#bad at posting here but here's some art i made in-between commissions
nanadoesart · 11 months
Felt like redesigning the Pokemon Urainium protagonist for fun :]
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aquarius-cookie-jar · 4 months
Right. I'mma just dump these ref sheets I made here because I'll be making some drawings with these guys, and I am bad at staying consistent within the design lmao.
I was inspired by these amazing designs, go check them out.
X || X || X.
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Ramble down here, where I try to explain the ""lore"" and my design choices:
So as mentioned above, the majority of the Dark Cacao kingdom is actually composed of kirins, mainly because Cacao was already a kirin in my older designs, and I wanted more of his citizens to match him. Maybe I'll draw the other Cacao NPCs mlp-ified and what I headcanon their species to be.
I ultimately decided to give Cacao a mane and replace his long hair with that. Ngl, I was always on the fence about Cacao and Choco's designs, but yeah, I think the mane works better than just getting rid of it. (Old design below).
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Btw, I dunno if I wanna give Cacao an actual crown, or just keep the additional horn things the leader of the kirins kinda have.
Dark Choco hasn't changed much, just in a different art style. I do however wanna say that he shaved off his mane out of shame and guilt for coming across the cursed sword not long after his banishment. Maybe when he and Cacao reconcile, he'll start to grow it out again, or maybe he'll keep it that way as a reminder of the past.
I actually drew (more like edited a screenshot) Caramel Arrow before, and she was originally just a pegasus, but honestly, the concept of hybrids and what they entail really intrigued me. I thought it would be fun if she were a hybrid kirin/pegasus.
Also, her horn doesn't exactly function, mainly because there's this headcanon I once came across a post that says faux alicorns do exist in the mlp canon. If you wanna know my full headcanon for this, feel free to shoot an ask, but to keep it short, for faux alicorns, either their wings are under developed, or their horn can't control the frequencies of magic that well or at all. Such is the case for Caramel Arrow. Though she has fully developed wings, she can't control magic with her horn, and if she tries to, it may cause a headache. But besides that, she's all fine and dandy.
Crunchy Chip, hm, I'd say when he was a little filly, he was found in the woods, either by Cacao, or Choco, and his horn was already broken by the time they came across him. When asked, the little guy said he was protecting the cream wolf pups from a monster, but he can't remember what else happened before he fell unconscious. As he grew older, his broken horn didn't really bother him anymore. He's adapted well, and picked up a thing or two about survival from his cream wolf pack.
Also, sidenote, the kirins' scales are actually very hard to dent, meaning their backs are usually safe from attacks. Crunchy once encountered... something when he was out on patrol, and he was out of commission for a week (to his incredible dismay + annoyance) because of how rare serious injuries to the kirins' backs occur.
Ah, Affogato. Actually, I really do like him as a character, I just tend to focus my attention towards the Celestia and Luna coded father-son duo a bit more. Oops. But anyway, I decided to make him a hybrid just like Carrow too, mainly to add both contrast and similarities between them. They're not too different, but their ideals and beliefs clash and cause conflict with one another, I just thought it was fitting. Also decided to give him a more elegant and curved horn design as a nod to his unicorn heritage. Unicorns in the Cacao kingdom (and maybe the Golden Cheese kingdom) have a curved horn, mainly because the east asian coded unicorns in the mlp canon have curved horns too, and I thought they looked beautiful. Affo is someone so elegant and refined in a land that's chaotic and holds danger everywhere.
And that's my unhinged thoughts for now. I think I'll design Licorice and the others next time, but no promises.
Anyway, thank you for reading.
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untoldsoup · 7 months
I'm in the ER right now, and being here has given me time to reflect on things.
Life is short, and there is nothing I can do to stop assholes from using AI and stealing shit. It really sucks. But what sucks more is the thought of leaving all the cool friends I made on tumblr behind.
Glaze doesn't work on my art. And honestly I'm sure those fuckers are working to break it cuz they love stealing.
But I dont want to lose my community, and I don't want to stop posting. I can't stop AI, but who knows, maybe that shit will implode in a few years. But I don't wanna give up on my passion because of some soulless gouls.
I guess I'll do what I can: watermark and support my fellow artists. I love commissioning people whose art I admire, and if you have the cash I recommend you commission your favorite human artists. And if you don't have the money- a like, a comment, or a reblog can make a huge difference to a real human artist.
Watching a real person find joy in creating can't be replicated or replaced. Reach out to the art community and let them know you care. Because that's what art is: a community. Its not a corporate stockholder profit machine. Its the living breathing people around you.
And I love you all.
I'll keep posting. Just know, I only post my comic here (and on tapas). Maybe I'll post it to bluesky.
I'm only on those three platforms (as of now) so if you see my style, my art, anywhere else it's not me. It's either stolen or ai crap mimicry.
Being in the ER sucks and is scary. But I should be able to go home . I might have to go back if things get bad again. Its a waiting game rn between my body failing and my scheduled surgery in march.
With how things are going right now, my comic update will be behind. I didnt think my health would be like this.
hopefully I'll get my update out sometime in March. I'm hopeful the worst of things are behind me. I want to go home and draw. And just live my life.
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madfantasy · 9 months
Mani's Blog Guide
Hello this is Mani! And here I share what I don't want on my platonic- bromancing of a blog ( @madmanii ) like drawing favorite ships and naughties for fun trash. 18+
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Main tags:
★Current obsessions #SeverusSnape, #Tintin, my ocs.
