#baby jude <3< /div>
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hannahssimblr · 1 year ago
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“Do it, just do it.” 
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“Okay well stop moving around all over the place then will you?”
“Jen, wait, maybe-”
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“Uh, guys, is there going to be blood?”
“What the hell? No of course there won’t be blood, shut up Joe.”
“No I’m just asking ‘cause like, my ma got mad the last time youse were over when one of you spilled blue powerade on the carpet so…”
“I said there’ll be no blood, relax.”
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“Well I’m just saying that I might faint if I see blood, because this time at school before some lad in my base class threw a whiteboard eraser and it hit my face and my nose bled and then I blacked out in the boy’s bathroom and nobody found me for like ten minutes, even though, like, to me, like it felt like no time at all was after-”
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“Oh my God, Joe, if you don’t shut the fuck up I’m going to stick this thing crooked.”
“Um, try not to, please.” 
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She grabs my chin and holds me still, “Then don’t move, and Joe,” She jabs a finger in his direction, “Not a word from you, I’m dead serious. Right,” Her tongue pokes out the corner of her mouth as she eyes my ear with determination. The ice she’s holding melts a trail down my neck and into the collar of my t-shirt and I don’t dare react. “Has that gone numb?”
“I dunno yet.”
“Probably has,” She tosses the cube into Joe’s sink with a metallic thunk and positions the needle on my lobe.
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Shane pipes up from the table, “any blue powerades going, by the way?”
“Shut up!” I can feel her hand trembling, and the sewing needle rasps against my soft virgin skin. She exhales slowly, “Okay, one, two…” she hesitates and my eyes follow her movements nervously as she pushes her hair behind her ears and then leans for a closer look. She’s so close that her shaky breath feathers against my cheek. Take two. “Okay, okay, seriously this time. One, two…” I feel it. I hear it. And a grunt of disgust comes from the back of her throat as the needle pieces through my earlobe. “Oh, God,” There’s silence. My eyes screw shut as I wait for the pain.
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“Does it hurt, Jude?” Joe sounds queasy.
“Why? Does it look like it should hurt?”
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“I told you it doesn’t hurt,” Jen dismisses, “...but it’s fine, right?”
“I think so. It just feels kinda… hot?” I peel my eyes open.
“Yeah, well, you’re grand, now,” she reaches to the counter behind her, “stud or hoop?”
“Okay well too bad they only had very girly looking studs in Claire’s Accessories, so I got hoops.”
“Why’d you offer, then?”
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She dangles the little purple shiny packaging in front of my face to distract me, “Look at that, hm? Very cool, manly hoops.” 
“Yeah, very manly.” and she fumbles around my ear for several moments trying to get it through the new hole in me, and that’s when it hurts the worst, as she’s tugging and poking and digging her sharp thumbnails in, but I pretend that it doesn’t because Shane and Joe are in the room and sixteen year old boys aren’t supposed to show things like pain and discomfort in front of each other, it’d be weird and socially unacceptable. Vulnerability is illegal among us.
If it were Jen and I alone in this caravan I’d at least be whining at her, if not actually tearing up about the discomfort of it all.
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She closes the clasp at the back of the hoop and presents me to the room, “What do ye think?”
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“A bit red,” says Joe as he clutches the rim of the sink with milk white knuckles “Is it meant to be that red? That’s not bleeding, is it? Ah Jesus, I don’t think we should have done this…” Shane glances away from the olympic basketball game on the TV and huffs out a laugh. “Gay ear,” he says. 
Jen pauses, “Gay ear?”
“Yep, ‘tis the gay ear.” 
“What do you mean by that?”
“Obviously, like, you’re after piercing the right lobe; the one that you pierce when you want all the other fellas to know that you fancy them or whatever, like, I dunno. I just heard that some place. Shoulda pierced the left.”
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I tug on it self consciously though it’s tender. “Where’d you hear that?”
“Lads on the football team probably, look,” He crosses his arms with authority, “I go to an all boys school. I know what the Gay Ear is.”
I look up at Jen and tell her that I don’t mind that it’s the Gay Ear.
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“That’s for life though,” Joe pipes up unhelpfully, “You’ll always have that hole in your ear now, so even if you take the earring out everyone is gonna see that you have your right ear pierced and they’re all gonna think-”
“I don’t care if they think I’m gay. What does it matter?”
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“Yeah but you’re not gay, and it’s the Gay Ear,” Shane argues, “That’s the point. You’ll end up confusing everyone, and men won’t know what to do when they see you out and about and all that.”
“That feels like kind of a backwards, 90s thing to say, honestly.”
“Nobody’s being homophobic, fuck sake. It’s just the code.”
“Well it’s pierced for life now, isn’t it? What the fuck do you want me to do?” 
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“Christ sake,” Jen seizes my shoulder and yanks me back into the seat, “Pass me that ice, Joe, I’ll just do the other side then and you can all shut up annoying me about it, alright?”
“Fucking Gay Ear, who comes up with that shite?” she mutters to herself, and pushes the mostly melted cube to my left lobe so we can start all over again. 
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Afterwards I squeeze into the tiny caravan bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. My ears are furious red, but at least the hoops are even. I think. Jen has given me table salt from Joe’s kitchen cabinet to wash them with, and I do it, I fill one hand with limey water from the taps and pour a random amount of salt in with it. I don’t know what I’m doing, but it's fine because if they get infected I'll just take them out. I’ve never seen another boy with both ears pierced, but that’s fine too, because I’ll just pretend it’s a trend from America that nobody else has heard of yet. 
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When I come out Jen turns away from the television screen to look at me.
“Looks okay,” she says.
“Yeah,” I catch sight of the clock behind her and realise that our ear piercing activities sliced only thirty minutes out of this long, empty July afternoon. “So, um, what now?”
“Any more bright ideas?”
I shrug, “I dunno. We could go play tennis?”
“Kids club is at the boat club until six and my sister is always hanging out with those inbred looking fellas at the one in the caravan park,” Shane says, “So no.”
“Joe, do you think your brother could go buy us cigarettes again? We could smoke up by the-”
“Nah man he’s working today.”
“Well the olympics are on so I suppose we could-”
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“I couldn’t be bothered with sports,” says Jen, “nor do I want to sit here pretending to care. And now we’ve done all we were meant to do today and there’s nowhere else to hang out…” She looks at me for help as though I’m supposed to know how to keep three bored teenagers entertained through another endless summer day smack bang in the middle of a recession.
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I sigh and throw my hands up in defeat, “Well… I dunno. Will we shave my head?” 
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viivdle · 11 months ago
compilation of my trademark thanks to @thejudeduarte
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joanofexys · 4 months ago
i do absolutely think Emiko and Merr, at least those two, are missing teeth from playing exy. Mara and Flor both have at least one chipped tooth. Ilya is so far unscathed and so is Jude, except everyone is entirely unsure how Jude's perfect smile has remained intact with how many elbows he's taken to the face over the years
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riverphoenixsgothwife · 2 months ago
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close enough. welcome back river phoenix
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edwardseymour · 10 months ago
fandom valiantly tried to woobify henry viii and challenge the tendency to dehumanise him as some kind of bluebeard-esque villain through the 2010s, which is cute and all, but as a 1540s enthusiast i for one am genuinely excited to get back to depicting him as a shambling angry corpse with firebrand, and i think we can and should dehumanise him more
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teddybearsims · 4 months ago
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missssss will steal your girl (+ a bonus isa who wanted to jump in)
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pjshermann · 1 year ago
the julia post… any chance of some wholesome jude and julia moments in my baby?
oh absolutely, like so many. That’s his MOM 🥲. It’s not a criticism of the book bc I know the main focus was male relationships, but I wish we’d gotten more in-depth with Jude and Julia’s relationship, especially a one-on-one scene with just them and not Harold included.
Speaking of My Baby, there’s actually a scene in the next chapter that’s going to set up a part (one part of many) of Julia’s relationship development with Jude. it’ll be something that Harold wouldn’t be able to relate to but Julia does and therefore Julia has a better understanding of it and how to help Jude deal with it. So your question is very much on time haha
(Also, if you’re the anon who sent in that Julia headcanons ask, don’t worry it’s not being ignored, I’m just preparing the list of headcanons 😉)
(And the other headcanon asks are being prepared too hehe)
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thornilee013 · 1 year ago
Hi happy Wednesday! I’m sorry last week’s ask was kind of short, I’ve not been having the best week to be completely honest. I hope that your holiday was wonderful! I look forward to your WIP Wednesday every week and I hope that it’s a fun way for you to write 🤍🤍🤍
I’m not sure if you’ve started your move yet, but I hope that it goes well when you do! Remember to pack glass items with towels to pad them and you can buy cheap, brand new socks to stuff into glass cups so that they’re supported internally as well. Your socks can also go in the toes of shoes that you don’t want to get crushed in a move. Hats and scarves also do a great job of cushioning fragile items. If it’s going to be warm when you move, you can wrap candles and put them in freezer bags or coolers to keep them from melting. Sorry for the unasked for advice, hopefully it’s helpful and not annoying!🤍
Could I get some baby Jean when you have the time? Thank you🤍🤍🤍
prev | Baby Jean | WW 27.12.2023
Another part of watching the fish that Jean hadn't appreciated when he'd visited the aquarium before was watching all the different ways that they breathed. Can it even be considered breathing if they aren't above water? Jean pondered to himself, watching as the gills of one of the fish closer to him expanded and deflated like a blacksmith's bellows.
