#badly drawn shuri
marvelbang · 2 years
wolves and girls by roipecheur, art by huntress79
wolves and girls (39106 words) by roipecheur
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Black Widow (Comics), Hawkeye (TV 2021), Marvel (Comics)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Elektra Natchios/Natasha Romanov
Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Elektra Natchios, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Shuri (Marvel), Frank Castle, Orestez Natchios
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Genre: spy thriller
A dead mercenary on a rooftop in Manhattan, a London warehouse full of comatose girls with strange implants in their brains, a corporate party in Munich. The threads of a mystery pull Natasha across two continents and leave her second-guessing who to trust. Elektra Natchios, drawn in since the beginning and traveling parallel to her every step, shouldn't qualify. But she wants answers as badly as Natasha does, and working together may be the best chance either of them has.
Art post by huntress79: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43414657
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coconut-edits · 3 years
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Shuri flustered/thinking abt Reo sketch for @zayn-darkshadow
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duuhrayliegh · 4 years
watch your six - part four
pairing: eventual bucky x reader (still a slow burn but it’s getting closer)
warnings: some violence but not really, men being creepy, language (one f bomb), also badly written speaking while crying, aaand i think that’s it
word count: a little over 2300
a/n: aaaah it’s part four babes!!!! the response to this has been so positive i’m in love with y’all!!! <3 <3 <3 i’m still way behind on my classwork and going through a terrible break up but we’re pushing through here
p.s.: my requests are still open if y’all want me to write yall something! aaalso, there’s a bucky short coming tomorrow ;)) <3
series m.list
ray’s m.list
This strange man’s hand was still caressing my hair as he smirked down at me. Running has hands up to the root and then yanking my head upwards to face him directly. “When I speak to you, you look me in the eye, little one.” Not one to show my fear, at least not to men like him, I scoffed. Thick brows shot towards his hairline and a twitch in his jaw as he clenched it. The hold he had in my hair gave him leverage over me. I winced as he lifted his arm to bring my face closer to his. A small whimper escaped the back of my throat, saliva gathering in my mouth. “Don’t test me, little one.” I sneered then spat in his face, the wet substance sticking to his face across his nose and cheek.
Bringing a hand up to his face to swipe the thick liquid from his skin, he glowered as he pulled his palm away. Then several things happened at once. The man forced a harsh breath out and then I was facing the ground with a sting on my left cheek. A gasp left my lips, he just slapped me. Who the hell does he think he is? I shook my head and then leveled my gaze with the man’s. I’m almost positive that my cheek is sporting a bright red handprint that does nothing for my complexion.
“What the hell man? What was that for?” I groaned while attempting to soothe my throbbing cheek on my shoulder. I mean, was it kind of justified? I did just spit in this man's face. No, he totally deserved that. After releasing his grip on my hair, he transferred his hands to the sides of the chair I was chained to. The metal scraping along the concrete floor caused a loud screech to reverberate through the small room.
“I said not to test me, bitch.” the man growled out as he pushed my chair onto the back two legs. I’m starting to think that this is a bit more serious than I originally thought. “Now, you’re going to sit here like a good little bitch and tell me what I want to know.” He retreated only to grab the chair that Suits used. Slamming against the pavement he straddled the chair with his forearms resting on the back.
“How many missions did you participate in?” I released a groan and rotated my head, leaning my head back.
“I already told your friend,” I tilted my head to speak directly to the absolute jerk-wad of a man in front of me, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The man quirked an eyebrow and clenched his jaw. He rolled his neck, causing the bones in it to crack and then stood. He walked to the other side of the metal table that sat in the middle of the room. The sound of a zipper caused me to snap my head to where he was standing. The tactical vest he was wearing dropped to the metal surface allowing for a loud thunk to flow through the room. He stretched out his shoulders and swung his arms out in front as if he was trying to increase the blood flow. I’m the one who’s literally tied to a freaking chair, what does he need blood flow for? My breathing quickened,  calm down, don’t show any fear. He popped the knuckles of his hands and approached me.
“I’m not a patient man.” He bent at the knees and leaned his face closer to mine. Exhaling into my face, he maintained eye contact with me. “And you’re not acting like the good little girl we both know you oh-so-desperately want to be.” I rolled my eyes at that, apparently that was the wrong thing to do in this man’s face. His left eye twitched as he stared at me.
“Do you think you could back up? Your breath reeks, man.” I have no concern for my own well-being do I? The man’s head tilted to the side and then he wolfed out a gruff laugh. He shifted his weight to land on the heels of his feet and threw his body into the laugh. It was a bit disconcerting to see this man laughing so wholeheartedly in a situation that didn’t feel funny to me. Another blow to the side of my face was issued, however this time he didn’t stop. Several open handed hits were delivered, all the while he was resetting my head back by grasping my chin. My breathing was becoming labored, my chest heaving up and down in a frenzy. He gripped my chin and jerked it upwards so he could stand at his full height to tower over me.
“How many missions did they send you on?” He demanded, increasing his hold on my face surely leaving sickening bruises that would match his fingers perfectly. At some point, tears began running down my red cheeks.
“I don’t kno-ow what you’re talking ab-about!” Tears streaming down my swollen face, “I s-swear to god, I don’t know wh-what you mean!” Choked sobs were preventing me from breathing correctly. The man grabbed my shoulders and shook my body.
“Calm the fuck down and speak clearly.” Small hiccups were escaping my mouth without permission. Why am I letting this guy get to me? What the hell is happening? “How many missions did they send you on?” I broke down again, fat tears leaking out of my eyes.
“I ju-just want to go h-h-home. I s-swear I don’t kno-ow anything!” I shouted in his face. He glowered at me and lifted his hand from my shoulder. My whole body tensed as I readied myself to the impact.
“Johnson.” The door burst open, stopping Johnson from landing another hit. “This is not what you were supposed to be doing.” Suits walked back in the room. Johnson backed down, lowering his hand and turning to the new member in the room. “Sir, I was told to interrogate the prisoner.”
“Yes, Johnson, interrogate her. Not beat her to a pulp.” He gestured wildly with his hand. “If the boss found out you were doing this, he’d have your head on a platter.” Suits took steps closer toward us and Johnson shrunk into himself. “Get out of here before I call him about this.” Johnson nodded quickly and left the room quickly, leaving his tactical vest on the table.
I was still quietly crying while strapped to the metal frame of the chair. Suits approached me while pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket. He raised it to my face and I jolted backwards away from his touch. “Easy now, I’m only here to help.” Is he seriously pulling a good cop, bad cop routine on me right now? He wiped my cheeks of the salty remnants, “Now, how can I help you besides that?”
“You co-could let me go h-home.” I tried to say without stuttering, clearly unsuccessful. I didn’t want to show my emotions but really at this point, could it get worse?
“Awe, girly. You know I can’t do that until you tell me what I want to know.” He began to drag the chair next to me, back to the opposite side of the table. This created an obstacle between the two of us, which made me slightly more comfortable knowing he wouldn’t be able to reach me as quickly.
I heaved a sigh, “but I don’t know anything.” My weeping had come to a definite end, making way for frustration. My face heated for a different reason than being struck several times.
“See, this is where we disagree because I know that you’re lying to me.” He shook his finger in my face and I scrunched my brows together, flicking my eyes between his finger and face.
“You’re kidding me. I told you I don’t know about any missions.”
“Oh really? Then who’s Gemini?” He reclined in his chair, looking smug. “Actually, you know more importantly, who is Libra? The whole thing is just fascinating to me.”
“I don’t know what any of that is. I swear to whatever you want me to.”
“Then why do I have this that says you do.” He held up the manila folder that he first walked in with. I shrugged my shoulders.
“Whatever is in there is lying to you.” He cocked his head to the side and flipped the folder open. He removed a photograph from the folder and placed it on the table in front of me. Staring back at me, was a slightly younger version of myself with shorter hair. A large X was drawn across the whole picture and underneath it read the words ‘Agent Libra.’
My eyes widened, “I have never seen that before, in my life.” Suits sighed heavily and then began flipping through the rest of the papers.
“So what is the Svengali?” He threw out another paper and I glanced down at it. It looked like a typed report of some kind. Much of it redacted by thick black lines. The words Libra, Gemini, and Svengali were visible amidst the sea of dark ink.
A ping sounded throughout the room causing the screen of the phone to illuminate. A metal hand reached for the thin device.
New mission alert. You’re needed. Meet at the compound.
Great, this is just what Bucky needed to keep him distracted. Sleep never came easy to him so he was spending copious amounts of time trying to catch up on what he missed out on. Steve told him to make a list and Sam kept rambling on about some gay Marvin man? Bucky much prefered to do things on his own. He hasn’t had help for over ninety years, why should he need it now?
Throwing on his leather jacket as he began to leave his apartment, he checked the pockets for the keys to his motorcycle. He also made sure to grab his gloves. Even though T’Challa and Shuri were good enough to give him a new vibranium arm, Bucky still wasn’t too keen on being stared at in public. It was better for everyone if he just kept the arm tucked away as much as he could while around strangers.
He did one last once over of his apartment before locking the door behind him. He jogged down the stairs towards his bike. It definitely was his pride and joy, it was the first thing that he bought with his own money since 1943. His apartment was courtesy of Pepper Potts, no thanks to Tony’s complaining. Tony and Bucky had eventually worked out their differences, to say the least. Tony still hadn’t fully forgiven the Winter Soldier for killing his parents, and neither had Bucky so they were agreeing to disagree.
The ride to the compound from Brooklyn wasn’t a hard one. It gave Bucky time to appreciate the scenery around him. Slowing to a stop at a four way stop just outside of the compound, Bucky dropped his feet to the tarmac below, stabilizing the bike between his legs. He tilted his head back and felt the warm rays of the sun on his face. Warm was something that Bucky was still getting used to, it was easier in Wakanda. He had his own hut, voluntary therapy sessions, and easy-going check ups with Shuri in her lab.
Everything was simpler in Wakanda, but what Bucky missed most from Wakanda was the stability. He didn’t have to worry about missions, or keeping up with Steve, or the crushing guilt that he felt whenever he saw Tony. After parking his bike at the facility, Bucky made his way to the meeting room. Dark wooden tables in an L-shape appeared in his view. Steve and Sam were standing in front of the large monitor that was displaying images of an unknown, yet familiar looking woman.
“Tony, we don’t know if she knows anything.” Natasha said, apparently trying to rationalize with someone else in the room.
“Natasha, we don’t know that she doesn’t not know anything.” Tony shot back, Sam turned slowly and opened his mouth with a confused expression on his face.
“Tony, we aren’t in an episode of FRIENDS. This is serious. We need to decide if this is worth pursuing or not.”
“Wilson, that’s all well and good but we have to acknowledge that this woman could get us our first real break in our search.” Tony explained while taking deep breaths.
“What are we deciding?” Bucky interrupted as he plopped into one of the chairs. Now that Bucky has been given his freedom back, he’s able to display a difference between his mission self and his regular self.
“This woman here,” Steve gestured to the woman on the screen, “is a member of the Virago. It’s an international branch of SHIELD that was believed to be infiltrated by HYRDA years ago.”
“This is the agent code named Libra. Her last mission was with another agent code named Gemini. The mission report has since been lost to us. All we know is that Libra and Gemini were instructed to watch a Svengali safehouse. Apparently something went wrong and only Libra made it out alive.” Tony added, “Which is why we need to find her and see what she knows.” “Tony! There’s no guarantee that she has any knowledge of this mission.” The redhead stressed as she leaned over the table towards the man she was speaking to.
“I think we should find her.” The words left Bucky’s mouth before he could stop them. All motion in the room stopped.
“Um, did the Manchurian Candidate just agree with me?” Tony questioned as the rest of the room remained quiet.
“Look, I’m not necessarily agreeing with you.” Bucky started.
“Nope, can’t take it back.” Tony mused, “Already said it.” Bucky sighed and shook his head.
“Why do you think we should go after her Buck?” Steve inquired. Bucky’s brows furrowed and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I think I know her from somewhere.”
