azusawrites · 2 years
7 n 13 for the non-usa ask!! would’ve said 8 but *gestures to unironic ‘all of (east) europe is the same’ dipshit gang*
Thank you for the ask, Patchy!! ❤️ 
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
Oooh, ok, this is gonna be a bit hard cause there are quite a few but-
șod - as a Transylvanian person I am obligated by law to put this here. It's actually a word from our local dialect, but Hungarian in origin, which we use when we want to describe something as funny and endearing at the same time. Like it makes you laugh but you're also super fond of it, and it can be used when referring to people or animals as well!
grai - this is actually Slavic in origin, and it has several related meanings, such as "voice" or "language" or "dialect". It's a pretty literary word as well, that you're more likely to meet in older texts than in casual conversation but I still find it really pretty.
And since we're on the subject, another beautiful word for "voice" is "glas" which just sounds really nice.
Luceafăr - this one might be my favourite, though ngl, it's pretty cliche lol. But basically, it can mean two things: it's either another name for the Planet Venus (and comes in several "flavors" like Luceafărul-de-Seară or Luceafărul-de-Zi, which means Venus of the Evening or Venus of the Day) or can be an epithet given to a man with remarkable qualities.
The word itself actually comes from "Lucifer" which has so many connotations to it and I just find it utterly satisfying as a result, hehe.
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
So, so, so many-
I come from the countryside, and while my family isn't overly religious or even superstitious, I still grew up with a lot of stuff that I didn't realize was weird until later on, like:
when someone dies, you must cover all your mirrors in the house to prevent the spirit from being trapped in them. This is still practised to this day.
if you hear a voice call out your name during the night, do not turn around or answer it. It's an evil spirit coming to harm you.
if you drink water from a certain well in a village, you'll be bound to that place forever and will eventually return to it.
Tuesday the 13th is just as unlucky as Friday the 13th.
do not pick up mirrors or combs you find on the street, they belong to a witch which has placed a curse on them.
fortune telling is real, and you should be wary of having your future told to you.
during the christening party of a child, they will be asked to pick an object from a tray. Whatever they pick is indicative of what their future job will be.
moreover, you can guess what your future husband will look like with a small ritual, where someone places nine objects under dishes and you have to pick at random three. What those three objects are will define the sort of husband you'll get. (I remember picking a comb and a mirror, but not what the third might have been.)
if your right-hand itches, you'll receive money soon. If your left-hand itches, you'll give away money soon.
if you can't stop hiccuping, somebody is talking about you behind your back.
never bring a bouquet of an even number of flowers to someone, only bring odd-numbered ones. Even-numbered bouquets are just for the dead.
always wear red on New Year, because it will bring you good luck! Red also helps defend the evil eye, so babies here often get a small red bracelet made of thread gifted to them.
if you wish for something at exactly 11:11 it will come true!
And this is not even scratching the surface tbh, but I will stop here because otherwise, this post might get way, way too long lol.
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starryeyes2000 · 3 years
Recommendation: Mirror Marchen
Check out this Twisted-Wonderland story by @azusawrites.
Status: In-progress
Rating: Teen
Read on AO3
I’m not familiar with this world, but it doesn’t matter!! I’m hooked. Love how you blend modern life with hints of the Rapunzel fairy-tale in a world where the magical appear to be the norm rather than the exception. As you introduced us to Kore and her surroundings, I felt Kore’s loneliness, her anxiety, her desire for seclusion, her curiosity about the woman, and her affection for Theo. The pacing of the plot is spot on and the prose flows nicely.
This passage is a favorite of mine - [Long-limbed and with brown eyes, she moved with the grace of a fairy, feet barely touching the ground. It was because she used to take ballet, that was what the woman said, but the girl was certain she had in fact come alive from a tale of magic.] Coming alive from a tale of magic feels like a good metaphor for where this story may take the reader.
Thank you for creating this story. Though Kore feels both innocent and grown-up for her age, I look forward to seeing how she will grow.
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girl-in-the-tower · 2 years
💝💘💯😘💋💝💘💯😘💋 Send this to 10 or more people you value and love so much here 💝💘💯😘💋💝💘💯😘💋!!!!!!
Patchy!! Thank you!! That's so sweet!! Ditto and right back at you!! ❤️❤️❤️
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jhoudiey · 2 years
azusachats: Wanna gush about "alley chat" and "under the sea"? 👀
Basically they're hanging out in a back alley eating food stall takoyaki and Floyd's being a perv trying to convince her to come home with him, again, and she shuts him down HARD.
“I’m done with this, Floyd. Do you know why I won’t have sex with you?”
“Because I keep asking and it makes you feel gross, yea yea, you already said”
“No. Because you don’t respect me when I say no. It’s like I’m not even a person to you! You act as if I’m just some hole to fuck and I am so done with it.”
Floyd realizing that if he wants to actually a relationship with a person he needs to treat them...you know... as a person. Delicious. Someone needs to tell him how it is, and the woman he's after doing it? *chefs kiss* Anyways, I love coffia au more than life itself.