But as he watched, he spotted a glimpse of his reflection in the glass. Nothing about his face was remarkable, in his opinion. His short black hair that was normally combed back and away from his face threatened to fall into his grey eyes, especially after the long car ride had gotten rid of any styling he'd done that morning. Aside from that, he had a scattering of freckles and a nose that was already starting to resemble his father's.
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lewisvinga · 1 year ago
get his ass ! | lando norris/the grid x fem! reader
summary: y/n was loved among the grid, quickly gaining the title of ‘the mother of the grid’ due to her motherly nature. but when a famous football player says he’d like to take her on a date in an interview, the boys are quick to defend her.
fc; maria isabel
warnings; kinda suggestive pics , curse words
notes; requested! this came later than expected lol, been super tired after a long road trip and was out all day w poor connection😩🥲 don’t mind my lil football reference 🤭🤭 also second pic of the interview was meant to say pretty at the end but it was called off lol😞
masterlist !
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 940,038 others!
yourusername: pov: single mother after a day full of chasing and taking care of her 5 grown children on the paddock
tagged; landonorris, oscarpiastri, alex_albon, logansargeant, georgerussell63
username: i want u fr
landonorris: ‘single mother’ who am i then?😕
yourusername: a grown child who asks me to ‘pretty please’ wipe the grease off of his pizza😁
landonorris: it was disgustingly greasy…🤢
username: LMFAOOAOAO
username: a single mom who works 2 jobs who loves her kids
yourusername: they get on my nerves all the time but i love my grown children 💓
logansargeant: sorry mom
yourusername: you and osc are an exception
alex_albon: oh, wow!
oscarpiastri: 😁
georgerussell63: you trying to say something, y/n….
yourusername: yeah give me carmen
carmenmmundt: i agree!
georgerussell63: wait-
username: you need to open a youtube channel!
username: your fit on the paddock ate today 😩
username: the picture of alex and logan w the snake 😭😭😭😭
username: can always count on y/n for content
yourusername posted to their story!
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[caption 1; baby’s nap time 😴] [caption 2; taking my sons out for lunch 🫶🫶] [caption 3; my new child, surprise! it’s a boy!💙]
Jude Bellingham answers your fan questions!
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 1,503,028 others!
landonorris: all mine.
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: lando norris…. i thought you’d post this on your jpg account…
landonorris: nope😁
yourusername: could’ve been worse thank u
yourusername: all yours. forever. 🫶
landonorris: always.
username: so y’all saw jude’s interview too…
username: caption was 100% aimed a jude
alex_albon: can i tag him pls
yourusername: no.
landonorris: yes!
yourusername: no or i won’t take you to get kbbq tmrw
alex_albon: sorry lando
username: alex’s comment😭
username: oh wow
username: the 2nd, 4th, n last pic🥴🥴🥴🥴
username: their relationship isn’t a want it’s a NEED
logansargeant: oh!
yourusername: look away pls😞😔
landonorris: no keep looking so you and every other athlete knows she’s mine 😁
username: jealous lando omg 😵‍💫😵‍💫
maxverstappen1: take that tap in merchant!
carlossainz55: yeah and he won against you guys! put some respect on his name 🙄
yourusername: my football rivalry sons…
landonorris: no i agree w max
username: not the culers and merengues of f1 fighting 😭😭
georgerussell63: my eyes!😰😰😰😰
georgerussell63: but that serves him right! y/n is a taken lady!
username: red is HER color, no one can wear read
username: the fit is everything 😍😍
username: need someone to recreate the last pic w 😖😖😣😣
oscarpiastri: i really had to stop lando from posting more exposing pictures, you’re welcome btw mother
landonorris: i had plenty of other ones to choose from…
yourusername: thank u osc😭
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hannahssimblr · 10 months ago
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The trains roll along the tracks behind Michelle’s house in succession, one after another, iron wheels on iron tracks. They usually can’t be heard inside the house, but in the garden the sound of them mingles with the rustling of new leaves in the trees, the faint buzz of midges congregating beneath the canopies and catching the light just so, little glowing specs that almost remind me of fireflies.
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It’s a day wasted indoors, that’s what Debra said before hauling a basket load of damp washing out onto the lawn, and that’s where she is now, pegging up bed linens as she keeps one paranoid eye upon the barbeque.
Michelle is cooking, prodding and turning the chicken skewers a bit too soon, but it doesn’t matter, because Debra insisted she would take them inside and put them in the oven afterwards anyway. She's got this fear that we’ll all go home with salmonella poisoning and waste precious exam study time being violently ill. 
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Jen is nervous. The barbeque was her idea, a way for her to get closer to the girl she wants to ask to the debs without it seeming obvious about her intentions, so she’s hauled Michelle and I along to sit in and make conversation under the strict orders that if things go well then we should make an excuse and then conveniently disappear. 
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I don’t know Hazel well from school, we were never in any classes together but I know vaguely that she’s the girl with that lanky skeleton man pattern all over her school bag. She is tiny with hair the colour of straw and eyes, big wide and pale blue, an intense, unblinking gaze about them as though she knows how and when you will die. 
When she appears in the garden twenty minutes late, smiling serenely with a kitten in her hand, we all pause. 
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“Hello,” I say. To her or the kitten I’m not completely sure. 
“Hi, am I late?”
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“No, not at all, um!” Jen gets up from the patio table and rushes to give her a side hug, being careful not to squash the kitten in the process. She scratches its tiny head with her fingernail and it purrs. “Who is this?”
“Goose,” Hazel explains, “I found him under a car in the housing estate last week and I’ve been nursing him back to health. He was so hungry, gosh.”
“He’s cute,” Jen pets him again and he strokes his downy grey fur against her fingers, his eyes closed in bliss, causing an explosion of protective adoration inside me for this little creature. It’s possible I've never seen something so cute. 
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“Do you want to hold him?” Hazel asks me, and I nod, holding out my hands as she deposits the little warm ball into my hands. Such a small, fragile, trembling ball of energy he is, I've never been so keenly aware of my size, my hands are practically the length of him save for his slinky tail, pointed straight out as I nestle him in the crook of my arm. Goose mews at me, mouth clean open, four sharp teeth and dove grey eyes that look in two different directions. He’s got a weird face, like he doesn’t know he exists or where he is.  
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“He’s sweet, isn’t he?” says Hazel at my shoulder.
“Yeah he’s a cool little guy. Do you think he was abandoned?”
“I don’t know, perhaps he ran away,” she reaches for him and he clambers up her sleeve, where she grabs him before he can start clawing at her hair, “he’s skittish. He doesn’t like to be alone, yet paradoxically he’s always trying to escape.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, he yearns for life on the streets,” she sighs and says to Jen, “I hope it’s okay that he’s come along, he would just be so unhappy at home.”
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“No, of course! Oh my God,” Jen says with a big, dippy smile. “You can bring whatever, like, whoever you want over. We can keep him inside though if that’s better?” She’s touching her hair and smiling a lot, something I make a mental note of so that I can torture her about it later.
“I think if he’s there in the dining room and he can see me through the window he’ll be comfortable,” Hazel agrees, “I think he prefers to feel included.”
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I don’t know if Goose has even a remote concept of what he does and does not prefer, but she and Jen head inside to lay some newspapers on the floor and fill a little bowl from the kitchen with water for him anyway, laying them right by the door so that he has the best view of the garden. I’m transfixed by him in there as they set things up, weaving himself between Hazel’s ankles, pushing his fuzzy cheek into the smooth leather of her Dr. Martin boot, and I grin as his claw catches in her lace, which sends him frantically swatting his paw to free it. 
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“It’s so cute how much you love cats,” Michelle comments as she slaps a raw burger over the coals, “I would have never thought you were a cat person if I hadn’t witnessed it myself.”
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“Well look at him! He’s just cool.”
“It’s not just him, it’s all those cats along your street! I just think it’s so funny whenever you step out of the house and they just emerge from somewhere.”
“They know they’ll get pets from me.”
“Yeah, and food.”
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She smiles over her shoulder, “Maybe when we move in together we should look for a flat that accepts pets. Then we can get a cat of our own.”
“Mm. It’s a big commitment, a cat, though, isn’t it?”
