#baby announcement gifts mumbai
mahekmarcon · 1 year
Baby Announcement Hampers
"Oh, the joy! A new little bundle of happiness has arrived, and it's a boy! We are beyond thrilled to introduce our precious baby boy to the world and share this joyous occasion with you through our custom baby announcement hampers.
Our unique baby announcement hampers are a wonderful way to spread the happiness of this new arrival. Each hamper is crafted with love and personalized to reflect the excitement of this special time.
The cover of each hamper showcases a sweet message, such as "A bundle of joy" or "Our little miracle," and a precious picture of the baby along with their birth date.
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mumbai-murugan · 2 years
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In fact, "every moment of life" is "Filled with gifts".... "Every second" & minute of it...! Ever Noticed...? the "hide and seek" played by the "Sun & clouds"...! And its ever "changing shadows", on the hilly plains....? Both "Sun & rain"... together...... Making the "colourful rainbows" on a "rainy, sunny" day....? On the "vast canvas" of the "blue sky"....!. And the "multi colour paint strokes" of the nature... On the evening "reddish" "orange" 🍊 🍊 "blue" sky.... The "Sun and Moon".... Looking at each other... On the evening sky.... Evening "Good bye" of the Sun in the distant sky.... & "Hi...! "good morning" Rays".. in the early mornings... The first "orange Rays" in the eastern sky, Announcing the arrival of the Sun.... Ever heard the first sounds of a lonely crow....? Calling first, around 4.00 AM... The "joyous running" of a Squirrel... From one tree to another & In between, stoping & having look at you...! The "eyes of a mother", on " first seeing her baby"...! The top of the "leaves', dotted with "round mist drops".....! The smell of the "just blossomed fresh Jasmine"....! The smell of the earth, after the first rains....! Friend....the list is endless.... Every second of this marvellous journey... Called life .... "IS A GIFT".....! Be a Seeker, of the magics of life, & Marvels during this marvellous journey... & you will definitely find....! I Mumbai Murugan..... https://www.instagram.com/p/Cebk6h-pc0k9zgvIV-LTAHOha23ovdMYvp3-9U0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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packagingbyfrescoes · 4 years
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Hamper boxes for 4 artisanal icecream tubs or 4 gourmet mousse jars For a quick response to your enquiry Please Follow @frescoesboxes And then DM for details PERFECT FOR GIFTING ON ANY OCCASION Diwali, Durga Puja, New Year, Christmas, Graduations, Wedding, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, Baby Announcement, Baby shower, Treats Available in a store near you Kolkata Mumbai Chennai Hyderabad Bengaluru Kanpur Nagpur Siliguri Jamshedpur Delhi Ranchi Pune Proudly Made in India FOLLOW @frescoesboxes . . . . #hamperboxesbyfrescoesindia #diwaligifts #gifthampers #giftideas #dryfruitbox #hampers #curatedhampers #festive #gifts #icecreambox #jarboxes #tinhamper #boxwithwindow #luxurygifts #packaging #bingebox #corporategifts #mousse #babyshower #paperbox #giftboxesindia #happiness #branding #goodvibes #giftinspiration #teahampers #fancypackaging #rasgulla #icecreamtub (at KOLKATA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGRIaggp-MC/?igshid=uuzs1c37kl7m
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deeptimesjournal · 4 years
Surrender to Wild Entropy
Beloved Descendant, Mandala 2160 Surya Brahmana Arhaant III “flow like a forest of kelp through cycles of time with faith in your ancestor’s bones roar more; unleash your full force!” ﹣ Arunima I, of the Storm. Change is a force / kills false impressions / dances tandav on graves. Invites us folly to surrender to the wild indeterminacy of her powers. When you’ve received a colonialized education, you’re used to finding comfort in knowing enough. If our world were to flood, they would have us think that to survive means to be prepared enough, to possess enough, have enough / control over these ecosystems of death. Let us take flight from this. Let us ask instead, how will change possess us?
* * I. Journey: to grieve with courage. I was living by the waters of Pacific Island Aotearoa. Certainly secure that we were on solid ground. The security of material and economic privilege is so strange / you become a frog comfortable in increasingly warm water / Did you know that powerlessness is taught and learned? When womxn bodies sense a threat, we can freeze dead in our tracks: we are nervous systems. This is not a system failure: preventing the leaking of energy / this is how we persist. How have we arrived? You and I are millennia old. 202 years ago, the white man took on the burden of civilizing our families, our elders, our babies. Now, our survival has come to depend upon systems of learning created for earning, instead of learning to learn. We’ve been told that if we cannot / stop “producing,” we will perish. So we have become the best race at designing new technologies, efficiently utilizing our minds to labor for capital and accumulation. But Beloved, our liberation, foreign to these foreigners, lives beyond the patri-colonial designs of modernity. Our Poorvaj have learned by // travelling // wailing. When colonial certainties collapse, the ruins of this structure expose the rotting, necessary. Modern citizens put a lot of faith in the four walls of concrete buildings. Our territories will protect us from the danger of / that which is / stranger. This is a false and comforting impression. * * A few minutes after I say “they wouldn’t risk sending us home,” our leaders announce that we have four days to leave the island country. While Aotearoa is one of the safest places in the world right now (and to come, as we shall see) College authorities do not know how this crisis will unfold. Borders are rapidly closing now. We used to have “countries” back then and “going home” from abroad meant usually crossing borders. Everyone else in my group called “the United States” / the name colonists gave Turtle Island / home. Lesson I: Corona has little trouble flowing through bodies. Our group is atop a blue ice glacier when our program gets shut down. The rush of our departure from Aoraki Glacier slows me down: this inertia will soon haunt me, too. A few hours.. or days.. pass as if a strange dream. A few of the Americans in our group have prepared to leave as soon as we get word. Of course, they are nothing if not efficient. Whereas, swimming in ambivalence and strong attachments, I am currently unaware of how fierce high tides are. After a 10 hour bus-ride to the nearest airport, 6 hours on the airport floor, and 2 hours in a propeller plane journeying to the capital, we arrive in some hostel. Sharing bunk beds / I am once again in inanimacy and strangely unpleasurable intimacy with these strange white cyborgs and their deadening / claims to occupation of space. * * II. Entropy: What lies beyond conquest Where do we go from here? The Government of India has barred all passenger planes. Chaotic change is here and I have no safehouse to retreat to. Aotearoa is fast approaching national lockdown. I call the embassy and a disembodied voice indifferently says, “ask your university to arrange accommodation until further notice. We have no information from the government at this time.” They managed to say, “we couldn’t care enough to get you home.” without uttering one word. Keep working. Our International Scholars office buys me a 36-hour flight departing.. tomorrow. I look up the airline to confirm flight details. As of yesterday, the airline is bankrupt. This flight was to refuel in Australia; the country is not allowing any travellers to leave or transit through its gates. Maa and I decide to try an Air India ticket. I should’ve booked these quicker. There’s one flight going to Mumbai! And just as I try to click buy, she’s gone. Faster than I am.**Chaos is holding my hand now. Inviting me to cultivate a relationship with change and her ruthless grace. Aims for my belly button / rams her horns into gut / piercing pain / I’ll wait / I want to go home and home is family.. South Asia / A pool of my blood is collecting. Still, beside myself / managing this unfolding / I’ll prepare to wait it out until they allow flights to run? Yes.. what else could I..? / Oh god.. My insides are cracking open. It hurts to keep fighting for control.** We remain very ill equipped for the reality of change.Focus. try to / see clearly. This crisis is as much about a crisis as it is about continuing to dwell in colonial imaginations of crises. It is time to exorcise this all-consuming exercise for control.Beware. Be less certain that you will always have the walls of your home to protect and serve. Seas of people among us who had homes yesterday are turned into refugees today, held by strange lines / limits borne of men’s imaginaries / What shields from the indeterminacy of chaos? What you deem / hoarded / yours, may become a burden, you stand to lose when change comes.Security will mean bodies in / us / in / voluntary cages. To control is to possess security only until wild times rage. When walls built for protection turn to asphyxiate us, revolts will come. “the natural order is disorder.”﹣ Zaheer, Book Three: Change Episode 10. Long Live the Queen. The Legend of Korra.Change takes off. Her pauses do not allow time for the kind of painstakingly deliberated replies, which it is our colonial gift to provide, in the interest of stability / “in control” / pretenses of remaining unaffected, unchanged by her departure. How will we stay alive? The floodgates open.
