#backyard office melbourne
silkohome · 7 months
Create Your Ideal Home Office with Backyard Pods in Melbourne from SILKO HOME
In the bustling city of Melbourne, where space is often a premium, finding innovative ways to expand your living and working areas is essential. That's where SILKO HOME comes in with their range of versatile backyard pods. These stylish and functional pods offer a perfect solution for homeowners looking to create extra space in their backyard without the hassle of traditional extensions or renovations.
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Whether you're in need of a dedicated home office or a peaceful retreat away from the main house, backyard pods are a versatile and cost-effective option. With SILKO HOME, you can choose from a variety of designs and sizes to suit your specific needs and preferences. From compact options ideal for a backyard office to larger pods that can serve as a guest room or studio, there's something for everyone.
One of the key benefits of backyard pods is their flexibility. Unlike traditional home extensions, pods can be easily installed and customized to suit your individual requirements. Plus, they offer the added advantage of being fully insulated and weatherproof, ensuring comfort and functionality all year round.
For those looking to create a dedicated workspace, a home office pod from SILKO HOME is the perfect solution. With options for electricity, lighting, and ventilation, you can create a comfortable and productive environment right in your backyard. Say goodbye to noisy coffee shops and cramped kitchen tables – with a backyard office pod, you can enjoy the peace and quiet of your own space while staying connected to the comfort of home.
But backyard pods aren't just for work – they can also serve as a versatile addition to your outdoor living area. Whether you need extra storage space, a cozy retreat for relaxation, or a stylish entertainment area for hosting guests, a backyard pod from SILKO HOME can help you make the most of your backyard space.
In addition to their practical benefits, backyard pods also offer a stylish addition to any outdoor space. With sleek modern designs and high-quality materials, SILKO HOME pods are sure to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your backyard while adding value to your property.
In conclusion, backyard pods from SILKO HOME offer a versatile and practical solution for homeowners in Melbourne looking to maximize their outdoor space. Whether you're in need of a home office, a guest room, or simply some extra storage space, a backyard pod can provide the perfect solution. With their stylish designs, customizable options, and ease of installation, SILKO HOME pods are the ideal choice for anyone looking to enhance their backyard living experience.
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getadvanceinfo · 3 months
Transform Your Backyard with a Stylish Office Pod in Melbourne
Transform your Melbourne backyard into a stylish workspace with our innovative office pods. Designed for comfort and productivity, these pods blend seamlessly into your outdoor environment while providing a professional atmosphere for remote work.
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isay · 10 months
Smooth moves and my hatred of gardening
Ok so I have been meaning to write something for ages but, well you know how it goes, and [squirrel] then I get drawn into furniture restoration videos on YouTube and before you know it, there goes another good intention.
Anyhow, as of today I am still 'between roles'. I've interviewed and interviewed well for three roles recently, but alas and alack I have been first bloody runner up on all three occasions. This sucks.
As a consequence of my being close but without a cigar on the job front, we were forced to move house (as previously documented). We've not exactly downsized but we have reduced our rental outgoings substantially, which is much more tolerable although I still need to find something sooner rather than later.
This move was, while still phenomenally stressful, one of the easier ones we've done over the past decade. We're only the second tenants in what is essentially a new house, although unfortunately the first people in here were smokers, and it took a few days for us to be able to clear the smell of stake cigarettes.
We're in one of Melbourne's leafier suburbs, about 50 mins out from the CBD by train, but to me it has a comfortable feeling of being more like a small town. The house is a four bedder with two of those being dedicated to offices for Kim and me, and it has a decent sized open living, kitchen, dining area, and a small garden for the two dog beasts. I even spent today, the first dry day for the best part of a week, mowing the backyard grass. While I despise gardening with a passion, this was tolerable. I will however need a hat with corks if I'm going to do this in the summer.
The other thing about the back yard is that we have a covered patio and a view of wooded hills in the distance. There are a few tall trees that sway in the neighbours gardens and its a beautiful spot to sit and just listen to the trees and the birds. And the occasional train to break the idyll. We're tucked behind the train track, but the trains are sufficiently infrequent that after a couple of days they now hardly register.
Kim has done a stunning job with the interior decoration, yet again, and we're largely settled. Which is just as well as she's due to head off to the US on a mission to surprise her daughters and the grandkids. This means I'll be home alone for Christmas but for the doggos, which means I'll be watching a bunch of stuff and eating lots of the things she doesn't really enjoy, like mushrooms and lamb.
I have my viewing list that I'm adding to but any suggestions are definitely welcome for movies and TV.
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rangeminmax · 1 year
Title: "Cradled in Chaos: A pain in the 'keister' Memoir"
Chapter 1: "Shadowplay Shuffle: Mob's Midnight Mysteria"
Nestled on Fern Street, footscray Melbourne Victoria our abode loomed like a colossal relic from a forgotten era--an ancient sentinel guarding secrets of the Melbourne underworld. Its timeworn window shades, tattered and weather-beaten, would come alive on windy nights, their eerie cacophony echoing through the darkness. The ceaseless chatter of those shades, though vexing, bestowed an unsettling sense of solace, a disquieting reassurance that we were never truly alone.