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roselen-mylady · 4 years
the game | part two
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Part One
Steve hated to admit it but he had always been a jealous person. As a child he was jealous of the way so many other kids had dads that tucked them in at night. As a teen he was jealous of how easily Bucky made women swoon. As an adult he was jealous of Stark when he attempted to woo Peggy. And now he was jealous because it seemed everyone but himself was able to easily talk and even kiss Y/n.
Oh how badly he had wanted to.
And he almost did during that game of spin the bottle. Yet he'd lost his nerve. And lost his chance.
Thor's laughter had drawn his full attention toward the pair. Not that his eye had ever left Y/n but now the man before him was blatantly being ignored as Steve's entire focus was on Y/n and Thor. He strained to hear whatever was being said by her but he could hardly pay attention as Thor lifted her into the air and spun her around like a princess.
He could've done that.
His blood nearly boiled as he watched Thor kiss her. It was innocent, he knew that, but he just couldn't help it. He was angry at the world and Thor but mostly himself.
Before Thanos he thought he'd have all the time he needed to work up to confessing his feelings for her while she stayed in Wakanda watching after his best friend. But when she was snapped away he realized he had made a horrible mistake. A mistake he regretted every minute of every day during those long five years.
But now he had a chance to fix it.
Yet he hadn't been able to talk to her since she returned. The friendship they'd had before then was bashful but strong yet during her absence he had distanced himself from the idea of her in order to cope.
When she returned all the emotions he felt came rushing back in waves. And he was still blowing it.
"I'm so tired of watching these two pine after one another." Wanda spoke suddenly, making Bucky turn toward her, dragging his gaze away from the pair.
"What do you mean?" Bucky asked, looking back at them as Wanda came to stand at his side, watching them with him.
"You mean you haven't noticed? Y/n's in love with Steve. Steve's in love with Y/n. It's agonizing to watch, really." She sighed, rather vexed with the entire situation. It was her after all who had watched them through the years. They'd known each other ever since before the accords and all that time they'd had an awkward friendship in which feelings were obvious on both ends yet neither had the courage to act.
She hated to imagine how Y/n's death might've affected him but yet it still hadn't given him the will of the courage to act. It pained her to watch the two fall back into their old ways.
"Y/n loves Steve?" Bucky mumbled, disbelief evident in his features. Wanda nodded, her eyes trailing Y/n as she made her way to Peter, who was standing haphazardly close to Steve.
"More than life itself, though she'll never admit it. I saw it when I had to enter her thoughts years ago during a mission we had in Germany." Wanda explained. She remembered the overwhelming feeling of Y/n's emotions. They crashed into her stronger than any wave could and even after all these years they were just as strong.
"Then why haven't they done anything?" Bucky asked. He looked down at her finding the same lost expression on her face that was more than likely on his.
"I don't know. Y/n told me last week the same thing she told me all those years ago. Things are too complicated and she can't risk losing him if he doesn't feel the same." Wanda quoted Y/n, her annoyance seeping through her words.
Bucky scoffed, recognizing the excuse as something very similar to Steve's and he shook his head, feeling the same defeat Wanda did. "Just like them to be too stupid to be happy." He groaned, looking up at them.
"Yeah. But hopefully when he kisses her one of them will do something." Wanda hoped her statement might encourage their boldness.
"Unless it's a repeat of spin the bottle." Bucky said, dreading the chance that it might happen. Wanda cringed, shaking her head.
"Y/n won't allow it. She takes the game too seriously." She replied, more to convince herself than Bucky. It was true. Y/n would get Steve to kiss her whether it was for the win or her own motives. That is if her nerves didn't take over.
"Let's hope."
"Well, if it isn't Spiderman." Y/n called out, grabbing Peter's attention. He smiled brightly, finally being called by his preferred name and not Spiderboy.
"Ms. Y/n! What-what are you doing here?" Peter's sore attempt at small talk made him wince but thankfully Y/n didn't seem to mind, looking down at his glass.
"Just mingling. Whatcha drinking?" She asked curiously, wondering if Tony had allowed the poor boy a drink while dealing with all the people who no doubt asked him millions of questions regarding his presence and age.
"Sprite. Mr. Stark said he can't allow me to 'drink and swing'." Peter adjusted his glass, using his fingers as quotations before letting out a short giggle at the phrase.
Y/n laughed as well, trying to appear relaxed as she felt a certain pair of eyes on her. Steve was standing just a few feet away with Tony, not within earshot but close enough to send butterflies to her stomach. With each kiss she collected she felt more and more anxious knowing eventually she'd reach Steve. Was she ready for that?
"Well, that simply won't do. It's a party, Peter, and I can't allow you to not drink. When I was your age Tony was slipping me drinks left and right, it's only fair I pass on the tradition." She explained, leaning forward carefully as her hand brushed his.
He blushed, his eyes widening like saucers as she skillfully slipped his glass out of his hand, replacing it with her own. Glancing at Tony as if expecting to be caught, he was relieved to find his father figure blissfully unaware of their treachery.
"Ms. Y/n, I really shouldn't-"
"Don't worry, I'll drive you home if you're that worried. I got you bro." Y/n promised, nudging his arm with a kind smile. "Now tell me you've at least tried champagne. You've been to like three of these parties now." She laughed her smile growing as he joined in.
"Yeah, well, I mean a little bit from my Aunt May's glass." Y/n shook her head, putting her hand on his shoulder, a dramatic look of sorrow on her face.
"My poor boy. I have many things to share with you. Speaking of which, Shuri is asking if you're coming with me to Wakanda next week." Y/n sipped the soda watching as Peter's fingers danced happily against his own glass.
"Really?! I mean, of course! If you want me to. I've never been, what's it like?" Peter rambled, his face lit up in excitement, making Y/n chuckle at how thrilled the boy was.
"You'll see soon enough. I'll come get you next Friday and bring your suit, I'm sure Shuri would love to tinker with it." Y/n advised. Peter nodded wildly, psyched for such a trip.
"Thank you, Ms. Y/n." Peter grinned. Y/n wrapped an arm around his shoulders turning him in the direction of where Tony was standing.
"Peter, Y/n is fine. Trust me, I'm one of the few people in this world who know what it's like to have Tony as a father figure and anyone who can handle that is okay in my book." Y/n laughed, pointing at the man in question.
As if sensing their shit talking, Tony turned around, catching sight of them. A suspicious glare was sent their way but Y/n could hardly notice it as another figure stepped into view, following Tony's gaze.
It was then that they were forced to look at one another head on. Not at a glance or a sneaky peek. They might as well have been standing in front of one another as they both froze.
If Y/n's heart decided to stop in that instant, she wouldn't blame it. The pure intensity of Steve's gaze was enough to make her shudder and she fought her every molecule to stare back. There was a warmth in his eyes, one that sent a flutter of giddiness through her.
A small smile crept onto his face and Y/n gasped, forcing herself to return the gesture and not just gawk at him. She was at a loss for words. It was the first time since Thanos that he had given her any sort of acknowledgement. While it hurt that their friendship had seemed to diminish while she'd been gone, she knew that rekindling it was a two way street. But now he was smiling at her. And she was smiling back.
She hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath until Peter stepped in front of her, his hands resting on her shoulders and his brows furrowed in concern. "Y/n? Are you okay?" His voice was soothing and it helped her recover her loss of breath from her moment with Steve.
"Huh? Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Just...uh, thinking." She mumbled, her eyes drifting back to Steve once more. His smile had faltered slightly, his face beginning to match Peter's concern but with a small curve of her lips, she assured him that his worry was senseless.
"About the game?"
"Hmm?" Y/n questioned, directing her attention to the boy once more. Peter eyed his glass carefully before taking a cautious sip.
"The game you play with Ms. Natasha and Ms. Wanda. You're playing, right? I saw you earlier with Thor." He explained. Y/n's face flushed, a little embarrassed that her moment with Thor had been witnessed by someone she knew. What if Steve saw? Would he be jealous?
Y/n nearly shook her head, convincing herself that she wasn't worth being jealous over. Especially to Steve.
"Oh, yeah. We are. That reminds me, you like Star Wars right?" She smirked, looking at him as she sipped his soda, the pink on his cheeks making her giggle.
"Well, yeah, I mean lots of people do. I'm not the only one-that would be weird. Unless you like it, not that you liking it would make it less weird. Not that you're not weird! Weird-"
"Peter!" Y/n laughed, putting her hand on his as she lightly brought the drink down. "Whew boy, maybe alcohol isn't your thing. Then again you've always been a rambler." She gently took the drink back from him, watching as a wave of relief washed over him.
"Have you eaten yet? I think there's hors d'oeuvres around here somewhere." She muttered, glancing around for any servers. Peter shook his head accepting his soda back before looking back up at her.
"No I'm okay, really." He told her, his heart warming at how much she seemed to care. It was nice and he enjoyed his relationship with Y/n. She allowed him to do things with her like travel, patrol, even hang out in the lab and she quickly became another idol of his.
"Are you thinking of watching Star Wars?" He asked her, referring to her previous question. She smiled, shaking her head.
"No, I've already seen it, I'm just thinking of a pick up line for the game. Tonight's rules are if you like my line I get a kiss and I fully intend on winning tonight." Peter nearly choked on air as his eyes widened yet again.
"A kiss? From me?" Y/n giggled, tapping her finger to her cheek.
"Don't get ahead of yourself, Parker. A kiss on the cheek will do." She teased, making his face impossibly redder. He shook his head frantically trying to display as best he could that it wasn't his intention.
"I'm kidding. Now are you ready to hear my cheesy pick up line or will I just have to forfeit?" Peter's head didn't seem to stop shaking as he urged her to continue. "Alright here goes."
"Hey, sweetheart. Do you like Star Wars cause Yoda only one for me." With a wink she smiled, enjoying the scrunch of Peter's nose as he cringed at the line. 
"Not doing it for ya?" She laughed. Peter scoffed, trying to hide the smile that threatened to show.
"I hate to admit it, but it was kinda funny." He sighed, ashamed to have enjoyed such a horrible line. Y/n's grin grew, pointing to her cheek once more.
"Then pay up. I've got two more kisses to collect." Peter smiled, leaning forward and pecking the space her finger had been. "Thank you. Now find someone to mess with. I won't be the only one reeking havoc tonight." She poked a stern finger into his chest. With some convincing he eventually promised to at least pull a prank on Sam and Bucky.
With that she began to make her way to Tony. A knot formed in her stomach as she paced in his direction yet it wasn't Tony who made her nervous. No, only Steve Rogers could make her feel so squeamish and turn her legs to jelly. And she was making her way straight toward him.
Y/n could barely hear the click of her heels and the chatter of those around her over the pep talk she was giving herself in her head. She refused to embarrass herself in front of him. This was going to be her second chance and she wouldn't allow her nerves to ruin it again.
"As I live and breathe! Do I stand before Iron Man and Captain America? I do hope this isn't a dream." Steve's soft chuckle seemed to go straight to her core and she feared her heart might beat right out of her chest.
"Don't encourage her, Cap." Tony grumbled, turning his gaze to Y/n. "Well, if it isn't my favorite niece."
"Your only niece." Y/n corrected, a short glare focused on him as he smirked.
"Let me guess you're here to win the game. Let's hear it so poor Cap here can get a turn. I don't think he's kissed a woman since the 40s." Tony leaned down, whispering the last part and making Y/n giggle.
"Hey!" Steve objected in vain. But what Y/n said next sent any duty to protect his pride out the window.
"That's a crying shame. The ladies must not know what they're missing." Y/n froze as the words left her mouth. What was she thinking? Her face burned and she hid behind her glass trying to muffle her embarrassed groan with her champagne.
"Jeez, get a room." Steve and Y/n both glared at Tony but he didn't seem to care, instead shrugging innocently.
"Alright, here's your line you impatient ass." Y/n scoffed, deciding to use a particularly bad line for the annoying man she dared call her father figure.
"Was that it?" He smirked.
"Shut up, I gotta turn around and approach this again or else it won't work." She hissed, earning a heartfelt laugh from Steve. Twice. She'd made him laugh twice. Her heart was practically singing at the thought. Maybe she'd actually get to kiss him?
