#azriel is the shrike
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utterlyazriel · 1 month ago
whom the shadows sing for — (and the thief's echoing hymn)
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a/n: getting to have them be not in constant danger or emotional turmoil for one chapter? crazy. how do these goobers even flirt <3 as always, thank u for your patience and please let me know what you think!
word count: 4.4k
synopsis: Finally accepting Cassian's invitation to breakfast, Rhys offers you a proposal. You take flight for the first time since that fateful night in Exordor.
As dawn breaks the next morning, rain pours.
Weather has never been a deterrent for Illyrian warriors. Cassian, Azriel, and yourself rise and head to train all the while, welcoming the extra challenge. Blades and boots swing, slicing through a thousand raindrops, sending graceful arcs of water in their wake.
From a distance, the movements so controlled, you think you might almost get mistaken as Summer soldiers, so adept in the water.
Though, as training draws to a close and you all pack inside, wings shivering from the icy sheets of rain, you steal a long glance at the two towering figures.
Their wings, like your own, make a terrifying silhouette and your matching armour glitters in blackness and rain.
With a glimmer of pride, you rapidly reconsider—there's no mistaking you for anything but what you are: soldiers of the Night.
“Breakfast?” Cassian offers, as he’s done after every one of your training sessions. He's the first to break the tired silence post-training, pulling the bulkier, unneeded armour off his chest.
It appears, despite your constant declinations, Cassian is not one to be discouraged. He still asks and he never seems put out with your answer.
That fact stirs something in you, a warm glow — his easy attempts to always include you mean more to you than he'll likely ever truly know.
You glance at Azriel beside you, silent. He’s scrubbing at his wet hair with a towel, same as yourself, and when you meet his eyes, he tilts his head an inch. If you want to, I will too.
Between training and wandering the halls occasionally, you still haven’t actually spent much time outside your room.
It's a built-in habit you've yet to shake. Fruitless exploring was an expenditure you couldn't afford to waste energy on back in the mountains.
You steal another glance at Azriel.
Friends. That's what you are now. Friends go to breakfast with one another... at least, you think they do.
Besides, eyes darting to Cassian, you have two of them now. Maybe it’s time to start breaking out of your old routine and start forging a new one.
“Alright.” you say, trying to swallow the timidness in your voice.
“Really?” Cassian goads, brows raised high, even as his eyes gleam happily at the accepted invite. A wicked grin takes over his face.
“I’ve been trying to get you to come for weeks and now Az’s here, suddenly you’re in.”
Something in you flusters at his teasing, even if you know his words has no real heat.
You’re saved from having to sputter through an answer when Cassian, forgoing using a towel, shakes his wet hair out much like a dog would.
Cold rains splatters out and you hiss, flicking a drop off the edge of your wing with distaste.
Brows raised, you say, “I’ve wonder why.”
Cassian’s shit-eating grin is his only reply.
You cut a glance to Azriel to find he’s already looking your way, a weary but amused look in his eyes, his shadows lingering around his shoulders, languid and relaxed. He’s had far more years of Cassian's nonsense than you.
Breakfast, you find, is a lot of the food Azriel had brought with him to Exordor.
Ripe, fat berries, fruits of a multitude of colours, and still warm bread fill the ochre tabletop. Jugs and flagons of different juices and the like group in the middle. You're spoiled for choice.
Back home, it would be a feast. Once upon a time, you’d have probably sneered at the display, as you had once at Azriel.
Now, you think of Rhys' words.
You think about earning and deserving.
This change is one of the harder things for you to face… but you know it’s for the best.
The table is set for three. As you sit, you ponder if Cassian’s been setting a place for you each time, never knowing if you’d say yes—and wonder more if he found it aggravating, your constant closedoffness.
A glance at him only reveals his still friendly smile. There’s not a hint of annoyance.
Right. You’re friends.
Cassian takes the seat to your left, Azriel on your right, leaving you in the middle between them. Rhys had explained the uses and limits of the magic of the House to you already and as such, you had become familiar with it fetching meals to your room.
It’s been a plain affair. You’re used to at best, tasteless, and at worst, stomach-churning food. As long as it’s nutritional, it’s on the menu.
