aysall · 4 years
listen, Shigaraki's policy of revenge is clearly "give them a taste of their own medicine and then make it a million times worse".
Stain disrespects him? Shigaraki disrespects him harder, then gets him into jail. Overhaul disrespects him, kills a comrade and destroys another one's arm? Shigaraki kills one of theirs, destroys both of his arms, metaphorically spits on his quirk-less body and takes his quirk-erasing bullets (work of a lifetime), then leaves him to the heroes. Redestro chops off his broker's right fingers and threatens to disrespectfully terminate his villain organization? Shigaraki mocks him, then levels his city, makes him chop off his own legs, almost terminates his villain organization except that he is appointed leader by RD himself.
Now, I could go on, but the unexpected point of all this is: how much was Twice worth? How could you possibly repay the death of a man who could multiply himself endlessly and then make. it. worse?
Eh, dunno, you answer that.
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taenuviel · 6 years
me, in my tiny isolated social bubble: do you hear the people sing! lost in the valley of the night! it is the music of the people who are climbing to the light!
me, after spending two (2) minutes on popular social media/news sites: Die Schatten werden länger! und doch bleiben alle blind und stumm! Zum Klang der Rattenfänger! tanzt man wild ums kalte Grab herum!
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aysall · 4 years
still not over the fact that it's spinner the one who makes toga smile for the first time after twice
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aysall · 4 years
spinner, enjoying a pleasant ride on a giant's back, to a burnt, split at the seams, almost dead, half-afo, barely conscious, shigaraki: duuuude the day we had!
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aysall · 4 years
...I want the anime’s sub and dub of “I’d never seen anything prettier” to be exactly that. no different words. no nothing just...prettier carries such a soft feeling...don’t deprive spinner’s words of his awe. let that be it. let shigaraki’s destruction be somewhat delicate through someone else’s eyes.... the...only...thing.... I ask.......
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aysall · 4 years
the fact that mr compress will come in last to reveal his backstory must burn him so bad, he is the entertainer he is the attention seeker hence he should've been in the front lines doing his little dance but instead he's stuck fussing left and right 'cause his fellow members can't take care of themselves for two minutes and oh the irony
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aysall · 4 years
I don' think we fully realize to which point Spinner is the most reckless and passionate member of the League. He's a twenty year old hikikomori kid, with no social skills, a weak and antropomorphic quirk, zero dreams nor aspirations; just your regular, depressed, young adult with no reason at all to join a villain group except that day he watched a video of a guy screaming some inarticulate shit and didn't think twice about picking up some swords, tying them up and kidnapping this teenager, which later prompted a whole other avalanche of colossal messes. Now he is a wanted criminal stuck with psychologically damaged people and this other guy who obviously doesn't care one bit about Stain nor any other ideology but is oddly charismatic and Spinner apparently has a weak spot for that type and his child-like smile so he might as well do a one-eighty, drop all reasons and logic, and stake his life on a war he wouldn't be interested in. Of course, repeatedly risking his life which is pretty useless to do cause he's not even powerful.
Giving who they are it's like the other members didn't have a choice but the League. Meanwhile Spinner doubtfully entered through sheer will power and now won't leave. What a cool guy.
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aysall · 4 years
jin bubaigawara did deserve to be on television, just not like that
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aysall · 4 years
can't we just fastforward Shigaraki's fight to sunset time so that when the League arrives Spinner has another heart attack looking at a second destroyed horizon but this time in a different color palette
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aysall · 4 years
Spinner, a summary:
Shigaraki >:( Stain!
Horizon.... pretty....
Toga brb
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aysall · 4 years
what Spinner says: our story started picking up speed
what Spinner means: we were a bunch of homeless delinquents but then we fought an army and Shigaraki levelled a city so we became GENERALS of said army and lived in a MANSION while we planned to take over THE WHOLE COUNTRY just to go in a full out war after less than four months while Shigaraki levelled ANOTHER BIGGER CITY having acquired ultimate power and as he fought the strongest heroes we got on a titan's back that RAMPAGED through multiple cities trying to reach him and THEN--
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aysall · 4 years
imo thinking "I'd never seen anything prettier" while looking at your bloodstained boss standing tall against the sunrise with nothing around him but destruction and victory says something not really subtle abt you but idk idk
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aysall · 4 years
the league, about twice: sir that was our emotional support member
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aysall · 4 years
I think, seeing those close-ups of the League with Dabi being the only one having a good time is pretty significant, after Twice's death
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aysall · 4 years
istg if this chapter ends with bakugou explodopunching shigaraki to the sky I'm gonna be very pissed and also slightly amused
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aysall · 4 years
so, has the league been knowin or are we gonna get some more shocked expressions next chap
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