With more determination than before, she turned around, taking a few steps away before dramatically turning back to them. Using theatrics she no doubt learned from Tony Stark himself, she put on a smile before holding her arms out in a grand gesture.
"Well I'm here, what's your next two wishes?"
"That was horrendous." Tony said almost immediately while Steve tried to contain his laughter behind them.
"Well, I couldn't very well waste my best lines on you now could I?" Y/n jested, taking the glass in his hand and pouring what remained of his drink into her now empty glass.
Tony's teasing expression fell as he painfully watched Y/n sip her glass. "I can't believe you're related to me." Y/n smiled back at him proudly.
"Only by marriage." She shrugged. Tony sighed, leaning down and pressing a fatherly kiss to her forehead just along her hairline.
"Thank god." He ignored Y/n's squinted stare, turning to Steve. "I think I'm going to go get another drink, since mine was so blatantly stolen." Tony glanced at Y/n who shamelessly smirked.
"But first I wanna hear your pick up line for Cap. Please be something patriotic. Maybe sing him the national anthem." He suggested, nudging Steve forward to where he stood before Y/n.
Not expecting Tony's push, Steve stumbled nearly crashing into Y/n but thankfully he caught himself, only having a redder face than before.
"I'm not sure the national anthem is a pick up line, Tony." Y/n replied, focusing on anything but Steve. At this distance she could smell the familiar cologne and feel the heat radiating from him. It reminded her all too much of the days before the snap. When he'd hold her whenever she was hurt or when he'd pick her up to launch her toward an enemy. Reminded her of the few hugs they'd managed to share.
Reminded her of their last before she dusted in his arms.
"I don't know. He's really horny for America, it might work." Tony refuted, earning a threatening gaze from both Steve and his niece.
"Fine, y'know what? Have privacy or whatever in the middle of this crowded party. See if I care." Tony said, a little butt hurt that he wouldn't be able to witness the awkward exchange first hand.
He was no idiot when it came to his niece's attraction to the super soldier. While at first he disapproved, even more so when it led to her being on the opposite side that day in Berlin, years had led to forgiveness. He couldn't really stay mad at her even if he tried. Only sorry he hadn't apologized before the snap.
"Thank you, Tony." Y/n spoke quietly, sending him a grateful look. Whatever was about to happen already made her nervous, she didn't think doing it with Tony there would be possible.
"Yeah, yeah." He waved a dismissive hand, beginning to walk away.
It wasn't until he had Morgan that he realized he was already a father. Y/n had been his first and no matter his guilt, she would always forgive him. Always need him.
"Don't get carried away." He threatened suddenly, pointing to his eyes before twisting his hand back to them with a menacing squint.
Y/n rolled her eyes, looking back to Steve as Tony finally left.
"He's protective." Y/n explained, trying to be annoyed. It was actually kinda touching the way he cared despite his usual selfish smartass exterior.
"For good reason." Steve agreed, making Y/n's head tilt confused.
"You think I can't take care of myself?" She questioned defensively, ready to prove her worth no matter who he was.
"No, of course you can. Just-..." He trailed off, a sorrowful expression taking hold of his features against his will. "We've both failed you before. Numerous times." Steve confessed, his eyes falling downcast as Y/n realized what he'd meant.
She’d never truly thought about how her absence might have affected him. Before the snap he never gave any hint that he wanted to be more than a friend to her. But now she studied that look in his eye, that one she hadn’t recognized before. Heartbreak. 
"Steve, you didn't fail me." She insisted. Her hand had come to his own, grasping lightly at his loose fingers and ignoring the buzz in her skin and the rapid pace of her heart.
"No, I did. I turned you against your family. I got you arrested. I dragged you back into the fight and...you got snapped away." His voice broke at the end, years of depression and misery washing over him all over again.
"It wasn't your fault. We all lost that day." Y/n argued but her words didn't seem to stick.
"I'll never forgive myself." Steve's words were barely above a whisper, each syllable falling further into him unable to escape.
The sight alone made her heart ache but it was the way he'd spoken that truly shook her. They were the words of a broken man, a man that had lost it all. Had she done that to him? Did he care about her like that? Maybe he was scared too.
“Well, it's a good thing I already did.” Y/n smiled hoping to bring back the smile that she'd been able to give him moments before. Her hand stayed planted to his own more terrified to release it than she was to keep holding it. Would she ever work up the courage to do it again?
Steve looked back up at her, a tender glimmer in his eye as he moved his hand to hold her own. “I missed you.”
The statement alone wasn't nearly enough to convey how much he'd longed for her in those five years, left without any hope of ever getting her back. Didn’t show her the sleepless nights or the endless tears. Didn’t show her first few years he spent, alone and secluded. Didn’t show her how many times he prayed to any god that would listen for them to bring her back. 
But her eyes seemed to tell him that she understood. Y/n knew exactly how he felt even if she'd been relieved of it for five years. She remembered when she was arrested, screaming at the guards that they'd never find Steve. Remembered the sobs that racked through her when he came to free her, relieved he’d made it out of the war safely. Remembered their time on the run, unable to tell him how she felt. Remembered volunteering to stay with Bucky when Steve's worry became too much. Remembered him coming back and bring a war with him. Remembered him catching her before she dusted, too fast for her to tell him her greatest truth. 
She loved him.
“I missed you too.” She said softly, her face burning under his gentle gaze. They’d become so unbearably close at that point, making her breath ragged and her heart race. 
Clearing her throat, she looked away, trying not to reveal how flustered he made her. “So do you wanna hear my pick up line or not?” She once again changed the subject, making Steve smile at her lovingly. 
“Definitely.” He replied. 
“Alright. On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?” She gave him the first one that came to find, silently groaning when she realized she'd done exactly what Tony suggested. Curse their horribly similar minds. 
"That's terrible." Steve chuckled, staring at her with adoration unlike he'd ever done before. She was absolutely perfect in his eyes and he refused to waste anymore time being scared. 
"You didn't like that? I have more." Y/n rambled, oblivious toward Steve's affectionate gaze. "Can I tie your shoes? I don't want you falling for anyone else." 
Steve laughed, shaking his head as he stepping forward and shifting his hand to her waist as he pulled her closer. 
The action on flustered her further, dragging another pick up line out of her. "Or I like your last name, can we share it?" 
Steve's smile grew, his heart swelling with each word. He loved listening to her lines even if they were cheesy. But he was determined now and he wouldn't let either of their nerves stop them anymore. 
"I lost my number, can I have-"
Suddenly he leaned forward, cutting her sentence short as his lips latched onto her own. 
The kiss was so tender she practically melted in his arms, her hand coming to his chest while the other shifted to behind his neck, her fingers filtering through the lower part of his hair. His grip around her waist tightened as his heart pounded under her palms, the aftermath of anticipation rushing through his chest. 
It was effortless the way they molded together and it left him breathless. He couldn't believe he'd never just kissed her before and after believing all these years he'd never get the chance to, he was so grateful to have her now. 
"I've waited too long for that. I think I'm gonna need interest." Y/n gasped as they pulled away her eyes half lidded as she tried to process what had happened. 
"Was that another pick up line?" Steve's brows furrowed, his lips a beautiful shade of darker pink. 
Y/n smiled up at him, pulling him close once more. "Shut up." 
"Who's gonna tell her she didn't win?" Wanda questioned suddenly, glancing over at Nat. 
Sam raised his hands in surrender, passing off the duty as soon as possible to avoid any type of rage the woman might've wreaked on him. 
"I don't think she'll really care at this point." Nat spoke, pointing a finger toward the couple across the room. 
They didn't seem to care that they were in a room full of people, instead remaining engrossed in each other as they stared at each other lovingly. It was touching really but what Nat assumed to be their confessions had lost Y/n the game. 
"Wait does this mean the games with stop?" Sam questioned suddenly. 
"No, it'll just make them more interesting." Nat smirked.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Sick Little Games: Thirty
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” you rasp, swinging at him again. “You take. And take. and take.’ Each take is punctuated by another blow. One not near as hard as the one that had him cradling his arm to his middle in a desperate attempt to protect it. But each one still calculated to knock him off his course.
“What the fuck did I do that was worth this? What did I do to any of you?” Tears are sliding down your face, and Bucky has a sudden, dawning, painful realization that you aren’t just speaking of the petty, sick little games he played with your heart. But to the universe, it’s self. Your heart had shattered into dangerous shards. Shards you could use to shred the flesh off your own bones. But you’d happily start with Bucky’s in the meantime. Because he was there. And because he underestimated you.
“Y/N,” he panted, trying to step out of your path. The lights overhead dim considerably, and Bucky knows you’re gearing up for another blow. One that would probably kill him.
“Fuck you,” you growl, starting forward again, teeth bared in the rictus of a smile that made his blood run cold. “They warned you. Everyone warned you.”
“I can make it better,” he tried, “I can fix it.”
The laugh that comes out of your throat isn’t yours. It rasps like a saw on wood. Old and rough. It’s a sound he’s never heard. Ever. And he doesn’t know if anyone had. “You can fix it?” you bark, laughing that awful rasping laugh. “You caused it, you stupid lump of fuck.” He doesn’t get a chance to reply. A blow to the side of his head breaks his jaw. Shuts him up, alright. He can’t do anything but lie on the mat and pray that you might be merciful. 
But there is no mercy in your heart now. Reason and compassion have fled and left behind only rage and pain. Bucky’s ears are ringing, and he can hear his jaw knitting back together slowly. Vaguely over that, he can hear the sound of steel being drawn. He can’t move, and he knows you’re compelling him to stay down.
He knows somewhere vaguely in his mind that this. This is the end. That whatever has taken over you, won’t listen to your better nature. 
He can’t breathe. He can’t think. And as everything goes black at the edges. It... hurts him. For the first time in a long time, he is scared. 
Clint and Natasha freeze on the threshold. Blood running cold. Your spine is contorted. Arms lengthened. Teeth sharp. Natasha tries to stop him, drawing a gun, but Clint creeps forward slowly. “Y/N,” he says softly, “Don’t do this.”
Your head turns towards him, and Clint feels his stomach turn when he notices Bucky’s arm is a queer ‘S’ shape on the ground. “He deserves it,” you growl.
“But you don’t,” he says carefully. “You’re not a killer. Not like this.” Your breathing is ragged, and Clint knows that you’re at the end of your strength. And for that he’s thankful. He’s also grateful that the predator in your head is stupid when it’s angry. And that it likes to play with its prey. Like a cat. It means it wastes time. And energy. The energy you could have used to just tear Bucky’s heart out and feed it to Lucky. 
“Murderer,” you growl, teeth grinding. 
“That wasn’t murder,” he says, keeping his hands where you can see them, Trying not to enjoy Bucky turning Purple trying to sputter apologies. “That was self-preservation, babe.”
The sound you make isn’t human. It raises the hair on the back of his neck, and he wills himself to stay still. To keep himself from backing away from you. He can see you under the misshapen form of your spine and your arms. The changes to your jaw. You look monstrous. But you are not a monster. He reaches out a hand, trying to coax you off of him.
Steel presses against Bucky’s throat, and Clint swallows hard, “Don’t do this,” he pleads, “Come with me, baby. You’re better than this. Better than him.”
The sharp point starts to draw blood, and Bucky gasps. Behind him, Clint hears Natasha quietly cock her gun. He knows Nat won’t shoot to kill. Not you. But he knows she’ll shoot to hurt you. As badly as she can. Anything to get everyone out of this room alive. 
You look down at Bucky. Silver eyes unfathomable. Dispassionate. And as you raise the sword, quicker than a viper’s strike, Natasha shoots it from your hand, pushing you off of Bucky with a cry of pain as the last of your strength is pushed to healing the wounded hand.
Clint is away from Bucky and kneeling next to you, kissing your face tenderly and wrapping a bandana around your hand hastily. “I couldn’t let you do it,” he said softly. “Nat couldn’t let you do it,” he soothed. 
Tears run down your cheeks, and all you can do is curl around the pain in your chest and hug it to you. There is nothing to soothe it. No reason to get up. The rage and red haze are gone leaving behind only cold and crushing emptiness. “I should have died,” is all Clint sees fall from your bloodless lips. 
