#backpacking dinners
msterpicasso · 8 months
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cowardlycowboys · 5 months
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mermaid shell
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expederest · 4 months
Whoops, I forgot to share the Dungeon Meshi merch I got in Tokyo last month. Which wasn't much tbh. Since I was with family, I couldn't be like "Hey, let's go into this anime store spanning 8 floors!" And the sole time I visited Akihabara, the only shop still open was Don Quijote…However! I went to the Tsutaya in Shibuya, the one that re-opened recently across from the station. And at the very top, they had a small pop-up of Dungeon Meshi merch.
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I bought a badge and what I assumed was an acrylic stand, but it's more like a big keychain? I was planning to go back to get something for a friend, and maybe the towel, but I ran out of time… Also, apparently they were giving away postcards if you spent 2,000 yen too? I didn't know that! I would have spent more otherwise 😔
I also found a couple of Dungeon Meshi gachapon machines in Magnet, the mall across from Tsutaya. The only ones I saw, in fact. Not that I checked every capsule centre I came across…
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I wish I could have obtained all the mushroom ones, but the machine had maybe 2 capsules left, and I was out of coins. However, I did manage to get Senshi too. He's already attached to my backpack 😊
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faunandfloraas · 2 months
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Convinced that whenever he sends this message he's thinking of ordering dinner but doesn't know what he wants, so he asks this and then looks through the replies for ideas
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Went back to long island for a day. long island still sucks major ambergris, but it was good to see my parents. Afterward, my mom sent me back to the train with laundry soap and delicious spotty bananas :)
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softquietsteadylove · 5 months
Only FIVE prompts left??? We can’t have that! (Unless you want a break then we absolutely can have that) BUT here’s another words prompt just in case you want more! I may be back with an AU specific prompt as well 👀 words are: luck, train, discovery
"You two, take the back cars, bring back anything useful."
Thena said nothing, all but rolling her eyes at the order. But she moved in the direction of the back of the train, pulling Gil with her by the hand.
He was less eager to argue with Ikaris, but he chuckled as Thena kept a close pace with him. "Bit bossy, huh?"
"He thrives off of ordering people around, I believe," she muttered, although she didn't let go of his hand, even as they walked. "At least with you here, he's not barking as much."
To say that he was not a fan of Ikaris would be an understatement, but Gil was quietly happy that the group leader seemed to give him a little more wariness than the others. He didn't think of himself as a fighter, by any means, but if that prick thought he could get away with being a bully, then Gil was happy to get in his face again.
The sun hit the top of Thena's head, reflecting off of it in a blinding way. But the sun was a good thing--it meant they had good visibility and that most of those things would be stumbling around idly rather than riled up.
"Feels kinda nostalgic, right?" he chuckled as they arrived at the back two cars. "Remember that time we spent on the Amtrack line?"
"Of course," she smiled, watching as he pried the sliding door open for them. That was the main reason he had been asked along on this scavenging trip--and that it was probably going to be lucrative, and the more they could carry at once, the better.
"Nice and quiet place to sleep, at least for a few nights," he reminisced. He groaned as he got the door open, but as soon as he did, Thena slid in front of him, knives up and at the ready.
He remembered their time on the train most fondly because it was the first time Thena had quietly and shyly settled herself beside him to sleep. It was his most treasured memory, even if she didn't know he had it.
She kept her knives up, tapping the metal tips against the walls and overhead rails, just to test if anything was lying in wait. "Rear?"
Gil looked behind them, but it seemed pretty clear. He looked around again, his eyes dashing down to another - completely different - rear before he blushed and cleared his throat. "Looks good."
"Okay," she murmured, reaching the front of the car. She looked through the window of it, catching Kingo in the next car forward. He waved; Gil waved back, while Thena gave him a very stiff not. "Let's start checking."
If there was anything worth taking, it was probably already gone. But things got lost and forgotten in the panic of fleeing. Anything that was left had the potential to have at least a few good things left. A toiletries bag inside a suitcase, some snacks that had been stashed away. Even just the clothes were an asset.
"What do you think it's like for them?" Gil asked, mostly for the sake of talking. He glanced at the end of the car, "scavenging like this even though they've never been out in it?"
