundane. A simple acknowledgement of profile names she recognized as being veteran followers. She'd look out for their sweet comments or if they tagged her in any content. Sometimes she'd even invite them to her live sessions for simple one-on-one chats. There really was no indication of any ulterior motives.
The first time she sensed something off was after having had dinner with her friends, as she scrolled through the comments of her latest post featuring said meal. A single comment amidst the sea of a thousand others, seemingly unassuming at first glance, though enough to stir a feeling of unrest within her.
"The picture doesn't capture how absolutely tender your steak really was."
It left a lingering thought in her mind as she went to sleep that night. It's a common statement, and one she's heard quite a few times, though in the context of meeting someone in person. They usually like to comment something nice like "your pictures do you no justice," or something along those lines. Hearing this comment online, and not even about herself, just felt⌠off. Though she tried not to dwell on it. There will always be a shroud of ambiguity when conducting communication online. It's a facet of this life that she must consider at all times.
Though as time progressed, the strange occurrences seemed to only intensify from that point onâall deriving from the same username.
She recalled the name towards the start of her account, though he never actually spoke. That comment of her dinner was his first interaction with her. The first of many, so it seemed.
He had begun leaving comments on every new post she made, each comment just barely skimming the gossamer thread of suitability.
"You have such a captivating presence, even in the virtual world."
"I find myself coming back to your profile long after you've posted, just because you're always on my mind."
"I'm always eager to see what you'll share next. It's like a little window into your world."
He even comments in her lives, yet somehow only she seems to be wary of his approaches. No one else seems to notice. Her friends have merely suggested blocking or reporting him, yet something deep in (y/n) knows that won't do her any good. Especially after a certain post she made garnered yet another comment from this person.
"The blue sweater was a good choice."
It was his most unsettling comment. It was mundane like everything else he says, though the underlying connotations were beginning to surface in her mind. Because how else would he have known that she spent nearly an entire hour debating on wearing it before finally opting to do so? And through the gut wrenching anxiety which twisted her insides and tormented her heart, she successfully blocked him.
At least that's what she thought happened. However, he continued to appear on her account, as if her countermeasure did absolutely nothing to deter him. Neither blocking, nor reporting, nor even calling customer support for assistance. Nothing seemed to rid her of this plague upon her life.
His words were beginning to get to her, and she felt herself sinking into a dark chasm of paranoia. As if nowhere was safe for her anymore. As if her own walls seemed to be only a mode of voyeur for his own sick delight. It left her seeking an answer to her anxieties, worriedly searching her home with a wooden bat at the ready, yet coming up empty. Not even a secret camera nestled in any dark and unassuming nooks of her room. Yet these precautions did not sate those paranoid thoughts consuming her.
"How about we host a party?" Belle suggested, hope in her voice as the group of friends sat together at a cafe. "A little house party at my place! Just us. We'll invite some trusted friends and colleagues. Just let loose, without the worries of being in a public place?"
The group slowly turned to (y/n), nestled in the corner of the booth, sipping away at her beverage whilst nervously considering the proposition. Her friends had been nothing but supportive, albeit with a touch of skepticism in their mannerisms. They didn't see the cause for concern in it all, but they saw (y/n) and how the occurrences ate away at her. To them, she was perhaps going through a minor mental breakdown and needed all the support she can get.
So while the prospect of a party made her incredibly uncomfortable, especially during such a strenuous time as this one, she could see where her friends were coming from. She could see their attempts at a compromise. They wanted to bring her relief in the only way they knew possible, which was having fun and forgetting your worries. The thought was touching, even if the idea of a party brought a subtle edge to her disposition. She didn't want to be a damper on their fun. She didn't want to be the driving force to expel her friends from her life.
And so she found herself, rather unwillingly, nodding along to their idea.

With the party in full swing, (y/n) attempted to blend in with the other participants. Some faces she recognized, others she didn't. Names had begun to blur into one, and she found it more and more difficult to keep track of the attendees with every new introduction she received.
Sooner rather than later, she found herself slipping out the sliding glass door onto the balcony. The cool night air was a comforting presence on her overheated body, sharply contrasting with the sheen of sweat residing over every square inch of revealed skin. With the full moon hanging overhead,she allowed herself to drop her defenses, body weary from being on edge the entire night. The thought of leaving revolved around in her head, and she toyed with the idea, amusing herself with silly schemes of escaping under the surveillance of her friends.
The sound of the sliding glass door jostled her from her thoughts, defenses building up once more as she turned around and prepared herself for the battle of socializing.
"Hey," the man greeted, gently nodding her way. He was another familiar face of many. A friend of a friend's, no doubt. While she wanted to dismiss him, she knew he meant well.
"Hello," (y/n) responded meekly, nervously tapping a finger against the red cup in her hands. The man gave her space, which she was rather grateful for, as he approached the railing of the balcony and leant against it.
"Taking a break?" He continued, staring out into the city. Whilst his eyes lingered elsewhere, he carried that air that his undivided attention was upon her.
"Yeah." He never turned to her, and so she followed his lead, staring out at the city below. Though unlike him, her resilience was much weaker, and she continuously kept glancing his way. "You, too?"
"Just a little break. Never hurts to lay low for a few minutes. Get off the freeway and do a little drive."
Such a simple analogy, one that seemingly pertained to solely the party, though she couldn't help but gape slightly at his words. They seemed to transcend the immediate situation and coincide with her exact predicament. And the subtle dose of validation had her defenses weakening by the minute.
"Yeah, I get that. I get that a lot actually." Her voice wavered as her emotions seemed to take over, doing everything in her power to hold the onslaught of tears threatening to be released. The last thing she wanted was to startle away this kind stranger with a sudden bout of crying. Though he was just full of surprises she wasn't prepared for.
"Hey. Hey, it's alright. You're okay." His voice was soft, retreating from the railing in favor of comforting her any way he could. He hesitated in touching her, hands hovering over her body, though his presence alone seemed enough for her defenses to all but crumble as the first sob broke through. And then the next. And soon she was full blown weeping into this man's chest, burying her face into his dark sweater and releasing all of her pent up frustrations.
His arms around her were a comforting constant, rubbing up and down her back and holding her tightly against him. She felt⌠safe. For the first time in a long while, she didn't feel eyes upon her or the paranoia that someone was attempting to infiltrate her space. It was just her and him. And she couldn't have been more grateful.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled, hands grasping at his top in desperation, not wanting this reprieve to ever end. He seemed to understand as he just shushed her and drew her closer.
"It's okay. You're okay."
She didn't know for how long they stood there for, rocking back and forth in this calming trance-like state. As if slow dancing to the acoustics of the cityscape below them. And it was all she could have asked for.
"Thank you. For everything." A final sniffle on her part, and she hesitantly shifted to look up at him. "I don't know your name." He let out an amused huff, arms still wrapped around her body, though retracting just enough to meet her curious gaze with his own delighted one.

The coming days were a mix of ups and downs which rattled the very fabric of her life. Any semblance she may have attained had been washed away with the torrential events succeeding that of the party.
On the one hand, following that very night on the balcony, (y/n) found herself more than grateful to have met Jinyoung. Sweet, attentive, dedicated Jinyoung.
He filled her days with kind messages, reminders she was not alone in this and that he was always there for her whenever she needed him. It was a comforting sentiment, waking up to texts from him and then going to sleep on call with him. He'd send lovely pictures to her, like a dog he passed by on a walk, or the setting sun from the view of his apartment. As if saying he thinks of her in everything he sees.
Jinyoung through his ceaseless attention upon her proved how truly little her friends seemed to acknowledge her and her situation. The way he provided his undivided attention whenever (y/n) deemed to speak on the subject was further proof that her friends had merely granted her a percentage of the help she needed. She realized she was venturing into dangerous ground, though she couldn't deny the feeling that Jinyoung was perhaps the only person she really needed in this lifetime.
And he continued to prove that with every thoughtful action of his.
Though even with this brief reprieve, the plight seemed to only spiral more out of hand than ever initially conceived.
Again, it started out covert. Live streaming with her fans when she accidentally broke a vase of hers. It was entirely circumstantial, and she laughed it off for the viewers, even if she was disappointed in the cute decor she had picked out herself when first moving in.
Within a matter of days, however, the once demolished vase she presumed she'd never see again was found at her doorstep, neatly tucked away into a box. Pristine and brand new.
Her friends all praised the mystery fan who sent it, commenting on how sweet it was of them to do so, but (y/n) grew even more uncomfortable, as all she had ever shown of that vase was a single shard when it broke. There was no possible way for someone to know the exact item she once had.
Her suspicions were soon being proven with the first sighting of a photograph in her mail. Photos of her house. Photos of the cafe she frequents. Photos from her friend's house where the party was just a few weeks ago. All information she's never revealed online before.
The next set of images was that of her in her day to day. Walking with her friends at the park, reading at the cafe, even shopping at the grocery store. Images taken from afar, though unsettlingly close enough that she could have very well seen them had she looked around.