“But you didn’t,” he whispers, pulling you gently into his arms, watching medical descend on Bucky. A swarm of helpful locusts. He doesn’t know what you did to the bones in his arm, but he’s willing to bet it had hurt. A lot. And was going to continue to hurt until it finally healed. “Nat,” he called softly. 
The spy turned, her face going through several emotions. You looked small and scared. Even when the dam broke, you were never any bigger, but somehow, you took up space. She loped over quietly and knelt, touching your head tenderly, mindful that it hurt. “We need to get her in a subacute room,” he said quietly, “I don’t think we can love her out of this one.”
She catches Clint’s eye, and he looks worried. He never worries. Not like this, and as he tightens his grip on you, her heart twists. “I’ll call Banner,” she said, “Have him get her set up. And get a sedative on hand... If the barrier really is broken-” She stops when Clint winces.
“I know-” he said, “If she destabilizes it could- I mean.” He swallows hard. He can’t bring himself to say it. 
“But Banner and Shuri can probably put it back. Buy time. Just- Just hold her. Whatever’s left of her will listen to you.”
He watches her go, phone to her ear and kisses your forehead. “We’ll be okay, baby.” he says softly, “Just hold on.”
@lancsnerd, @thorfanficwriter @blameitonthecauseway @etherealwaifgoddess, @stevieang, @beautybyfire, @sunmoonandbucky @mrsfox79, @bbmommy0902, @mendes-fan, @iheartsebastianstan, @wtfcas @pinknerdpanda, @process-pending, @ladifreakingda, @leasly, @coldbookworm, @hv-chw3, @past-perfect-future-tense, @starkrobb @beardburnsupersoldiers, @petlaufeyson, @queenoftheunderdark, @potatoheadthewise, @thehyperactiveteen, @thefridgeismybestie, @boyett514, @an-awkward-human-1, @sunshine-and-riverwater
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ao3feed-stucky · 4 years
by HobbitsandDwarves
Iron Man. The right side of his face was badly burned, and wore a look of numb shock. Scott's eyes were drawn to Tony's right hand, and in the knuckles of the gauntlet, were the six Infinity Stones.
Scott was running before he realized exactly what he was doing, not registering that Hope was calling after him, but the one thing he did realize was that his hand had gone to the canister that was strapped down to his belt, the whole reason he had gone into the Quantum Realm five years ago.
Words: 4186, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Ava Starr (mentioned), Bill Foster (mentioned), Pepper Potts, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Friday (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Wong (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Hulk (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Nebula (Marvel), Gamora (Marvel), Peter Quill, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Maria Rambeau, Monica Rambeau, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), En Dwi Gast | Grandmaster, Taneleer Tivan, Odin (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel), Ronan the Accuser
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, Mentioned James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Mentioned Hank Pym/Janet Van Dyne, Mentioned Nakia (Black Panther)/T'Challa
Additional Tags: Avengers: Endgame Fix-It, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Tony Stark Lives, Happy Ending, eff you Endgame canon!, am I the only one who remembers Scott went into the Quantum Realm to get Quantum Healing Particles?
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kenzieam · 5 years
Not Happening, Doll - Chapter Seven (Bucky X Levi)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Rating: M (language, violence, eventual smut, angst, slow burn)
Genre: Drama/Angst
@captstefanbrandt @iammarylastar @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @notimetoblog @captain-ariel-barnes @bitsandbobsandstuff​ @softlybarnes @lovelybbarnes @buckitybarnes @bucky-plums-barnes​  @moonbeambucky​ @badassbaker​ @citylights221​ @empress-of-boujee​ @chook007​ @shynara51​ @diinofayce​ @casestudy-mw​  @jewels2876​ @damnaged-princess​ @everythingisoverrated​ @allmyfanficfaves​  @clarabella960​  @angryschnauzer​ @wowspideyholland​ @smilexcaptainx​  @shirukitsune​ @cake-writes​  @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​
If I missed any tag requests, I apologize!!
Well, Bucky is back, but is it too late? Levi gave him her heart once, will she again?
Bucky paced agitatedly, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, in his room; fists clenching and unclenching. His emotions were such a conflicting stew that he couldn’t even focus on one, swinging wildly between devastation, rage, shame and ice-cold fear.
He’d fucked up, big time… like Titanic big.
The best thing he’d ever had in his life, his mixed-up, drawn out, tormented life, and he’d lost it… no, he’d thrown it away.
Levi had loved him. And he’d tossed that away in a mad dash to escape…. what? Eternal love? Happiness?
You don’t deserve her.
Fuck that. He’d decided a long time ago, when he’d clung to Levi that first night when his walls had finally crashed down that he didn’t care anymore whether or not he deserved her, he wanted her and what’s more, he needed her.
And what had he done? At their first major test? He’d abandoned her, spent the next six months mooning over himself like a total asshole.
Shit, whether he needed Levi or not now, he certainly didn’t deserve her. Not anymore.
Every razor blade drag of sorrow and shame across his tender skin was earned, justified and deserved.
He should never have come back, it was too late, he’d messed up too badly to ever repair this damage.
Levi had moved on, like she had every right to do. Seeing her tonight on the couch with Steve had confirmed that. He’d had her first, and he’d been there when Bucky had bailed.
Leave; let Levi live her life.
But he couldn’t, his heart and soul were no longer his; he’d given them to Levi a long time ago and spent the last six months looking for them, trying to find them when he already knew deep down where they were.
He had to do something, anything¸ at this point.
He needed to hurt something, unload some of the pain in his soul onto something or someone else. On autopilot he stripped, changed mechanically into gym clothes; compression leggings, basketball shorts and a t-shirt and left the room, arrowing straight for the training center.
He slowed as he reached the doors, hearing noises and movement inside. But the draw to expel some of his pent-up energy overruled any urge to turn around and hide again. He sidled closer and looked through the door’s tempered glass window; his breath catching when he saw her.
Levi was inside, his lethal ballerina; elegant and deadly in simple capris and a tank top. A weight belt circled her waist and she was adjusting leather gauntlet gloves on her hands, flexing her fingers for the perfect fit. Her arms were toned and muscular, in fact, apart from her prosthetic leg, she looked exactly the same as Bucky remembered; even her hair was back to its unique auburn shade, grown out from that ridiculous bob. And Bucky found himself transfixed by her new limb. Shuri had obviously had some hand in its development, it was vibranium and just as sleekly beautiful as Bucky’s arm. Levi balanced perfectly on it, with no trace of a limp or favoritism, in truth, it rapidly faded away; Levi looked so natural and comfortable with it; it didn’t stand out or hold her back in any way.
Bucky watched, his heart in his throat and pride welling up in his eyes as Levi continued her workout, stepping into the squat rack with a look of calm determination on her face. A quick glance told him that Levi had 500 pounds on the bar, the same weight she’d been able to squat before their mission, before the accident.
His breath caught and held as Levi gripped the bar and slowly dropped into a squat. Her eyes were fixed straight ahead in concentration; this weight was nearing the top of her range, but Levi stood easily, dropping into another smooth set, then another and another until she hit twenty and set the bar back onto the rack with a clang.
She was reaching for a towel to wipe across her beautiful face when Bucky took a deep breath and stepped inside. Levi looked up at the sound of the door, the smile beginning to pull at her lips dying a quick death when she saw who it was.
Bucky struggled to find something to say before finally blurting, “500 pounds? Just like before.” He’d meant to tell her how damn beautiful she looked, how smoking hot she was, but of course, this albatross tumbled out instead.
A shadow crossed Levi’s face. “I’m still the same person I was, Bucky. I’m not defective now. Missing my leg doesn’t make me less than I was.” Anger flashed in her eyes. “Is that why you left, huh? Because I’m damaged? Because I lost a leg? I’m not beautiful anymore?” Her eyes bored into his as she marched towards him and Bucky struggled for words.
Why? Why could Bucky never seem to speak to Levi without firmly jamming his foot in his mouth first?
“What? No- “ He began but Levi punched him solidly in the face, not holding back and Bucky staggered before falling to one knee, his ears ringing and blood pouring freely from his shattered nose. One hand went to his face while the other hit the floor, trying to keep him balanced enough to not fall all the way down. His ears were filled with a dull roar, but he heard Levi’s next words to him crystal-clear, if only because she snarled them with such venom.
“Fuck you, asshole. Whatever we had between us was obviously a mistake, one I won’t make again.”
“L- “ Bucky struggled to speak, but his head was throbbing so hard, his world knocked completely off its axis and not totally due to Levi’s punch, but also because of her words. “Please- “
The slamming door was his only answer.
Levi’s heart raced; her jaw clenched as she held in a scream of rage.
What. The. Fuck?
What the everlasting FUCK?
That had been Bucky’s problem, why he’d left her six months ago to piece her life back together alone? Because she was damaged? She was no longer perfect in his eyes? Wasn’t that ironic. A man missing his entire arm rejects the woman he claimed to love because she now too misses a limb.
If she wasn’t so heart-broken and shocked, the rage boiling in her veins might lead to do something really frickin’ stupid. Bucky was enhanced but he damn sure wasn’t immortal, and he could die just like any other man.
Her skin burned and she was no doubt red as a tomato as she stormed back to her room. She didn’t even notice Steve chasing her, calling her name until he physically touched her and then she whirled with her fist raised, ready to brain the idiot fool enough to touch her right now.
“Hey, whoa!” He squawked, stumbling backwards, his arms raised defensively. “Easy, Tyson!”
Levi sagged, dropping her fist, her face flushing even harder. “Steve, I’m sorry- “
“What the hell, Lev?” He demanded, daring to step close again. This time Levi let him, and he cautiously circled his arms around her, hugging her stiff form.
“Bucky.” She spat.
Foreboding ran cold through Steve’s veins. “What did he do?”
Levi’s voice hissed with fury as she recounted what had happened and by the time she finished Steve was standing apart from her, his hands on his hips and eyes wide with shock. He could only gape for a few beats like a fish before he swallowed hard and scrubbed a hand over his face.
“What…. “ he trailed off. “Are you sure that’s what he meant?”
“What else could he mean, Steve? He looked shocked, like he’d completely written me off as some… fucking reject!”
Steve shook his head, doubt clouding his eyes. “Lev, I… I mean Bucky’s a lot of things, but- “
“It doesn’t matter.” Levi stated abruptly. “We’re done anyway, he made that clear six months ago. I was a fool to believe he actually gave a shit about me.” She pushed past Steve and stormed the rest of the way to her room, slamming the second door in the last ten minutes behind herself.
Steve stared at her closed door for a beat, then turned and strode down the hallway. He needed to solve this. The Bucky he’d seen earlier was dejected and broken and Steve knew he always punished himself harder than anyone else ever could. No doubt he had completely bypassed the medical lab and gone straight to his room, not believing himself worthy of any help. Steve reached the elevator and went up two floors, pausing before continuing down the hallway to the end. He had to knock four times, louder each time, before a voice muttered from the other side.
“Bucky? Open up.”
The door flew open and Steve was temporarily stunned by the sight before him. Both of Bucky’s eyes were black, making him look like a racoon and his nose was swollen; he’d not yet cleaned all the blood off his face and his white t-shirt looked like Jackson Pollack’s Red Painting 5. “What?” He spat. “I’m Bucky again now? Or are you just here to loosen a few of my teeth?” He slammed the door, or tried to, but Steve jammed his arm in the way, wincing as it hit his bicep, hard, and stepped inside; following Bucky who’d stormed away and was now in his bathroom, patting delicately around his nose with a blood-stained washcloth. The sink below him looked like a sacrificial alter. Bucky’s eyes flicked to Steve as he leaned against the doorframe, but he didn’t speak any further, preferring instead to scowl at the mirror.
“What did you say to her?” Steve finally asked.
Bucky threw the washcloth into the basin and set his hands on the counter, leaning forwards, his head hanging. Blood pattered slowly into the sink, a metronome strangely in tune with the hammering of both of their hearts. “What did she say I said?”
