#ayurvedic kidney hospital
priyaveda · 27 days
Obesity Treatment in Pune
Achieve sustainable weight loss with Ayurvedic obesity treatment at Priya Veda in Pune. Our holistic approach focuses on balancing metabolism, reducing fat accumulation, and promoting overall well-being. Experience personalized diet plans, herbal supplements, and lifestyle modifications to reach your weight loss goals in Pune.
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Best Kidney Disease Treatment In Ayurveda -Best Ayurvedic Hospital For Kidney Treatment without Dialysis IN Ranchi Jamshedpur, Jharkhand
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Ajay Kumar Yadav, a kidney patient from Jharkhand, faced a challenging journey. After consulting multiple hospitals, doctors advised him to undergo dialysis due to his high creatinine level, which had reached 11.4 mg/dl. Desperate for an alternative, Ajay learned about BK Kidney Care Hospital in Varanasi, renowned for its Ayurvedic treatments.
With hope, Ajay traveled from Jamshedpur to Varanasi. Within just seven days of treatment at BK Kidney Care Hospital, his creatinine level significantly reduced to 8 mg/dl. The hospital has a strong reputation for helping patients stop dialysis permanently through effective therapies and Ayurvedic medicine.
BK Kidney Care Hospital has successfully treated many patients, allowing them to overcome kidney disease without the need for dialysis. If you're seeking a natural and effective solution for kidney treatment, BK Kidney Care Hospital in Varanasi is one of the best options.
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rawahealth · 4 months
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shuddhi-77 · 5 months
Shuddhi Wellness Clinics & Hospitals: Your path to holistic wellness. Founded by Acharya Manish Ji, we embrace Ayurveda and Naturopathy. Our 110+ clinics and 15+ hospitals offer natural treatments. Choose Shuddhi for a healthier life!
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Is kidney treatment possible in allopathic?
क्या एलोपैथिक में किडनी का इलाज संभव है ?
किडनी सेम के आकार के अंगों का एक जोड़ा होता है जो लगभग 12 सेमी लंबा होता है। वे आपकी कमर के स्तर पर आपके शरीर के पीछे की ओर स्थित हैं। हर इंसान के दो गुर्दे होते हैं जो रीढ़ की हड्डी के दाएं और बाएं तरफ होते हैं। किडनी पेशाब बनाती है। मूत्र गुर्दे से मूत्रवाहिनी के माध्यम से ब्लेड तक प्रवाहित होता है। मूत्राशय मूत्रमार्ग के माध्यम से मूत्र को बाहर निकालता है। किडनी के तीन महत्वपूर्ण कार्य हैं। 1- ये रक्त से हानिकारक अपशिष्ट उत्पादों को छानते हैं और मूत्र के माध्यम से बाहर निकाल देते हैं। 2-ये शरीर में द्रव और नमक के स्तर को संतुलित करते हैं। 3- ये हार्मोन पैदा करती हैं क्रोनिक किडनी डिजीज तब होती है जब किडनी की संरचना या कार्य में बदलाव होता है। गुर्दे की बीमारी संक्रमण, क्षति, ट्यूमर, या कुछ दवाओं के दुष्प्रभाव के कारण हो सकती है। गुर्दे की बीमारी का अक्सर शरीर के बाकी हिस्सों के स्वास्थ्य और कार्यप्रणाली पर बहुत प्रभाव पड़ता है। अगर आप किडनी की बीमारी से पीड़ित हैं तो किडनी फेल हो सकती है। उस स्थिति में, आपकी किडनी आपके रक्त से अपशिष्ट उत्पादों और तरल पदार्थों को पर्याप्त रूप से फ़िल्टर करने और उन्हें शरीर से निकालने में सक्षम नहीं होती हैं। किडनी ठीक से काम नहीं करने पर आपको निम्न लक्षण हो सकते हैं। थकान, मतली और भूख न लगना, खुजली वाली त्वचा, उच्च रक्तचाप, ध्यान केंद्रित करने में कठिनाई, सोने में कठिनाई या अत्यधिक नींद आना और सांस की तकलीफ। यदि गुर्दे की कार्यक्षमता बहाल नहीं होती है और दोनों गुर्दे विफल हो जाते हैं, तो डायलिसिस की आवश्यकता होती है। यह तब आवश्यक होता है जब गुर्दे का कार्य 10% से कम हो। आपके गुर्दे की कार्यप्रणाली कृत्रिम रूप से नियंत्रित की जाएगी।
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There are two major types of dialysis.
