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crazed-for-plants 5 years ago
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Baby cacti. #plantas #plants #plantsofinstagram #plantid #planthoarder #cactiandsucculents #suculentas #succulents #suculenta #succulent #babycacti #cacti #cactus #desertplants #flowers #flores #cactiflower #crazedforplants https://www.instagram.com/p/CBvZTGyFEIH/?igshid=am2frnsj0eqi
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yogayoulove-blog 2 years ago
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My lil garden #mysecretgarden #frontporchdecor #succulents #babycacti #sarasotaflorida #joyofliving #gardening (at Bayshore Gardens, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cic34hFruBV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamangelskullz 4 years ago
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These mother cactus are with baby cacti already...I just removed their old babies 2 weeks ago... Blooming season? 馃グ 馃挌馃挌馃挌 #succulent #babycacti (at Quezon City, Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFeMtjvAYwT/?igshid=j0je2veeib2n
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serjkaamos 7 years ago
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magicgardenflorist 5 years ago
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馃嵀馃尩 Baby cacti play date 馃尩馃嵀 . . . . . #magicgarden #floristrywithstyle #floristinbedford #cactus #cacti #cactuslove #cactuslovers #cactusysucculents #cactusplanet #cactuslover #welovecacti #cacticacti #instacactus #florist #nature #botanical #botanicalpickmeup #babycactus #babycacti #plantshop #plantparenthood #greenyourfeed #plants #plantlove #plantlover #allthingsbotanical #plantsmakemehappy #houseplantcommunity #plantaddict #plantfocus (at Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B04Hq1kHJBV/?igshid=v1uk6fx9c664
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kensong59-blog 6 years ago
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My alien space invader looking paper spine cactus (Tephrocactus articulatus var. papyracanthus) is having a baby! It looks like a crown. This small and slow growing cactus has remarkable soft flat paper spines that looks like ribbon antennas. I'm wondering what to do with that baby once it grows bigger. . . . #tephrocactus #paperspinecactus #tephrocactusarticulatuspapyracanthus articulatus #cactus #succulents #cactus馃尩#cactuslovers #cactusplanet #cactusplant #cactuspropogation #cactusbaby #babycactus #babycacti https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxd3KDWhpct/?igshid=1156s0mmg08eh
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solarosa 6 years ago
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Little beauties! #babycacti #cacti #cactus #gracia #barcelona (at Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZOpYtB_l0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hbutareqylfd
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funsizestephiblog-blog 7 years ago
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I H A V E T H I S T H I N G W I T H... #myhousethismonth #day11 #ihavethisthingwith Glitter frames, baby cacti and succulents. I only have a couple of glitter frames, but if I bought every one I've shook in a shop I'd have a LOT more. I love having plants at home and cacti and succulents are easy to care for, plus the liddle ones awe so cute 馃尩 #cacti #babycacti #glitterframes #icanthelpmyself #basic #brownthumb #hardertokill #plants #plantsathome #plantsofinstagram #succulents #home #ribbapictureledge #ikea
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heatherfishart 8 years ago
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A tiny pot for a tiny cactus. Emergency transplant = success. #babycacti #babycactus #cacti #cactus #pottedcactus
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m0r3panthanpeter-blog 8 years ago
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Three baby #cacti now 馃槉馃榿. #barrelcacti #barrelcactus #cactus #babycactus #babysucculents #babycacti #cactuses #babycactuses #tinyterrarium #tinycactus #tinycacti #tinycactuses #tinysucculents
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astraalinen-perhonen 8 years ago
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Little baby I bought today, with already a few more babies. I don't know it's name, all I know is that it is lovely, quite lovely, and it fits my little bedroom garden perfectly. #succus #suculents #succulents #suculentas #suculenta #cactus #cacti #babysuccs #babycacti #bedroomgarden #greenery #green #life
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emilyjleyland 8 years ago
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I'll grow into it 馃挱 #babycacti
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kkantoinette 9 years ago
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馃尩馃拃I've been a bit down lately, work has been overwhelming this past month and I've been coming home feeling drained (aka lacking creativity). So I'm doing a personal reset... Loads of Epsom salt baths, gardening, and ELO on vinyl nonstop 馃挄 I'm working my way out of this funk the best I can, what do you guys do to get yourselves out of a funk?? 鉁岋笍鉂わ笍 #babycacti #chunkycacti #skull #crystalskull #gardening #urbangardening
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serjkaamos 7 years ago
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abi-and-joseph 9 years ago
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Tiny little #babycacti that I made for my #babyshower #favours #babyoz
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yanxiaolei 9 years ago
濂跺ザ gave me un cactus beb茅 馃尩
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