#ayos lang.
kiiraes · 1 year
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oo haha
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literaryavenger · 7 months
Black Panther - Post Credit Scene
Summary: Bucky comes out of the ice.
Pairing: Avengers x F!Reader, Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Warnings: Nothing really for this one, maybe language. Mostly fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 1.8K
A/N: I want to specify that I used google translator for the Xhosa, so I hope it's at least decent, but I thought it would be cute to put it in there. I've had this ready to go for WEEKS and I'm so glad I finally get to post it! I hope you like the idea of a reunion like this as much as I do! Enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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You’ve been on the run for a year now with Steve, Sam and Natasha. A few weeks after you all escaped the Raft, Clint and Scott decided to make a deal with Ross to get house arrest because being on the run and away from their families was too hard for them.
The five of you that remained went from safe house to safe house while doing as many missions as you could, never staying in one place too long and still trying to help people to the best of your capabilities, with Wanda disappearing from time to time to spend time with Vision.
Lately, though, you’ve been noticing Steve’s been a little fidgety, even disappearing here and there for a couple of days at a time.
You want to ask him what’s going on, but you don’t want to be nosy so you wait for if and when he’s ready to talk about it.
And that time comes one random afternoon as you’re all sitting around in the living room of the safe house you’re in, Wanda being off with Vision.
“Hey, can I talk to you?” He sits next to you and you nod, putting down your book to give him your full attention. “I know you’ve all been wondering where I go every now and then, and I’m glad you didn’t push it. But I’m ready for you guys to know now.”
He addresses everybody before turning to you and looking straight in your eyes as he finishes. “Bucky’s awake.”
Your breath hitches in your throat and you can’t seem to find it in you to say anything more than “Oh.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner...” He looks actually sorry. “We just thought it would’ve been better to keep it as lowkey as possible.”
You nod and look at the floor, trying not to show your disappointment.
It makes sense. After all Steve is his best friend, his brother, his only family. You’re barely an acquaintance.
“He asked about you.” your eyes snap back to him. “He wanted you to be there, but he understood. He’s glad you’re safe.”
“From the government or from him?” you mumble and Steve gives you an apologetic look, but lets it go.
“The thing is, I kind of need to ask you a favor.” you narrow your eyes at him and he raised his hands in surrender. “It’s nothing bad, I swear!”
“Fine,” you sigh. “What do you want?”
“It’s just, the mission we’ve been planning is important…” he looks at the plans and footprints on the table. “And only three of us are needed for it.”
You think you see where this is going. “You want me to take over your part of the mission?!” you look at him like he grew three heads. How the hell can you take on the role of a supersoldier?
“No, of course not. That’s the thing.” he quickly clarifies. “I can’t be spared for this, and we know the mission is gonna last a while.”
“Where are you going with this, Rogers?” you’re just confused now.
“Could you look after Bucky for me?”
Oh. You try hard not to look too excited about the prospect of seeing Bucky again and spending time with him.
“Are you… sure that’s a good idea?” you ask him as coolly as you can.
“It’s not gonna be hard. You just need to keep an eye on him from a distance.” good thing you managed your expectations. “Shuri’s gonna be working with him and, when he’s ready, she’ll let you talk to him.” Okay, you’re excited again.
“Uhm,” you have to at least pretend to think about it, right? “I guess, if I’m not needed on the mission and you are, I could do you this favor.”
You fight a smile as you make the mistake to look at Sam, that’s grinning, knowing full well how you feel about Bucky. You groan and roll your eyes, but he says nothing, thankfully.
“Thank you.” Steve lays a hand on your arm and smiles at you. “This means a lot to me.”
“I know.” you smile back, then hug him.
“Okay,” he says as you let go “we’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
You nod and get up to finish packing the bag you were getting ready for the mission in a few days.
After you’re done, you go back to the living room to spend one last night with Sam, Steve and Nat as you don’t know how long it’s gonna be before you see them again.
The next morning you wake up thankful you’re not hungover and get your stuff with Steve’s into the jet, Sam and Nat accompanying you out to say the last goodbyes.
“I’ll miss you.” you tell Nat as you hug her “Please don’t cut your hair again while I’m gone.”
“I’ll try not to.” she laughs, hugging you back. “I’ll miss you too, Crazy.”
“Try not to miss me too much.” Sam tells you as he hugs you too, making you roll your eyes with a smile.
“Sure, birdbrain.” He groans at the nickname “Be careful.”
He nods and, after they say goodbye to Steve too, the two of you board the quinjet and make your way to Wakanda.
You are met by Princess Shuri and King T’Challa himself. You hug Steve goodbye as he makes his way to visit Bucky before his mission and to tell him he probably won’t be coming by again for a while. 
Shuri and T’Challa, who insisted you drop their formal titles, give you a tour of the palace and then take you to a guest room that’s basically a suite, and you’re shocked to find out you’ll be living here in the palace for the duration of your stay.
As promised you look after Bucky from a distance.
Every morning you and Shuri get escorted to Bucky’s hut where she works with him on his deprogramming as you and Ayo hang back.
Other than making sure he’s okay, there’s not really much for you to do so you take this time to get to know the people. It astonishes you how easy you get welcomed by the community.
You’re taught their customs by the locals, you pick up some Xhosa, not a lot but enough to have conversations and you’re even taught to fight by the Dora Milaje. Mostly Okoye and even Ayo since the two of you cleared the air after the whole airport fight.
She apologized profusely about the wound she inflicted in your arm, which has been fully healed for months now, and you assured her it was okay. You understood she was simply doing her job and admired her passion and determination to protect her king. 
Also, it turns out you broke a couple of her ribs, which you also apologized for, so you two decided to just call it even.
You got comfortable fast; dressing with their clothes, participating in their festivities and playing around with the children everyday as Shuri does whatever she does with Bucky.
You’re always careful to not get too close to be seen while still being close enough to keep an eye on them.
After their sessions Shuri always brings you up to speed and then you report to Steve to let him know Bucky’s doing good.
You’re making your way to Shuri’s lab where you’ve met her everyday for the couple of months that you’ve been in Wakanda.
“Good morning, Princess.” you tell her, bowing when you stop in front of T’Challa. “My King.”
“Stop that.” he swats at you as both you and Shuri laugh.
“Ready to go?” Ayo asks and you eye her suspiciously as she’s grinning like she does right before she makes a move that instantly knocks you on your ass during training.
“What are you up to?” you ask her but she just keeps on smiling.
“Today is the day, Agent.” Shuri tells you as smirks, knowing how you feel about the nickname.
“I’m not an agent of anything.” you roll your eyes, then register what she just said. “Wait, what do you mean, today’s the day?”
“Sergeant Barnes is ready.” she says and you can’t help the smile that comes to your face, which falls with a groan when you see them all smirking at each other at your reaction.
“Let’s just go.” you say as you turn around and start walking with Shuri and Ayo.
“Have fun!” T’Challa yells after you.
“Your order is my command, Your Highness!” you yell back and you all laugh at the loud groan he lets out.
As always, Shuri gets closer while you and Ayo hang back and she walks to the shore of the lake in front of the hut and then stops there.
You see three kids run out of Bucky’s hut, laughing, and the princess turns around as they run up to her and hug her.
“Are you playing around with that man again?” she asks, laughing. “You’re teasing him again.” she keeps teasing them as they chant ‘no’ between laughter and you can’t help but smile.
Bucky exits the hut and, like every other day, he takes your breath away. His sun-kissed skin, his Wakandan robes, his growing beard and the longer hair. The whole style just suits him.
You see him take a deep breath and then he gets closer to Shuri as the children run towards you giggling about the “Ingcuka Emhlophe”. [White Wolf]
“Uyayithanda Ingcuka Emhlophe?” you ask them. [You like the White Wolf?]
“Yena engaqhelekanga” one of the kids says and you laugh. [He’s strange]
“Kutheni ephulukene nengalo nje?” another one asks you. [Why is he missing an arm?]
You aren’t sure what to say, they are children after all, but you try your best.