“No, we would just feed it and clean out the litter box. It’d be very easy.”
“Yeah, I dunno.”
“What don’t you know?”
“I’d have to think about it.”
“Oh, okay.”
Debra finishes hanging the washing and quickly slips back inside through the conservatory door. 
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I listen to the sounds of the garden instead of talking. A lawnmower drones somewhere across the suburban fences and there is the aroma of something sweet, heady and floral under my nose each time the breeze comes. When it’s still it smells like charred meat and smoke, which is welcome because the afternoon is getting on and I haven’t eaten since before dropping Ivy off at her friend’s house at ten. 
“Are you mad at me?” Michelle says. 
“No. I’m just hungry.” 
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viivdle · 11 months ago
what everyone thought was gonna be revealed in tpt:
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luveline · 24 days ago
you know what ive been thinking about? boy dad spencer reid. everyone talks about girl dad spence but boy dad spencer?? watching him play sports and having literally no clue what's going on, or dressing him up like a little old man or playing dinosaurs with him and teaching him magic </3 my little heart can't take it
dad!spencer beloved +fem!reader
“Hi, Jude.” 
Jude sizes you up. 
“Want a cuddle?” you whisper. 
The little boy gives a shy smile, falling into your arms as you open them.
Jude is great at hiding but you’re better at finding, no matter where he is. Spencer calls it your ‘Jude tingle’. Despite the dumb name, he’s always grateful you’ve found his toddler, saving Jude from a lifetime in the Trader Joe’s freezer aisle or an abrupt sleepover at Aunt Emily’s apartment. Today, you’ve protected him from the spiders in the Reid backyard. 
”What did daddy say about hiding?” you ask softly. 
Jude sighs against your neck, close to tears at even a whisper of a scolding. “To tell daddy, and we would hide together.” 
“Yeah, you can hide together. Why didn’t you wanna tell dad today? You could’ve told me if you wanted.” Jude sniffles. You trace a short line down his back. “Good thing I always know where to find my favourite boy, huh? You can’t hide from me, Jude, I love you too much. I follow the hearts until I find you.” 
“That’s not true,” he grumbles. 
“Oh yes it is. I love you.” 
“I love you, too,” he says. Just a couple of months ago he could barely say love, but he can show it, and he does today by pressing a wet little kiss to your cheek. 
“Daddy’s still looking for you,” you whisper. 
“Hide me?” 
“I don’t think I should. I bet daddy’s about to get upset. Should we go find him?” 
Jude pulls away. You push his glasses up his sloped nose, forcing him to blink as he readjusts to the world again. Jude Reid, in all his baby-faced sweetness, couldn’t look more like his dad. He has Spencer’s eyes, and his cheeks, though Jude doesn’t have the sharp jaw or cheekbones, just puppy fat. You dot a kiss on one soft cheek and stand, offering down a hand to keep Jude tethered, lest you lose him before you find his dad. 
“Is he mangry with me?” 
“Dad’s not mad or angry, just upset.”
“He’s crying?” Jude asks, shocked. 
“No, he’s not crying! He doesn’t like not knowing where you are, that’s all. No, daddy’s not upset like that.” 
“Can you make him… can you…” 
“I can make him feel better,” you promise. 
Jude wriggles his fingers in your hand. 
Spencer’s calling Jude’s name into the expanse of the back yard, attempting to sound cheerful but missing the mark quite severely. “Jude, it’s dinner time!” 
“Dad!” Jude calls back. 
Spencer sags like a popped balloon, trudging over to you both by the patio doors. 
“I don’t know why we bother splitting up,” Spencer says, bending down to swoop Jude into his arms, thrusting him up into the air quickly to make him laugh. “Y/N always finds you!” 
“You’re not sad?” 
Spencer shakes his head. “I’m ecstatic! Because you’re back! And you’re safe and sound!” 
Jude gets guilty and tries to slip into the curve of Spencer’s neck, promising he won’t hide again so long as dad doesn’t cry. Spencer isn’t confused by the hiding anymore, Jude’s paediatrician thinks it’s a reaction to overstimulation, but he goes soft like warm butter whenever Jude’s upset. “I won’t cry, Jude… it’s okay. I’m not upset…” 
Spencer gives him a kiss on the ear and lifts his head back to you. “Okay?” you ask softly, not speaking to one of them in particular. 
“I think Jude’s hungry.” 
“I don’t want milk,” he denies. 
“For dinner,” Spencer agrees. “I think we should have something filling. How about chilli and rice?” 
“No beans?” Jude asks seriously. 
“No beans. I’ll make garlic bread or something too. How does that sound?” 
He speaks so gently you don’t know he’s talking to you until he’s nudging you. 
“Oh, anything you’re making,” you say. 
You’re sure he’s gonna kiss you, though he hasn’t before, but sometimes he’ll work up the courage to kiss your cheek or hold you by the back of the neck, moments of wild intimacy that make you dizzy. He shifts Jude against his chest and dips his nose into wind-brushed curls. “Stop hiding,” he says. 
“Sorry,” Jude sarcs, unexpectedly cheeky. It makes Spencer laugh like a kid, which makes Jude giggle, and for a second you can’t tell whose laugh is whose.
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oneforthemunny · 9 months ago
november rain |ex-husband!eddie munson x ex-wife!reader|
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prompt: after your divorce to eddie, you try to get back out there. but sometimes, nothing beats what you already have.
contains: smut minors dni. mom!reader x dad!eddie. divorced. mentions to past angst/ fighting. mentions of teen pregnancy. oral fem receiving, pinv sex. slightly angsty. asshole date, angsty ending. kinda a bittersweet fic. based off this ask <3
You could hear him before you could see him, speakers shaking from the noise in his car, leaving your ears buzzing at the vibrations. The swelling of your heart rose above the annoyance you tried to feign, rolling your eyes and hoping he didn’t see through it. 
“You do realize I live in a subdivision? Neighbors and all?” You crossed your arms, glaring at him before he’d ever climbed out of the car, killing the engine and the music with the pull of his keys. 
“Yeah? They don’t like Judas Priest?” Eddie grinned, dimples deep, and you knew under his shades his eyes were bright and wild- the way they always were when they were teasing you. “I have Metallica too. I think I still have that Blondie tape you like in here too somewhere, if they’d prefer that.” 
Your heart skipped, lips twitching in a faltering snarl that was slowly turning into a blushing soft smile. “You better not play music that loud when my babies are with you.” You huffed, hands moving to rest on your hips, the denim waistband of your jeans hugging you just right in your Levi��s- Eddie’s favorite pair. You knew it, and you didn’t miss the way his tongue ran over his bottom lip. 
“Did you hear me?” You snapped, swallowing a grin. You knew he hadn’t, too distracted. “Eddie, I am serious, you will bust their little ear drums-” 
“-I know, sweetheart. C’mon,” Eddie shook his head, pushing his sunglasses up, pinning his curly bangs with them. “They’re my kids too. ‘M not gonna hurt them, you know that.” The sun caught a flash of gold, gleaming just for a moment off his left hand. 
Eddie was still wearing his wedding band. 
Your stomach sunk at the thought, thumb absentmindedly twisting your bare ring finger. The divorce had been final for months- six, to be exact. You’d stopped wearing yours after the first. It was weird, not wearing the small band and ring you’d worn since high school- since Eddie proposed with shaking hands on your front porch after you found out you were expecting. He’d dropped the ring twice, sweaty and nearly sick with anxiety. Your mother told you that should have been a sign, but you found it endearing then- maybe you did even now. 
“Where’s the rugrats anyway?” Eddie hummed, catching your glass door to hold it for you, letting you slip under his arm. You caught a whiff of his cologne, faint from the day, mixed with a cigarette he tried to mask from earlier. 
“Jude’s playing in the backyard.” You stepped into the small foyer. Eddie had left it to you in the divorce, saying you were the only reason they got it anyways. There was always an eerie feeling that lingered when he came inside, a haunting reminder of a forever that didn’t quite succeed. 
“He’s supposed to be watching Lucy.” You hummed, craning your neck to look out the window in the living room. “They’re hunting for bugs.” Your nose crinkled, leaving Eddie laughing. 
“Bug hunting? Oh, they don’t know their Mama is terrified of bugs, huh?” Eddie teased, peeking out of the window to see the two kids, perfect blends of both of your features packed into two tiny beings. 
“I’m not terrified. Well, of all the bugs.” You huff, rolling your eyes. “Spiders, yes, and I told Jude those were off limits or I was giving Grandpa Wayne back the bug catching kit.” 
“You’re no fun.” Eddie shook his head lightly. “Scared of a little spider?” His fingers tapped playfully in a crawling way up your arm towards your shoulder, leaving you squirming away. 
“God, do you remember- what was it? Junior year? When there was a spider on your desk in Geometry?” Eddie laughed, grabbing his side at the memory. “And you shoved all your books off the desk in the middle of class?”  