डायलिसिस के दो प्रमुख प्रकार हैं।
1-हेमोडायलिसिस - हेमोडायलिसिस में, आपके रक्त को डायलिसिस मशीन के माध्यम से आपके शरीर के बाहर फ़िल्टर किया जाता है
2-पेरीटोनियल डायलिसिस - पेरिटोनियल डायलिसिस में, आपके रक्त से अपशिष्ट उत्पादों को हटाने के लिए आपके उदर गुहा के माध्यम से एक डायलिटिक द्रव पारित किया जाता है। डायलिसिस का एक विकल्प किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट है। आपको किसी से स्वस्थ किडनी मिलती है
तो उपरोक्त चर्चा जो गुर्दे के उपचार में एलोपैथी के गुण दिखाती है, अब हम गुर्दे के उपचार में एलोपैथी के दोषों के बारे में चर्चा करते हैं
Risks in kidney transplant :
किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट में जोखिम :
किसी भी अन्य बड़ी सर्जरी की तरह, इसमें एक निहित जोखिम जुड़ा होता है। डीवीटी के थक्के, निमोनिया, और घाव के संक्रमण ऐसी चीजें हैं जो बड़ी सर्जरी के साथ हो सकती हैं जो इस मामले में भी हो सकती हैं। विशेष रूप से एक प्रत्यारोपण के साथ क्योंकि इसमें कुछ नलसाजी शामिल है, हमें दाता धमनी और नस को आपकी धमनी और नस से जोड़ना है और दाता को आपके मूत्राशय से जोड़ना है। संकीर्णता, और यदि ऐसा होता है, तो हम ऊपर जाते हैं और उसे ठीक करते हैं। कुल मिलाकर, उन संक्रमणों का जोखिम बहुत कम होता है और इसीलिए हम आपको पहले कुछ दिनों तक अस्पताल में निगरानी में रखते हैं। यह सर्जिकल पहलू के संदर्भ में है। और तब आपको चोट लगती है। इसलिए संक्रमण से ठीक न होने की स्थिति में घाव खराब हो सकता है। यह तुम्हारा हिस्सा नहीं है। तो आपके शरीर में एक प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली है और यह किसी भी बाहरी हमले से आपकी रक्षा करने के लिए है। और यह शरीर पर बाहरी आक्रमण जैसा लगता है। तो शरीर अंगों को अस्वीकार करने के लिए प्रवृत्त होता है। इसलिए आपको जीवन भर रिजेक्शन की दवा खानी है, जो बहुत जरूरी है। यह आपके अपने प्रतिरक्षा तंत्र से इस अंग की रक्षा करने की कुंजी है। अस्वीकृति हो सकती है और इसलिए हम कड़ी निगरानी रखते हैं और शुरुआत में हम अस्वीकृति पर लेने के लिए अधिक बार रक्त का काम करते हैं। यदि ऐसा मामला है, तो हम बायोप्सी करते हैं और उसी समय आपका इलाज करते हैं। कुछ संक्रमण चूंकि हम आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को कम कर देंगे, इसलिए आपको कुछ संक्रमण होने का थोड़ा सा जोखिम है। इसलिए हम हमेशा इस पर नजर रखते हैं। ऐसा होने के लिए पहला वर्ष आमतौर पर सबसे अधिक जोखिम कारक होता है। इसलिए हम आपकी बारीकी से निगरानी करते हैं, रक्त काम करते हैं और कुछ उच्च जोखिम वाले संक्रमण होते हैं और हम हमेशा प्रत्यारोपण प्राप्तकर्ताओं पर नज़र रखते हैं। और यदि ऐसा होता है, तो हम इसके लिए आपका उपचार करते हैं।
Risk in dialysis.
