wild-springflower · 6 years
My super late B99 Secret Santa Gift!! XD
@startofamoment As promised! Sorry it’s so late!! 
His alarm awoke him early, as planned, and Jake was quick to shut it off so it wouldn’t disturb his sleeping wife. God, it’d been six months and he still couldn’t get over how happy one word could make him.
Jake rolled over slowly, wanting to get a good look at Amy sleeping before he ventured off to their kitchen, but upon facing the other side of the bed Jake’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Amy wasn’t there. Not a huge deal, she was probably just using the bathroom, she drank so much water during the day she usually had to pee at least once during the night. He’d just have to wait for her to get back and then fall asleep once again; it’d set his schedule back a little, but he could make it work.
Except ten minutes came and went and Amy still hadn’t returned. No way she was taking that long the bathroom, something else was up.
Curiosity getting the better of him, Jake rolled out of bed and padded into their apartment. At first nothing seemed weird or out of place, then a whispered curse fluttered down the hallway from the direction of the kitchen. Curiosity piqued even further Jake decided to do a little sleuthing before he revealed he was awake.
The kitchen was separated from the rest of the apartment by a half-wall, so Jake had to sneak in a crouch to remain unseen.
“Shit!” He heard his wife hiss, frustration clear in her tone. “What the hell!”
The room lapsed into silence once more before Jake heard the rustle of paper and the tell-tale huff of an Amy who was valiantly denying defeat.
Finally, curiosity got the better of him and Jake stood to survey the mess that was their kitchen. Several large bowls were scattered about their counter space, each one filled with what appeared to be a batter of some sort. The floor was coated in a layer of flower, and over in the corner heir waffle maker sat, patiently waiting with its little light blinking to signify that it was fully heated up.
“Uh, what’cha doin’ Ames?” Jake questioned with an amused smile.
Amy jumped, whirling to face him immediately with fire in her eyes. “Jacob Santiago what are you doing up this early?”
Jake placed his hands on his hips and took on the same commanding tone his wife had use, “Amy Peralta I could ask you the same question!”
But instead of continuing their banter as was usual Amy’s shoulders deflated and she set her piece of paper down with an annoyed sigh. “I was trying to make waffles the way you like them to surprise you with breakfast, but I can’t get the batter right.”
Jake couldn’t help but chuckle, although the intention behind his humor was obviously misinterpreted because all of a sudden the entire focus of Amy’s frustrated rage had turned on him. Quickly raising his hands in a placating gesture Jake smiled, “I wasn’t laughing at your inability to cook a basic breakfast item, promise. I’m just amused because I woke up this early to make you breakfast.”
“Oh.” Amy blinked before rolling her eyes with a smile, “Well then, get your sexy butt in here and help me with this batter.”
Jake beamed, “She thinks my butt’s sexy.” He half whispered, before dashing excitedly into the kitchen. “Seriously though, it looks like the Pillsbury doughboy was hit with an atomic bomb, what happened in here?”
“I told you, I was trying to make your waffles, but this stupid recipe must be wrong or something because no matter what I tried they wouldn’t turn out!”
“Where’d you get a recipe?”
Amy paused, looking sheepish, “Uuuuuh, your mom’s basement?”
There was a moment of silence before Jake burst out laughing, “Well that would be why they don’t taste right! We haven’t used that recipe in years, the batter’s been changed so many times since that!”
“Then why have a recipe at all!” Amy demanded, cheeks burning in embarrassed rage. “Or copy down the new recipe or something, I’ve been at this for almost two hours.”
“Yeah I can tell.”
Amy dropped the useless piece of paper with a roll of her eyes, “Well, would you like to make your waffles then since there is no recipe for me to follow?”
“I will get an updated recipe for you, and yes, I can make the waffles.”
“I just feel bad,” Amy said with a pout, “I wanted to make you breakfast.”
“You can chop up the fruit.”
“Jake, we don’t have any fruit.”
Jake grinned, the little sideways smirk that Amy used to hate but had grown to love, the one he only wore when he knew something she didn’t. “What, there’s no fruit in the fridge!”
