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blakereeve · 3 years ago
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Blake tem uma relação estranha com o cigarro. O único momento em que o põe na boca é na hora de suas invenções no porão de sua casa. Ele diz que a nicotina põe seus neurônios para funcionar.
Como alguém que cresceu em meio a sociedade machista de Illéa, Blake não é tão diferente. Como parte de seus defeitos, Blake tem alguns conceitos machistas.
A desigualdade social também impactou na personalidade do rapaz. Como alguém da casta 7, Blake sente na pele o preconceito e as dificuldades de se viver de forma tão pobre. Isso impactou profundamente a sua visão política. Para Blake, o sistema de castas é altamente vantajoso para as elites como uma forma de manter a população ignorante, e de tirar dela uma forma de se rebelarem. Isso faz com que Blake não seja simpatizante da família real.
Blake sempre foi completamente apaixonado por livros, e dessa paixão nasceu outra: a engenharia. Por muito tempo, Reeve usava a sua inteligência como mecânico para mostrar suas invenções a garotas e assim conseguir conquistá-las mais facilmente. Isso era motivo de indignação de sua mãe, que dizia que ele “já teria subido de casta se pensasse mais com a cabeça de cima e não com a cabeça de baixo.”
Blake chama o Príncipe de Illéa “carinhosamente” de Encantado.
Reeve acredita piamente que a tecnologia é uma forma de melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Por isso, algumas de suas invenções que custariam uma pequena fortuna são vendidas a famílias pobres por um preço bem menor.
Como alguém que se opõe a família real, Blake costuma dizer que adoraria levar o Príncipe para um passeio onde cresceu. Ele costuma dizer que talvez assim a monarquia se chocasse com a realidade das pessoas, e que talvez assim fizessem algo para melhorar a vida da população.
Blake fabricou, com um punhado de sucata velha, um pequeno robô chamado Rato que costuma ajudá-lo com tarefas simples durante os seus inventos.
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jinxviolets · 4 years ago
i just realized i’m Real Behind on tag games lol so here we go, tagged by @snyderzack (ty szabina 💛💛) to answer some q’s!!
nickname: baz is a nickname, actually 😊 no nicknames for the nickname lol
pronouns: she/they
star sign: leo
height: just under 5′5″ (but don’t tell anybody, i always just say 5′5″)
time currently: 10:42pm
birthday: august 7th
favorite groups/bands: paramore, marianas trench, the sweeplings, the nor’easters, walk the moon, probs more but i’m forgetting everyone
favorite solo artist: dodie, lauren aquilina, porter robinson, hayley williams, orla gartland, i listen to so much music don’t make me choose
song stuck in my head: “get to know you” by logan smith
last movie you watched: bad moms christmas but i couldn’t finish it bc it was too cringe lmao (bad moms was ok tho)
last show you binged: i actually... couldn’t tell you. i do not remember
when you created your blog: this one started out as a RP blog back in like 2013 lmao but my original blog was made in 2011
last thing i googled: “red tailed hawk” bc i was working on a copyediting assignment lmao
other blogs: @elliewillaims (dark), @chekov (pale), @gotaskyful (aesthetic), @klgharrah (writing)
why i chose my url: tfatws was coming out & i wanted a marvel url! also someone is letting @/wintersoldier ROT somewhere saved and i am UPSET
do you get asks: not a whole lot of like, curious ones, but i have lots of lovely friends who will send them for ask games & such 💖
how many people you are following: 300!
average hours of sleep: it should be like 7 but my body is like NO KEEP SLEEPING so more like 10
lucky number: 7 (i realize i’m basic as hell but don’t @ me)
instruments: my voice is really the only thing i can ~actually control loool but i have a VERY MINOR passing knowledge of piano. 
wearing: miss saigon (the musical) t-shirt & leggings ayooo
dream job: in-house editor for a publishing company tbh!!! i want to edit queer books! but DREAM dream job is some kind of performer. let me sing & act for money plEASE i’m a LEO i need the VALIDATION
dream trip: p sure i said this last time but i REALLY want to see the castles across europe!! also, desperate to get to rome
favorite food: you really cannot make a person who loves eating the way i do choose a favorite food. uh. i’ma go with the one i eat the least and think about the most: churro toffee. that shit is SO good. i’ve had it once and i want it again SO BADLY
favorite song: again i can’t pick favoriteS so let’s just say the one most on repeat lately and that would be “in pieces” by joey contreras!