डायलिसिस के जोखिम :
डायलिसिस के दीर्घकालीन प्रभाव मुझे लगता है कि डायलिसिस पर शुरू होने वाले अधिकांश युवा वृद्ध लोगों की तुलना में थोड़ा अधिक समय तक जीवित रहते हैं। विचार करें कि यह प्रमाणों से संदेह से परे सिद्ध हो चुका है। मुझे लगता है कि युवा लोग आम तौर पर अपने सामान्य जीवन का लगभग 80% जी सकते हैं और डायलिसिस पर अपना जीवन बढ़ा सकते हैं। लेकिन निश्चित रूप से बूढ़े लोग अधिक समय तक जीवित नहीं रह सकते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें बीमारी के तहत कई अन्य बीमारियां होती हैं और मूल समस्या यह है कि आहार में पोटेशियम, पोटेशियम को नियंत्रित करना पड़ता है। हो सकता है कि कुछ मरीज जो कंट्रोल नहीं कर पाते उन्हें दिक्कत हो और कई बार इस बात का ख्याल रखने के लिए हमें उन्हें दोबारा भर्ती भी करना पड़ सकता है। इसके बाद डायलिसिस की आवृत्ति बढ़ानी होगी। डायलिसिस के दौरान मौत का सबसे आम कारण कार्डियक मौत है और यह 50% से अधिक रोगियों के लिए जिम्मेदार है जो कार्डियोवैस्कुलर मौत और संक्रमण से मरते हैं। और कभी-कभी हमें कुछ स्थितियों में डायलिसिस वापस लेना पड़ता है जहां हम आगे प्रदर्शन नहीं कर पाते हैं और ऐसा हो सकता है। और इसका दीर्घकालीन प्रभाव कभी-कभी डायलिसिस के दौरान अनियंत्रित उच्च रक्तचाप हो सकता है जहां कुछ 10% रोगी या तो आहार का पालन नहीं करते हैं या वे उचित डायलिसिस नहीं लेते हैं, वे अनियंत्रित उच्च रक्तचाप के शिकार हो सकते हैं और दूसरा मेटाबॉलिक स्थिति है कभी-कभी उन्हें IPTH हो सकता है जैसे पैराथाइरॉइड हार्मोन ऊंचा हो सकता है और डायलिसिस पर, I फास्फोरस और जो आहार में मौजूद है उसे निश्चित रूप से डायलिसिस से हटाना पड़ता है। कभी-कभी निशाचर डायलिसिस जो रात के दौरान स्कैन किया जाता है, इन स्थितियों में मदद करता है और मुझे लगता है कि एक बार उसकी भूख में सुधार होने पर हाइपरलिपिडिमिया भी निश्चित रूप से द्वितीयक हो सकता है। मुझे लगता है कि वे अच्छी तरह से खाना शुरू कर देते हैं, इसलिए उन्हें हाइपरलिपिडिमिया हो जाता है।
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BK Kidney care is providing information about kidney failure, kidney dialysis, Chronic kidney disease. we are treating kidney failure without Dialysis and kidney transplant with the help of Ayurveda.
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karma-ayurveda · 1 year
Karma Ayurveda is the associate of an Ayurveda pharmaceutical clinic that was established in the year 1937, in New Delhi, India. We are a well-trusted name in providing the preeminent Ayurvedic medicine for kidney diseases. We have a panel of well-qualified doctors that guide our patients in the treatment of kidney diseases with completely herbal and organic ingredients and procedures.
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karmaayurvedakidney · 2 years
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Are you suffering from the problem of creatinine in the blood ? If yes, this is the right place to cure your kidney problem.
For kidney patients, Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment has always been beneficial. The Ayurvedic system of medicine focuses on overall health gain and maintenance with the use of healthy living tips instead of handling the symptoms of the diseases. Toxins removal, blood pressure removal, acid-base balance, management of solutes, and water transport in the body is managed by Kidneys. Therefore kidneys are the important organs in the human body. Ayurveda science is beautiful, as it provides a personalised treatment process designed for every individual. Ayurveda always works to cure the disease and always aims towards restoration of the health of damaged body organs. Herbal preparations are used to purify the system and then enhance the functioning of the body organs.