“That’s what you think, I hid it in the one place I knew you’d never look!”
Amy thought for a moment before her eyes brightened, “The take-out bag!”
Jake just laughed, “I knew if I put a bag from Wok on 9th you’d never go anywhere near it!”
“That’s because that place has gotten three C ratings from the health inspectors in a row.”
“Yeah but the food is so good.”
Amy shuddered, “I don’t know how you can stand it, but that was good thinking of you, I never would have gone in that bag.”
Jake smiled, pleased with the praise, “I know.”
The kitchen lapsed into silence as the couple got to work on their own separate jobs, Jake mixing a new batch of waffle batter and Amy washing and cutting all the various types of fruit that Jake had bought for their breakfast, all of them her favorites. He’d tried arguing with her that you couldn’t have more than one favorite of something, but Amy said there was no way to distinguish a favorite fruit because they were all so variously different in taste and texture, but they all contained their own specific health benefits as well. So, she had multiple favorite fruits. And vegetables.
Jake poured the batter onto the waffle maker while Amy mixed up a lovely fruit salad, and sure her part of breakfast didn’t require any cooking, but it’s not like Jake was some expert either. The only reason he knew how to make waffles in the first place was because they were a Peralta specialty and his mom would have killed him if he couldn’t pass the tradition on.
Amy glanced at her husband, pulling the real maple syrup from the fridge she’d bought just for this occasion. Jake was humming softly to himself but seemed to sense her eyes on him and stopped to look her direction. They made eye contact for a moment before smiling, “I love you.” Amy said.
Jake’s grin grew wider, “I love you.” He responded.
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stupidlytender · 6 years
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hello @tacohead13! i was your b99 secret santa and i drew you a lil minimalist holt!!! i had fun talking to you over the past couple weeks, i hope you like it <3
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cherylsblossom · 6 years
ok i've decided we're best friends now!! i love ghost trick and man if i could go back in time just to replay it without knowing the surprise twist, i 100% would. i don't know if any other reveal has been more satisfying to me. back to pw/aa - yeah, it's been forever since i last played the games... but i want to say that t&t really stood out, especially with the dahlia hawthorne case and godot's storyline. i have played the 3ds games, but have yet to finish the layton crossover! man i miss pw.
ajshfskfhsk i cannot believe you’ve played ghost trick, literally the only person i know who has even heard of it is my brother (and that’s only bc i introduced him to it)
god i was just thinking the other day about how ghost trick is that one game i wish i could experience for the first time again........it’s such an underrated game
i absolutely love twists in media that you just don’t see coming at all but are super satisfying like ghost trick........for me i much prefer being surprised by a twist than trying to figure it out early. those ‘......ohhhhh’ moments when a twist gets revealed are the best
t&t was a really great closer to the series tbh, especially that last case with dahlia, there were so many good twists. i keep meaning to replay it but it’s just such a long case lmao 
i really liked the layton crossover! i’ve played all the layton games though so it was great from both perspectives, i know some people who had only played one of the franchises thought it was a bit weird
it’s a shame that ghost trick came out like 9 years ago so there’s no real chance of any new material for it, bc i think a ghost trick and pwaa crossover would’ve been amazing. the game mechanics would’ve gone so well together
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startofamoment · 6 years
Woah merry Christmas!! I hope you're having a wonderful day!! It's been a busy couple for me, and idk for sure when I'll have time to write something for you but I'm totally gonna! I was thinking domestic Jake and Amy, is there anything you'd like to see or should I just surprise you? For real, I hope you have the most splendid day!!! -b99ss 😁
Merry Christmas, friend!! I hope your holidays have been busy and fun in a good way! Mine have been pretty rough to be honest, but I’m trying to focus on the positives! ☺️
And aaaaaaa domestic Jake and Amy sounds wonderful! I do love the idea of them cooking breakfast/dinner together (and somehow managing not to burn anything), but I’d love whatever you come up with! 💕
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wild-springflower · 6 years
Woah I'm late as usual!