Within the aged walls of this enigmatic dwelling, concealed behind layers of history, lay secrets and mysteries waiting to be unveiled. An imposing staircase, once regal, now bore the scars of time and neglect, reaching its tragic demise when our family eventually departed. This majestic stairwell, a once-proud centerpiece, ascended towards the front door--a threshold adorned with an unsettling relic. There, nestled on the doorstep, lay a pair of forsaken wedding rings, their presence shrouded in inexplicable foreboding.
In the depths of my imagination, I often conjured visions of shattering the stoic concrete steps, as if attempting to liberate the trapped wedding rings from their ominous resting place within the staircase's dark recesses. These fantasies were born of darker times, moments when our family wrestled with the relentless grip of financial hardship.
The house harbored an enigmatic shed, perched aloft its aging rooftop. This structure, unassuming in appearance, concealed secrets of its own--a clandestine party venue that I came to cherish. The allure lay in the fact that partygoers, seeking access to the rooftop revelry or the backyard, were compelled to traverse my room, inadvertently making it the nucleus of these nocturnal gatherings.
While my youthful curiosity often drew me into the adult world, there existed a sinister aspect to these late-night soirées. The inebriated merrymakers, driven to heedless excess, would, with alarming regularity, subject me to terrifying ordeals. They would taunt and torment me, dangling my trembling form over the precipice of the shed's rooftop. The cold, stinging gusts of wind clawed at my senses as I teetered on the edge, my heart pounding with dread. The height may not have been considerable, yet to my youthful perception, it felt like a treacherous abyss.
The entire property exuded an aura of unsavory history--an ancient brothel repurposed into something more inscrutable. Clues were scattered like phantoms of the past--those forsaken wedding rings and the majestic yet mournful staircase. Across the desolate road sprawled a lawn bowls field, a stark contrast to the sinister ambiance of our residence. An apple tree, a forlorn sentinel, stood sentinel at the front of the house.
Inexplicably drawn to the dark allure of this place, I would roll apples along the road, their impending doom inevitable as they met the unforgiving metal of passing cars. An eerie satisfaction enveloped me, an unsettling resonance with the shadows that seemed to dominate our lives. This peculiar pastime was passed down to me by enigmatic mentors, and I continued to indulge until an encounter with an officer of the law. He cast a shadow over my childhood transgressions, admonishing me for my involvement with the enigmatic figures within our house.
Fearing retribution, I locked this eerie secret within the depths of my conscience, an unspoken covenant with the shadows that danced around our unsettling existence. And so, our tale begins with the approach to the old car, an artifact of a bygone era that, like our house, exuded an aura of enigmatic and malevolent history.
The midnight hour draped the world in an eerie shroud as the clock's hands etched their way to 11:30 PM. Shadows, like restless spirits, wove intricate and ghostly tapestries around the car. They danced with malevolence, engaged in an eternal waltz, forever competing with the fleeting beams of light cast by passing cars on the main road. Melbourne's once-silent night carried an unsettling chill, biting into our bones as we dared to step into its ominous embrace.
The car door groaned open, echoing a somber invitation into the cryptic depths of the city's streets. Exhausted from the late hour, my eyelids drooped, threatening to surrender me to the clutches of sleep. However, John's voice, a siren in the night, tore me from the brink of slumber.
His words unfurled a chilling narrative--our destination, the market, ruled by the merciless Mafia. The Melbourne underworld. John had regaled me with sinister stories of this place, recounting them upon his return from work. But this night marked my initiation, and the tales he wove painted a dire panorama of the market--a place where individuals vanished into the abyss, where sinister happenings festered, and shadowy deals thrived. I teetered on the precipice between consciousness and dreams as his words reverberated in the cold, still air.
Our journey led us to the foreboding threshold, marked by a sign bearing the foreboding words, M.M. standing for"Melbourne Market, footscray .Wholesaler Fruit and Veg." John's voice deepened with trepidation as he declared, "We're entering hell right now, the gateway to hell itself the underworld.turning down the volume of the radio." Doubt gnawed at the edges of my young mind. Could this be real? As we descended the sloping driveway into the market's depths, John's repeated insistence that we were descending into a veritable hell sent a shiver cascading down my spine.
Amid the encroaching darkness, John unearthed a peculiar possession--an old pair of sunglasses. He urged me to don them, promising they would shield me from the impending assault of light. I obeyed, a decision that would later prove providential, for the transition from the car's obscurity to the market's blazing illumination was a harsh shock to my senses.
We navigated the dimly lit labyrinth of the car park, passing through a guarded checkpoint, and proceeded toward the rear, where petrol pumps stood sentinel, encircled by menacing forklifts. John gestured toward the Don's imposing four-wheel drive, but then, his demeanor shifting, he scrutinized the back seat, lamenting the absence of his high-visibility gear.
Inwardly, I laughed and questioned the relevance of rules in a realm ruled by the iron fist of the Mafia. John chided me for not possessing high-visibility clothing, stressing its importance as protection against the forklifts' mechanical giants. I cast a furtive glance at my nondescript jumper, far from the prescribed attire, and kept my dissenting thoughts to myself.
My gaze drifted to the Don's enigmatic vehicle, and an electrifying thought surged through my young mind--what if I could harness the power of the Mafia to reach my estranged father? My mother had always veiled this subject in ambiguity, offering no clear answers. In a market dominated by criminals, my father's past crime--a payroll robbery executed under duress--the mafia being the best criminals could even break him out or they could possibly know him suddenly appeared almost justifiable.