“Kuba uyindoda ekhaliphileyo eyathi yenzakala xa inceda abantu.” [Because he is a brave man that was injured while helping people]
They all look at him in awe just as you hear Shuri say, “Sergeant Barnes.”
“Bucky.” he corrects her and you smile.
“How are you feeling today?” she asks him.
“Good. Thank you.” she smiles and motions towards you.
“Come. Much more for you to learn.” she says as she starts walking.
He takes a second to look out at the lake before following Shuri, but as soon as he spots you, he stops.
He stares as you’re giggling with the children that are now circling around you and dancing, and when you look towards Bucky again his eyes are already on you.
You blush a little at his intense gaze but he seems to snap out of it when your eyes meet his and he gets closer until he’s right in front of you.
“Sergeant.” you say, smirking.
“Doll.” he says, smirking back.
You smile at each other until Shuri clears her throat and you turn to look at her just to see both her and Ayo with a smirk of their own. You roll your eyes at them, but your smile stays on.
“Shall we?” Shuri says and starts walking, Ayo right behind her.
Bucky takes your hand and starts walking after Shuri too, pulling you with him, both of you feeling like nothing could wipe the smiles off your faces.
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes @aki-ham @mary-jinx @abbyyourlocalmilf @selcouthial @esposadomd @americaarse @multiversefanfics
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The Angels Brought Me Back to My Loves
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"Can you run it back for me one more time?" You asked the young boy sitting across from you.
His name was Diego, and his loyalty to you was undying and unwavering. You don't remember doing anything to earn such devotion. But that was the problem, wasn't it. You didn't remember a single thing when you woke up from a six month coma.
Not your name.
Not your profession.
Not your powers, which seemed to be dormant since you awakened. Considering you haven't been unable to summon even a spark of electricity. No matter how many times Diego and the other kids tried to motivate you.
Not any friends, family, or significant others you might have.
You couldn't remember a single thing about your life, and the only information Diego could provide you with was. The brave and daring chronicles that began with you breaking into an evil scientist's base of operations to rescue them. And ended with you taking down their number one solider with the power to move the earth itself.
You were pretty sure he exaggerated certain parts of the story, but you never tired of hearing it. Hoping it would somehow help restore a memory or two. If you were lucky enough, all of your memories would come back.
He recounted the story again, breaking down every single detail. No matter how big or small, even throwing in little things he had forgotten about. Or just didn't think were that important watching you carefully. To see if any of it was doing any good and brought a memory out.
But nope, there was no surge of images flashing through your mind. Like you hoped for, you listened with intent, but nothing came back. It was pointless just like the last seven times.
You expected him to grow frustrated at some point with repeating the same tale over and over. He never did, though. Instead, Diego got to his feet to walk crouch down beside where your head was buried in your hands. He placed a comforting hand on your knee and said the same words over.
"Don't worry Avenger, we'll get there somehow or someway. I can feel it."
And there it was that one word that did seem to resonate with something. Deep buried inside of you, the key to bringing it all out. But as soon as you tried to grasp it. It vanished out of your reach.
Avenger the one word that meant everything to you. Whenever someone spoke it or referred to you with it. Your heart beat a little faster. It meant something. There was purpose behind the title, and it was the one thing that you focused on. You might not remember who you were and what your life was. But you were sure of one thing, and it was going to have to be enough for now.
You were an Avenger.
Two Months Later
The rest of the story goes as follows after the three kids lugged you back to the small town. The townspeople became worried the evil scientist would return to take vengeance upon them, and this time you would be in no condition to stop them. With that fear lurking in the back they came to the decision it was best to flee while they had the chance. The only problem being getting you back to the Avengers.
Reaching out to the Avengers was no easy task like it used to be back when the team was actually put together, and had their own system of answering distress calls. Things never really got back to normal after the Avengers disbanded over the Sokovia Accords, and the aftermath of the Battle of Thanos just made things worse. The remaining heroes were scattered and really just doing their own thing these days. If countries outside of the U.S. wanted to get in contact with an Avenger for help. They were forced to go through the government and sometimes the letters were just thrown in random pile by an agent. And it wouldn't be handed off to an Avenger until one of you came by looking for an assignment, or when Sam would go there to pick up all the Avenger mail.
The townspeople didn't have the luxury of waiting around for months for the Avengers to come to the rescue this time. So they took you with them into hiding, and a few weeks later they found an abandoned village to settle into and call home. While Chloe's healing powers might've been enough to bring you back to life. The little girl wasn't strong enough to heal your injury completely, so the small team of doctors, and one surgeon had to work around the clock to keep you alive. Apparently you had coded at least two more times, but they were able to resuscitate you.
When you finally woke up from your six-month coma the entire village rejoiced. Even though you were suffering a serious case of memory loss they were just happy to see you awake, and moving. Although the moving thing was limited to just lifting your arms and turning your head by yourself. A few weeks went by before you were able to ditch the wheelchair, and even then you still had to use a cane to walk.
During it all, Diego was a Godsend staying by your side through it all, and constantly challenging you to push yourself to get better and better everyday. When you were at your lowest wanting nothing more than just to give up. You were still waiting for the day where he finally gave up, and moved on with his life. The other two kids and his mother laughed whenever you made a comment about him growing tired of you one day. All of them insisted Diego looked up to way too much, and felt in your debt even if he had saved your life. Oh and then there was the other reason you had to keep trying no matter how pointless it all seemed. Kai and Chloe neither of them were from this country instead both were relying on you to get them home back to their families. The most frustrating thing about recovering your memories is how random ones pushed their way to the surface caused by the smallest hint of familiarity. The scent of your favorite food hitting your nostrils as you limped past a random home. Suddenly you were sitting at a circular table stuffing your face with a sandwich, so messy the meat inside was falling out onto the wrapper below. The person next to you with his head propped up on his own fist took the time to chastise you from such sloppy mannerisms.
Diego convincing you to spar with him one day, a friendly practice fight ending with him pinned face down to the ground. Your knee digging into his back, and his arm wretched upward at a painful angle. The sparring session was all fun and games until you pulled some lethal move the boy had no chance of dodging from muscle memory.
But while those occurrences had you wishing for your memory to come back. It was one memory in particular that left you longing for the feeling of it long after it was gone. It happened on a hot and humid day the rising temperatures so dangerous not even Diego was willing to risk the heat stroke to get you out of the house. But what the heat in his home so much worse was his mother's decision to bake some goodies. The activity had both you and him seeking solace at the neighbor's house. A nice family who were familiar with you for they were the ones to house you for the duration of your mission.
Once the pastries were done and cooled off his mother was kind enough to drop some off to both of you with a wide smile. While making a comment about the two of you leaving her to suffer in a hot kitchen alone like a servant. Diego planted a kiss on his mother's forehead before shoving the sugary cake in his mouth. You took a tentative bite, savoring the rich and sweet flavor as the white powdery sugar coated your tongue and sides of your mouth. Diego pointed at the mess with a chuckle, and in that moment another person's laughter flooded your brain along with an unfamiliar voice referring to you with a tone of endearment. Both voices belonged to that of a different woman, but your body had the same reaction regardless. Your heart started beating a little faster as your grip on the funnel cake loosened so much. It fell from your fingertips to the floor while you did your best to hold onto the fleeting sounds that had already faded away back to the deep crevices of your mind. Where all your memories were awaiting for you to find a way to unlock them. You grew so desperate to summon those voices again you didn't think twice about eating another sweet, but nothing happened.
No soft laughter this time, or woman calling you something other than your name. But the way she said it told you whatever the word stood for. It wasn't anything bad but the opposite if anything she said in such a loving way you yearned to her say it again. You needed to hear her say it again the way you needed air to live. This was the first memory to hint there was someone out there thinking you were dead. Someone who saw you as the most important person in the world. Someone who's entire world fell apart when you didn't come back from the mission. Someone who might still be waiting for you to come home holding out hope that despite the fact. Its been more than eight months since you disappeared somehow you were still out there. And you were with newfound determination to make it back to them no matter what.
Another week passed filled with more random memories coming out of blue triggered by the simplest of actions, or anything related to smell or taste. One of them did do some good helping you remember your name finally.
