azsazz · 3 years
hii i wanted to ask if you’re willing to share some of your wips (work in progress) if you have any?? i love your work sm literally makes my day when i see that you’ve posted and i can’t wait to see what u come up with next!!
Oh man, this is quite the ask :) I have so many ideas and requests that it’s hard to figure out right where I want to start because I’m literally so excited for ALL OF THE IDEAS.
I’m currently 2.3k into my next fic so I suppose I can share a little bit of that ;) Not edited yet but here you are lovely. <3
His voice surprised you even though you knew he was coming. “You need to come with me.” You turned from your spot, seeing the High Lord’s Shadowsinger standing a few feet away, hand resting lightly on the hilt of his knife. His shadows slithered around your property and you bristled at his rudeness, no greeting, no chivalry, just stalking onto your lands like he was free to do what he pleased.
You had never seen him before, not even in visions of the King of the Court of Nightmares. You had known he would appear to you, having seen it in a vision of the High Lord’s, though you hadn’t been able to make out the Spymaster at all. You wondered if it was a Shadowsinger trait, that you couldn’t see him with your sight.
“No thank you, Shadowsinger,” you reply simply. Just because he wasn’t going to be polite doesn’t mean you weren’t, even if it did mean you had to fake it. You knew exactly why he was here, that the High Lord needed help, but you refused to go with someone who was so ill-mannered.
“It wasn’t a question.” 
You study him, holding a hand up to block the sun from your eyes. He’s devastatingly handsome in his leathers, cobalt siphons flickering with power, like he was aware of who you were and what you could do. You watched his scarred hand tighten around the butt of his knife when you made a face. “I don’t care,” you reply boredly, returning to the book in your lap, “Please leave.”
“Get up, and come with me,” he says, deathly serious. His tone sends a shiver up your spine and you grip the edges of your book tighter, “I will not ask again.”
You swallow harshly, rereading the same sentence over and over again in your head. The empty darkness swallowed her whole but inside she felt alive. The empty darkness swallowed her whole but inside she felt alive. The empty darkness swallowed her whole but inside she felt alive. 
“You don’t have to ask again,” you cringe when your voice falters, “I’ve spoken my answer.”
Your reply is barely out of your mouth when he’s ripping the book from your hands and tossing it into the grass. You hadn’t even seen him move. Your cry is cut off as he grabs your arms, pinning them together with a band of blue from his siphons. He scoops you out of your chair and launches into the sky, your stomach dropping with the insane movement. 
You curse and struggle against him. His grip is so tight that you know you’ll have bruises imprinted into your skin from his fingers. 
“I have no problem letting you fall,” he threatens. You look down below, so far up above the city, the people tiny specks on the street. But his attitude fills you with rage. Why does he think that he is better thank you? Because of his ranking? Who was he to trespass on your lands and rip your book out of your hands, all for what?
“Fuck you,” you growl, catching the look of surprise on the Shadowsinger’s face when you use your bound hands and swing them across his face, shoving yourself away from him and teetering out of his arms.
I suppose I can also share a few ideas that I will be working on writing in the future:
Unlike Azriel who was all silence and shadows, you were day and light. People wanted to be around you, wanted to tell you whatever it was you wanted to know, and you played that to your advantage for years. Gained their trust with a few shy touches, encouraging words, fake emotion. You didn’t have to do all that sneaking around, no, they would willingly give up anything you wanted to know. And Azriel hated it.
They’d pinned you up to the tree by your wings. You could still feel the faebane in your system, rendering your powers useless. Inch by inch the nails tore through the delicate flesh of your wings.You were prepared to die here.Woozy from the loss of blood you weren’t sure if your mind was playing tricks on you or if it really was the most handsome man you’d ever seen tending to your wounds.
It turns out Azriel is the ravishing type.
Daddy Az cooking with the baby and you’re watching lovingly and his shadow asks what you’re standing there watching for and you reply that you love seeing him like this, when the baby can pull him out of his slump after a tough mission. Sure, you were always there for comfort and to talk to when he needed it, but his baby made him so happy, no matter what.
And then there are some of the many requests I have that I can’t wait to write and some of those are along the lines of: 
oooh can i request a nightmare trope with az where it’s kind of angsty then turns to fluff?? maybe az has a nightmare that reader dies and he wakes up to find her not in bed and he panics but turns out she’s just in the kitchen or something like that
Az is super nervous when he finds out he has a mate and the reader take it as he wasn’t interested in her ? A bit of angst and fluff
part 2 to The Games We Play where az and his mate reconcile after what happened with elain?
So yeah, there are many stories to be written! 
But if any of you have any super interesting ideas that no one else is writing about please feel free to send me requests because I don’t want to write the same prompts that everyone else if writing if you know what I mean so that WOULD BE SUPER AWESOME :))))))))
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