#az has skinwalkers
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I'm stuck between West Virginia and New Mexico/Arizona. I don't really have a preference on where in WV, but NM would probably be somewhere between Gallup and Albq. AZ would be Kingman. I just need out of here so bad and I can't make up my freaking mind. I wish I could split into several people so I could live a bunch of different lives all at once.
#i need out of here SO BAD#im going fucking stircrazy#everyones mad at me for not being able to keep a job yet I am the ONLY person taking care of the house#az has a horse allowance but nm is pretty mild year round with a bit of snow#i like snow#wv has pretty autumns#az has scorpions 😬#does nm have scorpions??? idk#I NEED TO MOVE#az has skinwalkers#..........you know what maybe az is not a good idea lol
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Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2021 03
Tavaly tűnt fel Son of the Sun EP-jével Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة, és az Anlo Kinka szerzemény bekerült az év végi Grande Traxelektorba is. A marokkói Abdellah M. Hassak képlete tulajdonképpen egy fordított fúzió, melyben bass, ghetto house, break, trap keveredik a berber és arab felvételekkel, meg egymással, meg ahogy fúj a szél. Szóval ez az egész nagyon impulzív, néha kaotikus, máskor meg annyira dallamos, hogy a The Arc of Three Colours úgy került a fülbemászóba, hogy a Traxelektorba nem fért be, ugyanis egy hétig nem tudtam tőle szabadulni, és a harmadik reggelen már nem jó ugyanazzal a dallammal ébredni a fejedben. Sűrűre vágott, váltásokkal teli abszolút korszerű, amit Guedra Guedra tol, a Vexillology pedig nagyon kimunkált debutlemez.
Két elsőalbumosunk van még. A Carcass Identity Matthieu Levet és Ernesto González kollaborációjának eredménye. Az azonos című album jellemzően középtempós, néha lightos, máskor sujtós (Spiraling Paradigm) pszichedeliával átitatott, fém keménységű műanyag elemekből precízen összeszerelve, mely ha megragad, nem hajlik el, nem enged. (...rossz hold kelt főől, mikor a carcasst ettem, rossz hold kelt főől.) A Dekalb Works - a másik elsőalbumos – is kollaboráció, Austin Peru és Daniel Creahan kettőse. Néha a legjobb Neotropic pillanatokat idézi, absztrakt, belassult, de azért halad, nagyon jók a hangminták, és mindig van valamilyen tér, amibe ezek bekerülnek. A Duologue egy nagyon érett lemez, amiből sokat levon, hogy ha a számcímeket összeolvassuk az jön ki, hogy: a play or part of a play with speaking roles for only two actors.
A továbbra is névtelenség porába burkolózó Desert Sound Colony kijött idei első EP-jével. A brit arc egy olyan pók, aki a house, a garage, a breakbeat, a techno és az electro közé feszítette hálóját. A Synthetic Nixon EP tojásait a breakbeat-es szeglet mellé rakta jobbára. Most már negyedik éve az egyik legmegbízhatóbb dancefloorista, ezúttal a Two Rums Please a húzótrack. Igazi klubos arcvonás, hogy 17 EP/single és 7 év után sincs nagylemeze. Magyar színekben versenyez ugyanebben a ligában a CT Kidobó, elsősorban electro műfajban. Egy két évvel ezelőtti interjúban Martin bevallotta, hogy IDM-et szeretne csinálni, és már tavaly az Exboyfrienddel, most pedig az újonnan megjelent Impulse & Inhibition Part 1. EP-vel ez kétszer is teljesült.
