#ayyyy lmao
shiftythrifting · 3 months
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for the low low price of $450 you too could own this absolute specimen✨👽🛸
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“You shouldn’t be here. Get out of here, now!“ // hi. yes. figured I'd send something for Cayla. <3
Spirited Away  {Sentence Starters}
Her face was a mix of scared, yet trying to look brave. She gulped, trying to speak without a shake in her voice. "N-no..I'm not scared..!"
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knifefightandchill · 11 months
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this time... is different.
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toodrunktofindaurl · 1 year
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🔞 N/S/F/W « sketch » reward: Short Comic (page 8) is up for all $5+ Patrons!
> read here <
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chaste-grace · 9 days
I know you're lying. Lying to Ruthie, Are we?
ooc: idk if the tag works yet... but WOAHHH LIB OC???
….How come I haven’t met you yet?
[Her arms are crossed before her.]
You feel like the others, but I don’t know you…who are you?
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thychesters · 6 months
luffy finally arrived at marineford!! dude fell out of the sky with his merry band of misfits but HE MADE IT. did his best impression of the ship he saw before finding skypiea for the world's worst family reunion. you marines are already having a bad time? awesome, he's here to make it worse
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backslashdelta · 6 months
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eggplant-crusader · 1 year
THEY CUT XAVIER OUT OF THE SHOW???? is this confirmed???
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imogenkol · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @socially-awkward-skeleton and @cassietrn thank you!! 💕💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @v0idbuggy @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree
Just gonna casually drop a really pivotal character moment from the whumptober thing I am still working on that became way longer than I intended it to be (warning: mentions of torture and also this is very heartbreaking)
When the pain became too unbearable, Imogen attempted to go inwards. Her mind may be the only chance of salvation. If she could rebuild her barricades from the inside, then perhaps she could buy herself more time. Battle meditation proved useful for all manner of talented Force users. Her own Master even tried to impart her wisdom on the practice, though Imogen had been too impatient to successfully utilize it at the time. She may not be at the frontlines of war or in the middle of a duel, but this excruciating invasion of her mind was just as arduous as any other challenging fight. Only difference now… Imogen was on the losing side.
The pressure built up in her head as a thunderous cacophony until she was sure something had to give when suddenly everything went utterly silent and still. Imogen wondered if she had been tortured into unconsciousness or perhaps her interrogator had enough and put his lightsaber blade through her skull before she could realize her end.
“I am relieved that you have held on to some of my teachings.”
Imogen’s eyes snapped open to see the room now completely empty. She glanced around for the source of the voice – a voice she had not heard in many, many years – and found that even her bindings had disappeared. The bounty hunter cautiously rose from the interrogation chair, not trusting whatever vision had clearly been imposed upon her.
“Show yourself,” Imogen commanded, though her tone had a slight waver. 
“I have always been here, you simply refused to see.”
Imogen spun around and saw a figure that caused her heart to plummet with enough force to nearly bring her to her knees. Rejna Shúl appeared just as the former Padawan last saw her. Imogen recognized the light brown Jedi robes, the silver hilt at her belt, and that unyielding conviction in her sharp green eyes. A ghost come to haunt her like a painful memory.
“You are a trick,” she weakly accused. Imogen could not decide which would be worse – being right or being wrong. 
“I assure you, I am not,” Rejna insisted and placed her hands behind her back. “Listen to your instincts.”
Imogen did not want to, but a dreadful chill in her bones demanded to be felt. The image before her shook her down to her very soul and she knew for certain that not even Vader himself could conjure such a convincing specter of her former Master. Not like this. 
Imogen shook her head. The shock made her feel sick. “Why now, after all this time?”
“Because you were not ready to face me.”
“Why should I face you at all? I killed you for a reason,” Imogen snarled. A part of her hoped her rage would chase this spirit away. Had she not done enough unforgivable acts to completely sever whatever connection they had in life and death?
Rejna regarded her patiently, unflinching to the storm of hostility that brewed within her apprentice. “You killed me out of impulse.”
Imogen’s hands trembled and she clenched them into tight fists at her sides, as tight as she could make them. “I would have died if you lived.” 
“So here you stand now.” The Jedi Master moved around Imogen in a slow circle, studying her the same way she did the very day they met. Imogen had been so young, she didn’t fully understand her circumstances, but Rejna took stock of what she had to work with. It made Imogen feel like an item being appraised for auction. “A woman. And more powerful than I could have imagined, yet… you still carry the same hatred for me. How long has it been? Nearly twenty years since your blade pierced my heart? Two decades is a long time to hold on to such a burden, Imogen.”