AND UNDER THE SEA. OOOOH this one is Yoru (Loru canon timeline) going to the Coral sea on spring break to explore the sea, and it's the first time she meets mama and papa leech. It goes badly :> Mama leech is a bit salty that it's clear they're into each other but doesn't want one of her only surviving babies to leave the sea for a dumb bird who can't even do anything at all (yoru's completely useless in water cause she can't swim or move around for shit). So it's a bit tense with her refusing to use yoru's name and instead calling her "chicken-chan" (which is yoru's like... trigger nickname she haaaaaaaates it), and her and floyd being dumbasses and flirting in dumbass ways not realizing it's flirting.
“Eeeeeh, you don’t really need to bring anything”
“What if I find the ingredients I’m looking for? Or find a cool rock or something?”
Floyd rolled his eyes and leaned against the door frame groaning. 
“So bring a pouch or something, the Coral Sea isn’t some tropical beach resort. You’ll probably just complain it’s too dark and too cold the whole time anyway”
“Good point, I should bring a jacket…” She smirked at him and it was a second before he realized she was joking. “A flashlight wouldn’t be a terrible idea though…”
“Aha~ Fugu-chan, are you scared of the dark?”
“No, but it’s going to be hard to forage if I can’t see what I’m sticking my hands into”
“And if you’re not careful something could bite your fingers off too” He laughed
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ct-offical-sexyman · 3 years
azusachats: 3, 9 and 19 for the FRIENDS fandom?
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
In terms of FRIENDS, not that I can think of.
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Ross. A lot of the content in friends has aged really poorly, but Ross seems to be the worst offender. There are just so many of his plot points that make me cringe when rewatching.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
I can't say I'm really active in the FRIENDS fandom, but something that annoys me about fandoms, in general, is when people try to pretend there's nothing wrong with the content. Like it's okay to admit that things are flawed, and FRIENDS is definitely flawed in many ways.
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azusawrites · 2 years
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! ♡☀️🌸💃(HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Looking forward to seeing more of your writing in the new year!! :D)
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Aaaah, thank you so much, Trish!! You're such a sweetheart! Happy holidays to you as well, and I look forward to seeing more of your content next year as well! 💙💙💙💙💙
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azusawrites · 2 years
He's here, hehehe 🐙💜
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azusawrites · 3 years
Can I just say that I really appreciate the small detail of the Queendom of Roses being the official name of the country?
It really adds to the worldbuilding given that the most important historical figure was the Queen of Hearts and thus as monarch the line of succession being made to include women in a more pro-active manner as well.
Also, on a smaller note, the fact that the island does look like a rose from up top is a wonderful little touch.
Now, if only the Shaftlands didn't sound so utterly bizzare, haha.
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azusawrites · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to @just-patchy! 💜 💜 💜
Since today is your birthday, I tried to draw best girl Dwyn! She's a really fun character and I love her design!
Moreover, I also wish you the very best on your birthday, and all the best in the world and to be happy and healthy! You're a really smart and kind person and I'm glad to have met you! Hope that all your wishes come true and you continue being wonderful! 
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azusawrites · 2 years
Tagged by the lovely @bakujho! Thank you!
SITE where you can check your birth flower in Korean culture and what it signifies!
Mine is-
August 1:  Red Poppy 빨강 양귀비 - Consolation
Tagging: @chillableu, @takohebi, @winterandwords, @the12thnightproject, @reyofluke-ocs, @starryeyes2000, @trash0saurus, @darth-caillic, @mihai-florescu and anyone who wants to join in!
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azusawrites · 2 years
Tagged by @takohebi! Thank you so much! ❤️
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Color: Beige and pastel colours!
Favorite Food: Boar meat 🤤, Ragu sauce pasta, sushi and spinach and mushroom lasagna! It's very hard to pick, haha!
Song Stuck in my Head: Always Forever by Cults!
Last Thing I Googled: ... um, it was cases of cannibalism, which I swear was for a fic I'm writing lol!
Time: 13:43 pm!
Dream Trip: PRAGUE! Also Norway, Japan and honestly as much of the world I can! I wanna be in as many bookstores around the world that I can, haha!
Something I Want Right Now: Hmmm, a good, sturdy bookshelf probably! Also more time in general, haha!
Tagging: @chillableu, @bakujho, @anunluckyrabbit, @winterandwords, @the12thnightproject, @just-patchy, @thetwstwildcard, @starryeyes2000, @fae-flowers and anyone else who wants to do this!
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azusawrites · 3 years
Tagged by @thecaillic! Thank you so much!
FAVORITE COLORS: Baby blue, pastel pink and beige!
CURRENTLY READING: "Dear Life" by Alice Munro
LAST SONG: Lone Digger by Caravan Palace
LAST SERIES: High Rise Invasion
SWEET, SAVORY OR SPICY: Savory and Spicy!
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Chapter one of Nocturnal Animals, the raffle prize and a fic trade, haha!