Anarchic Artificial Intelligence a címe az új Mouse on Mars lemeznek, amit a 2018-as Dimensional People-ról már ismert Dodo N’Kishi ütőssel, és Louis Chude-Sokei iró/tudóssal készítettek, kinek a hangját használták programozók segítségével egy az album elkészítéséhez fejlesztett beszédszoftverhez. Hogy pontosan mi történt AI és az egerek között, az nem teljesen tiszta számomra, de amit Werner mond a téma kapcsán, nagyon pozitív: Hagynunk kell, hogy az AI olyan tulajdonságokat fejlesszen ki, amelyek emberi tulajdonságok, mint például az empátia, a tökéletlenség vagy a zavar – na igen, ez a művész hozzáállása a robotikához, aki az emberszerűséget többre tartja, mint a hatékonyságot. Amúgy meg nemrég elővettem az Iaora Tahitit (1995) és két napig jött velem mindenhova annyira egyedi és tökéletes. Az AAI nagyon messze van a Tahititól (Tahitóthtól), térben és időben meg hangzásban is. Egyetlen dologban nem: Andy Toma és Jan St. Werner továbbra se hajlandó határt szabni zenei elképzeléseinek, mindig ott van bennük a meglepetés, dehát mint tudjuk az egerek pándimenzionális lények kitüremkedései az univerzumunkban, sz’al semmi meglepi. Nathan Fake életműve olyan mint egy prizma, amin Nathan néha forgat egyet. Voltak időszakok, amikor olyan szögben állt, hogy egyenesen bazzta a fény a szememet (fülemet) – elnézést! – aztán akadtak kellemesebb korszakok is, főleg 2017-től említenék 3 szöget: Providence (és remixei), Sunder és Blizzards. Most pedig újabb fordítás után itt a Sanxenxo, ami minden NF védjegyet visel, és csak egy kicsit másabb az említetteknél, mégis az. Én látom a fejlődést, meg néha párhuzamokat Aphex Twin dallamosabb műveivel, meg ennek a zenei világnak a buktatóit is, de Nathan elég jól kerülgeti a gödröket. Aztán az a lemezt záró 1983 című ambient opus - azzal valahova nagyon mélyre nyúlt le a szerző.
Igazából ez a lemez tavalyi, de valójában idei, mert vinylen már tavaly létezett néhány éber kivételezett számára, de digitálisan most jött ki az Electronic Sound Recordings-nél. John Corrigan és Jon Drukman kajakkettese a The JDs második albumáról van szó, a remek című The Texas Chain Store Managerről (az első az Education volt 2010-ben) Na de kik ezeeek? Mert hogy John Corrigan ismertebb nevén Jack Dangers, ő meg ugye a Meat Beat Manifesto nevű jövőre 35 éves intézmény epicentruma. A másik János főleg Bass Kittens néven ismert, meg hogy az 1992-es The Ultraviolet Catastrophe pszeudójának Trip Harder című underground slágerét 6 év múlva Chemical Brothers-ék felmixelték és márványba vésték a híres Brothers Gonna Work It Out-ra (azon amúgy volt Meat Beat is a Mars Needs Women-nel). Ha most nekiállnék a The Texas Chain Store Manager kapcsán meat beat-ezni, az udvariatlanság volna, de akkor is az van, hogy ez egy kurvajó MBM lemez, mintha valami egészen új irányt talált volna Dangers, csak ez nem új irány, ez egy duett, azokból is az egyik legkellemesebb meglepi, mert az egész album repül, száguld, elszáll, geggel, van bass, van acid, van ebm meg napsütés, dehát ez Kalifornia. A lemez végén két brutál flessbekk is beüt, a Proust elején az Orb - Towers of Dub-jának nyitányán hallható Victor Lewis-Smith hangminta Haile Selassie-s parafrázisa Prousttal, a másik a Kratwerk Autobahnjá-nak merész felcicomázása. Kraak ajánlásával jutott el hozzám a az UVB-76 saját kiadójánál az Okvlt-nál tavaly év végén megjelent Tales From The Far East válogatás-sorozat második etapja. Az anyag brutálisan erős, néhány igen magvas track-kel (Ended with Xavei - Black Veins), de a kedvencet a fülbemászóba tettem (Kӣr - Mandra). Megragadóan változatos lemez tényleg keleti ízekkel.