“It is not only hatred I carry,” she responded quietly. Her resolve started to crumble. 
“No,” Rejna agreed and came to a stop in front of her former ward. Her eyes softened ever so slightly at the edges. “I sense your grief.”
The mask fell away. Imogen had never acknowledged how the murder committed by her own hands shattered her as much as it mended. How, when the weight lifted off her shoulders at her Master’s last breath, she had been consumed – not by remorse, but by the agony of loss. Imogen tried to ignore it, and when that failed, she used it. She fed it into the crystal that powered her new saber, and with that conduit of her pure hatred, she let it flow unrestrained unto her prey. Yet the grief remained just beneath her rage as steady as her own heartbeat. 
“You were all I had.” Uttering those words out loud caused her vision to blur. “That is why I needed to kill you.”
Rejna seemed equal parts pleased and heartbroken at the admission. “I only understood in my final moments that you were my greatest failure.”
It felt like the phantom of her plasma blade burst through Imogen’s chest. She knew the statement to be true, but it made her realize that as much as she resented Rejna, she still always hoped for her praise. Even now, in the face of her own doom, staring into the eyes of her long dead Master, did Imogen wish she could have been different for them both.
Imogen could no longer bear to hold her gaze, but as soon as her face fell with a few stray tears, she felt the gentle hand of her Master rest on her shoulder. It took a long moment, but she found the courage to look up at her once more.
“I failed you, Imogen. You were my greatest pride and I failed you,” she stated earnestly. 
Of all the confessions to grace her ears, this was one Imogen never expected. She needed to hear it after all this time, but a part of her will forever be empty. She accepted that fact even before Rejna fell. “It is far too late, Master.”
Rejna nodded solemnly. “Perhaps for me, but you know what you must do.”
“Yes,” she said, her voice hoarse. 
“You were always so strong, Imogen.” Her old mentor’s hand moved to caress her cheek, the motherly touch Imogen always longed for and never got to experience. It caused more tears to stream down her cheeks as she clenched her jaw hard enough to nearly crack her own teeth to stifle a sob. “I will always regret holding you back.”
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tooquirkytolose · 2 years
I love that Amitys dad looks like a tired dirty werewolf man
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immortalsins · 1 year
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how does he keep a straight face
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bridgertonbabe · 1 year
So I know with the Benophie Harry Potter AU I've explored a couple of different timelines with them getting together at the Yule Ball and alternatively them getting together during Michael's party in Greece - but I was thinking what would have happened if Benedict had never asked Sophie to the Yule Ball.
In this timeline Tessa wouldn't have broken up with him and left him single ahead of the ball so they still go together. Phillip and Michael still have dates and Colin and Sophie go together, though the whole time Sophie has to act as if the sight of Tessa wrapped around Benedict isn't killing her. Tessa and Benedict then break up after they graduate from Hogwarts and as soon as they do Anthony takes his brother out partying where he meets Gen and starts casually dating her - leaving Sophie pining after him and feeling lousy about herself as she compares herself to the girls Benedict is attracted to.
Thinking she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being more than just a friend to him, Sophie tries her best to move on and will still end up dating Fletcher for the best part of a year and a half. Benedict still has an adverse reaction to discovering Sophie has a boyfriend, ranting about the guy he barely knows not being good enough for her, and celebrating when Fletcher proves to be the worst and Sophie breaks up with him; but all the while Benedict is blind to the strength and meaning of his own feelings for her.
During the first couple of years of interrailing Benedict misses her greatly though he regularly visits the Awesome Foursome for a weekend every now and then in whatever country they're currently touring, and he and Sophie constantly write letters to each other. It's during Michael's birthday party in Greece where there's a shift in their relationship. Benedict still stumbles across Sophie making out with Michael and once more he feels the beast of jealousy awakening within him, yet he's still oblivious to what this means. When he spots Michael getting with another girl he pulls Sophie aside to break the news to her but is stunned by her indifference and then relieved when he learns that she and Michael are simply makeout buddies. Sophie then shrugs and says she'll have to find someone else to get off with instead - and then fuelled with intense and immediate jealousy at the thought of anyone else hooking up with her, Benedict shocks himself by kissing her. There are instant sparks as soon as their lips meet and when he draws back Benedict is breathless though apprehensive of what Sophie's reaction will be to the spontaneous kiss. For what feels like an eternity but can't have been longer than a minute, Sophie stares at him wide-eyed - but then she bridges the gap between them and kisses him back and just like that they're lost in each other.