“Yes, and you and Gareth just laughed at me.” You fought back your own smile at the memory. 
“Yes!” Eddie howled in laughter. “And Mr. Browcheski got so fu-sorry- freaking mad at all of us. Did we- That was when we got detention, right?” 
“Yes,” You glared at him playfully, crossing your arms. “And I was about to have a nervous breakdown thinking about how I was going to tell my parents.” 
“That��s right.” Eddie nodded slowly. “That was your first detention?” 
You nodded. “I was a good girl until I met you, Munson. You’re a bad influence.” 
“Yeah, can’t be all bad though, right?” Eddie held your gaze, stepping close instinctively. Your breathing hitched, his hand gliding over your hip, fingertips ghosting the bare skin above your waist band. “We had some good times too.” 
Your head spun, dizzy with a clouding lapse of judgment. Eddie was pulling you in, hand sliding from your hip to the small of your back, holding you so close you were flush to him. His head was already tilting, ducking towards yours, ready to capture your lips and you’d let him. Of course you’d let him, you’d be lying to say you didn’t miss his kiss- miss him. 
Lucy’s high pitched shrill had you faltering, snapping out of the haze, back into a damning reality. “What- Eddie, we-we can’t.” You took a step back, knees a little weak and wobbly from the adrenaline rush that always came with his affection. “We can’t do this.” 
“Right,” Eddie swallowed, hands shoving in his pockets, cheeks blooming with a pink heat that burned through his body.  “S-Sorry. I just- I got caught up in the moment. Talking about that. I just-” 
“-It’s fine.” You muttered, pulling the back door open, a melody of Jude and Lucy’s giggles floating in. “Guys, someone’s here to see you.” You sing-songed in a happy tune, face lighting with exaggerated excitement. You were good like that, Eddie thought, still playing nice for the kids. Maybe it wasn’t playing, Eddie really hoped it wasn’t, though the rational side of his mind (and his friends) begged to differ. 
“Daddy!” A duo of squeals and shrieks blended with bounding feet up the wooden steps into the house. 
Jude came bounding in first, nearly knocking Eddie over at the knees when his small frame collided with him. “Wo-oah, hey, buddy.” Eddie grinned, tousling the boy’s wild curls, frizzy and matted from playing outside. 
“Hi, Dad.” Jude beamed up at Eddie. He’d gotten Eddie’s lashes but your eyes. “We’re catching bugs.” 
“I heard. Catch any good ones? Any centipedes?” Eddie grinned, bending down to hug the boy. 
“No,” Jude’s face fell slightly in a frown. “But I did catch a ladybug for Lucy!” Jude bounced on his toes with excitement. 
Your heart swelled, trying to wrangle the small girl on your hip, passing her off to Eddie- well, passing was generous, she nearly launched off your hip into his arms. “A lady bug?” Eddie repeated in a babble he still used with Lucy. She was still small, in his eyes, though she was growing every single day, she was still his baby. 
“Did Bubs get you a ladybug, Lucy?” Eddie bounced her on his hips, tickling her sides so she shrieked with laughter. 
“Yeah,” Lucy giggled, leaning back to look at Jude in a limp sort of backbend. “Jude’s gots me a ladybug an-and we found a lot of worms.” She grinned, eyes wide and excited. She got her cadences from Eddie, that was for sure, more exaggerated and dramatic with each passing day. 
“Are you going to hunt bugs with us?” Jude asked, pulling on the hem of Eddie’s t-shirt. “Will you? Please?” 
“Yeah, of course, I will.” Eddie smiled, shaking his head softly. “Do you have a spare shovel for me? Can you go find the little red one?” 
Jude looked at you. “I think it’s in the garage with the basketball.” You nodded towards the garage door. Jude ran off, footsteps heavy, Lucy squirming to get down and chase after him. “But- hey! Put everything back where it goes, Jude Wayne! And do not climb on anything!” You called after him, voice teetering on stern. 
“I got it!” Jude called back. 
Eddie’s chest puffed in boasting pride, grinning at the boy. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Hm, wonder who that sounds like?” You said sarcastically, giving Eddie a pointed glare. 
“That’s my boy. What can I say?” Eddie grinned, shrugging lightly. You grinned, shaking your head. “So, uh, where’re you going tonight?” Eddie tried not to sound so awkwardly needy, but it came out exactly like that. 
“Oh,” You could feel your body stiffen, a warm embarrassed heat creeping up your spine. “I, uh, I- Well, I’m going out.” You paused, fiddling with straightening something on a shelf, anything to avoid his gaze. “I…I have a date tonight.” 
Eddie’s heart sank, falling deep into the pit of his stomach. “Oh.” He swallowed the thick lump in his throat. “I, uh, I didn’t know you were… Ya know, um, gettin’ back out there.” 
“Well, I- I mean it wasn’t exactly planned.” Your thumb went back to your ring finger, rubbing the bare skin there. You used to twist your ring when you were feeling anxious, a soothing mechanism. 
“Lydia at work set me up on a blind date with her cousin. The-The accountant guy.” You cringed at your words, spouting in a word vomit that you couldn’t seem to stop. Your heart was racing, stuttering to a halt and rearing back with every fall of Eddie’s face. 
“I-I mean, I just… She’d been asking me since-since,” Since the divorce, the words you couldn’t bring yourself to say. “A-And I figured why not. I mean…” You waved your hand between the two of you, the tension uncomfortable and thick. 
“No, no, yeah,” Eddie nodded, swallowing back a burn of emotions he tried to conceal. “No, that’s- you should. Not that- I mean, you don’t need me to tell you that, but,” Eddie took a breath, finally meeting your nervous gaze. “You’ll have a good time.” 
“Yeah?” You squeaked, wringing your hands anxiously. Eddie had flashbacks to years before, when you two were a lot younger, your nervous demeanor asking for his reassurance before sneaking onto the football field at midnight. 
Eddie’s heart ached at the memory, but he nodded slowly. “Yeah. I mean, he’s lucky to get to go out with you. You’re… You’re the best, you know that.” Eddie reassured you now just like he did then, just like he always did. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, turning just as Jude and Lucy came back in, triumphantly waving the red, plastic shovel. “I, um, I’m going to get ready. There’s a frozen pizza in the freezer. I’ll preheat the oven, if you can just stick it in.” 
“I got it.” Eddie waved you off, forcing a reassuring smile. “You go get ready. Have fun, sweetheart.” His smile was warm, leaving you burning in excitement. Still, when he left, you were filled with a sinking, nauseating feeling of dread, nerves. 
Heidi would tell you that you were co-dependent, that Eddie had made you that way. She never liked him, not in highschool, especially not after the divorce. She was always reminding you that you could do better, that you should do better. 
That always sparked a fight, one of the many that you and Eddie had over and over and over. His accusatory tongue lashing accusations at you, your defenses climbing higher and higher, both too stubborn to let it go. You were reminded of the fight that did it- that caused the divorce. Days- no, weeks of back and forth. 
“You know, there’s times I wish I would have skipped school that day!” Eddie roared, voice hoarse and scratchy from the screaming match you two had been having. “I was supposed to skip with Gareth, but I fucking went, and you know what? I wish I wouldn’t have! Then we would have never gotten paired up and I wouldn’t be dragged into all this shit with you! I wouldn’t be so miserable all the goddamn time!” 
His words rang in your head, stinging just as much then as they did now. You took a breath, that haunting memory was the final push you needed to step into the shower, to get ready, and to try and start something new without Eddie. 
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“So, Lydia tells me you have a kid.” Matthew asked, swirling his wine around in his glass. 
The restaurant was obnoxiously expensive, much more stuffy than what you expected on the first date. You felt terribly underdressed, in a sundress you hadn’t worn in years, fitting a little tighter now since Lucy. Note to self, go dress shopping next time. 
“Yeah, I do,” You smiled politely, the tension still a little uncomfortable, unfamiliar. “Jude and Lucy.” 
“Oh,” Matthew’s brows raised, tone clipping in shock. “Two?” 
“Yeah,” You swallowed back that familiar burning in your chest, the one that always came with judgment. Raised brows and pointed glares, being pregnant in highschool, you thought you’d be used to it by now. 
“Uh, how-how old are they?” Matthew asked, fingers tapping nervously on the table. So much tension, and you hadn’t even gotten your food yet. 
“Jude is seven, and Lucy just turned four.” You felt your chest boast with pride. Talking about your kids, that could soothe you, it always did. 
“Wow,” You weren’t sure how Matthew’s brows could go any higher, but somehow they did. “That’s… I’m sorry, you just, you look really young to have kids that age.” 
“I am,” You shrugged sheepishly. “I, um, I had Jude in high school. My senior year.” You tried not to flinch, to steel yourself for the inevitable look- the one that always gave you. 