top 3 fictional worlds to live in: alright here we go: westworld (bc COOL ROBOTS), marvel (bc SUPERHEROES), harry potter (bc MAGIC)
tagging: @victoriaspedretti @djarsdin @zzizzigom @anthonyymackie @shadowsweavers @pascal-djarin <3
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lukeskywalkrearchive · 5 years ago
tagged by @gwendolinechristies and i am VERY excited so thank you!!
1. name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
jane villanueva (jane the virgin) - list-maker, obsessive, trusting, planner
chidi anagonye (the good place) - indecisive, overthinker, philosophical, anxious
luna lovegood (harry potter) - optimistic, bit “strange,” curious,  compassionate
steve rogers - loyal, honest, protective, observant
2. aesthetic
dad jokes that make people groan but laugh in spite of themselves, ball caps (usually backwards), disneyland in the off-season, novelty coffee mugs, getting emotional over dogs, crying as cleansing, cuffed jeans and t-shirts, rainy days, mechanical pencils, blasting music through open windows down the freeway at night
3. favorite musical/play? (If you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?)
dogfight will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart but i think it’s gotta be hadestown. that show destroyed me and i loved every second of it.
4. what is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
one of my friends has pointed out how loyal i am and it’s something i’m rarely ever told but it’s really nice to hear. there was also a time my friends and i were singing for and critiquing each other and someone told me my performance made it seem like musical theatre was my Genre, which made me Quite Happy since i’ve never actually done theater. (worth noting these were members of my a cappella group so like, not necessarily theater people lol)
5. how many times have you been in love?
6. embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
when i went to disneyland with choir in high school i was a lil boy crazy and i had seen some real cute guys around that day, and as we were leaving we walked past a cast member that made me pause a lil so i turned to my friends and was like “he’s kinda cute” and he said “thank you” and i lost it but i laugh about it often now
7. favorite disney/pixar movie?
hercules, i think!
8. favorite flower or plant?
cherry blossoms!
9. what’s your favorite holiday?
christmas!! those vibes... the cold... the pretty lights and warm drinks... Yes
10. name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
ant-man and the wasp, my cats being confused by our new bunny, my sister and i making the same pun at the same time
11. what song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
wow see this is tough because i... have WILDLY varying tastes. but maybe “wonder. wander.” by the arcadian wild? it’s a song that always makes my chest warm
12. name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
listening to my brother, my brother and me or petting my animals
13. what do you, did you, or would you study at college?
sociology with a concentration in culture & communication!
14. this is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
any shirt with my army green cuffed high-waisted jeans, white sneakers, denim jacket
15. what is a quote you live by?
it costs nothing to be kind
16. name the funniest playlist name you have.
oh god i don’t really have any funny ones uh
poppin’ (as in, the genre)
proper use of autotune
music other people would probably not be opposed to listening to
hot shit
17. make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
an entire farm’s worth of animal noises
18. what is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
take a deep breath. nothing is permanent.
19. who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
as of late probably my sister
20. what’s a secret dream of yours?
i want to live out and proud and take part in all the queer parts of the community somewhere i move to - away from my hometown. 
tagging: @stvnrgr @danieljradcliffe @chrishemswroth and of course anyone else who wants to say i tagged them! TAG boom done i tagged you. (but no pressure, of course!)
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blakereeve · 3 years ago
"i'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong."
Blake negou brevemente com a cabeça. Ela não havia entendido o que ele quis dizer, claramente. Ele deu um gole no copo de bebida e a pousou na mesa antes de olhar para ela.
"Olha" Começou a explicar "Não tem nada de bom em um sistema comandado por uma família. Monarquias são... um câncer. Pessoas não nascem para governar, elas se tornam governantes. Como confiar em uma família para cuidar dos pobres se eles nem sequer sabem como é ser pobre? Pra mim as monarquias não funcionam e ponto. Monarquias absolutistas não sabem o que o povo passa, e as parlamentaristas são a mesma coisa. A diferença é que ao invés de termos uma só família enchendo a porra do nosso saco, teríamos uma panelinha de imbecis. Sem falar que, bem, o monarca seria praticamente um enfeite."
