#badass tup week
firewoodwander · 2 years
If I can ask a couple for the ship ask meme (please feel free to answer any or none as the fancy strikes!):
Of course!! :D thank you!!!!
Jaing/Mereel: ship :)
1. What made you ship it?
Asshole-bastard energy off the CHARTS. Idk about romance here but they’d do fucking around and repressed feelings well I think. There’s not much I won’t ship and this is tasty.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
See above + fun forbidden pseudo-incest internalised-xyz-phobias to play around with! The fact Mereel is so very desperate for parental recognition [imo leading to the repression and secrecy] while Jaing (seems to have??) accepted this is the life he’s getting [more freedom, more devil-may-care about it], but they would absolutely still use the dirtiest tricks to get one over the other and look like the better son. Pathetic little sad messed up men who are actually very badass and scary being pathetic and messed up at each other? Yes
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don’t know if really anyone else ships this 😶 an opinion contrary to what I’ve gleaned of fanon characterisations: they’re both primarily subs. Would enjoy being choked.
Besany/Ordo: ship :)
1. Absolutely nothing from the canon except the one moment I thought Ordo was cute for getting a little bit flustered over her. KT writes them as literally 😐❤️😐 (our favourite joke) even though THEY HAVE THE POTENTIAL. THEY HAVE IT. THEY COULD HAVE BEEN SO BADASS [screaming]
So: spite.
2. He’s sad + scary, she’s hot + scary, prime poly material, even if they’re simply a quiet and traditional couple they CAN STILL BE BADASS (I’m going to go fight a writer hang on–)
3. Once again I don’t know the popular opinions for this ship on purpose but this man would call her mommy and babygirl in the same breath but she only ever calls him honey.
Fives/Tup: ship :)
1. Somehow, it was the tragedy.
2. Besties that stick together heal together. I think they’d be good for each other you know? They would definitely talk shit and snicker suspiciously in the back of the canteen. They can also be badass together. There seems to be a theme emerging here.
3. Precious soft uwu Tup is my mortal enemy. I’m pioneering straight forward and practical to the point of oblivious Tup. This guy 100% accidentally makes the first move and then ruins it by immediately changing the subject. They don’t get together for weeks, not because they’re worried or pining or whatever, but because Tup completely fucking misses his own signals he’s giving and confused the Shit out of Fives.
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Badass Tup Week
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Prompt I - Swordfighting Tup
Sword-yielding Jedi. As if this war couldn’t get any weirder.
In this strange planet where the 501st had been laying siege for nearly a month now, nothing powered by laser or kyber could function. That had forced both clones and Jedi to change their fighting styles. A lot.
Rex had given them a quick course on how to use the newly provided weapons – fire-powered weapons. Actual slugthrowers, in this case modified cycle rifles. The entire troop was having issues with the weapons, too difficult to reload between rounds and their recoil about five times heavier than a blaster’s. Two of the men had nearly dislocated their shoulders by now, and the men’s hits were far outnumbered by their missed shots.
The atmosphere, too, couldn’t be cycled through the filters, so they were all fighting without their helmets, which made them easy targets for headshots from the enemies’ side.
“-sick of this kriffing thing!” Fives cursed between gritted teeth as the enemy soldiers advanced, not droids but human soldiers clearly used to using swords for close combat and slugthrowers for shooting; the ARC trooper shoved a new magazine into the empty weapon, failing twice before managing to pull the safety to keep firing “Tup, they’re closing in on Rex and the General, we need to cover them!”
“On it!” Tup nodded, following Fives towards their commanding officers
It all happened so fast. A round, silver ball fell right in front of them glistening under the sun as a red light on it blinked faster and faster, and Tup only had time to grab Fives by the neck of his back plate, pulling him away from the blast.
Despite the spongy earplugs shoved in his ears, they deafening blast echoed like thunder, Tup’s ears still ringing as he shoved Fives on his back on the sand, assessing the damage. The armor was slightly blackened wish ash, but didn’t seem cracked at any vital point. Fives’ face, too, was only darkened, reddened by the heat, but unharmed.
“Sir, are you-”
“I’m fine!” Fives gritted out, shoving Tup at his chest “Go get the General!” and upon his hesitation he repeated himself “Go! Kix will come for us with reinforcement, I’ll be fine! Get the General!”
