#baahubali alphabet challenge
ambidextrousarcher · 5 years
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For @avani008, who had asked for D for Devasena and her handmaidens- Friendship, for the Baahubali alphabet challenge. Hope you like it!
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avani008 · 6 years
Margazhi in Mahishmati 2018 List of Prompts
So many prompts behind the cut, sorted alphabetically by requested character/pairing/relationship! Feel free to read and be inspired :)
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali/Devasena
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: soulmate AU, with any of the tropes like matching tattoos, seeing colour after meeting their other half etc. Angst is preferred but with happy ending.
Requested By: Fiera94
Do Not Want: tragic ending
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali/Devasena
Fic or Art: Fic
Prompt: Reincarnation au
Requested By: Fiera94
Do Not Want: tragic ending
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali/Devasena
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: before and after
Requested By: forestpenguin
Do Not Want: Non-con, smut, explicit fic
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali/Devasena
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Doctors!AU. Modern Setting, with any other characters you wish to throw in.
Requested By: queenofmahishmati
Do Not Want: tragedy or evil! Bhalla
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali/Devasena
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Amarsena, Devasena remains the queen regent of Kunthala and Amarendra remains unmarried and king of Mahishmati. ..following a soldier's slip, Amarendra discovers the existence of his 3/4 year old son Mahendra
Requested By: Ratna
Do Not Want: character death, evil Bhalla, Bijjaladeva
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali/Devasena
Fic or Art: fic 
Prompt: A continuation of the Vilomita! verse, leading up to Mahendra’s birth in this universe. (Note: this is OK with the original author of the verse for treats/exchange fic. If you’re planning to write fic in any other ficverse/continuity that was originally written by someone else, please check with the mod to make sure it’s okay with the original author!)
Requested By: Ratna
Do Not Want: character death, evil Bhalla, Bijjaladeva
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali 
Fic or Art: fic 
What if Baahu was allowed to keep his rank as the Commander-in-Chief? What if he didn’t behead Sethupathy? What if Devasena was found guilty of chopping off Sethupathy’s fingers and sentenced to jail? Baahu dares not break her out (you decide the reason). To what lengths would he go for her in these circumstances? What will he sacrifice to ensure her comfort and honor?
Requested By: CarminaVulcana
Do Not Want: Modern AU, Crossovers, Genderswaps
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Devasena dies in childbirth and there is a death sentence on Amarendra’s head. Devasena’s last words to her husband are—“Bring Mama back safely.” The question is what will he do now that he knows he is responsible for his child and that there is literally no one else? I would love to read how he handles adversity and complex challenges like this one. 
Requested By: CarminaVulcana
Do Not Want: Modern AU, Crossovers, Genderswaps
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali 
Fic or Art: fic
in the aftermath of Bhalla's ascension, Baahubali --who isn't dead --is told that his wife and child have been killed. Sivagami is also assumed dead, though whether she is or isn't is up to the author.
Baahu, broken by the assumption of his family's execution, becomes a type of robin-hood figure in the new Mahishmati, a one man guerilla army that defies Bhalla even as he, haunted by his own loss, refuses to destroy any other families in the process.
Devasena and the baby Mahendra are in fact alive -- how and what they're doing is also up to the author, though they also believe Baahu to be dead. how they meet, and together finally take down Bhalla's empire forms the rest of the story
Requested By: weaslayy
Do Not Want: None
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Groundhog Day/Time Travel AU: Amarendra wakes up, post-his death, on the day he meets Devasena in Kuntala.
Requested By: weaslayyy
Do Not Want: n/a
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali 
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Amarendra is not adopted by birth, and instead raised as a commoner in ignorance of his identity. Sivagami is either deposed and exiled, or dead; and Bijjaladeva takes her place to rule Mahishmati is unjustly. As he grows, Amarendra must lead a rebellion to bring about justice--based more on his inner sense of right and wrong rather than his birthright--particularly after he encounters a spirited Kuntalan princess he must woo without the confidence of his true status. 
Requested By: weaslayyy
Do Not Want: n/a
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Amarendra Baahubali & Devasena & Mahendra
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Heart-warming fluff; an argument over how many children Amarendra and Devasena want, with little Mahendra participating as well
Requested By: Ratna
Do Not Want: None
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Any
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Fluff or angst of any sort!