“High school?” Matthew’s tone skittered on a scoff, leaving you burning with embarrassment- with shame. Why’re you embarrassed about it? Best thing that ever happened to me, Eddie would always say, scoffing nonchalantly when you were younger and  someone gave you a snarling glace in the supermarket, two teens pushing a baby around in a shopping cart. 
“Yeah,” You looked down at your hands under the table. This was what you dreaded, the ‘getting back out there’ phase. You had forgotten how utterly painful it was, worse now than when you were a teen. 
“My ex-husband and I got married out of high school.” You continued, trying to break up the uncomfortable silence. “After- Well, before we had Jude, but after I found out I was pregnant.” 
“Oh,” Matthew didn’t look at you, looking anywhere but you really. “That’s why you divorced then? Makes sense.” 
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment. “No, no, that’s- that’s not why.” It wasn’t entirely true, at least, part of the reason but not the whole reason. 
“It’s not?” Matthew raises a brow, scoffing with unimpression before downing the rest of his wine. “Look, I’m not trying to offend you, but I’m not dumb. Pregnant in high school, married the baby daddy because it was the right thing to do, right? And then what? Had another when things got rough to try and save the marriage?” 
Your heart dropped, frozen in mortification, fear maybe, in your seat. “I’m right, aren’t I? I mean, it’s a tale as old as time, Sugar.” Your cheeks burned at the nickname. That wasn’t your nickname, not what Eddie called you, and even if he did- it never sounded condescending and mean like it did when it came from Matthew. 
“No shame in it, just own up to it.” Matthew scoffed, leaning back in his seat. You felt small sitting across from him, his lips pursed, rolling over your frame with such judgment it made your stomach turn. “Lying on the first date doesn’t seem like the best option.” 
“Excuse me,” You swallowed, grabbing your purse with shaky, sweaty palms. “I have to go to the restroom.” You didn’t wait for his response, the sinking feeling in your stomach only worsening with every step towards the door. 
The Hideout was only a block away, still standing strong on the outskirts of the newly renovated downtown. You were surprised it hadn’t conformed to the trendy chic wave that was hitting everywhere, but selfishly you were glad it stayed the same. The wooden booths and dollar drafts, just the same as they’d always been. 
The corner booth in the back caught your eye, occupied by a young couple- barely legal looking. Probably snuck in here with a fake, buzzing with adrenaline and the thrill that they might be caught, sharing a pitcher. That was you and Eddie, not too long ago. He’d snuck you in on your third or fourth date. You’d never been so nervous, never felt so alive at the same time. A goody-two-shoes, Eddie called you with a sweet grin, sliding you a beer across the table and slipping in next to you in that booth. 
Your heart ached at the memory, chest heavy with emotion. Why couldn’t he have just been better? Why couldn’t you just have been better? Why couldn’t both of you be better to each other, for each other? 
The heavy weight of regret settled on your chest, mixing with the draining heaviness of the night. You looked at the phone on the wall, digging in your purse for quarters. You couldn’t call Lydia, not after you’d stood up her fix up, left him in the restaurant. Robin was undoubtedly not home on a Friday night. 
Sighing, you cradled the phone to your ear, slipping the quarters in the slot, finger jamming the numbers. The line trilled once, twice, your fingers tapping on your crossed arm. By the third ring, you were ready to hang up, give up and call your sister. 
“Munson residence,” Eddie’s voice was soft, still with that lilt of playfulness that made your heart swoon. He’d been so excited when you two got the house, when you got your own landline. He’d answered the phone all posh and silly, claiming you two were “high society” now, moving up in the world. 
“Eddie,” Your breath shook, chest rattling when you heard his voice, a soothing force after the stress of the night. “It’s me.” 
“What’s wrong?” Eddie snapped on the other end, not missing a beat. “What happened? You alright?” 
“I’m… I’m at The Hideout.” You cupped your hand over the phone’s end, trying to muffle the loud music. “I just- Can you come get me?” 
“I’m on my way.” Eddie didn’t miss a beat. 
“Thank you,” You sighed in relief. “But, hey, don’t bring the kids. Please? I told them I was going out with Rob for a night out, and they’ll want to see her.” 
“I won’t, sweetheart. They’re asleep anyways.” Eddie muttered. You could hear his keys rattling in the background. “Let me call Wheeler and see if he can pop over to watch them. I think he’s home for the summer. Gimme a few and I’ll be right there.” 
“Thank you.” You whispered, nose burning with tears you couldn’t shed- you wouldn’t shed. Not again. 
“C’mon, not a problem.” Eddie waved you off gently. “Hang tight, baby. Be there soon.” 
You waited until you heard the dial line to hang up. Your heart sunk and fluttered at the same time, head reeling with a tornado of emotions that left you dizzy. Sinking onto an open stool at the end of the bar, you ordered a beer, the same one Eddie had ordered you years before. You didn’t care much for the taste now, your palette had grown and expanded since you were fifteen. But something tonight had you craving it, maybe craving the memory, the feeling that came with the first time you drank it. Chasing down a nostalgia that you didn’t want tainted. 
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Eddie was there before you could finish your second beer, only a few sips in. He slid into the chair beside you, hand gliding over your shoulder in greeting. He started to lean in, lips moving to brush your cheek, but he stopped himself before he could, waving down the bartender instead. 
“So,” Eddie tapped the sticky wood top of the bar. “Bad date?” 
“The worst.” You muttered, taking another swig of your beer. “Guy was a total ass.” 
“Yeah?” Eddie’s jaw ground tight, flexing with protective anger. “You want me to kill him?” 
You snorted, lips curling in a small grin. “No, he’s not worth that.” You hummed, propping your head in your hand. “He was just an asshole. A total fucking asshole.” 
“What’d he say?” Eddie bit, hands buzzing, though he tried to play it cool. 
“Oh, the usual- teen mom, divorced, so clearly I’m the biggest loser in the world.” You muttered, lip jutting in a pout, looking down at the ring of condensation left behind by your beer. 
“He said that?” Eddie snapped, eyes widening in a crazed way you hadn’t seen in a while. “Fucking piece of shit, I’ll beat the dogwalking shit out of him-” 
“-No, he didn’t. He didn’t say it like that.” You shook your head, placing a calming hand on his arm. “It was implied. He was… He was just not nice, and I felt like it was getting worse, so I left. Came here instead.” 
Eddie nodded, the tension between the two of you a little uncomfortable. The bartender slid him his own beer, saving the two of you from the awkward silence. Eddie took his beer, tilting it toward you with a soft smile. 
“That guys a fucking idiot. Doesn’t know what he’s missed out on.” Eddie’s lips were tight in a pain-filled smile he tried to force, but his eyes gave him aways. They always gave him away. 
“Thanks.” You muttered, cheeks burning with a tingling heat. “How were the kids tonight?” 
“Good.” Eddie nodded, swallowing his drink. “Jude found a centipede. Lucy was not a fan.”
You grinned. “I don’t blame her. You didn’t let him bring it in?” 
“No. C’mon,” Eddie scoffed lightly. “No, I made him leave it outside. He wanted to keep it in his bug catcher, but I told him if it was meant to be his, it would stay. So he put it back in the grass.” 
“Good. I’ll come looking for you if I see a centipede in the house.” You glared at him playfully. “Did you give them a bath?” 
“Dinner, bath, even read them a story.” Eddie smirked at you. “I can be a good dad, sometimes, ya know. Not a total deadbeat all the time.” He teased, shoulder bumping with yours. 
Your stomach twisted. “I didn’t- I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.” You muttered, looking back at your beer. 
“I was kidding.” Eddie said, setting his beer down. “Hey, I was just kidding. I know you’re just looking out for the munchkins, Mama.” 
You swooned under his cooing praise, heart swelling with adoration. “I didn’t- I would never say you’re a bad dad. You’re not a bad dad, Eddie.” You met his gaze. “You’re the best dad to them.” 
Eddie’s cheeks pinkened under your praise, chin ducking with a blush. “Thank you,” He whispered, fingers tapping the bar top. “Just a shitty husband then?” 
You rolled your eyes lightly. “No,” You clicked your tongue playfully. “Not a shitty husband. Not all the time anyways.”
Eddie grinned, dimples deep, eyes brightening. “You had your good moments.” 
“Yeah?” Eddie hummed, leaning in towards you. “Like when?” 
You’re body burned, electric tingles shooting to your core. The look in his eyes, squinting just barely, lips pursing, tongue rolling over his teeth- a look you were all too familiar with. You knew better, knew so much better than to let him sway you, to give into your urges. 
“Hm, I can think of a few times.” You purred, leaning in closer to him, lashes batting sweetly. “Maybe you could remind me?” 
Eddie’s wide grin stood the test of time. The same wild, excited grin he’d give you years ago hadn’t changed, it still left you spinning, abandoning your better judgment, following him with blinders into anything. 