Now, ayurvedic principles are used worldwide for treating various kidney related diseases such as urinary stone, kidney failure, kidney infections, high creatinine levels etc. The treatment process in Ayurveda comprises following the right diet, lifestyle modifications along with the ayurvedic medicines.
Ayurveda approaches all diseases differently. Ayurveda is the science of life. The causes of kidney diseases are associated with the rakta or medha dhatu which eventually vitiates the Vata, Pitta or Kapha dosha. This vitiation of doshas creates kidney diseases. To treat the disease system purification and pacification of these doshas is necessary and ayurveda always works for it.  
In Ayurveda, a group of diseases, also inclusive of kidney disorders are considered as Prameha. It includes clinical conditions of obesity, prediabetes, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome.
Ayurvedic management of these kidney disorders have shown promising results. Prameha is a Tridosh Vyadhi and occurs due to predominance of Kapha.
Ayurveda is amongst the best options to cope up with kidney related disorders in a natural manner.
As per ayurveda, urine flow into or out of the kidneys occurs through Mutravaha srotas (channels carrying urine) and any blockage in these srotas results in improper functioning of the kidneys. The blockage of srotas creates kidney related disorders. Toxins start accumulating in the body when kidneys are not able to clear them from the blood. This improper functioning of kidneys creates imbalance of electrolytes and hampers red blood cells production. It is usually seen that the process occurs silently and the signs and symptoms are identified later.
At times unknowingly we promote the factors that cause kidney damage and alter its functions. Few mistakes are listed below:
 Alcohol and tobacco addiction
 Controlling the urge to urinate
Drinking  improper amount or cold water 
 Excess salt intake
Excessive intake of coffee, tea, cold drinks
High protein intake- pulses, non-veg products
Lack of vitamins and minerals
Cardiac disease, liver problem, paralysis, TB and psoriasis etc
Sleep disorders
 Polycystic kidney disorder
 Unprescribed and excess  use of painkillers, drugs, antibiotics etc.
Any kind of addiction or inclusion of above mentioned factors in your daily life leads to damaging the kidneys.
Kidney diseases manifests through the following signs and symptoms:
Bad breath-smell in breath
Blood in urine- hematuria
Burning micturition or Dysuria
Difficulty in breathing while walking
Early tiredness/lethargy
High blood pressure-Hypertension
Irritability in behaviour
Itching on body
Loss of appetite or Nausea
Proteins or Pus in the urine
Puffy face on waking up in the morning
Taste of the mouth changes
Tingling in the body-specially calf muscles and feet
With every passing day, kidney diseases are increasingly becoming a cause of concern  worldwide. Use of natural herbs, lifestyle management can have an effective impact on kidneys and can treat chronic kidney disease naturally. There are various ayurvedic medicines available for creatinine treatment:
1. Punarnava: It has anti-inflammatory action along with curative effects on kidney disease. It reduces the accumulation of the fluids in kidneys thus cures creatinine problems. It also treats oedema of feet and joints. 
2. Varun: Another powerful ayurvedic medicine used for creatinine treatment. It works to remove all the kidney ailments. It helps to improve urinary function and also provides strength to the prostate gland. It also prevents stone formation in kidneys. It is also helpful for other health ailments like intestinal bleeding, intestinal worms, and chronic migraines. It is considered a very effective ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem
3. Kaasni: Kaasni is a wonder drug for all kidney ailments. It also has anti-inflammatory actions. This herb helps in relieving the inflammation in the kidneys. It is also helpful in respiratory troubles, chronic constipation, and for treating low haemoglobin also. It is also considered as a miraculous medicine for creatinine treatment in Ayurveda.
4. Palaash: When considering ayurvedic medicines for creatinine problems, palaash is considered as the best herb. It is used in all kidney problems. It is used to treat decreased liver functioning, if it is causing damage to kidneys. It has antimicrobial and anthelmintic action that eliminates the intestinal worms and parasites too. 