★Spicy posts tagged with #naughties, access to them going forward is now for my Kofi monthly subscribers, for extra safety Nd stuff. 🌝 (I no longer know where I can share them when made, set)
★ diary/rants/ anything personal in #drawingJourney
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Ship tags:
I draw lots of Severus & admittedly he's the only character I'm personally invested in, and so as a toxic trait— or rather pure 'for the heck of it' attitude I like to throw ANY ships at him and show all kinds of aftermaths, good or bad. And in this house, we all know he faked his death and deserves some fixing, hehe
Favs being:
My go to is Harry ditches being aurora & pursue his passion, spots hermit Sev along the way and basically keep chasing him, they both need to cancel eachothers trauma, I say :'x (my au tagged with #Cauldrons&Brooms )
Probably the most intense and toxic relationship throughout the stages of Severus's life, I love it
#Sn— anything at this point if it moves my muse, honestly 😝 either fluff or nuclear there's no in between
While totally sticking by the cannon cuz being Ace, vigorously identifying with an underestimated, politely unhinged shorty who get things done and his job requires traveling the world, I also dream of living with my besties in a mansion one day and have said adventures lead together or solo and return to spin our yarns whole we cradle our tea cups. I also enjoy the concept of Tintin being magnetic to dilfs (as he constantly chases alot it them lo) Soo:
#hadditon I mean, it's considered 99.99% cannon 😌
#alcatin my actual favourite pair ':, yes, one sided unhealthy infatuation at that x'
#with anybody who moves a muse, per usual lo
And anything really that I'm hyper over, specifically obscure things cuz that what being undiagnosed is like😛
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Support Mani on Kofi to stay online (it's off usually around 23th-26th) and to save up for necessities & art stuff. My monthly subscribers get 10% off of commissions <;3
Hope you enjoy your visit, dears 🖤♥️ c':
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gothamstreetcat · 3 months
Hi everyone, I know everyone is going through some pretty severe times right now, but recently I’ve found myself in a rough predicament. A week ago I suffered a pretty severe fall, where I fell 20ft off an overpass. It was really dark, raining pretty hard, and there were no traffic lights where I was at. I could barley see in front of me and I didn’t have on my glasses because they were useless at the time. I was walking home.
Because of the fall I hurt my back and chest pretty bad and I wasn’t able to move myself much when I was first admitted. I also broke my heel which resulted in surgery. Between the EMT’s finding me, the ambulance ride to the hospital, and being admitted it was extremely disorienting, scary, and frustrating.
Due to the surgery I will be out of work for a minimum of three months but probably more. I am unable to put weight on my foot for those three months and even after that it will be very hard - if you’ve ever broken a bone before you know it’s no joke. And if you live in the US, you also know what a rip-off our healthcare system is. I had not even reached my own outrageous deductible before this occurred and I’m not even sure what my insurance is even going to cover after that. I will also have to pay for physical therapy and on top of everything, I just got a notice for my rent going above 1k - which is extremely outrageous where I live.
I am also being moved into a psychiatric facility under the false assumptions that a jumped off the overpass. Despite that there was no evidence before or after the incident that supports this assumption. I have tried time and time again to prove how unfair this is to me to no avail. While being in the hospital on suicide watch, they confiscated all my belongings (despite that I could barley move in the bed due to how much pain I was in) and have since lost my wallet, keys, shoes during this time.
I have some money saved up in an account and enough paid time off to late me a month but I know it’s not going to be enough to sustain me being out of work.
I have spent so much of my life doing for others. Helping them, making things for them and doing for them all because I care about them and like to make them happy. I don’t regret any of it - it is truly one of the few things that bring me joy in this world, but now I need to ask for some help.
I’ve been on this site for a long time making gifs. I also do lots of crafts, like modifying jackets, making buttons, and painting. I write fanfiction and have made some fan videos over on YouTube. I plan to do some jackets and painting to try and cultivate a source of income while I am not working, but I am worried it won’t be enough.
I am willing to do commissions for stories and videos if anyone in interested. (But please keep it literally within my capabilities, I know it’s so limited but I’d be willing to go to the depths of hell if someone would pay me for it). I am also open to gifset requests. And I would be open to selling some of my art on here.
I have also set up a ko-fi for small donations and here is a link to my PayPal.
I know everyone hates these kinds of posts and there are A LOT of people in A LOT worse situations than my own. But I would literally be so appreciative of any support anyone is willing to give.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns/want to know more about my fall - please feel free to ask me. Thank you all for listening and those who have been supportive thus far.
Here is some of the work I’ve done:
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I cant reply to the first post I had made but I wanted to clear up any confusion.  I stated multiple times to LT and Larkin that I did not want this character redesigned because well, I dont fucking give my consent for another redesign of a character that was already stolen and redesigned. I thought I had made myself VERY FUCKING clear to all parties that I spoke to, LT went above my wishes and against my word, thats not okay. LT does not own my character and did not have the authority to do this without my consent. However, when I told LT that the designer of the redesign gave me permission to use the redesign, they told me I wasn't allowed to do that because the designer gave up all rights to the design! The double standards is fucking crazy, but you're allowed to redesign my characters???  I will be attaching the images that I was sent from a helper who had messaged me. When I saw the images, my first reaction was "what the fuck, thats literally my character redesigned. A "neutral party" outside of the report was asked to redesign the character despite my wishes not to have them redesigned. There is no way in hell that the character was designed without my character in mind, thats just no way. This person is also a HELPER and most likely was apart of the case but im not sure. I have been exchanging words with the person who first got the redesign and they did help try to remedy the issue as they felt really bad for everything. They informed me that they had offered Larkin a $25 voucher to commission an artist of their liking to create a new design with the terms that the character thats based off of my own is deleted. The color palette was changed up but alot of the markings are still very close to the original, the OG. Im not making this a big deal because they have some similar markings or they have petals in their fur, as someone said in my last post. This should have ended when the character was deleted but some parties cant take "no dont redesign my character" as an answer. Larkin and LT is causing this escalation. I want to make this clear, I dont believe I own a specific marking or a color pallete, or the rights to using flowers in a characters fur.  === This is the original version of Peony's design, along with the redesigns. The person who designed the 2nd image admitted to using the first image as a reference to redesign
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Now, here's the image of the new design LT had sent me. Thank you to the person who sent me the new toyhouse profile to get this image, LT's image was horrible. Now. I just wanna take the time to point out all the similarities between the three. I feel like most of it is pretty obvious, one or two similarties would have been fine but no. Again, I don't think I own a marking but the person who redesigned them supposably had no image of my own in mind (impossible)  A. The tail, its exactly the same as the redesign as well as almost a copy of the original just with a white tip. B. Ears, it follows the same layout as above C. The paw pad markings, they copied the redesign ref in terms of those D. The flank markings are incredibly similar to the redesign's flank markings but has a little difference but follows around the same E. The freckles under the eyes are F. The left side of the face follows the same route as the redesign G. The usage of the feathers and follows, all are not copied but just are rearranged, the feathers are just moved to the other side of the head, the two images above dont show it but in many of Peony's alt art, she has a feather on the left side of her head and I did show Larkin all the images  H. The color pallette : Again, I dont believe I own colors but the pallete is just some alternates to the original colors. If you gave someone a description for a redeisign, theres no way in hell theyd be able to get these colors almost spot on unless Larkin provided an image or a color pallete.  I. The legs, the front ones. They're switched. The redesign above has markings on the left leg and markingless on the right, the newest copy just switched that around J. The back legs also follow the same pattern idea as the redesign above. the only difference is the newest copy has a little back leg (?) marking towards the bottom the leg
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And yes! I did explicitly tell you that I wasn't comforable aiwht a redesign!
