#bad thing is though that I’m on vacation & my Wi-Fi is incredibly bad right now
myfanfictiongarden · 2 months
Guys, there is only 26 days left until season 2 of Rings of Power.
Let the countdown begin!!!!
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Survey #199
“mama, just killed a man; put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he’s dead.”
Who is the nicest person you’ve ever met? I dunno, I've truly met so many. How about the meanest? Literally my former best friend, all things considered. I too often ignored her overwhelming ratio of bad versus positive traits. She was an absolute witch when entirely unnecessary to most she met, and even to those she did like, she could be extremely rude and just. Yeah, mean. Do you prefer sugar cookies or peanut butter cookies? Hmmm, probably sugar. Chocolate chip cookies or Oreos? Chocolate chip. What is on your mouse pad? I don't have one. Who was the last person to yell at you? Mom. Why did they yell at you? I don't recall, I just know it was her. What was the last thing you spoke to your mom about? I can't remember. It was as she was leaving for work and nothing major. Where was the last place you took a train to? Never been on a train. What is your favorite sleeping position? What about sitting? Sitting, idk. But I sleep like, kinda on my stomach but twist to my side with my arms positioned up like a fetus' or something. My legs are just kinda just splayed out or bent a bit beside each other. When is the last time you felt appreciated for something you did? Had to be something with Sara when she needed some comfort. Do you ever call friends just to have a casual conversation with them? I don't willingly call anyone. I've texted/messaged friends at random though. Are you the type of person who gets straight to the point? Not really. Do you enjoy playing board games? No. Are there any movies you are wanting to see? The new How To Train Your Dragon, ahhhh! Probably gonna see it with Sara when she comes. Who was the last contact you stored into your cell phone, if you have one? Probably VR. What was the last song you sang along to? Uhhh something by Powerwolf in the shower. Are you a fan of the band Taking Back Sunday? Never heard 'em. Nachos or tacos? I hate tacos, but nachos are literally the best. Do you think Kurt Cobain was assassinated? This is a conspiracy I'm not really educated on. *shrugs* I barely ever rule shit out now after going down the conspiracy theories rabbit hole. Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you? Not at all. Does it annoy you when people wish away their lives? I'm guessing you mean just wish for things instead of taking action towards achieving them? Yes, it does. Wishing isn't gonna do a damn thing for you. Have you ever lived with somebody with truly repulsive habits? No. Do you tend to say things because they’re appropriate not because you mean them? No. I've probably done it, but not enough to recall an occasion. What was the last thing to perplex you? Some conspiracy theory in Shane Dawson's new series I thought was pretty far-fetched. I've already forgotten it. What was the last thing to fascinate you? Another theory in the same series mentioned above lol. It was about the fires in California. Do you ever have really good dreams, and then the whole next day, you’re in a really good mood because of that really good dream? No. What’s the last thing you bought at the mall? A book. What are you listening to? "Fire & Forgive" by Powerwolf. Have you ever wanted to go to the moon? Not really. Is your favorite author the author of your favorite book? No. What are you looking forward to the most? Settling down comfortably with Sara with nice jobs, pets we love, a house we feel is perfect for us, and just. Yeah, all of that. ;v; What’s the last CD you bought? I haven't bought one since Hollywood Undead's "Swan Songs." Is that your favorite cd by that artist? I'm not too familiar with their albums, but I think? What food do you eat the most of? Idk, really. Meats? Some form of bread? What food do you not eat enough of? Vegetables. If you HAD to look like someone else, but could choose who, who would you choose? Probably Suzy Hanson. I'm gay as all fuck hell for that sweetheart. What’s something you’re proud of yourself for? DEDICATING TO THE PROCESS OF RECOVERY. Think of your favorite band… if you got to talk to ONE person from that band, who would it be, and why them? Ozzy because he is my granddad, savior, and most importantly, spirit animal. Have you ever seen someone get a tattoo done? If so, what was it? Did they cry or were they in a lot of pain? Yeah; it was a watercolor feather with "ohana" written on it. She didn't cry, nor was it excruciating. What do you like on hot dogs? Ketchup and mustard. Favorite sport team? I'm biased towards the Carolina Hurricanes because of Dad. Do you live somewhere where it’s completely safe to walk alone at night? No. Have you ever lived with someone who was a total slob? Yup. Have you ever interviewed a job applicant at your workplace? N/A Have you ever gone over 3 months without shaving/waxing your legs? Yeah, or close to it. Would you ever consider being a foster parent? No. What’s your opinion on lottery tickets? Waste of money, or no? A waste and a risk for addiction. What are some things that make others cry, that don’t make you cry at all? Well, this is hard. I cry at pretty much anything moving. Have you ever swam in a saltwater pool? No. Can you run in heels? I highly doubt that. My balance is bad as it is. Do you think anyone has given up on you? I'm sure Colleen has. When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? Today, but literally most days on FB anyway with my stepmother and abortion. Do you pay your own cellphone bill, or do your parents pay it for you? Dad pays it. Have you seen every Harry Potter movie in theaters? No. Have you ever been pregnant? No. Would you ever drive a hearse for your car? Fuck yeah I would if I could decorate it some. What snacks do you usually take to the beach with you? I haven't gone to the beach consistently enough to known. Do you like to eat tomato soup along with your grilled cheese? No. Have you ever watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer? No. Do you have thick or thin hair? Thick as all fuck. If you have thick hair, do you get it thinned when you get it cut? I get it like, tapered so the ends aren't so abrupt. If you have thin hair, do you wish it were thick? N/A What kind of shoes do you normally purchase? Converse or Vans. Did you like Pokemon or Digimon when you were younger? Pokemon was and still is everything. Do you sleep with your hair up or down? It's too short to go up, but I didn't when it was long. When you go swimming, do you put your hair up or down? ^ Do you do any special workouts to stay in shape? I've started doing some yoga exercises and push-ups everyday to try to get IN shape. If you’re a girl, do you have big hips? Too big? I'd say they're fine. Is there a day you’d just like to forget? Which one? The day I ODed. Girls, do you think you look good in dresses or not? I haven't worn a dress since my sister's wedding three years ago... and I looked awful. Have you ever taken a pottery class before? No. What is the one stereotype people label you as most? Don't really hear those nowadays. Who makes you the most angry in your life right now? My last fucking school. How many times have you seen Star Wars? Be honest. Literally once, and I hated it. It was incredibly uninteresting. Do you like flowers? What’s your favorite kind? YEAH. I love orchids and dahlias. How many grades have you failed in your life? None. Do you own a car? Who provides your insurance if so? No. Are you someone who can easily keep a secret? Yup. When was the last time you painted something? December, a painting for Sara. Who was the last female you hung out with? My mom. When is the next time you’re going on vacation? Hell if I know. Are you currently renting out your own apartment? No. Have you taken anyone’s virginity? No. Have you ever had anyone drop off animals at your house and what kind? No. Have you ever made your boy/girlfriend choose between you and someone else? No. Do you remember when some of the Walmarts had a McDonald’s in them? Our neighboring town still has one. When was the last time you were somewhere that offered free Wi-Fi? I dunno. What color are your curtains and are you satisfied with this color? Maroon, and yes. When was the last time you were stung by a bee and what kind was it? Last year by a bumblebee. Do you know anyone personally who had their house burn down before? Yes. What’s your favorite kind of potato chip and are they cheap to buy? Hm. Maybe classic... or cool ranch. Who was the last male you hung out with? My dad. Are you self-conscious? You have no idea. Do you tend to get sick more often in the wintertime? If not, is there a certain season that you get sick more often in besides winter? No. I rarely ever get sick. Do you find yourself being more of a germaphobe when you’re in public? Uh, duh. What is the worst thing you’ve seen in a public restroom? Blood under the seat. And I mean quite a bit. I usually check under them now after that event with Colleen. Nerdy question time. If you were in a more medieval time period, would you prefer to excel in might, magic, or finesse? MAGIC. Do you have an friends from foreign countries? Are they online friends or foreign exchange students? Or perhaps you have some from both? Online friends. Have you ever studied how your last name originated? Yeah. What is one recipe that you would like to learn how to make? Hell, a lot. I need to know how to cook period. How many hours can you go after