#background robin buckley x vickie
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randomperson351 · 3 days ago
Well taken care of - BH + EM
Summary: You couldn't believe it. One smile from Vickie and Robin had already disappeared off the face of the earth and now you were stuck playing Magnum P.I trying to find her. You stepped forward onto the last of the uneven stone steps and wrapped your knuckles against the door, not expecting anyone to answer.
"Oh, hi."
You whipped your head round at the sound of a voice to find Billy Hargrove smirking at you.
Do not repost or rewrite any of my work. Minors and ageless blogs get blocked.
Masterlist Asks
You couldn't believe it. One smile from Vickie and Robin had already disappeared off the face of the earth and now you were stuck playing Magnum P.I trying to find her. You stepped forward onto the last of the uneven stone steps and wrapped your knuckles against the door, not expecting anyone to answer. A slamming door from a few trailers away caught your attention, luckily the wind had just blown the door shut.
"Oh, hi."
You whipped your head round at the sound of a voice to find Billy Hargrove smirking at you.
"Hi, I uh-I didn't realise Eddie had company."
"Well, here I am." Billy leaned his hip on the frame of the door as he took his time roaming his eyes over you. "You want me to get him for you?"
"Please." You nodded.
"Hey freak, you got company!"
"Who is it?" A detached voice shouted through from somewhere within the depths of the trailer.
"One of Buckley's girls."
"Harrington?" It questioned with obvious bewilderment.
"No! I'm sorry princess, what's your name?" Billy turned back to you.
"I'm y/n."
"Billy, I said who is it?" The voice came closer.
"Oh!" Eddie ran out from his room and nearly crashed straight into the back of the blonde. "Hey!"
"Hi Eddie, I'm actually looking for Robin I was just wondering if you'd seen her anywhere?"
Eddie shrugged and looked genuinely regretful. "Sorry toots, haven't seen her since the bullshit pep rally, she left with Vickie."
You blew out a breath and tried to keep the exhaustion off your face at the thought of walking home. "Okay no worries, thanks anyway." As you turned to go Billy called out.
"Hey, you wanna use the phone see if you can find her?"
"You can't just offer my phone services." Eddie argued indignantly.
"Edward Waylon Munson! We have a pretty little thing looking for her friend in this shithole of a trailer park and you're going to begrudge her using your phone to find her friend?" Billy asked in a falsely incredulous voice knowing it would rile Eddie up, and rile him up it did.
"Of course I'm not, I'm just saying knowing the contents of most of your phone calls I don't want to encourage the same behaviour to anyone else."
"Does she really look like the type to be making promiscuous phone calls to you?" Billy gestured in your direction.
"Looks can be deceiving, I mean look at Wheeler! Chief editor of the school newspaper and yet she has guns, plural, hidden in her underwear drawer and I know for a fact-" Luckily Billy cut him off before Eddie could really get started on his conspiracy about Nancy Wheeler.
"I didn't ask about Nancy, I asked if you thought the pretty girl in front of us looked like the type to make deviant phone calls?"
"I mean-"
"No, she doesn't." Billy answered for him when Eddie looked ready to pull another argument out of his ass. "You're a good girl, aren't you sweetheart?"
"I don't know the proper way to answer that." You answered quietly, cheeks burning under the blonde's unwavering gaze as he teased you further with a wink.
"Why don't you come in babe?" Eddie saved you from his friend's scrutiny and offered you his hand, taking a step back to allow you space to enter.
"Oh I don't want to interrupt if you're busy-"
"Oh please! My blonde haired blue eyed friend is right, it would be remise of me to make you stay out there on your own looking for Robbie." Eddie insisted, wiggling his fingers.
With a hesitant smile and sigh of resignation you took his hand stumbled forward as you were essentially pulled into the trailer, Billy swinging the door closed behind you.
"You can go back to doing whatever you were doing, I'll just be a minute."
"Take your time sweetheart, we aren't in any rush. Phone's through there." Billy pointed towards the kitchen where the phone was attached to the wall.