With one last tense look at Fives, Tup turned back and continued to run. His best friend had nearly died right in front of him… What if the next bomb gets him instead?... No, focus! Keep your head in the battle!
He hears the dry noise of another bomb being shot out of a launcher. And then, a couple of clicks right in front of him he sees the charge land right next to Rex and Skywalker. Rex screams something Tup can’t quite make in the loud gunfire – so much louder than blasters – and Skywalker tries to push the bomb away with the Force…
The thing goes off long before he can manage to get them both in the clear, and Tup curls himself into a ball to make himself a smaller target while trying to make anything out of the sudden wall of sand that the blast had sent flying up in the air. Squinting and blinking away at the sand, he can make out two shadows: Skywalker, lying still on the ground and Rex kneeling close to him, ready to shoot any approaching enemies.
As the sand slowly settles down, he hears a voice booming close to them from the enemy lines.
“There’s only one clone guarding the general, hold your fire for your repetition slugthrowers to cool down and kill them before their reinforcements arrive!”
The joy of knowing they wouldn’t be shot at for a while was quickly deflated as Tup heard the noise of swords being drawn from their hilts. The sand had settled and Rex is facing the enemies that drew a semicircle around them; there was ferocity in the captain’s eyes as he cocked the slughthrower in his hand, shooting the nearest one which collapsed lifeless on the ground.
“If you think I’ll go down without a fight, you got another thing coming, separatist!” he barked, aiming at another soldier
“You don’t have enough slugs for all of us, clone!” the soldier sneered, still advancing
Tup stayed completely still, partially covered in the sand and perfectly disguised with the light brown camouflage of his armor. They had only counted one clone. They had no idea he was right next to them. A soldier approached Rex still, sword pointed forward and slightly low. His boot dragged along the sand with his steps until it bumped against Tup’s shin.
“What the…?”
Tup knew he had to be fast. Good thing he had always enjoyed sparring back in the academy. He quickly sprung to action, raising a leg and kicking the soldier as hard as he could right at the side of his knee from the inside. There was little the other’s armor could do against an attack from that angle, and Tup heard the distinct noise of something breaking before the soldier tumbled down with a scream.
“Rex, I’m here!” Tup bellowed, jumping to his feet to then grab at the soldier wrist, to try and wrench the sword out of his grip
The soldier sneered, reaching up to grab at Tup’s hair, the hair tie snapping in the struggle and Tup’s long hair cascading down in a mess of dark coils. Once Tup managed to take the sword, he hit the soldier’s face with the grip, drawing blood out of his nose and ceasing his struggle.
Rex took the sudden confusion of the enemy soldiers to fire another shot, then another, taking more and more of them down. Meanwhile, Tup got a good grip on the sword and pierced it down on the soldier’s back at his heart’s height. The man let out a garbled noise, going limp, and Tup pulled the blood-stained blade back, parrying the nearest enemy’s attack just in time.
“How’s the general?!” Tup screamed, shoving the enemy away with a kick to his stomach, taking a few cautious steps back closer to Rex as he hastily combed his hair back with his fingers, sword still at the ready
“Unconscious!” Rex replied, getting up to his feet and continuing to fire, every shot punctuated with a pained grunt at the weapon’s recoil “We need to stand our ground before reinforcements arrive! How’s Fives?!”
“Nearly got blasted but he is angrier than he is injured.” Rex’s laugh at Tup’s response was cut by a curse at the weapon. The kriffing thing was jammed. “Don’t worry, I’ll cover you. Their firearms are overheated.”
Rex gritted his thanks, quickly pulling the magazine out and jamming it back in, trying to get the damn thing to slide all the way in. The wind shifted the sand, Tup’s hair swaying lightly with it. Tup slid a foot forward, eyes fixated at every enemy in front of him as he held up his sword in a defensive stance, baring his teeth and letting out a low growl.
“Let me show you what ‘only one clone’ can do, you separatist scum.”
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
I just saw your October Celebration and I just want Tup content. Content where he's happy. Don't care how, just him happy.
How about some tooth rotting fluff?
The Cat //Tup X Reader fluff//
Note: Check out my October Celebration here!!