Thena eyed the direction of his gaze but returned to methodically digging through bags. "Every time we do this, I see them hesitate. I think there's still a sense that the people who owned these wouldn't want them dug through, or something."
Gil nodded. He understood it, sure--the sympathy he could have for all these people who hadn't been lucky enough to survive what he had. But he agreed with Thena that they didn't have the luxury of thinking like that every time they needed supplies. The things shuffling around in their bodies now had no need for the shreds of their human lives anymore.
He blinked as something was tossed at him. Thena didn't even look up, still digging through things and separating them into piles. But he shook out the little bundle, pleased by the light material of the green plaid shirt. "Yeah?"
"It'll be lighter than the one you have now," she muttered.
He was indeed still wearing a flannel over his t-shirt. It was just something he could wear around the hospital, on kitchen duty or whatever. But he had to admit, out here and under the sun, he was starting to sweat a little.
Thena tilted her head at him as he pulled his darker green one off and pulled on the lighter one. "Hm."
He let her move over to him, rolling the sleeves up to his elbow for herself. He probably would have anyway, but he didn't mind if she wanted to do it. "What do you think?"
She looked up at him, smiling more than she had since they left this morning. "It's a nice colour for you."
"Don't I have to turn it over and, like, request it or something?" he asked as he adjusted the collar of it. He didn't know all the ins and outs of it, but Thena had told him about the system they had for inventory.
From what he understood, everything came back to the hospital, and if someone found something they wanted to keep, they were at the top of the list for it once it had been accounted for. Supposedly it caused less petty theft and argument over resources.
Thena shrugged, though, tying his old shirt around her waist. "Ikaris kept a hat last time and Kingo found a jacket he liked that he was never going to turn over. It's not stated, but if you find it and you're willing to fight for it, no one will argue."
He wasn't sure if that really applied to him - a temporary grunt worker - but he didn't argue. The shirt was already nice and cool on his skin. "Anything I should keep an eye on? Is there anything we aren't keeping?"
"Everything is good to have, but we also can't carry every single thing we find. Divide everything into sections and the priorities will be half from lighter things, half from heavier and outerwear. Shoes and undergarments are a must, but dresses and skirts and suits we can leave."
Things that were less useful weren't a priority. Choice was great, but fashion wasn't a burden for them to bear for those back at the hospital.
Although, Gil watched Thena retrieve another suitcase, if he happened to see something he thought she would like, he wasn't above squirrelling it away for her.
"What?" he leaned over from his sorting to look at her new find. It was a hard shell suitcase, but there weren't any clothes in it at all. It seemed to contain souvenirs or home decorations. Photo frames were in there, although the glass had broken from being tossed and abandoned in the scuffle of things.
"You don't see this often," she sighed. It was never pleasant to have to truly toss away someone's life in your findings. She sifted through things delicately, mindful of the little shards of glass.
"Careful," he couldn't resist muttering over her shoulder. He got a look for it, but he shrugged. He reached in for himself, pulling out a little dragon figurine. "Jade--supposed to be good vibes."
Thena pulled out a broken handheld fan, as well some beautiful painted - and broken - porcelain. "I can see why it was left behind, but it's amazing they even bothered to pack it in the first place."
It was probably evidence of an early phase of evacuation. One where people were still being promised safe havens and places to reestablish themselves.
"Hey," he grinned, fishing out another artifact. He held it delicately, noting the crack already running down the face of it. "This looks just like the one that used to be on the counter in my old restaurant."
The lucky cat's smile was in tact, despite everything. Its paws were held aloft and the gold detailing of it still shone under the dirt and dust.
"Here," Thena handed him the little red pillow that went with the decoration.
Gil held the thing in his palms. It was nostalgic in a completely different way, reminiscent of a totally different time in his life. But something about looking down at the little face was like seeing an old friend. "I used to say hi to him before every shift."
Thena smiled. "I'm sure you were great friends."
He turned sheepish; it was a little silly, and most didn't enjoy remembering the before times, as it were. No use mourning something so irreparably lost. "Wish we could take you with us, little guy."
Thena watched as he set the little cat, on its pillow, back into the suitcase.
"No room for non-essentials," he excused before standing and dusting off his knees. "I'll clear this back one."
"Careful," Thena responded reflexively. He gave her the same look she had given him but she just shrugged.