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 9 months
here’s to a year of trigun :] just a cute little (1k. oops.) essay reflecting back on how it’s changed my life.
(twitter crosspost LOL)
You know that strange, dissatisfying limbo between hyperfixations? That was me in January. A 2-year long obsession with Genshin Impact was dragging itself to its grave and I was struggling with life. I got diagnosed with a rare chronic pain disorder at around the same time I caught mono and strep simultaneously (that week SUCKED), classes were kicking my ass, and I was experiencing the existential loneliness of adulthood for the first time. 
University student things! 
And to make it all extra unbearable, my writing was empty. Soulless. I’d write something for a zine and go damn—this shit is awful. Not because it was technically flawed or anything, but there was just…nothing there. I would stare at my stats page on Ao3 waiting for comments and then bitterly complain at my friends when no one wanted to read my work. Hell, I don’t think I wanted to read my work. I’m sure you know the feeling. 
And because my writing is how I cope with Everything, being unable to write made the Everything so, so much worse.
Then—and I forget exactly how I heard about it—I learned that Trigun Stampede had just released its fourth episode. I knew of Trigun from a buddy of mine who had been excitement-posting about the reboot months before, but all I knew about the reboot was that Yoshitsugu Matsuoka was voicing the main character. I had a free afternoon—why not give it a try? 
I still have my liveblogging from January. Here was my initial reaction:
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I was having a great fuckin’ time. 
February rolls around and I am immediately, irreversibly, hit with Plantcest brainrot so bad that I discard any pretense of being icked out by brocest ship and I write a 9k long KV thesis called “we’ve got to get back to that stinking garden,” named after a Natalie Diaz poem called “my brother named gethsemane,” which is, truly and genuinely, The Poem on Brothers (Complicated) of all time. That fic is where the visions and prophesies came back, where I started feeling like my writing was impactful again. Like it meant something. It was my first ever foray into in-narrative smut and the first of many, many attempts to capture a future where Vash and Knives love each other even after the end of everything. 
This is really where I found my footing on Twitter and as a short story writer, I think. Where I started really caring about making every word of a narrative pay rent, about conveying and evoking specific, tangible feelings, and exploring genres of media I’d never really been interested in before. Before February, I wrote mostly genfic and T-rated romance. Every so often, I’d dabble in some graphic violence. 
And hey! Now I write hardcore kink and graphic erotica. The gore I used to dabble in is now something I dive into feetfirst and with a rabid desire to make it as sexy as possible. I fetishize the crease of an elbow and the bristly sections of an undercut and I write about brothers having nasty, angry, dubiously consensual sex. I could not possibly tell you how I got here, but shit, man, I don’t regret a damn thing. 
It’s through Trigun that I met some of the most talented, sweetest, most encouraging folk. Plantcest creators, Vashwood creators, people who saw me writing ZazieVash and went hello motherfucker please feed me some more, Romeryl enthusiasts, Kniveswood and Plantwood enjoyers…shit, guys. You’re all so fucking cool.
I got invited to a zine for the first time, I started taking commissions (and holy shit, what the fuck, I still can’t wrap my head around that at all. The fuck you mean, you’ll pay me Real Actual Money for personalized fic? Insane to me. I’m so goddamn grateful.) for the first time, and hell, I published a poetry collection for the first time. Which people downloaded? And tipped me for? What the fuck? I’m still reeling from that. Thank you, by the way. Genuinely. 
What else this year…well. I commissioned art for the first time, I participated in more big bangs and exchanges than ever, I read voraciously and wrote with just as much fervor. I watched ‘98 and I cried and I read half of TriMax and cried some more. I wrote more erotica than I ever have, and I wrote more fic that I’m genuinely, painfully proud of this year than any other year. 
A lot of my writing is about grief and rage, and a lot of it is about trying to be funny in the face of that. A lot of is about learning to live, because that’s what I’m doing right now, despite everything. A lot of it is about trying to be kind. 
But in summary, because this is getting ridiculously long, here’s what I got out of Trigun:
Vash the Stampede refuses to die. I’m trying to emulate that. 
Meryl Stryfe cares about doing the right thing, even if it means she’ll get in the middle of a fight between aliens armed with two bullets in a tiny pistol. 
Wolfwood is carefully, disastrously kind. I want to be like that.
And Knives is nuttier than a Victorian lady in a room painted in arsenic green, but still. I love him anyway. 
And Milly :] no thoughts about Milly. I love Milly because she is also incredibly kind :] 
Trigun has changed my entire goddamn life this year. I think it’s made me a better person. It’s certainly made me a better writer, and it’s connected me to so many lovely and beautiful people. Thank you all for sticking around, and here’s to another year of love, peace, and unhinged porn. I love you all :]
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Banner art by @mwolf0epsilon
Name Etymology
Rift has ADHD and got bored very easily. He loved climbing furniture and anything that didn't move. However, when there was nothing to climb or fidget with, he loved to cause trouble between the other cadets. He'd plant little pieces of false information, creating squabbles among the cadet friend groups, then sit back and watch the fallout. He caused so many rifts between friends that he was labeled a menace among the cadets. He still is.
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Rift is one of the middles of Phoenix Squad, and isn't in charge of anything, for good reason. He has the most unhinged personality in the squad. An absolute sweetheart, through and through, but he is chaos incarnate and addicted to all things sugar. He is easily excited, loves to have a good time, and takes life in stride. There are not many things that can put Rift in a bad mood, so he tends to be the comedic relief for the squad.
Mood Boards:
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
View his tags -> #oc: rift
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Physical Appearance
Rift has the standard clone physique, but enjoys working out to get rid of his pent up energy. He shaves his head and face smooth because the hair bothers him way too much. He doesn't have any piercings, but he does have a back tattoo of a lightning strike, as well as the memorial tattoo on his chest for Chance.
Character Art:
Greyscale Bust
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Character Timeline
Early Cadet Years:
CT-1971, or Rift, was probably the most excited tubie to ever be decanted in the history of cloning. He was energetic from day one and scared a lot of the Kaminoan scientists with his unhinged chaos. The squad had trouble acclimating to Rift's personality, most notably Drip, who loved peace and quiet. Rift spent most of his time doing all sorts of physical activities. As a cadet, Rift dreamed of being a pilot in the GAR.