At this point, her friends were now growing wary of the situation, understanding the severity of it all as it had gotten this out of hand. Jinyoung was the one to suggest the cycling method. One person stays with (y/n) at all times. Whether it be staying over at her house or spending the day with them elsewhere, she would always be monitored by one of them.
Surprisingly, they all agreed, and the rotations soon began. Just as Jinyoung had planned, one person would take night shift, and when the next would show up for their shift, they'd leave. Things seemed to work swimmingly, and (y/n) felt more comfortable than she had in ages. She began reducing her time online, as well, keeping her online presence even more professional and disconnected than ever before. If there was anything she was doing to feed this person's delusions, she wanted to put an end to it as soon as possible.
"Where did you go?" Jinyoung asked from where he sat on her couch, eyes remaining on the screen where their movie was still playing.
"I went to get the mail before it got dark," (y/n) responded, pressing her back against the door to close it as she made her way back to the living room with Jinyoung. She shuffled through some junk mail and a few letters from fans before landing on a small mailer package. There was nothing attached to it. No return address or indication of any shipping company, nor did she recall ordering anything recently.
Absentmindedly, thoughts still wandering on the subject of what she could've purchased, she peeled back the sticky opening, reaching in to retrieve the item. Though as her fingers grazed a suspiciously familiar material, she retracted, eyes widened as fear began to settle in once more.
The fabric was unmistakable. Something that had been lingering in her mind for quite some time now, and she both wanted to confirm her fears though also run away from them.
Tentatively, she tilted the package her way, peeking into the mailer for a mere second before a gasp ripped forth from her throat, tossing the offending object across the room.
"(y/n)?" Jinyoung was immediately by her side, movie abandoned as he focused on the panicked girl hyperventilating and staring at the thrown package. His hands wandered about, brushing back her hair, stroking away her tears, squeezing her shoulder, anything to get her back to reality. "(y/n), talk to me. What's going on?"
She was silent. Her throat had constricted upon itself. The room seemed to sway in this infinitesimal spiral, as if her body wanted to shut down, though her brain refused to go unconscious. This painstaking tug of war that left her absolutely deteriorated.
There was a momentary lapse in her demeanor as Jinyoung's presence anchored her to reality. His soft and warm touch grounding her when she could have drifted off long ago. His sweet whispers murmured into her ear, drawing her away from the accursed object lying at the other end of the room. And she was once more glad to have Jinyoung by her side, lulling her to a rare yet ever so peaceful slumber.
When she wakes up, she'll explain it to him. She'll explain how weeks ago, as she did her laundry, she realized her favorite undergarment had all but disappeared. She'll explain how she searched high and low yet couldn't find it anywhere. She'll explain how she briefly forgot about it from how long it's been.
She'll explain how she finally found themâin an anonymous package delivered to her.

"Is this the last of it?" Jinyoung's voice sounded from behind (y/n) as she stood amongst a sea of boxes. A quick scan of the room, listless and barely even acknowledging anything, she turned to Jinyoung with a nod.
"Yeah⌠That's all of them."
"Are you sure?" He asked again, stepping into the room to stand beside her. She looked around again, though now she felt even less concentrated on the matter as his gentle touch once more rested on her, warmth penetrating through her sweater and stirring a sense of comfort in her conflicted mind.
Another nod, along with a brief and assured smile, and Jinyoung finally seemed sated. He glanced around alongside her, eyes scanning the many boxes scattered about his guest room.
"We'll get to packing after we eat, yeah? What would you like?"
"You can order whatever."
"I want to eat what you want to eat."
Her cheeks warmed under his attentive gaze, muttering something about giving her time to think as she wandered out into the main living area of his apartmentâof course, with Jinyoung in tow.
As if he hadn't done enough for her as is, the moment that horrid package arrived at her home, Jinyoung had all but insisted she live with him. At least for the time being. Until she can find her bearings. Find a solution to this ordeal.
It had taken some insisting on his part, as she didn't want to burden Jinyoung anymore than she already had. He urged her into accepting, anguishing over the possibility of her being harmed while he's not there for her. How tormented he'd feel if she were to ever get hurt. And no matter how much she wanted to reject his proposal, insist that she could return home to her parents whilst she figure out the ordeal, she felt compelled to accept his offer. His soothing warmth encompassing her as she wept into his chest, the low timbre of his hushed voice quelling her frightened soul. Jinyoung felt like safety.
His apartment reflected his personage well. As if a perfectly crafted haven for her. Decorating which fit her tastes to a tee, kitchen stocked with all of the foods she loved to eat, even her favorite candle scent filling the air whenever she walked around. Her room as well carried this sense of home with it. Even with the swarm of boxes stacked within it, it felt like she belonged there.
All of this was only a mere factor of her new happy living situation, as the primary source of that security came with Jinyoung's presence. Those texts she had always loved receiving now transitioned into little sticky notes everywhere. Reminders to eat and take care of herself, to text him when she wakes up, silly jokes to brighten up her day. And when he'd arrive home to see her seated at his couch, the mirthful smile that would spread on his face all but melted her heart. The grins he'd give her as they cooked dinner together, watched movies together, existed as one together.
Perhaps that's why she wasn't too shocked when Jinyoung one day asked her to be his.
A sweet and simple declaration of love. With full stomachs and wine muddled minds, he professed how he felt whilst they sat in the living room, movie long forgotten as their conversation hit uncharted waters. His thumb smoothed over her knuckles, eyes ardently staring into her own as he spoke. It was undeniable now how smitten she was with him, something she hadn't truly processed with all that had been conspiring in her life. Though now with the light of the moon seeping into their home, intermingling with the warm orange glow of the lamps, movie droning on as mere white noise in the background, and Jinyoung's adoration practically radiating off of him in waves, she felt it near impossible to reject him. A shy smile and a whispered acceptance, their fates were sealed with a deep and passionate kiss.
A whirlwind romance that seemed too good to be true. Sticky notes exchanged for morning whispers and good night kisses. Cuddles on the couch, Jinyoung's soft and tender touch lulling her into a state of tranquility. As if nothing could ever harm her again. And for a moment, she had forgotten what had led to such happiness. What trials she had gone through to get where she was now.
It was almost scary how quickly she had forgotten what lay outside the safety of Jinyoung's apartment. Even the brief outings with her friends seemed to never spark that subconscious paranoia that had lay resilient up to this point. Her social media had returned to its state of normalcy. Live sessions were back to how they once were. Comment sections were filled with their usual dynamics of love and hate. And through a bit of hesitancy on her part, after checking the account that had been tormenting herâDanteanNomadâshe was pleased to learn he had gone radio silent.
It seemed things were back to normal. And there was only one thing left to take care of.
"What?" Jinyoung asked, voice low as he looked up from his dinner plate.
"I think I should move back home." He remained silent, staring at her through his lashes with furrowed eyebrows. She took that as a sign to continue on either way. "I mean, your solution worked! I've been safe and protected this whole time. To be honest, perhaps a little coddled at this point." She laughed, though Jinyoung again stayed quiet. "There's no activity anymore. I think it's safe to go back home."
"I don't understand." Jinyoung put down his fork with a clatter, hands wringing together and resting against his mouth. "What about this place isn't home to you? Is it the guest room? You can just sleep with me in my room. Is the food not satisfactory? Are you not happy with the couch or the TV?"
"Jinyoung," (y/n) cut him off, a chuckle of disbelief expelling from her lips. "It has nothing to do with you at all! I don't know how you could have come to that conclusion. You've been nothing but supportive of me." His eyes seemed to endlessly pierce into her, still waiting for a valid explanation. "I just think⌠We should have space."
The silence was near deafening. The kind of silence where your ears ring to fill the void. A thick tension filled the atmosphere, this heaviness lingering in the room that felt almost suffocating in a sense. And Jinyoung's eyes remained trained on her. Gone were the warm and loving eyes of her lover. The eyes that would crinkle every time he laughed. The protective eyes she'd wake up to, already watching and waiting for her to wake, too. There was no comfort in his gaze now, replaced only by a dark, cold, unforgiving emptiness that twisted her gut into knots.
"Space?" He asked, eyebrow quirking up at the word he all but spat out.
"JinyoungâŚ" Her voice was wary, barely even spoken above her breath. "I don't want to rush through things. You have to understand. I want things to be as natural as possible. I don't want to jump into certain stages of our relationship that we're not ready for." Her hand shook as she reached across the table for him. His eyes lazily drifted to her hand and back to her, and after a few seconds, he reluctantly held her hand in his. Though the comfort she sought in his hold was hard to find, his touch feeling cold, uncaring almost. "If you think about it, you'll feel even more excited to see me when we meet. Distance makes the heart grow fonder."
The remainder of the night was perhaps the strangest she's ever seen Jinyoung be. He walked about the apartment like a robot. Eyes distant and calculating. Posture tense and brooding. He cleared the table, cleaned the dishes, prepared dessert, all in utter silence. Even on the couch, his demeanor remained as is. It was as if it didn't matter how close she got to him. The little kisses she pressed to his jaw to try and awaken him from this state. The swirled patterns she'd trace along his chest. Jinyoung stayed in this perpetual state of solitude. And if she wasn't mistaken, it looked almost as if he was thinking. So deep in thought that he barely even processed when the movie ended and she got up to go to bed. A final kiss goodnight, and she went to her room.