How are you supposed to know what else there is? Even the foods Azriel had brought with him weren’t as decadent as these before you.
You find yourself waiting, watching the plates on either side of you to see what they’ll choose. The rain continues outside, a gentle din on the sides of the House.
Cassian’s plate fills first.
You watch, wide-eyed, as several hot, flat brown discs flop onto his plate, still steaming. A drizzle of something thick and sweet follows, a soft caramel colour dolloping in the middle.
It smells heavenly.
“Have you ever had pancakes?” Azriel’s quiet voice from the other side of you speaks up.
You blink, tearing your eyes off Cassian’s breakfast to Azriel and gingerly shake your head.
Pancakes. You steal another glance at the plate and find the name to be aptly fitted.
Azriel’s plate has filled itself too but with something different. There’s some kind of grain, a pottle of something pink, with cubes of different fruit littered over the top.
“Would you like to try some?”
Your eyes dart up from Azriel’s plate to his face, realising he’s still nodding to the pancakes.
You’ll admit the pancakes look far better than whatever you’ve been asking of the House. While the bread supplied was fresher than anything you’d had before, you’d hardly had the imagination to conjure up something like pancakes.
Whatever your face looks like, Azriel can seem to read the answer in it.
“Cass,” He says, jutting his chin to his friend’s plate. “Give them a pancake, will you?”
Cassian, mouth currently full, turns to Azriel with a furrow between his brow. “But—” He starts, then stops. The furrow on his face softens as he glances down at you and, without swallowing, he says exaggeratedly, “Fine. Guess we can share.”
Then he spears two pancakes on his fork and slops them onto your waiting plate.
“You like syrup?” Cassian asks.
The question means nothing to you. From behind you, Azriel shakes his head no, answering for you. From what he recalls of your meal times together, you had screwed your nose up at the too-sweet fruits, too unused to it.
“Butter?” Cassian tries again.
“I suppose.” You answer, confused as to why he’s asking.
Cassian glances up and then a small bowl of softened butter materialises before you. He picks it up and tips it onto your two pancakes with a smile. Then he resumes his eating without another word.
Still hesitant, you shoot one more glance in Azriel’s direction.
You’ve been given food before, by Azriel himself, but not quite like this. Not sharing what’s already on someone’s plate. Some smaller, younger part of you almost wants to sniffle at the abject kindness.
Azriel’s already begun eating but the motion of your head draws his eyes. The small upturn of his lips is encouragement enough. Swallowing back the thickness in your throat, you dig in.
Pancakes… are pretty life-changing.
Azriel is right, you’re not such a fan of the sickly sweet brown fluid that coats the cakes, sweet enough to make your teeth ache. But the butter, melted and velvety with the fluffy pancake— gods.
You take one bite and then quickly stuff in two or three more, just in case Cassian suddenly decides he wants them back. Cassian guffaws at your rapid motions and follows suit, stuffing his mouth full.
He glances at you, catching your eye, both of you chewing through the delicious breakfast. Cassian raises his eyebrows with a pleased, smug smile as if to say I know, right?
You smile at him, without even thinking about it, shovelling the next bite in.
It melts on your tongue. Mother, you're kicking yourself a bit as you chew the mouthful slower this time, turning over every flavour. Turning down Cassian’s invite each morning has been turning down this.
You’re a moron. There’s no doubt you’ll be asking the House for this every morning—and night even, if you’re allowed.
It occurs to you then, as you’re on your fifth bite or so, that you could’ve easily summoned your own stack on pancakes. Or either male could’ve done it for you.
But no, instead Cassian had shared from his plate.
The pancakes suddenly taste sweeter than ever.
"Ah, y/n," Rhys' satiny voice tugs your attention up, to the Male himself, standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "Glad to find you here."
An age-old instinct of obeying commanding warriors sends your spine straightening, your chair scraping harshly against the stone floor.
Cassian snickers good-naturedly and you spot a shadow of Azriel's disappear into his ear—resulting a loud shriek from the warrior.
"You said you wouldn't do that anymore, you bastard!" He all but hisses, leaning forward on the table to glare past you.
Azriel gives a nonchalant shrug, his hazel eyes dancing to you playfully for a quick moment. Rhys and you both watch with varied levels of amusement and boredom.