Invasion of Kamino:
During the invasion of Kamino in 21 BBY, Rift and the other members of Phoenix Squad followed Tungst to the outer rings of Tipoca City as part of the frontal assault. With limited resources and training as a seventh year, Rift used whatever armor and blaster Tungst gave him. During the firefight, Chance left his position behind the barricade with Drip to render medical aid to a group of wounded clone cadets caught in a blast. Rift didn't notice Chance leave because he was in the middle of some crossfire. When the commotion arose between Brett and Tungst, Rift turned to check it out just in time to see the missile explode. Rift pulled back behind the barricade after the dust settled, unsure of why they regrouped, and watched Chance die in Tungst's arms.
Aftermath of Chance's Death:
After Chance's death, the squad was never quite the same. Rift, the happy-go-lucky of the squad struggled. Not only was he sad that his brother was dead, but he also had to watch as his family fell apart in front of him. Tungst and Brett constantly fought. Drip was depressed and Gloss was withdrawn. None of his jokes worked anymore. After Drip attempted to end his own life over Chance's death, Rift visited Drip in the medbay and put some of Chance's favorite candy at his bedside table.
Order 66:
Order 66 was just another day for Phoenix Squad. Rift received the news of the Jedi betraying the Republic from Tungst and their training continued without much interruption.
Destruction of Tipoca City:
Imperial Service:
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Icon Guide -> HERE
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Updated: 5/11/2024
Navigation Page
*When I commissioned Eps to make the character banners, I sent her some stick figure references I made in Canva. For laughs and giggles, I've added it to the post.*
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techmomma · 1 year
I don’t draw as much as I used to. Some days it drives me insane. Since getting this job there’s been whole MONTHS without drawing even the sloppiest thumbnail or even just a warmup.
But I think it’s been good for me? Yeah, it still drives me insane. I have so many things to draw, all the time, forever, and it never feels like enough TIME FOR ANY OF IT. I am a visual communicator, there are so many THINGS that just don’t work in words! But they’d make sense if I drew them. Just this one idea, I gotta get this idea out of my head and it demands a visual aid. And I gotta decide between that, or this thing I’ve been wanting to draw for two weeks, or this other thing I out off for a month, or this thing, etc. etc.
I think it’s been finally, actually helping the burnout I staved off healing from for ages. I’d pull back but still try to make myself draw and it’d only somewhat help, temporarily, but now actually not drawing for long stretches of time, I can feel something healing. I don’t draw often and I don’t draw a lot but each time feels like more and more of a joy. I feel more excited to draw, less tired, less staring at a document like “JUST FUCKING DRAW ALREADY!” and nothing happening.
Maybe it’s been helping me get away from feeling like I owe people, personally and in-general, art. Not just in the sense of commissions but as a content creator, like if I don’t meet these invisible quotas for posting then idk everyone will hate me or stop following me or whatever. “You have to draw content like it’s your job or like it will be your job someday or you’ll never go anywhere.” Or, as has happened, people will ask “Why aren’t you making art anymore??” and I won’t have an answer. Worrying that people will think I’m NEVER DRAWING AGAIN and look on me pityingly, like I’m no longer an Artist or.... something.
brain: something bad will happen me: what brain: something bad
me: cool, great, thanks
And now that I’ve not been drawing and people HAVE asked that but it was a single instance thusfar, and there’s still people following me and enjoying my art and my characters, which is great, but even if there weren’t.... it’s been showing me it’s really not so bad. It’s okay to not draw anything for long stretches of time. Yeah, it kinda sucks, but who cares? I’m liking my drawings more on the rare chances I do get to draw, even if I don’t finish them. I’m enjoying my art more and more. Maybe I only have the spoons for a headshot but it’s spoons at all, and that’s awesome. Instead of being ONLY a headshot, it’s more like “yay, I got a chance to draw a headshot at all!” Art is feeling less of a chore that has to be done every so often because you have to, and more of a joy that I get to indulge in.
So unfortunately, it does mean that art will still probably be few and far between, in terms of here on tumblr and what I post. I’ve also started taking a joy in not posting everything I draw; sometimes it’s just for friends, sometimes it’s just for me. So you guys don’t see everything I do, even when I do draw. But I’m still here. And I’ve been feeling better about my art. Maybe one day I won’t be so tired and I can happily draw everyday for hours like I used to; or maybe it’ll still remain sparse and sporadic.
But that’s okay. Maybe I won’t get any commission deals out of drawing so sporadically, maybe I won’t get huge follower numbers. But that’s okay. I like my art. I like my circle I’ve got here. And I’m learning to not hate myself for staring at an open document and not drawing anything. I’m learning to be okay being tired.
Love you guys, still! Lots of love to people still sticking around and lots of love to people who’ve stumbled on me recently and made the flattering-if-questionable decision to follow me. You may not see much art from me but I’m still here lurking most days, and enjoying the quiet.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Characters Whom I believe that would be that one person “You got games on your phone” if MC brought a working phone with a charger and some how wifi-
PT: 2
Featuring: Dia, Tino, Jasper, Knight, Grayson, Sherry and Violet
Warning: Crack and Cursing
Dia: Good luck, he subscribed yourself to a Netflix, Disney +, Crunchy roll, Hulu, Amazon Prime etc. Knowing damn well you don’t have an income to pay for all of those apps-
He also likes learning from social media the differences between both of your worlds. But we’re here for crack so cut out the wholesomeness-
He started rage playing those stupid adds where the player purposely does bad to get you to download and guess what? He did download and now he’s huffing in gas breathing heavily playing it.
So now you have a lot of unnecessary games and Dia is now saying movie references and pretends not to know that it was while your freaking out.
Tino: He goes on Facebook like an old lady and giggles at minion memes, he didn’t even watch Despicable Me on the apps that fucking Dia downloaded and got a membership on 💀
He goes out of his way to show it to you and Lynt and it’s really cute except it’s not funny what so ever
“:0 Look MC they’re little yellow monsters they look cute ☺️ This is so funny.”
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That’s the minion meme he showed you. The laugh you pretend to give him was a lot more funny then the meme itself-
He also likes looking at cooking videos. And he saw the Duolingo memes everyone probably knows about the; “Looks like you forgot your Spanish lessons-“ and Tino took it seriously and started freaking out especially when he saw it downloaded and you had a notification on your phone.