III. Surrender: care flow tending
My entire being shakes. Finally. Let go. Relief arrives when you stop trying / struggling to float. I invite hands to hold me as grief flows. I am honest about the uncertainty of my situation with conspirators / a comforting outpouring of messages / con-spirare, to breathe together with. Multiple offers to stay in houses. A kindred settler spirit says, “do not worry, dear. If you choose to return to Turtle Island, you will be cared for.” We are all in the business of caring, tending to. So what if this body becomes the first terrain to call my home? There is security in their, too, in the sense that dimming, darkness, forces of death are supreme / they render bare all uncertainty. The Black officer at LAX’s Immigration, Border Patrol and Customs entrypoint has a beautiful smile. I tell him so. He blushes, and we are both pools. Soon after I arrive, I begin training. In the arts of undoing / preparing to receive death / the chaos that has only just begun. There is no planet-saving, no more civilizing conquests here. My queer water-body is an ancestral reverend / learning to harness the limitless imaginaries that our poorvaj’s prayers breathed into us. Learning melanin-richness, she holds / this infinite pluriverse / matters of love / dying matters / with grace and agility. As changes reap a late spring harvest of death, we dance wild with grief. We must. Care for those patriarchal, colonial, capital’s designs do not consider: all beings, more or less.we survive, through intimacy with force: chaos, we thrive in. with care: we prepare for chaos.Our bodies transform. We are sacred forms. our desires are ascetic; we exorcise domination and relinquish his narratives of control. We are sacred seeds.And we take root among the stars, Beloved. * * Arunima Singh Jamwal (Pronouns: A and all, fluidly, 21 yo) In Sanskrit, Arunima means first ray of sunlight and red glow of dawn. Arunima considers their creative path a gift from Creator and their Scythian ~ Suryavanshi ~ Sikh ancestors. As an animist and affective anthropologist, Arunima writes both to visibilize unseen presents and weave liberating visions for Life. Arunima’s purpose is to bring healing and balance to cultures and communities suffering from colonial-capitalism, intergenerational traumas, and cycles of social violence.Presently a settler-immigrant on the Cowlitz’s lands in Portland Oregon, Arunima loves to listen to plants and podcasts. A’s favorite spiral would have to be the Māori koru that represents our return to the point of origin and a state of calm harmony amidst chaos and change. Besides coordinating projects for Lewis & Clark’s Sustainability Council, she leads on-demand, intimate circles to center the ethic of healing justice in your lives, and creates community through their Instagram account, The Gurh Life.
@ Arunima Singh Jamwal (Pronouns: A and all, fluidly, 21 yo) In Sanskrit, Arunima means first ray of sunlight and red glow of dawn. Arunima considers their creative path a gift from Creator and their Scythian ~ Suryavanshi ~ Sikh ancestors. As an animist and affective anthropologist, Arunima writes both to visibilize unseen presents and weave liberating visions for Life. Arunima’s purpose is to bring healing and balance to cultures and communities suffering from colonial-capitalism, intergenerational traumas, and cycles of social violence.Presently a settler-immigrant on the Cowlitz’s lands in Portland Oregon, Arunima loves to listen to plants and podcasts. A’s favorite spiral would have to be the Māori koru that represents our return to the point of origin and a state of calm harmony amidst chaos and change. Besides coordinating projects for Lewis & Clark’s Sustainability Council, she leads on-demand, intimate circles to center the ethic of healing justice in your lives, and creates community through their Instagram account, The Gurh Life.
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bloggvalley · 4 years
Karanvir Bohra set to become father again
Karanvir Bohra set to become father again
Written by Sana Farzeen | Mumbai | Published: August 28, 2020 5:07:40 pm
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Karanvir Bohra and Teejay Sidhu are already parents to twins Bella and Vienna (Photo: PR)
Popular television actor Karanvir Bohra is set to embrace fatherhood again. Bohra took to Instagram on Friday to announce the good news. The baby is due by the end of the year.
Calling it the ‘best birthday gift ever,’ the…
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srbachchan · 7 years
DAY 3459
Jalsa, Mumbai                Sept 16/17,  2017               Sat/Sun 12:29 AM 
And just when the Blog begins to sound like an account on Twitter, with its questionable and increasingly difficult strength, of those valiant 140 words, we, or rather I begin to wonder if there lies a fault in the reliability of the writer, or is it just another day of excessive anxiety and slither motivated lethargy ..
O ! and ‘slither’ immediately and quite un wantonly, coerces me to mention the ‘slither’ that was quite by accident discovered in one of the plant pots lying near the gates of Prateeksha, by a passer by .. the reptile lay curled up and had apparently crossed the road from the other side and slid into a safe haven .. 