"Come and grab me if you need any help." The dark haired man offered before springing back to his bedroom to continue tearing his drawers apart looking for the good weed he'd stashed there especially for the smoking session that usually took place between the two boys.
You watched as Billy walked back into the living room and lit a cigarette while waiting for whatever Eddie was looking for before wandering into the little kitchen and spying the phone on the wall, you dumped your bag down on the closest seat before picking up the phone and first dialling the video store where she worked with Steve.
"Family videos, a film for any of your needs right on your doorstep." His monotonous voice came through the receiver.
"Steve! It's y/n."
"Oh y/n hey! I missed you at the pep rally."
"Yeah I was late getting there, no biggie. I actually called to ask if Robin is with you?"
"Rob? No no she said she was going round yours to hangout after the rally. Is she not there?" Steve asked with a layer of concern audible in his voice.
"Uh no I couldn't find her after it ended." You admitted quietly, pressing the phone harder into your ear in a futile attempt to muffle the conversation from the head of curls that had angled in your direction.
"You need me to come get you? Actually where exactly are you anyway if you didn't leave with Robin?"
"I'm fine Steve don't worry, I'm sure she just forgot and went home so I'll try her there." You tried to placate him, not very successfully if the sputtering on the end of the line was anything to go by.
"Thanks anyway Stevie, bye!" You swiftly hung up the phone before he could protest and scrubbed your hands down your face, rubbing too harshly over your eyes in frustration.
You had officially been ditched so that Robin could swap spit with Vickie.
"Fuck." You swore under your breath as you started dialling the number for Robin's house instead.
"Here." You jolted and spun round at hearing Billy's voice right behind you, offering you a pre-lit cigarette as a sort of peace offering for frightening you. You hadn't even heard him get up.
"Oh, thanks." You took the cigarette and inhaled deeply, feeling the nervous edge you had unwind with the deep breath you were forced to take as the smoke filled your lungs.
"No problem." Again Billy held eye contact with you almost unnervingly until he'd backtracked out of the kitchen.
"Buckley residence." Robin's upbeat voice interrupted the moment you were stuck in with one member of the trailer.
"Robin, its me! Where the hell did you go? We were supposed to hang out after the rally."
"Oh shit y/n, my bad! I'm so sorry I forgot you know what I'm like, I was totally going to wait for you but then Vickie was like touching my arm and asking if we could go back to my place and whispering in my ear and I literally couldn't think straight so we just left and-"
"Got it!" Eddie shouted from his bedroom, waving the bag of weed victoriously over his head as he sprinted back through to the living room to a muttered ''bout damn time' from his counterpart.
"Who was that? Where are you right now?" Your friend asked after hearing Eddie's obnoxious bellow down the trailer.
"Does it matter, Robin? I'm clearly not coming over to yours anymore." You started to get annoyed that Robin just left you at the school and hadn't even remembered until you'd phoned her.
"Well are you going to be safe? I can ask Vickie to come and get you and we can drive you home?"
You stayed silent and pressed your fingertips into the corners of your eyes to stop the tears from falling, no matter how much your throat burned or your nose ran.
"I'll be fine Robin, have a nice day with Vickie." You said after hearing her in the background asking what was taking so long.
"She'll be fine Buckley." A heavily ringed hand had taken the phone and hung up for you, a hand belonging to Eddie Munson.
"Go keep Billy company babe, I just need to grab something." It seemed the weed they'd started smoking was already taking effect if Eddie's sudden lazy drawl was anything to go by, or the soft pat to your behind as he ushered you into the lounge where the other boy was. You quietly shouldered your bag along the way, not planning on sticking around for much longer since you would now be walking home.
"You need better friends pretty girl." Billy stated as you walked precariously into the room, eyes flitting over the various mugs that lined the shelves of the Munson's living room. His head lolled on his shoulder so he could see you; a lit blunt in one hand and reaching out with his other to nab the barely smoked cigarette he gave you, taking his own inhale and holding it for a few seconds before breathing out.
"I um- I actually need to get going." You said, gesturing to the front door with every intention of leaving when Eddie reappeared, taking your bag off your shoulder and placing it down on the floor beside him as he retook his position on the couch.