Hello! @startofamoment I was your secret Santa for b99! I have a small fic in the works but because of who I am as a person it isn't quite done yet. I promise to have it up by the 3rd at the latest and I will tag you in it!! It's a cute domestic peraltiago with them not burning down the kitchen!!
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stupidlytender · 6 years
HELLLOOO! I’m your secret Santa and I’ve made you a little gift but it won’t let me tag you 🙁 I’ve had a great time talking to you this month ❤️❤️
HEYYYYY! i love it sm omg!!! happy new year you legend!!!!!
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stupidlytender · 6 years
B99 Secret Santa - That’s so cool though that even a hint of the B99 format inspired you to start watching! There are a few intros that I never skip and b99 is one of them! I hope you had a great Christmas!What did you do on the day? Getting all ready to reveal your gift on the 31st (and who I am as well)!!! Exciting times 🎉
yesssss we Never skip the intro! i was in copenhagen for christmas and i had an amazing day! i went on a canal tour and then cooked dinner with my family! i hope you had a lovely day too! im so hype aaaaaa! i’ve loved talking to you, you legend
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cherylsblossom · 6 years
This isn't B99 related, but I saw you're also into PW/AA which is cool bc I am too!!! I haven't played in years and am not active in the tumblr fandom, but I love it so much. Which is your favorite game in the series (if you have one), and who's your favorite character? - b99ss
ajshfksfhsk you’re really asking about one of my most niche interests here lmao i really could go on about those games all day bc i know literally nobody else who has played them 
i played the original trilogy when i was ten and then i’ve replayed it so many times over the years since then lmao it’s my go to video game when i don’t know what to play
i think my favourite game is a tie between the first one (bc it’s the only one that doesn’t have a  single bad case and it’s just such a good game) and the fourth one (an unpopular opinion but i loved all the new characters from that game like trucy and apollo so much)
favourite character is tough lmao i have so many that i love
do you have a favourite game in the series? have you played the 3ds ones? i really wasn’t a fan of the fifth game at all but there were parts of six that i really liked, even if i’ll always prefer the original ds games
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cherylsblossom · 6 years
Welp on having to do work over the holidays, but yay for at least having some time to chill! What have you been binge watching lately? I’ve mostly been watching a random mix of Nailed It, Patriot Act, TGP, and B99. And most recently I’ve been playing Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! on the Switch! How did the gift swap with your best friend go? I hope she liked your present!!! - b99ss
the gift exchange went great lmao we all know each other very well so we all found really good presents
oh lmao i need to get back to my b99 rewatch, i’m on s3 so i’m hoping they add s5 to netflix soon so i can rewatch it. i’ve been watching a lot of random pbs documentaries about castles and old houses in england lmao. i also binge watched the first four seasons of the originals over the summer, so i really need to motivate myself to watch the last season (i keep putting it off bc i’ve seen spoilers and i don’t want to watch my favourite character die lmao)
i tragically don’t have a switch yet but i’m midway through pokemon ultra moon on my 3ds so i really want to finish that over the holidays too
i hope you’ve had a good week and that you have some nice plans for over the weekend!
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stupidlytender · 6 years
Hi your b99 secret Santa here!! ☃️🎄 I just realised we’re from the same country so THAT’S AWESOME 😂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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stupidlytender · 6 years
Secret Santa ☃️ Honestly she carried the episode so well I LOVE Janet 😂 what are some of your other ships from tv or movies? What are some of your favourite quotes in life and from B99? I’m planning a little fun Rosa themed surprise for your end of month present 😊
i kNOW RIGHT? LIKE WHERE IS HER EMMY?? im a such sucker for eleanor x tahani and jake x amy. and honestly like anything with wlw? im so here for it. everything from brooklyn 99 is so quotable dfgdsfgdsg but my favourite quote of all time is probably that van gogh one that starts “if i am worth anything later, i am worth something now.” oooooo i cant wait!!!