Intimate Immensity címmel jelent meg Valentina Magaletti és Tom Relleen duójának idei albuma. Érdekes, hogy nincsenek hosszú elszállások, minden track 4-5 perces, és ez most a fényesebb, úszosabb, sőt talán tavasziasan légiesebb világa a Tomagának, amit megtör néhány markánsabb mű (King of Naples, British Wildlife). Összességében nagyon kellemes, de nálam még mindig a Futura Grotesk (2014), The Shape of the Dance (2016), Greetings From The Bitter End (2017) a kedvenc Tomaga lemezek, mert azok jobban mutatták a szenzációs alkotópáros erényeit. Írtam ezt pár napja, viszont ahogy telik az idő, egyre jobban összeérik a lemez, és az, hogy kevésbé markáns, már nem is olyan fontos. Néha elég annyi, hogy az ember csak üldögél a napsütésben
Carcass Identity - Carcass Identity [2021, Phase Group][LP] CT Kidobo - Impulse and Inhibition Pt.1 [2021, Zone][EP]
Dekalb Works - Duologue [2021, Where To Now][LP] Desert Sound Colony - Synthetic Nixon [2021, Holding Hands][EP] Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة - Vexillology [2021, On The Corner][LP] Mouse on Mars - AAI [2021, Thrill Jockey][[LP]
Nathan Fake - Sanxenxo [2021, Cambria Instruments][EP] Scanner - Trawl [2021, Aquarellist][EP] The JDs - The Texas Chain Store Manager [2021, Electronic Sound][LP] Tomaga - Intimate Immensity [2021, Hands In The Dark][LP] VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2 [2020, Okvlt][MC-Comp]
Spotify playlist (53/80, 4:43/7:11)
Aktuális fülbemászók:
Guedra Guedra - The Arc of Three Colours
Kӣr – Mandra
96 Back & Special Request - Petrichor [Compassion, !K7] AIR LQD & Abdullah Miniawy - How Do You Burry A Paperless Man [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt] Anthony Linell - Being Water [Winter Ashes, Northern Electronics] Anthony Linell - The Final Words [Winter Ashes, Northern Electronics]
Big Yawn - Body Double (Jay Glass Dubs Refix) [No! Remixes, Research] Big Yawn - Reflex (Sleep D Remix) [No! Remixes, Research] Cabaret Voltaire - Skinwalker [Shadow Of Funk, Mute] Carcass Identity - Freedom Principle [Carcass Identity, Phase Group] Carcass Identity - Things to Forget [Carcass Identity, Phase Group]
Christian Smith - Pressure Drop [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic] CJ Bolland - The Demotic Script [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic] CT Kidobó - Bipolar [Impulse and Inhibition Pt.1, Zone] CT Kidobó - Death Of Postmodernism [Impulse and Inhibition Pt.1, Zone] CT Kidobó - Paris [Impulse and Inhibition Pt.1, Zone] Cyrk - Repetition [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic]
Deep Nalström - Low Gravity Ride [Esoteric Fantasy, Nummer Music] Dekalb Works - for [Duologue, Where To Now] Dekalb Works - of a [Duologue, Where To Now] Dekalb Works - only [Duologue, Where To Now] Dekalb Works - play [Duologue, Where To Now] Desert Sound Colony - Lokus [Synthetic Nixon, Holding Hands] Desert Sound Colony - ODA [Synthetic Nixon, Holding Hands] Desert Sound Colony - Two Rums Please [Synthetic Nixon, Holding Hands]
Dom & Roland - Abbott & Costello [The Search For Meaning / Abbott & Costello, Dom & Roland Productions] Eindkrak - Cordoba [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt] Ended with Xavei - Black Veins [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt] Exhausted Modern - Apathy Eats You Alive (Annechoic Remix) [Year of the Rat Remixes, Endless Illusion] Exhausted Modern - Food of the Gods (Ayaz Remix) [Year of the Rat Remixes, Endless Illusion] Exhausted Modern - Pineal Gland (Philipp Otterbach Mix) [Year of the Rat Remixes, Endless Illusion] Forest Drive West - Phosphenes (Wata Igarashi Pressure Remix) [They Live Remixed, Midgar] Forest Drive West - Ricochet (Felix K Reinterpretation) [They Live Remixed, Midgar] Forest On Stasys - Ofrenda [Mantrum, Harmony]