He snorted and grinned at her; she was cute, for a huge hypocrite. He slid the door between the cars open, holding onto his skillet. It even felt like old times to be holding it again, ready to swing it at any potential threats.
Ikaris and Kingo kept trying to give him guns and he kept saying no; he didn't know how to handle one anyway, and he was better with short range force than long range accuracy. Thena had her knives and the speed and grace of a gymnast, and he had a cast iron skillet and upper body strength. It had gotten them this far.
He looked back as Thena joined him, her backpack already zipped up with a bulging top. She nodded, "your shirt's in here, too."
They went back to work, sorting through bags. Thena was mostly silent, but she didn't mind when he brought up light conversation either. It really felt like when they were on the road, just the two of them, half a lifetime ago.
"Oi, you two," Ikaris poked his head in, "finished?"
"Yes," Thena responded concisely. "Load up the car, we'll be there."
Ikaris merely nodded. They were a similar brand of efficient but unfriendly, in a funny kind of way. Kingo at least gave them a thumbs up as he followed. How those two found themselves being friends was beyond Gil.
"Ready?" she asked him much more gently, holding out her hand.
He accepted it, standing with a groan again. "Maybe I'm going soft--not used to being out here like this."
She gifted him with one of her adorable little laughs. "I didn't think you missed prying open doors for me."
He shrugged though, rolling his shoulders as he followed her out. "Kitchen duty isn't nearly as much of a workout. Maybe I should start squatting the potatoes, just to stay in shape."
Her eyes flicked over him just for a second, "you're plenty in shape."
He blushed again, trying not to congratulate himself in his head over a silly little nothing compliment.
"Bags in back," Ikaris directed, mostly for Gil's sake.
He tossed his bag in freely, although he and the other two looked as Thena set hers down and took out a bundle before zipping it again.
She looked Ikaris dead in the eye, practically demanding he start a fight over it. "Gil's shirt he came with today."
He and Kingo looked over, noticing for the first time that indeed the shirt he was wearing was not what he had arrived in. But the stubborn Scot nodded, "fine."
Thena clutched the balled up shirt to her and tossed the backpack in with the other bags now full of supplies.
"Man, that was a good haul," Kingo declared loudly, stretching before he hopped in front. "I even found some shampoo!"
That was indeed a good find, and probably would be high on the request list. Gil had his hand on the door when he felt a hand on his arm. "What's up?"
Thena gave him a sheepish smile and tugged at the shirt bundle. Wrapped up inside was a little peek of a white, porcelain ear. She covered it again, clear that this was not the time to celebrate their find.
Gil grinned though, as if his face would split apart. Of course she had kept it for him. Because Thena was much more sweet and sentimental than anyone here knew. He pulled the door open, holding his hand out, "after you."
Ikaris and Kingo both rolled their eyes in front.
Gil held Thena's hand as she climbed into the backseat. He leaned forward, brushing his lips against her cheek as she passed, "you're the best."
They settled in the seats, leaving the middle one unoccupied despite no one bothering with seat belts anymore. Gil leaned his elbow against the door, tilting his head so he wouldn't get caught making eyes at Thena. The jackasses in the front would just make fun of him anyway.
"You okay, T?" Kingo asked, looking in the rear view mirror. "You look a little sunburned."
Gil looked over, indeed catching a pinkness in her cheeks that wasn't usually there. His heart skipped.
She cleared her throat, obviously not a fan of getting called out. "I don't usually get this much sun."
Ikaris started the SUV, "sign out a hat next time."
And that was that. They were on their way back to the hospital. Ikaris was maybe not as much of an asshole as he could have been. Kingo seemed nice the more Gil got to see of him. He peeked over at Thena again, still holding his balled up shirt on her lap, concealing her very sweet gift to him.
Now he had to come on another scavenging trip to find something she would like.
