codebreaker-0 · 7 months
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444names · 2 years
west indian forenames BUT excluding "o"
Afria Agaud Agaugha Agauné Agaurick Agaurt Aiidan Aiiddie Aiide Alcia Alcie Alcius Aldica Aldie Alfrey Alice Alvia Alvie Alvit Amany Amena Amences Amens Anhed Anhena Anheruca Anice Anick Anjan Anjana Anjanette Anjayl Anjayley Anjaylia Annya Apacia Arched Ardley Audle Audrie Audrip Badste Bakerty Baklyan Beadlent Beaverge Beddie Bence Bences Benway Berlan Berley Bertue Berty Blaine Braelah Braen Brala Brall Brane Branna Brica Brice Bridaigg Briddia Brigapee Burge Burtie Burway Caraing Caral Caralina Caran Carany Caratha Carell Caresca Carey Carley Carvene Carvera Carvert Catfie Chamadge Chene Chert Chilber Chilbert Chilesen Chivna Chria Chrick Churtunte Chussa Chusse Claigham Clair Clanley Claraley Cleen Clene Curgert Curgesa Dabeld Dabertin Daberwick Dabrel Daley Dalwaycey Damance Damene Danda Daver Davie Davine Dayleme Delakell Delbelna Deldia Delhas Delie Delina Dellaw Delley Dellste Delnair Delyn Demer Demerwara Deval Devertuné Deverwin Dunte Dureeg Dusse Edwicen Edwick Edwing Eldaley Eldan Eldell Eldence Eldenn Eldielder Eldraless Elgind Elsue Elsuet Ernel Eruca Eruck Eruma Erunding Eruntin Erzulber Essairaw Euphust Evelah Evelna Everlan Evert Everty Everwar Femandie Femerty Fisey Fisley Fitel Fitzge Fivlishia Fivna Fredy Frenet Fulane Fulbenley Fulber Fulberd Fulcia Garahite Gardadste Gared Garedan Garedenle Garene Garim Garlia Garvelyn Garver Genne Geres Gerett Gerumani Glacia Gladgsley Guenn Guert Guette Hadclie Hadsty Hadyberl Harty Heady Heariells Hewma Irian Irine Jacenice Jacius Jahitz Jarane Jasita Javal Javer Javerley Javian Jenarde Jevatchit Jilenaje Jillix Kadley Karae Karaen Karchep Karcie Kareedine Kareenna Keldredge Kelierler Keneld Kentise Kevells Khelard Kherler Khert Kiman Kimene Kinaje Kingsle Kintin Kinvaunt Kishara Kishel Kylaw Kylfrie Kyndie Kyndria Ladybley Lashellix LaTaina LaTalynsa Laugha Laundece Laurd Leace Learla Leena Leenna Leenta Levert Libera Libert Linfrette Linse Lintara Linte Lyndica Lyndineka Lyndra Lyndy Lyneill Macia Macian Maraisha Maranwica Marban Mardley Marfie Maria Marian Marica Marlah Marlena Marnst Maselley Masher Millisty Millwyn Misle Newmadrie Newmaite Newmaria Nicta Nilbeld Nilber Nillwayla Oaker Oakir Oakiral Oakirt Oaklyah Odads Odanika Odulan Odulcius Odulisa Ogdelnaje Ogdelyse Ogdenlert Ogder Ogderty Omair Omarlis Ovene Pelarice Pelawley Pence Plaitley Plarda Quette Radclix Radley Radran Raelard Ramee Raylah Raylan Reard Renedece Resea Ridadlert Ridaise Riddiell Ridding Rihannaje Rutla Rydess Sager Shakel Shaman Shamanne Shamard Shamse Shand Shanela Shannya Shanyahia Shard Shasha Sheda Shelarla Shell Shelna Shephurey Shert Shery Strae Stran Sylad Sylah Sylan Sylerlah Syley Taellsuen Taigapet Taina Talaniya Talbert Talwylem Talyn Tandrair Taney Tanika Taniya Tayce Thaud Thedge Tindann Trice Triddica Trucary Trumann Truné Twylany Tyndina Ulbera Ulberree Uldels Ushakirah Vannyse Veadst Veavia Verrina Vertunte Virah Virane Vivintise Vivitart Vivlix Vivnaje Walcia Waldris Walie Walisha Walix Walway Waranklyn Warian Wariddie Warlan Welwyndia Welyn Whian Whilberge Whiler Whita Whitard Whitz Whivite Whivlisey Wilberty Willey Wills Winbley Windyn Winedge Winste Winteran Winva Wyberty Wybley Wylace Wylahia Wylais Wylawle Wymarie Xavalmads Xaver Xaverl Xavert Yanwice Yarbanika Ziddick Ziddin Zidge
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4evahaka · 4 years