"I'm going to need that-"
"No you won't babe, sit down! Take a load off. You've had a stressful morning." Eddie patted the space between him and his blonde counterpart on the sofa. "Promise we don't bite."
Yet Billy was looking at you like he was starving and you were his next meal.
"Sit down." He repeated Eddie's offer with much less choice in the matter.
You licked your bottom lip into your mouth as you made your way between them, slowly lowering yourself down and scooting back to sit against the back of the sofa, both men watching you with an eerie stillness until Eddie (known for not being able to sit still) snatched the smoking blunt from Billy's fingers and took his own drag, shivering with the renewed rush through his system.
"You ever shotgunned before beautiful?" Eddie asked through a cloud of smoke.
"Uh, no." You admitted, turning your head to face Billy when he wrapped a piece of your hair around his finger and pulled.
"You ever tried weed before?"
Again you shook your head and your breath hitched when Eddie's own fingers started wandering along your thigh, his nails scratching along the seam of your trousers.
"Wanna try?" He offered. "Me and Billy can show you how it's done if you want?"
You hadn't realised how long it was taking you to answer or how close Eddie was to you until he curled his tongue out, licking along your cheek at the corner of your lips. You recoiled in surprise as you watched Eddie take his time tasting the hint of your vanilla lipbalm which unfortunately landed you virtually on top of Billy who now bunched your hair in his fist and gently pulled back, exposing the skin of your unblemished throat to both men.
"I'm not sure about this." You whispered meekly, the sensation of Billy running his nose along your neck was starting to visibly affect you, his open lips dragging along the skin making goosebumps rise underneath them.
"Not sure about what y/n? The fact that your own best friend ditched you for some ass?"
"Or believing it's a bad thing how much you're going to enjoy this?" Billy finished Eddie's sentence, his own tongue coming out to curl against your skin to have its taste.
"I-I'm not sure." Your mind officially left any thoughts behind when Billy pulled your head back down to look at them, the hunger in their eyes enough to make a nun blush.
"Just let us take care of you yeah? Nothin' to worry about." Eddie comforted you, leaning forward to finally press his lips to yours just enough to tease and then pull back. "That okay?"
"Mmhmm." You almost whimpered. Billy tsked, tightening his hand in your hair.
"Words Honey."
"Yes." You did whimper this time when Eddie gave his counterpart a playful shove.
"Don't tease William."
Billy merely side-eyed his companion before using his grip to guide your face to him only, stamping his own kiss onto your lips once, twice, three times before Munson shoved him aside to rest his lips against Billy's; gently blowing smoke into his mouth from the drag he'd taken when the two of you were occupied.
The blonde eagerly inhaled prior to turning back to meet your wide-eyed expression, breathing the smoke stored in his lungs into your own mouth and letting you exhale before sealing your lips back together, the sight of his tongue coming out to tease your own muscle making Eddie clear his throat.
"Give me the blunt, you kiss the girl." Billy rasped, untangling his hand from your hair and practically snatching the smoke from Eddie's guitar roughened fingertips.
It was almost comical how quickly Eddie jumped at the opportunity, wrapping his ring riddled fingers around your throat and using his thumb to keep your mouth open for his tongue to slide in, melting into your mouth like it belonged there in the first place. Billy could feel himself hardening in the denim of his jeans at the sight of you two together, connected by a string of Billy's spit that had been left behind.
You all jumped apart at the sound of a knock at Eddie's door. Sharing glances it was clear you weren't expecting any other visitors and at the second round of knocking Billy hauled himself off the sofa, stopping to bestow a kiss to both you and Eddie, storming off to the front door and fling it open to find the traitor herself.
"Well well well, Buckley and the beast."
"Excuse me?"
"What do you want?" Billy was keen to end this conversation as quickly as possible when the sounds of you Eddie doing more than making out starting reaching his ears.
"Is y/n here? She phoned earlier and I think I heard Munson in the background."
"After you ditched her?"
"Unintentionally." Robin stressed.