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thenarrativefoil · 11 months
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this is what life is about
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ehlnofay · 7 months
being technically an adult is wild man I can just get up and leave. no supervision. whenever I want
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orofeaiel · 1 year
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Camp dinner
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bdor1995 · 4 months
everyone needs to be really nice to me this weekend bc the poke bowl i ordered for lunch exploded in my backpack so i wasted $16, ruined my backpack, and starved for the majority of my time at work today 😭
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desperatepleasures · 5 months
okay. only goals for tomorrow are 1) go to the pharmacy so I can start treating my Trench Mouth and 2) maaaaybe go to the library 👍
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i-eat-mold · 6 months
Lifes too short to make good decisions. Pour whiskey on tapioca instead of tea. Get sick. Throw up. Make bad choices
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pcttrailsidereader · 2 months
How Your Backpacking Meals Are Really Made
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By Emily Pennington (excerpted from the July 14, 2024 article in Backpacker)
A faint whiff of cumin and cracked black pepper serenades my nostrils, reminiscent of the Indian spice markets I once visited in my mid-twenties. Only, I’m not in South Asia, or even the back storeroom of a hip Thai restaurant; I’m in my hometown of Boulder, Colorado, touring the massive factory where Backpacker’s Pantry meals are made.
My host for the morning is Soraya Smith, the company’s president and recipe-development chef. Smith, who had always been involved on the recipe side of American Outdoor Products (the parent organization of Backpacker’s Pantry) took over as president after her husband, Rodney, died in a tragic ski accident in 2020. She’s been the face of the family-owned corporation ever since.
“I’m from a foodie family,” explained Smith. “My mom is Spanish-Italian, and my father is from Iran, so we’re very multicultural. I also went to Culinary School of the Rockies before stepping into this role.”
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Our first stop was the test kitchen, where Smith pulled different dry ingredients together to experiment with new recipe ideas. To be totally honest, the various plastic bags she grabbed out of a large bin looked more like the Parmesan cheese packets you’d get for free with your pizza delivery than high-quality foodstuffs. But therein contained the secrets to my favorite post-hike meals: proprietary flavorings and mixes, which Backpacker’s Pantry makes with freeze-dried ingredients.
As we entered the factory’s enormous storeroom, I asked Smith for a refresher: What exactly is freeze drying?
Freeze-drying technology was used extensively by NASA during the space boom of the 1960s. Since freeze-dried food retains more than 90 percent of its original nutrients, it’s the best way to keep astronauts stocked with nutritious food. Better yet, the food can last for years without going bad.
When an ingredient is freeze-dried, it’s brought to an inhospitable -60°F, then back above freezing multiple times while inside a vacuum chamber. That way, only the ingredient’s water content is removed. “Some companies make a large sheet of, say, lasagna, cook it, and then dehydrate it,” Smith said. “We, on the other hand, mix each of our freeze-dried ingredients into the bag, so that when you add that boiling water, most of them are getting cooked for the first time. It’s fresher, and I think it has a better texture.”
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Once workers grab individual ingredients from the palettes in the store room, they go to the dedicated mixing room, where seasonings and starches are stirred together in large tubs. The room looks like a sterile, high-tech scene out of Willy Wonka.
Here, Smith points out that the brand adheres to a strict allergen separation system. For instance, a recipe with gluten won’t get run through the machines on the same day as a gluten-free recipe to protect customers with gluten intolerances. Ditto for dairy products. (Workers clean the machines thoroughly at the end of each day by passing them through a chrome-covered, bedroom-sized industrial dishwasher.)
After mixing, the meals are mechanically portioned out by category—sauce, starch, meat, and vegetable—then sealed by hand. Workers sample the meals throughout the day, preparing a baggie to taste-test at the beginning, middle, and end of each run. The goal is to ensure the flavors remain consistent throughout. Forks and counter space are set aside in the test kitchen for this specific purpose. If something doesn’t taste right, they ditch the batch and correct it.
The Backpacker’s Pantry factory produces thousands of meals each day. Once the day’s meals get sealed, boxed, and quality checked, they head into a gigantic storeroom, which then ships the products to big retailers, like REI, as well as directly to consumers.
As I closed the huge warehouse doors behind me and concluded my tour, I was surprised to feel tremendously better about all that just-add-water food I’d been eating. The ingredients were both fresher than I’d imagined and more rigorously quality-checked. Ninety percent of their original nutrients, huh? Heck, maybe I’ll toss a couple under my desk to eat in the office.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 years
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betrayal most foul!!!
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joelletwo · 1 year
eating pizza in the back w the bestie decompressing after the Horrors just trying to guess which one of yalls blogs is safest to browse next to a coworker. btw.
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 1 year
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first girl is all here ^_^
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