They spend the night together and the next morning as he waits for her to wake up in his arms, Benedict wonders where the hell they go from there. Every other sexual experience paled in comparison to what he had just had with Sophie but he had no idea what this now meant for their relationship. He was mulling over these new found feelings he had for her - or were they feelings he had always had for her deep down? - but worrying about what it would do to their friendship. He couldn't bear the thought of losing that, of trying out a full blown relationship with her only for it not to work out, and for them to lose what they once had. And beyond that he didn't know what their night together meant to Sophie. She had stated she was looking to hook up with someone; what if hooking up with him was of no difference to her than hooking up with anyone else at the party? What if she simply viewed it as a one night stand and her feelings towards him hadn't altered at all?
Sophie then woke up but before they had a chance to talk things over the door to Benedict's room burst open and Colin entered. Fortunately Sophie was able to hide herself under the covers and Colin was suffering too deep a hangover to pay that much attention when he summoned Benedict to come have breakfast with him and Anthony for a brotherly catch-up. Annoyingly Colin waited in the doorway as Benedict got ready, leaving no opportunity for him to have a quick word with Sophie before he left the room. It wouldn't be until Benedict was heading back home with the others via portkey later on that afternoon that he and Sophie were able to chat briefly. They were both on the same page that their night together had been incredible and Benedict admitted he wanted it to happen again, something which Sophie smiled and bashfully agreed with.
As soon as Benedict got back home he stopped accepting booty calls from Gen (as well as Lucy Granville and Tessa - during the last few years he had casual intermittent flings with each of them), and as soon as the invitation was extended to him from Sophie, he visited the Awesome Foursome as they holidayed in Turkey. While Colin, Michael, and Phillip were all occupied on a night out, Sophie and Benedict snuck back to where they were staying and once again slept together, and did so for the remainder of Benedict's stay. It wasn't until the last morning where Benedict was getting dressed and preparing to sneak back to the sofa he was meant to be crashing on during his stay that he and Sophie broached the subject of what this meant for their relationship. Sophie hadn't yet said or hinted at her wanting more than what they already had and because of that it was Benedict who mentioned they were friends-with-benefits, though he had been hesitant to say it in the first place, worrying Sophie might find the label too much and prefer the casual unspoken set-up they currently had. Sophie however agreed to it and while Benedict was relieved they were on the same page, a part of him still felt uneasy about it all, something almost akin to disappointment.
While Sophie had agreed to being FWB, secretly she was crushed that that's all Benedict saw it as. She desperately wanted more, so much more, and she wanted all of him and she wanted him to want all of her and for him to love her back as much as she had always loved him. But despite her heartache, she feared that this was as much as she'd ever be able to have of him and that's why she agreed to the arrangement, as pathetic as she could acknowledge she was for doing so.
Their set-up continued for months with Benedict meeting the group on their travels as frequently as he could without arousing any suspicion from Colin, who thankfully was as oblivious to the reason behind his brother's constant visits as Benedict was to his own feelings.
Then ahead of Benedict's birthday he bumped into not just Gen, but Lucy and Tessa on a night out as it transpired his past flings were all friends. He spoke to them for a while as they asked him what he had been up to, considering they hadn't seen or heard from him in ages. He mentioned how often he was meeting up with Colin and his friends on their travels and immediately Gen managed to read between the lines and asked him outright if he was seeing Sophie. He became flustered and told them that yes he and Sophie had a thing going on but stated it was just a FWB situation. The three women stared at him doubtfully and suggested there might be something more there but he insisted it wasn't the case, telling them what he had with Sophie was no different to what he had with any of them (even though it pained him to say it). Unconvinced, Lucy tried a different tactic and asked Benedict if he wanted a repeat of his birthday celebrations from the year before - celebrations which included a foursome with him and the three of them - and suggested they extend an invitation to Sophie to be a part of the festivities. Instantaneously Benedict shut the idea down, not just of Sophie being a part of the sexcapade but of last year's birthday celebration happening again. He stated that not only would he not want Sophie to be a part of it but he didn't want to be with anyone else but Sophie - and it was only when he blurted those words out that he was struck with the realisation of just how much he loved her. Gen, Lucy, and Tessa then had to talk it through with him that yes, obviously he was in love with Sophie and even made him aware that they were all expecting him to end up with her eventually. They urged him to tell the girl how he really feels and after their hyping up, Benedict prepared to do just that.