I voiced my hunger to John, and he suggested acquiring an apple. Together, we ventured deeper into the bustling heart of the market, passing the pastor petrol pumps and breaching the monumental roller doors that guarded the market's secrets. The market unfolded before us--a bewildering juxtaposition of light and shadow. Yellow lines etched into the ground demarcated safe paths for pedestrians, though the operators of forklifts remained heedless of these precautions.
Every 20 meters, a yellow forklift symbol, painted on the ground, competed with the ever-shifting interplay of shadows and dancing light.
As we ventured deeper into the foreboding heart of the Melbourne underworld, the eerie atmosphere of the market only intensified. The place seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, as if it were a living, breathing entity, watching our every move with unseen eyes.
As we entered, my eyes were immediately drawn to a scene that sent a shiver down my spine. A man, much like any other worker in the market, stooped to pick up a wooden crate. It was an ordinary act, but what unfolded beneath that crate was far from ordinary.
I watched in wide-eyed horror as the man lifted the crate, revealing a hidden world beneath it. Coiled within the shadows, a snake, its scales shimmering with an eerie luminescence, lay in wait. Its eyes, two tiny orbs of malevolence, locked onto the man's hand as he reached down. I expected a scream, a frantic retreat, but to my astonishment, the man didn't even bat an eyelid.
With an almost casual nonchalance, he simply flicked the snake away with a deft movement of his hand. The serpent, sensing that it had lost the element of surprise, made a hasty retreat into the inky darkness that permeated the market. It slithered away with a speed and grace that sent shivers down my spine, vanishing into the depths of the underworld.
I couldn't fathom it. Why had the snake not struck? Was it afraid of this man, or was there some unspoken understanding between them? Questions swirled in my mind like a turbulent whirlpool, each one more unsettling than the last.
I turned to John, my voice trembling as I recounted the surreal encounter with the serpent. His response was a dismissive shrug, as if such occurrences were par for the course in this shadowy realm. He continued to lead me through the market, his steps unwavering, as if oblivious to the eerie underbelly that surrounded us.
The market itself was a maze of narrow pathways and dimly lit stalls. Shapes and shadows combined and wove intricate dances that played tricks on my young eyes. It was as if the very air was thick with secrets, and I, an unwitting observer, was caught in the midst of a sinister ballet.
I couldn't shake the feeling that everyone around me, every worker and every passerby, was part of this enigmatic world. Maybe they were all mobsters, like the man who had casually brushed aside the snake. Maybe John himself was part of this hidden tapestry, a thought that sent a chill through my already trembling frame.
The market's eerie atmosphere pressed down on me like a heavy shroud, and I clung to John like a lifeline. In the flickering lights and shifting shadows, the boundaries between reality and nightmare blurred, and I couldn't help but wonder what other horrors lay hidden in the depths of this underworld.
As we continued to navigate the labyrinthine market, I couldn't escape the feeling that I had crossed a threshold into a realm where ordinary rules no longer applied. It was a world where danger and intrigue intertwined, and where the line between predator and prey was eternally blurred.
The Melbourne underworld had opened its arms to me, a child in awe and fear, and I could only hold on tight as it pulled me deeper into its chilling embrace. The mob's midnight mysteria had only just begun, and I was a reluctant participant in this surreal and terrifying dance.
Our journey led us to the enigmatic Don's office, a peculiar enclave amidst the segmented sections of the market. It bore the semblance of a diminutive shack, adorned with a door and a solitary fridge. Adjacent to the door, a curious cutout window, bereft of glass, displayed crates laden with produce. On the rooftop, a chaotic mosaic of market paraphernalia littered the scene, casting eerie and disquieting silhouettes. An archaic bug zapper hung suspended in front of the fridge, sporadically crackling as it vanquished hapless insects.
Within this surreal setting, forklifts roared and John engaged in a conversation with the enigmatic Don. Their exchange delved into the depths of the Don's occupation, and John gleaned invaluable insights. The Don, casting a watchful eye on me, instructed me to remain perched upon an apple crate as he departed on a forklift, its horn blaring a dissonant note. From my vantage point, I watched the forklifts zip by like thundering chariots on a mythical racetrack, while rodents, animals, and even rabbits, bandicoots, and other enigmatic creatures, emerged from the shadows. They darted with reckless abandon, narrowly evading the relentless advance of the forklifts. Occasionally, misfortune befell one of these creatures, meeting a gruesome end beneath the unfeeling wheels of the mechanical beasts.
As I observed this macabre ballet of light
As the night progressed, the lights within the market shed took on a surreal quality, casting eerie shadows that danced with a life of their own. These shadows would occasionally merge, forming larger, more ominous shapes before abruptly parting ways, mirroring the chaotic underworld that thrived in the heart of Melbourne.
My gaze became transfixed on the bats, their silhouettes weaving intricate patterns through the dimly lit canopy. In that moment, an inexplicable connection blossomed in my mind--a connection between the Don and these nocturnal creatures. I couldn't help but recall the Count from Sesame Street, with his mathematical prowess, and I drew parallels between his enigmatic persona and the Don's own mysterious demeanor, manifested in his speech and attire.
The bats, like shadowy wraiths, descended upon the feast of bugs that congregated in front of the glaring lights. It was a macabre ballet, the creatures of the night devouring the silhouettes of insects with ruthless efficiency. The eerie communion between bats and shadows seemed symbolic, an eerie reflection of the clandestine dealings within the Melbourne underworld.