“You questioned her… her ability to squat what she could before, like you didn’t think she could ever do it again- “
Bucky pushed away from the sink with a growl, shoving past Steve and into the main room. He yanked his shirt off with a harsh movement, tearing the fabric then wadded it and pressed it gingerly to his nose. “I didn’t know what to say, okay? I saw her, standing there, looking just as fucking beautiful as before and I choked. I wasn’t questioning her abilities, I was just… fuck, I can’t think straight around her, I never could.”
“So, you don’t think she’s damaged, or what was it she said… defective?”
“No! I don’t! I never did, she’s perfect! She always has been- “ With a groan Bucky sat heavily on the bed, running a shaking hand through his hair, hair that had gone back to its original brown and grown out into shaggy, unkempt, chin-length mop. He drew in a unsteady breath through his mouth, his nose now freely bleeding again into his torn shirt. “She’s perfect, Steve; and I always seem to screw up with her- “
“Do you love her?” Steve asked quietly, standing a half-dozen feet away.
“It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“What do you mean? Of course, it matters. Do you love her?”
“It doesn’t matter!” Bucky hissed, raising his head, eyes wild in his blood-stained face. “She’s chosen you!”
Steve took a full step back, throwing his hands up in shock. “What?!”
“She chose you.” Bucky repeated vehemently, launching to his feet and starting to pace again. “You hooked up at the safe house, and you drove it home tonight on the couch.”
Steve shook his head, eyeing Bucky like he’d suddenly begun making fart noises with his armpits. “You got it all wrong, man.”
“No, I don’t think so. But go ahead, you deserve her far more than I do- “
“For fuck’s sake, Bucky!” Steve barked suddenly, lunging at Bucky. Grabbing the other man’s shoulders, he slammed him back against the nearest wall, a low growl escaping his clenched jaw. “Why do you keep saying that?! What the hell are you talking about?!”
Bucky shoved at Steve, but the man was immoveable, and they glared daggers at each other for a few tense heartbeats before Bucky sagged in defeat, leaning back against the wall. “You’re good for her, better than me- “
“We’re not together! We never have been!” Steve shouted; eyes boring into Bucky’s. “Where the fuck did you get that idea?”
Bucky opened his mouth to answer, then closed it again, eyes searching Steve’s with a kind of dawning desperation. “You’re… you’re not?”
“No, you dumb shit!” Steve pushed away from Bucky with a groan. “You’ve been thinking that… all this time?”
“So… you didn’t?”
“Didn’t what?”
“Sleep with Levi!” Bucky snapped, a crazy type of wildness building in his chest.
“Sleep with? No!” Steve shivered. “She’s like a sister to me!”
“What about at the safe house?”
Steve’s shoulders sagged and he groaned, forcing a hand through his hair. “We… kissed and we…. almost did- “
Bucky growled, turning to stalk away but Steve grabbed his shoulder. “Almost! But we stopped because it felt… wrong.”
“So, you never have?”
“No! Jesus Christ, Buck! All this time you’ve been thinking that? Why didn’t you say something?”
Bucky eyes were wild, and he shrugged off Steve’s arm, resuming his mad pacing. Steve watched him incredulously, hands on his hips. “Why didn’t you say something?!” He barked when Bucky didn’t answer.
Bucky stopped, his back to Steve, shoulders rising and falling with heavy breaths. After a pause, Steve moved to his side and waited, then elbowed Bucky gently. “Go talk to her… God, man… you’ve got this all screwed up.”
Bucky exhaled heavily, brokenly and Steve shifted his weight, waiting. After a long, taut pause, he raised his head, his mouth pulled into a weak smile. “Never heard you swear like that before.”
Steve scoffed, slapping a hand on Bucky’s shoulder, a crazy sense of relief crashing over him. “Well… Jesus, man. I didn’t know you could be that damn stupid. That was always my job.”
Bucky chuckled weakly and wiped a hand across his face, grimacing when it came away streaked with fresh blood.
“Look at me.” Steve commanded and, when Bucky complied and raised his head, scrutinized him. “She really nailed you, didn’t she?”
Bucky grunted.
“Your nose is crooked; you should go see Bruce- “
“Nah, just do it here.”
“Really?” At Bucky’s nod, he sighed and wiped his hands on his jeans then reached up, gingerly gripping the bridge of Bucky’s nose with one hand, grabbing his jaw to hold his head still with the other.  “One- “
“Just do it- “ Bucky grunted, then winced with a flurry of muttered curses as Steve did, snapping Bucky’s nose smartly back into place. Steve let go and Bucky reared back, pawing delicately at his face like a big, confused bear suddenly stung by the bees he was raiding honey from.
“Asshole.” He grumbled.
“Right back at you,” Steve replied easily. “Now go have a shower, you look like hell.”
Bucky hesitated, a shadow of trepidation in his eyes; he continued to fiddle with his nose, clearly stalling and Steve grinned.
“You’re the deadliest assassin of the last century and one of the most hardcore warriors on this team and you’re standing there shaking, thinking about just talking to Levi?” Steve teased lightly.
“Clearly, you’ve never felt her wrath.” Bucky quipped, then glanced at his watch. “It’s almost midnight, she’ll be asleep.”
“I doubt it, she was mad as a hornet.” Steve replied, lips quirked in apology. “She’s still awake, I’d bet you my shield.”
Bucky sighed and took a deep breath, rolling his head back on his shoulders with his hands on his hips; after a long exhale, he nodded, wiping his hand on his shorts and extended it to Steve. “Thanks, Steve.”
Steve scoffed, smacking aside Bucky’s hand and pulling him into a hug; Bucky stiffened for a moment, then relaxed and embraced him back, a desperate, starving edge in his touch and it hit Steve right in the chest; Bucky missed him, missed them all, and he’d been punishing himself more severely than anyone else ever could these last months, starving himself of the very thing he’d grown to need after seventy plus years of neglect and exploitation. “Just talk to her, Buck. Tell her what you told me.”
Bucky nodded solemnly, pulling back and dropping his head. After a beat, he raised it again and turned, striding to the bathroom. Steve watched him go then turned and let himself out, shutting the door behind him.
Bucky’s hand actually shook as he reached up to knock on Levi’s door and he pulled back, clenching his fist and taking a deep, girding breath. Before he could chicken completely out, he rapped his knuckles on the door and waited, his heart hammering in his chest.
The door opened a crack and Levi glowered balefully out. “What do you want?”
Bucky felt a totally new wave of fear, there was a chilling lack of emotion in her voice, as if she’d already written them off. He swallowed hard, wishing he was facing off against a whole legion of HYDRA operatives right now instead of one pissed off Levka Riel. “Please, ba- … can we talk, please?” He almost slipped, almost called her the tender pet name he’d murmured countless times against her skin as they’d made love, the name he’d whispered in her ear as he’d trailed gentle kisses along her throat, trying to convey the depths of his feelings for her.
Levi caught the slip and danger flashed in her violet eyes. But Bucky looked so damn pathetic, so hangdog and pitiful that, instead of slamming the door in his face, she sighed and yanked it open wider, stepping back and gesturing brusquely. “Say what you need to say, I want to go to bed.”
Fuck baby, I want to go to your bed, too. Helpless desire flared hot and heavy in his body and he bit back a groan. Before she could reconsider, Bucky hurried past and turned to face Levi as she shut the door behind him and whirled, leaning her back against it, crossing her ankles and her arms over her chest, one eyebrow raised.
Bucky stuttered; his tongue suddenly dead in his mouth. Sweat broke out on his brow and his nose throbbed in time with his accelerating heartbeat.
“Nice shiners.” Levi offered, but there was less satisfaction in her face than before.
Sharp pain shot through Bucky’s lip as he bit it convulsively, but it finally spurred his tongue to sluggish life. “Levi, I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant to say, I don’t think that at all.”
“Then what did you mean, James?” Levi tilted her head.
Bucky thrust his hands through his hair. “Fuck, baby… what I meant to say was how goddamn beautiful you look, how having a prosthetic leg doesn’t hold you back at all, but I fucking choked, I always do around you.” He blurted, staring at Levi with desperation, begging her to see the truth of his words.
Levi pushed away from the door and approached him. He held his breath, straightening uneasily as Levi stopped within right hook range again. “So… “ she paused, her amethyst stare boring into his eyes, studying his pale, sweaty face. “You didn’t mean to imply that I’m damaged?”
“No! Jesus Christ, Levi. I never thought you would be.”
“Then why did you leave me?” There was a dangerous undercurrent in her voice, a warning. The wrong word from Bucky right now would be the last she’d be willing to hear from him ever again.
Bucky sagged under her scrutiny and stumbled on weakened legs to sit heavily on her bed. Levi stepped closer but didn’t sit beside him. “Because… “ he drifted off, fighting a sob. “I broke my promise to you. I promised I’d keep you safe.”
Levi frowned in confusion. “What do you mean? You did. I’m alive, Bucky.” She closed the distance between them and sighed in distress. “But that’s not the one. You said you loved me, and you’d never leave me. That’s the promise you broke.” Her voice cracked and she slumped beside him, eyes shiny. She stared at him as tears began to trail down her cheeks and Bucky ached to brush them away. “You laid beside me all those times and held me and told me you’d never leave! And then you did! I needed you, Bucky!”
“I don’t deserve you, Levi!” Bucky burst out, his voice breaking too. “I never did, and I was a fool to ever think so! I’ve done so many horrible things in my life, the last thing I should be is happy and that’s what I was with you. I was happy! I was so goddamn happy I was scared shitless, like the universe was going to notice one day and say ‘hell no, give it back.” Tear-filled, wild eyes searched hers desperately as he confessed his deepest shame and fear.
Levi stared at him in shock, swallowing a few times before she could speak. Bucky waited with his heart in his throat, head lowered, and eyes fixed on the floor. Here it was, the moment when Levi nodded and said, ‘You’re right. You don’t deserve me; you don’t deserve to be happy, get the fuck out.’ Instead, she sighed. “I… I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t agree, Bucky. I’ve told you this before, you do deserve happiness, you do deserve good things. Why can’t you believe that?”
Bucky shook his head slowly. He was tired of explaining it, tired of repeating it, didn’t everybody else see it? It was so obvious; he was a monster and he’d never be able to repent fully for that. Levi represented heaven to him, and not all dogs went to heaven.
“It breaks my heart, Bucky.” Levi murmured. “This… hatred you have for yourself. Nobody thinks that about you, nobody.” He saw her pick nervously at her fingernails as she continued. “I… I can’t just get over this, though. I can’t just get rid of this hurt. You hurt me and I need time. I need time to think about whether or not I can ever trust you with my heart again.”
A riot of emotions coursed through him. Relief, disappointment, shame and burgeoning hope. Time, she needed time. He would give her that, if it meant there was a possibility he’d have another chance with her, another opportunity to show her just how deep he was trapped in her.
He was a moth and her his flame.
Levi stood then and walked wearily to the door. It creaked as it opened, a sharp sound in the silence. Bucky raised his head and studied Levi’s face for a moment. He’d get no more from her tonight, she’d already taken and given him so much.  The hard lump in his throat nearly choked him but he nodded slowly and stood, shuffling towards her; he paused as he reached Levi’s side, fighting not to touch her, to reach towards her and beg for even a hint of affection or tenderness. Then he dropped his head and passed, swallowing convulsively on a sob as the door shut behind him.
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averagemarvelbitch · 5 years
Adventure Time!
Summary: During a game of D&D, Peter, Ned, MJ, Harley and Cassie Lang explain to a very curious Loki what a Dungeon Master is. Intrigued by the power a DM holds, and frankly appalled that these Midgardian kids are pretending to have adventures using only a badly drawn map and some dice, Loki decides it is time to give them a real adventure.
Or: The one where the gang is sent to a made up land as their D&D characters and all hell breaks loose.
Chapters: 1/5
Read it on AO3
Being a superhero wasn’t an easy task. There were bank robbers to stop pretty much every week, crazy villains with even crazier costumes out and about terrorizing the city at least twice a month, and, of course, every year there was a super powerful alien who wanted to destroy the Earth or rule over the people of Earth or destroy the universe or whatever evil plan they’d come up with. In other words, the superhero life was exhausting. Between the crime stopping business, the training sessions and the responsibilities of what Peter liked to call his real life, it was hard to find the time to do something fun with his friends, which was why the young hero and his friends had created Game Night.
