#back on the griiiiind
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j11nko · 5 months ago
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ddwhaleshark · 3 months ago
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Whaleshark looking a lil different :]c again a lil splatoon art case :3 i can
Yall want some lore about whaleshark ya didn't as about? read right here :]
Whaleshark usually looks like a normal inkling but with a whaleshark tail, being a hybrid of the two she is surprisingly... 'normal' to outsiders and onlookers.
Yet being a hybrid comes with a little extra! When an inkling shifts from swimform to human and back there is this in-between stage of goop/ink. With our gal over here that in-between stage is a lot different then your average inklings!
As illustrated the other half of her blood really shows! normally no one would ever see this stage as its just for a split second as u switch forms, but WH(whaleshark) can get stuck! unable to shift and stuck in this in-between stage she can be quite the danger! yet there are people out there who'd love to weaponize this >:]
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here is a lil ref of her as a treat! if ya read this well hello! surprised ya did i hope ya like :]
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months ago
Sheik finally becomes friends with Link and realizes how annoying he really is
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cupiidk1lls · 3 months ago
i missed u more glad to be back !!!🫡
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smithrpbog · 8 months ago
Lover: he pulls his hips back. It might be 10 years, but a changeling never forgets a lover. He knows what size she loves. He knows to make his cock fatter and push hard. Make it feel like he's griiiiinding into her. "Keep going..."
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prairiies · 1 year ago
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tremendousmothergoat · 4 years ago
Pride Show for the rump
She turns about and lifts up her robes, baring the full breadth of her rump to the viewer. The goatmom’s bottom-heavy figure is, of course, heaviest at the bottom! Her asscheeks stand like two monoliths to her gluttony and power, and can barely keep from wobbling from the slightest movement.
“Yes, my child. If I were to sit on you, it’s likely you wouldn’t even be visible under there.” she snickers. “You would think my gut is the greatest evidence of my gluttony, but you would be wrong. This right here -” She started, bouncing her hips to make her asscheeks jiggle. “- Is the true testament of all the people that I’ve eaten over the years. Layer upon layer of fat all coalesced into these plump, pillowy cheeks.”
“ But... Why only hear about them?” You are suddenly confronted with her bare rump advancing on you, pinning you up against the wall. The crest of her cheeks is barely below your shoulders, and as she presses back into the wall, your feet are lifted up into the air. “Why not just feel for yourself?” She slowly griiiiinds back into the wall, keeping you from finding purchase with your feet again, lifting you up slightly and letting you drop, your feet slipping on the floor.. You’re slowly slipping downwards, her rump grinding up against your chin, then you fall, and then it starts to creep up over your eyes.. She doesn’t stop until your face is wedged between her cheeks, nice and tightly tucked away in the heat, warmth, and pressure..
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andthusliberated · 4 years ago
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getting back on that griiiiind hnnnnggg
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queenimmadolla · 2 years ago
my mother came to the rescue so it’s back to the griiiiind
I’m so fucking mad, my roommates put my shoes out in the rain so I gotta fucking wash and clean the insides cause I need them for work tomorrow and that cuts into the time I was gonna use to finish this fic
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ladydragon1316 · 7 years ago
Winged Heart: INCOMING!!!
Inktober: Day 5
You know, every day of Inktober, I spend the day thinking on what I’ll write when I get home. Then I get home, sit down at my computer...and something else entirely comes pouring out. That’s not a complaint. It’s just...a thing I’m noticing.
On the up-side, I have developed either pre- or post- plans for everything I’ve written so far. And there are plenty of days left in Inktober. I’ll get to them. But for now:
More of the Thranduil x Dragon/Human Hybrid modern woman fanfic, though one of the very first tidbits, before they actually meet.
Setting: After waking up on a strange mountainside with wings and a tail, Dana managed to get airborne. It’s a faster way to travel than walking. But, as the old saying goes: what goes up, must come down - SHIIIIIIIT!!!
Dana took to scanning the landscape beneath her when she felt the first tremor in her wings. Yeah, these were new muscles, of course they wouldn't last long in use. Honestly, the hours she’d gotten out of them were impressive, all things considered.
But that did bring up the next important tidbit. She’d gotten into the air by nature of the shear drop she’d been faced with on the mountain where she’d come to. Now what about the landing? Her stomach must have caught back up with her at some point, because it dropped again at the thought.