"Yes, yes, that's enough now children." Rhys comments, a sly smile teasing at his mouth as he fiddles with the cuff of his sleeve.
Cassian, in his centuries old-age, sticks his tongue out in response—then pushes back on his chair so it’s balancing on its back legs, teetering.
Rhys regards him with one bored stare before his attention turns to you, his smile fading, expression turning more serious.
"I have a proposition for you."
Your mouth dries, nerves skittering under your skin. You swallow your mouthful. "A proposition? Like... bad?"
Rhys smiles, feeling your nervousness through your thinning mental wall. He gives it a soft tap to remind you and you inhale sharply, fortifying it instantly.
"Not at all." He assures you calmly. "It's to do with... Let's call it overdue earnings."
Instinctively, your gaze seeks out Azriel to your right.
Shadows swirling his shoulders, you're surprised yet again by how easily you seem to read him with just one quick glimpse of each other. How you can suddenly feel the tangible encouragement forming within you, just behind your ribs.
He smiles, like he knows more than he says, and casts his gaze back to his breakfast.
You glance at Cassian too, maybe your closest friend now, and he simply shrugs, none the wiser.
"What is it?"
Rhys wanders further forward, leaning to rest his forearms atop one of the empty chairs at the table. His violet gaze takes in two of his Inner Circle and decides if you don't mind them hearing, he doesn't either.
Besides, it's not as if it wasn't Azriel's own idea.
"As you know, due to the backward ways in many of Illyrian warcamps, females are not seen as warriors. While many allow them to train, Exordor..."
Rhys jaw clenches tightly over the name. "It had stricter rules that I could not interfere with. Please know, that is not without immense regret."
A glimmer of night ripples across the room as Rhys hard gaze burns into the table, lost in a haze of an angry memory.
Azriel clears his throat and then the night retracts rapidly, gone without a trace after a second. Rhys lifts his head, giving it a slight shake.
"My apologies. This proposition is not about that — this is about The Blood Rite."
Your brows jump, the words out his mouth the very last ones you were expecting to hear. The Blood Rite? The cutlery in your hands suddenly seems heavier. Your wings sink an inch.
As if the mention of it made them darker, the tattoos on the tan skin of each warrior around you seem to glow more prominently.
You swallow to try clear your dry mouth.
“What about it?” You croak.
“Given your circumstances, it’s understandable why partaking in it was not an option.” Rhys begins.
You expect his tone to take on a sympathetic lilt but it does no such thing.
“Given the level of skill that both Azriel and Cassian have seen from you,” He waves a casual hand between the two warriors. “I don’t believe it’s a question of if you’d survive.”
The knowledge that they’ve been discussing you, your skill, between them without you there—normally such a thing would make you prickly.
But with what Rhys says… knowing they’re vouching for you instead, the prickly feeling washes away to an embarrassed gratitude. They’re on your side, you have to remember.
“The proposition I have for you is to receive The Blood Rite ceremonial tattoos.”
The grip on your fork loosens, the utensil sliding an inch before you catch it again, but not before it hits the edge of the table with a loud bang. You jump at the noise, wings tucking closer on instinct.
“I—” Words die in your mouth, your eyes screwing shut a moment. When you speak, it’s with a bitter resignation. “I have not completed The Blood Rite. It’s— that- I would hardly be earning it.”
Azriel makes a quiet noise of disagreement beside you, eyes still on his plate, but says nothing more.
Rhys doesn’t look surprised at your rebuttal, merely rolling back his shoulders casually.
“Perhaps, that’s one way to view it. Perhaps there are others. Regardless, your Highlord is offering it, if it’s something you decide you want.”
Cassian scoffs a laugh at his casually thrown out title and you tense, not expecting such outright disrespect.
Rhys, however, simply rolls his eyes and with a flick of his hand sends Cassian’s still teetering chair backward.
Cassian barely saves himself, jolting forward to grip the edge of the table and delivering his brother a scathing glare. Rhys grins back, feline and taunting.
“Still sure you want to be friends with them?”
Azriel’s voice is just above a whisper, words soft and curling into your ear. You turn and find, with a jolt in your chest, that he’s much closer than you’re expecting, leaning over to be closer to you.