Requested By: Inkn1ght1
Do Not Want: None
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Any
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Any, amnesia AU, for which the possibilities are endless: Sivagami suddenly can’t remember why she’s exiled/ignoring her beloved son. Amarendra or Devasena wake up married to a stranger, to their spouse’s dismay. Bhalla gets bonked on the head and mistakes Mahendra to be his brother Baahu--whatever you want!
Requested By: avani
Do Not Want: no Rise of Sivagami backstory, thank you!
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Any
Fic or Art: Either
Prompt: Any, in-universe history books/partially discovered documents, portraits, etc. Particular love for said historians being as inaccurate (or tragically accurate) as you want, and/or crossover with a reincarnation or modern AU.
Requested By: avani
Do Not Want: no Rise of Sivagami backstory, thank you!
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Any
Fic or Art: Fic
Prompt: Dystopian AU, with a world of the author’s choosing
Requested By: queenofmahishmati
Do Not Want: Evil! Bhalla
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Avantika
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Before and after
Requested By: forestpenguin
Do Not Want: No smut/non-con/explicit fic.
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Devasena or Amarendra
Fic or Art: fic 
Prompt: Before and after
Requested By: forestpenguin
Do Not Want: non-con, smut, explicit fic
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Devasena & Avantika
Fic or Art: either
Prompt: Happy AUs preferred, but any interaction is fine!
Requested By: MayavanavihariniHarini
Do Not Want: None
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Devasena & Sivagami
Fic or Art: either
Prompt: Happy AUs preferred, but any interaction is fine!
Requested By: MayavanavihariniHarini
Do Not Want: none
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Devasena & Sumitra
Fic or Art: Either
Prompt: Happy AUs preferred, but any interaction is fine!
Requested By: MayavanavihariniHarini
Do Not Want: none
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Devasena and Mahendra Baahubali
Fic or Art: fic 
Prompt: 5 times Devasena took care of/comforted Mahendra and once he returned the favor.
Requested By: Fiera94
Do Not Want: tragedy
Character/Pairing/Relationship:Mama Deva &  Papa Deva
Fic or Art: fic preferred
Prompt: Pre-Canon, AU where the older generation lives, Afterlife fic, any kind of genfic! Maybe a worldbuilding “slice of life” or a look at the daily ruling of Mahishmati or Kuntala.
Requested By: AllegoriesinMediasRes
Do Not Want: Shipfic, modern au, soulmates au. Rise of Sivagami canon, Crossovers. 
Fic or Art: fic preferred
Prompt: Pre-Canon, AU where the older generation lives, Afterlife fic, any kind of genfic! Maybe a worldbuilding “slice of life” or a look at the daily ruling of Mahishmati or Kuntala.
Requested By: AllegoriesinMediasRes
Do Not Want:Shipfic, modern au, soulmates au. Rise of Sivagami canon, Crossovers. 
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Sivagami & Devasena
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Canon-divergent AU: Sivagami fosters/raises Devasena for whatever reason. Amarendra/Devasena very much welcome, but would prefer a focus on Sivagami and Devasena’s relationship.
Requested By: avani
Do Not Want: Please do not have Amarendra and Devasena raised by Sivagami at the same time, as I feel they’d be certain to think of each other as siblings. Feel free to send him to Kuntala, or a gurukulam, or a full role-reversal AU where he’s born the younger prince of Kuntala. No Rise of Sivagami backstory, thank you!
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Sivagami & Kattappa & Amarendra Baahubali
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: What if Mahishmati lost the war against the Kalakeya? What if Sivagami and Baahu were taken prisoners ? What if Katappa survived but was injured badly enough that he doesn’t regain lucidity until later when he is in hiding with Bijjala, Bhalla some soldiers who have no intention of going back unless they have a way to win. Will Baahu be able to protect Sivagami from Ingkoshi’s crude and disgusting advances?
Requested By: CarminaVulcana
Do Not Want: Modern AU, Crossovers, Genderswaps
Character/Pairing/Relationship:Vikramadeva & or / Mama Baahu
Fic or Art: fic preferred.