The next day was like a complete switch from the night before, with the return of her loving and affectionate Jinyoung. He helped her pack any necessary items, insisting she keep everything else here for whenever she sleeps over. He helped return her home, checked the premises to make sure she was safe, and even helped her unpack afterwards. To top it all off, he decided to stay over, and she couldn't have been more delighted to have this Jinyoung back, cherishing the cozy embrace of his arms around her again.
Like that, she entered another state of normalcy. A combination of her days before the online occurrences and her days after meeting Jinyoung. They'd spend their free time together, go out on dates with one another, alternate houses for movie night. She had to relearn how to live on her own, but the joy of living life without any fear made up for any discomforts she may have felt.
Life was perfect.

(y/n) closed the door behind her with a huff, tossing the sponsored packages she received onto the floor. With a heavy sigh, she trudged through the darkness of her house and into the kitchen, fishing out a water bottle from the fridge before turning to find the light switch. Though as she did so, she was greeted by the sight of flowers on her counter.
It was a rather obscure sight to behold. A clash of purples and yellows and blues. The ones she could identify were baby's breath. So, so many. Practically pooling out of the feeble vase the flowers were tucked away into. Turning the vase around, she searched for a note. Perhaps Jinyoung brought them in whilst she was out. Though when she did find the slip of paper she had wanted, it was empty. Virtually no writing at all. And while she was momentarily stumped, a brief flash of a memory sparked in her head. The memory of an equally blank return address.
A gasp surged forth from her throat, backing away from the flowers until she was pressed against the wall. She clutched her phone, ready to call for help as she slipped out of the kitchen. But then she took a gander at the living room.
The first thing that caught her eye was the pop of green suddenly in her visionâa moss green couch. Atop it were pillows that complemented its shade, and a throw blanket across the cushions. The walls were adorned with artworks she admired, bookshelves contained trinkets she fawned over. And atop the coffee table lay a candle of her favorite scent.
All of these things were mere fantasies to her, nothing more than fleeting desires for a future home. Added to a wishlist of her own to track them for future reference. Yet now resided in her living room as if always having belonged to her.
At this point, her mind was racing, heart beating out of her chest. Her eyes darted around her home to find that practically everything was unfamiliar to her. Paintings, vases, furniture, plants. Everything was different. Everything was what she had always wanted. Yet she had bought none of it.
In a surge of mindless panic, she bolted out of the living room and down the hall, eyes downcast so as to not see the walls lined with more unfamiliar decor. Once inside the sanctity of her bedroom, she planned on calling for help. Whether it be from her friends, the authorities, Jinyoung, someone had to come and save her from this hellscape of a house.
She all but shoved open the door, nerves alight with utter fear from what she had just experienced. Her hand clutched the phone like a lifeline, just about ready to call emergency services before she caught sight of what had become of her room. What nightmare had unfolded in the place she once considered her sanctuary.
Every square inch of wall.
Every available surface.
Every single speck of her room.
All of it was plastered with photos. Photos of her.
Ones printed from her social media just last week, ones from years ago, ones she had deleted immediately after posting, ones she didn't even remember taking. Shots of her walking around town with her friends or spending time on her own out and about, like the ones sent to her in the mail, yet these she had never seen before.
There were shots from her window as she did her makeup. Shots of her changing, though with horizontal dark lines obscuring the full imagesâgrates from her louvered closet door⌠as if having been taken from within.
Photos of her sleeping in her bed... taken from right above her.
She stumbled back, a gasp catching in her throat as her pulse thundered in her ears. A whispered sob spilled from her lips, and then a defeated, mortified shriek as she crumbled in upon herself. Her body coiled into a fetal position, face burying itself into her knees. Her one refuge which hadn't been violated by this sickening invasion.
She didn't know for how long she remained there until Jinyoung soon came, the familiarity of his voice calling out to her relieving her anguish almost instantaneously. A remedy to her every ailment. (y/n) felt his hands roam across her, gathering her limp body into his own sturdy one, cradling her to him in his protective embrace. He littered her face with soft kisses, brushing away her tears and whispering reassurances to her. If he was shocked by the surrounding area, she hadn't been made aware, mindlessly nestling further into his body and crying out the last of her tears.
"Jinyoung," she muttered weakly, voice battered and defeated. He hummed softly, fingers gently carding through her hair as he rocked the two to and fro. Her eyes were shut, face pressed into the crevice of his neck, hiding away from the horrors of the world, the horrors of what she once perceived as her home. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay, my love," he responded, voice mellow and steady. The vibrations from his chest soothed (y/n) as she grew more distant from her surroundings.
"I want to go home."
Those words were like music to his ears.
Everything he had ever strove for. Everything he had ever wanted in life. Like a confirmation that all of his hard work, all of the trials he'd gone through, had finally paid off. He had finally obtained his one sole desireâand he wasn't letting her go ever again.
A smile crept onto his face, a twisted and manic grin as his arms coiled around her tighter, claiming her as a constrictor does its victim. Taking a look around at the memories he had captured of her ever since he first met (y/n) online, he felt triumphant. Succeeding in both capturing (y/n) whilst simultaneously proving how she can never be safe without him. Victory was sweet, but this false vindication for a situation he himself conjured felt somehow even sweeter.
"Of course, my love. Let's go home."

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Things that made him run to you
[part 1]
[part 2]
âJinyoung, for fuckâs sake, can you concentrate please?â
No, he couldnât. Ever since he saw you a couple nights ago, you were living in his head rent-free. He didnât tell the others â didnât want to â as he wanted to keep you private for now. Only his to enjoy.
He bumped into you at a local bar, after downing a couple of beers with his acquaintances. He couldnât believe his eyes when he saw you. You were still as beautiful as ever but something about you was different. Something about you changed and he couldnât quite put his finger on what it was.
You casually chatted for a while, hitting it off as if nothing had ever happened between the two of you. As you updated him on the recent events in your life he mustered you with hawk-eyes. You were radiant, almost beaming. Your pretty eyes sparkled like diamonds. You smiled whole-heartedly, the smile even reaching your eyes. You spoke your mind confidently, not caring about the opinions of others. He finally figured it out â your whole demeanor had changed. You were on another vibe, another energy that he was drawn to like a moth to the flame.
He stopped listening altogether and only thought about getting you back. He had to have you; he was desperate for you. Seeing you like that â confident, bossy, savage â was beyond attractive.
And you knew. You noticed his pupils dilating, him taking sharper breaths, his dark eyes being glued to your lips â you noticed and loved every second of it.
This man right here broke your heart when he abandoned you back then.
Or so you thought. It took you some time to see the truth of it all, but eventually you did and from that moment on you had nothing but appreciation for him. Because of Jinyoung you were able to be real with yourself. You took his words to heart and worked on yourself. You started loving yourself like you deserve to be loved. Did you imagine it was him in the beginning? Most definitely. But after a while you understood that you were good on your own. You made it into a project, you started loving yourself as a means to get him back but surprisingly you fell in love with yourself for real.
Now you looked into the mirror and loved what you saw. Now you felt happy and content, even if no man was around. Now, you felt like the baddest bitch on this planet. And other people? They thought so, too. They saw the changes in you, sensed the new energy you were embodying and acted accordingly.
Jinyoung wasnât the only lover you bumped into. Old flames, new flames, they were all lining up the street to be with you. Oh, how your life had changed. Now, they all wanted to be with you. Courting you, spoiling you, making you their #1 priority. And for the first time in your life, you understood why.
âYou seem different, y/n.â You looked up into his eyes, almost smitten by his enticing looks. You smiled at him, warmly, before taking his hands into yours.
âI feel different, Jinyoung. And you are the one I have to thank!â He couldnât follow; his questioning eyes giving him away. âYou wanna thank me? If anything, I thought youâd wanna punch me for breaking up with you.â
You laughed out loud, realizing how much you had missed him. âWell, I wanted to⌠in the beginning. But I realized that you were right. I was a total wreck back then. I relied on you to make me happy and loved and important and stuff but being your emotional slave was no way to live. So, I took your words to heart, and I started to work on myself.â You squeezed his hands, relieved to finally say that out loud. âThank you, Jinyoung. Thank you for opening my eyes. That heartbreak changed me for the better and I can now say that I love myself. All of me â the good, the bad, the ugly. I made peace with myself, and I feel like Iâm ready for love. True love!â
Jinyoung replayed that scene over and over. Back then he wished for this outcome, but he never would have anticipated it coming true. You had changed and he could tell. It irked him that every other man could also tell â they were eyeing you like prey.
He couldnât blame them though. You were the sexiest woman in this bar, capturing every manâs attention without even trying. Why would you try though? You were so full of love and admiration for yourself, every other pair of eyes was simply a luxury. A preference, not a necessity. Now it was Jinyoung squeezing your hands: âReady for love, huh? Should we give it another try then?â
âEverybody, letâs take a break. And Jinyoung, you better get your act together!â His manager was pissed, but he couldnât care less.