It’s not as if you forget how beautiful Azriel is but this close, it's impossible to ignore.
His eyelashes are dark and long, his hazel eyes, soft and honey-like. The cupids bow of his lips looks plush. You can trace a scar that carries from his chin up his cheek.
You realise you’re staring after a long moment of silence — eyes darting away, you clear your throat.
“They’re better company than some, believe me.” You say, thinking back to Exordor with a glance back at Azriel.
He’s sat back in his seat and he gives a barely noticeable roll of his eyes. “Yeah, well, that competition is hardly fierce.”
A laugh titters out of you at that — and Azriel’s shadows spring up, as if in response.
Clearing his throat, Rhys calls your attention back to the conversation at hand (now that Cassian was done attempting to pelt him with bits of pancake, which he was subsequently misting, resulting in a fantastic aroma through the kitchen).
“It’s an offer.” Rhys reiterates kindly. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t wish to but… I implore you to think it over.”
He tilts his head toward the windows in the mountain side.
“Spend the day down in Velaris and consider it. And try to consider what we talked about too, about the things we feel we deserve.”
Straightening up, he taps the chair with his knuckles, preparing to leave you be.
“Whatever you choose, I hope you know that there is no wrong answer. Tattoos or not, amongst friends you are already considered a true warrior.”
And despite how the two males on either side of you nod, solemn and truthful, it didn’t purge the feeling that welled inside you—familiar and reminiscent of keeping a secret.
You wonder if you’ll ever stop feeling like a fraud.
Even with back to back training, only mere hours of slumber between each session, the gleam good sleep has given you is impossible to miss.
By now, Azriel has seen dozens of early mornings with you.
Back in Exordor, you had looked different in more than one way. Beyond the grime of the mountains and your justified, cold defensiveness, it was your eyes that betrayed you. Eyes that carried a tiredness that never left.
Azriel knew the feeling well.
In the Illyrian mountains, sleep is not rest.
Sleep is a sliver of refuge, letting your aching body recharge just enough to lurch back awake after a couple restless hours. Fuel to keep you going and nothing more.
But this morning, stopping at the threshold out to the balcony, you had peered up at the rain bucketing down and frowned.
Then with a silent huff, you had rubbed the sleep from your eyes and yawned into your hand.
Azriel, watching silently from across the courtyard, felt his shadows spin up in a tizzy at the sight — and he nearly blushed scarlet as they directly disobeyed his instructions to rein themselves in, a few shooting across the courtyard to greet you.
It was the first morning he’d seen you not tired, but sleepy. Azriel couldn’t even pretend it wasn’t adorable either.
He could only hide his smile and warm cheeks with a duck of his head, praying his shadows behaved himself.
But there was no disguising the tug on the mating bond, immeasurably proud and pleased for you.
Whether you noticed it or not, he didn’t know. You’d stepped down, onto the balcony and into rain, and promptly stalked towards the weapons rack, wings held high.
It had been one of the first things Azriel had admired about you—your drive, steely and unflinching.
Even now, thrown into a new place with unfamiliar faces, tossed into a whole new life, your determination doesn’t falter.
Fighting, training, honing yourself into a living weapon—seamlessly using blades as if they’re an extension of your very self—you commit yourself to training fiercely.
But… Azriel can tell that without direction, your ambition is beginning to make you listless.
You’re getting better—that there is no doubt about. Even the slight deafness in your left ear you’ve mastered well enough that if Azriel wasn’t paying attention, he might’ve missed it.
But in Exordor, there had been a goal.
Something to measure up to, to pour your determination towards — and without it in Velaris, Azriel worries about you.
There’s unfinished business waiting for you in Exordor. Your valiant mission is not yet abandoned and if you ever deigned to ask, Azriel knows he would take you there, without hesitation.
However, things have shifted whether you seem to realise it or not.
You’re no longer the only one in your corner. You haven’t been for some months.
True, there had been the matter of your… concealed identity wedged between you and Azriel and it had been reason enough to keep your plans small. You’d explained to him once before, the aid of being unnoticeable.
You’re not anymore. And with the terror of the events in Exordor still fresh enough in his mind, it’s impossible not to fear what might happen when you eventually return.