I remained seated, entranced by this unsettling spectacle, the enigmatic connection between the mob and these creatures etched in my young mind. It was a connection that would continue to haunt my thoughts in the years to come.
Amidst my drowsiness, I felt an undeniable chill. The relentless cold of the night was seeping into my bones, lulling me into a drowsy stupor. It was then that the Don, like a phantom emerging from the shadows, approached me. He gently draped a blanket over my shivering form, providing an unexpected warmth that sent a shiver down my spine.
In that moment, I couldn't help but reconsider my perceptions of these gangsters. The Don's seemingly small act of kindness cast a different light on his character, and I couldn't deny a growing sense that perhaps, beneath their menacing exterior, these mobsters possessed a flicker of humanity.
With the blanket wrapped around me, I allowed myself to drift into a fitful slumber, my thoughts swirling in the darkness, entwined with shadows and the enigma of the Melbourne underworld
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qnewsau · 25 days
Inquest into suicides of trans Victorians calls for urgent change
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/inquest-into-suicides-of-trans-victorians-calls-for-urgent-change/
Inquest into suicides of trans Victorians calls for urgent change
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A Victorian coroner has recommended urgent improvements to police systems and increased funding increase for trans and gender-diverse healthcare following an inquest into a series of tragic suicides.
Coroner Ingrid Giles has made the recommendations after an inquest into the deaths of five young transgender women in Melbourne.
One of the women, Bridget Flack (above), was reported missing on December 1, 2020.
Warning: distressing content
However despite her family’s concerns, Victoria Police officers failed to recognise her high risk of suicide, Giles found.
Those delays prevented police using Bridget’s phone signal to find her. Instead, hundreds of members of the LGBTQIA+ community conducted a ground search instead.
Tragically, two of them found Bridget’s body in bushland on December 11, 2020.
Giles said police “failed to consider the safety and wellbeing of the community members searching for Bridget.”
“Police left a vulnerable community to search for one of their own, in the knowledge that Bridget might be found deceased,” the Coroner said.
The inquest confirmed Bridget Flack died by suicide on November 30 and “systemic” police failures had not contributed to her death.
While Giles found no evidence of anti-trans bias, there were nonetheless “concerning gaps” in the police investigation.
The coroner made three recommendations to Victoria Police. They include changes to its missing persons risk assessment and training for officers.
Giles said Victoria Police conducted a thorough internal review into Bridget’s case in 2021. However none of those findings had been implemented, which Giles said must happen “as a priority”.
Bridget Flack’s sister Angela Pucci Love gave evidence at the “tough but worthwhile” inquest. She said the findings were “vindicating” and she and Bridget’s loved ones want “to help the next family”.
“If the next person doesn’t feel they’re not heard or not treated with the respect that they deserve, be it in life or after life, that makes us feel really proud,” she said.
‘You should not feel fear when consulting a doctor’
The inquest also examined the deaths of trans women Natalie Wilson, Matt Byrne, Heather Pierard and another person known under the pseudonym AS.
Coroner Ingrid Giles recommended the federal government restrict the online sale and distribution of a lethal chemical used by three of the women to take their own lives.
Another important recommendation was increasing funding, access and capacity of gender-affirming healthcare in Victoria.
Tragically, the inquest heard that Byrne resorted to gender-affirming surgery from an unlicensed, non-medical “backyard” operator in a Melbourne home.
Giles said the young trans woman’s “confronting” case shows the urgent need to improve accessibility of gender-affirming care which “simply cannot keep up with demand”.
Giles said discrimination, particularly in the health system, has serious and “wholly unacceptable” impacts on trans people.
“You should not feel fear or profound dread when consulting a doctor,” she said.
“There should not be a myriad of horror stories circulating in the community as to what could happen if you walk through the wrong door to get support. There should be no wrong door.”
Victoria Police and the Victoria Government have both said they will consider the recommendations.
Transgender Victoria chief executive Son Vivienne said the coroner’s findings are detailed and “long overdue”.
Dr Vivienne said it was crucial all frontline staff understood the increased risk trans and gender-diverse people face due to stigma and discrimination.
Anna Bernasochi, from suicide prevention organisation Switchboard Victoria, said the advocacy for systemic change would continue.
“We’re going to be there every step of the way to ensure that government, the police and our institutions are held to account so that we can change this reality for our communities,” she said.
If you need someone to talk to, help is available from QLife on 1800 184 527 or online at QLife.org.au, Lifeline on 13 11 14 or via text on 0477 13 11 14, Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, or beyondblue on 1300 22 4636.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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shayonablinds01 · 8 months
Top 5 blinds and curtains Suppliers in Melbourne
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Curtains and blinds are super important for making our homes look awesome. They're not just practical they also add to the overall vibe of a house. In Australia, where people care about making their homes look great, picking the right places to get curtains and blinds is a big deal. Let's talk about the top five suppliers that are good at this. 
People have different tastes in curtains and blinds – some like simple styles, while others want something bold and eye-catching. The best blinds and curtains melbourne understand this variety and make sure to offer exactly what you're looking for. They focus on making things just for you, so you end up being happy with how your home looks and feels.
Explain Types of blinds and curtains melbourne
Indoor blinds come in various styles to make your home look great and work better. Smart roller blinds have cool technology, letting you control them from far away, making life easy and saving energy. Double roller blinds have two layers of fabric, so you can adjust how much light comes in and keep your privacy. 