On coming to know it, the department that looks after and is in charge of such wild life occurrences was informed, and they, very efficiently, were able to catch the snake immediately and have now deported him or her to the forested region of the  National Park in the Andheri - Goregaon region. They informed me that it was a non venomous water snake !
So ..  not dwelling too much on the above we draw our attention to the topic under surveillance - content !
Many moons ago .. O ! the mention of moon has diverted my attention again .. there were proposals made for my participation in a film today that shall be dealing with the ‘moon’ ; I am putting myself under a perceived intent of wishing to read some kind of a synopsis of the film story before I take any decisions ..
So yes many moons ago ..  the value of content was most elaborately discussed with me, and its importance in modern day life and living was inserted into my, at that time, rather putrid and dumb waitered brain - not to say that it still isn’t - and that is another chapter - to work and comply with the philosophy of its meaning in modern day communication businesses ..
CONTENT .. that really is the name of the game in modern times .. what you say see, observe, wear, not wear, speak write in any form, is being recorded for present and for posterity by utensils of unimaginable dexterity and science ..
We are, as a world race, going to be, in the thousands of years to come, the most documented species in the entire Universe, provided the extra terrestrials do not suddenly breathe down our throats, as can be intensely visualised in almost every second Hollywood film and video game ..
The channels of information and entertainment, shall ever be in need of content to be able to fill that ogre of a monster, the TV, to keep it alive and kicking .. or the mobile in your hand to have all in it .. at some stage all that converses in the air waves shall form material for these institutions - the institutions that have made it their mission to either control the skies, or the earth ..
Mr Murdoch wishes the skies .. and Mr Turner the earth .. and long may their missions exist and prosper  ...
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THE book of the year .. PINK the inside story, opens its pages to me tonight through a delivery service, and I am delighted to run through the warm freshly printed pages, of this new book - books just printed out, do have that nostalgic element of smell and taste and feel .. I have often wondered why .. but there it is and without any debate .. the new book that you buy, that new book that you open when you change classes in school .. all .. have the effect that is simply so intensely normal yet filled with the excitement of a new born baby !!
Those new books - their covers in brown or newspaper left overs, neatly cut and folded to prevent the book from any exterior damage, the pencilling or inking your name on that front first page and ages down the line when time and journeys have been passed, to open them to fill your heart with that first feel .. !
And then we have with us other prominent writers, who gift their efforts in vivid detail and depth .. and hope that we can give them some attention .. I generally do .. like I do for this .. a book by Amish ‘Immortal India’  .. a most well written and instantly readable vocabulary .. a gentle sail through the deep waters of the Country, reenacting journeys taken thousands of years back .. tracing the history and the authenticity of various informations that have formed and paved our way of thinking, behaving and just being who we are, in this part of the hemisphere ..
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A great many beliefs and historic finalities have been talked of and given either credence of just another superficial smirk of self egoistic praise, most such experiences have not necessarily or forced you to accept arguments most vividly laid out before you in a style that comforts your reading pleasure ; I must admit with due respect of course, that most readings do not always do or have that effect ..
For me personally, reading is slim, but when it does converge upon me with some attitude and credence, I do find myself drifting off into the nether world  ..
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and these are not reading material .. they are the love and ingenuity of the Ef, who are very close to cracking the whip announcing the arrival of another Picasso, or Van Gough .. 
Sleep well dear all .. I wish to do the same .. its been a few exasperating hours with the cold and cough .. but my system bears me well and vice versa  ..
Good night then ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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wedchief · 5 years
Wedding Trousseau By The Wrapping Company
Wedding Trousseau has been a part of our culture since very long. Giving wedding favors is a sweet gesture to thank the guests for joining you for the celebration. But what’s more impressive is the trousseau packaging. So, if you’re thinking to impress your guests by thanking them in a quirky and unique way, then you should surely get your wedding trousseau customized from “The Wrapping Company”, it’s a Mumbai based company which was started three years back with a simple thought of providing gift and trousseau wrapping with beautiful embellishments, fabrics, wedding stationery and drapes on it. Perfect to hire for your D-day.
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Services Offered
Sagan envelopes
Trousseau Trunks
Baskets for Hampers
Saree bags
Why To Pick Them?
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The Wrapping Company is one of the best place for your wedding packaging and you can also get your packaging customized. Apart from wedding trousseaus they also offer other services and products like for baby announcements, wedding favours, themed gifts, wrapping paper and much more. The Wrapping Company gives you stunning wedding trousseaus for your most beautiful day.
The Wrapping Company is the perfect choice for the wedding trousseau and packaging, they put a lot hardwork and thoughts to make your wedding special that your guests are definitely going to love and appreciate. We would appreciate as well if you share this blog with everyone and comment down your feedback. Also, if you work for wedding industry, then you can also get your work published on our website and showcase your work with others. Submit the Contact Form and get your work published for free on wedchief.com.
The post Wedding Trousseau By The Wrapping Company appeared first on wedchief.com.
from WordPress https://wedchief.com/wedding-trousseau-by-the-wrapping-company/
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mahekmarcon · 1 year
Make a lasting impression with our beautifully packaged chocolate boxes for baby girl announcement Sweet box. "Welcome to the world, our little bundle of joy! We are thrilled to share with you the arrival of our precious baby. With love and excitement, we invite you to share in our celebration by enjoying a delicious chocolate treat.
Our unique baby announcement chocolate boxes are the perfect way to announce the arrival of your new bundle of joy. Each box is handcrafted and custom designed to reflect the joy and happiness of your new arrival.
The cover of each box is adorned with a special message, such as "Sweet arrival" or "Our little miracle," along with a picture of the baby and their birth date.
Inside, you will find a delightful selection of gourmet chocolates, carefully chosen to delight your taste buds and help you celebrate the joy of this new addition to our family. Whether you prefer dark, milk or white chocolate, we have something for everyone to enjoy.
For More Details
Connect with us at +91 9696 156 156 or
Visit us at - https://www.chocovira.in/baby-announcements/
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frescoesboxes · 4 years
Chocolate box Packaging designs
If you are in the business of sweets, cakes, chocolates, brownies or dryfruits and looking for an affordable yet attractive box packaging solution for your Food items or gifts, FRESCOES, Kolkata (Designer/ Manufacturer) is THE SOURCE FOR Ready-to-deliver CREATIVE PACKAGING.
Navayug Creations/ FRESCOES specialises in designing and production of gourmet gift boxes to suit any corporate or personal gift giving occasion. Choose from chocolate only boxes, decorative dry-fruit/ sweets trays, or try our hamper style options which will delight even the most discerning of connoisseurs. Beautifully styled with embossing and printing on paper, cardboard or wood, these gift boxes are a pleasure to give or receive.
