#babyknife; wade interactions
@stilltheworstwolverine continue from here
The words practically bounced off him with the force of will he ignored the stranger trying to inform him Wade was dead. He didn’t even spare them a glance as he pushed passed to get to where Wade was laying. Obviously he wasn’t dead, no, he just needed a minute and he’d be back up pissing him off like usual. It was taking him longer than normal… what was this some sort of prank. He wouldn’t put it past him “Alright bub. Jokes over, time to go” he huffed, nudging him with his heel… still nothing. Despite how sure he was that this was all some drawn out prank to make him look like an idiot he couldn’t help the way he was suddenly aware of every nerve ending on his body as he was overwhelmed with anxiety. He kicked him again, harder this time and grabbed his arm to pull him up “I mean it. You’re not funny. Get. Up” he snapped.
It didn't happen very often, but every now and then, there was an injury so severe, a trauma that was just bad enough, that Deadpool's brain activity would stop, and for just a little while, just long enough, he'd feel that quiet peace of Death. Like when a hollow point pierces the back of his skull and hits his lower brainstem in just the right way...
How many times has he felt this? How many times has he been brought past the brink and into the inevitable darkness of Death's embrace?
She caresses Wade's cheek so sweetly, so fondly with the tip of her bone fingers, a tear dripping out of the hollow socket of her skull.
"It's so good to see you, Wade, my love. But you know you cannot stay. I will see you again... Until then... find your happiness in life..."
...but he never stays there, he never stays in that peace, caressed in those arms of bone and her dark embrace. Instead, he's rudely awoken by a familiar voice while being yanked up on his feet.
"I... am fucking... hilarious..." Wade managed to cough, a little taste of blood and gun smoke filling his mouth as he lifted up his mask just above his mouth with a free hand and coughed out the bullet that had done him in.
"Whoo..." He was wobbly on his legs, leaning forward heavily into Logan as he felt the wound slowly stitching from just in front of his brainstem and through his head to the back of his throat. "Damn, I think that one hit the medulla..."
Shaking his head, he looked up at Logan, seeing the anxiety and worry that replaced the usual pissed off and grumpy look on his face. "Aw, peanut, were you worried about me? You know you can't get rid of me that easily..."
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