Giant Swan - DYFLGOT [Do Not Be Afraid Of Tenderness, Keck] Guedra Guedra - كدرة كدرة - 40' Feet [Vexillology, On The Corner] Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة – Complementariness [Vexillology, On The Corner] Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة - Seven Poets [Vexillology, On The Corner] Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة - When I Run [Vexillology, On The Corner] HLM38 - Célébration du Coq [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt]
Jeff Mills - Dancing Shadows [The Clairvoyant, Axis] Jeff Mills - Questions Decisions and Consequences [The Clairvoyant, Axis] Jeff Mills - Shadow With A Golden Aura [The Clairvoyant, Axis] John Selway - Highest Order [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic]
Kmerl - Fire In Me [Fire In Me , ФАКТУРА] Kmerl - The Arm [Fire In Me , ФАКТУРА] Kӣr - Mandra [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt]
Mouse On Mars - Go Tick [AAI, Thrill Jockey] Mouse On Mars - New Life Always Announces Itself Through Sound [AAI, Thrill Jockey] Mouse On Mars - The Latent Space [AAI, Thrill Jockey] Mouse On Mars - Walking And Talking [AAI, Thrill Jockey] Nathan Fake - Sanxenxo [Sanxenxo, Cambria Instruments] Nathan Fake - Vanavond [Sanxenxo, Cambria Instruments] O Yuki Conjugate - Forgotten Summer II [Artefacts, Kynant]
Paul Hierophant - Returned Signal (Carl Finlow Remix) [Utopian Dystopias - Part Three, Exalt] Paul Hierophant - Saturn (Plant 43 Remix) [Utopian Dystopias - Part Three, Exalt] Rene Wise & Rødhåd - 190209.2 [Untitled, WSNWG] Rivet - Mag Mich [On Feather And Wire, Editions Mego] Rivet - Ordine Kadmia [On Feather And Wire, Editions Mego] Rivet - Pearling Woes [On Feather And Wire, Editions Mego] Sacred Lodge - Un Hombre Que Camina [VA - Tales from the Far East Vol. 2, Okvlt]
Scanner - Trawl, Disappearance [Trawl, Aquarellist] Scanner - Walkaround [Trawl, Aquarellist] Special Request - Compassion [Compassion, !K7] Sterac Electronics - Reinstated [VA - More Than Machine, Tronic] Sun Genam - Pinski4ex [Aexion, Something Happening Somewhere]
The Black Dog - Crookes For Life [Dubs: Volume 1 (Sheffield), Dust Science] The Black Dog - Tram Backwards [Dubs: Volume 1 (Sheffield), Dust Science] The JDs - Autobahn (Flavor-Aid Mix) [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Checkout! (Raving in the Self-Service Line Mix) [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Coin Star [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Kitty Litter [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Proust (Produce Aisle Mix) [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound] The JDs - Store Detective [The Texas Chain Store Manager, Electronic Sound]
Tomaga - Idioma [Intimate Immensity, Hands In The Dark] Tomaga - Intimate Immensity [Intimate Immensity, Hands In The Dark] Tomaga - The King Of Naples [Intimate Immensity, Hands In The Dark] Tomaga feat. Cathy Lucas - Very Never (My Mind Extends) [Intimate Immensity, Hands In The Dark]
Varuna - Avicennia [Mangrove Management, A Walking Contradiction] Varuna - Culex Sitiens [Mangrove Management, A Walking Contradiction] Varuna - Paleo-drainage Channels [Mangrove Management, A Walking Contradiction] Wata Igarashi - Cylinder [New Dawn, Figure]
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The stars we sew (pt. 3)
Link to the last chapter: http://morrigansss.tumblr.com/post/160844066961
She's never felt such agony before.