Roman blinds have fancy folds for a touch of class, and Venetian blinds have slats you can move to get just the right amount of light. Panel Glide Blinds look sleek and modern, while Ziptrak interior blinds are a clever way to bring the outdoors in seamlessly.
Outdoor blinds are tough and stylish, built to handle the weather while making your outdoor spaces look good. External blinds keep out the sun and give you privacy, and outdoor alfresco screens help you create different areas in your backyard. Aluminium shutters are strong and look modern, while awnings give shade and protection. These outdoor options are perfect for making a comfy outdoor space or shielding your home from the weather.
Curtains are a fast way to change how your home looks. There are lots of styles, colors, and patterns to pick from, so you can find the perfect fit for your modern or traditional style. All the curtains are made in melbourne, which means they're well-made, and they also focus on making them safe for kids. So, not only do they make your place look better, but they also keep your little ones safe. With so many choices, curtains are a stylish and versatile way to give your home or office a fresh new look.
Benefits of Quality Curtains and Blinds
High-quality curtains and blinds bring several advantages to your home. They help control the amount of light entering a room, giving you the power to create a cosy atmosphere and protect your furniture from the sun. These window coverings also play a role in regulating the temperature, keeping your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Privacy is another big benefit – they allow you to enjoy your space without worrying about prying eyes. 
Plus, good curtains and blinds can enhance the overall look of a room, coming in various styles and colors to match your decor. They are durable, easy to maintain, and some even help reduce outside noise. With features like UV protection, they safeguard your belongings from the sun's harmful rays. Investing in quality window treatments not only improves your daily living but can also increase the value of your home. For excellent window solutions, consider reputable blinds and curtains in  melbourne 
1. Shayona Blinds
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Shayona Blinds stands out as a leading supplier of blinds and curtains melbourne for both homes and businesses in Australia. With years of valuable experience in the industry, we've not only earned a solid client base but also established ourselves as a trusted name in the Australian market. Our reputation revolves around the core values of quality and customer satisfaction.
Specialising in a wide range of window coverings and blinds, Shayona offers various shades and fabrics for curtains. Our product range caters to diverse needs, spanning from domestic and business fit-outs to luxurious curtains that add a touch of elegance and style to your home decor. Committed to transforming your living spaces, we provide an extensive selection of fabric types, ensuring that Shayona Blinds becomes your go-to destination for enhancing your home with top-notch blinds and curtains.
2. Quickfit Blinds
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Quickfit Blinds and Curtains is a great place to get window coverings in Australia. They're known for being reliable and getting things done efficiently. Quickfit is all about making things easy for you, offering a big selection of blinds and curtains that suit different needs. They focus on giving you solutions that are not only good quality but also stylish.
Whether you want curtains that are ready-made or blinds that are just the right size for your windows, Quickfit has what you need. They make the whole process quick and simple, so you can easily make your home look better with nice and practical window treatments. Quickfit Blinds and Curtains is all about making things easy for you, so if you want good quality and convenience for your windows, they're a great choice.
3. In Curtains & Blinds
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In Curtains and blinds are cool ways to make your home look nice and work better. Curtains have many styles and colors to pick from, so you can easily change how your place feels. They're also made in Australia and focus on keeping kids safe.
Blinds are like smart window covers. Some can even be controlled with a remote! Others have two layers for light and privacy control. Outdoor blinds are tough and can handle the weather, making your outdoor spaces look good and comfy. So, whether you like the fancy look of curtains or the cleverness of blinds, there's something for everyone to make their home awesome!
4. Fantastic Blinds & Curtains
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Fantastic Blinds & Curtains is your go-to place for everything about making your windows look great. We're not just a shop; we design, make, sell, and provide all sorts of window stuff like Blinds, Shutters, Curtains, and Screens. If you want top-notch blinds that are made just for your home, our big experience in the business ensures you get the best choices.
Our products don't just make your home look fancy; they also protect it from the sun and different weather conditions all year round. We really care about working closely with you. We listen to what you want, show you lots of options, and give you expert advice. We even take the time to show you how our indoor products work so you can see how they fit into your home's style. With Fantastic Blinds & Curtains, it's not just about covering your windows; it's about making your home comfy and looking good, just the way you want.
5. Verosol
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Verosol is a company that makes really good window coverings to make your home or office better. They don't just cover windows; they make them look nice and work well. Verosol is known for being smart and creative, offering blinds and curtains that not only look cool but also do important things like controlling light, giving you privacy, and saving energy.
Whether you want blinds to reduce annoying glare, curtains that make your place look fancy, or window coverings that help keep your home cosy, Verosol has lots of options. They focus on making things that not only look great but also make your home more comfortable and eco-friendly. So, if you're looking for window solutions that are reliable and stylish, Verosol is a good choice to consider.
In conclusion, choosing the right curtains and blinds is super important for making your home look and feel awesome. The best blinds and curtains melbourne, such as Shayona Blinds, Quickfit Blinds, Fantastic Blinds & Curtains, In Curtains & Blinds, and Verosol, are great because they care about giving you good quality and lots of choices. Whether you want your place to look fancy, be easy to manage, or save energy, these suppliers have something for everyone. They make it super easy to make your home look fantastic, making sure it's not just pretty but also works well for you.