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blakereeve · 3 years ago
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Como o crítico ao governo de Illéa que era, o padre Gerard Blumenthal deixou uma coleção de anotações de presente para a irmã com o intuito de fazer com que ela entendesse sobre a política nacional e, assim, pudesse doutriná-la a pensar do modo que ele mesmo pensava. As anotações de Gerard incluíam desde uma análise sobre o quão vantajoso o sistema de castas era para a nobreza, até o retrato de uma sociedade comandada por sua própria família.
Suas anotações e pensamento político foram altamente inspirados não apenas por suas leituras, mas também pelos livros proibidos que encontrou por acidente. Sendo de uma casta privilegiada, Gerard e os Blumenthal pouco sabiam sobre o que os pobres passavam. Elitistas que eram, eles na verdade tampouco se importavam. As doações aos mais pobres que a família fazia era muito mais para massagear seus próprios egos do que para de fato fazer o bem.
Assim sendo, a intenção dos Blumenthal nunca foi conseguir uma sociedade mais igualitária. A intenção da família era simples: Tomar o poder do país e instaurar um governo inteiramente manipulativo para com a população, de modo que fossem considerados heróis. Mais do que isso: O objetivo era que o país abdicasse de religiões e adotasse um culto à personalidade - estratégia adotada por países como a Coréia do Norte ou como os egípcios antigos para com seus faraós, por exemplo.
As anotações de Gerard Blumenthal, no entanto, tornaram-se muito mais do que uma visão moderna sobre a política de Illéa e o que havia por trás dela em sua opinião. Elas, com o tempo, passaram também a ser um guia sobre como construir uma sociedade ainda menos igualitária e autoritária, para manter o poder nas mãos da família a qualquer custo.
Elise Blumenthal, mãe biológica de Blake, ao saber que a cabeça de sua família estava a prêmio, escondeu todas as anotações do irmão em um baú embaixo do assoalho de casa. As anotações sobreviveram, protegidas do fogo que destruiu sua casa - embora isso não seja um fato conhecido. Todas as outras cópias das anotações foram destruídas.
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blakereeve · 3 years ago
Lavender: Describe your perfect day? / Specie: Are you a cat or dog person? / Tree of life: If you could go back in time and change something in your life, what would you change and why?
Lavender: O dia perfeito é um dia onde eu vou no ferro velho e consigo encontrar todas as peças que eu tô procurando. Não tem nada melhor.
Specie: Prefiro cachorros. Gosto do quão enérgicos eles são.
Tree of Life: A minha mãe trabalhava na casa de um pesquisador, e ele tinha toneladas de livros. Eu costumava ler alguns, ele mesmo incentivava isso em mim. Quando ele morreu, ele quis deixar todos eles pra mim. Mas eu tive medo. Alguns livros eu não deveria ter comigo, seria ilegal. Por isso, mantive só alguns comigo. Se eu pudesse voltar no tempo, eu teria aceitado todos os livros sem nem hesitar. Até hoje acho que devia ter livros um pouco chocantes naquela biblioteca que ele tinha em casa.
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blakereeve · 3 years ago
send 😡 for an anger headcanon
Quando está muito irritado ou magoado, Blake tende a direcionar seus sentimentos para os seus projetos de mecânica. Isso faz com que ele esqueça o que aconteceu durante algumas horas e esfrie a cabeça.
Mas se quem o irritou for algum desconhecido durante alguma festa, ele provavelmente teria os dentes quebrados.
