#baby drag king
morganmackerel · 2 years
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And finally here are some looks from around the Halloween period! The first being one I threw together quickly for a party and the second I did on Halloween night!
Thanks for peeping and I hope to do more VERY very soon😎
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maddyisabstract · 1 year
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New drag king makeup experiment. I call it "Boys Don't Cry".
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transgendertempeh · 1 year
The lady at Ulta treating me like a femme, oblivious to the fact that everything I'm buying is TO DRAW A BEARD ON MYSELF FOR THE QUEERS
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altheeacraft · 11 months
Cette année j'ai profité d'Halloween pour m'amuser avec mes propres personnages.
This year for Halloween I have some fun with my own characters.
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paragonraptors · 4 months
for science (because im curious)
if you have more than one worldstate, pick for the one you consider your "main"/"canon" worldstate or the one you plan to use first for da4! also feel free to lay out your reasoning in the tags gushing about your dragon age runs is accepted and encouraged here.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 242
   He looks the same as he had that fateful day, a storm raging around him and risking sending the ship down into the abyss. Hair whipping in the wind as the sky roars its deadly challenge echoed by the beasts they all sought to bring down those centuries ago. 
   It looks just as human as they- that is to say not at all, not anymore. A body twisted, sand and lightning melding into a molten sea ever-expanding. Its eyes as gold as the treasure it guards, brilliant blues and greens dancing across bodies in sigils unknown. 
   It looks exactly as it did that time ago, smile dancing on its lips as the sky opened up in torrents, like blood gushing from a wound. “You’re free to go,” it says, in words they understand and words they don’t. “You don’t have to stay here any longer.” 
   “Where will we go?” They ask, so very tired of this eternal battle, of being trapped in crashing waves and storms of water and sand. Being tossed one way and the other, never able to go home, for home was gone long ago. 
   It looks up, their own gaze following, the ship crashing through the dredges of a storm they had thought eternal. And for the first time in eternities, they see them. The stars. Dancing and dripping from a serpentine form that cradles the Sun and Moon, smiling down to the beast and them alike. 
   And so, they take from the seas, and take to the stars instead. 
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starleska · 8 months
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i've cracked another subtype of my extremely specific character obsessions: dudes who are ridiculous caricatures of masculinity and bizarrely, unconventionally horny 🙈💖 do you see what i mean?!
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Jedi and Mandalorians all get invited to pride parade on a planet and a bunch from each show up and now Palpys plans are all ruined cause they can’t get out of each others asses long enough for his plans to destroy them all to work he’s sweating bullets and now they keep showing up at each others planets to have sleepovers he’s dealing with so much he needs a vacation.
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x-v4mp3y3lin3r-x · 1 year
you know Monster High is doing alternative fashion well when you open an Instagram doll leak's comments and they're all "ewwww it's so ugly and clashing" like yeah? and? some of y'all need to go out and witness transgender faggotry because u are tooooo fucking boring
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morganmackerel · 2 years
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This was my second Drag King looks I did...and currently my favourite!
Had lots of fun taking these silly pictures and doing this look. I need to bring back this moustache style for another King.
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if you can understand the history kink has in the American lgbt/queer community and include it in pride events and spaces, you sure as hell can understand the history drag has in the lgbt/queer community, ESPECIALLY among trans people. Calling it degenerate and transphobic and misogynistic because of Ru Paul and the commercialization and white/cis/het washing of drag is beyond insulting to the rich history of gender nonconformity and queer liberation out there that includes it. Queens and kings are a vital part of this community
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hexagonaldecency · 4 months
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Wanted to share my drag again 🧡
I live where the world's biggest Pride Parade happens. When I was a kid, we used to live close to the avenue where they march, so my parents took me to see it every year.
In workshops, other people always have stories about when they found out drag was a thing. I have no idea when I did. I always knew drag queens! They're the ladies that march in the parade by my apartment!
One of my most vivid memories as a child, was walking under the giant flag, in my father's shoulders. I loved it, and looked forward to it every year.
I hadn't been able to do it since... I don't even know when. Since I was still a kid. I have wanted to be under that flag so badly since then.
I missed a couple of years living in another town, and managed to attend again last year.
This year, I could do it in drag!! And guess what!! I GOT UNDER THE FLAG.
I jumped and skipped under it like a little child, I had so much fun...
I think about what child me would think about that. That more than 10 years later, we're under that flag again. Literally, and metaphorically, as a bisexual and genderqueer person.
I think she wouldn't exactly understand the gender thing. But I think she would be thrilled about the drag. The little girl who dressed up as Minnie mouse that one pride, because everyone else was in costume, now made her own costume. Of her own persona. Skipping under that flag.
I think we would jump and skip under that flag with so much joy.
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🖤💀 Drag Prince of Denmark this Halloween 💀🖤
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vulpynus · 1 month
alyrie would've told one of those shitty men to stand up and give alicent a seat at aegon's celebration thing whatever it was
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godsequal · 3 months
watching danerys edits and all i can think about is how cora's story starts and ends where danery's does . danny's very existence is woven into the fabric of time , when all is said and done , coraline is there , waiting for the targaryens that do have that that calling to the iron throne - she's a witness , a built in advisor to warn the future of past because they're so delicately sown in time that repetition is the biggest downfall of the targaryens - she's a leader in her own right , but there's never been a moment where she's truly felt this calling to BE queen ; it's not her ( has she thought about it ? sure , what targaryen doesn't ? but a thought that remains a thought , &. a thought that actually becomes boring ) i truly feel like she lives because of danerys , have i thought this out in full ? not even a little bit . does it feel right , do i feel it in my bones that there is a thought here that i need to run with ? fucking yes . is danerys that bitch ? she is that bitch &. we love her !
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monarch-ambrosia · 1 year
so i gave my first ever drag performance a couple nights ago and while it was a little bit of a bumpy ride i think the people liked it so,,,,
technical difficulties, please stand by
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