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Need International Design Outdoor Wall Lights? Now in Local Stores!
For modern to contemporary homes, if anyone needs to create an alluring ambience, they should visit any trusted store to get a variety of top-quality indoor and outdoor wall lights for aesthetic appeal.
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Some well-known home decor and outdoor wall lighting sellers come up with world-class lighting supplies in Melbourne. Anyone can buy their desired indoor and outdoor wall lighting supplies from these stores to enjoy the indoor ambience and backyard outdoor parties as well. 
In present days, LEDs are well-known and highly preferred for their cost-effectiveness and eco-friendliness. These sellers have a wide variety of high-quality beautifully created LED lights that are ideal for a variety of spaces and set-ups. Some of their specialities are highly preferred after outdoor lighting collections.
Visit their online stores and check collections of designer lighting, island bench lighting, ceiling-mounted, pendants, crystal chandeliers, track spots, downlights, garden lights, and more.
Significance of Local Lighting Sellers:
First of all, the local nearby market is the best place to have guaranteed electrical pieces because of its market reputation and customer relationship approach.
They built a good reputation over time and local people can trust them to invest a good amount in their electrical lighting supplies.
People understand that these sellers can provide only top-quality lighting models based on the frequency of use and spaces where they want to use them.
Additionally, they provide guaranteed products, handle their customers with great customer support service, and have a customer-focused attitude to help whenever they face any inconvenience.
They hire qualified, pleasant, friendly, and attentive customer service people to answer their questions and collect the finest lighting with warranties.
Overall, anyone can find some awesome lighting collections with innovative designs to complement indoor and outdoor decor for homes, offices, and commercial purposes.
Therefore, if you are also interested in having their collections, visit their websites, and check their online brochure for ready-to-be-used, tailored, Australian and international designs at market-competitive costs.
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werribeeblindsau · 1 year
Why Outdoor Blinds Are a Great Addition to Your Home or Office
The Melbourne sun can be harsh on your home and garden. Many people use outdoor fans to cool down their outside area. However, you can create a cooler environment without using an electric fan by installing the right outdoor blinds.
There are a few different types of outdoor blinds you can choose from. These include woven mesh, Ziptrak blinds, and the Solare Teknica 1000 range.
Block Out the Sun
When your patio, balcony or veranda gets too hot it can be hard to use the space. A quality outdoor sun blind is a great addition to any home or office in Melbourne, as it can protect your living spaces from harsh summer sunlight and reduce energy bills.
They can also keep out the UV rays that damage curtains, furniture and wooden floors. With a range of colours and styles, these blinds can be customised to complement any interior design.
They can be operated manually with a winding mechanism or motorised with remote control or smart home integration. Many homeowners have reported a significant reduction in their energy bills after installing these products, so it’s no surprise they are becoming a popular choice for residential homes and offices in Australia. In addition, they are durable and will last for a long time. They are also stylish and add an extra touch of luxury to any home or business.
Create a Cooler Environment
For those who want to cut down on their energy bills without having to turn up the air-conditioning, outdoor blinds are an effective way to do so. By reflecting heat away from the house, they help to keep your home cool in summer. They also keep warm air inside in winter which reduces your heating costs.
Whether you’re looking for a simple awning or something more stylish and contemporary, there’s sure to be an option to suit your taste. You can even get them made in a wide range of colours and fabrics to fit your decor. You can choose from a variety of different styles including cafe blinds, clear & tinted PVC, shade weave and blockout mesh depending on your needs.
Whether you’re building, renovating or simply updating your home, installing a new set of outdoor blinds is a great way to enhance your living space and improve the value of your property. They’re a cost-effective, stylish and practical solution to keeping your home cool in Melbourne’s harsh weather conditions.
Create a Shady Spot
Having the right type of patio blinds can turn your outdoor area into a cozy spot that you can use during winter. During the day, you can sit on your porch and enjoy the sunlight without having to worry about prying eyes. At night, you can close your outdoor blinds and stay warm and comfortable while enjoying a good book or talking to friends.
You can also use outdoor blinds to create a dining space for your family or guests. They can be adjusted to provide shade or sun, depending on your preferences and weather conditions. They can also be paired with a pergola or awning to add more privacy and style to your space.
When choosing a company to supply and install your new outdoor blinds, make sure you choose one that has a strong reputation for quality products and excellent customer service. Does the company you are considering treat you as a valued customer or do they make you feel like just another number?
Add Value to Your Home
If you have a backyard or outdoor space that’s not well used, installing a set of outdoor blinds is a great way to turn it into an enjoyable area for socialising with friends and family. This can help increase the value of your home, should you decide to sell it later on.
In addition to protecting your furniture from UV rays, outdoor blinds can also help lower your energy bills. These blinds are designed to reflect heat and sunlight away from the house, which can reduce your reliance on air conditioning during summer.
You can choose between various types of outdoor blinds, including ones with pull stick operation and motorised switches. They’re especially easy to operate if you have children or elderly people living in the house. They also come with different options, such as woven mesh and a variety of colours. You can also customise your outdoor blinds to match the existing aesthetic of your space.