He grabbed his phone hastily and sighed in dismay as he noticed that you hadnât text him back. âWhy wonât she answer?â, he mumbled silently. And then you did. He almost dropped his phone from excitement as he saw your name pop up. Heart beating faster he beamed with joy as you agreed to see him.
âIâm gonna make you mine again y/n, just wait and see.â
#mykoreanlove#got7 imagines#got7 smut#got7 scenarios#got7 jinyoung#park jinyoung smut#jinyoung x reader#bae jinyoung#jinyoung smut#park jinyoung#jinyoung imagine#got7 x reader#got7fanfic#got7#got7smut#fanfic x reader#parkjinyoung#jinyoung#jinyoung scenarios#jinyoung x y/n#got7 fluff#got7 fanfic#got7 x you#got7 reactions#got7 angst#got7 hard hours#got7 fake texts
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Reaction to you wearing their clothes
A/N: Requests open; Pairing: CIX Members x Fem Reader Genre: Fluff Warnings: Suggestive, Cursing Masterlists: CIX JPOP KPOP

You let out a groan, not being able to reach your favorite mug from the top shelf in the cabinet, "Ugh why did he put it up here!" You mumble to yourself, before standing up on your tiptoes, stretching your body as far as you can. "Ugh, almost got i-" Your words trail off when you hear the sound of someone clearing their throat behind you, you twist back to look at them. "Ehm, hey.." You say sheepishly as you're met with your boyfriend, Byounggon, feeling your face heat up because you know he can definitely see your underwear peeking out from his shirt you have on. "Well damn you look good in my shirt.. need help?" He asks, letting out a laugh, making his way over to you, grabbing the cup and placing it in your hands. "Baby! Next time don't put my mug so high up!" You playfully scold, causing him to smirk as he wraps his arms around your waist. "Oh I'm definitely putting everything up high from now on!" He says, shooting you a toothy grin.
"Hey jagi, can you bring me my charger??" Seunghun yells to you from your shared bedroom, causing you to playfully roll your eyes as you grab his charger. "Hun, just pause the gam-" You begin as you walk into the bedroom, stopping when you see the way your boyfriend is looking at you, eyes completely abandoning the game. "What..?" You ask, standing awkwardly in the doorway, he continues staring at you before a smile creeps onto his face. "You're wearing my hoodie?" He asks, a slight smirk evident on his face. "Y-yeah.. you said I could?" You say slightly confused, earning a laugh from him. "I did but I didn't expect you to actually do it.. I like it a lot.." He says, a blush creeping up his face causing you to smile. "Oh? You do?" You ask, making your way to him. "I didn't think you'd like it this much." You say, a smirk making its way on your lips as you plant a quick kiss on his lips before sprinting out of the room, Seunghun trailing behind you.
"Y/N! You look so cute !" Your boyfriend says excitedly when he walks in the door after seeing you wearing one of his hoodies. "Awh haha thanks baby. How was rehearsal?" You ask, cheeks flushed from his previous compliment, Yonghee lets out a laugh at your shyness as he sits next to you. "Jagi, I can't focus right now, you look too cute in my hoodie!" He says, pulling you into his arms. "You're so dramatic!" You say through laughter when his fingers start tickling your sides. "S-stop." You beg, laughter continuing to fill the air as he joins you. "Only if you promise to never wear another hoodie again, only mine." He says in a serious voice, earning an exaggerated nod from you. "Okay yes whatever you want!" You yell out causing his fingers to stop as he pulls you into his arms. "Good, I could get used to this." He says, running his fingers through your hair. "I love you" You say with a smile, giving him a gentle kiss, causing him to smile. "I love you too."
"What is it babe?" You ask with a laugh, not expecting your boyfriend to look at you like that when you arrived with groceries. "I'm shocked! You look so good you look in my clothes! I didn't think I'd like it this much is all jagi." He says, turning towards you with a loaf of bread in his hands and a nonchalant look. "Why are you surprised? You saw me put it on this morning.. as a matter of fact you were the one who lost my shirt!" You tell him with a loud laugh, glaring your eyes at him as you remember your lost shirt. "Wh-me? I don't remember that, I don't know what you're talking about." Jinyoung defends, holding in his laughter as he looks away from you. "Okay.." You say sarcastically, teasing him as you wrap your arms around him. "Do you really like it when I wear your clothes?" You ask, he nods, returning your embrace before he looks down at you with a smirk. "Although, thinking about this morning.. I like you better without them." He says, earning a playful smack to the chest followed by laughter from both of you.
"Hey Y/N, what was that song called aga-" Hyunsuk's words trail off when he sees you laying on the couch in his over-sized t-shirt, his voice causing your head to fly up. You shoot him a confused look when you notice him looking at you. "What's wrong?" You ask as he continues his stare, causing you to sit up in an upright position. "Is that my shirt?" He asks, taking a seat next to you, a smile forming on your lips. "Yes! Did you really think I wouldn't take you up on it when you offered to share your clothes??" You ask with a big smile, bumping his much larger shoulder with yours, causing him to let out a small giggle. "I'm really glad you did.. you look so cute in my clothes jagi." Hyunsuk says sweetly, pulling you into his arms. "I don't think you'll ever get this shirt back though.. it's so comfy!" You tell him as you wrap your arms around him and look up at him. "You can keep it, it looks better on you anyways." He says, giving you a gentle kiss on your forehead, causing a giggle to escape your lips.

A/N: They're so CUTE My requests are open! Feel free to request anything! <3
#requests open#kpop#kpop cix#cix#fix#cix fix#kpop reactions#kpop scenarios#kpop fanfic#cix reactions#cix scenarios#cix fanfic#BX cix#Seunghun cix#Yonghee cix#bae jinyoung cix#hyunsuk cix#bae jinyoung smut#cix smut#cix fluff#cix hyunsuk#cix jinyoung#cix seunghun#cix yonghee#cix byounggon#restlesswritings masterlist#restlesswritings fanfic#restlesswritings scenarios#restlesswritings reactions#restlesswritings
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Pairing:Â bae jinyoung x tutor! f! yn
Word Count:Â 1976
Warnings:Â cursing, mentions of alcohol consumption and drugs, mentions of sex, kissing
Genre:Â Angst, fluff, f2l au, college au, m for mature
Summary:Â You're popular, pretty, top of your class. It's no surprise you've ended up tutoring Bae Jinyoung, your opposite in many ways. But your feelings for him grew out of your control and you try to find him at the biggest end of year party
this is for the jackson wang party fic collab finished with @mingsolo (hella good), @flurrys-creativity (Pygalgia, Effervescent, and Abience), and @sanjoongie (trouble) ^^ this was supposed to have smut but i couldn't get it out im sorry :') you can just imagine it in ur head pls
and ignore the difference in wc from this and my san one :') i did not have the energy to write another 10k so this ones short and sweet lol
Also the banner was made like 2 username changes ago lol
You can read the San one here (No Hesitation)
Itâs lateâŚat least for you. Judging from the people milling about with ease, theyâre a lot more accustomed to being awake at unholy hours of the night. A couple of them even cast curious glances at you, unused to seeing you at a party. And you canât blame them either. Youâre the collegeâs well-known âgood girlâ, volleyball captain and top of your college batch. Youâve been to exactly one party your entire four years here and it was because your roommate, Yeseul, threw it without telling you.
Sheâs not at this party, too embarrassed to show her face after being dumped by the school playboy, San. Youâd feel bad but she kinda deserved it after bragging to everyone how she bagged him. And if she went with you, sheâd make it such a huge deal when you want to lay low. You came to this party for one reason after allâŚto find Bae Jinyoung.
Once again, something you never thought youâd be doing. Jinyoung is the complete opposite of you in every way. Always partying, and getting high, his list of cons goes on and on. But when you were paired up with him to tutor in a last-ditch effort to not get expelled, you didnât expect to grow so close to him. And maybe youâve grown to have a soft spot for him.
He had to retake his final exam due to a stomach bug (he was hungover, but you decided not to let his professor know that fact) and you were told his test results early. He had passed after months of hard work, and you were too excited to keep it from him.Â
You called him first, and he picked up, but he was clearly drunk, living it up at what you heard was the last party of the year. And against your better judgement, you decided to go tell him the good news in person, perhaps after getting him a little more sober. And youâre maybe a little stupid, hoping he would come sweep you off your feet and kiss you senseless, but a girl can dream. Maybe when you tell him the good news, heâll lift you and swing you around just like in all your romance books and fall in love.
Youâre once again reminded of just how out of place you are as you weave through the crowd. As you look around, you canât help but be amused at how you must look so lost. Youâre not looking where youâre going properly and you bump into a broad chest.
