#back thinking about s4 liam’s angst whats new
lesbiradshaw · 2 years
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he’s only fifteen.
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multimetaverse · 4 years
Jamie Johnson 5x05 Review
If you were a fan of Andi Mack or Doafp you should check out the pretty great British show Jamie Johnson which just launched a coming out story line for one of its main characters and covers a bunch of other important issues. Let’s dig in!
My reviews will feature spoilers from throughout the series and if you’d like to watch the story from the start there are only 3 eps in the 1st season, 10 in the 2nd and 3rd, and 13 in the 4th and 5th with casting and writing already underway for a 6th season. All the eps are available on the CBBC website if you live in Britain or have a VPN. You can also contact @tkstrand for access to the eps (just don’t tell Scotland Yard). A big thanks to Mike for introducing me and so many others to Jamie Johnson and single-handedly starting the fandom. I highly recommend watching all the eps from the start; Jamie Johnson is a very charming show that tackles a lot of important issues in the guise of being a show about soccer and the show has gotten better each season and the writing shows no signs of stalling or declining. The acting does start off really rough in S1 but has improved markedly and some of the actors are very talented though overall the acting is closer in quality to a show like GMW or No Good Nick than Andi Mack or Doafp. In fairness, a big reason for that is that the show has to spend so much time on soccer games and practices and the kids are actually pretty good players; so good in fact that for S4 the actors actually entered the 2018 Gothia cup in Sweden and did extremely well. Jamie Johnson is in many ways a British Andi Mack but with a British Gary Marsh who is much less of a censoring shithead and a British Terri Minsky and crew who are better and more consistent writers
Tonight was a big night for reformed bully and star soccer player Dillon Simmonds. He’s the closest analogue to TJ Kippen the show has though unlike TJ he’s a main character and has been in the show right from the pilot; in some eps he even gets the 2nd credit after Jamie. 5x05 was in many ways a callback to 4x05 which was the first ep that had subtext for gay Dillon. 4x05 also introduced most of the characters who will play a big role in Dillon’s coming out story line: Ruby Osborne, her biological sister Alba, her foster moms who are a married lesbian couple, Dillon’s younger brother Liam, and Dillon’s father. S4 is really when Dillon Simmonds becomes a hashtag good boy and his arc is focused on him getting out from his Father’s incessant pressure to go pro though there is some delicious gay subtext in eps 4x11-13
The show’s always been good at setting up plot points in advance, like Dillon’s diabetes, Wozza’s ADHD, and Duncan Jones’ shadyness, but those plots were set up and then addressed all in the same season. I don’t think it’s that surprising that the gay story line is the exception. It’s very likely that the writers didn’t intend Dillon to be gay until they set out to write S4 and they likely didn’t have full permission to go ahead with it until S5. It’s also likely that their original plan for exploring Dillon’s sexuality was going to involve Ruby trying to act on her crush on Dillon; 4x13 set that up and then in 5x01 Ruby tells Zoe out of nowhere that she’s over Dillon and only sees him as a brother and wouldn’t you know it, she doesn’t even think Dillon looks at girls in a romantic way!