a meal before you are hungry again? Does the time vary off how big of a meal it was? Depends on what I ate. Can be like... 4-5 hours or I can fast and go beyond 16. Really varies. What was your favorite Backstreet Boys song? HUNNY don't DO THIS. Oh Lord. I really don't think I can pick. I know back then it was "The Call," though. Favorite *N Sync song? Probably "Bye Bye Bye." Which of those two bands did you like best? Backstreet Boys. *heart eyes drool emoji* Do you learn choreography easily? I was okay back in dance, but I doubt it now. My memory and focus have declined. What is the theme of this year’s wall calendar? Idk, Mom hasn't changed it yet. Do you believe that Jesus will come back in your lifetime? I don't believe that concept. Do you still have your favorite toy from when you were kid? Apparently no; asked Mom recently outta curiosity, and I was VERY surprised. I don't know how I ever could've gotten rid of him. Which do you do more: read books, spend time online, or watch television? Guess. What do you do the most when you’re online? Listen to/watch YouTube. Is your 2019 off to a good start? Eh, I suppose. What color is your winter coat? I don't have one. What’s your favorite candy to receive on Halloween? Reese's. Do you think you’re too old to go trick-or-treating? Well, according to society. Do you have a bobblehead? If yes, what does your bobblehead look like? No. Were you afraid of heights as a child? No. What’s the strangest thing you’ve wrapped a present in? Nothing odd? Can you read in the car? I don't know if I've ever done that? Have you ever had a lead role in a play? No. Would you ever take a solo road trip? Nah. What is the most fascinating part of nature? Shit dude, idk. There's so much. Evolution, maybe. When did you last go to the library? What book(s) did you check out? Couldn't tell ya. Have you ever gotten in trouble for running up your phone bill? Nope. When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? I don't plan to any time soon. Do people normally say you’re a fast typer, or are you rather slow? Very fast. Do you believe in the concept of global warming? It's 2019. "Concept" my ass. Have you ever worked in retail? Never again. Are you even a little bit racist? No. Were you more fond of swings, monkey bars, or seesaws as a child? Swings. Do you believe in a near-future apocalyptic event? We can't predict that. A meteor could fuck us tonight, or the supervolcano in Yellowstone could erupt the next time I blink. May not be for thousands of years. Do you have a chandelier in your home? No. Do you have a bar with stools? No. Don’t you love American Horror Story: Asylum? I didn't watch it. When’s the last time you blew some bubbles? No clue. Are you self conscious about your nails? Not too much. Which pair of pants that you own are your favorites? Why do you like them? Pretty much all I have are yoga pants and leggings that all look the same... Now if I can include pj pants, the soft, black, white, and lilac Jack Skellington ones I have. They're comfy. Have you ever had any kind of dangerous addiction? What’s this addiction? No. Are your parents still married, divorced, or split up? Like this decision? Divorced. And I mean, any person would wish their parents were together ideally, but just with how mine always fought and just constantly seemed angry at each other, I'm glad they are. Are you a Jeffree Star fan? Or no? Do you think he’s awesome/dumb? I love that alien. His personality is so bubbly, he cracks me the hell up, and he's gone through so much growth. Are any of your favorite shows too dirty for television? Which ones? No. Are there any colorful quilts in your room? Which ones are colorful? No. Do you own a guitar? Specify. Which brand of guitar do you own? I do, but I don't recall the brand; I don't play it anymore. I just know it's black and white. Are you a monogamous person? Or do you hate commitment? Monogamous. Who was the last person who was rude to you? Idk, probably Mom. Have you ever met someone in person that you first met online? Yeah. Have you ever taken a test to see if you are colorblind? No. Who do you know who is dyslexic? Idk. Describe your dream wedding in five words. Small, memorable, gothic, emotional, and sincere are a few words I can think of. Is weed legal in your state? No. Have you ever thrown up in class? In kindergarten, I believe. What is something that you used to be ashamed of, but now you’re not? Mmmmm I dunno. OH ACTUALLY, for quite a while I was embarrassed of liking Pokemon for yeeeaaars because at that time it was seen as "weird," but now like. Give me everything Pokemon. Have you ever held a newborn baby? No. Are a ton of your Facebook friends getting married and having kids now? Yes. I sometimes forget we're at that age where it's kinda normal. What’s the last supernatural thing that happened to you? Idk. If you’re a Christian, how long have you known the Lord? N/A Do you live in an apartment, condo, dorm, or house? A house. Do you have a sibling with the same first initial as you? Well, it's his nickname. Do you ever eat kids’ food (as in, meals made for kids)? Hell yeah, give me that fuckin nachos Lunchable. Do you remember pre-school? I have vague memories. How old were you when you made your first friend? Two. What is the movie that you have waited the longest for/which film do you remember anticipating the most/are still anticipating? The Incredibles 2, probably. What is something that an interested guy/girl could comment about you, that would make you instantly open to them (e.g., “That book you’re reading is from my favorite author”)? It's game over if you recognize my Markiplier tattoo lmao. Do you refer to yourself by any sort of fan nickname (Belieber, Little Monster, etc.)? I will always be a GMM mythical beast, fucking fight me. What sort of situations make you feel most self-conscious or inadequate? Are there any people or places that just make you want to crawl into a hole? If you can’t think of anything specific, can you remember the last time (or any time) you felt this way? When I'm in a position where it's my responsibility to be knowledgeable, hence why I've struggled so immensely with work. Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? I use Ozzkat like, everywhere, and it's my fave. Are there any cities near you that you’re afraid to go to because of the crime rate or its other bad reputations? Yes. Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? Ha, yeah. Can you remember the last thing you thought and subsequently thought, “wow, I really shouldn’t be thinking that”? PTSD and OCD alike give me intrusive thoughts occasionally, so. How long does it take you in the morning to fix your hair? It takes just a few seconds to wet my hand(s) and go over the back where it usually sticks up like crazy. My hair is otherwise short enough where I have to do like... nothing. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to be around your ex everyday? No. Do you prefer kisses on the nose, cheek or forehead? Cheek. Have you seen someone recently you used to talk to, but don’t anymore? No. Do you prefer a lot of ice in your drinks or just a little bit of ice? None. I don't like it to water down my drink, and even with water, I worry about one/some small ones going down my throat. Well, in margaritas it's obviously fine, just because it's so fine. Which condiment (ketchup, mustard, etc.) do you use the most of? Ketchup or honey mustard. Would you ever flirt with somebody in front of your parents? With my s/o, sure, just not if it's even mildly sexual. Have your parents ever questioned your virginity? Yeah. Have you ever spent over $100.00 on an article of clothing? What was it? FUCK no. Do you think your parents know things about you that you don’t want them to? Mom might. I doubt Dad does. How many of your friends play World of Warcraft? I think Sam still does, maybe Alex, and then I have a number of acquaintances exclusive to the game. Actually Girt might too... maybe. I just know he keeps up with the lore. Are caterpillars more cute or disgusting? CUTE. Would you rather receive roses or sunflowers? I'd appreciate either, but I prefer roses as flowers. Is your dad bald? No. Surprised honestly; he's in his mid-50s, and while it's gray, there's no less of it than there's always been. Who is the most boring or dullest person that you know of? Uhhhhhhhh I dunno. How long do you have until your birthday? Three days y e e t Do you know anyone who has been arrested? Yes. Do you remember the name of the first bar you ever went to? Never been to one. Were you of age? N/A When was the last time you wanted to do something, but couldn’t? With how Sara's been such a flirt lately, I deadass wanna pin her to a wall and go ham. Is there a certain song you like to headbang to? I don't for the sake of avoiding a headache and getting dizzy. Anything you might be giving up on soon? In the back of my mind, every once in a while lately, my hope's dimmed for photography, but I just refuse to give up. Have you ever made any kind of video? Yeah. Have you ever taken someone back after they’ve cheated? Hell no. How many living grandparents do you still have? One. Is there a garage or carport attached to your house? No. Have you ever stayed in a hotel without your parents or older relatives? No.
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amareite · 6 years
Lacewood Week 2018 Day 6
Prompt - near/far
Word Count - 4.6k
Warning -  A small peppering of explicitness, spelling errors, 
This was written in under 4 hours on this road trip.l. I know there are spelling errors and the like but I didn’t get a chance to look through it and I only have wi-fi for the next 10 minutes. Enjoy!