Gift Boxes, cases, trays and platters, folding and rigid bakery confectionery packaging, cake cakesicles brownie macaron boxes, cupcake boxes, chocolate boxes, candy & sweets boxes, mithai, punch boxes, rigid boxes, paperboard boxes, plastic clear boxes, Dry Fruit Boxes, Dates Baklava, Festive Boxes, Food trays, Hamper Boxes, trays baskets Jewellery Boxes, Wedding boxes, Invitation Boxes, Gift Bags, Chocolates, wedding INVITATION cards suite, gift packaging, dryfruits, gift boxes, wine boxes, transparent window boxes, paper bags
Traditional, Modern, Classic, Trendy, Elegant, Vintage, Unique, Colourful, Sober
Imported high-gsm papers, fancy boards, handmade papers, cardboard, wood, acrylic, leather, fancy leather, silk, velvet fabrics, brocade, embellishments and laser-cut motifs.
The Gift boxes are suitable for day-to-day sales, take-away, take-out, subscription box, WEDDINGS, Engagement, Baby Announcement, Baby shower, Birth Ceremonies, Rakshabandhan, Eid, Diwali, Christmas, New Year, Valentine's, Birthdays, Corporate Gifting, Festivals and other functions.
We work with you to customise our beautiful boxes with your branding, logo and messages.
Manufactured in Kolkata, India, the boxes are high quality and durable to be shipped all over India.
Best food grade biodegradable eco-friendly PAPERS and Cardboard is used with latest printing technology and skilled labour of West Bengal.
Resellers, Sweet shops, Dry-Fruits Vendors, bakery, Caterers, Home bakers, Home-made Chocolate stores, Corporate Houses, Wedding Planners, Cakery, Patisserie, Boulangerie, Cafe, Trousseau Packers, Restaurant, premium five star Hotels, Retailers, Export Houses, Food consultants, Tea houses, coffee retailers, soap cosmetics apparel bedding upholstery towel diffuser candles and handmade goods manufacturers & brands, curated hamper packers, gift registry
Affordable and Wholesale Factory Rates.
For large quantity orders, design, colors and papers can be customized to suit your requirement.
Huge stocks of attractive bakery and gift packaging are maintained for instant delivery at your doorstep so that you can deliver your gourmet goodies safely to your customers.
Call/ WA 9230088873
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bollywoodpapa · 5 years
Bruna Abdullah shares the birth story of her daughter in a water pool
New Post has been published on https://www.bollywoodpapa.com/bruna-abdullah-shares-the-birth-story-of-her-daughter/
Bruna Abdullah shares the birth story of her daughter in a water pool
Actress Bruna Abdullah who has featured in several reality shows and movies like ‘I Hate Luv Storys‘ and ‘Grand Masti‘ is currently on cloud nine these days as the actress has been blessed with a baby girl.
The actress welcomes her baby girl with hubby Allan Fraser on August 31. The couple named their newborn Isabella.
Bruna announces the arrival of her baby girl on social media by sharing the first picture of her newborn daughter.
  View this post on Instagram
  I am so proud and excited to introduce the newest member of our family, Isabella 💕She was born on the 31st of August in Mumbai! We are doing great! I can’t stop drooling over her 🥴 . . @alfromscotland ❤️
A post shared by Bruna Abdullah (@brunaabdullah) on Sep 1, 2019 at 7:51am PDT
Bruna Abdullah shares the birth story of her daughter
Well now, Bruna has shared the story of the birth of her baby girl. The actress had a water birth for Isabella.
Bruna took to Instagram to share a picture of her giving ‘water birth’ to her baby. She wrote, “My Birth Story ???????????? Even before I was pregnant I knew I would have a water birth! I wanted the birth of my baby to be as gentle as possible and without any drugs, I hated the idea of having to deal with the side effects of all the medication they would give me at the hospital. I imagined a calm and soothing environment, where I could wait for my baby to arrive, surrounded only by the people that made me feel good and excited about that moment. I was lucky enough to have had all that! I had my baby in a warm water pool, my husband, my mother, my doctor and my doula were there with me. I prepared myself for that day, I worked out regularly, I ate a very well balanced diet, I meditated and visualised every single detail.
I wanted to deliver my baby on a Saturday, I wanted the labour to be no longer than 4 hours, I wanted to deliver my baby in the pool, and I wanted to do it drug free! I got all of that! I also asked for it to be pain free ???? but that wasn’t really what happened!! Saying that, I feel like a super hero, kind of invincible, now I feel like I can do anything .. it was important to me to be fully in control, awake, for the arrival of my baby. I wanted nature to do its job! It was magical, I had to idea I was so strong, I felt everything with so much intensity, her descent, the contractions.. that as soon as it was over, the only thing I could feel was love and pure happiness! The pain vanished, I recovered in minutes, and I was able to enjoy her from the very first minute! She was awake and alert! Calm and beautiful!
She is my everything, thank you @alfromscotland for giving me the best gift one could ever ask for. ❤️ #forisabellatoread #waterbirth #hypnobirthing #womenpower,’’ Bruna wrote.
  View this post on Instagram
  My Birth Story 🤱🏻💕 Even before I was pregnant I knew I would have a water birth! I wanted the birth of my baby to be as gentle as possible and without any drugs, I hated the idea of having to deal with the side effects of all the medication they would give me at the hospital. I imagined a calm and soothing environment, where I could wait for my baby to arrive, surrounded only by the people that made me feel good and excited about that moment. I was lucky enough to have had all that! I had my baby in a warm water pool, my husband, my mother, my doctor and my doula were there with me. I prepared myself for that day, I worked out regularly, I ate a very well balanced diet, I meditated and visualised every single detail. I wanted to deliver my baby on a Saturday, I wanted the labour to be no longer than 4 hours, I wanted to deliver my baby in the pool, and I wanted to do it drug free! I got all of that! I also asked for it to be pain free 😁 but that wasn’t really what happened!! Saying that, I feel like a super hero, kind of invincible, now I feel like I can do anything .. it was important to me to be fully in control, awake, for the arrival of my baby. I wanted nature to do its job! It was magical, I had to idea I was so strong, I felt everything with so much intensity, her descent, the contractions.. that as soon as it was over, the only thing I could feel was love and pure happiness! The pain vanished, I recovered in minutes, and I was able to enjoy her from the very first minute! She was awake and alert! Calm and beautiful! She is my everything, thank you @alfromscotland for giving me the best gift one could ever ask for. ❤️ #forisabellatoread #waterbirth #hypnobirthing #womenpower
A post shared by Bruna Abdullah (@brunaabdullah) on Sep 22, 2019 at 4:55am PDT
Bruna and Allan got married at a beach wedding in May 2019. The couple exchanged wedding vows in the presence of their close friends on a clifftop overlooking the sea in Phuket, Thailand.