Thankfully the show is going in a much better direction with the introduction of Elliot. He’s already been fleshed out with a personality and hobbies like astronomy and magic (for his next trick he’s going to make Dillon’s heterosexuality disappear). I was shocked at how flirty the Delliot scenes this ep were, not just because they were gay scenes but also because the show really has not had these kind of scenes before for any of the straight characters either. Even Jamie hasn’t had more than pretty clear hints that he likes Jack and wants to be with her. I don’t know if it’s because the show is targeted towards an audience of young men or if there’s a cultural difference across the pond but there’s consistently been very little romance of any kind throughout the series. If this had been an American series, there’s no way that Jamie wouldn’t have had at least one girl he went on a date with or something, even if it was only a brief thing. It’s refreshing in some ways and it means that the show has to look elsewhere for drama and angst
Dillon is obviously drawn to Elliot and thinks he’s cool but he has quite the reaction when he learns that Elliot is gay. He runs to tell Ruby that she needs to cut it out with Elliot because he’s gay which is clumsy writing because Zoe had just told him that Ruby told her that Elliot is not in fact her new boyfriend but is her new gay foster brother. They obviously needed to show Dillon’s strong reaction to the news but also needed a way to come off as kind of homophobic but my own theory is that Dillon wanted to make sure Ruby didn’t waste her time pursuing a gay guy like Sienna Jones had wasted her time trying to pursue Dillon in S4. As the show hasn’t really focused much on romance I’m not expecting much to come of Delliot especially since they have a built in escape hatch with Elliot only being in care until his mom is out of hospital but I am looking forward to what happens with them this season and what will happen with Dillon in the remaining seasons this show has
I think this was the least that Jamie has been in any ep. One thing I really like about this show is that they’re not afraid to have main characters miss an ep or two unlike American shows that usually have to have mains appear in every ep even if there’s no actual story for them. From the S5 trailer it looks like Jamie will get really into e-gaming while his broken leg heals after he was accidentally run over on his 16th birthday by his deadbeat dad Ian Reacher. I would assume that Jamie eventually gets back into real soccer but it does promise a lot of drama between Jamie and grandpa Mike who has always been Jamie’s staunchest supporter
Duncan ‘’Big Dunk’’ Jones, former pro soccer player turned silver fox and head of Phoenix FC, took a big step forward in redeeming himself for trying to scuttle Jamie’s career with Hawkstone by appointing Jamie’s mom Karen as the new head of wellness which fits with the CBBC announcement that S5 would in part focus on mental health
Alba once again lost her cool during a game. It’s clear that a lot of her anger issues stem from feelings of abandonment as well as the constant uncertainty and rapid changes she’s experienced as a foster child. The show has always been good at showing how what’s going on with the children in their home lives affects them at school and on the pitch, like Jamie acting out because of his dad walking out on the family and Dillon being a bully to try and fit into the role his dad wants him to play. It’s very interesting that they’re now bringing back Liam Simmonds to begin his redemption arc as he was the first to make Alba lose her cool by attacking her foster moms at his father’s instigation way back in 4x05
To the show’s credit, they’ve always been firm in showing how awful bullying and homophobia are and all the soccer teams in the series have shown a zero tolerance policy for it. It’s a different world in many ways from North America, I couldn’t imagine an American show about football or even a Canadian show about Hockey that would plausibly show a zero tolerance policy for bullying and homophobia
Looking Ahead:
Next ep features Liam’s return to Phoenix FC after Alba accepts his apology for his homophobia. His redemption arc will be interesting to watch especially as it;s certain to tie in to Dillon having to face up to his father who is the avatar of toxic masculinity and homophobia. Perhaps it will take Liam defending his brother to make his father see the errors of his ways
Not sure who will take over coaching the U14′s now that Mike has said he’ll be stepping aside
Zoe faces another talented black player who she clearly does not respond well to. Zoe has always been hyper competitive and worried about losing her place to another female player which in part stems from the stress she’s under as her ill mothers primary carer. Good for Zoe for getting through to Howard Royle about Hawkstone lacking a women’s team
5x07 looks like it will be a huge ep for Dillon and Delliot and it seems likely that Dillon will snap after realizing that Ruby and Elliot think he’s homophobic and will come out to Elliot. Should be good
Until next week Jamie Johnsoner’s
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unfolded73 · 8 years
Another New York City Serenade (7/7) - COMPLETE
Thanks again to everyone who read/liked/reblogged/commented/kudosed/sent me messages or otherwise flailed at this fic, helping me to survive the winter and the hiatus. I love you all.
Summary: With the visitors from Arendelle gone and Gold banished, Emma and Killian’s relationship continues to deepen, especially when an excuse for a road trip away from Storybrooke falls into their laps. (A S4 hiatus story).
Beta: @j-philly-b
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3895 this chapter/30k overall
(tagging @kmomof4 @this-too-too-sullied-flesh @cherrywolf713 @stardusted-nymph upon request)
Killian opened his eyes to the now-familiar surroundings of his room at Granny’s, faintly lit in the pre-dawn glow. He groaned, stretching his limbs in an attempt to banish the ache caused by too many hours sitting in Emma’s automobile the previous day. They’d both been exhausted when Emma pulled into town, and had limited themselves to a brief goodnight before he climbed out of the car and Emma drove off to pick Henry up from Regina’s house.