Thanks to the physical therapy Diego put together with the help of the doctors. You were able to get rid of the cane and was back to walking on your own without any assistance. This encouraged both of you to start taking your training a bit more serious hoping to get your powers to come back out. But unfortunately any attempt to use summon your powers failed no matter what the two of you tried. The danger tactic failed. The believe in yourself and go for it speech got you nowhere. Even you touching a faulty wire hoping the connection would spark something did nothing. The frustration over the lack of progress continued to build to you finally hit your breaking day. You stormed off right in the middle of a session with Diego.
The kid let all the random items floating high up in the air waiting to be shot down by your electricity fall back to the ground. He called out your name begging you to come back, you were tired mentally and physically. Not wanting to let the kid down, but knowing if you pushed yourself any harder for the day only to come up empty-handed. Would lead to a inevitable meltdown that neither of you would escape from unscathed from. You kept going not sparing him another glance.
Eventually nightfall came bringing quite the thunderstorm along with it, and while most of the townspeople let the sound of the pounding rain with the rumbling thunder lull them into a deep slumber. One determined little kid did the opposite, sneaking out of his home to make the journey to yours. The storm was so powerful you weren't able to tell the difference between the knocking at your door, and the raindrops slamming into the roof. It was his familiar disgruntled yelling that made it possible for you to distinguish the difference finally, and then you were dragging yourself out of your warm and cozy bed to. Yank the door open and drag the young boy into your home with a firm hand on the back of his neck.
"Diego what the hell are you doing outside? Did you not see the mini hurricane raging on out there?" You scolded him throwing in a smack upside his head for good measure.
The action didn't faze or kill his mood in the slightest. He looked up at you with a massive grin plastered on his face. "Yeah and do you know what that means?" He countered your question with one of his own.
The tone of excitement in his voice bewildered you just as much as his presence here. "Usually it would be a great night of sleep for normal people."
Diego shook his head. "Well you're not exactly normal and this is your chance."
"My chance to what? You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
He groaned, rolling his eyes as if it should be obvious. "This is the perfect opportunity to reawaken your powers. A thunderstorm like this means giant lightning bolts if you get struck by one. It could be the jumpstart they've needed to come out all this time."
Now you understood his excitement. the process of trying to your electricity powers to activate again hadn't been easy, and ended in failure more than once. The most you were able to do these past couple of weeks was generate a few sparks in the palm of your hands. "Didn't we already try that?" You reminded him thinking back to the faulty wire he had you touch. The only thing it accomplished was a brief flickering of lights in the house while you were hit with a tiny jolt of power. It was very anti-climatic and kind of embarrassing if you would say so yourself.
"Oh come on, comparing that tiny shock to a lightning bolt is like comparing a candlelit flame to a raging inferno." Diego scoffed following you into the living room where you flicked on the switch. "If anything can give your powers that jumpstart its this" he insisted almost pleading at this point.
Even if you wanted to argue with the kid it wasn't possible while you might not be able to summon or generate electricity beyond a few playful sparks. You could still feel the hum of it, and how it powered every little thing in the village. But tonight everyone had their electronics turned off in fear of a attracting a stray lightning bolt. So the hairs on the back of your neck shouldn't have been standing up the way they were, and the powerful hum that had your entire body tingling with anticipation should've been way less stronger. Instead it was one of the strongest pulls of electrifying power that you felt since waking up. Your body craved it more than anything so what were you waiting for?
"What if it doesn't work? What if it fails like everything else?" You asked aloud realizing it was the fear of failure holding you back. The fear that you were going to stuck like this forever.
"It won't" Diego exclaimed with nothing but confidence.
"You don't know that it won't" You argued unsure.
Diego stared at you with disbelief and for the first time since you woke up. He looked at you with disappointment, releasing a huff in frustration. "It doesn't matter y/n its worth the risk" he said, standing his ground with his hands placed on his hip.
"Damn it y/n if you're not willing to do it for yourself then do it for whoever has you walking around here like a lovesick puppy. They have to be worth it, right?" Diego pressed you even more when you didn't answer fast enough for his liking. His comment at the end got your attention as your head snapped upward with your eyes zeroing in on him.
He held up his hands to keep you calm. "I've noticed a change in your behavior since that day my mom baked those funnel cakes. I don't know what memory it brought up, but I know whatever it was you've been trying kinda hard to make it come back. The key to unlocking your memories might be connected to your powers y/n."
It turns out Diego was more determined to help you get your powers back to full strength than you knew. The kid had a plan just in case this exact opportunity ever presented itself. He already scoped out the area finding the perfect vantage point for you to try and call down a lightning bolt. The strong winds and blinding rain slowed the two of you down on your way, but about forty minutes later. You stood perched on the edge of the cliff with quite the view below of a wider and more dense forest. But tonight in this raging storm the trees before were bent from the force of the gales. Leaves were ripped free from the branches swirling throughout the air. Some of them forming a tornado of leaves it created a haunting sight.
Your eyes drifted up to focus on the darkened sky that casted nothing but shadows upon the land. Every now and then it lit up with a flash of lightning, and with every bolt you felt your heart pull towards it. Diego stayed back hiding behind the trees hoping it would shield him for the wrath of the storm. It didn't matter if the lightning bolt did splinter them you weren't going to let anything happen to him. Either this plan was going to work or you were going to shocked with enough bolts to put you back in a coma.
You took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly preparing your mind and body. The lightning bolt shouldn't be able to hurt you, but then again you couldn't be to sure of your immunity with the majority of your abilities laying dormant inside of you. But it wasn't fear that you felt as the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, or when your hair started to frizz. You were filled with excitement and a sense of impatience as if this is exactly what your body had been craving. This was going to work. It had too.
Deep down inside the connection was still there buzzing with a low hum. A bolt of lightning shot from the sky grazing the forest below, and you were sure the strike took a tree down. Another one followed not too far behind, and the only difference was this one was a bit closer. It was as if the storm felt your presence and was challenging you to tame it. It raged on with the winds picking up greater speeds your hair flowing behind you, and your jacket along with your shirt was lifted from your body letting the cool air hit your skin. The rain started coming down a little harder, clouding your vision. The storm had turned into a ferocious beast intent to knock you down, but you stood your ground. Planting your feet on the edge of the cliff determined to not give it a single inch. The elements weren't going to bend to your will.
Good thing that wasn't your intention because you knew all too well some power just couldn't be tamed. Instead you wanted to become one with it again, and with you let out an agonized cry spill out of your mouth. A plea you were so desperately hoping would be answered. Digging deep down inside you searched for your power urging no commanding it to come back to you. Lightning flashed in the sky overtaking you with its strength. Teasing you with how close you were to colliding with it. You felt a small surge of electricity and sparks of it began to dance in your fingertips. Grabbing a hold of that power you refused to let it go. Expanding your connection to it focusing on the immense source of power in the sky above.
A white hot bolt of lightning shot from the sky colliding with your body. This time lighting you and the ground beneath your feet up as well. For a solid two seconds your were encased in a tomb of three hundred million volts. Diego watched from the distance amazed but still fearing for your well-being. Your body wasn't convulsing or anything, but instead remained still. He continued to hang back in the safety of the trees honoring his promise to you. To not get involved no matter what, and to not attempt to pull you out of the pathway of the lightning. This was his plan after all.
And it was working because yes for a mere second you were in unimaginative pain. It felt as if the volts of electricity was seeping into your skin, worming a path throughout your entire body to destroy you from the inside. Then the pain faded away and you became more alive since waking you from the coma. When the surge hit your brain the flush of memories hit way too fast dropping you to your knees. As you watched your entire life playback like a movie, only for it to stop short. You growled in frustration trying to push more power to the circuits in your brain to summon the rest, but the lightning bolt had served its purpose, and seemed to just evaporate into thin air.
The once brown and rocky ground you were standing on was now charred black. A circle of small flames danced around your form, and the sound of Diego calling your name reached your ears.