5. Gokshur
Gokshur has cooling effects; it relieves inflammation and treats chronic kidney disease naturally. Gokshura is helpful in treating renal infections. It is also helpful in enhancing the immunity of the body.
Few dietary and lifestyle changes are also found helpful.
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
Avoid seafood-rich source of sodium
Controlled consumption of sodium
Blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels should be in control
Low potassium intake
Low protein consumption. Check and avoid foods having high protein content
Fried, fatty food should be avoided.
Your health should be your top priority. Therefore, it must be taken into consideration that the use of the above mentioned herbs is not recommended without proper medical supervision. Know your creatinine.
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manuinder · 8 months
best Ayurvedic hospital for a kidney problem
Kidneys are included in the human excretory system. In the human body, cells perform more functions than the body, releasing body waste into the bloodstream after a harmful chemical increase in the body. Kidneys remove chemical material and extra water from the body. Kidney problems occur when the kidneys are unable to filter waste material from the blood stream.
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                           Kidney failure
Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are not functioning properly and are losing the ability to filter waste products from the blood and balance fluid. 
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                      Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure
Ayurvedic herbs: Some ayurvedic herbs and spices like varuna,gokhru,ginger,triphala,and turmeric are beneficial for kidneys; they are saving the kidney from failure.
Dietary changes: including fresh fruits, vegetables, and lots of water in your diet can cure kidney failure.
Follow an active lifestyle: As a way of life, it directly effects your health, so choose a healthy and active lifestyle. Do daily exercise and yoga.
 Here, I would like to suggest a YouTube video of ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure.
Video link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF16t9Lg_CI
                                      Kidney Stones
A kidney stone is a hard object that is made from toxins in the urine. Urine is formed with various wastes.  When too much waste material accumulates, crystals begin to form. These crystals attract other waste materials and form solids. After that,it stays in the kidney or travels through the urinary tract. Sometimes, very small
Stones go away through urine without any pain. But stones that do not move out of urine cause the problem of kidney stones. 
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           Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones
Panchkarma: Panchkarma is a cleansing process that removes toxic substances from the body and restores the healing capacity of the body. 
Ayurvedic medicines: Ayurvedic medicines break stones into smaller pieces that can pass through urine itself.
Nidan parivajan : It removes the causative agent of kidney stones.
Avoid vegetables that contain seeds : Avoid vegetables that contain seeds, like tomatoes, brinjal,capsicum, cucumber, and ladyfinger.
Avoid dairy products: Quit dairy products from your diet, like ghee, and also non-vegetarian food. 
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priyaveda · 2 months
Coronary Heart Disease Treatment in Pune
Protect your heart health with Ayurvedic treatment for coronary heart disease at Priya Veda in Pune. Our holistic approach aims to improve cardiovascular function, reduce risk factors, and promote heart health naturally. Experience personalized care, dietary guidance, and stress management techniques for a healthy heart in Pune.
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BK Kidney Care Hospital: Best Kidney Disease treatment In Ayurveda In India
Established in 2000, BK Kidney Care Hospital is committed to providing affordable, high-quality healthcare. We specialize in Ayurvedic treatments, offering therapies like Panchakarma, Abhyanga (oil massage), Shirodhara (pouring liquids over the forehead), Nasya (nasal treatments), and herbal remedies.
Our approach is personalized, ensuring that each patient receives care tailored to their needs. We combine traditional Ayurvedic methods with Yoga, Meditation, and Dietary Therapy to promote overall well-being.
One of our main goals is to help kidney patients stop dialysis permanently and reduce high creatinine levels. We focus on treating the root causes of kidney problems, aiming to improve kidney function and enhance our patients' quality of life.
Our dedicated team of doctors and therapists work together to provide the best care possible. At BK Kidney Care Hospital, we are committed to helping our patients achieve long-term health and wellness through natural and holistic treatments.