Augustine sighed listlessly at the screen before him. So many numbers that he had to fix and he wasn’t going to fix this tonight. Usually, he’d stay and remedy his mistakes immediately no matter what but right now he was exhausted. He already stayed up from the night before, he was verging on almost two days of no sleep. He hadn’t done this in years. Being a night owl was most commonly practiced in his early days of university, but now it took its toll.
Augustine shook his head, trying to rid his mind of the sleepy haze and focused intently on the screen. Only for the numbers to begin blurring and his temple developed a sudden and sharp pain that made him squeeze his eyes shut. Alright. That was enough, his brain was melting and sleep was necessary. Sleep was needed. Augustine fought the aggravated sigh that tried to rumble out of him. It had passed midnight some time ago. He was tired.
It was okay, he tried to tell himself. The paper didn’t need to be finished now. He mismanaged the numbers so this was his fault. With heavy limbs, Augustine closed his laptop, his tablet and phone. They would only suit to exacerbate him, though he left his holo caster on. He always left that on, just in case.
So it was a sudden start when he reached for his holo caster and it began beeping incessantly. His heart nearly jumped out through his throat. Who was calling him? At this time of night? Well, if it was a stranger or some solicitor, he could just hang up.
“Âllo?” Augustine answered uncertainly. The hologram didn’t show. Maybe he hallucinated it?
“Oh, Augustine. Are you still awake?” The beautiful voice of the love of his life drifted through the holo caster with such vivid clarity that Augustine sighed out loud this time, a rueful smile on his face. His exhaustion lifted slightly, his limbs felt lighter, and he perked up as if he had a whole pot of coffee.
“Serena, mon ange, good morning.” He answered her brightly, his stress lessened just hearing her. He assumed it was morning, if it was well after one here in Kalos, it was around the middle of the afternoon for her in Alola.
She giggled at his greeting. “Good morning? You’re supposed to be asleep.” She accused.
Augustine clicked his tongue in playful annoyance, hitting the elevator button to quickly get to his loft. “Then why did you call?”
Serena taunted him in return. “Because I knew you weren’t.”
He chuckled openly, it was like she was right here with him. “Oui, your intuition is spot on.” He sighed to her again, leaning on the elevator wall. “I swear to you, I’m out of the office. I had a bad night as I made many, many mistakes on the statistics for my paper.”
“How bad?” He could feel her cringe for him. Her empathy concerning him was saintly.
Augustine exhaled and ran his hand over his face in frustration. “Well, I made the mistake when I averaged the numbers on the wrong base. I wrote the entire conclusion based on those results.” Augustine exited the elevator and opened the door to his loft, taking off his lab coat and placing it on the hook beside him.
“So you have to run your numbers again and rewrite half the paper? That’s awful.” Serena groused, not at him but knowing certain mistakes can be exhausting to deal with.
Augustine couldn’t stop the groan that escaped him. “I know. It was such a terrible mistake to make so late in this process, I’m a little stressed. I’ve been trying to make up for lost time.” He hadn’t complained to anyone about this, not Sophie and certainly not Sina or Dexio. They would offer to fix the mistake themselves and he knew this was his own fault. Besides, his assistants were busy with other projects that he had assigned them to.
The champion was quiet for a moment before she spoke again. “When was the last time you slept?”
Somehow, Serena just knew these things. He thought he sounded pretty upbeat and Serena couldn’t even see him. “Ah, that would be around 30 some hours ago. I slept a few hours the day before but I couldn’t stay asleep.” It was a little more that, but he didn’t want to tell her he was suffering from insomnia and he didn’t know why exactly, it was frustrating.
“Did you have dinner?” Augustine clamped his mouth shut. Again, her intuition was spot on and he didn’t know what to reply. “You didn’t have dinner.” Serena supplied quietly.
Augustine rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. “I’m so sorry, ma belle. It hasn’t been a great week for me.” He apologized carefully.
“Did anything else happen?”
“Non, I’ve just been having trouble sleeping. I can’t even explain it.” Augustine admitted, he was telling the truth. He made mistakes on papers before, this was nothing new. This time, the mystery issue bothered him enough in the first place and caused the mistake, since he’d been so distracted and all.
After a moment of silence, Serena spoke again. “Do you want me to come back?”
Augustine had to stop himself from shouting ‘Non!’ at the top of his lungs at her. She had worked so hard to go on this adventure, she went to a few different countries and there was no way in hell he was going to ruin that for her. He breathed deeply and answered calmly yet firmly. “Certainly not. You are on vacation and you will enjoy it.” The professor instead scoffed at her suggestion.
“I am enjoying myself, but without you-,”
Augustine cut her off abruptly. “Serena, when I was your age, I had just graduated and I ran off to Sinnoh for a year and then when I got my PhD, I traveled the world for months at a time.” They were very fond memories for him. He traveled extensively in his early years.
He continued softly this time. “You have the freedom to travel easily right now, you haven’t taken enough time for yourself to appreciate it.” He compelled her to understand his point of view.
Serena heaved a sad sigh this time. Perhaps the distance between them was too much for her, as well. They’d known each other for a few years, and this was the first time, dating or not, they’d been apart for this long. “It’s not the same without you.” The professor ran his hands through his hair, looks like his intuition was spot on, too. She missed him. “I wish you were with me, enjoying this freedom.” He didn’t have the freedom to leave his lab for months. Though at the same time, he refused to cage Serena here just because he couldn’t leave.
Augustine decided to lighten the mood a little bit. “If I was with you, I probably would have died from a heart attack while you were competing in Mantine Surfing between Ula’ Ula and Poni beach and got absolutely destroyed by a Wailord.” The term ‘destroyed’ was often used by Serena to describe the most mundane things to the most outlandish of situations. It was highly amusing at time.
Augustine smiled as he enunciated his next words. “A shiny Wailord, no less.”
Silence from the line, until an embarrassed moan travelled to his ears, causing him to giggle. “You saw that?” Serena griped out in disbelief.
Augustine just kept giggling. “I take it you didn’t think the Summer Games were televised internationally?” The summer games did start out as a small Alolan competition years ago but were immensely popular for their consistent scheduling and variety of sports. He wondered if Serena was going to compete in Mudsdale racing later. Incredibly dangerous sport but he knew Serena loved that kind of rush. He loved the way her eyes shone with competitive nature though.
“That’s a hard no. How many people saw me bust my ass?” Even though she asked the question, he could feel her reluctance to know the truth.
“The whole lab.” He stated quickly, and then promptly continued. “You’re mother, Calem, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Olivia, Grant, Seibold, Korrina-,”
Serena stopped him with a choked squeak. “Okay! Okay, everyone saw it! I get it.”
Her response was only followed with silence so he added one last thing. “It was majestic.”
More silence until they both burst out in laughter. Augustine would be lying if he said he didn’t miss her. Every morning he woke up and she wasn’t beside him left him feeling empty. Their calls were few and far in between since she was running around. In Alola it was even more difficult because the time difference was around 14 or 15 hours. Still though, they found time. Even with their completely conflicting schedules.
They continued chatting while Augustine got ready for bed, combing his hair, brushing his teeth, washing his face, changing into his pajamas, sighing in exasperation realizing he ran out of shaving cream and he wouldn’t be able to shave tomorrow morning. Serena pestered him on his terrible organization skills and he mocked on her terrible ability to dodge Wailords. Again, for emphasis, shiny wailords.
“You know I miss you, right?”
There it was, Serena admitted her feelings. It wasn’t all that uncommon but Augustine learned that Serena was hardly ever honest with him in terms of any negativity in her life. If she was lonely, she said nothing. If she was upset, she pushed it down. If she was injured, she pretended she was fine. She wanted to be good to him and that meant, to her, not showing him weakness and being strong.
He loved her with every fibre of his being but he wished she was a little more honest with him. Like right now.
“Possibly about as much as I miss you.” He concurred promptly.
Augsutine spoke again before Serena could, only to halt her concerns. “Please, do not fret for your boyfriend. He is a silly man.” His dramatic words managed to get a snicker out of Serena. “What I want from you right now is for you to have fun. I want you to be able to look back on this vacation and remember what a spectacular time it was.”
Serena hummed happily, he could see her smile in his mind. “When I come back, I’ll have so much to show you. Pokémon, z-crystals, malasada’s…”
Augustine climbed into bed and sunk into the mattress, his voice was low as he replied to her. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Are you going to bed?”
The professor furrowed his brows, no, he didn’t want to sleep yet, now that he was talking to her. “I can stay up a little longer for you.”
