hopesiick · 4 years
[text] I’ll eat brunch alone. No ones good enough when you’re not around
[text] responding to this without flirting with you is physically painful for me. i’d just like you to know that and pat me on the back, thanks.  [text] ANYWAY. can we do a really late lunch and ignore my shitty eating habits maybe? on me. 💙
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stfreds-a · 4 years
@ azul.
Fred: I miss you :(
Fred: And I know you will hold this against me bc you're an asshole but I don't care bc I have ice cream and horrible movies and I need a girls' night in
Fred: And you need it too 🔪 🔪 🔪 🔪 🔪
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trialls · 4 years
closed  starter for @azulevangelista
location:  valencia’s women & children’s center
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the past burns     like the hot sun     descending down against someone’s back .      when he approaches her ,      he keeps notions tucked away      in the back of his head ,      suppressing a gut feeling ,      veiling this  ...      vague sense of familiarity ,      one he can’t be absolutely sure      to understand     yet .     however ,  still feigning the mask of only a stranger     to keep alarms at bay .     “ miss     --     ? ”     badge ready ,  quick as a gun out from its holster .     “ azul evangelista ? ”
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dustlnds · 4 years
[text] If you bring me coffee and a greasy breakfast sandwich, I’ll love you forever. [Rowan, clearly]
[text] So you wouldn’t love me forever otherwise? [text] Wow. I’m wounded, Ro. [text] I’ll be there in a sec, you’re lucky I’m incredibly selfless and kind.
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mutilatd · 4 years
How do you deal with stress? // Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? // What are your pet peeves?
how do you deal with stress ?
“ you ever hear of zzzquil ?     there’s no point in it ,  but     --     it gets the best of us .     so ,      i normally just like to sleep it off myself .”     he second guesses his answer ,     suddenly realizing that doesn’t sound very professional .     so he quickly adds ,     “ either that ,  or just  ...     get the job done     quicker than it needs to be done .     simple as that . ”
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are you spontaneous ,  or do you always need to have a plan ?
“ plans are convenient .     they usually don’t get me anywhere though .     i’m      --     i’m a person that doesn’t like to be rushed ,  so     i try not to have deadlines .     it’s like asking an egg not to crack ,     just let me do what i want     at my own pace . ”
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what are your pet peeves ?
“ incompetent people  ...      or you know what ,     stupid people .”     for this ,     he doesn’t spend much time thinking about it .     “ people that have no idea what they’re doing ,     and then look at you ,  and   --   and   --   and then wait for the moment when you make one mistake  ... ”     is this personal ?     he trails off ,  decides to drown out noise ,     instead diverts     on something more worth explaining .     “  ...    also ,  those guys who say ,     ‘ we’re pregnant ---- ’     i mean,  what the fuck is that ? ”
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noharms · 4 years
22. do you believe what goes around comes around?
“i think it’s really hard to believe in karma when you work in an emergency room.” neve answers honestly. she doesn’t add that the circumstances of her childhood make it even more difficult. “also, i think it’s a scam. you should be a good person for being a good person, not because of some dogmatic idea of a reward.”
23. were you happier four months ago than you are now?
“not particularly.” she’s feeling a little safer, which is as close to happiness as she’s really willing to admit to right now and that’s not half bad. “but i’m not unhappy either. i have it pretty good.”
24. is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
“i feel bad about how things ended with my fiance. i wouldn’t want to get back together or go back in time and stay together, but ... i just wish it could’ve been different.” maybe that’s how everyone feels. there’s really no good way to end an engagement.
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dahliaxwright · 4 years
déjà vu all over again: if you could repeat a single day over, which day would it be and why?
If I could repeat one day over and over again? It would probably be my mother’s last good day before she passed. We had a picnic at the park near our house. She and I spent hours just laying underneath this huge tree. She told me everything that she felt she needed to because she knew she didn’t have long. That was before everything got so fucked up and it’s probably the last good memory I have of my dad even. He joined us after work and he just-well he was sober for one. I don’t know. It may seem silly but I just miss those days.
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redridgehq · 4 years
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Happy Friday Red Ridgers!! Starting now (10pm EST) for the next 24 hours you may reblog the three ask memes reblogged onto the @redridgeimp blog.  
A few things: 
Not everyone has to participate, if you want to participate simply reblog the ask memes you’d like to be asked questions from onto ONE character blog 
You can answer memes after the 24 hours is up, we would appreciate them not being sent after.  
You may also send each other Honesty Hour questions, all you have to do is make a post that includes all of your characters’ links on one character blog.
You may only reblog the memes provided to avoid confusion. 
If you’re not sure what to do, please visit @azulevangelista​ as I will be posting her’s shortly after I post this as an example. 
Please be inclusive, this is our first weekend open and this can be a great way to explore characters and dynamics that may not have existed before the meme. 
Members, please like this message once you’ve seen it.
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dansleary · 4 years
status: closed for @azulevangelista​ location: azul’s house / 7 p.m.
Seeing Azul covered head to toe in blood after what had happened at the warehouse had been enough to convince him her allegiance with Valencia had gone too far. He wanted to talk to her about it, but it was the last thing he wanted to bring up after the trauma she’d gone through. A few minutes after Danny had handed Azul one of the cupcakes she’d baked earlier, he watched from the kitchen as she nibbled barely a quarter of it, lifting herself from the couch, her body language saying more to him than she probably realized. 
He watched as she made her way into the bathroom, tossing out the cupcake wrapper that was left when he finished his last bite, tossing out the rest of hers too, then he grabbed himself a glass of water and sat in front of the television, channel surfing his way to a documentary on oceanic creatures and ecology -- not that he was paying any attention, all he could think about was Azul, repeating the same actions over again as he waited for her to come out; scrolling Instagram for two seconds, then Facebook, then glancing over at the bathroom door, then watching the TV for a few minutes and doing it all over again.
After thirty, long, minutes had gone by, Dan stood and quietly made his way to the bathroom door, leaning in just slightly to hear if the shower head had been turned off -- but it wasn’t, oddly enough, her showers normally lasting no more than twenty minutes. “Babe,” he called out gently from behind the door, knocking twice. “You almost done?” -- a beat, then another and another -- “Azul?? Open up, come on, you never take showers this long.” He heard nothing but his heart rate rising. Turning the knob, he opened the door slowly, almost scared about what he’d see on the other side but she was sat there, aghast and huddled in the corner of the shower, broken and terrified, Dan’s heart sinking at the sight in a way he hadn’t felt before. “Fuck,” he sighed, removing his shoes quickly before rushing over, not a care in the world that his clothes were soaked or that the water was scalding (a wince leaving him when he felt the temperature) as he stepped in and crouched in front of her, a hand reaching over to cup the side of her face. “Azul, sweetie, what’s going on? You gotta come back to me, what’s wrong?”
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charliexhawkins · 4 years
✗ & ♜
♜ for a personality trait my character find attractive.
being selfish
✗ for something my character does not find attractive at all and it would be hard for them to tolerate it.
Not liking children
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stfreds-a · 4 years
[text] Hypothetically speaking, at what point does fire become too much fire?
[text] ...what the fuck happened [text] jesus christ woman you can’t say shit like that to me and then ghost me WHAT IS GOING ON?
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dustlnds · 4 years
[text] I feel like I could have been bitchier and missed an opportunity.
[text] Honestly? There was plenty of bitching already. [text] Like I don’t think I could’ve handled any more bitching, tbh.
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stfreds-a · 4 years
[text] new plan, you and I are eloping [text] I love you, you magnificent piece of crap ♥
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