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mykidneytreatment · 2 years
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As per Ayurveda, a kidney can rejuvenate completely if proper herbal treatment is initiated at the right time. Karma Ayurveda is the leading Ayurveda pharmaceutical hospital in Delhi that is healing kidney patients all over the country with ayurvedic science and medications.
DM us for a free consultation for all your kidney-related diseases!
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hiims-premier · 8 days
HIIMS Premier Hospital: Pioneering Ayurvedic and Yoga Wellness in Delhi
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HIIMS Premier Hospital, located in HIIMS Delhi, is a leading destination for comprehensive Ayurvedic and yoga treatments. At the Healing Touch Centre for Ayurveda & Yoga, patients receive holistic care that integrates traditional Ayurvedic practices with therapeutic yoga. The hospital is renowned for offering the best Ayurvedic medicine for kidney stones, providing effective solutions for kidney health. With a focus on personalized and natural healing approaches, HIIMS Premier Hospital is dedicated to enhancing wellness and quality of life through expert care.
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The 10 Incredible Health Advantages of Triphala Churna
Triphala Churna, a staple in Ayurvedic medicine, has garnered attention worldwide for its remarkable health benefits. Recommended by renowned institutions like GS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, a Top Ayurvedic College in UP. This herbal formulation offers a plethora of advantages for overall well-being. Let's delve into the incredible health advantages of Triphala Churna and discover why it's hailed as a powerhouse in Ayurveda. We will also go in-depth to find out why the Best Ayurvedic College in UP asks its patients to include this incredible fruit in their daily consumption.
Introduction to Triphala Churna
Triphala Churna, a blend of three fruits - Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), has been a cornerstone of Ayurvedic healing for centuries. Originating from ancient texts like the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, Triphala holds a revered status in traditional Ayurveda. The balanced combination of these fruits contributes to its multifaceted health benefits. Ayurvedic Colleges in UP, recommend to use this fruit in the formulation of Ayurvedic medicine by the Ayurvedic Practitioners.
Origins and Traditional Use
Dating back to over 3,000 years, Triphala Churna finds its roots deeply embedded in Ayurvedic practices. Its traditional use spans across various health conditions, owing to its gentle yet effective nature. From digestive disorders to skincare, Triphala has been a trusted remedy in Ayurveda's holistic approach to health.
Health Benefits of Triphala Churna
Digestive Health Improvement
Triphala Churna is celebrated for its digestive prowess. It aids in regularizing bowel movements, alleviating constipation, and promoting healthy digestion. The blend of its three components stimulates the digestive fire (agni), enhancing nutrient absorption and preventing gastrointestinal discomfort.
Detoxification and Cleansing
In the modern world filled with environmental toxins and unhealthy dietary choices, detoxification is paramount for optimal health. Triphala Churna acts as a natural detoxifier, gently eliminating toxins from the body while rejuvenating the liver and kidneys. Its cleansing properties help in maintaining overall well-being.
Antioxidant Properties
Loaded with antioxidants, Triphala Churna combats oxidative stress and cellular damage caused by free radicals. The presence of vitamin C in Amalaki reinforces its antioxidant activity, safeguarding cells from premature aging and oxidative harm.
Boosting Immune System
A robust immune system is the body's shield against infections and diseases. Triphala Churna strengthens the immune response, bolstering the body's defense mechanisms. Regular consumption enhances immunity, reducing susceptibility to illnesses.
Promoting Healthy Skin and Hair
Triphala Churna's rejuvenating properties extend to skincare and haircare. Its antioxidant-rich composition purifies the blood, imparting a natural glow to the skin. Additionally, Triphala's nourishing effects promote hair growth and strengthen hair follicles, combating issues like hair loss and premature graying.
Weight Management and Metabolism Regulation
Struggling with weight management? Triphala Churna might be the solution you're looking for. It aids in weight loss by regulating metabolism, promoting fat breakdown, and improving digestion. Its detoxifying properties also prevent the accumulation of toxins that can hinder weight loss efforts.