Read also:
Congrats! Bruna Abdullah blessed with a baby girl, shares first pic of newborn
On the professional front, Bruna Abdullah was last seen in the Hindi film ‘Udanchhoo’. Also seen in Salman Khan’s ‘Jai Ho’, Bruna Abdullah was also seen as a contestant in several reality shows like ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi’, ‘Dancing Queen’, ‘Nach Baliye 6’.
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mycreationery-blog · 6 years
Top 5 Reasons To Pick Personalized Stationery In India
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Remember the charm of handwritten letters? The long gone feeling has made a comeback into our lives, in form of personalized stationery in India. The recipients feel special when they get to know that you are putting extra efforts in gifting. Besides, the idea of buying personalized stationery for Christmas and New Year is pocket friendly too.
Women love diamond, but there is no need to spend fortunes to get gifts of high esteem. Buy a beautiful piece of personalized stationery for her and let her know how special she is. Here are top 5 reasons showing why personalized stationery in India is the new thing for gifting.
Personalized stationery gets special recognition
The biggest reason behind the popularity of Personalized Stationery in India is that it leaves a lasting impression on the recipient’s heart. So if you want to impress someone, then don’t just send an email or SMS, rather invest in buying beautifully crafted personalized stationery for her.
A thoughtful gift for your loved ones would always make your relationships stronger.
Personalized greeting cards can be a beautiful addition to your gifts
Handwritten notes are always of higher importance then the technological alternatives. When you fail to buy a meaningful gift for occasions like New Year and Christmas, then simply order for Personalized Stationery in India.
Usual gifts items like bags, ties and their favorite fragrances would look even more special when you wrap it with emotions. A card and Personalized Stationery For Christmas will do the trick for you.
A stylish yet budget friendly gifting idea
Personalized Stationery For Christmas is the most thoughtful idea and it suits everyone’s budget. Stationery with your name on it can make you look even more professional. Besides, it is a very useful gift. Recipients would surely appreciate such a thoughtful card with personalization this New Year.
Personalized card will never lose its essence
In India, baby stationery gift ideas are a hit. Personalized Stationery in Mumbai is getting widely popular because, well, it is something that is specially made for them. The thought of making things personalized is very loud in stationery gifts and this is the reason you should also buy a greeting card with personalization.  
The card will be a keepsake and would be of much more value than a simple effortless email sent by you.
Available for every occasion
These days you can find Personalized Stationery for Every Occasion. Those who can’t make a conscious effort on gifting can get benefits from personalized greeting cards. You can find Personalized Stationery For New Year, Christmas, Wedding, Birthdays and Baby Showers.
Creative minds out there are offering thoughtful wishes in form of Personalized Stationery For Kids, men, women, siblings, cousins and more. In fact, you can find some great looking fonts, colors, layouts and sizing for personalized stationery in India.
Personalized stationery is a great conversation starter. The choices are endless and wonderful. Gift them to your kids, new parents, your spouse or use them to announce special gatherings. They are far better than email greetings, so why don’t you try them this New Year?
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Duchess Meghan, Prince Harry will not attend Priyanka and Nick's wedding - AOL
New Post has been published on https://harryandmeghan.xyz/duchess-meghan-prince-harry-will-not-attend-priyanka-and-nicks-wedding-aol/
Duchess Meghan, Prince Harry will not attend Priyanka and Nick's wedding - AOL
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This mama-to-be is staying put. Pregnant Duchess Meghan (née Markle) and Prince Harrywill not attend Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ wedding in India, a source exclusively tells Us Weekly.
A second source adds that “Meghan will not be going to Priyanka’s wedding, especially now that she is pregnant.” (Chopra attended Markle’s wedding to the prince in England in May.)
Chopra, 36, and Jonas, 26, are set to tie the knot in the actress’ native India this weekend, and have already begun their prenuptial celebrations, including a traditional a Puja — a Hindu pre-marriage ritual.
The event took place at Chopras’ home in Mumbai, with the “Chains” crooner wearing a traditional Indian outfit and the former Bollywood star decked out in an embroidered suit and sari.
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas together
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TOPSHOT – Indian actress Priyanka Chopra (R) and US musician Nick Jonas (centre L) arrive in Jodhpur in the western Indian state of Rajasthan on November 29, 2018. – Chopra and Jonas are set to be married in a series of ceremonies in Jodhpur. (Photo by Sunil VERMA / AFP) (Photo credit should read SUNIL VERMA/AFP/Getty Images)
Indian actress Priyanka Chopra (L) and US musician Nick Jonas are pictured after a dinner in Mumbai on November 27, 2018. – Chopra and Jonas are set to be married in a series of ceremonies in Jodhpur starting later this month. (Photo by – / AFP) (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
MUMBAI, INDIA – NOVEMBER 26: Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra (L) with her fiancee Nick Jonas (R), his brother Joe Jonas and his fiancee Sophie Turner posed for photographs outside a restaurant at Juhu on November 26, 2018 in Mumbai, India. (Photo by Prodip Guha/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)
The only way to do this… with Family and God. Thank you all for your wishes and blessings 🙏🏼♥️🎉
Future Mrs. Jonas. My heart. My love.