Serena refuted, only thinking of him. “It’s okay. You sound so exhausted.”
“I don’t want to hang up…” Augustine whined morosely, he really didn’t.
“Oh, Augustine.” Serena laughed lightly, a pleasant sound that calmed the professor. “Let’s just talk until you fall asleep.” She conceded to him rather easily this time. She must’ve not wanted to hang up either.
“I’ve heard that you can find many interesting items at an island Pelago.”
They talked about the islands Serena had visited, small questions were exchanged with answers. Laughter as Serena recounted her embarrassing fall while Mantine Surfing and how she struggled to get back on the Mantine while she was horrified that a pink monolith had nearly landed on her, and then fear from Augustine as she affirmed she was going to go Mudsdale racing and Tauros Chasing. Regardless, in between their banter, soft words of love were exchanged between them both.
Slowly, their conversations quieted to the point Serena couldn’t hear her lover anymore. “Augustine?”
He answered quietly. “Hmmm…” He was so weary but Serena was speaking to him and he wanted to stay awake and keep talking but, wow, his eyes refused to open. Serena said nothing else and Augustine wondered if she had hung up.
Then, her soft voice filled his room, she was signing to him. What a treat, he managed a dreamy smile listening to her serenade him to sleep.
“Tu minspire tout le bon, Le meilleur
Meilleur que des bonbons, l’amour
Tu minspire tant d’amour,
Je tenlève tes habits, Comme le papier joli
Autour des caramels
Et le sucre de ta peau, Cest tout ce quil me faut pour etre…”
Even without accompaniment, she sounded marvellous to him. She didn’t sing often, but when she was comfortable, when it was quiet, he was gifted with her hymns.
Softly, nearly inaudibly, words spilled out of his mouth for her. “Je’taime de tout mon couer, mon amour.”
Serena’s soft singing occupied his entire being as he sighed into the pillows and sheets and the mattress in a wistful haze as he finally relaxed. Serena didn’t even get to the chorus before Augustine was out like a light.
When he woke up the next morning, he had felt alive. More alive than he had felt in weeks. He turned to his side and found his holo caster was on standby. When he checked the history on his phone, he could see the time stamp from his conversation with Serena. They spoke for nearly two hours. He only slept for 6 hours and he felt completely refreshed. Serena was magical. Maybe… just maybe he was off balance because Serena wasn’t here with him?
He prayed that wasn’t the case, for one thing, he could never admit to Serena that he couldn’t be parted from her and on the other hand, he was a grown man, that’s just embarrassing. Then Augustine noticed he had an unread voice message. So he opened it.
“I have been missing you, Augustine. I know we just spoke, but hearing you fall asleep made me realize just what I’m missing here. In the day, I run around and have fun but at night, it’s lonely and there are a million stars at the sky and kills me because I know you’re not seeing those same stars. I feel disconnected from you.”
She felt the exact same way he did, he thought with a remorseful smile. He was turning her into a romantic, he knew it. It was such a comprehensive way to describe how they were feeling.
“I know you want me to have fun and enjoy myself but I never got to say what I wanted from you. I want you to be happy. I want you to take a few minutes for yourself, please, maybe just to think of me. Or what you want or to eat… You asked me to have fun, and I will so you have to rest, just a little but, every day until I come back.”
Think of her for a few minutes? She never left his thoughts, so that was simple enough.
“I love you, Augustine and I miss being with you. Wait for me, okay? I’ll be home soon with you.”
Augustine tried to stop his lips from trembling and to still his breath. He did ask her to have fun and if she was, he’d have to listen to her. It wouldn’t be fair to make requests of her like that. Still, she sounded so emotional at the end he wondered if she was crying and he just couldn’t see it. He wanted to hug her but he couldn’t so he went with the next best thing, breakfast. It was a good start to keeping his deal with Serena.
Later, he’d send a message in return. She deserved to hear from him, as well.
For the most part, in the following weeks, he kept his end of bargain. He tried to eat at least two meals a day, ensuring he had breakfast and a late lunch or dinner. It was usually a late lunch but it wasn’t enough, he wasn’t eating much. Sophie tried to tell him, but he never listened. Sina and Dexio left him food and snacks at his desk but he was so busy he just ate half and left the rest discarded.
His paper was thankfully submitted on time, mistakes and all fixed. He felt so invigorated the morning after Serena had spoken with him, he’d finished the paper in under 7 hours. A little longer than he’s like but he was meticulous and he was very proud of the end result.
Then the days went by, Augustine tried to keep the motivation Serena bestowed upon him but it faded by the end of the week. There was so much he had fallen behind on that he just worked until he passed out at night. He played Serena’s message every night and told himself, tomorrow, tomorrow he would uphold his end of the bargain but he just lost himself in his research.
If he stopped working and sat to think, he inevitably thought of Serena but not in the way he wanted, he just ended up thinking of her with him, in his room, in his arms… in his bed. Merde, he was doing it again. Every time he thought of his lover, he ended up getting frustrated. He hated it, there was only so much he could do for himself.
Three weeks went by, and in that time, he’d only spoken to Serena once and the connection was lost. Then, the holo caster wouldn’t connect at all. It put a damper on his mood. Now, the professor was working on a whole new report. It had a tight deadline, two days from now, and he had to mark fairy type migrations in Kalos. It was meant for the Pokedex Association in Kanto, they were cataloguing old information for the new model. Since most fairy types resided in Kalos, it was easiest just to contact him, he had years of records over such things but gathering all that information was tedious and tiresome.
Augustine woke with a start, pushing off of his desk. Not again. He fell asleep at his desk and it was always a miserable experience. His back ached, his head was pounding. He felt sore. Not that his mahogany desk was meant for being slept on. It was nearly day break, and with it came that sick feeling of agitation that settled in his gut from an unrestful sleep. His laptop was far too bright for him and Augustine reached up and closed.
God, how did he relapse back into this? He remembered being like this when he first became a professor. The late nights, the complete disregard of his flat upstairs where he recalled there were days when he never saw his bed. He couldn’t live like that anymore, that was so long ago.
He hit the button for the elevator and pressed his forehead onto the cool metal of the elevator shutters. He had a headache that caused his temples to pound. Why was he like this? He told Serena he was going to be better and now he was getting worse. He hadn’t slept at his desk in over 3 years.
The elevator doors swished open and Augustine grit his teeth. He just wanted to sleep and forget all this tedium.
“Augustine?” A soft voice called to him and it was so real, so close to him that the professor threw himself back with a shout, terrified that he’d heard his name spoken out loud and landed on the ground. He was so tired and his eyes weren’t quite focused yet but he heard what he heard. What was that!?
A surprised voice called him, a woman’s voice, panicking. “Augustine! Wait! It’s just me!” The blonde haired woman shushed him fervently.
Augustine all at once focused on the beautiful face of the Kalos Champion, fretting over him. “Serena?” He questioned, his head unable to comprehend how she was in front of him. His lover knelt beside him on the floor, troubled by startling him.
Serena was so concerned, she seemed so distressed over him. “What are you doing down here at this time?”
Augustine tried to work mouth, Serena wasn’t due back for another month. He didn’t even hear what she had asked him, more stunned that she was right beside him. Touching him. “What are you doing back?” His asked skeptically, almost doubtful of her very existence in that moment.
“…I missed you.” Her guilty reply reached him and all at once everything rushed back.
How much he missed her. How badly he wanted to talk to her. How awful it was without her. She’d been gone for months and she came home to see him.  He had missed her so goddamn badly, he was killing himself with work. How long had she been back in Kalos?
He shook his head in apology at her while throwing his arms around her in a fierce hug, crushing her to him. “Oh, Serena, mon coeur, welcome home.” He answered her back mournfully, running his fingers through her hair. Serena returned his hug tightly, resting her head on his shoulder.
Serena steadily pushed herself away from him to look at his face. “What are you doing down here?” She repeated firmly, her expression slightly alarmed.
Augustine shook his head, remembering what had been going on. “I fell asleep on accident. I didn’t mean to, I’ve been a bit of a mess.” He confessed, trying to offer her a smile but it was hollow and a little heartbroken.
Serena cupped his cheeks and leaned in to kiss him sweetly, causing to Augustine to become complete putty in her hands at her touch, his headache magically gone. He moaned into the kiss blissfully, getting a small giggle out of his love. She broke the kiss and rose to her feet, holding out her hands so he could grab them. “Come on.” Serena urged him off the floor.