The whole trip to New York felt a little bit like a dream now. As he got dressed, Killian caught himself staring at a stray earring of Emma’s he had found on the floor the previous week and had neglected to return to her. He picked it up, squeezing it tightly between his fingers to reassure himself that she was real. That he hadn’t somehow dreamed up their entire relationship.
Belle was already working behind the circulation desk when he arrived at the library after breakfast. “Killian! Glad to see you made it home in one piece,” she said as she loaded returned books onto a cart. “Before you ask, I’ve been looking, but I haven’t found any sign of that crystal at the pawn shop.”
“Wasn’t really expecting you to, love.” He took a deep breath, trying to feign optimism about the task that lay ahead of them. “We’ll find some other way.”
Belle’s lips flattened out in an attempt at a smile. “I hope so. Was it a good trip otherwise?”
“For the most part,” he said.
“‘For the most part?’” Her head tilted to the side as she regarded him. “I was hoping for your sake it would be a bit romantic, at least.”
Killian wasn’t sure what to say to Belle. There was a lot of unfortunate history between them, and much he had to be ashamed of. If their alliance was growing into a friendship, what was appropriate to share with a platonic female friend who was grieving a heartbreaking betrayal so recently?
“It was.” He reached for something innocuous to tell her. “She took me dancing at some sort of club; quite different from the balls in the Enchanted Forest.”
Belle laughed. “I bet it was.” She started to turn back to her books, but seemed to think better of it. “Are you okay? You seem a little bit down.”
“I’m not, I’m… I don’t know.” Belle just watched him, waiting. “We quarreled while we were there, and although in the end she forgave me quite easily, it left me feeling disconcerted.”
“It’s normal for couples to argue, Killian.”
“I know. It’s not the fact that we argued, it’s what it made me realize about myself.”
Belle came out from behind the circulation desk to stand nearer to him. “And what’s that?”
“I spent centuries only motivated by a quest for vengeance. And then I met Emma, and she… it was like she filled up all the broken places inside me. Revenge no longer drove me, or so I thought.”
“I shouldn’t be talking to you about this, love. The last thing you need is to be burdened with my dark musings.” He scrubbed his hand over his face.
Belle was unimpressed with his angst. “Just tell me.”
“There was a moment in New York, after we realized that Gold had stolen the crystal, that I swear if he had been standing in front of me, I wouldn’t have hesitated to kill him right then and there.” He sighed. “It made me wonder if I’m no better than I was. If perhaps there’s some dark part of me, some weak part that I’ve tried to bury, for whom Emma is just a distraction.”
If he expected Belle to flinch or shy away, she didn’t. “We all have darkness, Killian. It’s just a matter of whether you allow it to rule you.”
“Some of us have more darkness than others.”
“Perhaps,” she conceded. “But do you know what I think? I see the capacity for a lot of good in you. I see a lot of kindness. You just have to put your faith in the man you know you want to be, not in the man you fear you are.”
Emma sat across from Henry in the diner booth at Granny’s and watched as he dug into his huge piece of chocolate cake.
“How’s the cake, kiddo?”
“Fine.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “You didn’t have to buy me cake just because you were out of town for a few days, you know.”
“I didn’t buy it because of that… mostly.” She shrugged. “I felt a little guilty for leaving you behind, that’s all.”
“I told you, I get it. I mean, I don’t get it in the sense that I don’t really understand romantic stuff. But I get it.” He took another overly large bite, chewed, and swallowed. “So you think the crystal you guys were looking for is gone forever?”
“Probably. Belle can’t find it, so either Gold destroyed it or he took it with him. But I’m sure Belle and Killian will find another way to get the fairies out of that hat,” she assured him.
In fact, Killian and Belle had redoubled their research efforts, and she’d seen little of him since they returned to Storybrooke. Emma’s mind drifted back to the last morning in New York, the way Killian had woken her gently by tracing a finger over the top of her hand where it rested between them on the bed. Even though he woke up at the crack of dawn, it had been nice, waking up together. Now they were back to stolen moments wedged in between all of their obligations.
“Do you think you and Hook are gonna move in together?” Henry mumbled, his mouth full of chocolate.