He almost through it out a window but luckily Lynt was there to stop him 💀
Jasper: bro made a Tinder and An Omegle account and thought it was a type of place to make friends but the dumbass was then greeted by those weird freaks on there
he also was roasted tf out of by lil ass kids because they said and I quote. “HA LOOK HE HAS GRANNY GLASSES-“ Bro cried.
Bro also likes to listen to rap song and likes rock music, he also saw the Emo style and ran with it. Bro became and edge lord over night.
He also likes to make those horrific IMovie movies. They’re low quality but everyone has fun. He does post it so- Now he’s a meme on the internet
Knight: Good luck your fyp is now full of cat memes, cat videos and your camera roll? Cat pictures.
It’s really cute how he laughs at them.
Also bro download Fortnight- “TOA COME GET YOUR MIDGET-“
He learned so much curses and insults from playing with 5th grades and you can hear the yells from another fucking building- It’s scary how much anger he has locked in. 😦
Another thing is he likes Pokémon Go and animal Jam
Grayson: He doesn’t use it that much but when he does, I like to imagine bro is a fanfiction writer 💀-
The other consorts pay him to write fanfiction about them and you. He has a Wattpad and tumblr account. He also has used your hard earned money for fan art commissions.
He also got disappointed when he found out you don’t have a printer for that monstrosity he’s been paying for 💀-
He also learned how to do TikTok dances and him, Roy and Sherry have all been making tiktoks.
He got addicted to Girls go games 💀
Sherry: She learned instinctively how to use your phone it’s amazing how everyone else was like fucking Dinosaurs.
Also now has a TikTok Cult fan base and has more followers than Charli Damelio it’s amazing-
She also likes to go on Reddit and is now a Reddit user and it’s scary because she no has a high quality sense of humor.
Violet: Immediately made a Tinder account for a date, is sad that they’re from another world. You’re jealous.
She payed Grayson to write fanfiction about you and her
She started giggling, kicking her feet, twirling her hair and while reading it and Fenn walks in to join her on reading “MC x reader” smut.
The look on your face when you got your phone back after one whole day was concerning.
She also likes to look at you camera roll and social media accounts and it all fun and games til she got a notification from one of your relatives with your old baby pictures.-
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nyamadermont · 2 years
Year in review (eventually)
Thanks go out to @itsmoonpeaches for suggesting I give this a shot.
1. Number of stories posted to Ao3: 14, total, all LOK-based.
2. Word count in 2022: 96,206
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Avatar: The Legend of Korra
4. Pairings: Lin Beifong/Kya II (3); Lin Beifong/Reader (1); Lin Beifong/Pema/Tenzin (9); Other (1 - shorts with various pairs, if any)
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: Lin’s Interview, part 4 of Give Us Your Hand (Pemlinzin)
Bookmarks: Two Pairs of Eyes, (Kyalin)
Comment threads:  Elemental Changes, Lin Beifong-centric multi-chapter
Word count: Elemental Changes 
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):  I’m sure it’s cheating, but I have 3 answers. 
1: Elemental Changes: This started with an image in my mind, and I wrote the whole thing before I published any of it. And the art I commissioned from @slowdissolve kickstarted a whole new experience for us both.
2: The In-Between Years: I managed to take all 30 prompts from Angstpril 2022 and string them into a mostly coherent story, writing no more than 1000 words at a time. Not every day is a gem, but I am happy with the progress of the story from high angst to an amicable resolution.
3. Give Us Your Hand: What started as a 507-word @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt blossomed into a 46K-word, 9-part series (so far).
7.   Work I’m least proud of (and why): This is ‘least’ proud in a set of stories I’m really pretty happy with. I’m going to throw Now Is Not the Time under the bus, because in retrospect, it’s kind of a rewrite of I’m Sorry I Need You.
8.   Share or describe a favorite review you received: This isn’t quite what the question asks, but having @slowdissolve say she would have done my commission for free was right up there in the highlight reel. And those three little hearts from @mjsharizai are always an absolute treat.
9.   A time when writing was really, really hard: I’m still very new on the writing wagon, having just started writing for a hobby in early 2021. Thankfully, I’m old enough that when it’s hard, I just set it aside and come back when the ideas are ready.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: I just can’t answer the questions the right way tonight. Here, I’m going with the whole Pemlinzin ship. How little goody-goody two-shoes me wound up writing polyamory is something I should think through at some point in my life.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:  
This feels very odd to describe as a favorite. It engendered my first negative review which was so mean-spirited that it was, in its own way, the fire that helped me write the next seven entries in the series. From Mistakes (Give Us Your Hand, part 2):
[Tenzin] sighed. “About a week before he died, she came to visit. She was being Toph, trying to pretend it wasn’t that bad, that he wasn’t dying. Mom left them alone to talk and went to lay down for a little while.”
He shivered. “I wasn’t with them. I just heard Mom shouting. When I got to Dad’s room, Mom was healing him, and Toph was crying. She had punched him like always. But this time, her punch knocked him into the wall and he hit his head. It wasn’t terrible, Mom got him comfortable, but Toph didn’t come back after that. I know she and Mom saw each other at the memorial, and I know they basically made up. But then I hurt you.”
He squeezed Lin closer.
“They were best friends for over forty years. But one argument broke their relationship.”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: This is a question I think will be easier to answer in retrospect. I was able to complete a couple of larger projects, even after I got so far into them that I kinda didn’t know what to do. I’m just so new at this I mostly can only see my weaknesses.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: Differentiating speaking styles and speech patterns between characters is a sore spot for me re-reading my own writing. I also know I’m not great at describing the interiority of characters. And starting fewer sentences with ‘and,’ ‘so,’ or an adverbial phrase {not an English major, I forget what the technical term is}.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
I think that should be obvious by now. I owe @slowdissolvee a lot of credit.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: 
I’ve been married for 25 years and have 2 kids. There’s a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and memory in what I write.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: 
Be where you are. Sure, your readers are interested in seeing your updates, but your life comes first. #YourAudienceAwaits - and the patient ones are worth listening to. 
I’m going to offer a slightly different perspective than @itsmoonpeachessmoonpeaches, who was so kind as to suggest I take on this exercise. All while not disagreeing with her here:
Don’t be afraid to break out of your comfort zone. You will never grow as a writer if you continue to write the same things over and over again. If you have an idea for something very different, go for it! It takes a lot of effort and time to do something you don’t normally do, but you will end up being better after it.