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“Christ, I fuckin’ missed you.” Eddie moaned, breathy and quiet, lips pressing to yours in fever. 
You shuddered under his touch, his fingers circling your clit perfectly, expertly- he was, after all, been with you for so long, he knew exactly how you wanted it. The house was quiet, the drone of the TV on for background noise, hoping the kids wouldn’t wake up. 
“Eddie,” You whispered, eyes rolling back, clawing his shoulder at a particularly perfect rub that had you seeing stars. “Fuck, that felt good.” 
“Yeah? Feels good. I can always make you feel good, sweetheart.” Eddie muttered, wet smooches trailing down your neck, down your collarbones. “Want me to make you feel better? Keep you feelin’ good? Lemme make you feel good.” 
His hands moved, pushing down your dress. Eddie looked, trying to will his mind silent at the sight of your matching, lacy set. It drove Eddie to his knees to see you in it, but his heart dropped knowing you hadn’t picked it to wear it for him. 
He shoved the lacy panties down, letting them pool at your ankles, hands sinking on your hips. You wiggled, stilling your hips to keep them from bucking when Eddie kissed your mound, teasing kisses all the way down to your slit. 
“Spread your legs f’me.” Eddie’s breath ghosted over your skin, a half grin spreading across his features when you kicked your legs open, arching forward for him. 
Eddie’s tongue ran teasingly over your left lip, your right, before licking a long stripe right through your wet folds. In the past, he would have teased you, toyed with you until you whined and begged for him to fuck you. Back when he used to have you whenever he wanted, he’d lived for that, but now, he didn’t have that luxury. He had to make the most of his time now, at your call, at your service. 
You bit your fist, trying to swallow back a moan that threatened to tear out of your throat. Your vibrator, tucked away in your sock drawer, could never replace this- replace him. His touch, the rush of endorphins that came from the pleasure he gave you, always eager to please. 
Finger raking through his curls, you tugged him further and further into you, hips grinding on his face. “Th-That’s it. That feels good.” You whispered. 
Eddie moaned, sending waves of vibrations to your core, knees buckling under the feeling. Your breath caught, head tipping back to silence the moans, ripples of pleasure crashing over you. 
“Okay, okay, stop.” You panted, pushing on the top of his head, trying to writhe out of his touch. 
Eddie’s face fell in hurt, in fear, scanning your features. He knew it was coming, the inevitable that you’d change your mind, tell him you couldn’t do this. “I-I need you.” His heart leapt at your words. “I just need you right now, please.” 
It felt like a dream, having you wrapped around him in every way. Buried inside you, Eddie tried to savor the feeling, really feel you in case this was the last time. Your legs tight around his hips, arms around his shoulders, pulling him into you as he fucked you into the mattress- into the bed that you both shared for so many years. 
Your nails clawed down his back, biting at his shoulder to keep yourself quiet, toes curling in pleasure. Eddie’s hand slid between the two of you, circling your clit as he approached his own orgasm. He knew you were close, knew everything about you. 
“Fuck, you feel so fuckin’ good. The best, the fuckin’ best, baby.” Eddie whispered, breath hot over your ear, nipping at your ear lobe. Your body shuddered, hips bucking with pleasure. 
“Fuckin’ missed you. Missed you- ah.” Eddie whined, nearly cumming when your teeth bit his shoulder, the spark of pain making his slops get sloppier and sloppier. 
Eddie’s lips moved to yours, biting your bottom lip, sucking on it while his fingers slid over your clit until you were shaking, flooding over his length. Your grip loosened, melting into the mattress as he finished, drilling into you. 
“Fuck, feel so good. Fuckin’ love the way you feel.” Eddie looked down at you, eyes glassy and dazed from your own orgasm, lips bitten from him. 
A final pump, a final grunt, and he was spilling inside you, hips still slowly rolling inside you, dropping his face into your neck. You held him tight, muffling his moans into your skin. “I love you, I love you, I love you.” Eddie rambled, chest to chest, heaving and clinging to the other. 
A feeling settled around the two of you after you broke apart, laying side by side under the sheets, the house still, quiet, filled with a tension you couldn’t quite figure out. 
“I’m sorry you had a shitty date.” Eddie muttered, voice a little raspy. 
“‘S alright.” You sighed, stretching under the sheets. “Ended pretty good, all things considered.” 
“Yeah it did.” Eddie grinned softly. “Missed you.” 
Your heart ached, sinking in your chest. “I-I think you just missed having sex.” 
“No,” Eddie said firmly, shaking his head. “No, I-I missed you. I missed this, us.” He rolled over, turning towards you. 
“-No, I just- I’m sorry, and I know I was a dick, and I-I did some things, but, baby, we’re good. We’re so good together.” Eddie whispered, reaching for you. “We’re meant to be together. You know we are. It’s always been us, it’s always supposed to be us.” 
“We’re not good together.” You pressed your lips together, shaking your head. “We’re not good for each other.” 
“Don’t say that.” Eddie’s eyes shined with hurt, shaking his head. “How-How can you say that-” 
“-Because, we’re good now. Right now, but… but then it’ll be just like it was, and we’ll be right back to fighting.” You pressed your palms to your eyes, chest tightening with the post orgasm clarity, the realization of your mistake. You’d never learn your lesson, no matter how many times you’d go through this. 
“Baby, we could go back to counseling. I just- We should try. I want to try, I want to be a family again. I want to be better this time. I promise I’ll be better this time, please.” Eddie reached for your hand, pulling them off your eyes. “Please, sweetheart, one more chance? I won’t… I won’t fuck it up.” 
You squeezed his hand, body aching, yearning to lean into him. To agree, to nod and let him love on you, love you. To give him another chance, to see him wake up in the bed next to you, back in the house with the kids all the time. 
But you couldn’t. 
For them. Jude and Lucy had a hard enough time with the divorce, understanding why you two were separating. How did you explain to kids that mommy and daddy were like the weather; good some days, disastrous the other? 
“I-I can’t, Eddie.” You whispered, looking at him with eyes shining. “Jude and Lucy…That’s not- This isn’t good for them.” Your breath shuttered, heart breaking in your chest. 
Eddie’s own heart was breaking, you could see it on his face. “I just need time. I don’t know.” You admitted, swallowing around the lump in your throat. “But now, I just can’t now.” 
Eddie nodded, swallowing around his own heart breaking. “Alright,” He nodded. “Whatever you decide, I’ll… I’ll always support you. I’ll always love you, too. No matter what.” 
Your lip wobbled, squeezing his hand tight in yours. “Thank you.” You whispered. “I just need some time, Eddie.” 
“I’ve got time. I’ll wait.” Eddie nodded, pressing a kiss to your knuckles gently. “Always here for you.” He pulled you close to him, arms wrapped around your frame, squeezing you tight to his chest. 
For a moment, you relaxed, let yourself feel at peace as he held you. Allowed yourself that selfishness in the still of the night. You’d stay like that for a while, until you sent him to the couch. “Things are confusing as it is for them. They don’t need to get their hopes up if they see us in the bed together.” And Eddie would do it, of course he would. He’d do it for you, for them, for the hope that he might one day get his family back to normal. Back to the way it should be. 
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20-th-centurygirl · 9 months ago
summary: just a little something about jude <3
navigation masterlist
●bf jude who cannot get enough of gossiping with you. literally the highlight of his day is getting into bed with you at night and getting allll the gossip
●bf jude who cannot go a day without telling you how much he loves you. will tell you 50 thousand times a day and still worry he hasn't told you enough
●bf jude who adores suprising you with gifts no matter how many times you tell him to stop because you can't reciprocate them "shut up if i wanna spoil my girl i will"
●bf jude who always makes sure you have fresh flowers no matter where you both are. he's away on international duty, you're back home while he's in spain whatever he's always gonna find a way to get the biggest bunch of fresh flowers to you
●bf jude who just has to shower you with compliments everyday. there hasn't been a day in your entire relationship where he hasn't called you beautiful at least once
●bf jude who is so incredibly touchy. cannot ever keep his hands off you and has to be touching you in some way. even something as small as holding your pinkie with his
●bf jude who loves cooking with you even if it ends up being a disaster each time
●bf jude who values the little things with you. things as simple as brushing your teeth together in the morning make him realise how painfully inlove he is with you
●bf jude who loves nothing more than spending the whole day after a game cuddling in bed binge watching the most rubbish reality tv to exist
●bf jude who only feels truly comfortable enough to be vulnerable around you and isn't afraid to express his emotions
●bf jude who will never allow you to go to sleep on your own after an argument no matter how bad it is
●bf jude who will never let you go to sleep after an argument without saying sorry and telling you he loves you no matter how petty or angry he is
●bf jude who does cheesy romantic stuff with you as a 'joke' but he adores it deep down ( you know he secretly adores it but you pretend not to)
●bf jude who is fiercely protective over you and his heart breaks everytime he sees you cry
●bf jude who loves stupid nicknames
●bf jude who won't answer when you call him jude, he only answers to baby
●bf jude who sometimes feels guilty about his fame because it stops you both from being able to do normal couple things
●bf jude who loves a coffee date with you more than anything
●bf jude who loves subtly matching outfits with you. something as simple as the same shoes or the same colour shirt
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endearng · 4 months ago
Special Guest
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x single mom!reader Summary: Olivia's birthday is coming up. She has a special guest in mind. WC: 1.7k Warnings: mentions of absent fathers (sorry); reader is borderline paranoid about letting her kid down; they are pining hard - Spencer looks at reader not so respectfully. Please, let me know if I missed anything. A/N: I try my best to not describe the reader so that everyone feels included, but I feel like I should work better on that. If you have any advice on it, I'd be very thankful to hear it! Second fic in less than 24h, ohmy. This is a second part to 'Stranger danger' Feedbacks are highly welcomed and appreciated. <3 neighbor!au masterlist | main masterlist
A few weeks had passed after the incident with the power in your building. Since then, you saw Spencer sometimes and he always greeted you politely. Olivia once told you that she liked him so much because he was a nice ghost — he told her stories about the books he read and she absolutely loved them, going to the point of asking if she could borrow them once he had finished reading.