You aren’t used to living, just for yourself. Of that being enough of a reason to live, to thrive. Azriel fears your ambition will drive you to your death, no matter how honourable.
You would fight until you physically can’t anymore against the injustices of your home.
A threatening pain splices through his chest at the very thought — of just getting you back, gaining your forgiveness, getting the smallest glimpses of your happiness— just to have it ripped away from him again.
His mate, his heart warbles terribly.
His head settled resolutely, he trails behind you to the breakfast table, mission solidified. He needs to show you that your home isn’t among the mountains anymore.
Exordor may have been your birthplace but Velaris, here — with him, something quiet whispered —was where you belonged.
He just needed to show you.
“Have you flown since leaving Exordor?”
At the edge of a thousand steps, it’s certainly a warranted question.
The intensity of the early morning rain has waned with the day but it still falls softly. It adds a chill to the breeze — but it’s nothing comparable to the Mother’s Kiss.
You're all taking Rhys' plan and heading down into Velaris for the day. The staircase presents itself as one option but, given the knowledge of wards, there's a clearly more favourable one. Flying.
Azriel’s eyes drift up to the tips of your wings. The sight of the puckered, scarred spaces that once held stakes is enough to inspire a jolt of fierce anger. He swallows a shudder, well aware of the sensitivity of such wings.
Noticing his stare, you shift on your feet and tuck your wings in tighter. His gaze, while unjudging, is enough to make you fidget beneath the attention.
Azriel snaps his eyes back to your face.
“I haven’t. Madja told me I could, uh,” You answer with a wave of your hand, your gaze averted to the long, winding staircase ahead. “About a couple weeks ago but…”
Shrugging, you force yourself to meet Azriel’s gaze. “Well, where would I even go?”
Azriel’s heart wilts in his chest at your words. Nothing without purpose—it's the only way you know how to live.
You’ve had no prying and relentless brothers to push you into doing things as he had. No friends to remind you to live, as well as just survive.
No flying just for the fun of it. You’ve been starved of one of Azriel’s favourite things in the world.
Even him, your first friend, had only encouraged further training. A muscle feathers in Azriel’s jaw. A misgiving he’ll make sure to rectify.
Casting his mind back to a memory from some months ago, he recalls the fervent urge he felt upon returning to Velaris — the want to show you his home from the skies.
Focusing his mind back on the present, Azriel smiles down at you, his dark curls collecting drops of waters.
“Anywhere you like.”
Cassian takes his cue, launching himself up into the sky with ease.
Azriel watches him for a moment and then prepares to follow suit, bracing his thighs and shaking out his wings.
A glance at your face reveals the hint of hesitation.
He searches within him, gripping the bond tightly, to feel for your worry. In response, your anxieties skitter along to him, revealing your heartbreaking reservations and giving them to him — unknowingly soothing you in the process.
Still, Azriel pauses and then, heart in his throat, he lays a scarred hand on your shoulder in assurance. Prays you won’t shift away from him or his touch.
You don’t. In fact, a newer expression shutters across your face, eyelashes fluttering but you hold his stare.
“You won’t fall.”
You don’t question how he can name your fear so easily.
Instead, in a brave face of vulnerability, you ask, voice smaller than you intend, “How can you be sure?”
Azriel grips the bond tighter, letting his assurances pool in the form of unwavering confidence in you. He hopes you feel it — feel it, and believe it too.
“Because you’ve never fallen before. And because,” Azriel sighs softly, an ache creeping up his throat. His voice is low, his hazel eyes earnest. "You might've changed since Exordor but they don't get this. They don't get to take it from you. It's yours."
His hands slips from your shoulder and the bond tightens in his chest, as if urging him back. Azriel ignores it and turns back to face the rainy skies ahead.
Then his boots bear down against the stone as he takes flight, cutting through the drizzle of rain to climb up into the sky. The final step, he knows, has to be taken by you alone.
It doesn’t stop the uncertain waver in Azriel’s chest at leaving you one step behind.
But his faith in you is steadfast.
And a moment later, he’s proven right to do so as an unimaginable pulse of joy shoots down the bond, molten hot.
It’s raw, unfiltered relief.
It mingles with a joy so potent that Azriel’s shadows droop against his neck, as if snuggling up to the blazing warm feeling.