You lifted your upper body upright remaining on your knees taking deep breaths in and out. Sparks of blue electricity were now crackling around your entire body. Your powers were no longer dormant, and now you had the majority of your memories back.
It worked.
"Do you really have to go right now?" Diego asked, hovering by the entrance to your bedroom watching you stuff what few belongings you possessed into a duffle bag.The two of you returned from the journey into the mountains not too long ago, and the night was still young. It was going to be at least another three to four hours before sunrise, and while it would've been more ideal to wait until then to depart from the village. You found yourself unable to wait any longer to get back to your life, and your friends. No your family because while none of them weren't related to you by blood.
The bond you shared with the Avengers was an unbreakable one, and you knew without a doubt that Sam and Bucky spent the past eight months. Blaming themselves for your disappearance, and presumed death, especially Sam considering this was exactly the type of mission. He would've done everything in his power to convince you not to go on alone. Oh and that was another thing while the lightning bolt managed to restore your powers somewhat, and awaken the majority of your memories. Not all of them had returned, and there were still blank spaces you needed to fill.
The people in this village had your gratitude and you would be forever in their debt, especially Diego's, but if you were going to get back to full strength, and recover all of your memories. It was time to go back home no matter how hard it might be to say goodbye.
"Yeah kiddo, the faster I get a move on the faster I get back home plus I need to make a quick stop on the way." You told him slinging the duffle bag over your shoulder, the action caused a burst of agony to shot through your body. Somehow you managed to mask it with a tight smile, not wanting to give him anymore ammo to convince you to stay.
"Fine but just promise me one thing" he said, straightening his body to make himself look taller.
You quirked an eyebrow at him with a grin. "Yeah go ahead."
"One day when the Avengers are like looking for new prospects to join the team. You'll remember me, and come back." Diego said, trying to keep his usual confidence, but you noticed the worry in his eyes. Worry that you were going to move on with your life, and forget he ever existed.
"Awww Diego" You chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Of course I'm coming back for you, and I promise its not going to be like twenty years from now or something. It'll be soon after all I still got to get Kai and Chloe back home."
"And what about the bad guys?" "I wouldn't worry too much about them the Avengers probably took care of them sometime after I disappeared."
Eight Months Earlier.
The alert didn't come from you instead it came from Wakanda.
The crazy thing about it was Sam had been thinking about sending Bucky in after you to just to make sure everything was going smoothly. The super solider finally got Valentina off his back, agreeing to join her little anti-Avenger squad. As long as she promised not to interfere with his life, or more like personal vendettas. There were still plenty of names on his list that he planned on crossing off.Just as Sam reached for his cell phone to reach out to him, the giant screen sitting in front of him came to life on its own. On the other side of the screen was a face he knew all too well, and she didn't look happy. Nor did she have her usual calm and focused demeanor about her.
He could see the distress on her face and was on his feet in seconds. "Ayo what's wrong?"
"Y/N do you know her location?"
"Not exactly she's on a mission in Costa Rica." He answered, a sense of dread coming over him.
"I'm sending you her coordinates now, we need you to get moving at once. You can reach her faster than we can" Ayo replied.
Sam threw his hand out to get her to pause before hanging on. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?"
"She's in danger" was the only thing she would tell him before hanging on.
A few hours later the part of forest where your kimoyo beads were still pinging from was swarming with a small team of government agents led by Sam and Bucky. Ayo and Aneka touched down just thirty minutes after them accompanied by Okoye and Shuri the Black Panther herself. Together it didn't take them long to search the area, and the only trace they could find of you was the beads. Laying in a puddle of water with a large pool of dried up blood next to it, and no one needed a DNA test to know who it belonged to.
A few feet away was the body of a large male, and his injuries told a story. They just wished he was still breathing so he could tell them what happened to you. Your body was nowhere to be found, but with the amount of blood loss you suffered. There was no way you could've gotten far on foot, so everyone scoured the surrounding area and beyond in hopes of finding at least. A sign of what might've become of you, but they had no such luck. After failing in the search for you, Sam and Bucky turned their sights on the guys you were sent to take care of. Locating the main base of operations wasn't hard at all with being only a few miles away from your final location. Ayo and Shuri tagged along with them just in cased any of the soldiers were left.
Between the Black Panther, The General of the Dora Milaje, A super solider with a vibranium arm, and Captain American armed with wings, and the ionic vibranium shield. It took literally no time at all to make quick work of the small army of goons armed with machine guns. The man in charge was in trying to sneak out the back, and disappear into the depths of the rainforest. Instead the door was ripped from its hinges when he reached it, and before he could turn around to go back the way he came.
A shiny black metal arm with lines of gold running down its length reached out to take a fistful of his shirt. Bucky lifted him off the ground, and carried him back into the building. Where he proceeded to slam him into a wall. One, two, three times, and on the last one his head connected with hard material. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and suddenly his vibranium arm disconnected from his body. He stepped back as it fell to the floor at his feet along with the near unconscious man.
"What the hell Ayo?" He growled already knowing who was responsible.
She came up to stand beside him with nothing but disdain in her eyes for the man below. "You weren't restraining yourself" was her explanation.
It took all of five seconds to pry the metal arm off the short and stocky man. Sam hauled him to his feet by his white lab coat, and half-drug him to a random office. Where he was tossed into a office chair the momentum sent it spinning out of control. Until it slammed into the wall, and turned over dumping him back on the floor.
"For Bast's sake can you two not be so rough. We need him conscious if we're going to question on y/n's wherabouts" Shuri scolded the Avenger.
Sam and Bucky grunted out a fake apology. Shuri went over to help the leader back to his feet with a firm grim on his forearm. She led him back over to the chair that Ayo had picked up from the floor waiting on the side with handcuffs. As soon as he was seated and his hands were secured to the arms of the chair. Bucky threw a bucket of cold water on him drenching his entire body.
"Ahhh" he gasped shooting up from his slumping. His eyes widened and his hands strained against the bonds when he tried to wipe the water off his face. A second later he started to realize just what kind of predicament he was in. When his eyes settled on Shuri positioned in front of him in her signature Black Panther suit. The mask was still covering face to set the tone, and evoke more fear into him. Ayo stood on her right side just a few inches behind her with death grip on her spear. If looks could kill the man would drop dead in an instant from the way she glowered.
Bucky sat perched on top of a desk closer to the door with Sam leaning back against. Arms crossed over his chest deciding it was best to let the Wakandans handle the interrogation. The rage built inside of him was too strong for him to trust himself to question the man responsible for your disappearance. Especially considering the thing fueling his anger was the thought that all of this was his fault. You would've never been put in this position if he had just listened to his instincts. In the first place and waited until Bucky returned from dealing with Valentina to give you the mission. Instead he let you go alone and now you were gone.
"Where is she?" Shuri asked her voice so calm it was eerie.
"Where's who Princess? You're going to have to be a little more specific." The man said letting just a drop of sarcasm seep into his voice. It earned him a blow to the jaw courtesy of Ayo with such speed. He didn't even realize he'd been struck until the stars cleared, and he spat blood onto the floor.
"The Avenger who was sent here to bring your operation down" Ayo seethed.
A knowing look came over him and there was no way for him to hide it. When grin stretched across his face to match the pure delight in his eyes. Shuri moved with inhuman speed to encase her General in her arms, and pull her back.
"Lula Ayo lula cinga ngesithandwa sakho" She whispered into the enraged warrior's ear.
"I assumed your Avenger was successful in her mission, and would've returned to you by now. You're telling me she hasn't?" He asked out of curiosity and disbelief.
"No she hasn't and her last coordinates puts her about a mile or two away from this place. We went there but there was no sign of her only some dead burly dude." Sam explained walking forward to take over as Shuri took Ayo out of the room.
"Ahhh so she did kill project Earth" the man said his tone emotionless as he shrugged his shoulders. "I figure as much when he didn't return after I sent him after her and my other subjects."
Sam glanced over his shoulder to see Bucky's eyebrow twitch, and he sighed wishing the guy knew how to hold his tongue. No doubt he was referring to the missing kids. He stepped out of the way knowing his strength didn't even come close to matching the super solider. Whenever his eyes darkened the way they were now, and he moved nearly matching Shuri's pace. He wrapped his human hand around the man's throat, and squeezed until it got to the point that every time the man tried to gasp for air. The end result was him choking even harder.