You were laying in the bed, resting your head on Tup’s nude chest. You were rambling about what he had missed while he was away on a mission. “No way.” He chuckled. You huffed and sat up, “It’s true!” Tup sat up and leaned against the headboard, his long curly hair a mess. 
“The Loth cat that basically lives in our dumpster did not let you pet him.” You crossed your arms and huffed, “He did!!” Tup chuckled at your pouty face, “He’s mean!” You gasped dramatically, causing Tup to laugh. 
“You’re just crazy.” You pouted at him. “I still love you though.” Tup smiled, hoping you would give up and accept your defeat.  You narrowed your eyes and stuck out your tongue. “Come on! I’ll prove it to you!” You got up, grabbing his hand. Tup whined dramatically mumbling about ‘how late it is.’ 
You threw on one of the tops to his blacks and some underwear, “Hurry up.” Tup snorted and blew some of his hair from his face as he pulled on his sweatpants, “Fiiiinnee.” You grinned and dragged him outside. 
Tup followed you to the alley behind your apartment, your fluffy slippers making a funny noise. “We’re going to get murdered out here.” He mumbled causing you to slap his arm playfully. He held your hand, stopping in front of the dumpster. 
“Come here bubby.” You squatted down, a grin on your face. Tup stared in shock when the chubby Loth cat crawled out from behind the dumpster, making his way to you. You rubbed his head, the cat purring loudly. 
“See! He’s friendly!!” Tup blinked, watching you pick up the stray. You held the Loth cat up to Tup, his face draining of color when the cat hissed. You rubbed the animal's big ears, “We should keep him!!” 
Tup stared at the cat's glare, “No we shouldn’t.” You pouted, giving him puppy dog eyes. Tup looked at you, your adorable face breaking him instantly. “Fine. But if he kills me Rex will be upset.” You grinned and pecked his lips, the beautiful smile on your face melting his heart. 
*Two days later* 
Bubby hated Tup, but you knew he would adjust soon. You had gotten Bubby a blue collar, matching the 501st colors, of course with a little bell on it. You got your entertainment out of watching your ‘badass’ soldier boyfriend get scared by a fat Loth cat. 
“I told you he was mean.” Tup grumbled, the cat glaring at him from his spot on the couch. “Leave Bubby alone.” You flicked Tup’s temple. Tup looked back at you and huffed. He was sitting in front of you while you were in a chair, carefully braiding his long locks. 
“I’m telling you that cat hates me!” You swatted him playfully, “Oh don’t be dramatic.” You laughed. 
*A week after Bubby was officially adopted*
You walked out of the fresher, surprised by the sight before you. 
Tup was asleep on the bed, Bubby snuggled up against his side. You grinned at the sight before you, your favorite boys had finally gotten along. You couldn’t help but snap a picture, sending it to the 501st. 
You giggled quietly to yourself as you carefully laid down beside Tup on his other side, wrapping your arms around him. You nuzzled your face into his messy locks, careful not to wake him. You smiled to yourself as you fell asleep in bed with your two favorite boys.
 Tags:@royalhandmaidens @catsnkooks @valkyrieofthehighfae @peacelandbread @blue-space-porgs @leias-left-hair-bun@Iamassbuttkingofhell @Azem-thefourteenth @opalstxrs @commanderrivercc-3628 @my-awakened-ghost @captainrexstan @hounding-around
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tup-ika-5385 · 4 years
Shiny no longer!
Hi everyone, Tup here!
So... I’m just gonna go ahead and break the 4th wall here. *nudges the 4th wall aside, but it tips over and shatters* Oops...
Anyways, I wanted to announce that I’m no longer the tumblr shiny! Since I started this page a week ago, a ton of my vode have started their own pages,  Hardcase (@hardcase-the-badass), the coruscaunt guard (@officialcoruscantguard), the wolf-pack (@wolfpackogs), General Plo Koon @jedimasterplokoon, and a clone trooper named Glitch @forcesensitiveglitch and now I’m hearing that even Kix has his own blog 😊
Sounds like nobody can call me a shiny anymore, right?
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Badass Tup Week, day 3 - for @tupdidtherightthing, who asked anything I wanted to do, so I made art for this fic
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thank you for the prompts! I'm currently working on the coolest one (@ anon, i love you for that!) but feel free to send me more. Maybe I'll make a thing out of this. Like... badass clone of the week. This time we're making badass Tup! :D
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