Game Night happened once a month, on a Friday. Basically, Harley, Ned, MJ, Cassie and Peter would get together at the penthouse, order lots of junk food, buy a shit ton of candy and play board games until one of them passed out from all the sugar. Lately, though, they had found a new passion: Dungeons and Dragons. Shuri had introduced them to the world of D&D the last time she was in town, helping them create their characters and coming up with the most amazing and intricate adventures to send them to. They had loved it so much that even after the girl was long gone, back to Wakanda, they continued to play every month without fail, using Mr. Stark’s holographic technology for the maps while Shuri did her job as Dungeon Master through a video call.
Everything was ready for yet another Game Night. The twelve boxes of pizza were already in place, accompanied by a huge bowl of M&M’s and a family package of Reese cups. Their phones had been turned off to avoid any distractions and each of them was already seated in their designated places, character sheets already in hand, excited for another adventure to begin.
“What is happening here?” a voice suddenly came from Peter’s right side, causing him to yelp loudly and drop the pizza he was holding on the floor.
Loki had suddenly materialized without any warning, as he usually did, arms behind his back as he looked around the living room with a frown.
“We’re playing Dungeons and Dragons”, MJ replied, taking a big bite out of her pizza, staring at Loki with an unimpressed look.
Loki’s eyes widened slightly at the name of the game. “Interesting. What exactly is that?”
“It’s an RPG”, Cassie replied, and then immediately explained after seeing the trickster’s blank look directed at her, “A Role Playing Game. We each create a character and use these special sheets of paper to write down their relevant characteristics, background story and abilities. Then, the Dungeon Master sends us an adventure on a far away land”.
“The Dungeon Master?”
“A DM is someone who creates the adventure we’re gonna go on. They come up with the plot for the adventure and play every other character in the world”, Ned explained and, seeing Loki’s confused look, quickly added, “They control the narrative”.
“They are your Master, then?” the god inquires with a raised eyebrow and a disbelieving look.
“They don’t control our actions, only the environment. We have these dices, you see”, Peter replied, showing him the very colorful dices on the table, “we roll them to see who goes first, if a spell or an attack works or not, and how much damage we’re inflicting”.
“Let me see if I understand this”, Loki said, curving himself over the table to look at the teens, “you sit around a table with pieces of paper and pretend to be other people in a game of make believe? Is this common practice amongst Midgardians?”
“No. This is common practice amongst nerds. Which we are’, Harley replied, staring dead eyed at Loki and raising his hand for a high five, to which Cassie promptly slapped.
The trickster god, however, merely raised an eyebrow once more. And then, a smile slowly appeared on his lips.
“May I inquire as to who or what each of you is in this fantasy world?”
“I’m Calypso, the human rogue pirate”, Cassie introduced herself with an exaggerated flourish of her hand.
“Lilith, the tiefling warlock”, MJ replied.
Ned smiled at Loki, “I’m Ned, the half-orc bard”.
“Drogon, the dragon born paladin”, Harley said with his mouth full of M&Ms.
“And I am Eldrin, wood-elf druid”, Peter introduced himself with a proud smile.
“Interesting. And this Dungeon Master… He decides what adventures your little band of misfits will go on? And you must do so, without complain?”
“Basically, yes”.
“Wonderful”, Loki replied with a wicked smile, “Well, then, are you ready to embark on a new adventure?”
“Well, we are”, Ned said, looking confused, “We’re just waiting for Shuri. She’s our Dungeon Master”.
“Not tonight. Tonight, I am your master”, the trickster responded, once more putting his hands behind his back, “Are you ready for a real adventure?”
The teenagers suddenly looked up in alarm. Peter quickly got up with wide eyes, waving his hands in front of himself, knowing exactly what was going through the god’s head.
“No no no…”, the chorus of voices filled the room, but it was too late.
The teens suddenly dropped to the ground, unconscious, as Loki smiled over them.
“Shall we begin, then?”
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bowsie22 · 6 years
Everpanther Collection Chapter 144
Prompt from MightyYawp on AO3 - Someone convinces T’Challa that Everett is cheating on him (he is not). By the time the truth comes out Everett is badly hurt and his trust is broken. How does T’Challa fix this?
Her name was Anna. She worked as a UN translator and had travelled to Wakanda to learn their language and like many before her, she fell for the Wakandan king. But Anna was different to the others who came before her. When Anna wanted something, she got it. And right now, Anna wanted T’Challa. Everett Ross had to go.
It was surprisingly easy. The Council were the first step. Sure, they accepted Everett, but that didn’t mean they all liked him! A few words in the right ears and soon rumours of Everett’s infidelity were spreading through all the Wakandan cities. The Dora Milaje were a bot more complicated. As they were the personal guards to the royal family, they knew Everett better than the Council and the people. So, they knew he’d never cheat. But Anna was resourceful. And thankfully, Everett started getting a lot of phone calls from the CIA and the UN that he had to take in private. Sometimes, these even led to him having to go back to America. Anna just jazzed those phone calls up and she had most of the Dora on her side.
She knew that the royal family would be difficult. But she had a plan. Anna was only in her early twenties and she knew a lot about American culture. Stuff Shuri was dying to know. After a few weeks, the two were inseparable. Anna was invited to eat with the royal family and soon, she was practically a part of the family. They trusted her, cared for her. It was perfect. She bought the rumours to their attention, commented when Everett left the room with his phone or had to fly back to America ASAP and made sure to get close to the king and whisper a few things in his ear. And after two months, it all paid off.
Like every evening, they royal family and Anna met for dinner in the main dining room. Unlike every evening, T’Challa and Everett were late. After fifteen minutes, Anna spoke up.
“Does anyone know where they are? Or were?”
One of the Dora adjusted her stance, all eyes instantly drawn to her.
“Ayo, do you know something?”
“I was guarding the king’s room before this. He and Everett were fighting. It sounded bad. T’Challa was shouting, Everett was crying. It was still going on when I came down here for guard duty.”
Shuri looked up from her phone, curious.
“Was it about those phone calls Everett gets?”
Ayo hesitantly nodded, her and Shuri being some of the few who didn’t believe in Anna’s rumours. The doors to the dining room opened, slamming closed behind a very tired looking T’Challa. Ramonda stood, going to her son.
“My child, is everything alright?”
“Everett and I are divorcing. He has been seeing another.”
Shuri gasped.
“He actually said that.”
“He didn’t have to.”
“But brother.”
“No buts! As of now, there is to be no more talk of Everett. He will return to America tonight and is banished from Wakanda. I do not want to hear another word, is that clear?”
And then Anna made her move. Which was rebuffed, multiple times. T’Challa had no interest in her. He had no interest in anyone. The Council had sent him potential partners from all the tribes, but each one was turned away within twenty-four hours. As for Anna herself? When she offered a shoulder to cry on, she was sent away. When T’Challa was drunk and she tried to slip her hand into his trousers, she was shoved half away across the room! Maybe he wasn’t worth all this hassle.
And she could admit, Anna kinda felt bad about this. It wasn’t only T’Challa that missed Everett. Shuri was miserable, as was Ramonda. And they were concerned for T’Challa. He put on a strong face during the day, but at night he’d drink himself into a stupor and spend hours waxing lyrical about Everett. It was annoying. All this hard work and for what? Well, at least she was one of the few people outside the country to know the language. Mind made up, she decided to go back to America. It just wasn’t worth the effort. But there was one thing she had to do first. So, at dinner that night, she took a deep breath and made her announcement.
“I’m flying back to America tomorrow. I did what I cam here to do, so there’s no need for me to be here.”
“Oh Anna, no. I’ll miss you so much.”
“I’ll miss you too Shuri. But there is one more thing. T’Challa, Everett was never cheating on you. They were rumours I started because I wanted to sleep with you and I know that you’d never cheat on him. I didn’t expect it to affect so many people. I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”
She expected the stunned silence. She did not expect the Dora Milaje on either side of her, grabbing her by the arms.
“What the hell?!”
Ramonda glared at her.
“What you did is a crime. Breaking up a royal marriage could have disastrous affects on Wakanda, as the royal family turns inwards and forgets their duties. Which is exactly what happened here! You will be held in our prison until T’Challa and Everett decide what to do with you.”
“No, she will come with me to America. Ayo, Okoye, get her on a plane. She will reveal her plan to Everett. And then, when we are back here, she will be charged.”
Everett had kept his house in Virginia, and it was outside that house where Anna now stood, flanked by T’Challa and Okoye. The general gave her a not so gentle shove towards the front door.
“What are you waiting for? Ring the bell.”
She did, noticing the shake in her hand. Please let him not be here, please let him not be here.
“Anna? Okoye? T’Challa? What are you all doing here?”
“Beloved, we have some news to share with you. May we come inside?”
“I guess?”
Everett led them into the living room, turning off the tv and giving the three his full attention.
“What’s going on?”
Another nudge from Okoye’s spear and Anna spilt her guts.
“I’m so sorry. I fell for T’Challa when I got to Wakanda, I mean, look at him, he’s gorgeous, of course I did. And then I started spreading rumours about you cheating on him and then you two got divorced and I am so sorry, I am so so sorry. Why are you all laughing?”
During her rant, T’Challa had sat on the couch beside Everett. An arm wrapped around his shoulders. Okoye was leaning against a wall, doubled over with laughter. T’Challa took a deep breath, calming himself down.
“You think you are the first person to try and ruin my marriage? Please. We knew exactly what you were doing. At this stage, it’s more amusing for us to go along with it and see how long it takes the person to crack. I expected you to cave sooner, I’ll admit.”
“Did you see her face when she was admitting everything? It was amazing.”
Anna felt herself getting angry.
“That’s a lousy thing to do. How dare you play with my emotions like that?”
Everett glared at her, clearly angry.
“As opposed to you trying to destroy my marriage, which was totally fine? You’re lucky I don’t have Okoye slap you stupid. She’d be more than happy to.”
A quick glance to Okoye proved Everett right. T’Challa stepped in, ready for all this to end.
“Go home Anna. You are never to enter Wakanda’s borders again, nor are you to speak of this to anyone? Or I will send the War Dogs after you. Are we clear?”
A nod, Anna too surprised to do anything else. T’Challa turned to his husband, pulling him into a kiss that left both men breathless.
“Okoye, we shall spend the night here and return to Wakanda tomorrow. Come Everett, it has been too long since I last had you in my arms. Let us enjoy our night before we return to the celebrations.”
They two went upstairs, leaving shocked Anna and an exasperated Okoye. The general tossed her spear into the umbrella stand by the door and dropped onto the couch, switching the tv on.
“Go to a guest room. We’ll drop you off in New York tomorrow. And not a word of this to anyone understand?”
Another nod.
“Good. Oh,an expose on Tony Stark! I love these things. They get so much wrong, it’s hilarious. I wonder how long it’ll be before Pepper sues?”
A/N MightyYawp, there will be another ending written, with an upset Everett and a pleading T’Challa. But this is where my brain took me today, so….sorry
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buckynasty-blog · 6 years
marvel characters as dallon weekes vines
tony : you’re not getting free pizza without suffering first 
steve : if you wanna be dope , if you want to stay cool , try respecting your elders and staying in school . swag .
bucky singing : well theres a cold dead body in trunk of my car , but no one’s ever gonna know 
clint lying on the floor ; hey nath 
nathaniel : yeah ?
clint : you’re adopted 
nathaniel : nO you’re adopted !
clint : *crying *
nathaniel : adopted adopted adopted 
bruce singing : the best part of waking up , is going back to sleep !
loki : * didgeridoo noises *
thor : hey uh , loki , could you  didgeri-don’t ?
loki : FUCK YOU 
peter : hey shuri , you getting a tattoo ?
shuri : yeah !
peter : oh cool wanna see mine ? * shows badly drawn spider on his arm *
shuri : is that pen ?
peter :
wanda : do whats right for you , ya know gotta do you , also don’t ever take my advice 
vision : a bit of advice for you ladies and lads , obeying the rules , is totally rad , oooooooo
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sickandtideeeee · 6 years
By Bast - Chapter Four (Erik x Reader)
Y’all I got too tired to proofread so if you see crazy things please just correct me and go... but thanks for sticking with the story!!
also maybe a tw: complicated grief?