"Those subjects have names and so did that man who died for your heartless endeavors. They were human beings and you stole their life away from them." Bucky snarled dropping to one knee so he could make eye contact with terrified scientist. "The least you can do is remember their names. When this is over I'm going to make sure you know every single last one of them." It wasn't a threat but a promise.
The interrogation went on for a full two hours with Okoye coming in, and taking over after the first hour was up. She had years of experience under her belt witnessing some of the most proven methods to get someone to talk. She had no sympathy for this man, and saw no need to show him an ounce of mercy. But once it became obvious he knew nothing of your whereabouts, and had no useful information on the abandoned town.
Okoye broke the news to everyone and called the interrogation a waste of time to keep it going. Of course Ayo and Aneka who were holding onto breads crumbs of hope right now argued.
"He is lying let me speak with him" Aneka demanded stalking towards the door.
Both Sam and Okoye blocked her path, but he hung back letting the former General attempt to calm her fellow Midnight Angel down.
"Aneka brute force will not work I've tried both manipulation, and torture. He just doesn't know" Okoye insisted.
"He's a demented man who used people as test subjects to give them powers. He would've saw y/n as the perfect specimen." Aneka argued.
"Maybe but that doesn't change the fact she's an Avenger which makes her liability to someone like me." The man's voice came from the doorway. His hand were now cuffed behind his back, and even though there were no tell-tell signs of physical torture. His face twisted in pain when Bucky forced him to continue to humble along beside him. Bruises were littered around his face from the few blows he suffered early-on coupled with the strangulation.
"In case you didn't notice my operation was built off subtlety. I targeted a small town with little to no police force, and hidden away from civilization. I knew no one would come rushing to these people's rescue, and the few kids who I did have brought to me from other countries were low-risk. Runaways with parents who gave up on them a long time ago, and children from a broken home. That's how I stayed off the radar taking an Avenger captive would put on the map, and it wasn't worth it. I ordered project Earth-arghhhh" his speech was cut off in a painful groan.
Bucky had tightened his grip on his shoulder past the point of being just uncomfortable.
"Todd I ordered Todd Jenkins to kill her" he cried in distress. Bucky loosened his hold with a death stare. "His orders were to kill her and bring the kids back. You can torture me all you want by my story won't change."
When no one else opened their mouth to argue Bucky moved along shoving the scientist forward. Aneka turned back to Ayo searching for answers neither of them had. If you weren't taken captive then why were you. Both of them replayed your last words to them in their head having memorized the message by now. And how defeated you sound the horrible coughs mixed in with your words. You were on the verge of death, and the last update Griot gave them on your vitals was anything but good.
He told them you had sustained fatal injuries, and he lost a pulse about five minutes after you sent the message. And that was another mystery why did you take your kimoyo beads off. Aneka had found the beads lying in a puddle of water with tiny drops of dried blood on them. Her heart filled with dread at the sight of them not being on your wrist. You'd never just take them off none of this was making sense.
"Someone had to move her right? She wouldn't of gotten that far in her condition" Aneka said. Her and Ayo returned to the spot where your last fight took place. Bucky took charge in removing Todd's body, so the area was empty now surrounded by trees, and the noises of various animals creating a symphony.
"Maybe an animal got to her" Ayo suggested hating the words as they left her mouth. She hated what the theory implied, and it earned her a glare from her lover.
"You're suggesting a predator took her for dinner, but left behind the man the size of a bull in one piece." Aneka scoffed turning around to walk away.
Ayo caught her by the wrist making her pause. A single tear slipped free rolling down her cheek. The others were still combing through the town, and the forest looking for any sign of what could possibly happened to you. But at this point most of your friends had accepted a dark and ugly truth about your fate. No one wanted to say it aloud though especially Ayo herself, but eventually they were going to have to call the search off. Eventually they were going to have to return back to Wakanda, and resume their daily life. The country needed the Black Panther and its protectors right now more than ever.
Sam was going to have to hold a press conference as well, and speak on your behalf. He knew he could only put it off for so long you were more dedicated to the cause of the Avengers than any other hero. After the aftermath of the final showdown with Thanos unlike others who either went on a break, retired altogether, or went back to their own purpose. Your disappearance was going to be noticed and felt all across the world.
There was going to be tears, memorials, flowers, heartbreaking goodbyes, and three funerals. A public one for the world you fought so hard to keep safe. A private one for your friends who had become family at this point. A secret one for Ayo and Aneka as a piece of them were going to die along with you. The second they were able to admit the truth.
You was gone forever.
Stop One: Clint's Farmhouse
All the down time that came with being a retired Avenger must have been paying off. Because the house along with the barn had some major upgrades between now, and the last you'd been here. When Clint brought the Avengers to his home to lay low and hide from the aftermath of the second showdown with Ultron. You were overcome with a wave of guilt after realizing that had been more than a decade ago. It piled on top of the gut feeling you were already feeling since the majority of your memories returned.
The large two-story home had what looked like a fresh new coat of paint, and the porch was larger more open with a white swinging bench. A set of rocking chairs were aligned along the rest of the space. A flowerbed was blooming with daisies and lilies all around the front of the house mixing in nicely with the perfect cut grass. You got the feeling most of this was Laura's touch with Clint doing the heavy duty work.
"There we go Katie alright sweetheart just do what she did." A familiar voice said. Drawing your attention to the right side of the yard with a considerable distance from the house.
Clint was losing his edge not sensing your presence right away you decided. As you resumed walking in his direction where the archer was holding a archery class from the looks of it. With two younger girls in attendance one of them you recognized as a much older Lila, but the other tall and dark-haired girl's identity was a complete mystery. She was the first one to notice your approaching your figure her grip on the bow in her hand tightening. While the other one inched towards the quiver of arrows resting on her back. For a second you thought she was going too take the shot, but once you got a bit closer. Her grip on the bow loosened till it fell from her fingertips to the soft grass below. As both of her hands flew up to cover gaping mouth. She made the connection.
Clint on the other hand was too busy correcting Lila's aim to pay either you or her any attention. The dark haired girl reached out to smack Clint on the shoulder in repeatedly. A ghost of a smirk appeared on your face as you watched him glance over his shoulder too snap at her. Time slowed down as Lila released her hold on the drawstring letting the arrow fly towards the wooden target board. In the same instant Clint finally turned around too see what the other girl was making a commotion about. You paused your advance a few feet away, and the two of you locked eyes. Tears flooded his vision in a matter of seconds.
The arrow struck the center of the target board embedding itself. Lila let out a cry of joy jumping up and down clapping her hands together. Clint closed the short distance with one long stride too sweep you off your feet, and into his warm embrace.
"You're alive" he breathed into your ear. "Its really you I'm holding you."
"Yeah Clint its me back from the dead" You reassured him with your arms constricted around his neck. He held you tighter if it was even possible, almost like he was afraid. You'd disappear into thin air if he let go for even a second. The two of stayed like that for what seemed like forever. You weren't going to rush him knowing that while seeing you alive after believing you had perished was a big relief for him. At the same time his brain and heart needed time to process this. But after five minutes or so Clint finally pulled back to get a good look at your face. His thumbs rubbing soothing circles into both of your cheeks.
"I thought I lost you" he whispered.
"You almost did" you replied. Eight months ago you would've said never to that statement, but now you knew all too well how fragile life truly was now.
Clint introduced you to the dark-haired girl. Her name was Kate Bishop and she was definitely a fan. Unable to contain her excitement finally getting the opportunity to officially meet you. Of course she wished it was under better circumstances. You went on to repeat the same tearful emotional reunion with Laura and the kids. Afterwards once the sun had set, dinner had been survived, and everybody was tucked into bed.
You and Clint were finally able to sneak away from the farm. The archer telling you there was something special he wanted to see you. The two of piled into an old school red pickup truck to go on the twenty-minute drive.