The landscape beneath her rushed past in a carpet of canopy. Yeah, sure, it looked soft from several hundred feet up. But common sense said that branches waited just beneath the surface. A shiver ran through Dana as she imagined falling into that and breaking her neck against the forest’s wooden support structure.
Pumping her wings to keep herself aloft, Dana tried to get a bit more height and look for an edge to the forest. Nothing for as far as she could see. In the very, very distance she could make out what might be a single peak, which might promise some clear land, at least. But could she reach it?
Another tremor in her newest back muscles told her ‘no’. Shit! She needed to find somewhere to land, and soon.
Dana flew on, coasting as often as possible, catching the occasional current of air. But the loss of height brought the forest creeping up to meet her. And the edge of the forest was still nowhere in sight.
Suddenly there was a break in the forest.
More like a divot. Dana had a split second to decide: investigate and risk losing speed, height and the general capacity to move forward; or carry on and pray she found something else more promising.
Choice made, she leaned a hard right, feeling the wings angle automatically to pull her around where she willed them. Centripetal force dragged at her innards and limbs. Dana made the mistake of letting her arms and legs fall too far from their coasting positions. Too late did she realize it cost her, and she fell much shorter of the divot than she’d hoped.
Gritting her teeth, Dana forced her wings to pump hard, thrusting at the air and keeping aloft just long enough to get nearer. They started trembling the instant she set them to glide, and Dana knew immediately they wouldn't give her another lift like that again.
Angling to coast along the top, Dana saw what she’d hoped: a flowing river, cutting just wide enough through the forest to provide a break in the leaves above.
The wings were on their last strength at this point. That maneuver and the promise of rest left them quivering. She needed to get on the ground, now!
Dana searched the flow beneath her for shallows. A clearing. Something.
There, there!
A stretch of bank long enough for a landing - But coming up fast!
Intent brought her wings in, dumping speed and causing her fall. The ground flew up toward her and the wings snapped out just in time to turn it into another coast, this time two hundred feet lower.
Shit-shit-shit! Too fast!
Dana lurched herself upright and channeled the last of her strength into wing beats back! Hard! Fighting the lethal shot that was sending her into the river-bank. The ground blurred beneath her, sprinting the last of the distance between her and it. Adrenaline surged through her, pumping straight to her legs which started churning like mad, just in time for her to skim the ground and touch down-
First contact with the ground - even clipping it with one foot - sent a concussion that threw everything out the window. Some sciency corner of Dana’s brain was jigsawing a load of ‘velocity’ and ‘friction’ correlations for when you tried to stop one end of a fast moving system and the remainder of it just kept going, but this time with a different trajectory -
The rest of her just went head over ass, managing an entire somersault through the air before hitting the ground again. And again. And again-again. All Dana could do was curl tight - arms, legs, wings and tail - and pray she wasn’t broken to bits by the time she stopped.
The wings somehow tucked themselves around her rather than just against her back. Though that didn’t spare her all of the scrapes that came with hitting the ground at that speed.
Thump! Tumble, tumble. Roll, roll, roll, roll. Griiiiind...
Dana didn’t even dare breath. Didn’t move, didn’t twitch. Not until her lungs screamed at her to gasp - which sent a flurry of dirt right back into her face to cough out. Every muscles attached to that reflex protested, citing scrapes, bruises and pains she’d rather not think about so soon.
Dana uncurled slowly, wincing for...everything...and rolled onto her back. Ignoring the pinching of her wing as she did so.
She lay there, gasping for breath, staring up at the sky.
Dana had attempted skateboarding once. Made the moronic decision to have her first attempt be into one of those oblong bowl things, and with nothing but a helmet for protection.
That crash and burn would have been preferable to this one.
The sky above remained passive and clear. As if hadn’t just plummeted to earth at a hundred miles per hour. Dana groaned as she pulled herself to sitting and checked her wounds.
Honestly? Not as bad is it should have been. And it really should have been worse. There were scrapes, sure. Her elbows and calves had been scraped down, the blood just starting to seep out. Her shoulders and back were going to bruise. But add that to the massive ache that was already settling into those muscles and the bruising was a distant thing. But nothing was broken. A careful account of her muscles told her nothing had torn.