Meanwhile one night after Colin had gone to bed Phillip and Michael staged an intervention for Sophie, revealing to her that though Colin was Captain Oblivious, they were both well aware the reason behind Benedict's constant visits and wanted to know what the nature of her relationship with him now was; if they were in a secret relationship or if it was just a casual thing. Sophie confessed it was a FWB situation and as soon as her friends looked at her with pitying eyes she became tearful and explained that that's all Benedict wanted and as sad as she might be, she was trying to cherish whatever she could with whatever he could offer to her. Phillip expressed his concern she would end up hurt and heartbroken and Sophie said she was well aware of the future repercussions by agreeing to the arrangement with Benedict. While Phillip didn't want to see Sophie hurt, Michael was more than confident that Benedict did in fact want to be with Sophie more than he was letting on to her. During his stays Michael had observed the way Benedict looked at Sophie, how affectionate he was with her, and Michael had even felt eyes burning into him whenever he hugged Sophie or elicited a laugh out of her. Michael then told Sophie he had a plan of action to get Benedict to see sense, assuring her he knew it would work but she had to trust him and just go with the plan he intended to execute. Sophie agreed even though Michael refused to elaborate on what the plan was and she was hesitant to believe that her friend could come up with a way to sway Benedict into possibly loving her back.
When Benedict next arrived he joined the Awesome Foursome on a night out and he waited for the opportunity of his brother, Phillip, and Michael to all be preoccupied before he slipped away with Sophie and told her how he felt. Much to his chagrin however, Michael Stirling seemed set on dancing the night away with Sophie and hogged her all evening. Benedict enviously watched on and Phillip could almost hear the grinding of Benedict's teeth over the pounding music as Michael started dirty dancing with Sophie. It was when Michael had Sophie's back pressed against his chest that he glanced over to make sure Benedict was definitely watching - and then he began kissing up Sophie's neck, whispering to her to go along with it before drawing her face to his and kissing her deeply. In the blink of an eye Phillip watched as Benedict charged towards the pair, grabbing a hold of Michael and shoving him away from Sophie. Michael held his hands up to show he didn't want any trouble before Benedict grasped a hold of Sophie's hand and led her out of the club, and then Michael winked over at Phillip and gave him a thumbs up, to which Phillip rolled his eyes because of course Michael's plan of action was to piss Benedict off into a jealous rage to make him recognise his feelings for Sophie.
Once outside Benedict apologised to Sophie for how he had just acted but told her he couldn't hold back any longer and expressed his feelings for her, telling her he had stupidly only just realised he was in love with her and had unknowingly been for the longest time just before he joined them, and had genuinely been planning on telling her before seeing her with Michael. Sophie couldn't believe what she was hearing and she was blown away when Benedict said he was sorry if she didn't feel the same way and didn't see them as anything more than they already were but that he couldn't keep his feelings to himself for a moment longer. It was then that Sophie kissed him to shut him up before admitting she had been in love with him for the longest time too and that just like him she wanted much more than just to be FWB. From that moment on their relationship as a fully-fledged couple finally began and the rest was history (though of course they still gave it a while before they broke the news to Colin).
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slasheru · 9 months
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bobzora · 8 months
downloaded sif2 which is up there for the title of most depressing game ever oh my god why does it exist. my many years of sif(1) data refuses to even transfer for the album lmao. this game is so deeply flawed and it is on a doomsday countdown. but also i felt the crazy nostalgia rushing into me when i started playing some of my old go-to songs like wow i remember this beatmap perfectly i really do. too bad it’s a very deeply doomed live service game instead of like. just a normal rhythm game. that i can keep. lmao
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hauntingblue · 9 months
Robin is going to meet luffy's father before luffy 💀💀
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ghostb0o · 11 months
*casts summon fnaf fans*
*if you choose this please pleasePLEASE feel free to drop your fnaf timeline in the notes cause my kid self so DESPERATELY wanted to believe fnaf 2 happened after (because of the improved tech)
((Reblog for bigger sample size I'm a teeny tiny blog and my polls barely get votes))
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