I know I’ve already written the same story at least twice (see above), but it served me to write both of those stories. I clearly had some thinking to do on the topic.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I cannot put into words how much fun I’m having on Red Jade. Between working with Slowdissolve and getting to read the other Linzolt writers’ stories, I have been grinning for months.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
All in fun, friends. If it’s not fun, leave it be: @slowdissolve @orangepanic @master-sass-blast @pamplemousseparadox @superliz6 @chaoticnerdsstuff @wishingforatypewriter
And anyone else who wants to!
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ahiddenpath · 9 months
Hopes for 2024
I'm not making resolutions for the new year, as the last few years have generously enforced the folly of planning. But I have hopes for 2024, and I'll share them beneath the cut, if you're interested!
Life hopes
-Thrive, don't excel
2023 was a year of difficult, painful growth. I allowed a coworker to take extended advantage of me, to the point where I was nearly doing two jobs. I completed several projects that my seniors could not do. It's not an exaggeration to say that I learned every single gosh dang day on the job.
Growing is good! It's something we should strive for! But not to the point where we deplete ourselves. My goal this year at work is to be gentle with myself. I want to perform well, but I do not want to hurt and push myself. It's just not worth it. I've been in this industry for over ten years. All you get from working hard and excelling is more work.
Related, but looking over my daily journal for 2023... I'd say about 85%+ of the entries are exclusively about work. It's taken over my life, and that is not what I want. I'm unclear how to achieve this in a capitalist country, but I've got to try.
-Be messy, be experimental
Gorgeous notebooks, art supplies, stickers, and prints, pristine and untouched. Projects never started, because it won't turn out well, anyway.
This is all understandable. No one wants to mar their nice supplies with inexperienced hands, or to use them on silly or clumsy projects.
Frankly, I'm tired of worrying about that. I'm hoping that I can release some of that anxiety- and by the way, perfectionism is simply a form of anxiety. I want to make messes and bad art and failed projects, because anything is better than never knowing what I might have made or done.
Light the nice candle. Eat the expensive chocolate. Use the fancy notebook. What good is it doing you in a drawer?
It's been a hard year. It's been a hard... several years. My body survived, so I won't be disdainful of the wear and tear it sustained.
But I do want to take care of it (especially given the increasing difficulty of receiving and affording medical care). I want to give it exercise, healthy food, rest, and sunshine.
Mental health is always a battle for me, and I was challenged this year by my new job and by a particularly bad situation with my mother.
I'm not sure what the solution is here, but I'm cognizant of the strain and of my need to act.
Creative wants
I have so many projects on my mind, but this is not a to do list. It's just a picture of where my brain is now, creatively.
-Finish the next three chapters of Puits d'Amour
I went to do some editing on PdA today, and I found a whole new chapter I had forgotten about?! Apparently, I thought there needed to be a brand spankin' new/additional chapter between the last one I posted and the next one I planned to post. It's about Yamato's parents talking to him about Sora, whom he was seen escorting to a party.
This is not the first time I've forgotten about my own content, and it will not be the last, but. The point is that I'd like to wrap up the next three chapters of PdA, which I have content for.
I'll worry about what happens next with the story after that.
-Watch Kizuna
I read the Kizuna novelization and avoided the movie. I never felt mentally ready to watch the events described in the book, but I kind of have to for Infinite Possibilities. I am hoping to pick up some little visual and audio things (gestures, voices, outfit choices, seasonal information, etc).
-Print stickers
I want to make Eimi stickers!!! And other stickers of my art! I love stickers! That is all.
-If the redub of the digimon movies comes out this year, I would like to use the bluray quality images to book bind After August again (the cover is a still from Bokura no War Game).
-Commission cover art for Infinite Possibilities phase 1. I reached out to an artist today. Wish me luck!
-Edit phase one of Infinite Possibilities. This one is going to take me a while, lmao!
-I'd like to book bind a new fic. PdA seems a good place to start, as it's recent.
-Continue editing some older works and working on open projects (TIL, PdA, FY, etc).
I have other non fandom related projects that I want to tackle, too, but they require a bit of background. Suffice to say, there is a lot I want to do! I doubt I will match or beat 2023's 75,954 published words and an additional 53,979 words written for Nanowrimo in 2024, but I hope I do a lot of fun and satisfying creative work.
Please take care of yourselves in the new year <3
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soapymohawk · 9 months
This is my intro post
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Hullo there chum, whit's up?
The names John Soap MacTavish, you can call me Soap or Shoapy.
He/Him, maybe They/Them sometimes
A'm a minor, dinna be weird please
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Currently most fixated on Modern Warfare, all the games both reboot & original. (Except for the 3rd reboot, fuckin absolute shite)
Some smaller fixations atm:
-Lethal Company
-Regretavator -Phighting
-Madcom (very rough relationship with this..)
-TF-0FG (friend groups self inserts into the CODMW universe)
-Ultrakill -Cult of the Lamb -Smiling Friends -Fallout
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A dinna like ye very much if: (This is ma DNI list):
-End0genic "system" or supporter
-Will prolly add more as time goes on.
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Interact with caution (or preferably not at all, no offense):
-Makarov likers, shepherd likers
-Other systems
-Heavy role players (this isnae a roleplay account)
-People who will act like they know me, when we've never met 😅😅
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Some facts about me:
D.I.D. System. Won't talk about it much, no need to in my eyes.
Autistic, struggle to understand tones a lot, please forgive me if I mistake your tone.
A'm here tae party, post ma art, n' look at shite about my hyperfix's
Fun fact: Made this account to stalk my close friend Dozer
Ma best friend is Bluejay..
I really like studying languages;;
I switch between learning Russian, German, Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Arabic, & Polish. Before you comment on it, aye, a know it's really slow learning several at once. Ma brain just likes douin it that way..
I often enjoy writing in Scots, it's enjoyable. I apologise if it will get hard for some of you to read, let me know if you need translations 🫰
If you want examples, prices, or have any questions, message me on here and I'll answer any inquiries ye got.
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I take commissions and they are currently: OPEN!!
A note though: I might not respond right away, I don't really use tumblr often.