Tagging: @chillableu, @bakujho, @twistedapple, @anunluckyrabbit, @Chaddams, @fae-flowers, @alexwritesfiction, @thedreamingscorpio, @the-mourning-stars and @winterandwords!
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azusawrites · 2 years
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azusawrites · 2 years
Tagged by the lovely @trash0saurus! Thank you so much!
RULES: Share the last line of your latest wip and tag as many people as there are words!
This is from the "rust and stardust" fic that I'm writing for my BNHA OC!
Blinking, she tried to focus back on the nicked ankle until her vision cleared.
Tagging: @takohebi, @jhoudiey, @twistedapple, @the12thnightproject, @winterandwords, @reyofluke-ocs, @supermarine-silvally, @darth-caillic, @the-mourning-stars, @oneirataxia-girl, @karolinarodrigueswrites, @starryeyes2000, @foxesandmagic and @arthurpendragon!
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azusawrites · 2 years
Tell me about line without a hook
Thank you so much for the ask! ❤️ 
Ok, so, I'm super excited about this one because it's a collab with @chillableu! I'm doing the writing portion and she's doing the art portion! It's for a WildOcto AU that is part horror and part romance, set in modern times, so minimal magic but with a twist of supernatural as well. 👀 
To say more would be spoiling it, but I will leave this passage here as a sort of sneak peek!
He finds the shower in the same condition that he finds everything else: shiny and clean, like it just arrived off a magazine cover and nobody had lived here to break it in. The mirror was spotless too, and in the reflection, he could see things he hadn’t before. He had nice skin - the type models took plenty of treatment for and never quite got the result they were looking for. It had a luscious quality to it that he couldn’t properly explain, and little to no flaws. There was a little mole by the side of his mouth, small enough that it could pass for a beauty mark, and it made his lips look smaller and thinner too. Dainty. That’s the word he was looking for. A dainty impression. 
He did not much like his hair – the asymmetry was jarring, and he winced when he felt the back of it where he was shaved. Maybe that was the style right now. It seemed plausible somewhat. Perhaps the blood and sweat just made it look odd and unnatural, and once it was clean and dried he might come to like it.
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azusawrites · 2 years
Tagged by the wonderful @winterandwords! Thank you so much!
The room was not so difficult to find. Surprisingly, it was also mostly intact and undamaged. Though there wasn’t much inside besides a shelf of books and the bed anyway. There was also no sight of Theo’s Unique Magic being used either, which made her believe he must have stored the artifacts somewhere else. That was understandable given that they could always easily activate themselves if improperly stored - even now she shivered at the thought of the enchanted music box from the Land of Pyroxene. Still, the room wasn’t what she could call hospitable. Besides the dust that had accumulated on the mantelpiece of the fireplace, there was also the issue of the wallpaper that was peeling off. It was livable, at least to Theo’s standards, but not her first choice really. Though she doubted she even had one given the state of the few other rooms that she checked this morning while on her way to the backyard. Most were in a much worse state than the bedroom with scattered chairs and tables, cobwebs, and broken kitchen appliances everywhere. If she didn’t know better she would have guessed this place was a dumpster where people would freely throw away their trash. On top of that, the leaking roof seemed to have developed a few mouldy spots in some of the corners, along with some indentation which would undoubtedly require replacement. There was the issue of the crows as well. They could by no means keep living in that hole in the roof. 
She locked the screen of her phone - Theo’s phone, she had to remember that - and put it back on her bedside table. It was already light outside and she was wasting time doing nothing. Not that there was much to do today anyway. Still, she should get some exercise. The doctor said it was important to learn how to properly do all the basic motor skills again. 
And, she reasoned, it would have been worth it regardless, if only for the sight she was greeted with. From the outside the greenhouse was an impressive entity, that was certain - huge, imposing, elegant. It made all the buildings she had seen back in the Mountains - on TV, of course, going outside was dangerous after all - pale in comparison to its majesty. The metal arches that held it together seemed to go on for miles and miles up in the sky, meeting finally in the centre to create a dome of glass and steel. The light filtering through was harsher than she was used to and she could already feel beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Inside the bag, Grim stirred slightly and poked his head out to take a big gulp of air. 
Giving the living room - former living room - one last look, she made her way up the stairs and back into her room. If there wasn’t anything to take care of, she figured she might as well relax and finish her lecture from last night. She just got to the part where the 810 rules of the Queen were listed and analyzed in great detail from a judicial, philosophical and ethical point of view. It made up a larger part of the book since the author constantly interjected with a historical anecdote, but it was solid reading nevertheless. As a child, she could often play a game in which she had to memorize at least three new rules every day while doing a cartwheel, and that had kept her occupied for a while until she finished them all. Then she would recite them backward while sitting on her head, and that was another hobby that lasted a while. 
Tagging: @jhoudiey, @takohebi, @the12thnightproject, @reyofluke-ocs, @starryeyes2000, @darth-caillic and anyone who wants to join in!
Your words are duty, bound, fate and faith!
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