With tentative care, Dana extended one wing. And then the other. Both whole and unmarred. Although none-too-happy she was asking them to move again. Curiously, she reached out and tugged one forward to check the back. Huh. They sure seemed made of sturdier stuff than mere skin. Good thing, too.
Another groan as Dana tried to get to her feet. The move didn’t even last two seconds, before she collapsed to her knees. So it was a crawl that brought her the distance to the river.
Cold water eased the sting of her hurts and soothed the sudden thirst that came upon her. After that, she could sit back and really think.
She’d done it. She’d flown. Looking up at the sky again, now that she was safe on the ground, knowing she’d been up there…
A giggle bubbled in her chest. Then another, stronger, escaped her lips. Pretty soon Dana was laughing. Her whole body protested, but she couldn’t help it. The stress and tension of her skyward ordeal had released and it was all she could do was fall back on the river-bank and let the laughter pour out of her.
The laughter fell to giggles, which abated slowly, weakening, leaving longer stretches between each set. By the end, Dana was limp and too weak to move. Still a wee-bit giddy. But mostly just exhausted. All she wanted to do now was sleep.
Rolling over - pinning a wing again in the process - she took stock of her surroundings. Forest. Just...just forest. Screw it, she didn’t have the strength for more.
Dragging herself to hands and knees, and pulling that wing out from under her, the woman had just enough strength to drag herself back from the river-bank and into the mulch of a nearby tree.
Tiny thoughts flickered in her mind. Distant things, like concerns about warmth and predators. Of endless wilderness, the lack of food and additional clothing and any signs of civilization. Of where she was, where she might go. Of how she might get into the air again, to bypass a hostile landscape, without a great height to fall from.
But those thoughts were so far away, they barely registered. What did register was the firm, solid ground beneath her cheek and the utter exhaustion that was settling firmly into her bones. Worries like ‘survival’ were for tomorrow. Now? She just needed to sleep.
So sleep she did.
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clublilac · 6 years ago
me: eugh i’m exhausted after stressing myself out over a fanfiction i’m gonna go to bed early tonight
me at 11:53 PM writing the next chapter: it’s the griiiiind take it one day at a tiiiiiimee til we find our way back home,
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trueoathbreaker · 8 years ago
ive only been playing for a few days but besides the controls (i mean it is mobile after all) here some things i like so far
while its pretty basic on customization (anime style mmos usually are like that) it has...a ton of hairstyle combos??? bangs, back, tails and they can be mixed and matched (pretty good amount of colors, nothing too wild but pretty nice for anime style)
ive actually learned there’s no classes, u pick a starting style and can build from there (im trying to stick to similar types for each character)
no energy system like most mobile games...probably bc its an actual mmo (the closest ive seen is the mana bc its a little slow on regen at the start and u only have so much...also at start both can be changed with skill upgrades and equipment)
ur alts can come with u and party, they dont get exp this way but u can swap around at anytime
speaking of swapping u will show up where u last were (so if ur alt was in a town and u swap back u will be at the town instead)
they just put in houses and pets!!! im not high enough level for a house (nor do i have the IN GAME MONEY for it) but according to the article on it: build ur own house (ill be sure to get a better look...bc the preview looks like its literally build house) inside and outside, u need a house for pets, build furniture, plants and trees, windows and doors wherever the heck u want them, make ur roof cool i guess
pets can be traded from cages??? idk or tamed monsters in the wild...again need a house for this 
rewards just for login in, going so many steps, fighting so many monsters per day, spending how many hours that day or overall, certain levels, and so on
ok ok cons
controls are funky but its mobile so im not as picky here
ur bag fills up quick and u need orbs (hello real money or other certain things) to make more room
ur alt is basically u with a different body and fighting style....same bag, quests and everything (also stuff the other character is wearing will show up in the bag as not equipped so be careful not to sell things by accident!)
the region of ur phone basically locks u into one world (however it seems certain locations...like me in the us-of-a can move to the international channels) better have a friend who can hop the worlds (ex im in the “english channel” and nat is in the “international channel” i can move between the two but she cant)
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mitchmarner · 6 years ago
why is mitch like this
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vreblogs · 5 months ago
Rui very cool :O
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mizuribbons · 5 months ago
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