Prompt: Pre-Canon, AU where the older generation lives, Afterlife fic, any kind of genfic! Maybe a worldbuilding “slice of life” or a look at the daily ruling of Mahishmati or Kuntala.
Requested By: AllegoriesinMediasRes
Do Not Want: Shipfic, modern au, soulmates au. Rise of Sivagami canon, Crossovers. 
Character/Pairing/Relationship: Vikramadeva  / Mama Baahu
Fic or Art: fic
Prompt: Generation 1 — how Vikramadeva met Mama Baahu, snippets from their relationship as much as the writer likes. In canon universe.
Requested By: queenofmahishmati
Do Not Want: Modern AU
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ambidextrousarcher · 5 years
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For @avani008.
Filling the request for the Baahubali Alphabet Challenge- D for Devasena, romantic relationship: Amarendra/Devasena- Words left unsaid.
Accompanying fic to the edit- 
In the 25 years of hell that Bhalla had visited on Devasena, everyone said that she remained strong, unshaken. Devasena alone knew how much she had shaken, still shook. Yes, she had never lost hope that Mahendra would come back, that she would get her justice. But she had to work hard to keep a hold on her sanity.
Baahu had helped her then. Even though he wasn't physically present, she tried to keep him alive her spirit, her heart. However hard she tried, her memories of her Baahu, her Veera were turning slippery, elusive, losing themselves day by day.
Until then. Kattappa Maama's voice weaved their story in words and the memories came rushing back to Devasena. Baahu's inept acting, his steadfast courage at the first sign of adversity. Him holding her hands for the first time. Going together to Mahishmati. The Queen Mother's anger. Baahu staying by her side inspite of his mother's ire.
Maama kept speaking, and, unbidden, the montage of their marriage came to the forefront of Devasena's mind. Baahu staring into her eyes, the love he held for her clearly reflected on his face. Had they ever said "I love you" to each other? Devasena did not remember. But she did remember entwining her fingers in his, thinking 'I am his and he is mine'.
The memories kept coming. Baahu's silent grief at his family's continued rebuffs, grief that he always smothered with a smile, but was apparent to her nonetheless. The Queen Mother's simmering anger. The incident at the temple. Baahu alone believing in her innocence. Her own harsh and thoughtless words. The exile.
Baahu was not a man of many words, but they hardly needed any to understand each other. She could read the forlorn, lost expression on his face when he stared at the edifice of the palace, where his mother was. She had offered her silent sympathy and comfort, and, for him, that was enough.
She remembered the joy on his when he'd finally felt Mahendra moving, the exultant music he had played. The evenings spent in the sun's shadows. The last, silent goodbye kiss on her forehead. She remembered her Veera, her husband. Amarendra Baahubali.
Without her realizing, Devasena's eyes had closed. She opened them, and, for a moment, she saw her husband. The light shifted then, and Baahu's ghost became Mahendra once more.
Devasena smiled nonetheless. She had her husband where he belonged. In her heart, in her soul. She had her memories back, their words, both said and unsaid. She could begin healing now.
Also available on the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18785452/chapters/44730481
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ambidextrousarcher · 5 years
Celebrating 100 followers- Baahubali edition
Heya there, lovely peeps! As of this moment, my blog has 100 followers! (A few of them, I suspect, are pornbots, but still). In the joy of having 100 followers, I’m taking up a Baahubali Alphabet fic challenge. So, the rules of the challenge are as such:
1. Any character/relationship from Baahubali is fair game, but if you are prompting one romantic relationship for a character, a platonic relationship prompt is compulsory.
2. I’ll take five characters per alphabet. I’d prefer that there are girls as well as guys there.
3. Please specify if you want a fic, or an edit, or if you don’t mind I do both.
For example, here’s an example prompt- A for Amarendra. Romantic relationship- Amarendra/Devasena, for the prompt “soulmates”; Platonic relationship- Amarendra/Kattappa, for the prompt “the father I never had”. I would like a fic for the first prompt and an edit for the second.
Mention that it is a part of the Alphabet fic challenge, I’ll update once any letters are taken.