If you want a less serious doodle/sketch; just ask me through blog. I don't mind making silly little people for free
I do:
-light gore
-couples art / several characters art
I do not:
-ship art
-fan art
-Nsfw (lots of gore/suggestive/etc)
-mechs/robots unless you're okay with a high likely hood of bad quality
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Thanks for briefing with me;
Guidluck out there, mate 🫶
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Let's Talk Neurodivergence and Relationships
(originally posted on Wattpad, but I figured Tumblr could use a version of this as well. I'd like to think this is fairly fandom blind, but if not, let me know)
Hi kids!
First and foremost, I am a cisgendered adult woman on the autism spectrum myself. I am considered very high functioning, as I can manage social situations and keep my stims under control, thanks to a lot of work of medication, caring occupational therapists, and other professionals who have gifted me tips and tricks to better function.  
With that being stated, throughout my life, I have struggled with peer to peer contact, prefer to be alone, have issues with especially loud or bright atmospheres, will info-dump, the works (Of course, Tech from The Bad Batch was going to quickly become my favorite! When it was confirmed that he was ASD, I cheered!).
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(above) Tech No-Last-Name, all hail our neurodivergent king of snark and sass. 
With that being stated, in real life, I have been in a steady romantic relationship for over the last dozen years, to a neurotypical man. Half of those years, we have been married, and trust me, our marriage is successful by society's standards. We got the mortgage, the two cars, a few graduate degrees, our busy careers, and most joyfully, our wonderful children. 
It never ceases to amaze me: I am on the autism spectrum, and I have a stable, romantic partnership with a neurotypical individual who loves me for who I AM. 
Over the last few years, I've served on panels for ND individuals regarding relationships, dating, and starting families, so I feel as if I am especially qualified to discuss this subject, especially as a significant portion of my crossover piece between Star Wars and The Expanse, Far Past The Ring, does deal with intimate subjects. Be warned*.
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(above) Dr. Sjael Drummer, who somehow can rock a fierce matte lip stain in the field? Art commissioned by the incredible @matthewyeetz. The character is mine.
While not the main part of the story, the intimate parts between Tech and Dr. Drummer are the match that's tossed on the proverbial dumpster that's been filled with gasoline and lighter fluid. Once the intimate parts of done, things get very action oriented and the romance is left in the freakin' dust for the most part.
In many ways, this part of 'Far Past the Ring' is a retelling of the love story closest to me, which is that of me and my husband. I should mention that he, in many ways, reminds me so much of Tech, even if I'm the ND individual in the marriage! 
So this is not fantasy, kids. This is, in many ways, the story of how my husband and I met. And how our relationship has worked since we met in graduate school. 
Here are some things that have made my marriage work so well (and that I'd like you to notice as you continue to read this story, even when things get complicated–because they are going to!): 
How to be in a relationship with an ND individual (including someone like Tech): 
Boundaries are your friend: I do not like being touched, grabbed, or suddenly hugged without communicating that I am okay with it. Touch for me can feel incredibly uncomfortable, even though my loved ones adore doing it as a sign of affection. People are unpredictable, and if a person has their hands on me, it fills me with anxiety. It literally makes me flinch, and in later episodes, when Tech is touched without his permission, it is upsetting for me to watch. If you notice, Sjael does not touch Tech unless she asks him permission first. She respects his personal bubble, and does not attempt to pop it unless asked. When she does–and she will, because mistakes happen–she apologizes. Both her and Tech are good at communicating due to their lines of work, and that leads me to...
Infodumping means I like you: Getting me (or many other ND individuals) to blabber on a subject I'm especially passionate about isn't difficult, but I will generally only do it with people I feel comfortable with. Take note that, after a bit, Tech absolutely dumps all sorts of information onto his team mates or others (look how excited he is to talk about droids at a moments' notice on Cid!). This eventually includes Sjael, who, whether it is her own experience in graduate school or coming from a family of eggheads, enjoys it. She never rolls her eyes or interrupts him--she genuinely likes what he has to say. If you can't handle an ND individual's verbal and intellectual passion about a subject, you may want to rethink the relationship. Speaking of which...
Communication is key: Tech loves to talk, but, if you've watched the latest season of 'The Bad Batch', you'll remember that intimate eye contact can be scary for him ('The Crossing' is the most glaring example), as it is for me and other individuals on the spectrum. Sjael, being a Belter from 'The Expanse', is used to talking from behind a mask or a helmet, so using hand gestures and signals, rather than direct eye contact, is not a big jump for her. Additionally, because of Belter culture, Sjael grew up being blunt, direct, and very expressive when need be, as life on the Belt is harsh and fast, and subtly is a luxury few can afford. This works well with Tech's neurodiversity, as Sjael's very emotive face and hands makes it easy for him to gather social cues when he's too exhausted otherwise. Take note of how often he stares at her eyebrows or mouth during the story, it's quite helpful for him. Being able to communicate--easy for a talker like Tech--is so important, as social cues might  be missed. 
Respect (it's not just a song): ND individuals may seem quirky, but have the same breadth, experience, and agency as anyone else. One of the first things Tech learns about Sjael is that she is a scientist and engineer, with a Ph.D in chemical engineering. He recognizes that she's someone who might be able to get toe-to-toe with him, without being belittling or mean. Sjael, meanwhile, learns that Tech is a soldier with multiple skills that outrank her own, especially in programming and mechanics. While he has quirks, she quickly sees his strength and intellect, making her see him as a peer (and a threat, but that's neither here nor there). There isn't just mutual attraction, but respect as well. Both are intellectual equals (Tech will not admit that, but it is true!), and genuinely are interested in not only learning with each other, but learning together. Sjael does not patronize him, instead viewing him as a person with different experiences and abilities. 
I hope this was helpful for understanding how these relationships can work.
One of the biggest issues I have seen with neurodiverse individuals is the concept of infantilizing them or subjecting them to romantic interests as a way to 'fix' them. Or by pushing boundaries, even when someone is uncomfortable. 
ND folks do not need to be fixed, they need to be loved and accepted for who they are, quirks and all. 
*= If you're a TechxPhee stan, props! I started writing this crossover back in February, before they became canon. And before other, well, more tragic things in March became canon as well :(.
But it's fairly obvious that Clone Force 99 wasn't going to run into the world of 'The Expanse' any time soon on the show, so consider this a branch of a lovely river that's going in a different direction :).