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jinxviolets · 4 years ago
tagged by @binickmiller tysm mik!! 💛💛
rules: bold what applies to you
i’m an i-need-to-pull-the-driver-seat-all-the-way-in kind of person // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i wear makeup // i don’t smile often // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks (sometimes) // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i have met up with someone i met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am was involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i make up scenarios in my head to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat
i’m gonna tag some newer mutuals! @monicarmbeau @pokamons @dykejaskiers @wandamaximoffs @rambeaus @sunoficarus @wjntersoldjcr & anyone else who wants to do this! no pressure tho ♥
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jinxviolets · 4 years ago
i was tagged by @anakinskyiwalker to answer these teeny bits of info! thank you for tagging me ashlyn<3 
name: breeanna gender:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (she/they pronouns!) star sign: leo height: truly it’s like 5′4.75″ or something but i just claim 5′5″ hogwarts house: slytherin favorite animal: i love dogs w/all my heart but i think it’s gotta be big cats cats or dogs: dogs!! but i have 2 cats & love them dearly # blankets you sleep with: oh boy. i think like 5? i like to be cozy ok reasons for url: maeve millay is a badass bitch & i adore her current time: 4:20pm dream job: developmental editor for a big publisher!! or like... on broadway, if we’re talking money + training are no object 😂 when i made this blog: so fun fact i actually had this blog in 2013 as part of a potterverse RP blog group but then that fell off & when i remade my account i wanted to use this email so BOOM i made it for me in august 2020, but made it originally in 2013 lol
tagging: @stvnrgr @ayacash @rainbowrogers @emiliclarke @binickmiller & anyone else who wants to!! 
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jinxviolets · 4 years ago
tagged by @emiliclarke ! tysm 🥰🥰
rules: answer these questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated want to know better.
name/nickname: breeanna
gender: when janet from the good place says “not a girl” (she/they pronouns!)
star sign: leo!
height: 5′5″ if you’re being generous
time: 12:28am
birthday: august 7th
favorite bands: paramore, marianas trench, walk the moon, the sweeplings, pentatonix, but seriously my music taste is ALL over the place
favorite solo artists: hayley williams, janelle monae, dodie clark, sara bareilles, raleigh ritchie
song stuck in my head: “little miss perfect” by joriah kwame
last movie: home alone
last show: schitt’s creek!
when did i create this blog: if we’re talking as it is now, end of august 2020!
what do i post: mostly... tv and movies? with a dash of books and musicals, and a sprinkling of comics
last thing googled: “little miss perfect” because i couldn’t remember the artist’s name lol
other blogs: @elliewillaims is still a WIP dark blog but i have a few other color-themed sideblogs (and potentially a writeblr? we’ll see) i’m cooking up
do i get asks: sometimes!! mostly for ask games and mostly from my wonderful mutuals 🥰
why i chose my url: the mandalorian s2 finale had me in my din djarin feelings
following: 199
followers: 155
average hours of sleep: ~6-9 hours, depends on how responsible i’m being lol
lucky number: 7
instruments: i can play easy chords on piano! and sort of very slowly read music! but mostly i sing. my voice is my instrument 💅🏼😂
what am i wearing: pajamas & a HUGGLE which is like a super soft blanket shaped into a hoodie!
dream job: editor for a big publishing house!! we love a stable job & permanent position! (but outside of what i’m actually working toward, then being on broadway or a successful author w their ass in gear to actually finish projects would be amazing.)
dream trip: castles in europe!! my parents went on a trip to see the castles last year and i just.... what i would GIVE to see them in person. especially in the UK. lately i’ve been really wanting to explore scotland.
nationality: american
favorite song: this question is impossible but lately the song i haven’t been getting tired of is “divinity” by porter robinson
last book read: finished? oh god. i honestly don’t remember. lately i’ve been reading mostly like 10-20k fics when i do even read 😅
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: marvel, star trek, harry potter (i just want magic to be tangible and real SO BADLY)
i will tag: @seanpenn @maziken @richardmaden @newgenesis @startreklesbian @niinazenik + anyone who wants to! but no pressure 💛
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jinxviolets · 4 years ago
i was tagged by @benoitblanc​ to answer 50 questions! thank you!! love a good distraction lol
what is the color of your hairbrush? turquoise!
name a food you never eat. seafood! i am VERY picky with seafood. i pretty much only eat salmon when i eat fish.
are you typically too warm or too cold? usually too warm. it’s rough.