"You're really going all out on the whole rancher lifestyle huh." You joked tapping the outside of the passenger door letting your arm hangout the open window.
"Hey be gentle with my baby, and don't mock her." He chided you softly. I'm going to be teahcing Cooper how to drive in this in just a few more months you know" His tone grew softer as his eyes did when he continued. Clint couldn't wait for that day. His family meant the world to him.
The night sky was lit up with thousands of bright stars a sight you presented that much living in a big city. It reminded you of those nights spent in the village sometimes training with Diego. You wondered if the young boy was back home moping around because of your absence, but then buried such thoughts. He was probably working harder than ever preparing for the day you returned to make him a honorary Avenger. The thought made you chuckle a little bit as you followed Clint into a wooded area.
"Are you going to tell me where we're going? You asked eyes scanning the tall and skinny trees that were too thin to hide any real threats. Although you were still on high alert, while you weren't going to admit it. This expedition did trigger some bad memories some that were still buried.
"Don't worry we're almost there." He told you reaching out behind to take your hand into his giving it a gentle squeeze. Clint knew PTSD when he saw and heard it so the change in pitch of your voice was a sign he couldn't miss.
Not even two minutes later Clint pushed back some brush blocking his path, and pulled you ahead of him. It It led to a wide circle clearing that had obviously been cleaned up by someone. The grass that didn't manage to grow out here in the dirt was cut evenly. The ground was clear of all sticks, pine needles, rocks, or anything else that would take away the aesthetic. On the edge of clearing were three tombstones setup a few feet apart from each other.
You let out a gasp realizing what this place was. His whole little private cemetery for his fellow Avengers who were now deceased.
"It might sound crazy but I needed my whole spot to visit them, and just be with them in private. Sometimes to talk or feel some sort of connection other times to have a good cry."
It didn't sound crazy at all when Tony and Natasha died. One had public funeral while the other had a private one. You understood why Tony's was the televised event with only the heroes, and his family allowed to attend in person. But it still felt weird having the cameras there and you found yourself holding back the ugly cry because of it. Not to mention it was practically impossible to visit his grave later on, and get some alone time in with him.
You and Clint walked over to the tombstones. Of course you already predicted two of them belonged to your fallen friends, and you had a feeling who the last one belonged too. And indeed your name was engraved into the top of the gravestone. The other two had a few specks of dirt on them, and some vines shaping around them. He wasted no time in dusting the dirt off, and ripping the vines away. Your gravestone still fairly new and was in perfect condition.
"While I'm not upset you choose to pay me a visit first y/n. I do have to ask why?" Clint finally asked the burning question.
The one you were kind of hoping wouldn't be brought up. Because now things were about to get real for you.
"How did you do it Clint?" You asked lifting your head to stare up at the sky. "How did you walk away from the Avengers? This life fighting the good fight, for the greater good that's all we've ever known." You had this feeling in the pit of your stomach that before you left for the mission. That costed nearly costed you your life had costed something way more important. And it only got worse when you watched Clint interact with his family today.
"It wasn't easy y/n but ultimately I came to the conclusion that my family was important, and I owed it to them to start being there a hundred percent of the time. Instead of giving barely thirty percent of me."
You lowered your head to look at him in the eyes. "But what changed because you didn't give up the hero life until after Ultron. You had a family before that."
"I almost died if it wasn't for Pietro I wouldn't be here y/n, or are you forgetting?"
You shook your head that was one memory embedded deep withing your brain. The look of devastation in Wanda's eyes when Vision swooped in with her in his arms.
Clint took a seat on the a patch of grass, and patted the spot beside him. You did the same but got even more comfortable laying down on your stomach.
"Later on it really hit that if Pietro wasn't as fast as he was. I would've died and my baby boy was going to be born into a world never knowing his father. Nathaniel would've only had the stories told to him by Lila and Cooper. The pictures Laura kept around the house to know what I look like, and that's if she were able to keep them up. If the sight of her dead husband didn't destroy her all over again. That's if the kids hold onto their memories of me instead of burying them in their attempt to deal with the grief. I realized then I couldn't do it anymore the Avenger life wasn't for me anymore. Because the thought of dying to save the world, and leaving my family alone. It broke me y/n it became my biggest fear."
His words resonated with you now more than they would've if you asked him. All those years ago when you had the same question for him, and you understood it.
He could see you were through your own little dilemma, and decided to switch the focus onto you. "They came here you know."
"Who?" You asked a little too fast sitting up on your knees.
"Your lovers asking me if they were any safe houses in that particular area where you went missing. That you would go hideout to wait for help. I gave them the location of all known places I thought you would go. They love you y/n" Clint said.
They so there was more than one someone in your life, and you still couldn't remember either one of them. Yet you could somehow feel the effect of their love. "I feel like I love them too, and I think I screwed up big time."
Clint shrugged his shoulders. "You probably did you suck at relationships almost as bad as Nat did."
"Shut up" you shot back crawling forward to shove him backward. He recovered with a heartfelt chuckle as you settled in beside him. "When fighting is all you ever known its hard to imagine a life without. Its harder to imagine giving up that life for something like love. I know that better that anyone y/n." He said after a minute or so of silence as the two just gazed up at the stars.
"Love, peace, family those are foreign concepts to people like us" Clint continued. "We don't think its in the cards for our life even if we crave it more than anything. And when we do find it there's this fear its not going to workout. That's the thing that keeps you from walking away. You're afraid your little paradise will fall apart the second you go all in, and you'll be right back to fighting."
He paused to turn his head towards you. An emotion on his face you couldn't exactly place. "But when its real y/n its worth it. God the real thing is worth everything." he said unable to hold back the tears. He cried for you. Knowing you almost died because you refused to take a chance upon love.
"I know it is Clint but being an Avenger is in my blood too. I still want to fight to protect that very same love." You argued feeling horrible at the disappointment that washed over his face at your response.
"That's the adrenaline talking and now that you survived a near-death experience. No you actually came back from the dead its going to be ten times worse" He commented in exasperation. As if he were talking to a toddler who never learned his lesson when it came to touching a hot surface.
"Clint I-" you tried to defend yourself, but he held up a hand cutting you off.
"I use to be just like you y/n in case you're forgetting. People have two different responses when they have a brush with deal. He held up one finger. "One it spooks them and reminds them just how precious life is. Most of us know its the most fragile thing in the world because we take the lives of others on a daily basis. But we survive the majority of those situations until one day death comes knocking. Laura walked away from Shield long before I did for that very reason."
Your eyebrows shot upward as you let out a slight gasp in surprise. No one ever really knew why she decided to turn her back on being agent for the white picket fence life. All there was rumors and assumptions.
Clint put up a second finger. " Two it makes you even more reckless because now you feel invincible. You start to wonder just how far can you truly go, and not die. You start to tempt fate." He fixed with stern gaze before continuing. The way a brother would to his sister dating the wrong type of guy. "Fate gave you a second chance at life y/n don't take it for granted, and don't tempt it again."
"I don't think it was fate that brought me back Clint. I think it was the Angels." You replied the hymn replaying in your head from right before you succumbed to your injuries.
"Well thank them and be more careful with your decisions. They might not do it again."
With that the discussion came to an end. Clint knew you was going to hit the road again soon. After all the entire world believed you were dead you needed to clear the air on that. Plus you still had about a few months worth of memories to recover, and you knew exactly who could help you with that. He did tell you if you need another perspective on giving up on the life of an Avenger to talk to Scott Lang. Another retired hero and father who still resided San Francisco, California. It was out of the way of your original destination, but why not you decided. It gave you more time to avoid a major scolding from Sam.
Stop Two: San Francisco
Scott had the same reaction to seeing you turn up on his doorstep, but unlike Clint who shed tears for you with no shame. The former thief turned hero put on a tough guy act only exerting happiness. You felt his tears soak your shirt when he hugged you laughing. When Scott pulled back complaining of allergy season. But when you asked him the same question his usual goofy and happy demeanor was replaced with a hardened face. His eyes as serious as you ever saw them.
"Well for one its not like I asked for this life. I was basically tricked into by Hank who set me up."