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skelezomperman · 1 year
Revising A Tale of Star-Crossed Knights: Chapter 1
Link to Chapter 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39015690/chapters/97592907/
This is going to be a series of posts which is part Author's Notes, part retrospective. I've been wanting to revise my novel-length story for a while now, both to make it read better and to eventually reformat it into a good eBook format (AO3's ebook downloads unfortunately are not what I want). The first part of that was actually commissioning a lovely cover art by @racecarart; the second part is going through each chapter, revising it, and uploading the new parts to AO3.
Chapter 1 was the very first part of the story that I wrote. The first scene with the armory meeting was actually written in May 2021, over a year before the actual work on this fic began. I think my motivation for it came back in April 2022 which meant that it took about a month to produce 3000 words. This was back in a time when I had no idea what the finalized product was going to look like; I thought that I would only have eight chapters and it would be 15k-20k words (not too much longer than Divine Wind, Earth Lance). I did not have a handle on pacing and it shows.
I would estimate that the new Chapter 1 is about 35% original writing. The original plotline where Finn and Erinys go from 0 to 100 in the span of a chapter is meant to be contrived, firstly because the pairing is contrived in of itself (it's very hard to get in-game) and secondly because the plot relies on a sort of Kent/Fiora moment. But the original piece was contrived in a bad way. I especially didn't feel that there was much chemistry between the two prior to the dance. The solution to that was simple: expand on the first two scenes so they would actually show chemistry! They meet for the first time, they get to know each other and realize they're similar, and then they start becoming attracted to each other. On the other hand, I cut a short scene where Finn saves Erinys from an arrow because it didn't add much other than clichés.
The dance scene was my favorite part of the chapter so it was unchanged. I do like writing ballroom dances, perhaps to the point of leaning on it as a crutch, so I kept that. The very last scene at the end, however, did go some revision. The idea that Erinys tripped over a pebble and accidentally kissed Finn comes across as too contrived to the point of being immature. I changed it so that it's just that passion gets the better of them. I think this version of the scene also makes it more obvious that they did The Funny with each other outdoors - of course, I don't want to write anything explicit or even something that would make it rated M.
One last thing is that I'm cutting out a worldbuilding thing where real-world European languages like French filtered into the fic. That got dropped after around Chapter 9 and I don't want to leave a vestige of something that gets dropped out. A couple OCs will probably face a similar fate...Ah well, editing does mean you have to cut things you like.
For posterity's sake, here are the original author's notes:
Welcome to my Finn/Erinys longform fic. I'm finally getting around to doing this journey, charting the relationship from when they first meet to the end of the game when Finn is with his kids. I don't intend to novelize the entire thing but I want to try to get as much as I can think of on paper, from start to finish. I'm going to incorporate the four previous fics I've made so far as well. At the moment my outline has eight chapters, but I might add more if I feel a need to split up chapters or add more content. Targeting for one chapter a week but I'm not completely sure, depends on my motivation ebbing and flowing.
This chapter is basically an introduction; a fluff if you will. There's not really that much development because it's just Finn and Erinys falling in love. Probably rushed but that's okay because the idea is that they let their emotions take over eventually - they have a Kent/Fiora moment, if you will. At first they deny they're in love even though Lewyn and to a lesser extent Quan are egging them on, but later on they go from 0 to 100 because they're young. I refuse to write them doing the actual act but yes, they do the thing at the end of the chapter. We'll see that it has consequences in the next couple chapters, and it's not going to be completely clean. But I can promise that there will be a bit more fluff in the next chapter with a proper date or two.
Also if you're curious, the currencies are real life references. *Denier* is French for denarius and it was the currency used by the Franks in the early Middle Ages. *Marka* was an obscure currency used by Poland during the first years of the II Rzeczpospolita before it was replaced by the złoty. I didn't want to be too on the nose with those.
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valmillion · 2 years
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i saw a post with this video compilation of a bunch of manufacturing machines and it made me think about the AI debate. These machines are unquestionably some of the most useful inventions to the manufacturing process. Everyone loves How It's Made. I don't think your average person would have any strong opinions about these machines, specifically. No, if they did have an issue, it would be about the wider labor practices and environmental impact that these machines allow, and how they put people out of work because one machine could replace 100 workers, or, in products like furniture, cookware, metalwork, printing, etc, they took the artistry out of the products. What was once a handmade table with intricate carved details is now a slab of particle board painted black.
But it's not the tool's fault, it's capitalism. Industrial manufacturing machines allow for cheaper goods that can be produced on a scale that would allow everyone to have one if they wanted. That is not a bad thing. You can make quality goods at scale. But now artisans are few and far between and therefore their goods are now luxury items. You have to pay a premium for something that used to be common.
But again, the machine didn't cause this, we did. The system exploited the benefits these machines give for monetary gain.
AI is a tool, too. It is neither good nor bad. The system, the way it might be used, is at this point nebulous. No company that needs to get art for something is really going to fire all their artists just to have a very shitty rendering of some vague idea they typed in. And even if they did, they would still need artists to fix the crappy job the AI did so why have AI do it in the first place?
I see the most complaints about AI from people who made art as a hobby and turned it into a business (with an online following and taking commissions and such). But they have even less of an argument. Sure, maybe I could type in "in the style of X internet artist" to some prompt and get some mismash of your art style, but do you really think the people who follow you would do that instead of commissioning you?? And even if they did, who cares? The argument for pirating applies here too; money wasn't deducted from your bank account every time an AI spits out something that is a mashup of your, and hundreds of other artist's, styles.
What an AI image generator does is the definition of Free Use, it's impossible for it to create a direct copy of any one image. You can tell it to generate the Mona Lisa and you won't get the Mona Lisa, you'll get an amalgam of scans, pictures, alternate versions, and completely unrelated stuff mixed together to create something that is what the AI thinks the Mona Lisa is. If that's not transformative then I don't know what is.
What people are getting mad about is the perceived future of the art world where the artist is dead and AI generated art has killed them. That's not gonna happen, sorry. Did an industrial bread maker kill off all bakers everywhere? Did furniture makers go extinct because of IKEA? Some industries had it harder than others during industrialization but you get my point. I realize the situation isn't 1:1, because, come on, I think the impact of the AI is not gonna be nearly as catastrophic as industrialization. Chill the fuck out.
As for the copyright law stuff: 🫵 LOL DUMBASS CARES ABOUT COPYRIGHT. aww you got your own little IP? gonna sue me if i make derivative works? call the police cus i downloaded your art? i bet you jumped for joy when chuck tingle wanted to shut down the internet archive. grow up.
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