Eye Health Improvement
In the digital age, where screen time has for more exceeded, maintaining eye health is crucial. Triphala Churna supports ocular health by reducing eye strain, lubricating the eyes, and preventing conditions like cataracts and glaucoma. Regular eye washes with Triphala infusion can alleviate various eye ailments.
Oral Health Enhancement
A healthy mouth is indicative of overall well-being. Triphala Churna's antimicrobial properties combat oral bacteria, preventing cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Its astringent action tightens gums and promotes oral hygiene, making it an excellent addition to dental care routines.
Anti-inflammatory Effects
Chronic inflammation causes various diseases, like arthritis, heart disease, and cancer. Triphala Churna exerts potent anti-inflammatory effects, soothing inflamed tissues and alleviating pain. Regular consumption can mitigate inflammatory conditions, promoting comfort and mobility.
Potential Cancer Prevention
Research suggests that Triphala Churna exhibits anticancer properties, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and inducing apoptosis (cell death) in malignant cells. While more studies are needed to elucidate its mechanisms fully, Triphala shows promising potential in cancer prevention and adjunctive therapy.
How to Use Triphala Churna
Incorporating Triphala Churna into your daily routine is simple, but it's essential to follow proper dosage and administration guidelines to maximize its benefits. Generally, a teaspoon of Triphala powder mixed with warm water or honey is recommended before bedtime. However, it's advisable to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized recommendations, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant.
Dosage and Administration Tips
Start with a small dose and gradually increase as per tolerance.
Take Triphala on an empty stomach for optimal absorption.
Adjust dosage based on individual constitution and health goals.
Avoid consuming Triphala with dairy or heavy foods to prevent digestive disturbances.
Precautions and Possible Side Effects
While Triphala Churna is generally safe for most individuals, it's essential to exercise caution, especially if you're new to Ayurvedic remedies. Potential side effects like diarrhea or abdominal discomfort may occur, particularly with excessive consumption. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult a healthcare professional before using Triphala.
Triphala Churna, recommended by esteemed institutions like GS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, and other Top BAMS Colleges in UP, offers a myriad of health benefits that span across various bodily systems. From digestive health improvement to immune system support and beyond, Triphala's holistic approach to wellness is unmatched. Incorporating this herbal formulation into your daily routine can pave the way for a healthier, more vibrant life. So, take charge of your body and include Triphala in your daily diet and for the recommended dosage and health related ailments please visit our Expert Ayurvedic Practitioners. You can book an appointment for the best treatment at: https://gsayurvedamedicalcollege.com/
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Dr. Jivraj Mehta Hospital: A Leading Multi-Specialty Hospital in Ahmedabad
Dr. Jivraj Mehta Hospital is the best hospital in Ahmedabad, offering a wide range of specialized services and surgical care. Known for its commitment to quality healthcare, the hospital provides state-of-the-art treatments across multiple medical disciplines, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.
Medical Services at Dr. Jivraj Mehta Hospital
The best hospital in Ahmedabad provides a vast array of medical services, delivered by highly qualified specialists across different fields. Some of the key departments include:
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Anesthesiology: Offering advanced pain management and anesthesia services for surgical procedures.
Ayurvedic: Holistic treatments based on traditional Indian medicine, focusing on wellness and natural healing.
Cardiology: Comprehensive care for heart-related conditions, including diagnostics, interventional cardiology, and heart surgeries.
Dentistry: Full range of dental care services, from preventive care to advanced dental surgeries.
Dermatology: Treatment for a variety of skin, hair, and nail conditions, along with cosmetic dermatology services.
Diabetes & Endocrinology: Specialized care for managing diabetes and endocrine disorders, ensuring comprehensive monitoring and treatment.
Gastroenterology: Diagnosis and treatment of digestive system diseases, including liver, pancreas, and gastrointestinal tract issues.
Gynecology: Women’s health services, including pregnancy care, reproductive health, and gynecological surgeries.
General Medicine: Primary healthcare services for managing common diseases and chronic conditions.
Hematology Oncology (Cancer Care): Comprehensive cancer treatment, including chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation.
HIV & Infectious Disease: Focused care on managing HIV and other infectious diseases with the latest treatments.