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Kyra Freeman: 113th Miss FloridaAandM BetaAlpha DeltaSigmaTheta Crenel "CJ" Francis : 20th Mister FloridaAandM AlphaEta PhiBetaSigma #FAMURoyalCourt #MissFloridaAandM #MisterFloridaAandM #TheBADST #BADST #BetaAlpha #DST1913 #DST #HardAlphaEta #AlphaEta #PBS1914 #DSTandPBS #DeltasAndSigmas #HBCUCampusQueens #FAMU #FloridaAandM #FloridaAandMUniversity #BlackWomenInPower #BlackMenInPower #BlackExcellence #HBCUS #SupportALLHBCUS #TakeYourTalentsToAnHBCU #BlackHistory365 #BlackHistoryMonth2020 #BlackHistoryMonth 💕💚REPOSTED: #4evahaka2FAMUGrad1908💕💚CreditToOwner #WomenHistoryMonth #WomenHistoryMonth2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9PWEHXnngp/?igshid=7ymhxgztrlob
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This is beautiful and refreshing!!! #Repost @thevirtuouslion ・・・ 📸 The REAL hot girl summer shoot! 🔥Serving humanity & serving looks🔺 #Back2Back #ENT55 #Sisterhood #DST #ENT10k #VLP #VirtuousLionProductions #SKC #SadeKayCreates #FAMU #Rattlers #BADST #ThisIsHaiti #Haiti #TravelingHeart #FortNegrita #Outreach #Service #Travel #International #Humanitarian #Documentarian #Photo #Video #Film #Photographer #Filmmaker #Decameron #HaitiDiscovery (at Haiti) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz8x41SBCVm/?igshid=13qnj6hfjsln9
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sojournersverdad · 6 years
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All of my love... ❤🔺️❤🔺️❤#BADST https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpu7R0xFU94/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s69x6p28kltt
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gamma-xi-delta · 3 years
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. | The Real Beta Alpha Chapter | FAMU Greek Step Show
Published by Everlasting Decisions
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greekpara · 6 years
Regrann from @hbcugrad - The Beta Alpha chapter of Delta Sigma Theta is back! Yesterday #E56 took the campus of FAMU by storm in a Wakandan themed presentation to rightfully reclaim their throne. After 7 years The REAL Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta is back on the yard 🐘🔺️ #BADSTforever #REDemption #BADST #betaalpha #deltasigmatheta #probate #crossingszn #sororitygirls #sororitylife #sororitysisters #TheRedz #thedreamisreal #greeklife #famu #famuly #famuans #rattlers #tallahassee #florida #hbcu #hbcugrad (at Lineupgreek)
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19pilotjones89 · 5 years
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Thank you @yokr3ationz for this amazing piece. My first paddle! KindRED Spirit-Lucky 7- 1:4Mation of DSTinction #woodWork #greeknalia #AOML #BaDST https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pmU6bHwShqIwUeFwWrPOZMvx268dMLjBuzI40/?igshid=nofgentht3x
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mydearestlola · 7 years
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FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY!!!! Not even half of all the amazing sawrahs that came to homecoming this year! I haven't been at the Theta in too long! #DST #ENT55 #FAMU #BADST #SONGFEST #KenteClothCoordination #iLuvMyLinesisters @famu_1887 ALL THE WAY! (at Florida A&M University)
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amphibious-thing · 3 years
The Life of the Roebuck was mine, As I bounded o'er Valley and Lawn; I watched the gay Twilight decline, And worshipped the day-breaking Dawn. I regret not the freedom of will, Or sigh, as uncertain I tread; I am freer and happier still, When by thee I am carefully led. Ere my Sight I was doomed to resign, My heart I surrendered to thee; Not a Thought or an Action was mine, But I saw as thou badst me to see. Thy watchful affection I wait, And hang with Delight on Thy voice; And Dependance is softened by fate, Since Dependance on Thee is my choice.