"Maybe you shouldn't have broke into his home" You quipped playing along with his joke. Even though it technically was true unlike you and Clint. Scott never signed up for this instead a serious of weird circumstances brought him into this life. But he was more than eager to help Captain America fight during the Sokovia Accords era.
"From day one I got accepted this because I thought it would make me a better man. A better father to Cassie, and it did until it didn't eventually being a hero drove us apart."
You didn't know if he was talking about getting stuck in the Quantum Realm as a result of Hope, Hank, and Janet being a victim of the Blip, or him being locked up after getting captured by the cops. Steve came for him but he did have to plead out for his limited freedom.
"Time is the one thing you can't get back once you lose it. I missed out on so much of her life in prison. Then Thanos cost me another five years, and I couldn't even be upset the way I wanted to. Because me getting trapped in the Quantum realm was the key point to saving the world." Scott sounded genuinely angry about it.
"Death isn't something you can usually reverse once its done. That's it you're gone, and the person is only left with memories. After we defeated Thanos I retired because all I ever wanted was to be able to spend time with my family, and I was losing out on all that putting my life in danger for what."
You raised an eyebrow at his last statement. Saving the world was no small feat.
"Calm down" Scott said immediately when you opened your mouth. "What I mean is there will always be guys like Yellowjacket running around you know."
You frowned. "Who and what is a Yellowjacket?"
"He was my first nemeses I took him down by myself" He stated a bit proud. "You know the small guys there never going to stop showing up. No matter how many of them I take down one will always replace the last. But time with my daughter isn't something I can get back y/n, and those precious moments I missed out on I can't go back and experience them. So I don't care if she's in her teenage rebel phase, and giving me hell. I want to be there for all of it and more. If another Thanos comes along I got your back, but until then I'm retired."
You see now why Clint told you to talk to Scott. The way he put it couldn't be argued with you lost out on almost nine months of your life. And those nine months were frustrating as you tried to piece it all back together.
"Plus there will always be guys like us too you know" he added in bumping your shoulder with his own. "Last I heard Sam had found some pretty good prospects for his new official Avenger squad. The world will always have heroes to count on."
Stop Three: New York
"So Tony created this thing to restore your memory." You mused studying the contraption before with interest and worry.
"Yeah back when I was on the run and Steve started looking for me. Apparently he wanted to help, but said he was no help in playing detective, and did't have the time to hunt down another 80-year old virgin. So he designed this instead" Bucky explained holding a circular crown-like object. You figured it was supposed to go on your head.
"And this was before he found you murdered his parents right?" You winced realizing there was probably a better way to ask that question.
Bucky shot you a dirty look before letting a small smile grace his face. "You're lucky you just came back from the dead y/n" he said running a hand through his hair. Which had grown out a bit more since the last time you'd seen him. Nearly the same length back during the first battle with Thanos. You wondered if it was on purpose or was a result of him grieving your supposed death.
"Yes he finished long before the Accords came into play around the time he and Bruce started working on Ultron" he reassured you.
"And you're sure he didn't modify this thing to erase memories after finding out the truth about his folks." You continued to press on.
"Y/N" Bucky snapped in irritation. "You're making me start to wonder why I missed you in the first place."
"Okay first of all ouch" You feigned like his comment actually hurt your feelings. When in reality it did the opposite amusing you at the most. "Second I gotta make sure Tony could hold a grudge, or are you forgetting?"
Bucky didn't need you to finish the statement to know exactly what grudge you were talking about. The one caused when Steve chose Bucky over Tony, and the two heroes went on to not speak to each other for years. Even when the world needed the Avengers to reassemble at full strength. Tony was still hesitant to make the call.
"I don't think he did" Bucky admitted sheepishly. It was a possibility he never considered until now.
"Did you ever use yourself?"
"Why not?"
The majority of my memories came back naturally overtime, plus the museum dedicated to Steve really helped."
"But did you ever get all of them back?"
"No but I got the important ones back and that was all that mattered in my opinion." Bucky told you his tone apologetic. He knew that wasn't the answer you were looking for. You wanted him to tell you with a little more time the rest of your memories would just come back. But in reality this machine was your best bet to get them back in a timely manner, and possibly in general.
"Do you think its worth it? Bucky asked when you remained silent.
You nodded. "I have to remember them. I need to remember them. They're worth it." The ghost of the memories haunted you way too much. A laugh here. A smell there. You needed to remember all those moments again. It was the only way you were ever going to feel complete again. You spent your entire life thinking love was never going to find you, but then it did. And you screwed up in a big way, and how were you suppose to fix things. If you couldn't remember them, let alone your last moment with them.
"Alright then let's do this" Bucky encouraged you clapping you on the shoulder.
He helped you get hooked up in the lounging chair which was surprisingly comfortable. Despite how intimidating it looked, and proceeded to place the metal round thing around your head. It fit perfectly, and then Bucky pressed the only red button on the control panel. At first nothing happened you just laid there with the thing connected to your brain. Then the machine roared to life lighting up with power. For once you were grateful your control over your powers hadn't returned fully. Because if it. had this machine might be in pieces as your brain was hit with a surge.
It was nothing you could handle but this surge hit you with one purpose, to find the wiring in your brain in charge of your memories. And when it did the floodgates were open your body spasmed as a tidal wave of images slammed into your head. You gripped the arm rests in a death grip. It didn't hurt but the feeling was equally unpleasant, and your stomach began to do flips as you tried to keep up with everything. Then it was over as quickly as it began and you leaned over to the side throw your lunch back up.
Bucky hung back with a disgusted look on his face watching you rip yourself free with a groan.
"Can it Barnes I know you want to laugh" You grumbled climbing out of the chair.
He ignored your comment only focused on the end results. "Did it work?"
You held your stomach making sure nothing else was going to come back up. Once you were sure the puking was a one and done side effect. You answered him.
"Ayo and Aneka are going to kill me aren't they?"
Bucky pulled you into a bone-crushing hug with a cheer.
Two Hours Later
All they wanted was to spend more time with you. Your loves only wanted you to be safe and sound to proceed with caution. Maybe Ayo went about discussing it in the wrong way, and maybe you should've stayed to listen when Aneka wanted to work things out. Instead of storming out like a angry teenager and going on a dangerous mission alone. There truly was no maybe about the later you were wrong, and it cost you basically nine months with them. Not to mention all the grief, pain, and guilt your death has put them through. Had they found a way to heal from losing you? Did it cause the two of them to fall apart? You knew Aneka was partially upset with Ayo for pushing the topic. That morning while she went out to get breakfast.
The only way to fix things was to confront them meaning it was finally time for you to make your last stop in Wakanda. If Sam ever let you go.
"Sam seriously you've hugged me like seven times, and lectured me for a whole thirty minutes. I need to get going" You pleaded.
He had called your name making you stop in your haste to reach the hangar. Where a quinjet was waiting for you fueled up and ready to go. "I know but there's one more thing I wanted to run by you before you go."
"What is it?" You asked dialing back the attitude. Your interest had been peaked.
"I know you're feeling some type of way I found new recruits for the next Avengers lineup without consulting you. But in my defense you never stuck around long enough to hear me out. You were always trying to be one woman army. It was impossible for you notice the potential in heroes on the rise."
As much as you wanted to argue with his observation. You knew it was true thinking back to your conservation with Scott.
"Just remember in the future the world isn't going to fall to pieces if you take just a small break." He told you as parting words.
"Go on" You demanded.
"You know Clint got Kate as an apprentice, but he's not really in this business anymore. Scott's kid is pretty passionate about the superhero stuff. Rumor has it Cassie never lets him hear the end of it about his early retirement. I got this kid named Eli who's grandfather was a super solider. It turns out he might've passed on the serum to his grandson, and now I'm the only keeping the government off his back. Then Dr.Strange-"
"Have all of us been taking in younger and stray heroes?" You exclaimed cutting him off at Doctor Strange. The arrogant sorcerer was the last person you thought would take on the responsibility of being a mentor.
"You got one too."