Emma almost spit her cocoa out, and she had to overcome a coughing fit before she could respond. “What? No. What?”
“Mom, it’s not that crazy. He’s staying at Granny’s, you’re crammed in with grandma and granddad and the baby.”
“Yeah, but that’s not a reason to move in together.”
Henry rolled his eyes. “Obviously, but also you’re dating.”
Emma allowed herself to picture it. Him being the last person she saw before she closed her eyes every night and the first person she saw when she woke up. His toothbrush next to hers in the bathroom, his rather terrifying straight razor beside the sink. Perhaps occasionally beckoning him into the shower like she had on that final morning in the hotel, their hands on each other slippery with soap, then her back pressed against the cold tile, Killian dropping to his knees and encouraging her to prop one leg up on his shoulder...
Shaking herself, Emma picked up her ice water and took a sip. “It’s way too soon to move in together.”
With a shrug, Henry dug into his cake again. “Okay.”
“But just hypothetically…” Emma said. “If, far in the future, we did move in together… you’d be okay with that? You wouldn’t mind?”
“If I mope about it, will you buy me more cake?”
“Henry, be serious.”
Henry looked up and seemed to consider it. “I don’t know. I like Hook, but it would be weird.”
“Too weird?”
He shrugged again. “Ask me again when the idea doesn’t make you spit your cocoa on me, I guess.”
“I didn’t—” Emma stopped her protestation and nodded. “Okay. It’s a deal.”
Pulling out his mobile telephone, Killian saw that an unfamiliar number was ringing him. Of course, other than Emma and now Belle, all numbers were unfamiliar. He pressed the Talk button and held it to his ear.
“Hi, Hook, it’s Mary Margaret,” Snow said. “I was wondering if you wanted to come over to the loft and have lunch with me today.”
He gaped a bit like a fish out of water. “To what do I owe the honor, milady?”
“Settle down, I’m not inviting you to a royal ball, it’s just lunch.”
“In that event, I will forego any formal attire and would be happy to accept.”
A couple of hours later he was knocking nervously on the door of the Charmings’ apartment, wondering how bad, on a scale from understated disapproval to banishment, Snow White’s ulterior motive was for summoning him to eat a meal with her.
“Come in,” he heard Snow call, so he opened the door and walked into the sunny space.
She was stirring something in a large stew pot on stove. “Make yourself at home; this should be ready soon. How are you, Hook?”
Killian busied himself with hanging his jacket up. “I’m well. And yourself?”
She sighed. "Neal is teething and waking us up at all hours, but I’m fine otherwise. He’s napping now,” she explained.
Killian walked over the breakfast bar and sat on one of the stools. “At least the lad is healthy, yes?”
“Oh, yeah. We just had a checkup with the doctor last week and he’s doing great.”
“Glad to hear it.”
A silence settled between them as Snow busied herself returning spices to her spice cabinet and tidying up the kitchen. “I’ve hardly seen you since you and Emma got back from your trip.”
“I’ve been spending much of my time in the library, trying to find another solution to free those that the Dark One imprisoned.”
She tilted her head at him. “You do look tired. I hope you aren’t working too hard.”
“Poring over old manuscripts is tedious and frustrating, but I wouldn’t call it hard work. I spent many a year on my ship demanding hard work of sailors, and before that having it demanded of me. The gentleman’s labor of library research is easy by comparison.”
“You always worked on ships?”
“Aye, from the time I was a boy. My brother Liam and I were indentured from a young age. Once Liam was able to buy our freedom…” He clenched his jaw, shoving his shameful memories of that time aside. “Long story short, we were able to join the Royal Navy.”
“Ah, that must be where your education and manners come from,” Snow said, seemingly delighted at this new piece of the Captain Hook puzzle. “I always thought you seemed very well-spoken for a pirate — when you chose to be, anyway.”
“I certainly have the Navy to thank for any formal education. I've also had a lot of years since in which to catch up on my reading.”
“I suppose that's true,” she said with a chuckle, checking the contents of her stew pot.
Killian cleared his throat. “It probably won’t surprise you to know that I was trepidatious about your lunch invitation.”