Augustine took her hands gratefully with a laugh and allowed himself to be supported as he lifted himself off the carpeted floor of his office. “Ah, merci.”
Serena pulled him to the elevator and pushed the button for the loft. Before the elevator doors even closed, she wrapped her arms around his middle and pressed her face into his chest. “You’ve lost weight.” Serena murmured into his torso resolutely, though it was muffled.
Augustine sighed as he wrapped his arms around her in return. “I… haven’t been eating properly.” He was met with a long silence from his lover. “Je suis vraiment désolé.” Augustine murmured wretchedly.
The moment the elevator doors opened to his loft, Serena just smiled up at him and led him to the bedroom. “Let’s just get you to bed.” She offered with some mirth in her eyes. Augustine’s cheeks burn all of a sudden and he didn’t understand why.
So Augustine blurted out the first thing that came to his mind, trying to lessen the heat in his cheeks. “You look so beautiful.” Except the incredulous stare from his love made him rethink what he just announced out, so he smiled a little lopsidedly and shrugged.
Serena laughed in response. “Thank you,” She sat him down on his bed and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. He jerked a little bit, his cheeks still flushed. “Sit still, I’m just taking off your clothes.” She murmured to him. Her fingers were certainly the most captivating thing he felt in months. Her cool fingers brushed his skin softly as she removed his dress shirt and the undershirt. This was followed by her unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants. She tugged them off in one swift motion. She was certainly efficient. 
Serena placed his clothes on a nearby chair and looked at the dresser and then around the room. “Where are your pajamas?” She asked, not seeing them in their usual place.
Augustine could only offer a guilty grimace. “I haven’t… washed them?” He answered her unsurely. He actually didn’t remember. He recalled wearing them not long ago but now… well, everything was probably in the wrong place.
Serena just tilted her head, unconcerned. “Alright, let’s just sleep in our underwear.” Serena turned and began taking off her clothes, as well. She tossed her clothes into the overflowing basket in the connecting washroom.
Augustine flushed as he realized just how messy everything was and how much of a layabout in the flat he’d been. Also then considering he was spending less time up here because Serena wasn’t here and it wasn’t fair to him because he could still smell her perfumes and shampoo and it drove him crazy some nights. “Desolé, ma belle. I’ve been so busy and I keep losing track of time as-.”
She shushed him with a quick peck to his lips. “It’s alright, don’t stress. You’ve been busy.” Augustine nodded slowly, once again his eyes seeing her the first time. She looked fabulous, the lights were off but the lightness of day break just lit the room up enough so he could get a nice, long look at her tanned skin. She interrupted his thoughts as she pressed a hand to his chest and pushed him back. “You look exhausted, lay down.”
He found his words after a moment of internal ogling. “You always have the best ideas.” He sighed theatrically as he flopped back and laid across the bed.
Serena giggled as she waked back to the connecting washroom to ready for bed. “You always say that.”
With the washroom light on, he could properly see the tan lines on her body, from her shorts and her tops but the most telling feature was that her top tan lines were matching in tone, meaning she had tanned topless. It was a nice mental image.
She looked beautiful, perhaps the time and distance made it more noticeable but Serena seemed ethereal, her hair seemed lighter and with her sun-kissed skin, he felt like he was staring at an image of divine beauty. This could also be the sleep deprivation talking but she looked really, really stunning.
He sat back up as Serena returned to the bed. “Ma moitié.” He began, reaching out for her. She climbed onto his lap and he embraced her close, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Chaque jour, tu m'as manqué.” He murmured to her fervidly, it had been so long since he could touch her. His hands slowly caressed her skin, learning her all over again. Learning her curves, her muscles and her physique in a new light.
Serena sighed as he roamed her skin with intent. She wanted this, and moaned a little loudly when he kissed her neck and groped her butt. “Augustine…” She sighed, rolling her hips so she began grinding in his lap. Augustine appreciated her enthusiasm and rewarded her with a deep kiss. Then he collapsed backwards onto the bed and Serena giggled. “I missed you, too.”
Augustine stared intensely at her, so many emotions between them. The grip he had on her hips tightened ever so slightly. “S'il te plaît, pardonne-moi, c'est juste que...” His words were pained and hopeful all at once as he stared into her blue eyes. “I need you.” He crooned tenderly.
Serena ran her hands through his hair and met his lips lovingly, gripping his locks delicately so she could show him how much she had missed him as well with. “I’m right here.” She smiled approvingly, bringing her hands to run over his chest sensually. Augustine grinned at her, his expression soft as he hands wandered down to her underwear.  
He rolled over onto her, pressing his body into hers. He murmured words of adoration to her, punctuated by kisses and sweet touches that left her breathless. Augustine had been feeling sick, and weary but having her home with him just made it all melt away into oblivion as he drew her into coital bliss and he found himself lost in her body.
(The song Serena sings is ‘In The Mood for l'Amour by Claire Denamur it’s a great song)
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ldecristofaro · 5 years
When a Friendship Dies....
Let me begin by saying that I don't have a lot of friends—loads of acquaintances and colleagues, more family than any one person has the right to have—but not very many friends. In fact, I have—strike that— had, two very good friends. Now, there is only one left. 
I first learned that my friend of almost 30 years had decided that I was no longer going to be a part of her life while I was on vacation with my family. We worked for the same company. The week before my trip, she was laid off from her job—and I was the one who had to break the news to her about it. It was an incredibly stressful and difficult thing for both of us. I had to remain dispassionate and professional even though it was emotionally painful. I had to disconnect. It was the only way to get through what I had to do—and not only to her, but to two others, including a blood relative. 
There was a lot of miscommunication going on prior to her being laid off and I somehow misread several verbal and non-verbal cues she had been giving me for several months prior—though in my defense, I’m not sure how I was supposed to interpret statements like, and I quote, “This job is ruining my marriage,” “There’s no growth opportunity for me here,” “I feel disrespected,” “Friday will be my last day,” and, “I’ll come in on Monday and pack up my things.” Since she already knew that she was going to be among the first to be laid off, I figured this was her way of saving face. Boy, was I wrong!
I emailed her immediately after she left the office from my personal email to let her know how sorry I was that she was leaving, to offer any assistance I could, and to let her know how much I cared for her and her family.
The very next day, I find out that she was in the process of refinancing the mortgage on her house, which she had purchased a year earlier, and she had just found out that the bank was making their calculations based on both of their salaries, not just her husband’s salary as she believed, and since she had effectively quit her job, their refi was in jeopardy.
I called her, as any good friend would do, to see what I could do to help the situation. Before I could get a word in, she backpedaled on all of the statements she had made to me and took on a victim narrative, casting me in the role of villain. Her new claim was that I fired her “on purpose,” and that I was “punishing her” for some reason or another, and how could I let her go “after all she had done for me [sic] and the company,” among a host of other, rather personal, attacks on my character, my honor and my veracity. She was in hysterical, sobbing tears. 
I took full responsibility for all miscommunication and reiterated that we were not going to begin lay-offs until either mid-month or the end of the month and, most importantly, that I had spoken with the boss and we both agreed that if she wanted to come back, if it would help her, then she could. It had only been one day. I stressed again that we didn’t want to lose her or any of the other people who were also on the lay-off list, that it was a purely business driven decision. Her overly dramatic response? “No, no, no,  it’s too late now.” She then said she had to go, that she was “in the car.” I told her again how sorry I was and to reach out if there was anything I could do.
I left on my long-scheduled and non-refundable vacation.
I was staying with my cousin who had wi-fi so I could keep track of things at the office, process the payroll while I was out of town and check my emails and social media. The first indication that something was afoot came about a week into my vacation when I received an alert from my credit card company that a refund had been processed for a monthly subscription gift that I had been sending to her for years. It was a partial refund for the remainder of this year. Apparently, she called the company and told them she didn't want it. The next indication came  a couple of days after that, when I checked my social media accounts and found that she had “unfriended” me on Facebook, “unfollowed” me on Twitter, and blocked me on Snapchat and Instagram.
I thought that maybe there was a rational explanation for it. Maybe she changed her user names or decided to take a break from all social media. Since she no longer had two dogs, maybe it was too painful for her to receive the monthly Bark Box addressed to both her dogs or she called them to return part of the gift as there was only the one dog now. I was not going to jump to any conclusions until we had spoken. Once again, I was wrong.