He falters, dipping in altitude momentarily, before he remembers to keep his wings moving.
Through the gloom of the day, Azriel feels you before he sees you coming — though the moment you’re in view, the familiar figure of an Illyrian warrior in flight, your radiancy is all he can see.
“You were right!” You call across the sky, unable to cage the glee in your voice.
There’s an unsteadiness to your motions, adjusting to the loss of drag due to your news scars, but it does nothing to tamp your happiness. You soar towards him through the rain, twirling in an elegant barrel roll that boasts your years of flight.
And it dawns on him, the underlying motive you had admitted to that underpinned the lie you had spun.
What heart-wrenching words had you uttered to him? I just wanted to keep my wings.
Azriel thanks the Mother, the Cauldron, and every star in the sky that you get to.
“I’m only sorry it’s not a better day for it.” Azriel says as you drift to his side, raising his voice so you can hear him. Flight is noisy, even if you’re travelling idly as the pair of your are.
You fly a few metres higher and then glide down with an easy precision, grinning, your face misted from the rain.
“I think it’s perfect.” You call back. Azriel can feel it, trickling along the bond like sweetened syrup, you really mean it.
Waiting leisurely further ahead, it’s evident that Cassian’s patience is waning.
Dipping back and joining the line up, he glides alongside you with a smile that promises mischief.
“Oh, so she can fly!” He drawls, arms tucking up behind his head lazily. “But can she race?”
His brows raise in clear competition and Azriel’s about to remind you that you don’t have to entertain all of Cassian’s antics — when his brother straightens out, shouting, “Go!” and jetting off forward.
You splutter for just one second. “I don’t even know where to go-!”
The end of your sentence blurs as you take off after Cassian, not a clue where you’re going but too competitive to not rise to the challenge. Azriel grins, watching for a moment as you tuck in your wings and dive to pick up speed, nearly disappearing in the fog of the rain.
Your fierce delight streaks along the bond and it’s what Azriel follows as he takes off after you, the invisible string leading his way, glowing like a shooting star.
tags below!
@strangerstilinski @janebirkln @itsswritten @mischiefmanagers @hnyclover
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185 notes · View notes
starlsssankt · 1 year ago
Natalia despised the fae and court life. But she knew how to dress to impress them. She knew exactly how to remind them of the oath all their families broke.
She wore a dress of Night Black, Summer Gold embroidered in the shoulders and chest. Let them remember how they'd turned their back on her family.
She walked down the stairs, looking to Aleksander with a nod. There wasn't light in her eyes, any of that mischievous joy either. This wasn't a family reunion, no matter how much Viren wished it was.
The jagged asterlam bones on her shoulders gleamed. Bones of Night Creatures given as tribute from Wild Fae. Her family had been beloved but Night had never liked that had it?
"Ready Aleksander?"
She stopped at the coach, her shoulders relaxing as she saw the Shrike land on her shoulder.
"Are you too good for a form with them now Sebastian?"
She looked to Aleksander, she touched his shoulder.
"You remember what you have to say?"
These people will not help the Valg unless their hand were forced. She knew her mate, knew if he came in anything than the form he was in now people would die.
He'd wanted their blood since their lives had ended at 13. He'd carved their blood more than she craved them on their knees begging for forgiveness.
And in any other night she would have given him his retribution. She would have reveled in the destruction Sebastian's lightning would wrought. She knew it's heat, she knew how it felt on her skin scarring her but never hurting her.
Them? It would incinerate them and she would have laughed as they screamed and their bones broke.
She exhaled, stepping into the couch. Now wasn't the time for fantasies. The Valg needed to be free and she'd make sure they were.
He was dressed in solid black; it was a cloak of shadows made real, and his mother-- well, there were many reasons people said she was deadly in her beauty. The black dress hugged her form, made her look like Death incarnate. Like an avenging angel come to pass judgement.
He could understand why she made so many lesser males cowed.
Aleksander would not let his nerves get the better of him; he nodded as his mother approached. It was a silent nod, a promise that he knew his role.
These males and females-- this courtly game that they would constantly play-- Aleksander knew what mask he had to don to make it through the ordeal. His mother and father had taught him well.