❣️❣️❣️ NP❣️❣️❣️
I always knew one thing was certain, she deserved true love.❤️ Then her Prince came along for real… not to rescue her because god knows she does that all on her own and HOW! #globaldomination #newagefairytale … But someone to love her the way she loves, laugh with her endlessly, keep it 💯 & live the happily ever after that everyone who wants to love and be loved deserve. We’ve had many chats on love over pancakes & in planes & you know I’ve always wanted you to shine in love the way you do now! I am beyond happy for you @priyankachopra @nickjonas you make love look so easy, beautiful & special… Congratulations ❤️ #roka #happytears 💍😍
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Singer-songwriter Nick Jonas and actress Priyanka Chopra are seen arriving at the Ralph Lauren 50th Anniversary event during New York Fashion Week at Bethesda Terrace in Central Park on September 7, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Gilbert Carrasquillo/GC Images)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 07: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas attend the Ralph Lauren fashion show during New York Fashion Week at Bethesda Terrace on September 7, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Rob Kim/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 04: Sophie Turner, Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra at 2018 US Open each other at the 2018 US Open on September 4, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 04: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra seen at the 2018 US Open on September 4, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 04: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are seen in Soho on September 4, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Raymond Hall/GC Images)
MUMBAI, INDIA-AUGUST 17: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas in Mumbai. (Photo by Milind Shelte/India Today Group/Getty Images)
MUMBAI, INDIA-AUGUST 17: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas in Mumbai. (Photo by Milind Shelte/India Today Group/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND – JULY 17: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas seen on a night out leaving Chiltern Firehouse on July 17, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Ricky Vigil/GC Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND – JULY 17: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas seen on a night out arriving at Sketch on July 17, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Ricky Vigil M/GC Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND – JULY 16: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas seen on a night out at 34 restaurant in Mayfair on July 16, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Ricky Vigil/GC Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND – JULY 16: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas seen on a night out at 34 restaurant in Mayfair on July 16, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Ricky Vigil M/GC Images)
MUMBAI, INDIA – JUNE 22: Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra and American singer and actor Nick Jonas at Yauatcha restaurant BKC, on June 22, 2018 in Mumbai, India. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are in Mumbai together and were clicked by the paparazzi. The two are rumoured to be dating. Nick Jonas met the Priyanka Chopras mother in India on Friday night. (Photo by Prodip Guha/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)
Indian Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra (L) and US singer Nick Jonas (R) stand together in Mumbai on June 22, 2018. (Photo by – / AFP) (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images)
Indian Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra (L) accompanied by Nick Jonas arrive for the pre-engagement party of India’s richest man and Reliance Industries Limited Chairman, Mukesh Ambanis eldest son Akash Ambani and fiancee Shloka Mehta in Mumbai on June 28, 2018. (Photo by SUJIT JAISWAL / AFP) (Photo credit should read SUJIT JAISWAL/AFP/Getty Images)
Indian Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra (L) accompanied by Nick Jonas arrive for the pre-engagement party of India’s richest man and Reliance Industries Limited Chairman, Mukesh Ambanis eldest son Akash Ambani and fiancee Shloka Mehta in Mumbai on June 28, 2018. (Photo by SUJIT JAISWAL / AFP) (Photo credit should read SUJIT JAISWAL/AFP/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY – JUNE 08: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra at JFK airport on June 8, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)
NEW YORK, NY – JUNE 08: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra at JFK airport on June 8, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)
NEW YORK, NY – JUNE 08: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra at JFK airport on June 8, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by Gotham/GC Images)
NEW YORK, NY – MAY 01: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are seen attending the Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garcons: Art Of The In-Between’ Costume Institute Gala – After Party on May 01, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Pressphotodirect/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images)
NEW YORK, NY – MAY 01: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas attend the ‘Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garcons: Art Of The In-Between’ Costume Institute Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 1, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Karwai Tang/WireImage)
NEW YORK, NY – MAY 01: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas attend the ‘Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garcons: Art Of The In-Between’ Costume Institute Gala at Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 1, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY – MAY 01: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas attend ‘Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Gar�ns:Art of the In-Between’ Costume Institute Gala at Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 1, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Jackson Lee/FilmMagic)
NEW YORK, NY – MAY 01: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are seen on May 01, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Pressphotodirect/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images)
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The 37-year-old Duchess of Sussex, for her part, is expecting her first child with husband Prince Harry, whom she wed in May at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle in England.
The Suits alum and Prince Harry are keeping busy. Earlier this week it was announced that the soon-to-be-parents are set to move from their current home in at Nottingham Cottage in London to Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, England, prior to the birth of their baby.
“There are 10 bedrooms, and the cottage does need some updating and renovations. It’s much bigger than Nottingham cottage, which only had two bedrooms and was very tight,” an insider told Us of Meghan and Harry’s two-story cottage, which was gifted to them by Queen Elizabeth II.
The pair — who announced news of their growing brood in October shortly after they embarked on their first royal tour as a married couple — “should be fully moved in shortly after the holidays,” according to the insider.
Celebrities at the royal wedding
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Amal and George Clooney arrive at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle for the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.
WINDSOR, ENGLAND – MAY 19: Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian attend the wedding of Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales marries Ms. Meghan Markle in a service at St George’s Chapel inside the grounds of Windsor Castle. Among the guests were 2200 members of the public, the royal family and Ms. Markle’s Mother Doria Ragland. (Photo by Shaun Botterill/Getty Images)
Serena Williams arrives at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle for the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.
WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM – MAY 19: Oprah Winfrey arrives at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle before the wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. (Photo by Ian West – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM – MAY 19: David and Victoria Beckham arrive at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle for the wedding of Megan Markle and Prince Harry at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. (Photo by Andrew Milligan – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM – MAY 19: David Beckham and Victoria Beckham arrive at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle before the wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. (Photo by Ian West – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
WINDSOR, ENGLAND – MAY 19: Julia Carey and James Corden attend the wedding of Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales marries Ms. Meghan Markle in a service at St George’s Chapel inside the grounds of Windsor Castle. Among the guests were 2200 members of the public, the royal family and Ms. Markle’s Mother Doria Ragland. (Photo by Shaun Botterill/Getty Images)
David and Victoria Beckham (both right) talk with Sir Elton John (left) and David Furnish as they arrive in St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle for the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
British actor Idris Elba and Sabrina Dhowre arrive for the wedding ceremony of Britain’s Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and US actress Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, in Windsor, on May 19, 2018. (Photo by Ian West / POOL / AFP) (Photo credit should read IAN WEST/AFP/Getty Images)
Patrick J. Adams and wife Troian Bellisario arrive at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle for the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.