Little did she know, she would never have to wait long.
Their interactions always made you speechless. How was your 5-year-old daughter better than you at starting conversations? You could barely look him in the eye, despite the fact that he always made sure to flash you the brightest smiles. You reciprocated, but then Olivia always had something to say: about his funny clothes, about the book she was reading for school, about your moments together — you had a scheduled commitment every Friday, to take Olivia to wherever she wanted to go. She was very observant, and, just like you, had the habit of taking mental notes of the beautiful places you saw during your walks. That's how she knew where the public library was and knew the best coffee in town — she demanded having the same beverage as you, but you told the barista secretly to make it decaf.
As you both put on your shoes in the morning to leave the apartment, you said, "Oli, your birthday is coming up. Do you want to do anything with mommy?"
"I want a birthday party."
That made you freeze in your tracks for a moment. You've been avoiding throwing birthday parties for two years now, because Olivia's day always ended with a tinge of heartbreak by the absence of her father, who had decided to leave the both of you and move overseas to, maybe, start over. It hurt you to try to comfort her with something you didn't have control of, but you did it anyway because you'd rather hurt yourself than let your baby go through that kind of disappointment alone. You didn't really know what he was up to, and honestly, you didn't want to, either. You were doing just fine without him, but she was his daughter and still a child, so you knew she still missed him.
Your hands were shaking slightly as you tied her shoelaces. "Bunny ears, remember?" You asked softly, showing her how to do it: you always did it in the mornings, but you made sure to teach her in case they undid during her day at school. She nodded at you, flashing a little toothless smile. "Okay, baby, we'll do that," you smiled, trying to ease off the tension.
"I want invitation cards. Like the ones you had!" She said, excitedly. You huffed out a laugh, endeared by the fact that she remembered all the papers you showed her with photos and other memories of your childhood.
"No problem, baby," you said, getting up, smoothing your pencil skirt and opening the door. She went to the hall to press the elevator button, "we can do it." You said, more to yourself than to her.
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Two weeks passed and you had everything ready for Olivia's birthday with the help of your closests friends, Victoria and Jude. You were planning on throwing her party at your parents' house, which had a big, beautiful yard with space enough for the kids to play all they wanted. You had ordered Olivia's favorite cake, red velvet, and a lot of other treats that you knew she loved.
"You know she'll be drunk on sugar, right?" Victoria asked, laughing. She remembered the last time she took Olivia to the movies and she was electric during the way back.
"It's her birthday, once a year won't kill her. Maybe it'll kill me, but eh, what's the matter?" You joked lightly and your friends laughed.
Jude had a checklist in her hands. "Okay, let's go over this so we can go back to our yearly drinking like there's no tomorrow date. We have the place, the food, the decoration... oh, no. Where are the invitations?"
"Oh, I got it. They're in my room. I had to put it away because Oli wanted to read them over and over again."
They nodded as you left your living room, walking down the hall so you could get said invitations. You felt dread creeping up on you when you couldn't find them in the top drawer of your bedside table. "I can't find them!" You yelled loud enough for the women to hear you.
"Are you sure you placed them here?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Not sure what happened, though." You murmured, already feeling a little disappointed. "I gotta look for it now. She drew it herself and I took a lot of copies. I can't possibly tell her I lost them, she would be heartbroken." You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Victoria approached you to rub your arm, trying to comfort you. "Hey, we can look for it. We still have time." Jude said, smiling reassuringly.
"I know, I just don't wanna be too late." You said, giving them a tight-lipped smile.
So, you started looking for it in every corner of your apartment. You stayed in your bedroom, while Jude and Victoria went to Olivia's. You had cleaned the apartment today, a Saturday, when your daughter somsgimdz went to your parents', so that you'd have free time to spend and catch up with your friends. It was almost sundown, daylight fading softly and the lighting in your room was becoming darker as time went by. Suddenly, you heard your bell. Weird. You weren't expecting anybody.
"I'll get that!" You let your friends know.
Opening the door, you weren't expecting your neighbor. Rephrasing: the neighbor who Olivia adored so much. Spencer. That works, too. He has a name, after all. "Hey, hi!" He greeted you with a grin, looking shy.
"Hey, you!" You greeted him back. "Is everything okay?" You asked, a little unsure.
You took in his appearance. He looked tired, that's for sure, but it didn't stop him from looking like the most gorgeous man in existence. He wore his usual attire, carrying his caramel satchel leather bag. You didn't have an immediate answer, so you gulped when you noticed that you were looking a little longer than what's socially acceptable.
"Yeah, it's fine," he chuckled, unable to hold your stare for a moment longer. He considered, for a moment, that your daughter was the element needed for him to have a little confidence to speak when you were around. Well, shit. "I — um. I think these belong to you. I found it when I opened the door to my apartment." He handed you a bunch of papers. You blushed. You busied yourself so much with admiring him that you failed to notice that he had something in his hands.
He studied you for a moment. You looked beautiful that day. Not that you didn't look beautiful all the times you've seen him, but oh, well. Like the first time you met, you were wearing a dress. It was blue and it stopped mid-thigh. He had to stop himself from gulping at the sight of your bare, plush legs. It was different from what he was used to seeing you wear on working days, during the eventual elevator meetings. The dress hugged your curves beautifully, there was no question, like it had been made just for you. Your hair was loose and it fell over your shoulders. When you first answered the door, you had a worried frown on your face, but it quickly disappeared with his words. He felt relieved to see you get rid of your distress.
"Oh, goodness! Sorry about that. I was just looking for these." You gladly took them from his hand and your fingers accidentally brushed his. His hands were warm. "Olivia must have slided them under your door gap," you laughed nervously. You could feel two pairs of eyes looking at the interaction before them. You needed to brace yourself for their questions and very much possible teasing.
"Yeah, yeah. I supposed she did that, too." He laughed, quietly.
You thought for a moment. "You know, you should go. She really likes you. Talks about your conversations all the time and says she misses you when we don't run into you at some point." You revealed. It made Spencer's heart soar in his chest.
"Really?" He couldn't help but smile, even if he couldn't believe it. Not that you were a liar, but that it meant so much to your daughter to talk to him now and then. He felt alive at that moment, felt wanted. “I don’t want to impose.”
"Yeah, I mean, no! No problem, you wouldn’t be. We’d like to have you." You said, smile adorning your face. You took a card from your hands, offering it to him. "With us, I mean. It's going to be at my parents' house, we'll have a bunch of kids running around and cake." You surely looked like an idiot.
We’d like to have you, was all that he could hear.
Did you want him there for him or just because he was kind to your daughter?
Either way, "Thanks. I'll do my best to be there." He said, utterly happy. Saying your name lowly, followed by a 'goodbye', made your heart jump in your chest. You replied with a wave and a small grin. Your cheeks were sore from all the smiling. It was inevitable.
You turned around and had barely closed the door when Jude said, a little louder than her usual tone, "So, I see you found the invitation cards. I hope you gave one for Olivia's birthday party, not for a hot date." She playfully scolded you.
With wide eyes, you banged the door closed and turned around to yell, "Jude! What???"
Little did you know, Spencer heard it all. You know, thin walls, small distance and all. He grinned to himself, face flushed a deep red.
He was definitely looking forward to seeing you. And Olivia, too, of course. It was her birthday, after all.