When you look up, youâre met with the furrowed brows of the other Jinyoung of the college, Park Jinyoung, recognisable from his stone-cold features and his signature turtleneck. The only thing he shares with your Jinyoung is the name. Whereas your Jinyoung was mixed up in all sorts of trouble, ranging from drugs to drinking to sex, Park Jinyoung kept to himself, except for this one girl he seemed to have conflicted feelings for. Youâve seen him look at her like she made the stars, only to push her away when she turns her attention towards him. And case in point, when you mutter out a sorry he barely pays attention to you, muttering her name under his breath. Looks like youâre not the only one looking for someone tonight.
You try and ask around a bit, and while some classmates do their best to narrow down Bae Jinyoungâs location for you despite their inebriated state, most of them are just too shell-shocked to see you here and they canât mask their confusion.
âYN? I didnât expect to see you here.â A familiar voice catches your attention and you turn to see Choi San standing before you, his hair ruffled and his signature smile on his face. Thereâs a hint of sadness in his eyes, but you donât know him well enough to enquire about it.
âAh, hello, San. I hope youâre doing well afterâŚall thatâs happened.â Itâs no secret that San broke up with Yeseul because of his roommate. To your credit, you manage to hold back your curiosity and instead just ask him a question pertaining a bit more to your own dilemma. âHave you seen Jinyoung? Bae, not Park.â
San shrugs. âIâm doing well, yes. I canât stay long, but I think I saw Jinyoung near the living room. Itâs through there, you canât miss it. Lots of couchesâŚand lots of people kissing.â
You absolutely miss the warning tone in his voice, but your heart is already beating a little too fast for your own good at the idea of seeing Jinyoung again. âAll right, thanks San!â You start walking the other way, but something nags at you and you spin around, calling out his name before he steps away. âAnd SanâŚI want to apologise for Yeseul. You should go for your friend. She looks at you the same way.â
Thereâs a momentâs pause, then San quirks his lips at you. âThanks, YN. I think I will. Good luck with Jinyoung.â
You laugh and salute him before turning back to continue on your way. With each step, you can feel excitement rush past your ears. You know itâs a horrible idea, but youâve grown fond of Jinyoung. Maybe it was how all the rumours surrounding him were less than satisfactory, but he never showed you anything but kindness and quietness when you tutored him. Maybe it was the way he leapt at any chance to talk about football to you, and how his smile would light up any room.
And maybe it was when he finally convinced you to let loose and take a study break with him, you found out he kisses gently, large hands cupping your face as his breath puffs over your lips. His touches are soft, ghosting over your waist as you sit beside him, and you feel special.
âJinyoungââ you call out, entering the room San had pointed out to you, but you stop dead in your tracks. Youâve found him. Bae Jinyoung, sitting on the couch, a girl in his lap and his tongue deep in her mouth. Itâs not nearly as sweetly as he kissed you, and yet your stomach drops. Itâs stupid to be hurt, you remind yourself. You stare for a moment longer, eyes glued to how the girl is grinding on him so well and you feel a tightness in your throat you canât seem to dislodge.
And itâs almost like slow motion when Jinyoung turns his head and makes direct eye contact with you. His mouth drops open, more than it was before and like the coward, you turn tail and run right back out of the room.
You push through the people crowding you and out one of the back doors. In the distance, you can see a figure floundering in the lake, soaking wet, but you canât be bothered to be curious about the sight. You shouldâve known this was going to happen. You catch feelings, and Jinyoung doesnât, and you make a fool of yourself. How could you be so dumb? Itâs clear what happened. You were just another conquest, another prize for him to win.
âYN!â You can hear Jinyoungâs familiar cadence float from the house and you glance back, seeing him try and get to you through the people milling about. âYN wait!â
Thereâs desperation in his voice, but your brain does not register it and you just turn away, heading towards the line of cars parked far into the grass. You didnât park there, but it should give you enough cover as you make your way to the next street over where your car actually is.
Your eyes are trained forward, and you refuse to look back even as Jinyoungâs panicked footsteps get closer and closer to you. âYN, please!â You hesitate just for a moment, but itâs long enough for him to catch up to you and grab your arm gently. âPlease look at me, YN.â
You turn around, but keep your eyes trained on the ground lest you cry, especially after seeing his face. âWhatâs up?â Itâs almost sick how sweetly your voice sounds as it breaks.
âYN, Iâm sorry.â The desperation has not left Jinyoungâs voice, and his hands move to your shoulders, gripping them tightly as if that would convince you he meant no harm. And maybe he didnât. But itâs not his fault youâve fallen in love with an unobtainable thought.
âWhy are you sorry?â you respond, trying your hardest to keep your voice level, although it tremours just a bit when Jinyoung sucks in a breath. âI canât stop you fromâŚparties, and kissing. Iâm just a nobody.â
Jinyoung shakes his head, his long hair falling in his eyes but he makes no move to brush it away. âYouâre anything but a nobody, YN. Youâre pretty and perfect, and you have so much going for you. You have a job already lined up, you have plans for your future. Iâm the one whoâs a nobody.â
You laugh. âWe could go around in circles, Jinyoung. Youâre not a nobody, not to me. And not to that girl. Itâs okay that Iâm not who you want me to be. I can only kiss you sweetly, I canât desire you in the same carnal way she does, no matter how much I want to. And thereâs no way you want to waste time teaching me how to not be dumb and innocent.â
Jinyoung frowns, just as pretty as his smile is. âI do, YN. I do, more than you can know. I want to take you on dates and kiss you on the beach. I want to have coffee in the morning with you. I just want to hold you. And I love it when youâre innocent and sweet.â
âBut that girlââ
âScrew that girl!â You flinch a little at his volume and Jinyoung pauses, taking a deep breath to calm himself. âWe were drunk, and I was just missing you a little too much. It was a mistake. I shouldâve have tried to run from my problems. Iâ when you called me, I shouldâve dropped everything and gone to find you, but I didnât. I didnât want to let myself want you. But I do.â
You breathe in sharply through your nose. âI donât want to make you changeâŚâ you start to protest carefully, although your resolve is breaking by the second.
Jinyoung shakes his head, leaning in so his face is mere breaths away from yours. âI want to change, YN. So please, let me.â
âIââ Against your better judgement, you look him in the eyes, noticing the shaking wateriness of them. âOkay.â
The tension in Jinyoungâs face pinches before finally dissipating, easing the lines in the skin. âOkay,â he copies you. âOkay. YN, can I kiss you?â
His question comes so suddenly, you swear your heart stopped beating for a moment. You barely get a yes out before Jinyoungâs lips capture yours again. And if you thought your first kiss was sweet, this is a million times sweeter. His hands find their way to the small of your back this time and push you closer to him, your arms naturally finding their way around his lithe shoulders. The movement makes the kiss deepen as his mouth presses eagerly against yours.
âI missed you,â he hums against your lips and you sigh happily.
âMustâve been hard, benign away from me for a whole five days,â you canât help but tease and Jinyoung groans good-naturedly.
âMan, youâre so mean to me. What happened to being all nice and innocent?â With a smile, you shove your face into Jinyoungâs neck. Jinyoung bends down to press a kiss to your temple. âCome on, letâs get out of here. I think weâre long overdue a talk.â
You sigh. âWe are.â
#kvanity#wkcnet#cix#cix fanfiction#cix fanfic#cix x reader#cix jinyoung#bae jinyoung#cix jinyoung x reader#cix jinyoung fanfic#cix jinyoung fanfiction#cix jinyoung fluff#cix jinyoung angst#cix fluff#cix angst#jinyoung fanfiction#jinyoung fanfic#jinyoung fluff#jinyoung angst#jinyoung x reader
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â ââ âş ĂŠramos nĂłs
â informaçþes adicionaisâˇ
â ¡ park jinyoung (got7) + irene (red velvet)
â ¡ vocĂŞ encontrarĂĄ possivelmente os materiais aqui
â ¡ em caso de inspiração, dĂŞ os devidos crĂŠditos âĄ
đˇ â psd sunflower by @girasois
#soultie#spirit fanfiction#spirit fanfics#capa de fanfic#capa para spirit#got7#600x400#red velvet#jinyrene#park jinyoung#bae joohyun
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âď¸ Imagine đ Fanfic
đź Fluff đĽ Angst đˇ Comedy đ Suggestive đŞźRequest
Bx/Lee Byounggon
Coming soon
Kim Seunghun
Coming soon
Kim Yonghee
Back Home âď¸đźđŞź
01:30 âď¸đźđŞź
Bae Jinyoung
End up here âď¸đź (soon)
Yoon Hyunsuk
Liar đđˇ [On hold]
Surprise! âď¸đź
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sub rosa - bjy

âYouâre always so full of yourself!â Although loud, your voice was barely different from a whine. The school corridor became an arena fast, numerous students gathering around in a circle to witness the sudden commotion.Â
A weak finger strongly pushed against Jinyoungâs firm chest, almost creating an indent. It was a well-known fact that the two of you werenât on the best of terms. Being the schoolâs best students, you were constantly playing a game of cat and dog with rotational roles.
That day, during one of the schoolâs debates, you were paired up with Jinyoung and fortunately given a pretty familiar topic. Just because of that, your team had a greater advantage and was a step ahead of the others. Of course, knowing just the right things to say and how to explain all of your arguments, you were ready to once again prove just who the top student was.