WINDSOR, ENGLAND – MAY 19: Sofia Wellesley and James Blunt arrive at the wedding of Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM – MAY 19: James Blunt (right) and Sofia Wellesley arrive at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle before the wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. (Photo by Gareth Fuller – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
WINDSOR, ENGLAND – MAY 19: (L-R)Abigail Spencer and Priyanka Chopra arrive at the wedding of Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
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girllifepower · 6 years
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Life Story and Timeline of Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey is one of the iconic figures of the media today. Read on to know about her eventful life. Oprah Winfrey is one of the most recognized personalities in the world today. Through the power of media, she has connected with millions of people around the world. She is a media icon and a role model for both blacks and women. As host and supervising producer of the top-rated, award-winning "The Oprah Winfrey Show", she has entertained, enlightened and uplifted millions of viewers for the past two decades. Timeline of Oprah Winfrey 1954: Oprah was born on January 29,1954 in Mississippi to unmarried parents. Her father Vernon Winfrey was a coal miner. Her mother Vernita Lee was a housemaid. 1954-1960: Oprah lived with her grandmother, Hattie Mae Lee on a farm. 1960: At age six, Oprah moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her mother. Oprah has claimed that she was molested by her cousin, uncle, and a family friend, starting when she was nine years old. 1967: Oprah received a scholarship to attend Nicolet High School in Glendale, Wisconsin. 1968: Oprah rebelled, ran away from home and ran to the street. When she was 14, she gave birth to a male baby which died shortly afterwards. Her mother sent her to live with her father in Nashville, Tennessee. Her father was strict and made her education a priority. She became an honors student and graduated from East Nashville High School. 1972: Oprah Winfrey won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant. The local black radio station WVOL hired her to do the news part-time. 1973: Oprah graduated from Tennessee State University with a degree in Speech and Performing Arts. She became the first black TV news anchor reporter with WTVF-TV. 1976: Oprah moved to Baltimore's WJZ-TV to co-anchor the six o'clock news. 1978: Oprah was recruited to join Richard Sher as co-host of WJZ's local talk show People Are Talking , which premiered on August 14, 1978. She also hosted the local version of Dialing for Dollars there. 1983: In 1983, Oprah moved to Chicago to host WLS-TV's low-rated half-hour morning talk-show, AM Chicago. 1984:Within months after Oprah took over, the show went from last place in the ratings to overtaking Donahue as the highest rated talk show in Chicago. It was renamed as "The Oprah Winfrey Show". 1985: Oprah co-starred in Steven Spielberg's epic film adaptation of Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Color Purple. She earned immediate accolades as Sofia, the distraught housewife. 1986: The Oprah Winfrey Show was expanded to a full hour, and broadcast nationally beginning September 8, 1986. She starred in the movie 'Native Son' as Janet Thomason. 1987: On February 9 her much acclaimed episode from her show was aired from Forsyth County, Georgia, where no blacks had been allowed to live since 1912. Oprah won her first Emmy award for best talk/service show host and best show. She played a cameo role in the Danny DeVito movie "Throw Momma from the Train". 1988: The International Television and Radio Society named Oprah Broadcaster of the Year. She bought an apartment in Chicago and a farm in Indiana. She appeared in the TV program Pee-wee's Playhouse Christmas Special as herself . 1989: Oprah's half brother, Jeffrey Lee died of AIDS. She played the role of Mattie Michael in the movie "The Women of Brewster Place". She received the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's Entertainer of the year award. 1990: Oprah starred in the documentary "Listen Up: The Lives of Quincy Jones". She appeared as Mattie Michael in the TV program "Brewster Place". 1991: Oprah testified before the US congress and initiated the National Child Protection Act. 1992: Oprah was engaged to Stedman Graham, a public relations executive. She appeared in the TV program "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" episode "A Night at the Oprah". She won the Best talk show Host Emmy award. In the mid-1990s, Oprah anchored shows about heart disease in women, geopolitics with Lisa Ling, spirituality and meditation, and gift-giving and home decorating shows. She would often interview celebrities on issues that directly involve them in some way, such as cancer, charity work, or substance abuse. She also interviewed ordinary people who have done extraordinary things or been involved in important current issues. 1993: Oprah hosted a rare prime-time interview with Michael Jackson which became the fourth most watched event in American television history as well as the most watched interview ever, with an audience of one hundred million. She appeared in the TV program "There Are No Children Here" as LaJoe Rivers. 1994: Oprah won Best Talk Show and Best Talk Show Host at the 21st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards .She became co-author of the book In The Kitchen With Rosie: Oprah's Favorite Recipes by Oprah Winfrey and Rosie Daley. 1995: Oprah won an Emmy for Best Talk Show and Best Host for the second year in a row. "Oprah Online" started on AOL (American Online) in partnership with ABC. She became the first woman and the only black on Forbes list of 400 richest Americans. 1996: Oprah received the prestigious George Foster Peabody's Individual Achievement Award. She became co-author of the book "A Journal of Daily Renewal: The Companion to Make the Connection", by Oprah Winfrey and Bob Greene. 1997: Oprah delivered the commencements address to the Wellesley College Class of 1997. She appeared in the TV program "Ellen - The Puppy Episode" and "Before Women Had Wings." Oprah's Angel Network is formed encouraging people to make charitable contributions and volunteer work. She became author of the book The "Uncommon Wisdom of Oprah Winfrey: A Portrait in Her Own Words" by Oprah Winfrey and Bill Adler (editor). 1998: Oprah became co-author of the book "Journey to Beloved", by Oprah Winfrey and Ken Regan. She received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Daytime Emmy Awards and an award for top talk show host. She starred in the movie of the Toni Morrison novel, "Beloved". 1999: Oprah was co-author of the book "Make the Connection: Ten Steps to a Better Body and a Better Life", by Oprah Winfrey and Bob Greene. 2002: Oprah became the recipient of the first Bob Hope Humanitarian Award at the 2002 Emmy Awards for services to television and film. 2004: Oprah and Tom Cruise hosted the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Concert. She was listed as the world's only black billionaire in Forbes's international rich list. 2005: Oprah was named by Time as one of the 100 most influential people of the year. She ranked in 9th place in public poll of the greatest Americans.She was named as the greatest woman in American history. She became the first black person listed by Business Week as one of America's top 50 most generous philanthropists. "The Color Purple" was made into a Broadway musical and she was one of the producers. 2006: Oprah signed a 3-year contract with XM Satellite Radio to establish a new radio channel based in Chicago. She starred in the movie "Charlotte's Web" playing Gussy. 2007: Oprah invested $40 million creating the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls near Johannesburg in South Africa. She received praise from Nelson Mandela for overcoming her own disadvantaged youth to become a benefactor for others and for investing in the future of South Africa. Also towards the end of the same year, Oprah endorsed President Barack Obama (then Senator) and joined him for campaign trails. 2009: Oprah announced that she would be concluding The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2011. On the show she said, "This show has been my life. And I love it enough to know when it's time to say good-bye. Twenty-five years feels right in my bones, and it feels right in my spirit. It's the perfect number -- the exact right time." 2011: Oprah launched her own cable network, the Oprah Winfrey Network, or OWN. 2012: Oprah's Next Chapter premiered on 1st January. Oprah chose Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith) as her first guest on the show. Unlike The Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah has now decided to step out of the studio and into people's abodes to interview them. Oprah also visited Mumbai, India recently regarding the show. Oprah Winfrey currently lives on "The Promised Land", her 42-acre estate in Montecito, California. She also owns a house in Lavallette, New Jersey. Please Share This Post To Your Friends And Family To Inspire Them © Girl life Power™
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sweetsmith2323-blog · 7 years
The Best dessert places in mumbai
If you are looking out for some yummy cakes, cupcakes and cookies than the dessert places in mumbai is the place you can head too. They prepare personalized cakes and cookies depending on your choice. They design cakes for the ongoing trend. Also, they have a variety of designs to choose from. They also offer lollies and dessert buffets.