@carminavulcana, this is my try at being a writer for the Baahubali universe. :)
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ambidextrousarcher · 5 years
Celebrating 100 followers!
Heya there, lovely peeps! As of this moment, my blog has 100 followers! (A few of them, I suspect, are pornbots, but still). In the joy of having 100 followers, I’m taking up a Mythology Alphabet fic challenge. So, the rules of the challenge are as such:
1. Any character/relationship from the Mahabharata is fair game, but if you are prompting one romantic relationship for a character, a platonic relationship prompt is compulsory.
2. I’ll take five characters per alphabet. I’d prefer that there are girls as well as guys there.
3. Please specify if you want a fic, or an edit, or if you don’t mind I do both.
For example say: A for Arjuna- Arjuna/Subhadra for the prompt “love of my life”. That’s the romantic relationship prompt done. But if you want me to answer your prompt as a part of this challenge, include a platonic relationship as well.
A complete prompt example is this: A for Arjuna for the Mythology alphabet fic challenge. Romantic relationship: Arjuna/Subhadra, for the prompt “love of my life”. Platonic relationship: Arjuna & Abhimanyu, for the prompt “legacy”. I’d like a fic as well as an edit.
I feel that platonic relationships are very underrated in the Mahabharata fandom, that’s why I made this rule. Credit to @avani008 for the Mythology fic challenge idea.  Also, @mayavanavihariniharini, you asked to be tagged when I did a mytho fic challenge, so here you go!
For buddies in other fandoms, I am also doing this challenge for ASOIAF as well as Baahubali.
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avani008 · 7 years
Tumblr-Exclusive Fic Index
Hitopadesa, 6 years later
Hitopadesa, 1 year later
Snippets from the future of “Amukha” and “Nidhana”
Amarendra and Devasena watching a teenage Mahendra flirt (badly)
Nidhana! Mahendra’s first steps
Four years before and eighteen years after Nidhana
A reformed Bhalla reflects in the future of a Nidhana AU
Sivagami POV, after the end of Chapter 2 of Nidhana
Two more things that never happened to Amarendra Baahubali
Dhivara, one year later
Nidhana-verse, four years before Chapter 1
Nidhana-verse, Bhalla, two years before Chapter 1
Nimaya, one year later
Kathaavali, Chapter 14, the darkest future
Kathaavali, Chapter 14, the brightest future
Vilomita, Amarendra/Devasena courtship x 2
Vilomita, Amarendra/Devasena happily ever after x 4
Bidaai, one month later
Amarendra/Devasena in Marsa
Five Times Amarendra Tried to Kiss Devasena in the Nidhana Verse
Five Things Amarendra Never Told His Mother
Five Things Avantika Wished She Could Be
Five Times Nidhana-verse Mahendra Sneaks Away
Five Decision Sivagami Regrets
Five Things We Never Learned About Bhallaladeva
Fic and Graphic, Grandmama Baahu backstory
Sumitra, Poetry Fic Meme
Devasena, Poetry Fic Meme
Amarendra, Poetry Fic Meme
Kumar Varma, Poetry Fic Meme
Bhallaladeva, Poetry Fic Meme
Sivagami, Poetry Fic Meme
Sivagami and Baahu Canon Divergence AU
Sivagami & (Grand)mama Baahu Drabble x 2
Amarendra/Devasena, Mamihlapinatapei
Devasena & Sivagami, Strikhedonia
Sivagami & Mama Baahu, Capernoited
Five Things About Varuni (Nidhana-verse)
Shakti & Mahendra, Vanmost, (Asi-Verse)
Bhalla, Storms
Mama and Papa Deva, Latibule
Devasena & Jayasena, reunion in the rebel camp
Devasena, Five Kisses That Never Were
Sivvu, Five Things She Learned
Five Things Kattappa Left Out of His Story
Amarendra/Devasena, Happiness
Sivagami & Bhalla, Gamble
Gopu & Mahendra, post-Nidhana
Bhalla, Nimaya-verse drabbles x 4
Three Promises Devasena Broke and One She Did Not
Three Ornaments Mama Deva Valued, And One Weapon She Had
Three Ways Sumitra Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Lives Sivagami Saved, and One She Destroyed
Three Letters Grandmama Baahu Sent, and One She Never Did
Three Names Mama Baahu Considered Giving Her Children, and One She DId
Three Ornaments Devasena Valued, and One Weapon She Mastered
Three Ways Sivagami Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Ways Avantika Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Promises Sivagami Broke, and One She Kept
Three Secrets Sivagami Kept, and One She Revealed
Three Conversations Sivagami and Devasena Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Stayed Silent
Three Times Baahu and Bhalla Laughed Together and Once They Wept
Baahubali/Devasena, missing scene discussing the three-arrow trick
Multiple 3+1 fills, Devasena
Multiple 3+1 fills, Mama Baahu
Multiple 3+1 fills, Mama Deva
Mama Deva, Fairy Tale Fusion
Mama Baahu, Fairy Tale Fusion
Devasena, Fairy Tale Fusion
Fic and Graphic: Amarendra/Devasena, Remington Steele fusion 
Fic and Graphic, Devasena, modern AU/Abhinav prequel
One Sentence Fic Index Post - various fics, often AU, for most of the main characters (Now expanded to include non-BB fics/characters, too!)