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cherylsblossom · 6 years
Oops sorry I disappeared for a bit there, life's been crazy on my end (but is finally starting to calm down, thank goodness)! I'm the same - I love love love the mutual pining in the second half of S2. Their little Moment during the Boyle-Linetti wedding is up there for me among my favorite Jake/Amy scenes for sure. 💕 I saw you like to write fic for other fandoms! Do you like to read B99 fic as well? What type (genre?) of fic is your fave?
it’s cool, i’ve been super busy this week too lmao (i have a million things to do so i really should get off tumblr and do them lmao)
i’ve read some b99 fic that was really good but i haven’t read any in a while, i should check the ao3 tag now that we have that promo for s6 (if you have any favourite fics i’m open to recs)
i think the last b99 fic i read was an s2 au where amy needed jake to be her fake date for a family wedding and then they ended up getting together, i love any variation of that trope, and also i love found family in general as one of my favourite media tropes (which is probably why i love b99 so much)
tbh i think one of my favourite fic genres to read is hurt/comfort, i love angst but it has to end happily. there’s nothing i love more than angst with a happy ending
asfhsjfs yeah i write fic occasionally but it tends to be for my more niche fandoms lmao i haven’t written anything for b99 yet but maybe i will if i ever have a good idea 
i hope you’re having a good week! i’m going home for the holidays on friday so i’m very excited for that, i just have to get through two more days of uni first
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cherylsblossom · 6 years
B99 Secret Santa here! Your dissertation sounds super cool and relevant! It's awesome that your uni lets you work on a project you're so passionate about!!! I guess I'll throw out a B99 related question this time: what's your favorite Jake/Amy moment from the show and why?
yeah i’m lucky that my uni makes a big deal of wanting to make our courses up to date and study contemporary stuff bc i know a lot of other literature courses wouldn’t have let me do anything like this for my dissertation
oh there are so many jake/amy moments that it’s hard to pick just one lmao
honourable mention to the proposal bc it was amazing and gets better every time i watch it. they’re such a good and healthy couple, it’s been such a joy watching them develop on the show
not really a specific moment, but i did really love the period in the second half of s2 where they both knew they had feelings for each other but they were still sort of pining........i love mutual pining so much. in general i just love how there was never really any doubt that jake and amy were going to get together eventually, so there was no ‘will they, won’t they’ stress, the fun was just in the journey of how they got together
also very early s3 was great too, especially jake’s speech at the funeral about wanting to be with amy even if it meant getting demoted (don’t know if you watched parks and rec but it reminded me of ben losing his job to protect leslie and being like ‘yeah it was worth it, i love her’ - i love ben/leslie a lot too lmao)
do you have a particular favourite jake/amy moment? 
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cherylsblossom · 6 years
Yay for writing part of your dissertation over the weekend! What are you studying? ☺️ - b99ss
i’m studying english literature & creative writing as a joint honours degree. my dissertation is about wlw characters in young adult fiction, which is something i’m pretty passionate about
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cherylsblossom · 6 years
hi friend!!!!! this is your b99 secret santa just dropping in to say hello ❄️✨☃️
i hope you’re having a nice weekend, i’ve spent mine writing part of my dissertation but that’s done now so i can finally relax
(also, i have several different secret santas so if you want to sign off as -b99 or something that would be wonderful)
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startofamoment · 6 years
One of my friends traveled to Japan!! Super jealous!! I'm really just excited to spend more time loving and getting to know my girlfriend! (I'd tell you who she was but that'd give away my identity!) Well merry Christmas and happy new year! Early but, whateves. And why do you need an excuse to eat chocolate? Chocolate is wonderful!!! So question, would you like anything as a gift as this month winds down? I'm a piss poor artist but I can write? Idk, if not that's fine too! XO -B99ss
Aw, that’s so precious!! I hope you and your girlfriend have a wonderful holiday! (Also, you are absolutely right, who needs an excuse to eat chocolate? That’s an every day of the year kind of treat, mhm.) 
And aaaah! I’d appreciate anything, really! Whatever you have the time and energy for! ☺️ I’m always a sucker for fluffy fic - basically anything other than angst! 
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