He followed her into the coach, sitting opposite his mother and as the coach took off, Aleksander stared out the window. He'd wondered before why he was going on this meeting, why not Azriel or Aedion or Xaden, who had maneuvered the courts so well in the past. They'd perfected their masks in this game that held such life and death.
And he would too. He'd prove himself now, make it clear to all of them that he was just as feared as his mother...
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siderealxmelody · 1 year ago
She spun back at him, her hands clenched at her side. She stalked up to him, bringing her arm back to punch him hard in the face.
"Say whatever you want about me Azriel. I don't care if I'm the villian. If it means I win us the war I'll sell whatever is left of my soul. That's what sacrifice means. I'm at peace with not past living this war if I have to. Say what you want, keep my family out of your mouth. Or do you want me to talk about how your father holds back? Where is the Blood Shrike? Is he actually afraid to die?!"
"Hypaxia? Everything okay?"
Hypaxia turned away, stalking to where Ravenar and Xaden stood. She took his wrist, tugging him away.
"It's fine, I have nothing left to say to spinless -"
@siderealxmelody / *
He scoffed, the shadows thickening, the darkness growing. Eyes glared in Hypaxia's direction. Azriel didn't have to stand here and be insulted by her, that wasn't what he'd come here for. Why he'd even decided to meet her.
❝ And if they're wrong? You would destroy yourself for blood, but have you ever thought about it, Hypaxia? What if they've always been wrong? What if you're the villain of the story?! ❞
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twincovesgame · 4 years ago
hi sam i hope you're doing great today :) so From Eden by hozier makes you think of Azriel? do other ROs have hozier songs? ty xoxo
I also have Talk, NFWMB, Dinner & Diatribes, and It Will Come Back on Azriel’s playlist lol.
Like Real People Do is on Eli’s. 
Almost (Sweet Music), To Noise Making (Sing), Jackie and Wilson, and No Plan are on Cass’s.
Better Love, Arsonist’s Lullaby, and Sunlight are on Xander’s. 
Shrike is on Wren’s.
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pansyparkinsons · 5 years ago
hi! could i join your fandom fam? my name is shereen, could you add the url as @azriels and either feyre archeron, genya safin, or inej ghafa + “remember me love, when everyone is a shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn” thank you!!
hey i’m so so so sorry for the late response, i’ve been so busy :( but i’ve added you to my fandom family as feyre!
join my fandom family!
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utterlyazriel · 1 year ago
—whom the shadows sing for (and the thief’s echoing hymn)
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A story about one shadowsinger who did his time in the Illyrian Mountains and one warrior waiting out her own— who will do anything to keep her wings… even if it means posing as a Male.
fem!reader, mulan-esque au
Someone in the Illryian Mountains has been making a name for themselves— a bastard like Azriel and his brothers, ruffling the feathers of a war camp's Lord. But they seem to have no loyalty to the fighting legion, or much to anyone for that matter.
Azriel trains you and is particularly unforgivable about it. Together, you tackle tonics. Azriel ponders the unmistakable pull he feels and you try your best to keep your secret under wraps.
Azriel leaves for Velaris. You reflect on old choices and everything that you lead you to where you are now— and realise it's been awhile since you had anyone to miss.
You return to regular training for the first time in a month. Azriel asks a favor from Rhys and finds you in a less than stellar condition when he returns to camp.
You test out if your efforts with the tonics are worth anything and Azriel bestows you with a gift. He asks about the Blood Rite and you ponder the strange, golden thread you've been feeling in your chest. Disaster strikes when night falls.
A secret you vowed to never reveal gets uncovered and Azriel struggles as all he's known is turned on its head. An unfriendly adversary from the past comes knocking.
Azriel mourns a mistake that will haunt him for eternity as he races back to you. You play the leading role in one of your nightmares, but you can't seem to wake up.
You wake up somewhere entirely new, a long, long way from your home.
Adjusting to life in Velaris means learning to train with new, friendly faces. A tentative friendship forms. Azriel keeps his distance.
Azriel's shadows find a new way to torment their master. The question of forgiveness follows you. Cassian gets you in the ring, testing out newly learnt skills.