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? sitting in a zoom meeting (i’m still in it lmao)
what’s your favorite candy bar? i think three muskateers! although i feel like there’s another one and suddenly i can’t think of it omg
have you ever been to a professional sports game? i have! i went to one of the last NFL games when the chargers were still in san diego
what is the last thing you said out loud? “honestly, yeah”
what is your favorite ice cream? cake batter! i am a child
what was the last thing you had to drink? dirty chai
do you like your wallet? like it, yeah, but i don’t love it. i bought it to fit in a fanny pack and never got a better one lol
what is the last thing you ate? raspberry fig bars
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i ordered some stuff from the Coop for RTX @ home so actually yeah
what’s the last sporting event you watched? oh god. i have NO idea. i don’t watch any sports. my mom watches football though so i guess you could say i’ve “watched” 3 minutes of a football game
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? kettle corn
who is the last person you sent a text message to? one of my best friends
ever been camping? i have done a lot of camping actually! i was a girl scout for like 12 years so there were plenty of camping trips during that
do you take vitamins? nada. although every so often i eat a vitamin c gummy lol
do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope
do you have a tan? i don’t actually really tan - usually i just burn and freckle. but i sort of do, if you count the sad tan lines i have from the times i’ve been sunburned lately
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? ooooh... i actually don’t think i have a preference here, i don’t love either
do you drink your soda through a straw? not usually
what color socks do you usually wear? i have a lot of themed socks. game of thrones, marvel, disney... and wild colors... and some white ones. so there’s no real “usual” color 
do you ever drive above the speed limit? oh always oop, i’m a bit of a speed demon (but never more than 15 miles over on the freeway)
what terrifies you? heights, death, lizards
look to your left, what do you see? my recording setup, my other desk, my internet setup
what chore do you hate most? cleaning out the litter box
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? my first instinct was chris hemsworth but honestly it’s probably the show h2o: just add water, which was a staple in my childhood
what’s your favorite soda? dr. pepper
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? i always try to avoid going in when i can whoops
what’s your favorite number? 7, i am basic. love a good 9 too though
who’s the last person you talked to? my coworkers
favorite meat? steak? i think? love me some ribs though
last song you listened to? funny breathe carolina remix by zedd & jasmine thompson
last book you read? i last finished the adventure zone: petals to the metal graphic novel, but book book was fleabag: the scriptures.
favorite day of the week? saturday
can you say the alphabet backwards? i’m actually not sure lol
how do you like your coffee? cream & flavor syrup rather than sugar
favorite pair of shoes? i... don’t know that i have one
time you normally get up? THIS IS REAL EMBARRASSING because my sleep schedule is SO messed up. i tend to go to bed at 4 and get up at like 12:30. but lately i’ve been trying to adjust and sleep earlier and slowly transition to waking up at like 10
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets
how many blankets on your bed? four
describe your kitchen plates. we have 2 sets - white with ivy along the outside (which is ridged), and white with various shades of blue dots ringing around the outside
describe your kitchen at the moment. regular brown cabinets, black appliances, brown/black granite(?) countertops
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? love me a good mimosa, but also peach bellini is my jam
do you play cards? a little! my grandma comes over to play every week. we play golf or hand & foot.
what color is your car? gold/champagne
can you change a tire? i should be able to but probably not lmao
your favorite state or province? new york. it’s my absolute favorite place i’ve ever been.
favorite job you’ve had? beta reading my coworker’s novel
tagging? @stevebucks @danieljradcliffe @anakinskyiwalker @jonswon @florencerpughs 
feel free to ignore if you don’t want to or have already answered! ♥
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jinxviolets · 4 years ago
i was tagged by the wonderful @jostenminyrd (on my old blog but i’m doing it on this one whoops) thank you!! i am excited
rules: bold what applies, italicize what sometimes applies. repost, don’t reblog.
i. 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐀 . cold to the touch. flickering candles. cold breath upon your neck. billowing white gowns. midnight strolls. pearl trimmed bands. indulging in your deepest desires. the fall from grace. the fear of outsiders. bloodstained sheets. dark imaginations. something lurking in the shadows. the urge to run away. glowing eyes in the darkness. the scent of garlic. preying on the weak. the power to both bring and take life.