Georgiana Cavendish to Elizabeth Foster, printed in The Two Duchesses by Vere Foster p131
Written in 1796 when she was apprehensive of losing her eyesight.
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blindrapture · 4 years
“The untireties of livesliving being the one substrance of a streamsbecoming”
It’s been a while since I’ve fawned over some Finnegans Wake on here. So here, this is a paragraph from the final chapter. It probably summarizes the book itself. For the sake of readability, I will break it up into verse-like sentences. (It’s best to dwell on the Wake one sentence at a time anyway, there’s a lot of meaning here.)
By the antar of Yasas! Ruse made him worthily achieve inherited wish. The drops upon that mantle rained never around Fingal. Goute! Loughlin’s Salts, Will, make a newman if anyworn. Soe? La! Lamfadar’s arm it has cocoincidences. You mean to see we have been hadding a sound night’s sleep? You may so. It is just, it is just about to, it is just about to rolywholyover. Svapnasvap. Of all the stranger things that ever not even in the hundrund and badst pageans of unthowsent and wonst nice or in eddas and oddes bokes of tomb, dyke and hollow to be have happened! The untireties of livesliving being the one substrance of a streamsbecoming. Totalled in toldteld and teldtold in tittletell tattle. Why? Because, graced be Gad and all giddy gadgets, in whose words were the beginnings, there are two signs to tum to, the yest and the ist, the wright side and the wronged side, feeling aslip and wauking up, so an, so farth. Why? On the sourdsite we have the Moskiosk Djinpalast with its twin adjacencies, the bathouse and the bazaar, allahallahallah, and on the sponthesite it is the alcovan and the rosegarden, boony noughty, all puraputhry. Why? One’s apurr apuss a story about brid and breakfedes and parricombating and coushcouch but others is of tholes and oubworn buyings, dolings and chafferings in heat, contest and enmity. Why? Every talk has his stay, vidnis Shavarsanjivana, and all-a-dreams perhapsing under lucksloop at last are through. Why? It is a sot of a swigswag, systomy dystomy, which everabody you ever anywhere at all doze. Why? Such me. And howpsadrowsay.
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chqrryvelvet · 4 years
GDJDJDKDJ TYSM 🥺🥺 lol i got uhmm i think it was 80%? on the test 😳 and badst maru is cute 🤩 how r u doing??
80?!?/??/ good job babie!!-!/!/!:!:!/!!/! 🤍🤍 + kae is losing her mind methinks 😻 how are you doing 2day miss selene
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ilovemissb-blog · 6 years
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Cheers to 15 years! #T56 #oldba #BADST #homecoming2018 #t56turns15 (at Florida A&M University) https://www.instagram.com/p/BopjiYXlHRX0os2GiQuvOvJeRlsJde9lt-uWmE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qqc0m5j9ttmp
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4evahaka · 5 years
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BADST #FloridaAandMUniversity #FloridaAandM #BADST #BetaAlpha #DeltaSigmaTheta #DST1913 #DST #FAMU #AcrossTheTracks #FloridaStateUniversity !(💕💚#4evahaka2 #FAMU1908 #CreditToOwner) - https://www.instagram.com/p/B1AKMAnnMK_/?igshid=3xa37ibu7lwg
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soulcooljay · 6 years
#FAMU women just get better with time... never fails! . . . . #famu #blackgirlmagic #betaalpha #badst #deltasigmatheta #blackgirlsrock #balckwomenrule #atlanta #melissastjoy #fortyandfine @stjeezy19 (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxlLA7D_0m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kp1kdo9jdi7x
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Such an awesome view! 😍😍😍❤🐘❤🐘#badst #issadeltathang #famuly #afamulyreunion #famu #famuhomecoming #colac #ibleedorangeandgreen #crimsonandcream
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