Homeopathy: Alternative medicine offering holistic and personalized treatments.
Neonatology: Specialized care for newborns, particularly premature or ill infants, with advanced NICU services.
Nephrology: Kidney care, including dialysis and treatment for chronic kidney diseases.
Neurology: Diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders, including stroke, epilepsy, and Parkinson's disease.
Ophthalmology: Eye care services, ranging from vision tests to complex eye surgeries.
Pain Management: Comprehensive pain relief therapies for chronic and acute pain conditions.
Pathology: Diagnostic services for a wide range of medical conditions through laboratory testing.
Pediatrics: Child healthcare services covering everything from immunizations to specialized pediatric treatments.
Psychiatry: Mental health services, including diagnosis and treatment for depression, anxiety, and more complex psychiatric conditions.
Pulmonology & Critical Care: Respiratory care services for diseases such as asthma, COPD, and critical care for severe respiratory conditions.
Radiology: Advanced imaging services for accurate diagnostics, including MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound.
Rheumatology: Treatment for arthritis and other joint, muscle, and bone disorders.
Urology: Specialized care for urinary tract conditions, including kidney stones, prostate issues, and urological surgeries.
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Surgical Care at Dr. Jivraj Mehta Hospital
Dr. Jivraj Mehta Hospital also excels in offering advanced surgical care, with a team of highly skilled surgeons and modern surgical facilities. The range of surgical specialties includes:
Arthroscopic & Joint Replacement Surgery: Minimally invasive techniques for treating joint disorders and performing joint replacements.
Bariatric – Obesity Surgery: Weight-loss surgery options to treat severe obesity and related health issues.
Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery: Surgical treatment for heart and lung conditions, including bypass surgery and valve replacement.
ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat): Treatment of conditions related to the ear, nose, throat, head, and neck through surgery and other interventions.
Gastro Surgery: Surgical treatment for conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, including appendicitis, gallstones, and hernias.
General Surgery: Broad range of surgical procedures for common medical conditions requiring surgical intervention.
Kidney Transplant: Comprehensive kidney transplant services, from donor matching to post-operative care.
Laparoscopy Surgery: Minimally invasive surgery for various abdominal and pelvic conditions.
Neuro Surgery: Specialized surgical care for brain, spine, and nerve disorders.
Onco Surgery: Cancer surgery as part of a multimodality treatment approach for solid tumors.
Orthopedics: Treatment for bone and musculoskeletal injuries, including fracture repair, joint replacement, and sports injuries.
Pediatric Surgery: Surgical care for infants, children, and adolescents with congenital and acquired conditions.
Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery: Aesthetic and reconstructive procedures to improve appearance and function.
Spine Surgery: Advanced surgical treatment for spinal disorders, including herniated discs and spinal deformities.
Trauma Surgery: Emergency surgical care for severe injuries from accidents or trauma.
Vascular Surgery: Treatment of diseases affecting the blood vessels, including varicose veins, aneurysms, and peripheral artery disease.
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Dr. Jivraj Mehta Hospital stands as one of the best hospitals in Ahmedabad, offering an extensive range of medical and surgical services. With state-of-the-art facilities and a highly experienced team of healthcare professionals, the hospital is committed to delivering top-notch care across all specialties. Whether you require routine healthcare, specialized treatment, or complex surgical procedures, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Hospital provides comprehensive and compassionate care for all its patients.
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rohitjagotra · 3 months
Do you have kidney stones?
The kidneys are the essential organs of our body that eliminate a large amount of fluid and poisons from our bodies through urine. Thus, it should be clear how crucial it is to look after our kidneys. Kidney stones are solid masses of crystals that can be present. Kidney stones can take on various forms and types within the kidneys. If you are also troubled by kidney problems, Ayurvedic treatment is the best. It eliminates it from its root. If you also want quick relief from kidney problems, contact your nearest Ayurvedic hospital, otherwise, you can go to our best Ayurvedic hospital in India  Dr. Sharda Ayurveda You can get rid of your kidney stones by coming to Sharda Ayurveda Hospital.
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