Only if it wasnât for Jinyoung who didnât let you breathe properly, let alone have a say in the debate.
The professor didnât comment on it. She seemed to forget about your presence, completely captivated by the boyâs calculated words. He could only smirk and continue parading his neverending knowledge.
âDo you really think youâre that good? Just because the professors are head over heels for you, doesnât mean you can exclude me like that!â Another confrontation was sent his way, and it was possible to hear gasps coming from all around the hall. There were tens of angered faces around you and it was obvious that all of Jinyoungâs female fans wanted to tear you apart.
Still, the male didnât budge and only let the annoyance down by itself. Maybe he wouldâve done something to calm it down if the emotion reached your eyes. If it managed to overtake your irises and prove just how much the situation affected you. For a certain reason, that never happened.
âNext time you want to flaunt your fancy words, spare me the hassle of having to show upâ Without a goodbye, you turned around and walked through the thick barricade of students towards the school exit. Some followed behind, but none were given attention.
Jinyoung shrugged his shoulders, took a step back and walked towards the exit on the other side. Girls swarmed him in a matter of seconds, pulling on his school uniform, offering empty encouragements and praising him for the âmatureâ reaction. Occasionally, theyâd call you names, thinking that Jinyoung would love them more if they had the same enemy. The boy could only frown at that.

You walked slowly, listening to the ending of your favorite song while turning right on another corner. Taking a glance back, you made sure that no students were trailing behind for whatever reason. Once the coast was deemed clear, you stepped forward and opened the door of the black Audi parked on the sidewalk.Â
âNext time you want to flaunt your fancy words, spare me the hassle of having to show upâ Once inside, Jinyoung parroted your previous words in a high pitched tone. The male wasnât trying to mock, rather playfully tease.Â
You threw the heavy schoolbag back, immediately relaxing into the leather seat and fixing your gaze on the other. Jinyoung looked very different in this setting, much less formal, but much more attractive. The boyâs tie was loosened and the first two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. Jinyoung threw one hand over the steering wheel, while the other rested comfortably on the gearshift.Â
It didnât stay there for long though, for it moved to linger on your thigh, rubbing the covered skin with his soft fingers.
âYou know, I was really upsetâ The voice used didnât suit the words you replied with. Crossing arms over your chest, you pouted and looked outside the window, trying to fake the smallest bits of hurt. Jinyoungâs hand didnât move from the previous position.
âIâm sorry, baby, I wonât do it againâ The male whispered, leaning in and cocking his head to the side in an attempt of getting your attention. Fortunately for him, it wasnât possible to not pay attention to someone as breathtaking. Your eyes immediately moved to follow his next movement.Â
âBut I canât deny that you looked extremely hot all worked up like thatâ At the unexpected remark, you slapped the boyâs arm, cheeks suddenly turning the brightest shade of red. Allowing the fluster to show, you giggled and smiled at Jinyoung, whose smirk grew wide.Â
Out of nowhere, he leaned in again and pressed his lips against yours. Jinyoung held the back of your neck, deepening the kiss only up until he felt you getting desperate. Then, the male pulled back, face lingering just a few inches away from yours. It was a hopeless attempt to try and chase after, steal another one of the sweet kisses because Jinyoung was fast to retreat.
âShould I treat you dinner to make up for today?â He whispered, the smirk never once leaving those beautiful features. Your head shook in disagreement, eyes sparkling with a way too familiar glow.
âYou donât have to treat me dinner. Just kiss me againâÂ
And so he did. Although this time Jinyoung helped you move from the passenger seat to a much more comfortable one - his lap. The boyâs hands were all over the place, your face, shoulders, back, thighs, grabbing and caressing every piece of skin available. It wouldâve been an understatement to say that you loved every second of it.
#OK LISTEN#BAE JINYOUNG#THIS MAN#I CANT WITH HIM#STOP THIS MAN FROM PARASITING MY HEART#I CANT GET HIM OUT OF MY HEAD#UGH#jinyoung#jinyoung cix#jinyoung fluff#bae jinyoung fluff#jinyoung angst#bae jinyoung angst#jinyoung imagine#jinyoung scenario#jinyoung fanfic#jinyoung fanfiction#bae jinyoung imagine#bae jinyoung scenario#bae jinyoung fanfic#bae jinyoung fanfiction#cix fluff#cix scenario#cix fanfic#cix imagine#cix fanfiction#kpop#kpop imagine#kpop fluff#kpop angst
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#cix#got7#winner#onewe#1team#imfact#cix scenarios#cix fanfic#cix fanfiction#cix imagine#cix imagines#cix jinyoung#cix bae jinyoung#bae jinyoung#cix bx#cix byounggon#byounggon#bae jinyoung imagines#bae jinyoung fanfic#bx imagines#byounggon imagines#cix moodboard#cix seunghun#cix yonghee#cix hyunsuk#cix seunghun imagines#cix yonghee imagines#cix hyunsuk imagines#1team bc#1team rubin
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Day 5: Camboy - Bae Jinyoung

Pairings: Jinyoung X Female reader
Genre: SMUT
Word Count: 1,322
Warnings: Masturbation (male and female), voyeurism?
âHave you ever been on one of those cam websites?â You had asked your friend while you two were watching a movie. It was some silly horror movie about a cam girl who gets her account stolen.
She laughed, âOnce. I found this super cute guy, but I didnât want to pay for it. Have you?â
You shook your head. âNo. I donât even know what theyâre called or how to even find them.â
Then an idea popped in your best friendâs head, making you regret bringing this up. âWhy donât we go through OnlyFans and see if there are any hot guys? Maybe there will be one worth the money!â
You looked at her like she grew a second head. âAbsolutely not! Why would I pay for that?â
âBecause youâre horny after your breakup with Yonghee.â Â
âHow would Byounggon feel if he knew you were doing this?â You retort.
Your best friend rolled her eyes. âI caught him watching porn the other day; he wonât care.â She shrugged and paused the movie. It wasnât good; it wonât get finished. She then looked around and grabbed your phone. âWhatâs your passcode?â
You snatched your phone out of her hand. âGive me that!â You sighed and typed in your passcode. After downloading the stupid app, you and your friend started looking through it. There were countless girls that you scrolled past. Some guys, but they werenât your type. You let out a loud sigh, âI told you this was a bad idea.â
Your friend rolled her eyes and kept looking. Soon enough, her eyes lit up when she found a guy that looked like someone she knew. âWait come here! I think I know him!â She said, shoving your phone in your face.
You looked at her confused. âWhat?â You took your phone from her hands and looked at the boy on the screen. He had long black hair, a pretty flower tattoo on his neck, and lips that looked beyond kissable. âYou know him?â
She nodded. âIâm pretty sure heâs one of Byounggonâs friends, Jinyoung!I didnât know he did this, but good for him, heâs hot.â She giggled. âWanna look at his profile?â
You looked at what you could see for free and you sighed. No way you were going to pay for this. âThereâs a $10 block on most of his pictures.â
She shrugged. âIâll pay for it.â
âNo! Whatâs wrong with you?â
She started laughing. âIâm kidding! Byounggon would kill me.â
You rolled your eyes. âIâm sure he would.â
Later that night after your friend had left, you were laying in bed and ready to fall asleep. Of course, you couldnât stop thinking about the guy you had found on OnlyFans. You didnât want to give in to your curiosity, but you werenât that tired and you didnât have work tomorrow so you went back on the stupid app and looked up the boy.
Unbeknownst to your best friend, you had taken a screenshot of his profile in case you forgot his name. You couldnât forget the name Jinyoung, but nobody needed to know that. You felt a little weird looking at his profile, but you also couldnât help yourself. He was just so attractive.
As you scrolled through Jinyoungâs photos, you noticed there was a video that had a $20 block. It was very tempting to see more of him, but it felt weird to be looking at him like this. Then again, with all things considered, he wanted to be seen. You made good money, so what was $20? Your curiosity got the better of you and you decided to pay for the video and see what was in it.
It started off with him looking at the camera and making sure it was propped up at the perfect angle so that the viewer can see his entire body and what he was doing. Behind him was a bed with dark grey sheets, a window with blackout curtains, a ceiling fan, and a lamp on the bedside table. You werenât sure what you were expecting his room to look like, but you were surprised for it to be so normal? He had such a look about him that you figured his room would match him.
You watched him as he winked and smiled mischievously at the camera before slowly taking his clothes off. You watched the video in shock until you realized what you just paid for. You couldnât help but laugh at yourself for thinking this video would be anything else than what it is.
Once his clothes were fully off and he was completely naked, he laid down on his bed, grabbed a little bit of lube, and began to stroke his hardening cock. Your eyes widened as it became bigger and bigger. He was so thin and yet his cock was huge. Youâd never watched a guy pleasure himself before, and you were almost ashamed to admit how much you were enjoying it.