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swldx · 2 years
RNZ Pacific 1305 12 Jan 2023
7390Khz 1259 12 JAN 2023 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 55333. English, s/on w/bellbird int. until pips and news @1300z anchored by Catriona MacLeod. A Russian mercenary group fighting in Ukraine has said it has found the body of one of two British aid workers reported missing over the weekend. The Foreign Office, which has not confirmed the claim, said it was supporting the families of the two men. Andrew Bagshaw, 48, and Chris Parry, 28, were last seen heading to the town of Soledar on Friday, where fighting has been intense in recent days. The Wagner group said on Wednesday a body had been found without naming him. The cleanup from Cyclone Hale is only just beginning with the weather system causing damage from Northland and Coromandel on to Tairāwhiti, and down the North Island as far as Wairarapa. The East Coast is hardest hit, with communities still cut off in Tairāwhiti, and local authorities working to find ways to get supplies to them. The Victorian premier has ruled out hosting a state funeral or service for the late Cardinal George Pell, saying it would distress survivors of abuse. Pell, Australia's most senior Catholic, died on Tuesday local time in Rome, after complications during hip surgery, leaving a mixed legacy due to his overturned conviction for child abuse. Cardinal Pell, 81, became Archbishop of Melbourne in 1996, and the Archbishop of Sydney in 2001. He was appointed as a Cardinal by Pope John Paul II in 2003. In 2018 he was found guilty of abusing two choirboys in the 1990s, and spent more than a year behind bars, before his conviction was quashed by the High Court. @1303z trailer for RNZ "On the Air". @1304z Weather Forecast: isolated showers, sometimes heavy. @1306z "All Night Programme" anchored by Catriona MacLeod. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 35°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0659.
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careremovals · 2 years
Hire Qualified Waste Collectors Assisting with Junk Removal Same Day Service
In recent years, reputable companies offer junk removal same day service so client could rest assured that the waste will dump on the similar day itself without ruining the environment. They provide services for both residential and commercial property owners to provide better living environment. As a result you will have cleaner atmosphere and more usable space. Reliable collectors pick all type of trash irrelevant of shapes and sizes including cardboard, polystyrene, and organic materials.
Advantages of Working with Trustworthy Waste Collectors:
Verified online resources state that people often opt for reliable rubbish removal in Melbourne that takes care of yard debris, dead bodies, hard trash, cardboard, and recycling. Help is also offered in collecting things like garage junk, broken windows, doors, panels, mulch, dead branches, and so on. Clothing, electronics, large things, mattresses, tyres, and other trash can all be picked up by professional collectors.
Generally, expert waste collectors have the specialised equipment and know-how necessary to collect trash without damaging buildings or landscaping. In addition, they offer advice on how to improve the area for gardening or mowing reasons, making it possible to have a more complete and enjoyable outdoor area. Trash experts will also pick up shipping containers that were severely damaged during transportation.
Basically, companies inspect the condition of waste junk and choose recycling so it one could use it again to create new raw materials. This will reduce the impact on environment, limit landfill dumping and support sustainability living.
Perks of Hiring Qualified Waste Collectors for Junk Removal:
Established companies offer their services to commercial properties that include offices, schools, restaurants, cafes, factories and storage units.
The code of conduct also provides assistance with garage clean out, site cleanup, and backyard rubbish collection.
Further, they also ensure zero damages with no hidden cost charged.
One should enquire with the best company if they are looking for junk removal services.
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silkohome · 1 month
How To Design The Outdoors Of Your Backyard Office Pod?
How To Design The Outdoors Of Your Backyard Office Pod? An office in your backyard is a place where all the utilities and office furniture are packed in a small garden pod. It is a modern solution for all office needs with multiple working spaces. For example, the outdoor space with lots of greenery may be used to its full capacity, just like the indoors of the backyard pod.
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What Are The Ways To Make Optimum Use Of Pod Outdoors? Although the garden pod is itself a freestanding structure for outdoor use in the backyard area, it can be set up as a multipurpose unit with chairs and logs placed just outside the pod. It can be turned into a spacious meeting spot for more team members who otherwise cannot fit into the small office shed.
When you have decided on the plants and trees that will be planted near the pod, the only thing left is its landscaping. Small stones and pebbles can be used to decorate the path that leads to the door of the pod. Also, the walkway can be designed using wood panels so that it gives a distinctive look to the pod. Flower-bearing shrubs and trees in the vicinity of the pod will beautify the whole scene. Hues of red and pink flowers outside the backyard home office release brain chemicals that trigger happiness in you.
The use of patio chairs or garden cane furniture for tea or coffee breaks outdoors is also a unique idea. The monotonous office life needs a little change in the form of perfect evening tea sips under the sky. It will become a popular hangout place for you and increase your productivity in the long run. In a hybrid workplace, this chill-out zone is a place where the employee can clear their head and think forward. What Are The Health Benefits Of Using An Outdoor Office Shed? The lighting inside the office pod is quite good because there are glass windows and doors. There is a good use of CFLs and residential LED lights that produce clean white light for long hours of work. It helps the person working in the office pod to stay energetic and focused at the same time. But if there is good weather outside the pod, there are chances that you can charge up in the natural light. It will boost vitamin D and encourage better sleep in you. So, connecting to the outdoors is always a rewarding way to improve your overall happiness quotient and fight depression and diabetes.
Conclusion Investing in a backyard home office in Melbourne is always the best bet, as it will be cost-effective and a multipurpose unit. It can be designed so that there is extra space outdoors to accommodate simple patio furniture. So, you can be assured that it is used as an office during work hours and a private outdoor space during lunch and tea breaks. Buy a perfect backyard pod from builders like silkohome who will make the whole process stress-free.