It's what wakes her, has her squirming, a whimper leaving her mouth. She does not know she's been moving until she abruptly stops, does not realize that she's been cradled against a chest until there is a shift under her cheek. "Rhys?" Mina manages to murmur. "Cas, Az?" She is in a pair of arms, and they move her slowly, so slowly, until one of the hands is on the back of her head and angling her face up to look into a pair of tawny eyes nothing like any of her brothers'.
The male looks concerned, his thick brows drawn, lips drawn into a smile that's obviously for her benefit. She thinks he says she's okay, thinks he might be asking her for her name. Another voice barks something but the man doesn't pay attention to it. Her ears are ringing so badly she can only pick up snippets of what he says. "-fell from the sky--how did-fall from the-?" She doesn't know. She doesn't know.
They took her wings.
Kosmina doesn't realize she's repeating this over and over until the man says, "I know. -going to be okay." She wills herself to stop speaking, presses her lips together in a thin line and sucks in a breath through her nose. Her eyes water. The man asks her where she's from.
"I think my mother is dead," she says instead of answering, and her eyes slide shut again.
Vaughan appeared through the door the Mina's room only moments after her, which was pretty impressive, since she'd winnowed, and you had to be pretty damn fast to keep up with that. He never knocked and hadn't since he'd been a child. He'd appeared at her door, eyes red and gazing at the ground, and when he'd said he'd had a nightmare, she'd simply said that if he ever needed anything, he was to come straight to her. If what he needed was sleeping on her couch, then that was fine.
She'd been the one to find him all those centuries ago. She and Lorcan had been on their way to a scouting mission when they'd seen a funnel of smoke rising into the sky and had followed it. Skinwalkers had spread through the small village like a plague by the time they'd gotten there, and Mina had seen red. Skinwalkers could fight some magic, could defend themselves against blade. But there was no enemy who walked into the Black Death-Mina's cloud of darkness, nicknamed the Black Death by Maeve's people,- and walked out again. She'd been slaughtering them when she heard a shrill female scream, abruptly cut off. By the time she'd gotten there, the female who had screamed was dead.
But...so had been the skinwalkers. And in the middle of them was this boy, no older than eight, with reddish brown hair and knobby knees, and though he cried, his hands were still raised. And though he cried...it was obvious that it had been him who'd slaughtered them. He'd looked up at her, little fists lowering, and among their scattered body parts-he'd ripped them apart- he'd said, "They killed my mother." He'd begun to sob. "They killed my mother."
I think my mother is dead.
She'd seen herself standing in the boy's place, and her heart had lurched. She didn't want him to recover as poorly as she had, so she'd bent down and taken him into her arms and told him it was going to be alright.
Vaughan, like Rowan Whitethorn, could control air, but he liked to use it differently. He pushed his magic into the openings of the body and worked it under the skin, into the organs, before he ripped his enemy apart. It was disgusting, really, and exactly what he'd done to the skinwalkers who'd killed his mother. That, of course, had been an accident, but Mina had taken him to Maeve and asked to train him. Her Queen had, of course, seen Vaughan's potential, and had also been willing to test Kosmina to see if she could properly train a soldier. She had. And when Vaughan had latched onto her, she'd let him.
There was nothing romantic between them, of course, and never had been. If he was anything to her (which he was), it was a son. And even if he hadn't been, he didn't enjoy women romantically or sexually anyways. She couldn't fault him for that-not when most of the women in Doranelle were awful, trilling things.
V sprawled out on her bed, gesturing with his head to the two books she planned on packing. "You think there will be enough light in Rune to read? Good luck to you with that."
She rolled her eyes at him. "You think actually sleeping INSIDE Rune sounds like a good idea? Good luck to you with that, Feather."
He laughed in that way he only did with her-the other blood sworn, specifically Fenrys, liked to tease that Vaughan hated anyone that wasn't Mina. Actually, it wasn't quite teasing. He DID hate almost anyone who wasn't her. "Salvaterre will throw a fit if he knows you're carrying books instead of supplies."