I am the King.
Those words, so casually said, hung lazily in the air like cheap helium balloons.
Suddenly it all made sense. The dream, the voice, the renaming, the sudden subversion of the royal family courtesy of an extended family member from a distant land, your father dying in a single moment. There was only one explanation.
You were loony as hell.
And just like someone who was loony as hell, you drew in a breath and cackled at the top of your lungs. Loud, maniacally, until your throat hurt, until tears rolled down your cheeks.
Like someone who had to laugh to keep from falling apart.
N’Jadaka, clearly disarmed, shot a furious look at the other woman in the room who seemed to be attempting to compress her already small figure to invisibility, pushing further and further into the corner of the room.
“Fix this. Immediately.” He growled, as he got up and walked promptly out of the room. Through your snickers, you watched him shove his hands down his pockets, his broad back hunched over as he stormed out of sight. You could tell he was so upset that if not for the fact that almost all doors in any large Wakandan establishment were automatic, he would have slammed the one before him hard enough to shatter it. For some reason, this fact alone almost made you double over again with pure hilarity, but when you bent over, a sudden jolt of pain ran through your abdomen right under your bandage, making you inhale sharply.
And then you started to cry.
The lady finally decided it safe enough to approach you, and placed a hand on your back, rubbing it in slow, small circles. You normally were not a fan of contact from strangers, but her gentle touch was oddly comfortable and your body relaxed as you wept silently for what felt like an eternity. When you eventually sobered up and looked up to her with swollen, red-tinged eyes, she smiled softly but wearily.
“Do you know where you are right now?” she asked. You shook your head no, but given the architecture, you guessed you probably were somewhere in the palace. There were so many extra hallways, entire wings tucked away that you could have never had access to, being only an associate of the royal family.
She sat at the foot of your bed and folded her hands in her lap. “You were hurt very badly just this morning, and we brought you here to treat you.” Her words came clearly and well-enunciated, revealing her concern for the integrity of your mental state. But you knew that was silly, because you were perfectly stable. Definitely entirely delusional, but stably so.
You nodded your head, encouraging her to continue.
“Do you remember what happened before you lost consciousness?”
Then you saw your father falling, falling, falling.
“Baba…” Your tears welled up again in your eyes, but you were tired of crying. She placed her hand on yours and squeezed it.
“Yes, and I’m sincerely sorry for your loss. Do you remember anything that happened after that?” You shook your head no.
“You attacked the man who was just here a little while ago.”
“Good.” You responded flatly. If you were going to act on instinct, it was reassuring to know you had good ones. You could see a phantom of a grimace on her face, and you sighed loudly in exasperation.
“What happened to me then? Just give it to me straight.” You didn’t mean to be short, but you were losing patience quickly. Yes, you had just cried, then laughed, then cried again, and were the definition of emotional lability, but you weren’t that unstable. She didn’t have to spoon-feed information to you like a child.
She gave you a wary look, and you gave her an encouraging nod. “I’m fine. In a minute or less, please give me all the details. I’m fairly educated, I’ll understand.”
She hesitated again, closed her eyes briefly as if to reconcile herself to saying what she was about to say, and then pointed to your bandage. “Okay well, here’s the synopsis. You were impaled in the left upper abdomen.” You grimaced, placing your hand on your belly. Now that you had positioned yourself better, you only felt an occasional throb of pain. Oh, how you loved Wakandan medicine.
“Given that it was in the middle of ritual combat, no one was allowed to provide medical services, and you bled pretty significantly. However, you were lucky because the rest of the battle appears to have been,” the woman who was likely your doctor cleared her throat slightly, “short-lived, and… you were spared.”
You scoffed. “I was spared?” But you knew better than anyone that ritual combat was a concede-or-die ordeal for anyone involved, and that those who interfered were punished by death by the Dora. Sometimes even on the spot. A chill ran down your spine, and your doctor knew by your expression that you didn’t need any further explanation on that aspect.
“We repaired lacerations to your stomach, spleen and a portion of your small bowel, which is why you probably still feel some pain if you move too quickly, and you’ll have a touch of nausea likely later tonight. But you will be okay.” She said that last part confidently, squeezing your hand again, and you thanked her politely.
“We’d like you to stay for one night, just so we can watch you. We can provide you a more comfortable bed now that you’re awake, some entertainment and food in a few hours once we’re sure you can handle it. Your pain should be well controlled as long as you don’t-“ She paused again, with a small frown, probably thinking of your wild laughter from before. “Exacerbate it. We also have some medication to keep you settled from those strong emotions… especially since you’ve been through a lot. Unfortunately, we can’t allow you any visitors without approval, since this facility is private.”
Visitors. Your father was dead. You had no other family now. You’d lost two families now. Who would come see you?
Amina, Shuri, T’Challa –
T’Challa. Concede or die was the outcome of ritual combat. And N’Jadaka didn’t seem like the type to take prisoners.
No, no, no. You immediately pushed the thought out of your head and settled on the fact that you were batshit crazy. You were going to wake up and find out all of this was a drawn-out nightmare, maybe a psychotic break, and then you’d be fine again and see your father and keep living the life you’d always been living, before any of this Bast nonsense.
“Let me show you to your room, honey.” The doctor helped you to your feet, and led you out of the procedure suite.
It didn’t exactly hurt to walk, but you were markedly unsteady on your feet the entire way to your recovery room - if that’s what one could call it. It was spacious and meticulously sanitized, or maybe it was just the overabundance of cream tones evident in the décor. Either way, the room was bright and immaculate in a way that was almost disconcerting, reminiscent of the padded rooms in old-timey mental hospitals. Your doctor, sensing your distress at a room with no windows, pressed a button by the door and a large section of the wall across from you dematerialized to reveal a windowpane. It was later in the day than you expected - soft rays of light from the Wakandan sunset streamed through, replacing the unnatural, fluorescent light that shone from the high ceilings.
She helped you into a reclining armchair that almost swallowed you whole as you sank into its softness. Across from you, above a large, mahogany desk equipped with a computer and a miniature bookshelf, was a holographic projector almost the size of the entire opposing wall. You would at least be able to entertain yourself for the night.
“Everything, as you probably guessed, is voice-activated. We encourage you to walk as much as possible today, but if you need any help, don’t hesitate to call.”
You nodded your head yes. Although this armchair was comfortable, you just wanted to sink into the four-poster bed in the furthest corner of the room. You quickly dismissed the thought of moving, too physically and emotionally weary to participate in such a grand action.
It was only after the doctor had been gone for almost a half hour that the surrounding silence, normally a friend, began to suffocate you. Too afraid to be alone with your thoughts, you turned on the projector. Maybe watching the news would settle you.
In seconds, N’Jadaka’s smug visage filled the screen, and you yelped, reflexively chucking the controller across the room. So much for being settled. Taking a few short yet deep breaths, you decided the only way to inform yourself would be to listen, no matter how nauseated it made you feel.
Even the newscasters looked a mixture between shock and confusion as they announced the upheaval of the royal family. The Queen Mother and Shuri were now in hiding, a new king sat on the throne since yesterday.
And T’Challa’s body was yet to be found. The voices speaking in Xhosa started to drone on and become more and more muffled - you felt like you were dissociating.
“Turn off.” The projector blinked into a thin line before vanishing, and you sat in silence anew, trying to numb yourself. Ironically, the throb in your belly now seemed louder, and your thoughts unwillingly flitted back to N’Jadaka. You figured he had stabbed you right after stabbing Zuri, but you had been “spared” evidently.
Did he actually regret hurting you? Was calling it a reflex his sorry excuse for an apology?
Before you could scold yourself for ascribing human feelings to that monster of a man, you heard a loud buzz and the doors to your suite buzzed and slid open. Your eyes darted frantically to the entrance, afraid that your thoughts had unwittingly summoned the devil.
But instead of that nightmare, running through the door came Amina, crushing you in an almost desperate embrace. She said nothing, but the warm tears hitting your shoulder made it abundantly clear that she was more than glad you were alive. Your body shook as you tried to hold in your own tears.
“Don’t you ever fucking do that again, no matter what happens.” She croaked, still not letting go.
“You would if it had been you.” You responded. She pulled back and glared at you.
“I’m serious, Nki!”
Okoye loudly cleared her throat from afar, interrupting Amina’s eventual lecture, and Amina straightened up to attention, eyes forward to her. You also looked at her expectantly, confused as to why she had come. Her eyes narrowed as you met them.
“It’s good to see that you are recovering.” She said, coolly. Okoye was naturally sharp-tongued, but the edge in her voice was more vitriol than anything.
“Thank you.” You responded, in the half-questioning tone that revealed your uncertainty with the authenticity of her wish. She smirked, and your stomach turned again. Was she upset she didn’t get the chance to kill you or something?
“Your king has requested that we come check in on you.” She said, now leaning her back against the wall with her arms crossed. Her spear, ever within arm’s reach, also lay perched against the wall, and you eyed it, wondering exactly how long it would take her to lunge across the room to murder you. She seemed to want to.
But you needed to clarify one thing.
“My king?” You repeated, sharply.
Nose flaring, Okoye had crossed the space between the two of you in two seconds, spear gripped tightly and at the ready. You could hear Amina hold her breath, silently cursing your big mouth. You felt the blood rush from your face.
“Whatever silly arrangement you two have, don’t believe for a second that I won’t get to the bottom of it.” She spat, only inches away from your face.
The confusion in your face must have reassured her because she relaxed into her usual smirk again.
“Either way, you will not be leaving this room any time soon.” She announced. “King’s orders.”
You turned to Amina in panic. Facial expression vacant, she slowly unwrapped a small parcel, and set two warm containers of rice and tomato stew on the ottoman before you. She placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Make sure you eat,” she said, warmly, and gave you a warm hug before she walked to meet Okoye who still wore an acrid look on her face.
The two of them turned to leave, and you sat, stunned at the prospect of this recovery suite turning into a prison. The walls seemed to close in on you the moment they left.
Okoye stopped right before the door, the bitterness in her heart at losing her very own king too much for her to bear alone.
“I hope missing your father’s burial is worth it.” She said, just loud enough for you to hear, as the doors slid shut.
You snapped.
It was enough for you to spend the rest the night screaming and cursing at the overhead to let you out. You may have thrown yourself at the doors once or twice, trying unsuccessfully to break yourself out, bruising a few ribs in the process. You may have thrown Amina’s labor of love at the white walls, hoping someone would be sent in to clean it and you could seize the opportunity to break yourself out. That red-orange stain, now dried and sour-smelling over the hours of the night, seemed to stare into you just as much as you were forced to stare at it. You cursed yourself for being the worst possible person you could imagine.
At least you could find solace in the fact that you would never be as bad as the jackass who had left you here.
Once you realized your attempts were futile, you decided to curl up on the floor of center of the room. Maybe these were simply theatrics, but you couldn’t stand the idea of waking up well-rested in the fancy bed offered by a murderer. Laying there, curled up with all the nervous energy of a stray cat, you didn’t expect to fall asleep. Yet somehow, you drifted off sometime right before dawn.
It was much like that strange, too realistic yet otherworldly dream, many months ago. But this time, you were walking side by side with your father in the garden, just like you had the last time you argued.
“I’m sorry, Baba. For everything.”
You stared into your shaking hands. “I couldn’t stop it… and I couldn’t even make it to your passage- “ You choked up, for the millionth time. All you did was cry these days.
“You are forgiven, my child. Don’t fret.” Zuri said, his hands gently patting the top of your head. His smile was warmer than it had ever been since. It was heart-wrenching.
“I will make sure he pays for what he did,” you resolved. Zuri let out a burdensome sigh and shook his head.
“Penance for one’s sins is a complicated affair, my dear.”
