#babtqftim continuation
sillystringguy · 26 days
This is shit. I know. I will fix my mic and change the voices eventually. I'm a broke thirteen year old. Cut me some slack. @hornets-nest666 continuation
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kitocrystal · 9 months
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Drawing shiposts to unwind from all the stuff happening in Inky Mystery B)
The End alternate version:
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Aaaand here’s JaAC Bendy!
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I recommend you guys go check out “Just an Alley Cat, I Swear!” By SpectorOdyssey, one of the authors for Inky Mystery.
There isn’t a lot of chapters currently for the fic but it’s got an interesting story and also- BABY BENDY.
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brainyrot · 6 months
The people of IM Universe (those you remember) going to BATIM in full detail! Or the dog gets it 🐶 🤺/j
"the..hell?.." ink dripping from the walls, yellow everywhere, posters about people he seems to know but..not quite.
it's a studio, he thinks, maybe he's just dreaming. Or he's drunk, that's also an option, but he doesn't remember neither drinking nor going to sleep.
as he gets up, he touches his face, realizing he has a crack. "Ugh.." what a pain. "Mugman?" He asks, quietly, who knows who or what's in here.
but now that he gets a full view of things, this is weird.
There's posters of..Boris. of..Alice? Of bendy? Portraying different adventures, like some kind of tv show or cartoon. But neither of them had a history of..being in any kind of stuff like that.
"what the cuss is this.." he whispers to himself, already thinking of shooting in the face the first thing he sees moving, but it's so dead in here the only noises you can hear is his own breathing.
the more he wanders in, the more it gets freaky. There's various desks of what seems to be animator's desks, doodles of bendy, of his own best friend? Who is the freak drawing bendy so much?
there's studies of bendy, animations..or.. recordings. He can't tell, there's even stuff written on the walls. This is just creepy.
"he lied to us"
"dreams come true"
"beware the ink demon"
There's a demon here now? Just GREAT. just what he NEEDED. And by the name he's..an ink demon. Frankly he never saw one, nor heard of one. He assumes it's some subspecies of a water demon, or something like that.
..so the ink all over the place is from that demon guy, huh? Okay..
the door is shut, he can't go back out, so the only other solutions aside from standing in one place until he rots and dies, is keep walking and (hopefully) find another way out.
the posters just keep appearing on the walls, even cutouts now are around which makes things even more..weird. it's all about cussing bendy. Why is it all about bendy? Are they some worshipping demon cult? And the demon they are worshipping is bendy? That's just..weird. eugh. He never understood these kind of people.
but it would also explain the "ink demon" deal. But then, why "beware"? Bendy is anything but dangerous or something to be cautious of.
but the more he looks around the more disgusted he gets. It smells like rotten corpses in here, and he doesn't know why since the only thing here is ink.
maybe the ink were all victims of the ink illness..but it doesn't explain the smell..no one ever smelled like an actual corpse after melting. Rather, it smelled like ink, and that's it. That's why it was so horrifying to look at.
It's ink.
There's no trace of the person left anymore.
oh but Boris' corpse cut open on the table can explain the smell more than the ink.
"wh- BORIS!" The cup shouts, horror in his eyes and air leaving his lungs.
What the hell happened here?! who did this?! Why is Boris here..cut open with..
The dark.. puddles... awaken.."
Okay this is bad. REALLY BAD. The kid didn't deserve it, and now- there's a possible threat around.
..if this happened to boris- then- then what about mugman? If they even dared to lay a finger on him, he'll blow this place up.
finger up, bullet ready.
But no one is there.
breathing, not his own.
faint laugh, not his.
ink.. coming..out of the walls?
there's surely a demon here, and..and no.
No it couldn't be the demon. it just can't be. The demon would have been way too brutal, maybe someone that works for the demon? A debtor?
where the hell did he end up to? Where the hell did they get Boris?! who did this?!
how is he gonna explain this to bendy?! He can't deal with something like this! Not right now! Not- ever.
"-HEAD?! CUPHEAD?" mugman.
MUGMAN! "MUGS!" oh stars. Is he here too?!
Run. Run as fast as you can.
"uh- NO! but..you gotta see this.." see what?
"I think we found..the ink machine."
A voice. A soul. The ink speaks to me.
It tells me your secrets.
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
I just woke up and im feeling evil today....
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(bbros childhood, sarah, and granny being an absolute terror for throwing flipflops)
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Hehehe.... Sure.
Tho I’ll only explain the first one because it's very sweet and wholesome. You get angst with when Bendy goes to high school.
So Bendy and Boris met in the system. Being bounced around foster homes and orphanages and such. The two of them grew really close dispite both of them being treated poorly in the system. They'd often run away and try to rough it in the streets.
One cold, rainy night they ducked into an alleyway behind an apartment complex hoping to get some sleep away from the bustle of the main streets in the city. The apartment complex happened to be owned by Granny Gopher, the landlady. She when out the back to take care of some business and noticed a wolf pup and demon child shivering in the cold and rain. They were around 10 and 12.
She quickly ushered them inside and took them to the apartment she lived in. Giving them some old clothes to change into so she could wash their wet ones. She cooked them a nice hot meal and a bath and let them sleep on her couch for the night.
But when she woke up the next day with plans on how to help them; all she found was an empty apartment. The only traces of the two boys was the clothes and blankets they borrowed folded nicely on the couch and a couple of wadded up dollar bills and coins (the only money they had on them) and a thank you note.
Thanks for the ask
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blueblurzz · 1 year
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I haven't drawn Bendy or boris in a while, so this was a challenge for me lol. But if I plan on drawing them more then I need to practice....