"He'll throw a fit if he sees what they're on, actually, so I don't plan on letting him know I have them," she said casually, sheathing a short sword at her hip.
Vaughan raised a dark brow, then, with one elegant sweeping motion of an arm, picked up the first book, crossing his legs at the ankle in front of him. "'The Fabric of the Universe,'" he read aloud, and she felt his eyes on the back of her head. "You're trying to get home again."
She stiffened slightly, because she spoke with no one about her home, even V. She'd even refrained from speaking about them to Maeve, who'd never asked, since she seemingly had no use for Fae in another dimension. The blood sworn were also gag ordered, and could speak of Mina's heritage with no one outside of their little circle. But since she refused to speak of it, there was not much information for them to be banned from speaking of.
They knew she had once had wings. They knew that she had three brothers, and knew their names only because she used to cry them out in her sleep; Cassian, Azriel, Rhysand. They knew there was also a woman named Morrigan, though they didn't know who that woman was, sister or mother or, more accurately, cousin. They knew her mother was probably dead. They knew she had no idea how she'd come to be here, and that she was slightly different from them, and thus came the extent of their knowledge on who Kosmina Moreno really was.
She raised a golden brown shoulder slightly, still not turning to look at Vaughan. "And what do you plan to do?" He asked her carefully.
"I told you you could come with me," she said, because of course he could, and would. They were each other's family. But she knew he wasn't asking about that, because though he'd not hesitate to come, there was the matter of Maeve. The Queen had once promised to let Mina go if she ever found a way back to her world, but Kosmina was no longer young and weak for the world, and she knew better than to believe that.
One of the things she liked most about Vaughan was that he did not pity. He had been an eight year old orphan who had made himself into something, and though he credited her with some of that, a lot of his progress had been his own determination and focus, just like hers had been. Pity hadn't gotten him where he was, so he simply did not pity. Instead, he studied her as she finally turned to face him, said, "Well, alright," and tucked the books into her pack for her. "When do you suppose you'll be back?"
"It's more of an errand than anything," she replied. "Three days at most. Do you leave soon?" He nodded, but she wasn't surprised. Maeve commonly had Vaughan on traveling missions; he was the fastest save for Mina, who Maeve often had either spying on someone, silencing someone in which she'd spied on, or fucking someone in order to spy on them. There was a lot of spying involved, which made sense, seeing as she was technically Maeve's Spymaster. "To where?" She asked.
"Donult Outpost," he replied, "though I'm not expected for a week." She took his meaning. He could easily fly there in three days, but with all that extra time, he'd undoubtedly be killing off the growing skinwalker population. Over three hundred and fifty years, and Vaughan's thirst for vengeance had not been quenched. She knew the feeling. At least HE could act on his revenge.
There was an impatient knock at the door. "I don't like to be kept waiting, Mina," came Lorcan's gruff voice.
"You don't like anything you're not either fucking, drinking, or eating, you fool," she drawled back.
His sneer followed. "At least I get to choose who I get to fuck."
Vaughan immediately launched to his feet, eyes on the door and lips curling back from his teeth. The words stung, yes, but she'd be hearing them for the rest of her life, whether they be from Lorcan, who at least semi liked her and respected her, or strangers. Besides, she'd known Lorcan would say something along those lines, and had still teased him because she didn't give a fuck what he said. So she stepped in front of V and gave him a firm look. "I will see you soon, Feather."
Vaughan's eyes, dark like brandy, were cold, but he backed down, perfectly aware that she could fight her own battles. "Safe travelings," he said quietly, flashing another glare at the door. Beautiful, beautiful Vaughan, who did not care that she was a whore, who never mocked her for it. She nodded and turned towards the door, and as soon as she had a hold on Lorcan's arm, she disappeared into the night.