I returned home on a Sunday and was going to call her during lunch my first day back in the office on Monday as I had gotten her and her husband a gift from my travels (as I have done for years) and wanted to make arrangements to give it to her—and to find out why she had shut me out on social media and returned the gift. 
Before I could call her, she called me hysterically sobbing, accusing me of being mean to her, lying to her, not being a good friend; “you didn't call me from Ireland,” I “was so nice” to another employee who also preemptively gave notice just that morning. I didn't call her when her “daughter” (aka her dog) died. She couldn’t remember the conversation we had the day after she left as she was “upset” that day and “in the car,” and had “taken her anti-depressants [sic],” and a lot of other emotionally over-the-top statements. I tried to remain calm, but it was coming at me so fast all I could do was apologize over and over and over again. I once more accepted responsibility for any and all miscommunication between us. I did ask her why she blocked me on social media and her response was that she “had no choice,” that it was “obvious I [sic] no longer wanted to be her friend.” I didn't know what else to say at that point other than that I would always think of her as my friend regardless. I never had a chance to tell her about the gift.
On a side note, about the “daughter/dog” comment: I gave her over a week of additional paid leave to deal with her dog’s illness, allowed her to work only 5 or 6 hours a day after she came back to work—when it looked like the treatments they were giving the dog were working—so she could get home in the afternoon before her husband left for his job so the dog wouldn’t ever be alone; and then, when the cancer came back even worse and the dog had to be euthanized, I gave her almost two weeks paid bereavement leave to grieve. I also talked and/or texted with her every single day during this six or seven week period. She remembers none of it. I know of no other boss who would have allowed an employee, even if they were a friend, that kind of consideration for the death of a pet.
I let a week go by after that call and then reached out to see if she were in a calmer, more rational frame of mind. She didn't answer so I left a message asking her to call me so we could talk about everything.
A few days go by before she calls me back (on a Sunday afternoon).  Once again, she had rewritten the narrative in her mind about the chronicle of events. I fell on my sword several times during the conversation—again accepting all responsibility for what transpired—in a last ditch effort to salvage our friendship. All I got was a new and improved victim narrative. I was the horrible person with “no empathy for her [sic] situation.” I was to blame for everything, and she didn't see how she could “ever trust me again.” That 45 minute call ended with her saying “maybe we will talk again.” To me though, it sounded like goodbye and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. 
It’s been almost a month since that conversation and I have resisted the urge to call or text or send her links to things I know she’d find interesting—and it hurts my heart. The more I think about everything that has transpired over the course of our long relationship, the more I talk it out with my therapist and family, the more I see it through a critical lens rather than an emotional one—my eyes have been truly opened. Opened to the fact that our friendship was always decidedly one-sided, with more give on my side and more take on hers, and when she could no longer take, she cut me loose. 
To be honest, I sort of always knew that this was the case—and I was fine with it. That’s what friend’s do for each other—they support each other. They cheer you on in the good times and help you through the bad times. I was always there for her, through some of the most traumatic times in her life, giving her emotional, moral, physical and financial support regardless of the cost to me in all of those areas. That’s just what you do. If she needed me, I dropped everything and came to her aid. Always.
I have come to realize during this time that she had actually been extricating herself from our friendship long before this event occurred. If I needed help, I could not count on her to be there unless it was convenient for her to do so. There was always an excuse. Maybe she realized that the sustained taking was coming to an end, that her cash cow was drying up, and it was time to move on to another. The signs were all there. It wasn't until I began talking about my feelings about the loss of our friendship in session that I even recognized that there was a pattern. 
They say time heals all wounds, but I fear this rift can never be fully mended, and even if we did “make up,” our relationship could never again be the close, familial one that it had been. In the meanwhile, I need to move on, which is something that I have never been very good at doing. 
Another life lesson.
UPDATE 09/23/20
I recently was spending time with my 3 year old niece who didn't want to put her underwear back on after going potty. Very stubborn. When I wouldn't let her walk out of the bathroom sans bloomers, she turned to me and said “I’m not going to be your friend anymore!” I asked her why. She responded, “You’re mean to me.” 
It was like a lightening bolt! I realized that this is exactly what my former friend did when she “unfriended” me because I was “mean to her.” She had acted like a 3 year old.
Once again the thought of the lost friendship made me sad, but not in the same way. This time, I was feeling sad for her. What happened in her life that caused her emotional maturity to become stunted at toddler level? I know that my emotional maturity capped out in my early 20s and I’ve been working to overcome it, but I don't think that she is even aware of her emotional immaturity, and that made me very sad for some reason. 
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martens01tang-blog · 6 years
Marie Le Pen Fined Again For Disregarding Holocaust As 'Information'.
For far better or much worse, Princeton Evaluation's annual party institution rankings are actually pretty prominent in these times. Likewise, for those from you looking to improve your body with me this month (particularly those from you dedicating to the DietBet along with me), I prefer you to take an in the past image on June 1st. Motivated due to the Progress Washington, they hope to bring up understanding for females who have been actually marginalised as a result of their ethnic background, lesson, disability or even sexuality. Like I also stated in a previous blog post, I have to require myself to drink close to a gallon from fluids a time throughout this diet. But this will definitely be actually THIRTEEN years before the complete pension account income acquired is more than if you started at normal pension plan grow older. They also possess the possibility to hang on to the water material and also gives you a full sensation. My spouse was actually sweet enough to obtain up at 5:45 am every morning making it for me (he ended up being an environment-friendly creature pro:-RRB- and every single morning I would drink it on the lengthy commute to work - even in the winter! That is actually basically clean fiber that functions by gathering the extra water in your guts and acts as a majority forming representative to create this easier to go. There is some proof that this could be actually useful for diarrhea however is especially handy for bowel problems. This's almost global." (How http://va-metamorfoza.info is actually that?) And although physical body dissatisfaction is actually considerably a lot less widespread in guys than that resides in girls, women aren't the only ones which are evaluating themselves on the routine. Rubbing a spray-on magnesium oil into your skin is actually a fantastic way to enhance magnesium intake if you struggle with reduced endurance to dental magnesium (diarrhoea can be a trouble for instance). The humans rights lobbyist defended the right to recommend, motivating as well as recruiting folks in her indigenous Mississippi plus all throughout the South. I have actually bought GoodBelly probiotic a handful of times, yet this would be actually much easier to incorporate the particle to the green extract our experts consume alcohol in the morning. Additionally known as red herbal tea, rooibos is actually created off a South African reddish shrub and is caffeine-free, so that is actually excellent for women that are actually counting on and intend to confine their coffee consumption. The drink uses mango syrup, which isn't a substantial moving company when certainly not dyed pinkish purple using particle. I made buchwheat milk off whole buckwheat as well as it was actually type of slimy so i thought this was a failing bcoz my daughter would certainly certainly not drink that. at that point i included a little cocoa as well as agave syrup and also ... la-boom! After you carry out have a Wi-Fi relationship, then the concern from which you are actually calling is presented. Some internet sites choose to change out the vinegar for white colored conditioner, however I am actually visiting stick to the white vinegar-- my slow-witted hair normally favors matte, so this greats to possess that extra improvement of luster. They are actually surprisingly organic emotion for the stack level, and as an individual that strongly believes the feet must control the footwear, certainly not the other way around, these are the initial topmost shoes that I really feel attain that. Clinton could go after a centrist schedule along with a couple of progressive products and also the party will stick together. They stomped the snow off their footwears on a floor covering constructed from woven driftwood branches. If you're at an event or someplace were you are just being familiar with some people you could desire to prevent some subjects Talking about your bad health or even relationships, your crappy project or supervisor, serial deadlies, technological terminology that simply you as well as other person understands or just about anything that pulls the good electricity out of the chat are actually topics to avoid from.