The reaction your body had as you watched him jerk off was something you hadnât felt in a long time. His moans were just as gorgeous as he was. Right when you heard the first moan, you pressed your thighs together to try to ease the throbbing between your legs. His body was perfect, he was tall, lean and still had some muscles. His bright red hair was a contrast to his beautifully tanned skin and the pretty flower tattoos that adorned it.
You bit your lip as you became more wet watching him groan at the pleasure he gave himself. He circled his thumb around his pink tip and his breathing hitched. You wished you were the one making him feel that good. You wanted to stroke him off and suck on his swollen tip. His cock was so pretty to you; it was veiny and long with a bit of a curve. It would hit all the right spots in you. You couldnât get over how his big hand looked wrapped around his cock.
You sighed as you kept watching the video, getting more and more turned on as he kept up his movements. The throbbing that was happening because of him was becoming unbearable and you had to relieve yourself. You reached your hand under your shirt and began to tease your nipple. Since you were about to go to bed, you didnât have a bra on. Your breathing became heavier at your slight touch and the visual of the boy masturbating in front of you. You started to imagine all the ways he could please you and then your hand traveled south.
You moaned when your fingers reached your clit, rubbing it in small circles. You wished that Jinyoungâs fingers were toying with your sensitive bud. As you watched him, your movements in yourself became faster, and soon enough, your legs were spread apart and you slipped two fingers inside yourself. Moaning at the new pleasure and imagining Jinyoungâs long fingers were deep inside you or on your body. You wanted so badly for his hands to roam your body and touch you in all your favorite spots.
You heard his moans were becoming labored through your phoneâs speaker and you watched as he bit his lip when the pleasure became too much for him. His whole body tensed as his orgasm washed over him and he came on his stomach.
Before you knew it, your own orgasm was triggered. It hit you at full force and you moaned into your pillow. You could feel every inch of your body be affected by it and you liked the feeling. You hadnât come this hard in a long time.
When the video ended, he smiled and turned off the camera. As much as you didnât like this idea at first, maybe this wasnât so bad after all. You had a dirty little secret that youâd never tell anyone.
#Jinyoung x reader#Jinyoung smut#CIX smut#kinktober#Bae Jinyoung#Kpop smut#Bae Jinyoung smut#kpop fanfic#CIX fanfic#i mean#he is just so hot#i can totally picture him as a camboy
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CIX Smut List
DM me for Credit/Fixes/Takedowns/If you want me to ask for permission before posting your works on here (apologies in advance)
!!!Please Follow the blogs that have created all of these amazing works!!! It made me sad to see some blogs that have since been deactivated
I will try my best to keep this list up to date (as soon as I reblog something I'll try my best to post it onto this list so I don't forget!) đ = New Post | â = My Own Works
CIX #1 Kinks Credit: @byeongsung
CIX As College Boyfriends Credit: @foenixs
CIX Kinks Credit: @hoshiwhxre
CIX MtL Being An Ass Or Tits Guy Credit: @doyvm
CIX MtL Being Into Choking Credit: Deactivated @
CIX MtL Being Into Mirror Sex Credit: Deactivated @
CIX MtL Being Into Mirror Sex Credit: @byeongsung
CIX MtL Breeding Kink Credit: @seo-thirst-bin
CIX MtL Dom Credit: @byeongsung
CIX MtL Fucking Over Love Making Credit: Deactivated @
CIX MtL Giving Oral Credit: Deactivated @
CIX MtL Into Tying Their Partners Up Credit: @byeongsung
CIX MtL To Be Cocky In Bed Credit: @byeongsung
CIX Porn Linksâ
CIX React To Their Girl Crush Sitting On Their Lap Credit: @seo-thirst-bin
CIX React To You Squirting Credit: @peachyhours
CIX With A Bratty Sub Credit: @byeongsung
How CIX Eat Their S/O Out Credit: @hoshiwhxre
Kissing With CIX Credit: @foenixs
Phone Sex With Gargoyal CIX Credit: @anqeluv
Q& A BaeJin And Yonghee 3some Credit: @byeongsung
Q& A BX And BaeJin 3some Credit: @youngbloodlisk
Q& A CIX Polaroids Credit: @byeongsung @cherriegyu
Q& A Hyunsuk And Seunghun 3some Credit: Deactivated @
Q& A Hyunsuk And Seunghun 3some Credit: @bigkpopstan
Q& A Seunghun And Hyunsuk (Enhypen's Jake& Sunoo too) Credit: @yoongiboongipoongi @b1tter-gremlin
Q& A Sex With BX Or Seunghun Credit: @byeongsung
Switch It Up â (BX + Seunghun with 2 OFC; PWP Fic)
12:05pm Credit: @byeongsung
20:32pm Credit: @byeongsung
Dirty Snap (Pic) Credit: @dirtykpopsnaps
Dirty Snap 2 (Pic) Credit: @dirtykpopsnaps
First Time With BX Credit: @hoshiwhxre
Gon Gonieâ (PWP-ish Fic)
Move My Body (PWP Fic) Credit: @foenixs
00:41am Credit: @byeongsung
07:42am Credit: @byeongsung
A-Z List With Seunghun Credit: @byeongsung
Dirty Snap (Pic) Credit: @dirtykpopsnaps
FaceTime (PWP Fic) Credit: @zerot0all
First Time With Seunghun Credit: @hoshiwhxre
Kissing With Seunghung Credit: @hoshiwhxre
lazy day forts (PWP Drabble) Credit: @cix-baehun
NSFW Seunghun Thoughts Credit: @byeongsung
Panty Line Crime And Punishmentâ (PWP Fic)
Q& A Seunghun Car Sex Credit: @jeontaeil
Q& A Seunghun Dry Hump Credit: @byeongsung
Q& A Seunghun Kisses Credit: @byeongsung
Q& A Seunghun Oral Sex Credit: @byeongsung
Top 3 Sex Positions For Seunghun Credit: @byeongsung
A-Z List With Yonghee Credit: @doyvm
Church Boy Yonghee Corruption Kink Credit: @heebaeby
Dirty Snap (Pic) Credit: @dirtykpopsnaps
NSFW Yonghee Thoughts Credit: @byeongsung
Q& A Yonghee Daycryphilia Credit: @byeongsung
Q& A Yonghee Eating You Out Credit: Deactivated @
Q& A Yonghee Sub Credit: @jeontaeil
to fall from grace (PWP Fic) Credit: @jeontaeil
Sub Yonghee Credit: @dabisdiary
Yonghee's Hands Credit: @heebaeby
06:41am Credit: Deactivated @
23:19pm Credit: @byeongsung
A Cup Of Rose Americanoâ (PWP-ish Fic)
Dirty Snap (Pic) Credit: @dirtykpopsnaps
NSFW BaeJin Thoughts Credit: @byeongsung
Q& A BaeJin Dacryphilia Credit: @byeongsung
Q& A BaeJin Mirror Sex Credit: @jeontaeil
Q& A BaeJin Mirror Sex 2 Credit: @jeontaeil
Q& A BaeJin Teaching You A Lesson Credit: @byeongsung @cherriegyu
Sexy Prompt For BaeJin 1 Credit: @byeongsung
Sexy Prompt For BaeJin 2 Credit: @byeongsung
Dirty Snap (Pic) Credit: @dirtykpopsnaps
NSFW Hyunsuk Thoughts Credit: @byeongsung
Q& A Hyunsuk Hard Thoughts Credit: @byeongsung
Q& A Hyunsuk Pegging + Dumbification Credit: @yoongiboongipoongi
Q& A Hyunsuk Subbing Credit: @yoongiboongipoongi
Q& A Hyunsuk Wanting to be a Dom Credit: @yoongiboongipoongi
Sex With Hyunsuk Credit: @byeongsung
Sweatpants, video 1 2 3 4 Credit: @hyunsuksmygod
#cixthotshit#cix#bx#seunghun#bae jinyoung#yonghee#hyunsuk#cix fanfic#cix imagines#cix smut#minors dni
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"Asas em RuĂna"
⥠Pedido pessoal.
#fanfic#fiction#kpop#kpop edit#capa para social spirit#capa spirit#capa de kpop#capa de spirit#capa para fanfic#capa para spirit#capa social spirit#capa colagem#capa de fic#capa de fanfic#cix 458#cixedit#cix jinyoung#bae jinyoung#cix bae jinyoung#cix baejin#kpop imagines#kpop boys#spirit fanfics
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Things that made him run from you
[part 1]
âWait, what? You guys broke up?!â
Jinyoung stared at his feet, slightly annoyed by his seniorâs questions about you. Because it was true â you guys had broken up. Or rather, Jinyoung broke it off with you to be precise.
âDo you wanna tell me or should I squeeze it out of you?â He let out a long sigh before spilling the tea.
âIs y/n beautiful? Absolutely. Is she smart and funny? Hell, yes. I had the best conversations with her, and you know how we virgos are. Was the sex mind-blowing? You bet. But-â, he paused for a second, thinking cautiously about his next words.