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getadvanceinfo · 21 days
Modern Backyard Granny Flats for Comfortable Living
Discover modern backyard granny flats designed for comfortable, flexible living. Perfect for guests, home offices, or additional rental income, these spaces combine contemporary aesthetics with practicality.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Tech firms reject Atlassians remote model
He said this had been advantageous to his company by opening up its potential talent pool enormously. “We went from attracting the best talent in Sydney to all of Australia and now the whole of the world,” Mr Thompson said. “As a remote company, we’ve been most successful attracting and retaining the best talent by remunerating based on skills and performance. We do not have different pay scales across different locations around Australia. Kyle Bolto, CEO and Founder of Ohmie Go, says staff should be paid based on the value they bring to the company.  “For example, if a product manager in Sydney is delivering the same output as our product manager based in remote Queensland, why would we pay them differently?” Google raised the ire of some of its employees last year by reducing their salaries by about 15 per cent if they moved further away from offices in New York or San Francisco to work from home. Mr Thompson said other companies basing pay on location would give him an advantage in the hiring market. “We’ve seen some of our talented Sydney-based employees move to a location outside Sydney, for reasons varying from finally being able to afford a first home with a backyard as a single working parent, to being closer to an ageing family,” he said. “We certainly were not going to ask these people to accept a lower wage. We strongly believe our approach gives us a competitive advantage as a business and provides ultimate freedom for our employees. Kyle Bolto, founder and CEO of electric vehicle start-up Ohmie Go, said his company had hired a diverse remote team comprising engineers, tech, sales, operations and marketing staff across NSW, Queensland, Victoria and Europe. He said he pays them all based on what they contribute to the company. “Ultimately, having a global focus for talent means we have a wider and more diverse selection pool which only adds value to our business,” Mr Bolto said. “Our team receive equal pay for equal work, which was a cultural decision to ensure that everyone who contributes to the business in equivalent roles is paid the same and feels valued. The secrecy and disparities that exists around pay, particularly in corporate roles, only builds resentment which creates an unhealthy work environment.” Like Atlassian, Zoho is a global tech company that has elected to target workers outside traditional business centres. Its chief strategy officer, Vijay Sundaram, said the 26-year-old Indian multinational had based its Australian operations in Adelaide as part of a plan to “democratise access to jobs” and establish itself in underserved areas. It also employs some Australian staff remotely on the Gold Coast and in Sydney, but their location has no bearing on their pay, with remuneration based on role and experience, rather than postcode. “This approach, which we call ‘transnational localism’ has been absolutely crucial to our sustained growth and success,” he said. “This method of growth allows our employees – our most important asset – to stay in their home towns and contribute to their local community while working for a leading, globally recognised technology company.” Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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You Deserve an Expansive Outdoor Relaxation Area - Hire a Deck Builder!
When you’re building your dream home, do you ever think of the outdoor deck as an area where you can relax?
Your outdoor deck is one of the most underutilized parts of your home because it’s not something that most homeowners think of when they begin building or renovating their dream home! You deserve to be able to relax in your own backyard, so hire a Deck Builder Melbourne to help you turn your backyard into an expansive relaxation area. It’s easier and cheaper than you think!
3 Signs you need to add to a deck
You're looking for more space to entertain guests and relax with family.
You love spending time outside but your backyard is too small for you to enjoy it properly.
You have a pool that needs the perfect setting for cooling off in the summer heat. Add on a deck, complete with outdoor lounge chairs, an outdoor TV/entertainment system, and a dining area for you to kick back and spend some quality time with your family after a long day of work or play.
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5 Things homeowners want in their deck
A deck should be big enough to accommodate furniture and activities.  A deck should feel like another room in the house, but one that is outside and away from living areas.
A deck should be aesthetically pleasing and visually comfortable for the homeowner, as well as provide ample space for activities such as eating, reading, or playing games with children or friends.
The location of the deck will depend on where you live and your budget. In warmer climates, decks are often built on patios off backyards; in colder climates, they are more often built on porches or decks off of upper-level flooring areas.
With these qualities in mind, how do you find a quality deck builder? When interviewing potential contractors, ask them about their experience building decks. Ask what materials they use and why. Ask about safety features and warranties before choosing one to build your new outdoor relaxation area.
4 Tips for hiring the right deck builder
Here are four tips for hiring the right deck builder for your outdoor relaxation area:
1) Get references and check reviews to see if the deck builder is reliable.
2) Ask about their experience and what projects they have done.
3) Compare costs with other professionals in your area.
4) Make sure they are licensed and insured.
A Deck Builder Melbourne can help you create the perfect outdoor relaxation area. A deck builder will work with you to make sure that your deck meets all of your needs while incorporating any special requests that you may have. Whether you need a backyard office space or a place to put your grill, there is no job too small for a professional deck builder.
The best part about building your own deck? You get to design it exactly as you want it. From materials and layout to size and style, you're in control of every aspect. Plus, if you don't have the time or know-how to do it yourself, you don't even have to hire someone else. Simply let your local deck builder handle it all for you!
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innohomesaus · 3 years
InnoHomes is one of the award-winning builders in Melbourne. We offer backyard offices & pods in Melbourne with high-quality, modern, and ultra-low-cost construction. Call us on 1300722703 to get a free quote.
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bribuild · 3 years
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