“What, did you think I was bringing you here to order you to keep your hands off my daughter?” she said with a laugh.
“The thought did occur.”
Snow rolled her eyes. “It’s a little late for that, and it’s not like I have any say in who Emma dates, and what gave you the idea I disapproved of the two of you anyway?”
He flushed, looking down at the countertop. “It sort of stands to reason.”
“Well, relax. I have no intention of issuing any royal proclamations when it comes to Emma’s love life. I swear my only motivation in inviting you here was to feed you a home-cooked meal, because I would imagine those have been in short supply for you lately. Or maybe always?” Snow said as she ladled stew into a bowl. “I’m trying to duplicate a fish stew that our royal cook used to serve when I was a girl, and I figured who better to taste-test it than our local pirate?”
Killian grinned. “In that case, I am at your service.”
“Good,” she said, putting the bowl in front of him. “Let it cool off a little before you try it.”
Stirring the hot stew with his spoon, Killian let the steam warm his face. “You were right that home-cooked meals have been a rare luxury in my life. My father could barely be bothered to put any kind of food in front of us most of the time.”
“And your mother?”
He swallowed. “I never knew my mother.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry.”
Killian shrugged. “You can’t miss what you’ve never had,” he said, knowing it was untrue even as the words came out of his mouth. He took a bite of the stew, savoring the flavors of it. “This is delicious. Best thing I’ve had since I came to this realm.”
“You’re just saying that,” Snow said, blushing faintly. “Although you are welcome to eat with us any time if it comes with such lovely compliments.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“It’s not an imposition.” She sat next to him with her own bowl. “You know, I’ve watched you work to be a better man and to win my daughter’s heart. I’ve watched you learning to live in this realm, and I’m sure it’s harder for you than you let on most of the time. But there’s one more thing that I’m going to insist that you also learn to live with.”
“What’s that?”
Snow reached out and put her hand over his hook where it was resting on top of the table. “Family.”
Emma pulled her sweater off over her head, her hair collecting static and briefly sticking up in all directions. “We have half an hour before my parents get back.”
Killian’s hand froze as he pulled the end of his belt back to unbuckle it, and Emma’s gaze dragged down from his kiss-bruised lips and zeroed in on the bulge in his jeans. “That���s cutting it rather close; are you sure about this?”
She rucked her own pants down her legs, sitting down on her bed in the loft to remove them. “Am I sure I need to get laid right now? Absolutely. It’s been almost a week and I am willing to risk it.”
“That’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one that your father will lock in the town jail at best if they walk in on us.” Nonetheless, he continued efficiently removing his clothes. His nimble fingers working the buttons of his shirt and revealing more and more of his chest was stupidly mesmerizing, and she took a few seconds to watch him work.
“Just keep an ear out for the door downstairs and it’ll be fine,” she said as she reached behind her back to unfasten her bra. She let it slide down her arms before she tossed it away.
“Stop,” Killian said as her hands went to her hips to pull her underwear off. “Let me.” His warm fingers on one side and his hook on the other, he slowly slid the fabric down her legs, and Emma couldn’t help but shiver at the raw desire she saw in his eyes.
They got under the covers together and he pressed her down into the mattress and God, she was so turned on she hardly would’ve cared if the whole town walked in on them. She writhed underneath him, letting her legs fall open and shamelessly grinding against his erection. As Killian leaned down to kiss her, the muffled sound of her cell phone ringing reached her ears.
“Ignore it,” she mumbled against his mouth before he suggested otherwise.
“I was planning on it.”
The ringing stopped, and then almost immediately started again.
“God dammit,” Emma groaned, pushing Killian off of her and fumbling beside the bed for her jeans. She pulled the phone from her pocket and answered the call. “Hello?” she said impatiently.
“Mom, did I leave my 3DS at the loft?”
She sighed heavily. “I don’t know, Henry, I haven’t seen it.”
“Can you look for it?”
Killian’s mouth descended on her collarbone, his teeth teasing her skin. “Not right now,” Emma said through clenched teeth. “I’ll look later, and I’ll bring it to Regina’s if I find it, okay?”
“Sorry about that.” She tossed the phone onto the bedside table and reached down to close her hand around his cock, making him gasp.