"Thereby unintentionally dropping her straight into our laps. I assure you she will be well taken care of."
"Eddie!" Your moan floated through from the lounge.
"Is that-"
"She'll see you later."
Billy kicked the door closed in Robin's face and stripped his shirt off, walking through to see Eddie massacring your neck with his hand stuffed down your trousers.
"Move over Munson, you've had her to yourself long enough."
"Ever heard of sharing Hargrove?" Eddie detached his lips long enough to say.
Billy didn't dignify that with a response, just leaned over you and claimed your mouth as his instead, sharing never having been one of his strong suits.
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fandsart · 1 year ago
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We Fell in Love in October
Alternative title: Two Friends Inspecting Apples
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devondespresso · 1 year ago
Was listening to Heart's album little heart and this feels so Vickie Stranger Things
She found them for their slower fantasy-feel songs and ended up loving their whole range. Theres just something about how their singer uses ger voice that perfectly scratches the brain and she has a blast trying to imitate her while singing in the car. they're probably the most recurring band on her mixtapes.
a copy of little heart id one of the first things she shares with Robin to bond outside of school stuff. Robin has like 3 favorite songs because you need one for every type of song because how are you supposed to compare barracuda and sylvan song fairly?? (Steve has no such reservations and insists kick it out is The Best and it sets robin off on a little rant every time)
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cherubcameron · 3 years ago
It's me again, could you write a Robin one where she realizes that she is really in love with you and not Vickie (Robin deserves someone better) and she confesses this to you then you kiss her while Steve celebrates in the background since he also know that you have a crush on Robin
This story was lowkey so healing to write. cause writing about Eddie and even thinking about him, still hurts.
Robin Buckley x reader
You hated it, not being able to express how you felt towards her. It felt unfair almost. Like if things had just been different, maybe just maybe things wouldn’t be this way. But you had to face the facts. Robin had a crush on Vickie and not on you. The best you did was avoid Robin at all cost. You even left Family video to work at the grocery store.
“Y/n!” Steve said, he ran into the store and you looked up from the register. Steve was one of your best friends so he knew how you felt about Robin.
“Steve, I’m a bit busy right now.” He placed a few items on the conveyer belt and gave you a big smile. You shook your head and began ringing up his items.
“She told me she’s not into Vickie anymore. That there’s someone else she’s into.” He said, hinting at you and you rolled your eyes.
“That could be literally anyone, Steve.” You said, gloomily. You wished it was you. But in your heart, you knew that it wasn’t.
“When do you get off?”
“After this, why?”
He gave you a look.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀
If Robin was being honest with herself, she should have saw this coming. You were literally perfect for her. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed it before. Letting down Vickie was hard. She didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. But in the end, she understood. Steve had said he had a plan, which made Robin nervous. She didn’t know what exactly he had in mind.
“Hey Robin!” Steve said, bringing you into the room. Robin watched you as you had come to the realization. Why Steve brought you here in the first place. She smiled at you and you returned a very weak one. Her heart fell. Oh no. Please don’t reject me.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:
“I thought you were hanging out with Vickie today?” You asked, trying your best to hide your hurt. Robin winced.
In that moment you didn’t care. Didn’t care if she didn’t feel the same. Robin was hurt and you needed to bring her comfort.
“Oh my god, what’s wrong?” You asked. Robin shook her head really fast. A smile on her face. Steve stood near the door. You could tell he felt awkward by the way he rapped his fingers on the doorframe.
“I’ll leave you guys alone.” Steve walked out, leaving just the two of you there. Robin smiled widely at you and you returned it. Confused beyond belief.
“Seriously, Robin. Did she hurt you?”
“I promise, nothing like that. I wanted- I wanted to talk to you.”
You glanced up at her face and just waited. Whatever it was, you couldn’t even conjure up what it was.
“Go ahead.” You said simply.
Robin began to pace.
“Okay, so I know. I know I only spoke about Vickie with you and Steve. And for a while, I really thought it was her. The girl of my dreams. I want to be with this girl. But then, but then this other girl. She did something like laugh really hard at my jokes. And and made sure I was okay and comfortable all the time. And my heart, my poor heart would flutter. I tried to smother it down. I really did-.”