Headcanon Meme - Not an official fic, but collections of head canons each on various characters, mostly in the Baahubali Universe.
* Also check out the Pongal Prompt-a-thon Index Post, which lists even more of my Tumblr-only fic, as well as the amazing things my friends wrote which should not be missed!
Brooklyn 99
Ensemble, 10 sentence fic meme
Jodhaa Akbar
Bakshi Banu Begum, 10 sentence fic meme
5 Times Jalal and Adham were Brothers, and One Times They Were Not
Graphic: Movie Star AU: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Five Things That Never Happened to Ataga Khan
Bakshi & Jalal & Adham, childhood
Five People Bakshi Banu Begum Never Loved
10 Sentences, Jalal, Jodhaa, and Sujamal
Jaidev/Jalal  x2   x3   x4   x5  x6   x7  x8   x9  
Bakshi & Sujamal, Hogwarts AU
Sujamal & Bharmal, Oneirataxia 
Salima & Neelakshi, Psithurism
Bakshi/Sujamal, Post-Canon AU
Five Gifts Jalal Gave Jodhaa
Three Promises Hamida Broke and One She Did Not
Five People Who Taught Bakshi Banu Begum Something
Three Places Rani Padmavati Wanted To Visit, and One She Did
Jalal and Jodhaa, the swordfight scene
Salima, backstory
Jodhaa, just pre-Azeem-O-Shaan-Shahenshah
Fic and Graphic, History AU, Akbar and Elizabeth Tudor Form an Alliance
Arjuna, Poetry Fic Meme
Subhadra & Draupadi
Kunti & Others
Brihannala & Uttara
Five Scars on Draupadi’s Body
The Mythology Alphabet Fic Challenge Index Post
Bhanumati, Amorevolous
Devaki/Vasudev, Tenderness
Uttar & Uttara, pre-Kurukshetra
Five Things We Never Learned About Sudheshna
Savitri: Five Sentences
Lakshmanaa: Five Sentences
Devaki/Vasudev, Trembling Hands
Rukmini & Draupadi, Friendship
Balarama and Krishna, Good Cop/Bad Cop
Five Things the Pandavas Took With Them Into Exile
Sudeshna & Her Children, Happiness
Bhishmuka & Krishna
Rukmini & Her Mother
Five People Who Visited Bhishma
Five Kisses That Never Were- Karna/ His Wife
Krishna/ Rukmini
Krishna/Rukmini, Celeberrimous
Krishna & Balarama
Five Times Draupadi Trusted Yudhisthira
Flower Meme, Multiple Couples
Three Things Draupadi Learned From Her Mother, and One She Taught Her Children
Three Secrets Kunti Kept, and One She Revealed
Five Times Arjuna Surprised Subhadra
Parikshit’s Favorite Family Member
Three Lives Kunti Destroyed, and One She Created
Three Gifts Radha Gave, and One She Received
Three Letters Rukmini Never Wrote, and One She Did
Three Names Draupadi Wanted to Give Her Children and One She Did
Three Ways Draupadi Did Not Die and One Life She Never Lived
Three Promises Bhanumati Broke and One She Kept
Three Conversations Krishna and Arjuna Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Stayed Silent
Three Ways Karna and Arjuna Never Met and One Way They Parted
Three Times Arjuna and Draupadi Dreamed of Each Other, and Wish They Made
Three Conversations Draupadi and Krishna Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Remained Silent
Devaki and Ugrasena, after their release from prison
Vaivasvati (Savitri & her siblings, gen)
Miscellaneous Movies
Om Shanti Om: Shanti, Five Sentences