Yearnings this previous week: Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes (off my cookbook) with vegetarian butter and Herbamare (the very best!!), white vinegar soaked cucumber pieces (don't talk to), mango (I'm eating two a time lately), two-layer uncooked chocolate brownies, almond butter and bind on toast, BARBEQUE white potato chips. I have a 17 month aged and also I think he has simply put on footwears a handful of time ... the remainder of the opportunity he is actually shoeless. Back up top, Aranea will definitely leave behind the event and tell you that is actually been actually advised to take you back, just as Cindy gives term that you'll must visit Lestallum to give the ore to someone at the power source which can utilize the Mythril. Our company wished to ensure that assemblage would possess lapse from preachers revising legislations to decipher EU employment and impartiality directives such as the operating opportunity rules, which safeguards civil liberties to yearly leave of absence, rest breaks and also overtime salary. I do not drink much coffee or even alcohol anymore, however occasionally on a rainy spring season morning I hunger for Baileys!http://va-metamorfoza.info/motion-free-este-o-usurare-imediata-si-atenuarea-durerii-verificati-pentru-tine/ ='float:left;margin-right:10px;' src="http://www.virtourist.com/asia/jordan/aqaba/imatges/05.jpg" width="284" alt="drinks"/> For years due to the fact that its intro at the start from the 20th Century, the Chuck Taylor All Superstar was actually favored for just about every person-- including Michael Jordan, which wanted to sign along with Reverse rather than Nike to ensure he could wear Chucks on courthouse. We have some all natural whole milk our child alcoholic beverages (maybe 1/2 a mug of) most times, and I keep a milk choice available, that I use incredibly every now and then for recipes. In the study, shortage of sexual desire was least usual in more youthful girls, but this still influenced greater than 10 percent from ladies between the ages from TWENTY to 24. It likewise influenced concerning 20 per-cent from women between the grows older of 25 to 29, though this was most common in females in their 60s and also 50s. She used to compose on a variety of subjects like informative, technological and health and wellness etc If you achieve pension account age from April 6, 2016 and don't claim your pension, at that point when you eventually perform declare it the quantity you get are going to be actually improved. The classification from high cushion or maximalist" shoe appears all set to burst along with almost a lots labels giving a minimum of one style with big cushioning. Brand-new amounts coming from Cancer Research study UK advise those aged 11 to 18 each alcoholic beverage simply over 234 containers of soda a year - or one bathtub complete. Our experts only acquired wed and also our experts both function long, unusual hours so our experts definitely aim to emphasize to devote quality time together when our team can. The differences between ladies and also the distinctions in between men are higher than the distinctions between girls and men, therefore lets get over this currently as well as merely talk about our specific experiences as individuals trying out on ourselves. While still taking time to delight in a decent volume of edge quests and probes, I wrapped up the major story in simply under 30 hrs, and also 10 hours then I am actually still finding plenty of other things to do back outdoors planet. In honour from having a short break from the vacation cookie chaos, I 'd like to present you this feel-good environment-friendly appetiser that I made for a recent Xmas party. Certainly not to point out the Mad Hatter's tea party (though maybe don't place a dormouse in the teapot).
0 notes
geekysweetie · 7 years
I Want To Take an Anime and Manga Tour in Japan
OMG… I want to do this. (Maybe Next Year – I don’t have Vacation Time left this year since I will be going to Peru this summer) Their next tour is in just a few weeks, and seems to only happen once a year, in March coinciding with the International Anime Festival AnimeJapan.
Visiting Japan is my life long dream. (sadly, mostly just so I can go shopping for anime, game, and doll stuff lol. Although I do want to do the museums and cherry blossoms and hot springs and other cultural things too – though mostly, I’m just a big geeky nerd who loves anime and wants to go shopping – which is what this whole tour is designed for <3)
Animate – The World’s Largest Anime Store
It’s not that much money (well OK it is, but it’s cheaper than I expected honestly). Guided 6 Day Anime Tour in Japan which includes hotels and Guides through all the “anime” spots in Japan (since I can’t speak Japanese a Guide would be helpful…)
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Only $1,500 a person, includes hotels for each day. I’d just have to have airfare, and LOTTTTTTTTSSSSS of money for food and shopping. Like seriously I’d probably want to have another $1,000 with me just for shopping lol. If I buy a dollfie dream or custom volks doll or something that’d eat half that budget right there. Then there’s all kinds of cheap (but cute) dolls / toys / figurines, etc.
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I wouldn’t want to go by myself either – I would hope my boyfriend would go with me but if not then I’m pretty sure that I could find a friend or family member to take… If I had to pay for both of us that’s $3,000… The tour includes several meals but I’d need money for more meals (Let’s say $100 a day food budget X 5 days $500) Airfaire is probably close to $1,000 a person too So not counting shopping expenses I’d need $5,500… I want to mainly go shopping so I’d want at least $1,000 for shopping for myself that’s $6,500…. which still… isn’t that bad because of all the things this tour includes.
Studio Ghibli Museum
This tour includes all of the Ghibli and other museums, the largest anime stores, and even admission to an anime convention for one day. OMG and an anime theme park another day… OMG it includes real life mario kart racing too…. omg…
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The number 1 place I want to visit actually isn’t on this tour – that place is Doll Point Akihabara – Volks store where you can buy Dollfie Dreams and Asian Balljointed Dolls and Accessories – including some items available only in the store and not sold online.  But that’s OK because the tour gives you free time in the evening and one free day where you’re on your own without a guide.
Doll Point Akihabara
My dream / life goal / bucket list… lol…
Now that I have my passport I can actually do stuff like this O_O!!! Now I just need money (lots of money) (and to wait for my vacation time again lol).
Tour Includes
5 nights accommodation
5 breakfasts 2 lunches
All transport shown
Anime Stores
4 nights Western hotel
Daily Breakfast-Buffets and 2 Lunches included
All ground transportation in Japan during the tour
Complimentary Airport Transfers (see details)
Admission Fees, Tax & Gratuities at all included Destinations
Full time service of licensed English speaking tour guide & separate bus driver
Japan Deluxe Tours Handbook and Tour Goods Package
Free Wi-Fi in Bus & Most hotels
Doll Stores
Travel Highlights
A day at the AnimeJapan Festival in Tokyo
A walk through the busy Shibuya Crossing
Tokyo’s lively Harajuku and Takeshita Dori
The electronics and anime town of Akihabara
20+ Anime stores at Tokyo Character Street
Admission to J-World Jump Theme Park
The well known Ghibli Museum
Souvenir shopping at Harajuku Kiddy Land
Shopping and trading time at the Pokemon Center
The Gundam Base Tokyo and Lifesize Unicorn Gundam
Not Included – Airfare – Travel Insurance – Optional Excursions
Animate Japan – World’s Largest Anime Store
Day 1
Tokyo Arrival Arrival* Narita Int’l Airport (NRT) Haneda Int’l Airport (HND) Arrival Transfer Welcome to Japan! We will have transportation services to take you to your hotel. Please refer to your tour handbook for more information. Rest at the hotel and be ready to start your exciting tour tomorrow.
Mirai Store
**INFORMATION** From Narita Airport to downtown hotel in Tokyo – about 90 mins(Bus) From Haneda Airport to downtown hotel in Tokyo – about 30 mins(Bus)
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar
Day 2 Tokyo | Sushi & Akihabara Morning [ Tokyo ] Asakusa Sensoji Temple Pokemon Center J-World Afternoon Tsukiji Fish Market (Lunch) ( Lunch – Sushi ) Tokyo Character Street [ Akihabara ] Animate Evening Return to the Hotel
Tokyo International Anime Fair Anime Japan By Max Timchenko – Own work, GFDL, Link
Before our big day at the International Anime Fair – AnimeJapan tomorrow, our Anime tour will visit some of the best anime sites Tokyo has to offer. We first start with some traditional Japanese culture and shopping at Asakusa. Enjoy shopping at the Nakamise area and the stunning red temple that is Sensoji. We then make our way to Sunshine City to check out the Pokemon Mega Center, a must-go for all Pokemon lovers. Besides all the Pokemon goods they sell, they also have a battling and trading room for customers to interact with other Pokemon fans.
pokemon center
After browsing through exclusive products, we will head over to J-World, the Shonen Jump theme-park in Tokyo! Play games and win prizes based on all your favorite characters, including Goku from Dragonball, Luffy and Co from One Piece, Naruto and Sasuke, Kuroko and the rest of the Generation of Miracles, and Hinata and his team of volleyball hopefuls! Win prizes and shop to your hearts content at the J-World store before our next stop. For lunch, enjoy sushi with fish provided by the Tsukiji Fish Market, the famous fish market that provides freshest ingredients for thousands of families and businesses alike.