“I tried so hard but I knew I was toast. I knew this girl was made for me.”
“Robin.” You laughed. You grab her by the shoulders and she stops rambling. A shy smile on her face.
“Is this girl me?” You asked, your own shyness peaking through. She looks down at her feet and nods.
“Luckily for you, I’ve been crushing on you for forever now.”
You smiled and leaned in to kiss her. She smiles and lets you.
“Ha yes! I did it!” Steve says, you could hear him jumping and down.
You both pull away and glare at him.
“Seriously Steve.” Robin said.
“Sorry, I wanted to be nosy.”
You and Robin laugh, nuzzling your noses together. You finally got the girl.
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chaotic-simping · 3 years ago
last update: 03.01.2022 2nd August, 2022 14th November, 2022 1st April, 2024
If you want to request something pls give me some more or less specific ideas or a few prompts (link for prompt list).
I'll automatically do platonic relationship and they/them pronouns if it's not specified.
Also, english isn't my first language you've been warned.
What I don't take requests for:
Stuff i might write if im in the mood but probably won't ( There are always going on be warnings ofc)
suggestive stuff
toxic relationships (might appear in a criminal minds fic or something like that, never romantizised)
enemies to lovers
What I don't write in general:
romantizised toxic relationships
rape, incest, pedophilia, age gap (teacher/student as well) etc.
romance for characters under 14 y/o
male reader x lesbian character or female reader x gay character
about poc/trans/mlm struggles - they are obviously very very real but i am white and sapphic (not saying i won't write about characters that are any of these things, i'll do my best to make the reader gender, race, body size etc inclusive.)
What I write:
Character(s) x reader
Gender Neutral/Non-binary!, Female!, Male!reader. Obv gender ≠ pronouns but it's th
Mixed pronouns (ex. they/she), THEORETICALLY neo pronouns?
Background ships
Crossovers (read fandom list)
Platonic, romantic, unspecified or familial relationship
Star Wars:
Romantic: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, young!Obi-wan,
Ahsoka Tano, Asajj Ventress, Bariss Offi, Rex, Echo, Fives,
Cal Kestis,
Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndylla, Sabine Wren,
Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor,
Din Djarin, Fenec Shnad,
Rey Skywalker, Finn
Platonic: Everyone above, Obi-wan Kenobi, The Bad Batch, The ghost crew, Grogu,
Won't write: Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Hux
Ships: Anidala, Barrisoka, Kanera, Finnpoe
Knowledge: All movies, almost all shows/cartoons (except Resistance), books - Master and apprentice, games - started JFO and (barley) SWTOR
Romantic: Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Hobie Brown, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff, Kate Bishop
Platonic: Everyone above, Peter B Parker, Yelena Belova,
Stranger things:
Romantic: Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler, Max Mayfield (s4!), Lucas Sinclair (s4!), Chrissy Cunningham, Barbara Holland rip, Jonathan Byers, Eddie Munson + more
Platonic: Everyone above, Max (all seasons), Lucas (all seasons), Will Byers, Dustin Henderson, El Hopper, Erica Sinclair, Joyce Byers, Jim Hopper, Murray Bauman, Alexei Smirnoff, Dmitri 'Enzo' Antonov, Yuri Ismailov,
Won't write: Billy
Ships: Jopper, Lumax, Elmax, Ronance, Robin/Vickie, Steddie
Knowledge: up to season 4, none books
Romantic: Vi, Jinx, Ekko,
Platonic: Everyone above, almost everyone else
Ships: CaitVi
Knowledge: season 1
Avatar: the last air bender
Please include if you want the reader to be a bender (and what kind) or not
R: Zuko, Suki, Sokka, +more
P: Everyone above, the gaang, Iroh,
Ships: Suki/Sokka, Zukka,
Knowledge: All seasons, almost all comics, live action
The legend of Korra:
R/P: Most characters
Won't write: Kuvira
Ships: Korrasami,
Knowledge: All seasons, all comics
The Dragon Prince:
R: Claudia, Rayla, Soren, Corvus
P: Everyone above, Ezran, Callum, Amaya, Harrow, Gren,
Ships: All canon ships, Sorvus
Knowledge: up to season 4
Sherlock Holmes:
R/P: Most characters
Ships: Johnlock, Mystrade,
Enola Holmes:
R/P: Enola,
Criminal minds:
R/P: Elle Greenway, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss
Knowledge: Watching season 6
R/P: Most characters, comic or show.