Trouble sleeping leads you to wander the halls of the House of Wind, finding a friendly face. Azriel stews in his misery—but not for long.
Finally accepting Cassian's invitation to breakfast, Rhys offers you a proposal. You take flight for the first time since that fateful night in Exordor.
to be continued…
chapters 12/?
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siderealxmelody · 3 years ago
She could feel her cheeks warm. Why did all her walls falter around him? She swallowed everything she wanted to say, it all leaving her head in his presence. What if he just saw her as a friend? Or worse as a little sister? She had liked to annoy him whenever she'd been in Windhaven to see Yvette when they'd been younger.
This - she should make some excuse. She should and his help to find her brothers. Yes Castor and Pollux may be getting into trouble and she needed his help to —
Just tell him how you feel Helene. I will tell him if you don't.
She didn't need to see Pollux to know he would definitely follow through on that threat. He probably would take glee in it too - fucking bastard.
Why couldn't she be rational about this? She'd known Azriel all her life. His father was hers second in command, his torturer, his right hand. This shouldn't be that difficult.
Helene twisted her fingers finally finding her voice.
"You don't need to bow to me Azriel. It's not - you know I hate it when people do that. How - how - will Olivier look a wife for you now that you're a warrior?"
She inwardly cringed of all the things she could ask him. Why had she brought up Olivier? Sure he had been like an uncle to her and her siblings. Helene had so many warm memories of him teaching her, advising her, comforting her.
But he'd let Azriel be abused, be tormented by his half-brothers. What kind of male was he truly? She swallowed looking to the stars that could see through the trees and smoke.
"Did you think when we first met we'd be standing here? That we'd live this long?"
What was wrong her? These weren't fun topics, she doubted he wanted to discuss anything she'd said tonight. How could she confess now? Where were Castor and Pollux when she needed them?
But she still remembered that night. She still didn't really know why Azriel had been with Olivier at her palace that night. But not all illyarians supported her father and their rule. Separatists they called themselves - Seperate from their rule, from the High Lord of Night.
They'd snuck into their home slaughtered their servants and had tried to hurt them. She'd watched as they'd made Pollux choose between her and Castor of who they'd spare. In the end they'd taken her. She had been 5 she hadn't remembered much. She didnt know how Olivier had saved her. Or why he'd placed with Azriel and her brothers in a random spare room. Castor had said they'd demanded to come with Olivier, that they could be used to find her.
Helene could still remember how her captors had screamed from the other room. How Olivier's eyes had glinted with cold fury when he'd found them. She had never seen Olivier kill anyone but those eyes - she knew how he'd earned the nickname Shrike then during his Rite with her father.
"When I was younger I thought death was always around the corner. Does it get less terrifying when you're immersed in the Rite Azriel?"
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@an-endless-saga​ said: She really hadn’t been worried he’d survive his Rite or so she told herself. She had a few more years to go though. She moved toward him the valley was wild already. A week after the Rite the Valley opened to the new warriors. It was the same place that Solstice was held every year. If the Rite was about death, the Valley was one of life.
She’d seen far too many marriages already performed here. Females of marrying age running to marry their males before anyone could stop them.
Helene swallowed her irritation. Her father had been clear with all of them. No courting till they’d done their Rite. Edan had done it last year and was now happily courting his childhood best friend, a Healer named Adva.
She supposed she couldn’t even be annoyed, she hadn’t even told Azriel how she felt. She stiffened apparently she wasn’t the only female who’d been hoping he’d come.
“Hey Azriel, are you busy?”
She ignored the females she could already see a couple stepping away. At least her royal status gave her that privilege.
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The Rite had been intense and he had honestly thought that he, Cas, and Rhys wouldn’t make it out of there alive. They’d been split up and he was just glad it was over, that they could move past this dreaded week. Now though he needed to rest before his life got even more chaotic than it already was. Azriel had been ignoring anyone who’d come up to him because he didn’t want to engage in the meaningless small talk that most wanted.
But it was Helene’s voice that pulled him out his own mind. His shadows faded slightly but he they weren’t gone completely and he honestly was grateful for them. They were like a security blanket and he wasn’t going to let them disappear. 
“Not at the moment,” he answered, giving her a slight bow. “Is there something I can help you with, my lady?”
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