Following our time at the market, the tour will visit the lively Tokyo Character Street in Tokyo Central Station. The area is lined with various anime-themed shops, including a Jump Store, Pokemon Center, Hello Kitty shop, Ghibli store, and more! There’s also Tokyo Ramen Street, Okashi Land, and Gachapon Street, perfect for someone who wants some lunch and to do a little more gift shopping for friends or for themselves! After our adventures at Character Street, we will head to Akihabara, the town of anime. While there, enjoy shopping ad sightseeing for the rest of the day at some of the most popular otaku destinations, including Animate. Animate carries all kinds of character goods, electronics, and games from current and popular anime/manga series.
Tokyo Character Street
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar Breakfast Lunch Day 3 Tokyo | AnimeJapan Festival Morning AnimeJapan Optional Shibuya Scrumble Crossing Gundam Base Tokyo (Optional) VR ZONE SHINJUKU (Optional) Ninja Trick House (Optional) CAPCOM BAR (Optional) Mario Kart (Optional) Evening Return to the Hotel *Evening Capsule Hotels (Optional)
Gundam Base Tokyo Japan Life Size Gundam Unicorn
Today’s the big day of the International Anime Fair – AnimeJapan! Join the many cosplayers, otaku, and anime lovers of all degrees in the biggest Anime event in the world. Anime, manga, doujinshi, guest speakers, figurines, rare items, video games, limited and exclusive covers are all accessible at this large event. Enjoy your day exploring the grounds and meeting people with the same passion as you! If the fair isn’t enough, you also have the option to join an optional tour at 3pm to explore the famous Shibuya Crossing and Gundam Base Tokyo to see the awesome life-size RX-0 Unicorn Gundam model (72 ft). The Gundam Base is an expansive store, museum, and features a cafe for guests to enjoy everything Gundam.
Real Life Mario Kart Experience at Maricar Japan
Feel free to enjoy the night at your leisure, or you have the option to enjoy the night as you wish, or sign up for a few optional excursions. We have the new VR Zone Shinjuku, an incredible VR-focused arcade, the Ninja Trick House where guests can enjoy learning how to throw ninja-stars and also learn the ways of the ninja, or a meal at the CAPCOM BAR, a themed-restaurant showcasing the best of CAPCOM, including games and themed-meals, or sign up for a MarioKart experience and drive go-karts around Tokyo dressed as some of your favorite characters!
You also have the option of staying a night in a capsule hotel for one night (additional fees may apply for capsule hotel and/or additional excursions)
(Err no thank you to the capsule hotel… Too claustrophobic for me – like sleeping in a coffin or morgue lol)
Japanese Capsule Hotels
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar Breakfast Day 4 Tokyo | J-Pop, Ghibli, & Robots Morning Harajuku Harajuku Crepes (JDT Recommends) Harajuku Kiddy Land (Optional) Omotesando (Optional) Sailor Moon Store (Optional) Tokyo One Piece Tower Afternoon Ghibli Museum Robot Restaurant Evening Return to the Hotel
Japanese Crepes
We will start our morning heading to Harajuku for shopping and snacks along Takeshita Dori. This shopping area is the perfect place to get in touch with Japan’s pop culture trends, and to sample some of the best crepes in Japan. After our time in Harajuku, we head to Tokyo Tower, Japan’s iconic tower. Tokyo Tower has been taken over by One Piece, resulting in Tokyo One Piece Tower. Known as Tongari Island, this event is filled with attractions, wonderful restaurants, and a live-action show designed to wow fans of all ages.
Japanese Crepes
Following our time at the tower, we head east to visit the famed Ghibli Museum. This animation and art museum exhibits works of Miyazaki Hayao, creator of world famous films such as My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea. Ghibli Film fans will definitely enjoy the artistic museum, which not only exhibits the history and techniques of animation but also plays short movies in a theater room, produced exclusively for the museum.
Tokyo Tower
After the museum, it’s time for dinner at the Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku for those interested! Enjoy a show like none before, fusing classic Japanese elements with the dreams and fantasies of the future. The restaurant has a wild vibe and a unique experience you are sure to find entertaining.
Robot Restaurant
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar Breakfast Lunch Day 5 Tokyo | Leisure-Free All Day Free at your leisure Optional Excursion Fees not included. Opt 1 Tokyo Disneyland (Optional) Opt 2 Tokyo Disney Sea (Optional) Opt 3 Kamakura (Optional) -or- Nikko (Optional) Opt 4 Mario Kart (Optional) Opt 5 Sanrio Puroland (Optional) Opt 6 Fuji-Q Highland (Optional) Evening Return to the Hotel We have cleared up the day for you to explore and enjoy Japan as you wish. You can either 1) enjoy the entire day as you wish 2) visit Tokyo Disney Land, Fuji Q Amusement Park, or Tokyo DisneySea or another theme-park 3) Join a Mario Kart day tour* 4) go on a private-guided tour through Nikko or Kamakura
Tokyo Disney Resort
For those who wish to visit Tokyo Disney Land, Fuji Q Amusement Park, or Sanrio Puroland, your tour guide will be happy to explain directions. (additional fees may apply for additional tour options. Please contact us in advanced for this service)
*The Mario Kart experience requires an International Driving Permit. Please contact us for more information if you would like to participate.
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar Breakfast Day 6 Tokyo Departure Departure Transfer Departure* Narita Int’l Airport (NRT) or Haneda Int’l Airport (HND) Your pleasant and memorable Japan tour ends today. The tour will disband after breakfast. Fly home with cherished memories or enjoy your extended stay in Japan.
Mirai Store
5. Anime Japan Tour | Tokyo Departure Date(s) 6 Days 2018 Tokyo Tokyo 03/22 5 Nights 6 Days From : USD 1,878 USD 1,784 pp
Akihabara Animate
Ghibli Museum
Pokemon Center
Asakusa – Sensoji Temple
Shibuya Crossing
Nakano Broadway
Tokyo Character Street
Tokyo One Piece Tower
Robot Restaurant
Tsukiji Fish Market Lunch
Optional – Capsule Hotel
Take on Tokyo during our AnimeJapan Tour | Tokyo package! This fully escorted Japan tour focuses on all of the major anime & manga spots in Tokyo, and enjoy admission to the AnimeJapan festival! We’ve also included a day of leisure in the city, with plenty of suggested itineraries we can set up at your convenience (additional fees may apply).
Animate Japan – World’s Largest Anime Store
During this Anime Japan tour, we have selected the integral destinations that showcase Japan’s unique pop culture. Akihabara, the mecca of anime and electronics, is just one of the many destinations we will be visiting during this tour. Among the shops of Akihabara, we recommend a visit to the Animate store. One of the largest anime and manga store chains, you’re bound to find the latest anime posters, figurines, and goods.
There’s also J-World, the indoor theme park featuring Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Naruto, Tokyo Character Street, the shopping arcade in Tokyo Central Station perfect for souvineer shopping, and the Ghibli Museum where the works of Hayao Miyazaki come to life. We’ll also be swinging by the long-standing Nakano Broadway and Tokyo One Piece Tower, just in case you were worried we didn’t have enough anime spots on the menu. This anime tour will also covers the Gundam Base Tokyo, where the massive 72 foot Unicorn Gundam stands over Odaiba!
animation copic markers
With so many incredible anime shopping destinations, don’t forget this tour includes admission to the AnimeJapan exhibition at Odaiba’s Big Sight Convention Center! There are over 100 exhibitors participating, capturing the spirit of anime and manga from fans all over the world. The exhibition not only features displays and performances, but also charity auctions, cosplayers events, meeting animators and manga artists, limited edition goods, and more. We’ve also arranged for an optional walking tour along Shibuya after the convention! You can also extend your vacation before / after this Anime Japan Tour in Tokyo.
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Come Join the LARGEST Anime Expo & See all the hottest anime and Manga spots in Tokyo!
Tokyo – AnimeJapan
OMG!!!! They have a different tour to the Tokyo Game Show and Video Games / Arcades in Japan too. A shorter one, only 3 nights.
And another one which is 8 nights and includes things like the deer park (deer just roam the streets, they’re tame you can pet and feed them, etc). And includes more museums and things too.
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Of course the best one is 15 days long – but it’s also the most expensive.
So many awesome tours. I’m definitely doing this (probably the 6 day one) – Hopefully next year once I save up the money.
My life long dream <3
I Want To Take an Anime and Manga Tour in Japan was originally published on GeekySweetie.com - Geeky & Kawaii Anime, Tech, Toys, & Game Reviews & News
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