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xxashtonxx · 2 years
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I was bored so I thought I’d draw Beast Bendy and Beast Cuppuchino standing together, look at em go ✨💅🏻
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cucarachaisgay07 · 1 year
Here are all my other blogs!
@continuation-au-07 - this is the blog where you will strictly only find posts about the blog
@cupheadcult07 - this is the blog where you will find the story of the blood thirsty anons
@overgrown-au-07 - this blog is about an experimental potion going wrong and hurting our two Cup Bros
@ilostmymircowave - this blog is of an amazing artist and they deserve all the love and support you can give em! I do not own this blog this is a friend's blog! Pls go follow!!
@civicshenanigans22 - He deserves some love and support here on Tumblr, Go ahead and follow if ya want
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soildmud · 1 year
hiiiii i’m fr fr writing the qftim continuation!!!!!! i may post a sneak peek soon because i want to share my ideas with people and build upon other’s advice or (ASKED FOR) critiques :3 for now here is one paragraph from my first draft!
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i know it isn’t great, but still!!!! i like it and that’s all that matters to me
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the-glich-devil · 1 year
Glitch AU
This blog is about another Bendy and Boris: the quest for the ink machine continuation AU but it has a big twist - it' s the glitch itself.
This Time it isn' t only about the ink machine and their adventure, now this is much more than it' s supposed to be. Bendy and his new and old friends, family is about to save and ruin everything.
To get a little bit of context, it all began when rouge posted (I believe) the final chapter. Bendy seemed to be day dreaming, but after a few moments something happened that scared everyone... Everyone but Bendy. The thing was odly familiar to him. But we can' t just stay here at this ''magnificent" moment. The story must go on... (Sorry for my bad English)
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sillystringguy · 25 days
The goofballs
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Wait i used to follow the original creator. What did they do?
CONTENT WARNING!! i’d just like to raise awareness about thegreatrouge!!:
so from what i’ve seen and heard, they created this other comic called “pj’s daycare”; a sans au comic. in the comics, the artist (rouge) drew VERY questionable situations.
basically, they drew the adult/caretaker kissing with the kids or something? and there was some crazy other stuff…like CRAZY stuff, like, there was a moment in the comics were a kid was drunk (i have NOO idea how) and the adult in the situation engaged with the LITERAL CHILD (??!!!??). “engaged” as in…non-consensual sexual behavior
they’ve also gr00med a minor during 2020. they drew nsfw art of their oc and the minor’s oc. reaaally freaky.
like, it’s obvious that there were literal KIDS who were watching their stuff and adored their work so the fact that rouge encouraged this kind of relationship is revolting. as a person who actually looked up to rouge as a kid, finding this out was heartbreaking. as i was rereading their old babtqftim comics, i also realized that there was a whOole lot of things that i missed as a kid. it seriously sucks because i adored their comics.
in conclusion: don’t support the original creator. i dont think they’ve been online since 2021? (thank god) but still. im not continuing their godforsaken story about bendy and boris but i am rewriting it; fixing it in a way? — specifically the character’s relationships because mYYY GOD WERE THEY STRANGE. anyways, that is all. hopefully you all will understand!
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coffeeandink · 3 months
Coffee and ink
Alternate history babtqftim Bendy/Cuphead The ink machine never broke down, and ink sickness was one of the rare diseases whose cures were expensive, and not everyone could be lucky enough to get their hands on them.
After his father's death, Cuphead and Mugman went their separate ways: Mugman became a lawyer, and Cuphead, not wanting to part with the memory of his father, decided to continue his restaurant business. It was hard, sleepless, he even almost went bankrupt, but still kept afloat.
And then one evening, almost at closing time, the door of the restaurant is opened by a small horned silhouette with an unexpected answer about finding a job… Cuphead 6'0, 28y.o Mugman 6'2, 25y.o Boris 5'10, 21y.o Bendy 5'2, 27y.o Felix 6'0, 49y.o Ms. Chalice 5'8, 21y.o
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leminysnickit · 1 year
Alsooooo if you’d like tooo you can give some tips and tricks on the characters that I can add to the story and designs BECAUSE THIS IS A GROUP COMIC !! (With me and my partner ofc)
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And da rest we added!
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snappl3 · 1 month
Ive been reading inky mystery and it’s good continuation of it
But what’s the second AU? 👀
I should check that out! Believe it or not I actually really enjoyed the storyline of babtqftim. I thought the entire plot was pretty clever, and it had good pacing
The second one is one I kept up with just as much, I think it’s called the devils roost au. @/devils roost is the actual tumblr. They have specific tags for batim stuff, I believe a lot of it had OC’s in their story but it was also enjoyable
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qftim-c · 1 year
throughout your continuation of babtqftim, mugman's personality isn't dumb, childish, nor silly, like in the original, is this intentional? ((not saying this in a bad way, i like the personality traits and interactions you've given him, i personally didn't like how he was portrayed in the original ^^' and really like your take on it))
We aren’t writing him the same way Rouge did because the way she wrote him left him without any sort of substance or depth as a character! We want every character to have their own growth, and the way we write Mugman will help that. Mugman in the original comic was treated as an accessory to Cuphead, not as his own person. Even when he was a focus, his “dumb innocence,” was the only part of him that mattered. Cuphead shoots him? Clearly people should pity and feel bad for Cuphead, right?! No. Mugs deserves to be treated with the same level of care we treat all the others. -Ambrose, AN AVID MUGMAN FAN BOY
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cucarachaisgay07 · 2 years
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Don’t be afraid to ask the blog anything! even if its just a “hi!” i can’t continue the blog without any asks, pls im desperate lol
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