âBut what?â
Jinyoung glared viciously at his friend for rushing him. âBut her vibe was off. I donât know how to explain it, but her energy was kind of icky.â
He was met by wide eyes that didnât comprehend the depth of his words. âYou are telling me that you broke it off with y/n, a girl that sounds perfect on paper, because her vibe was off?!â Given the tone of his friendâs question it was evident that Jinyoung had to go into more detail.
âI donât know what to tell you. I just got the feeling that she was not ready for this. For me⌠or us.â A pained look formed on his handsome face. Truth is, Jinyoung did not want to break up with you but sadly you left him no choice.
âNot ready how?â
It was hard to find the right words, but he tried, nonetheless. âHave you ever been with a girl that doesnât feel complete on her own? Itâs funny because when you meet her for the first time you are totally oblivious, captivated by the mask she put on for you. And only with time you start to see the cracks in it. I started to realize that y/n did not have the right mindset for a relationship. She always relied on me to make her happy, you know? Itâs like she couldnât exist on her own.â
âWait a moment â what do you mean she couldnât exist on her own? Didnât she have a job and friends and stuff like that?â Jinyoung smiled sadly. âOf course, she had all those things. But deep inside? Hollowness. She was constantly fixated on what I was doing and how I could help her to be happy. Her day and emotions were totally owned by me. It got exhausting real quick.â
Absurdly, Jinyoung used to be like you. He had those same dependency tendencies but worked a lot to transform them. He put a lot of effort into becoming independent and self-sufficient, so he had absolutely no interest in someone that wasnât. But he was still crushed that you turned out to be that way.
âI donât get it. Arenât you supposed to make her happy? Arenât you her boyfriend after all?â
Funny how elder people were supposed to be the wiser ones. âIs that your definition of a relationship, hyung? Because it isnât mine.â
What Jinyoung wanted was to be with someone that was his equal. He wanted a woman by his side who was happy on her own. A woman with a life of her own, someone with passions and dreams. He wanted someone being so full of love already that it was only logical to share it with someone else, someone like him. He wanted someone being rooted in abundance, rather than lack.
Did he want to share that love? Yes. Did he want to make you happy? Absolutely. But he couldnât fulfill all your needs, he could only add to those. He realized that you were a hungry ghost, leeching for his love. No matter what he did, you needed more and more and more. Catching up quickly, it made him feel used.
âI want to be with someone that loves me for me and not for what I can do for them. Why did y/n need my love so badly? Why did she jump at my every command and left everything to be with me? Why was she so desperate for the smallest act of affection? Because she had no love on her own, not even for herself. How can you love someone if you donât even love yourself?â
He was met by compassionate eyes. âI am sorry, Jinyoung. I can now see why you turned your back on her. Still, it must suck though. Are you going to be okay?â
Oh, he would. He would process his feelings like he always did. He would get over you and find someone new. Jinyoung wasnât concerned with his well-being at all.
He was rather concerned with yours. Would you be okay? Would you understand that you were whole and complete on your own? Would you find the happiness and love that you searched for within you? He really did hope so.
Because a part of him didnât want to give you up. A small part was hoping that you would get your shit together, so that the two of you could re-do this. He was not ready to give you up, just yet. Thinking of that possibility filled his heart with joy, so he smiled at his friend: âWeâre gonna be okay.â
[part 2]
#mykoreanlove#got7 imagines#got7 smut#got7 scenarios#got7 jinyoung#park jinyoung smut#jinyoung x reader#bae jinyoung#jinyoung smut#park jinyoung#jinyoung imagine#got7 x reader#got7fanfic#kpop fanfic#kpop smut#got7#got7smut#kpop edits#fanfic x reader#kpop x y/n#kpop x reader#kpop x you#fanfic#fanfiction#creative writing#parkjinyoung#jinyoung#jinyoung scenarios#got7 x you#got7 fluff
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% â đâĄď¸đ đ!đĄđŹâťď¸đ¨đĄđ
#cix icons#cix jinyoung#bae jinyoung#jinyoung#jinyoung moodboard#bae jinyoung moodboard#cix moodboard#cix imagines#cix fluff#cix angst#cix kpop#kpop moodboard#bae jinyoung ff#cix ff#cix reactions#cix headers#cix yonghee#cix seunghun#cix fanfic#pink aesthetic#pink moodboard
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Baile de mĂĄscaras - Jinyoung + Irene (Jinyrene)
Capa para uso pessoal
#got7#spirt fanfic#capa de fanfic#capa para fanfic#capa spirit fanfic#photoshop#red velvet#jinyoung#irene#bae joohyun#park jinyoung
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Pairings: Bae Jinyoung x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Plot: you agreed to a movie marathon and a sleepover with your best friend but he fall asleep, not finishing the movie
You aggressively stormed inside his bedroom, kicking off your socks, getting all comfortable on his bed. It wasn't your first time entering his room and you weren't surprised that every little thing inside were arranged and organized.
"Pick a movie, I'll get the food ready." He said and gave the remote for you to pick some.
"But I'm ready!" You joked as you searched through the recommended movies on Netflix recently and you found one that seems interesting to the both of you.
Description: A peculiar girl transforms into a cat to catch her crush's attention. But before she realizes it, the line between human and animal starts to blur.
It reminded you having this stirred up feelings for your best friend. You were attached to him, you knew you loved him but kept it to yourself, scared that you might lose him because of your selfish infatuation towards him.
"Cat got your tongue, honey?" You were taken back when a pair of slender arms snakes around your waist and his breath warm on your neck as his chin rested on your shoulder. You couldn't blame yourself for loving him when all he did was flirt with you.
You never hated it tho, in fact, you loved it. Even if it gets harder to stop your feelings, you liked it. You can't stay away from him when you treated him as your half. You both were inseparable.
"Iâll have to get back to you on that." You said and cupped his cheeks before playing the movie on the screen. Not to mention that he didn't budged a bit, already comfortable with his position locking you in between him. You got no choice but to rest your back on his chest.
An hour passed and you're still invested on the movie, not paying attention to your company. You understood the feelings of the main character of the movie. If you'll be in her position, you'll surely agree to most of things just to get closer to him.
He was always there for you, always all-ears and reliable. You tell him everything from your relationships to family problems to stress from school. You both were always seen together.
'That's what best friends are for, right?' You thought. You're comfortable with them, letting your guards down, trust them, love them, maybe even die for them.
But once you fall in love, you couldn't tell what would happen. What if he feel the same? Then, there's always the danger of breaking up and ruining the friendship in the end. What if he doesn't feel the same? There's the danger of having awkwardness between the two of you now. And you'd lose him either way.
"And that's why I'm scared of getting attached to you." You spoke softly and turned around to check on him. You were not surprised that he already dozed off, already in his dream land. A tear escaped your eyes as you brushed away the strands of hair covering his beautiful face.
"What would you do if I tell you that I love you? Not only as a friend, more than that," Tears streamed down your cheeks as couldn't stop the pain of keeping your emotions inside. You felt like your chest is going to burst any minute from now.
"Would you keep a distance from me? Do you feel the same? This is all your fault," You chocked in between your sobs, not paying attention on the movie now but to your company.
"Why would you flirt with me, knowing that I fall in love easily, especially towards you. I treated you more than just a friend, more than just a family. It hurts that one day, I won't be the one you'll be searching for."
"I won't be the reason for your smiles, I won't be the one locked between your hugs. I'm scared, Bae, it hurts." You cherished his cheeks softly and smiled on his innocent face, sleeping in silence while you were there, confessing your feelings towards him.
"I'd rather keep you as my best friend rather than confessing this selfish love and risk our friendship. Please sleep peacefully for me, Bae." You covered him with his blankets and distanced yourself from him.
You were about to stand up but a pair of strong arms found their way again on your waist, pulling you in a tight hug on the sofa with him, your back facing him.
"You thought that you're the only one in pain here, huh?" He spoke and you felt your shirt getting dampen by his tears. You covered your mouth to stop your sobs but tears gushed down your eyes, getting harder to stop your sobs.
"I like- no, I love you too, more than just being friends. How much I love to tell you that in front of you but I'm a mess right now and I couldn't face you." He said and buried his face deeper on your neck. You freed yourself from his hug and wiped your tears before you faced him.
"I'm all yours, hoping that you'll accept me." You said staring right into his orbs, piercing his soul as you couldn't hide your smile, knowing that he's the only person that can make you smile after you cry.
"There is nothing better than hearing you say that." He said and gave you a small peck on your lips and buried his face on your neck again. He was all heated up. How funny that he's always the one on lead, flirting with you and now he's here getting all flustered, hiding his face on your neck.
All it took was always two to tango.
#kpop fanfic#kpop#kpop imagines#kpop oneshots#cix scenarios#cix imagines#cix jinyoung#bae jinyoung#cix jinyoung x reader#cix oneshots
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I desperately need more cix imagines & fics, like I think I literally read them all. đŠ
And also fix moots, I need to fangirl about them with someone. đĽş
#cix#bx#lee byounggon#seunghun#kim seunghun#yonghee#kim yonghee#jinyoung#bae jinyoung#hyunsuk#yoon hyunsuk#fanfics#imagines#fix#fix moots
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