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chaostudee · 4 months ago
i love you i'm sorry, charles leclerc + jude bellingham
summary : y/n y/ln and charles leclerc are the it couple in the f1 universe and when they aren't spotted together for some time hell breaks loose all over the internet. it's not long before y/n starts soft launching a new relationship but unbeknownst to her charles is still keen to get her back. faceclaim : cindy kimberly a/n : pls lmk if u want part 2 because i have so many ideas hehe
y/nusername a girl who is going to be just fine because she has her two boys.
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liked by charlesleclerc, kikagomez, landonorris and 2,729,920 others.
charlesleclerc forever mon amour ❤️
y/nusername forever and always x
f1fan829 this is who i want to be when i grow up
user9292 no wag has ever wagged like she has
y/nfan91 crying because why are they acc the cutest ever 😭😭
user_0082 mom and dad
f1lover4eva id acc die if they broke up
username127 the hottest couple to ever exist and i will stand by that ✋️
kikagomez you have me too girl ;)
y/nusername love uuuu
forzaferrari56 love themmm
user11133 idk who im more jealous of actually
text messages between y/n and charles
yk i love u right ? charles
ofc i do you only tell me like a hundred times a day 😭 y/n
ik ik i just don't want u to ever forget it, god im going to miss you sm over the next few weeks charles
oh baby we'll be okay and besides the monaco gp is less than a month away y/n
ik but i'm really going to miss you charles
such a simp y/n
🙄 charles
i'm really going to miss you too y/n
charlesleclerc tough race for us as a team, hopefully we can bounce back at the next one 💪
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liked by f1, y/nusername, carlossainz and 1,182,929 others.
user182 it's okay pookie we still love you 🫶
f1fan totally not your fault ferrari are to blame again
username67 wtf was that strategy....
f1lover plsss a podium in monaco we believe in you <3
user728 stopp he looks so sad
y/nusername love you always x
charlesleclerc 😘
forzaferrari they are actually just screwing up this whole championship for him
y/nusername 🌟🐇
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liked by charlesleclerc, carmenmundt, lewishamilton and 2,018,528 others.
username_89 oh charles i get it
user00 she is literally the prettiest everrrr
f1fan it's giving disney princess
charlesleclerc i'm so lucky
user116 atleast he's aware f1lover 😭😭
carmenmundt the prettiest angel <3
user728 omgg i need that lip combo rnnn
f1lover yes i am indeed jealous of charles leclerc
f1 monaco gp this weekend !!
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liked by charlesleclerc, y/nusername, maxverstappen and 1,302,628 others.
user88 the girls that get it get it
f1fan this is my superbowl
user7202 i've waited all year for thissss
f1lover hoping that charles can acc get the winnn
user728_7 yesss ferrari pls don't mess up his strategy i beggg
user11 hehe can't waittt
y/nusername monaco ✈️
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charlesleclerc it feels like a fever dream bit i couldn't be happier, the best weekend on my life. i love you all so much thank you for supporting me.
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liked by y/nusername, maxverstappen, carlossainz and 5,728,929 others.
maxverstappen congrats :)
charlesleclerc ❤️ f1fan never beating the lestappen allegations
user78 so we can all collectively agree we all cried when charles crossed the line??
y/nusername so incredibly proud of you my sweet boy i love you so so much
user728 i can't im so emotional rn
username y/n's comment omg im sobbingg
f1fan never ever getting over this
f1updates highlight of my year actually
user266 his smile 🦋🦋
*y/nusername has just uploaded a new video*
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》 oh my queen
》 her vlogs are acc my comfort
》 stopp the clip of charles playing piano to her im sobbing
》 her reaction to charles' win is everything
》 her voice is so soothing
》 i got the notification and screamed
y/nusername a quick stop in paris 🥐🇫🇷
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liked by charlesleclerc, landonorris, pierregasly and 1,819,729 others.
pierregasly are u happy to be in paris
y/nusername oui
user845 "a quick stop in paris" oh girl u rich rich
username ugh to be leo leclerc like that dog has a better life than me and it's sad honestly
f1fan awww the cutest family
landonorris where was my invite :,(
f1lover whenever y/n posts ik it's going to be good
user78 i don't think i'd be okay if they ever broke up
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texts between charles and y/n
was this whole relationship just a joke to you y/n
did i ever even mean anything to you y/n
fuck of course you did baby i love u charles
you love me?!?! y/n
yes yk i do charles
we have been together 6 YEARS 6 YEARS CHARLES y/n
if you are not ready now, you are never going to be y/n
thats not true charles
yes it is charles y/n
if u don't want to marry me after 6 years of being in love with me you never want to it's as simple as y/n
i'm sorry but i just can't be with someone who doesn't want the same things y/n
charlesleclerc summer
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen, danielriccardio and 7,192,111 others.
landonorris ☀️
user828 i'm speechless
username11 looks like charles got leo
f1fan i miss them
user718 this breakup just can't be real
f1lover he's already replaced y/n with lando 😭
username_55 unless i see a statement or them dating other people i'm just going to try to convince myself it's rumours
anon delulu is the solulu
y/nusername i've never been happier :)
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liked by charlesleclerc, carmenmundt, kikagomez and 5,299,551 others.
username_67 👀
user28 this is so petty of her and i love it
f1fan help not charles in the likes
f1_wag i refuse to believe they broke up....yes i'm that delulu
user727 that post breakup glow 😍
f1lover oh charles defo regrets losing her like omggg how can someone be this gorgeous
charlie_7 these pics are so aesthetic i could cry
user51 ik everyone only cares about the drama but GUYS Y/N IS SERVING CUNT
texts between charles and y/n
please y/n charles
please charles
i can't take it anymore charles
i regret everything i said and i wish i had never even said it i wish i could take it all back charles
fuck i love u sm charles
i don't deserve you one bit charles
yeah you don't y/n
leave me alone charles y/n
we're done y/n
move on y/n
but i can't
*this user has blocked you*
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liked by y/nusername, football728, realmadridfc and 7,929,728 others.
user828 he fine asfff
f1fan guys y/n is in the likes....
username728 what a player 🤍
user_27 great game today jude keep it up!!
f1lover waittt are y/n and jude like dating
user25 omgg stop she just liked his post get over it weirdo
anon charles is better
username_12 great game, but y/n y/ln come on man
y/nusername finally found someone who treats me right 🤭🫶
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liked by judebellingham, oscarpiastri , maxverstappen and 4,729,519 others.
user727 BRO WHAT
username i just opened instagram-
f1fan im shooketh
oscarpiastri glad you're happy ❤️
y/nusername thanks x user828 I KNEW IT I KNEW OSCAR WAS TEAM Y/N
user999 oh charles
f1lover f1 wag to football wag is crazy like girl what crystals are u using?????
user_27 ik this was probably supposed to be a soft launch....but girl you just broke the internet
username616 ik y/n is giggling just reading all these comments
texts between lando and charles
did you see y/n's post? lando
yup charles
are you okay? lando
ha i mean no not at all charles
like its only been like 5 months and i have told her that i want her and i love her and now she's with him charles
sry mate but jude is actually sound lando
shit ik he is that's what makes this worse charles
maybe he is better than me charles
oh charles mate don't be thinking like that lando
lando she's never going to take me back charles
you don't know that lando
she blocked me charles
oh lando
like how am i supposed to sort everything with her charles
maybe you still can lando
how....wdym? charles
write her a song lando
......are u being fr charles
well yes i was but forget it just trying to help lando
no no wait you might actually be right charles
ha your welcome lando
vogue model y/n y/ln confirms relationship with footballer jude bellingham
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liked by f1fan7282, kikagomez, georgerussell and 5,910,011 others.
user9292 ik we all knew BUT WHAT
f1fan charles is probably dying rn
user0 imagine fumbling the y/n y/ln
user0101 jude is one lucky guy
username78 she's still the IT girl in my eyes idc what ya'll say
f1lover girl it's only been a couple of monthssss like chilll
user627 ugh if only i was a rich model living in monaco
y/nlover wait this is acc so iconic
charlesleclerc my first single "i love you i'm sorry" from my debut album comes out tomorrow at 12pm est. i have put alot of work into this and i hope you guys enjoy it just as much as i enjoyed making it. music has always been an escape for me and a way for me to express my feelings so i felt that it was right to put this album out. love you all ❤️
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liked by landonorris, lewishamilton, oscarpiastri and 10,729,819 others.
user879 this is actual insanityyyy like sir wdymmm
f1fan oh he's hurtttt
user929 okay okay ik we all know its about y/n but can we talk about how that is literally SIR LEWIS HAMILTON IN THE SECOND PIC TF?!
f1lover i feel like im living through a moment of history rn
lewishamilton love u brother had the best time working on this with you 🙌
16_charlie what can't u do???
user000 my divorced parents
anon screw y/n what a bitch
landonorris your welcome everyone (i encouraged him to write this album)
user727 ha this is why we love u lando !! username22 omgg no wayyy f1fan pls this is so on brand for him
taglist ⭑.ᐟ
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