Won't write: Harry and Ben.
Ships: All canon ships; Imogen x me😍 /hj
Knowledge: Comic: 7-13; show: season 1
The Blacklist:
R: Elizabeth Keen, Donald Ressler, Aram Mojtabai, Alina Park,
P: Everyone above, Harold Cooper, Tom Keen, Raymond Redington, Dembe Zuma, Kate Kaplan, Agnes Keen
Knowledge: Season 9
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invisible-pink-toast · 2 years ago
what about the stranger things wlw ships? like elmax, ronance, whatever vickie and robin's ship name is (rickie???)
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I like elmax, but more in fanon, but I'm glad in canon that they're bffs. I just really love lucas and lumax
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hilariously i am not a ronance shipper.... i know it became like The Ship for wlw after s4 came out, but i just don't see it??? I LOVE them as friends and their dynamic, but honestly i just see nancy as straight sjflkasdflahsdf plus there's not a ton of really close female friendships with a straight girl and a lesbian and i appreciate that. i don't mind the ship if it pops up but i'm not actively searching for it
love the ship name though!
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I think vibin is a cute name for robin x vickie. i'm conflicted about them because i WANT to love them, i wanted robin to get a gf and be happy but they're relationship is so in the background and we know Nothing about vickie that i'm just not there yet
There's potential, but knowing the writers.... it's not really gonna go anywhere
I adore Amybeth McNulty though, and she's so talented and she's bi like GIVE HER AN INTERESTING BI CHARACTER TO PLAY!
...embarrasingly probably my fave stranger things wlw ship rn is buckingham aka robin buckley and chrissy cunningham
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do they interact in canon? no. is chrissy dead? yes. do i still think they'd be adorable together? 100%
chrissy is just a character with such potential, and i ended up deep diving into the eddie & chrissy platonic soulmate fics and... robin kept appearing as chrissy's love interest. and i was hooked! plus like cheerleader x band geek, prep x goth (robin was more goth in s3!! bring that back!!!!!), sweetheart x sarcastic - they fit a lot of tropes i love.
She is a lesbian and deserves a love interest, but given that she's only interacted with El and we haven't seen her for so long (bring her back!!) i'm not sure who i ship her with. i did see a sort of crack ship chrissy x kali fanart once and they were very cute....
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spicysix · 2 years ago
☆.。 requests guidelines 。.☆
requests are currently closed ♡
↳ prompt lists
if you choose a prompt from a prompt list, try and link the prompt list you got it from, please
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characters I'll write for:
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Chrissy Cunningham
ships I'll write for:
any of the list above X reader
Eddie x Steve; Argyle; Jonathan; Chrissy; Nancy
Steve x Eddie; Jonathan; Argyle; Chrissy
Robin x Nancy; Chrissy; Vickie
Jonathan x Nancy; Steve; Argyle; Eddie; Chrissy
Argyle x Jonathan; Steve; Eddie; Chrissy
Nancy x Jonathan; Robin; Eddie
Chrissy x Robin; Eddie; Steve; Jonathan; Argyle
I also write for polycules! 🥰
what I will NOT write:
fics where the main pairing is underage (the party: El, Mike, Will, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Erica), only background mentionings
big age differences
anything where Robin is shipped with a man. Robin is a LESBIAN!
smut - for now, at least.
anything pregnancy related
dark! characters (or bully! characters)
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if there is a character or a ship not listed, you can ask about it in the ask box and I'll see if I can do it
I reserve the right to decline any requests for any reason whatsoever
Xx, lui ♡
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