#so I planned out my story#and holy shit it's going to be so gay#get ready#a court of thorns and roses#a court of mist and fury#a court of wings and ruin#throne of glass#crown of midnight#heir of fire#queen of shadows#empire of storms#crossover fic#acomaf crossover#aelin ashryver galathynius#rowan whitethorn#rhysand#feyre archeron#cassian#azriel#morrigan#amren#rhysand's inner circle#guys literally so GAY#there may or may not be Melorcan#I'm pulling out all the stops#rowan's cadre
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Maybe trying to hit it wasn't the best idea
My Father owns a small delivery service that operates out of Farmington, NM. We mostly deliver small packages out to the middle of nowhere that are too much of a hassle for the larger delivery companies to bother with. My Dad is the only employee and we have a few pickup trucks and a trailer.
One day we get a delivery out to Window Rock, AZ, on the Navajo reservation about two hours from Farmington. My Dad gets the call for the job while he is chilling with his Navajo friend, Travis and his girlfriend. Travis mentions how he's got family in Window Rock that he hasn't seen in ages and suggests they go with him.
I was about six or seven at the time and it was the summertime so Dad decides we'll go down together, he can do his delivery really quick, then while Travis sees his family we can go check out the Window Rock (big rock face with a large hole in it that goes to the other side, pretty cool.)
We had to convoy in separate trucks since my Dad's was loaded down with freight. We decided to bring along some talkie talkies so we could communicate with one another.
We spend our time in Window Rock, everything is generally uneventful and we start heading home along the old highway with my Dad and I in front, and Travis and his girlfriend in their truck behind us.
I honestly don't remember most of the Window Rock trip but this next part I can never forget.
We're somewhere on the highway between Window Rock and Gallop, NM. It had just rained earlier in the day and the road was kind of slick so we were taking it pretty slow. On the left of the highway there is nothing but sandstone cliffs and on the right there is a huge field separated from the road by a small barbed wire fence.
We crest the top of this hill and down at the bottom of the hill we see what appears to be a very large dog, sitting back on its haunches in the middle of the road, facing the cliffs.
My Dad calls over the radio "Hey Trav, do you see that big ass dog?" Travis starts yelling back over the radio "That is not a dog! Speed up right now and hit it!" He sounds almost hysterical. He just keeps screaming "Hit it! Jj you have to hit it! Please! PLEASE! Hit that f*cking thing right now!"
So my Dad starts to speed up and as we get a bit closer I can begin to see it a little more clearly. It's covered in this brown, wiry, matted hair that appears to have dried blood all over it. It's still facing the cliffs but the moment our headlights hit it, it turns and looks at us and it has a...face
I don't know how else to describe it other than a mix between a bear's and a humans' face. It looks twisted and distorted and almost in pain. As we get closer to this thing we start to realize it's actually f*cking huge. Though it was still sitting on its' haunches it is about shoulder height with the hood of the truck.
We get literally inches from hitting it when it lets out this scream that sounds like someone screaming as their lungs were filling with water and it leaps backwards, towards the field, landing just on our side of the barbed wire fence. Then with another leap it was gone from sight.
Travis comes over the radio again, "Holy sh*t! Keep driving! We have to get out of here! We have to go faster!" he kept repeating that last part. We have to get out of here and we have to go faster.
Pretty soon we a speeding like crazy and just as we start to come near the outskirts of Gallup we get pulled over. Travis pulls his truck over with us. Naturally this makes the cop, a Navajo man himself, very on edge and he immediately asks why Travis felt the need to pull over as well. Travis says "We just saw a skinwalker a few miles back and it's been following us!" The officer immediately turns white, stammers something about a verbal warning gets in his car and takes off. We do the same.
We didn't see anything else that night but when we got home Travis refused to let us leave without taking some kind of Navajo totem thing that was supposed to keep it away.
#long reads#narrator#short story#horror narration#narrates#narration#narracion#scary stories#storytelling#story#storyboard#scared#scary#fight or fright#frightmare#frightfest#frightening#good night#late night#nightmare#bedtime#skinwalker#halloween#horror#horror week#no sleep#reddit#reading#sleep with one eye open#sleep well
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