His hips flexed, his erection sliding through her fist. “On second thought, I fear half an hour may be an optimistic assessment of my prowess tonight, love. I feel like I haven’t made love to you in an age.”
“Same here.” His hand slipped between her legs and it was Emma’s turn to gasp. “Fuck, just get inside me, I don’t need foreplay,” she gritted.
He didn’t need to be told twice. Emma wrapped her legs around his waist and he lined himself up and pushed into her, making both of them moan. “By all the gods, you feel unbelievable,” he said against her mouth. He started a quick rhythm, his pelvis grinding against hers at the apex of every thrust, and he felt so good, so good…
Emma’s phone rang again, and this time the ringtone told her it was a forwarded call from the sheriff’s station.
“Don’t you dare answer that,” Killian said.
“I have to, it might be an emergency.” She reached over and grabbed for her phone, almost dropping it before she managed to answer the call.
“Sheriff,” she said, trying to school her voice to neutral. Killian stilled, but the sensation of him inside her was quite distracting.
“We’ve got a problem, sister.”
Emma almost laughed out loud. Of course it was Grumpy. Of course. “What can I do for you, Leroy?” Killian collapsed against her, whispering swears into the crook of her neck.
“Grand larceny is what’s going on. I had some very valuable ... vintage magazines in a box in our garage, and the box has been stolen.”
“Vintage magazines?” Emma groaned, not a little bit because of the way Killian’s tongue was running along her skin. She had never been so simultaneously aroused and disgusted in her life, assuming ‘vintage magazines’ meant what she thought it did.
“That’s what I said. Vintage magazines.”
Without really meaning to, Emma flexed her pelvic muscles, squeezing Killian from the inside. He groaned softly into her ear. “I can come out and take a look first thing tomorrow morning,” she said into the phone, her other hand coming up to stroke Killian’s hair.
“The trail will be cold by then! You need to come take a look now!”
I’m with my boyfriend, she was tempted to respond, and he is literally inside me while I’m talking to you. Imagining the look on Grumpy’s face in reaction to such a proclamation made her bite her lip to keep from laughing. Instead she said, “Are you sure one of your brothers didn’t just borrow them?”
The line went silent, and this time when Emma flexed her pelvic muscles, it was entirely on purpose. Killian whimpered and moved inside her, like he couldn’t help it. She shivered as she felt his teeth scrape against her neck.
“Happy! Did you take my magazines from the garage?!” Emma winced and held the phone away from her ear. If Grumpy was covering up the phone speaker to shout at his brother, he was not doing a very good job. Her other hand left Killian’s hair and scratched down the firm plane of his back.
There was a muffled response that Emma couldn’t make out through the phone, and then Grumpy said, “Sorry to bother you, Sheriff,” before abruptly disconnecting the call.
Emma let her hand drop and the phone fall out of it onto the rug. “Sorry again.”
“You are a vile temptress,” Killian responded, pistoning his hips. His thrusts picked up speed, his hot breath panting out against her neck, and it felt wonderful, but Emma had lost the pleasurable momentum that had been driving her forward. Figuring they didn’t have time to slow down and get her back in the mood, she made all the right noises, encouraging Killian until he spilled inside her with a pained groan.
After a few seconds, he lifted his head and regarded her. “You didn’t orgasm, did you?”
She gave him a half-smile. “Strangely, Leroy’s voice in my ear talking about his missing porn was not the turn-on you might think. Don't worry about it.”
He slid out of her, settling at her side. “But you were so… hungry for it a moment ago.” His hand trailed down her stomach, his voice velvety as he enunciated each word.
“I know, but now I...” She stopped talking as his fingers slid inside her, her head tilting backwards on the pillow. The sensation of their combined fluids coating his fingers was strangely arousing, and she gasped as he used his thumb to circle her clit.
“Yes... Killian…”
“That’s it, my love. Let me see you come.”
She moved her pelvis in time with his fingers, closing her eyes and focusing on the sparks of pleasure he was creating, reaching and climbing and there, she was almost there, almost—
Emma came with a soft moan, squeezing her eyes shut and allowing the pulsing ecstasy to wash over her. She gradually relaxed every muscle in her body, letting go of his shoulder where she had been gripping it, her hand dropping to the bed.