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They make gift packages for the baby shower or baby announcement.
A party without a cake is just a meeting. And it's just so true, isn't it? We all love desserts, don't we? Be it anytime we are just always ready to give our sweet tooth some tasty treats. More than us, kids love indulging in delicious cakes, cupcakes, pastries and more. No matter how much you give them they can never get enough of it. With all the party planning one thing you can't go wrong with is the cake. It is that one center piece that everybody has their eyes on and one thing that is most sought after in your photo album.Use your creative energy to acquire the cake as customized as you can. It's so remunerating when people ask where I purchased the cake. In any birthday festivity, the main thing you will see is birthday cake.
Given after are a couple of formulas you'll have the capacity to choose from on the off chance that you're wondering what sort Special Birthday cake shops in Andheri your canine will appreciate. In case you're searching for the inventive and particular birthday cakes in Surrey then you have to utilize a specialist cake creator who comprehends your prerequisite of cake outlining.
Plan up an event
and they have the ideal treat accessible to you. They enable you to out with cakes, chocolates, shape cakes, 3D cakes, grown-up cakes, photograph cake and that's only the tip of the iceberg. A bread shop that has won hearts of numerous Mumbai-its. Also, it is a standout amongst the most popular pastry kitchen in the local area that offers a fluctuated scope of vivid cakes. They offer cakes, snacks, chocolates, candy stores. Only a glance at their items can influence you to have a craving for enjoying them.
Aside from birthday
and commemoration cakes, the sweets shops offer cakes for every exceptional event. Be it Diwali, Holi or even Raksha Bandhan, you will discover a cake that fits the event flawlessly. Sending a delectable cake alongside a rakhi would make your sibling's day and is the ideal approach to praise this extraordinary day. Regardless of the possibility that you are far from your friends and family, there is a probability of sending these bubbly cakes to your dear ones through the online cake stores.
These uncommon event cakes are accessible in an assortment of plans and flavours as well. Appropriate from the customary flavours like pineapple, vanilla, strawberry and chocolate, you likewise get the opportunity to arrange cakes of flavours like orange, red velvet, pineapple, new organic products, mango, and so forth. To put it plainly, you get the chance to pick a cake of exceptional flavour effectively.
The online cake
stores not just have an assortment of uncommon event cakes yet, in addition, offer extraordinary administrations. You can choose same day conveyance choice and in addition arrange a cake ahead of time, according to your benefit. Most online cake stores can convey the cake inside five hours of you putting in the request. Besides, there is 100% certification that the cakes are crisp and precisely what you requested.
Quick and that is the reason it is certainly a one of a kind plan to arrange cake while you are occupied with doing other work. In this way, on the following merry event, say no to desserts, and request a flavorful, smooth cake for your precious ones. You save the period of holding up in a store to mastermind a singular cake. With electronic asking for structure, you can without a doubt encounter the distinctive blueprints and pick the one that best fits your necessities. You can in like manner turn out to be more familiar with the fixings. At the point when all is said in done, the online stores have massive social event of appeared differently in relation to the general stores. If you are asking for it for a remarkable occasion, you can even pick the date when you require your cake to be passed on.
There are certain viewpoints you have to look for before asking for a cake on the web. On doing, all things considered, you can without a lot of an extent understand the best one for the occasion. Choose the layout of your cake. Pick an arrangement identifying the occasion. You can visit the  dessert places in mumbai  for the best delicious desserts.
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Find the distinctive embellishments for the cake. You can even have words engraved on it. For instance, in case you are buying a cake for a birthday party, you can have a birthday message formed on it. You can even make extraordinary notes to the person whom you are gifting to. Keep your message short and new. You can check with the store to find the distinctive cake enhancements.
For more information visit: http://www.sweetsmith.in/
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A baby boy born on a flight to India just got free plane tickets for life
 REUTERS/Amit Dave
The INSIDER Summary:
A baby boy was successfully delivered on board a Jet Airways flight between Saudi Arabia and India. The mother and child are doing well. Jet Airways gifted the child with free flights for life. It is one of the few airlines to offer free flights to babies born inflight.
 A baby born on board a Jet Airways flight is receiving one heck of a birthday present.
After being successfully delivered at 35,000 feet by cabin crew and a paramedic who was among the passengers on a Jet Airways flight, the Indian airline announced on Twitter that it is gifting the baby free flights for life.
Tweet Embed: https://twitter.com/mims/statuses/876768808467218433 Welcome to the world! 👶 http://pic.twitter.com/2Fco5V7V9j
The baby boy was delivered on a flight between Saudi Arabia and India, which had to be diverted to Mumbai, where the mother and baby were taken to a local hospital. An airline spokeswoman who spoke to CNN said that both the baby and the mother are “doing well.”
While many believe that all babies born mid-flight receive free travel for life, it’s seldom the case. 
In fact, back in April, a baby girl was born on board a Turkish Airlines flight and did not receive any free travel. However, being born on a plane does get people a line in their passport that says “holder born on an aeroplane.”
With their generous offer, Jet Airways now joins only a few other airlines who have granted babies free flights or air miles, like Cebu Pacific, Baraq Air, and AirAsia.
All in all, it looks like this baby’s parents will have a hard time ever topping this birthday present.
NOW WATCH: Here’s why Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. ET is the perfect time to buy airline tickets
The INSIDER Summary:
A baby boy was successfully delivered on board a Jet Airways flight between Saudi Arabia … Read More Here...
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Deliciae Patisserie is a premium cake & pastry shop in Mumbai. Ms. Bunty Mahajan, the Le Cordon Bleu trained chef has built the brand on two basic principles - quality and the customer.
Deliciae Patisserie aims to serve the most creative and mouth-watering cakes, to help make your celebration even more special!
Deliciae Patisserie specializes in customized wedding cakes, anniversary cakes, engagement cakes, kids birthday cakes, designer cakes, baby shower cakes, theme cakes, photo cakes & cupcakes, celebration cakes, bachelorette party cakes, cakes for gifting and more.
Pick a design you like, and then choose from delectable flavors such as the Belgian Chocolate, Red Velvet, Hazelnut, Salted Caramel and more. You can then sit back and relax, and expect a wonderful cake to arrive at your desired location, on your chosen date and time.
Either call or email us at the information above, or click here to select a design and order through our online store.
Apart from cakes, we also have gifting options for all of India. Click here to see the product list and place your order. We are also into Corporate gifting, Diwali gifting, Birth Announcement gifting and Wedding invite gifting.
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