K3G: Pooja, Five Sentences
Sholay, Radha, Pillar
Sholay, Basanti, Unclaimed
Untitled and unfinished Padmavati & Mehrunissa fic
Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa, cultural differences
Untitled Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa & Nagmati follow-up 
Untitled Nagmati & Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa follow-up
Another Padmavati & / Mehrunissa followup, after the Compass Rose entry (see link below)
Canon-verse, Soulmark AU
Mehrunissa and Malik Kafur
Five Names Mehrunissa’s mother could have had
Five People who Noticed Padmavati/Mehrunissa Before They Did
Padmavati/Mehrunissa, Hunger Games AU
Padmavati/Mehrunissa, Mahabharata fusion
Pride and Prejudice
The Bennet girls turn into their parents as they age—but not as they expect
Five Sentences: Urmila
Sita and Her Sisters, Nightfall (Now with beautiful art by @allegoriesinmediasres)
Rama and His Brothers, Accost
Sita & Rambha
Five Scars Sita Has
Five People Who Taught Lakshmana Something
Kala & Indrajit
Indrajit & Sita
Lakshmana & Angad
Angad & Ruma
Three Ornaments Sita Valued, and One Weapon She Mastered
Kaushalya & Dasharata & Kaikeyi & Sumitra, Soulmark AU
Kaikeyi and Sita’s exile
Star Wars
Han/Leia, epistolary 
Five Times Rey Felt Lonely
Rose & Rey, TLJ AU
Multiple Fandoms
Five Headcanons About an AU Index
Platonic Relationship Headcanons Meme Index
An Alphabet of Legendary Ladies
Four Seasons Meme Index
Compass Rose Index
Mythological Character Headcanon Meme Index
3+1 Fics Index 
Trading Places Meme Index
Six Squared Meme Index
Another, Multi-Fandom Headcanon Meme
Baahubali/Jodhaa Akbar Crack Crossover
Baahubali/Hogwarts Crossover, McGonagall and Sivagami  x2
Fake Movie Meme Index Post
Shakespeare, South Indian Style: x1  x2
Racebent Arthuriana: x1  x2     x3
Devil’s Cub by Georgette Heyer
Women of the Ramayan x1  x2   x3
Baahubali Photosets   x1     x2    x3  
Fancasting Meme: Mary Rose Tudor Bala and Ambika Baahubali
Star Wars: The (Racebent) Skywalker Family
Female! Krishna AU
Ramayana Cafe AU
bhaginī       x2
Vaidharbi    Kaushalya     Kashi-yatra
The House of Panchal, daemon AU
Kishkindha Royal Family, Harry Potter AU
Sita, Urmila, Ruma, Mandodari, daemon AU
Lanka Royal Family, Harry Potter AU
Harry Potter AU:      Abhimanyu & Pradhyumna     Arjuna        Subhadra 
                                 Mohini            Krishna              Rukmini      Panchal Siblings
Draupadi (& Arjuna), after the war
Rukmini/Krishna, the shadow of her beloved
Rukmini/Krishna, Bollywood AU
Devaki/Vasudev, half sick of shadows
Sarama, Katiya Karun
Yudhisthira/Draupadi, the rubble or our sins?
Shakuntala & Pramadvara
Female! Pandavas
Urmila & Nidra Devi, Soulmark AU
Jodhaa Akbar, Daemon AU
Bhanumati, Soulmark AU
Subhadra, Soulmark AU
Satyabhama, Soulmark AU
Golden Girls AU, Soulmark AU
Jodhaa Akbar,  Jodhaa & Jalal Soulmark AU      
The Mothers of “Jodhaa Akbar”, Soulmark AU
Savitri, Daemon AU
Rama/Sita, Space AU
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