“That’s better,” Killian said, a smug smile on his face. His hand dragged across her thigh, and she was a mess and the sheets were definitely going to have to go in the laundry, but all she could do was meet his smile with one of her own.
The door downstairs opened. “Emma, we’re home!” her mother called.
“Okay, I’ll be down in a minute!” she yelled back, pressing a finger to her lips and staring wide-eyed at Killian.
They did their best to clean up and dress as quietly as possible, Emma quickly running a brush through her hair as Killian buttoned his shirt and vest. Baby Neal was downstairs screeching at random intervals, which she hoped was distracting her parents from wondering what she was up to. Even so, it felt ludicrously obvious what they had been doing as the two of them descended the stairs to the main part of the loft. David certainly seemed to find it obvious, narrowing his eyes at them and glaring.
Killian kept his distance from her parents, bidding them a polite good evening before he made his excuses and turned to leave. Emma followed, pulling the door closed and giving him a sheepish smile.
“Sorry about that.”
“Not to worry. Tell your father to give me a few days to get my affairs in order before the execution.”
“We can stay at your place tomorrow if you want,” Emma said with a chuckle.
He put his arms around her, pulling her close. “Can we fall asleep together?” he asked, his voice soft and vulnerable. “I find I don't sleep half as well when you aren't with me.”
“Yeah.” She kissed his lips, his cheek, his ear. “Sure we can.” Pulling out of the hug and taking hold of his hook, she added. “Let me know if you come across any other magical items in Belle’s books that are in any far off locations. Chicago, maybe? L.A.? I hear Paris is nice.”
“Anywhere you want to go, Swan, I will be at your side if you’ll have me.”
Happiness swelling in her chest, Emma smiled. “I think I’ll have you.”
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captainswanbigbang · 8 years
Need an idea for a Big or Little Bang story?
Interested in writing a story for the Captain Swan Big or Little Bang, but devoid of inspiration? We’re here to help!
Keep in mind that this is just a general prompt list. Some prompts may be better or worse for either the Big or Little Bang. There also already might be stories that have already been written that are based on these prompts or on similar prompts.
And, of course, you are welcome to use these prompts for inspiration even if you don’t plan to participate!
Writing Exercises can provide you with ideas for plots, characters, and more!
Or try the AU Generator!
How about some prompt lists?
IrishSwanFF Captain Swan Prompts
CS Prompts Tumblr
CS Prompt List
CS January Joy Prompts
Generic Prompts
Soulmate AU ideas
AU ideas
Masterlist of Masterlists
Bedsharing prompts
Fairytale Prompt List (very extensive!)
Free-standing prompt suggestions:
Emma or Killian makes a list of things to do to make 2017 the best year ever
“I won the lottery and you're a winners' advisor assigned to help me”
“I want to clear out my house so I hired a professional and fuck you're gorgeous!”
S1 Cursed!Emma AU where Emma is cursed when she enters the town, Hook arrives independently to do recon for Cora, and helps Henry
S4 finale AU where Emma also has cursed memories but she agrees to team up with Henry and coward/deckhand Hook to save the day
Modern AU - Emma lives in a cheap apartment with a really loud washing machine, and all of her neighbours have complained about it. Currently the apartment next to hers is empty. But then she gets a new neighbour. And she's dreading the complaints. But the washing has to be done, so she puts it on. It starts banging away. She braces herself for the complaint... only to hear guitar music and singing coming from her new neighbour, in time to the "beat" from the washing machine. Inspired by this video.
Forbidden love between a lady and her knight protector (OR between a lord and his lady knight protector)
Stardust AU (either Killian or Emma as the star)
Ten Inch Hero AU, with Killian as Priestly and Emma as Tish
Pacific Rim AU (’cause we know CS is drift compatible)
AU: Royal Princess Emma of Misthaven and her husband, the consort prince Killian Jones are under a great danger, in order to save the kingdom and their new born daughter, Emma goes to fight the villain that is threatening the kingdom while Killian protects the newborn.
Emma is on the train, drawing/writing in between staring out the window. Killian sits across from her and his attention is drawn by the way she frowns at her work. Eventually their eyes meet and they start talking, and stay in touch. The "never smile, someone may be falling in love with your frown" one.