ii. 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘 . old bookshelves. kisses on the hand. a devotion to the finer things in life. prizing youth and beauty above all. paying the ultimate price. the pursuit of pleasure. blood red sins painted over in white snow. a drug-induced stupor. breaking the heart of the one you love. losing what’s left of your humanity.
iii. 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐈𝐍 . frantic sketches. the stench of something rotten. unorthodox beliefs. a scream from the woods. candles burning out. dangerous knowledge. contemplating existence. the crunch of leaves. the chill of winter in your bones. dark ambitions. prometheus reborn. the contrast between life and death.
iv. 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎 . false accusations. taking justice into your own hands. divine justice. elaborate schemes. playing upon others’ weaknesses. the solitude of the ocean. an ever-changing identity. dissatisfaction in your life. an alienation from humanity. escaping from prison.
i am not positive who to tag bc of the whole moving-blogs situation soOOo anyone who sees this and wants to, i tag you! feel free to cite me as your tagger so i can see your answers <3
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jinxviolets · 4 years ago
i added them to my about page but in case anybody missed it - i have themed (ish) sideblogs! if you’re into that sort of thing:
@elliewillaims is my dark blog!
@chekov is my pale blog!
@gotaskyfull is my aesthetic/photography blog!
@klgharrah is my writeblr!
you can also find links to these in my about & on my updates tab if you’re interested in them in the future, but i thought i’d mention them in a post too 💞
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jinxviolets · 4 years ago
tag game: get to know me
i was tagged by @buckyperalta thank you!!
name: breeanna pronouns: she/they height: 5’5″ birthday: august 7th favorite animal: big cats, i think! i just love them So Much favorite ice cream: cake batter! favorite fictional universe: hmmmm. realistically probably marvel lol average amount of sleep: anywhere between 6 and 10 hrs last song: winter has come by ramin djawadi last movie: someone great last book: boyfriend material by alexis hall last thing you searched: the witcher 3 story quests to see how many i had left and if i had the patience to finish them before i keep going in ac: valhalla lol cats or dogs: dogs! dream job: developmental editor for fiction! that’s the one i’m working towards, anyway. if money and training were no object, probably being on broadway, or in movies. i have a love of acting i’ve barely gotten to play with & i want to.
i’ll tag: @starcrossedstucky @ghostes @laststop @mazykeen @anakinskyiwalker @emiliclarke & anyone else who wants to!
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lukeskywalkrearchive · 5 years ago
thank you for tagging me @danieljradcliffe <333
rules: tag people you’d like to get to know better
last song i listened to: fools by the nor’easters
favourite colour(s): blue! (but i’m picky about my shades.)
last tv show i watched: brooklyn 99
favourite original character: like, of my own?? i only have a few fandom OCs but if we’re using those let’s go with annaleigh castillo, who i created in response to natasha romanoff being treated like a bike in the mcu and wanting to give her a partnership where she was appreciated. anna is a huge avengers fangirl, an honorably discharged soldier, and a barista. i love her. she’s a big nerd and also a badass. (she has a pinterest board, too.)
last film i watched: the half of it
sweet, spicy or savoury: sweet
sparkling water, tea or coffee: tea
pet: i have 2 cats, a dog, and a rabbit living in my house. my answer is yes.
i’m gonna tag... @rainbowrogers @buckleyrobin @folklroe and anyone else who feels like it! no pressure to do this, though, as always <3
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blakereeve · 3 years ago
send 🏡 for a home headcanon
Embora tenha crescido em um lar cheio de amor, também cresceu em um ambiente muito simples - como é de se esperar de alguém da casta 7. Entre seus nove e dez anos, a família Reeve passou por um momento bem complicado. O pai de Blake acabou por desenvolver a síndrome dos movimentos repetitivos devido ao excesso de trabalho - o que o impossibilitou de trabalhar durante um tempo. Isso fez com que os Reeve tivessem menos dinheiro para alimentação básica por exemplo, e foi uma fase onde passaram fome. A lesão de seu pai fez com que Reeve conseguisse seu primeiro emprego ao dez anos, ajudando sua mãe com as flores do jardim de uma família casta 3.
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