You woke up abruptly, and found yourself tucked warmly into bed. The room revealed no recollection of your inner turmoil – all books were neatly tucked into place, furniture was in its original position, and the food stain had been scrubbed so cleanly off the wall, you could have sworn it was actually whiter than it had started off. You must have been out like a light.
Penance for one’s sins is a complicated affair.
You were strangely calm this morning, not the eerie calm of a person who was plotting murder and revolution, but one of someone who had transcended hurt and sorrow. This was Bast’s peace setting in again. You didn’t deserve this kind of peace. You took some time to pray, hoping to invoke her voice, but received nothing.
In just a few moments, the doctor’s voice sounded overhead.
“I hope you are well-rested. The king requests your presence in one hour. Stand by and shortly we will have you prepared accordingly.”
Tagging:  @syndrlla97 @iwantsomethingeternal@1killmonger@chasingsunlight @hoopshoney @destinio1 @wakanda-inspired @thadelightfulone @lalasparkles @pessimisfit @youreadthatright  @stark-red19, @ruruly20, @bossyboyd03, @autumn242 @heybriheyyy@ thelovelyliterary
[Prologue][Chapter One][Chapter Two][Chapter Three][Chapter Five][Chapter Six][Chapter Seven][Chapter Eight]
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                          Lakeisha princess of Wakanda 
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forgedasset-a · 6 years
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? Bucky is above the average height, now. Standing at exactly six feet, and two inches. Even before he received the serum, he was just a bit above the average height, standing at five feet and eleven inches.  
▸ are they okay with their height? Of course. His height doesn’t impair his ability to execute a job. He’s always been confident with his height, so it really makes no difference to him. 
▸ what’s their hair like? Dark brown hair that goes a bit past his shoulders. Straight, with no real style to it at all. It’s simply been growing out, and thus far shows no intentions on cutting it off. 
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? No. He’ll brush through it once he steps out of a shower, or in the morning. Most of the time, at least. If he’s in a hurry or he forgets about it, he’ll run his fingers through it and call it a day. The most he’ll do is pull it into a messily made bun or low tail. Or, it’ll be parted horizontally, where he’ll twist it and make a small bun to keep most of the hair out of his face. This is a rarely sported look, since it takes a bit of extra time. 
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? 
No. Now, don’t get it twisted. Bucky still takes care of his appearance. He still bathes everyday, he still trims his beard and he watches what he wears. But he doesn’t particularly care. He knows that his clothing isn’t really top notch, because he hardly makes enough to get by. And he isn’t concerned, either. If it fits and it’s in one piece, he’s content with it. He certainly isn’t worried about scarring, considering the plethora of scars he already has. 
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? No. He can’t afford to care. Bucky is well aware that he already has a reputation, and it’s a reputation he’s probably never going to fully shake off. Caring would be pointless, and it’d be unnecessary stress. 
▸ indoors or outdoors? Outdoors.  ▸ rain or sunshine? Sunshine.  ▸ forest or beach? Beach.  ▸ precious metals or gems? Metals.  ▸ flowers or perfumes? Flowers.  ▸ personality or appearance? Personality. ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? Being alone.   ▸ order or anarchy? Order. ▸ painful truths or white lies? Painful truths.  ▸ science or magic? Science.  ▸ peace or conflict? Peace. ▸ night or day? Day. ▸ dusk or dawn? Dusk.  ▸ warmth or cold? Cold. ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? Few close friends.  ▸ reading or playing a game? Reading.
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? Oh, there’s definitely a lot of those. If we’re going to talk physical habits, he has the bad habit of smoking cigarettes as a pass time. Of course, these instances are rare. Only happening when he’s under an incredible amount of stress, if there’s too much noise in his head. Due to his super soldier serum, it doesn’t affect his health in any way. Second had habit? Constantly suspecting someone. It really has become habit at this point. Whether someone is friendly or too happy to approach, he instantly becomes suspicious. 
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? Lots of people,  but the closest ones that Bucky has lost thus far have been both his parents when he was young. First one affected him pretty badly. He was too young, and didn’t quite understand. So he lashed out, tried drawing attention to himself. Whether it was positive, or negative. Second time around, he was older. Didn’t hurt any less when his mother passed, but he acted much more maturely. He had Rebecca to look after now, he had to take on the role of her guardian. Their death was never something that left him frustrated for a long time, because they had been both so unexpected. 
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? Plenty, actually! They tend to vary from verse to verse, but one of the fondest memories he has is in Wakanda. Shortly after he woke and they began his transition and his treatments, Shuri showed him one of the most beautiful sights in Wakanda. It quickly became his favorite, and it’s a fond memory that he holds onto. Because it wasn’t just someone being friendly, or the sight. It was the moment he knew things were going to change. 
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? Sadly, yes. He doesn’t do so as blindly as he once did when he was the Winter Soldier, but he still has the will and skill sets to kill someone. 
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? He becomes incredibly withdrawn. Instead of outwardly lashing out, it’s as if Bucky is being drawn into his own little world. It’s dangerous, because his little world is full of horrific memories and voices from his past. He doesn’t sleep nor eat, or at least, this is phase one. Phase two is much more violent if he’s pushed. If he was unable to “properly” process the first time, he’ll be on edge. It’ll only take the smallest push to make him lash out, and it’s then that emotions of all sorts might start to pour. It’s a mess. 
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? Yes. Getting to this point, is incredibly rare and requires an incredibly deep trust that he hardly ever develops with anyone. 
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? Amorous. Bucky has no shame in showing the person he loves, that he loves them. Getting to that point, must have been quite the adventure. Once they’re there, he’s going to make it worth it. He tries to be attentive without being overbearing. Believing that both need their own time, so he respects this and expects the same in return. However, he isn’t one that likes to show a lot of PDA. Hand holding, an occasional peck. But in private? He enjoys peppering kisses across their jaw, neck and collarbones. Holding them by the hips, stealing kisses, or even just rubbing their arm or playing with their hair while they’re seated together. 
Tagged by: @emeraldhellfire & @therxdpxril Tagging: @moonoverbourbon - @pcnkspy - @atomicblnd - @ironiati- @mxctxns - @clxsh-ofthx-titxns - @wolfraged  - @crossxbones - @superixrirxman - I don’t know, anyone who wants to take the time and do this !
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pearwaldorf · 7 years
Black Panther. God. What a beautiful, important, joyous thing this movie is. Everybody should see it: not just little black and brown kids who need to be shown that they can be heroic and superheroes, but also racist white adults who need their minds opened with crowbars if necessary. This isn't the first good MCU movie, but it is the first one that we can honestly, truly call a masterpiece.
I know it's a little bit weird, but Wakanda reminds me a lot of Always Coming Home. Not just the way at first glance all you see is the herds and people taking care of them before BOOM, Wakanda city proper, but the interweaving of the high technology with indigenous/tribal motifs that still very much inform day to day life. T'Challa's coronation ceremony was a thing to behold, that beautiful rainbow of outfits towering into the sky. I love the way they took the tribal stuff from the comics and the cartoons and made it less hokey and obviously created by white dudes, especially with M'Baku and the Jabari. The women in this movie were a fucking delight and revelation. I don't do The Walking Dead, so this was the first time I'd seen Danai Gurira in anything. Holy shit that woman is a force of nature and I am in absolute awe. (That wig throwing scene is even better in context.) She brings strength to the role, but also a wonderfully wry sense of humor that makes her human. The conflict in her when she and Nakia argue about her place in overthrowing Killmonger is so good. And just, like everything about her devotion to Wakanda is beautiful. I expected the scene with her boyfriend? spouse? to end badly, but I'm really glad he, too, is bowled over by that devotion and surrenders. SHURI. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She's such a teenager, and compounded with the supergenius I can imagine she was an incredible handful in early puberty. (I think Tony Stark would adore her, personally. She's too much like he was at that age for him not to.) I love her bond with her brother, how much she loves and cares for him, but will not hesitate to clown him because he's her brother. I want a whole Netflix series about her stint in Oakland. If it tells you anything about the quality of this movie, Lupita Nyong'o is not anywhere near the best thing about it, although I love her a lot. Nakia is such a bright, fierce spirit, and the strongest moral force in the movie. I think T'Challa would have come to the conclusion that Wakanda can't remain in isolation without her, but the way in which he figured that out would not necessarily be so humanitarian or compassionate. All the women in this movie have such a strong sense of agency and their own lives. Like, obviously T'Challa is part of it and they love and are devoted to him as prince then king, brother, son, or romantic interest, but he is not the thing their lives revolve around. Even Okoye, who probably goes with him everywhere, has a part of her own life where he does not figure in. I didn't realize how important that was to see until I did see it. tbh, I think Killmonger might have been the best part of this movie. He's such a compelling antagonist (I'm honestly not sure villain is an appropriate word for him until he's like "Okay we're going to destroy all this shit that's important to your culture and become arms exporters"), and drawn with such immense compassion. His experience reminds me a lot of accounts I've heard from Japanese-Americans who went to Japan after WWII. They didn't have anything in common with native Japanese people, not even language, but they didn't want to stay in a country that would lock them up just for being of Japanese ancestry. And that yearning of the diaspora child for the homeland, even though he'd never been there, that fucked me up. If anybody wants to write the AU where he decides to live and try for a redemption arc, I will read the fuck out of that. I thought it was brilliant the way they used the token white guy, assigning him the role that the token black dude usually gets in action films. The only way it would have been more perfect is if he'd made a heroic sacrifice for the cause, but alas. The second post-credits scene was absolutely perfect. I didn't expect to see Bucky at all, but I'm glad to see he's being taken care of and he has some peace and time to recover. If somebody wants to write me that fic, I will also read the fuck out of that.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
Quantum Healing Particles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3df074D
by HobbitsandDwarves
Iron Man. The right side of his face was badly burned, and wore a look of numb shock. Scott's eyes were drawn to Tony's right hand, and in the knuckles of the gauntlet, were the six Infinity Stones.
Scott was running before he realized exactly what he was doing, not registering that Hope was calling after him, but the one thing he did realize was that his hand had gone to the canister that was strapped down to his belt, the whole reason he had gone into the Quantum Realm five years ago.
Words: 4186, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Ava Starr (mentioned), Bill Foster (mentioned), Pepper Potts, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Friday (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Wong (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Hulk (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Nebula (Marvel), Gamora (Marvel), Peter Quill, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Maria Rambeau, Monica Rambeau, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), En Dwi Gast | Grandmaster, Taneleer Tivan, Odin (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel), Ronan the Accuser
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, Mentioned James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Mentioned Hank Pym/Janet Van Dyne, Mentioned Nakia (Black Panther)/T'Challa
Additional Tags: Avengers: Endgame Fix-It, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Tony Stark Lives, Happy Ending, eff you Endgame canon!, am I the only one who remembers Scott went into the Quantum Realm to get Quantum Healing Particles?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3df074D
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 4 years
Quantum Healing Particles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3df074D
by HobbitsandDwarves
Iron Man. The right side of his face was badly burned, and wore a look of numb shock. Scott's eyes were drawn to Tony's right hand, and in the knuckles of the gauntlet, were the six Infinity Stones.
Scott was running before he realized exactly what he was doing, not registering that Hope was calling after him, but the one thing he did realize was that his hand had gone to the canister that was strapped down to his belt, the whole reason he had gone into the Quantum Realm five years ago.
Words: 4186, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Ava Starr (mentioned), Bill Foster (mentioned), Pepper Potts, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Friday (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Wong (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Hulk (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Nebula (Marvel), Gamora (Marvel), Peter Quill, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Maria Rambeau, Monica Rambeau, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), En Dwi Gast | Grandmaster, Taneleer Tivan, Odin (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel), Ronan the Accuser
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, Mentioned James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Mentioned Hank Pym/Janet Van Dyne, Mentioned Nakia (Black Panther)/T'Challa
Additional Tags: Avengers: Endgame Fix-It, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Tony Stark Lives, Happy Ending, eff you Endgame canon!, am I the only one who remembers Scott went into the Quantum Realm to get Quantum Healing Particles?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3df074D
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