Banshee AU: Man (dodgy criminal past) comes to town running away from... something. One his first night there he's in the bar when a gang murder the new sheriff (graham?). He takes the sheriffs identity and has to become a Man of the Law and impress prickly lady deputy sheriff.
Killian is the local troublemaker who finds himself with a big inconvenient crush on the sheriff and spray paints love notes to her all over town. Emma thinks he's just trying to mess with her and gets very annoyed. And somehow, eventually, they sort things out.
Killian steals from a corrupt Captain, Emma betrays him to the soldiers because she can't take the chance she's wrong about him, Killian is arrested, and then... Emma feels bad and helps him after all? Liam is in the army and helps him? But they meet again anyway, and work things out.
The Highwayman AU
Emma is at college, and keeps seeing Hot Library Guy. He's always in the library, by himself, brooding and dark and handsome. Eventually, her friend (Ruby? Elsa?) says that Hot Library Guy sounds an awful lot like the guy in her Latin class, Killian Jones. And it turns out that yep, it's him. And he's single. And maybe he has an equally lovely nickname for the blond girl he keeps seeing in the library.
Season 2 canon divergence where Regina uses the failsafe and Storybrooke goes boom and they all end up in the EF via a Macguffin, but Hook is still a baddy and... hijinks ensue.
CS Movie AU where Killian is sucked in first, and Emma goes after him, but they end up in a time/place that Killian was thinking of instead of the one Emma was thinking of.
Canon divergence in 3B - when Killian, Emma and Henry get back to SB no one has their memories. Snow is the mayor, there are flying monkeys, and Zelena is the only one who remembers.
Canon divergence where Rumple stays dead after he sacrifices himself for the town at end of 3A
Canon divergence at the end of 3B where Rumple kills Zelena and she's actually dead, and that frees Emma's magic... and then either Rumple takes it, or tries to take it, or Emma gets it back all at once and it goes haywire.
Season 4 rewrite
Killian stops Emma from taking on the darkness at the end of 4, and it either takes him or takes both of them
Hyde finds a way to release his serum on the whole town / a bunch of the heroes at once
Zelena's time portal is activated but no one goes through it. Instead, we have a de-monkeyfied Walsh who is trying to re-enact Zelena's spell because he wants to go back to the Kansas of his time.
S2 AU where Snow and Emma don’t go to the EF and everyone in Storybrooke actually has to deal with the fallout of the curse
Grease 2 AU with Emma as Stephanie and Killian as Michael
Pitch Perfect AU with Emma as Beca and Killian as Jesse
Somehow Milah comes back to life and Storybrooke after fighting for a long time to get back to Killian
After Marian comes back to Storybrooke, either Killian says something to Emma or she overhears him defending Robin’s choice to be with Marian/saying he is lucky to have the choice and assumes that Killian would rather be with Milah. Angst, pining, miscommunication etc.
Emma, Neal, and Hook are stuck in Neverland (or on some adventure when getting the shadow) and after angst or humor or crack or all three, eventually actually have to talk about their issues
Emma confronts August about leaving her on the streets with a pep talk, convincing Neal to send her to prison, stealing her money, etc.
Emma figures out what really happened to Graham
Alternate Season 6 ending where Captain Charming save the day by finding the CS TL sapling on the beanstalk
The heroes go back to wish world to rescue the Henry who was left to run a kingdom by himself and avenge the deaths of his grandparents and the disappearance of his mother (perhaps also saving the EQ, since Henry will be after her)
CS adventure getting Killian’s shadow back
Emma and Killian go back to Neverland to rescue Tiger Lily
Zeus sends CS back to the underworld (with a way to get out) to do him a favor - I just really want to see more of them with Arthur and Cruella
CS visit Agrabah for the royal wedding
Ten years ago, Killian Jones was the one who got away. Since then, it feels like Emma Swan’s life has been a series of crises, one always chasing the other. She is certain that Killian is off living that white picket fence life somewhere, and it is an understatement to say that she is surprised when a client enlists her help to catch him for skipping bail.
(Thank you to the CS Writers’ Hub, @notoriouscs, and @a-winterprince for the prompts!)
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