Yeah there's a kid named Diego back in that village. He's telekinetic and got a lot of heart. I don't know about Chloe and Kai let them get settled in with their families again."
"Cool well I was just thinking with all these young heroes on the rise. The next generation of Avengers is shaping up nicely, but the only problem is they're going to need. Someone to show them the ropes, and prepare them for this life. They're going to need a real teacher you know....." Sam let his voice trail off staring at you with hope filled eyes.
You picked up on what he was putting down and held back laughter. "You want me to teach them."
"No its just an idea and I don't know Clint called so I know you're on the fence about the superhero life. So I was just offering a healthy alternative. You don't have to run off on missions all the time, but you're still in the game."
It was more than an idea at this point, but you needed time to think on it. Your main focus right now was getting back to Ayo and Aneka. "Ask me when I get back" you told him.
Sam nodded failing at suppressing the grin forming on his face. Both of you knew it would be a while before you returned, and with that you were free to go.
Last and Final Stop: Wakanda
Night had fallen when your quinjet entered Wakandan airspace. No doubt their security systems picked up on your aircraft the second it crossed the border. One of the tribes was monitoring your travel route right now to make sure you moved on to another country. So you knew when you landed in a field near the rhinos habitat. It was only a matter of time before someone came.
You just hoped a certain warrior in a blue vibranium suit found you first. Was she even on patrol tonight your tried to practice exactly what you were to say to them. But any planned speech vanished from your memory when you picked up on the slightest of movements behind you. A soft whoosh sound filled the air the wild too silent for her to keep her mask fading away quiet.
"I don't know who you are but you've made a grave mistake coming here" Aneka warned you in a low and dangerous tone.
Your heart started to beat a little faster and it was a miracle you didn't drop to your knees to beg for forgiveness. Instead you somehow found your voice and replied. "Well I would've use the front door but I knew I wouldn't make it that far, and my last entrance didn't end too well for me. So I decided to take this approach this time."
Her breath hitched as she came to an abrupt stop when you started speaking. Aneka was silent for a long time so long you were beginning to worry. You made a silent prayer that your girlfriend didn't blast you, or bury her spear in your abdomen. You were still healing after all.
You slowly turned around peeling off the hood to reveal your face.
"Stop moving I demand you cease all movement at once" Aneka demanded. But her orders fell flat as her voice lacked any authority, or seriousness. She sounded hopeful and unsure. A hundred thoughts were running through her brain at the moment, but it all came to an end when her confused eyes met your soft ones brimming with tears.
"Hey Aneka" You greeted her softly throwing in a quick wave. Her entire world came crashing again when her name left your mouth. Here you were her lover. Her heart. Her everything standing before her when you were supposed to be long and gone. Aneka and Ayo attended your funeral nine months go. They grieved you. It took all their strength and endurance to keep going with each other after your untimely demise. For the longest time Ayo blamed herself for your fate, and at first Aneka did nothing to reassure her it was anything but her fault.
In all honesty for a while Aneka did blame Ayo needing someone to blame, and take her anger out other than you. Because you were gone and the opportunity to yell at you for being so stupid and reckless was never gong to come. She didn't want to admit you had played a hand in your own death. Aneka wanted to be angry at the world but not you.
Until now in this very moment and you saw all the different emotions overtake her features. Pure shock at first followed by disbelief as she opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. Then anger and her before she could stop herself her fist slammed into your gut. Agony tore through your stomach as she struck the fatal injury that was still in the healing process. You let out a cry hunching over to hug your stomach as the pain spread everywhere else.
"I guess I deserved that' you wheezed lifting your head to glance up at her.
Aneka's mouth dropped as it finally hit her you were indeed real, and not some illusion her brain conjured up. It had happened many times in the past couple of months with her dreams. They were so vivid and real whenever she woke from them. Ayo had to remind her you were gone and wasn't coming back. She relived your death every single time breaking down in her lover's arms.
'Y/N" she said your name like a prayer. You stood up straight again ignoring the lingering pain. There was only an inch of space left between your bodies now, and it still felt like she was miles away. You wanted to wrap your arms around her, and kiss her deeply. But it wouldn't be fair to her after everything she'd been through. You had to let her decide the pace of things.
"You're alive" Aneka whimpered a hand hovering over your cheek wanting to caress you. But she hesitated out of fear you would disappear again. You leaned into the hand nuzzling it.
"Its me Aneka I promise this is real."
"You promised me that forever and it never was" she shot back.
"Whatever I have to do to convince you name it. I'll do it" you told her.
"Kiss me like you mean it, and don't ever stop. Please don't ever stop" she begged. Just like that your willpower was gone and you granted her wish closing the distance to press your lips to hers. The kiss ignited something in both of you, and then Aneka started going down.
You followed her on the way down to ground not letting her lips disconnect from yours for even a second. She leaned back into a laid position, and you hovered over her. Lips sealed together in a dance of desperation, and love. She moaned into the kiss coiling her arms around your body like a snake pulling your ontop of hers fully. Your hands rested on either side of her head.
"Tell me you're real" Aneka murmured against your lips.
"I'm real" you assured her.
She pulled back. "Tell me something only you would know."
"When you first me you insisted we were meant to be together even though you weren't suppose to yet. Because I still hadn't warmed up to Ayo yet." You said thinking it back to the early stages of your relationship with them. How you held a grudge against Ayo for flipping you over her shoulder onto the hard cold floor in the lab. "You also offered to give me a butt massage that day to make up for what Ayo did" you threw in for good measure."
"My love its really you" Aneka whispered guiding your head into the crook of her neck. So she could bury her face into your shoulder breathing in your scent. "I'm never letting you go again. I will handcuff the two of us together if I have too."
You chuckled pecking her shoulder. She shivered at the feel of your lips on her body tightening her hold on your hips.
"Aneka are you here? Answer me sithandwa sam" Another familiar voice spoke up only a few feet away. Her footsteps approaching fast and you lifted your head right as Ayo appeared over the two of you. She must have not gotten a good look at your face, because her hand reached out to grip the back of your neck in a tight grip.
Ayo hauled you to her feet with vengeance because the General hadn't known anything else since your death. She took out her anger on her enemies at any given opportunity. You deserved her wrath as much as Aneka's, but the utter hatred in her eyes terrified. Your injury wouldn't survive a blow from her especially if she didn't recognize you.
"Ayo no don't" Aneka cried out in alarm on her feet in flash yanking you out of harm's way with an arm secured around your waist.
"Why are protecting the intruder? Have you lost your mind?" Ayo went off but her eyes settled on you, and just like Aneka. The General went through a multitude of emotions, but she came to her senses quicker. Because she knew her eyes weren't deceiving her with the way her lover stood protectively in front of you.
"Stand aside Aneka let me see her" Ayo said a bit breathless. Aneka listened stepping to the side. Tears pricked at her eyes as she opened her mouth to say something, but a sob ripped itself free from her throat.
"How?" she whispered launching herself forward and you caught her body in your arms ignoring the pain once again. Ayo didn't care how truly she was just happy to see you alive. She was happy to be able to touch you again, and wanted nothing more than to take you home. Crawl into bed with you sandwiched between her and Aneka falling asleep together. She wanted morning to come to wake up with you sprawled out before her in some weird position. Ayo wanted to wake up to you to make sure this really wasn't a dream.
For now she'd accept resting in your arms. Eventually Aneka hugged both of you, and the three of you stayed like that for a very long time.
The Next Day
"Its her alright DNA doesn't lie that's our y/n." Shuri announced to everyone waiting around in her private office in the lab. You were still outside resting on the sand table fast asleep. You had been in go mode for the past couple of days, and exhaustion finally caught up to you.
"She is a bit malnourished and out of shape, but other than that she's relatively healthy besides that nasty abdomen injury. I'm assuming that's the one that took her out. Whoever healed her did the best they could, but it'll cause lingeirng problems if not taken care of properly. She'll need probably need physical therapy as well-" Shuri was rambling now while her hands shook.
Nakia was the one to waltz over placing her hand over the tablet in her hand. Shuri looked up at her ready to protest. "Y/N is alive and well you can turn off doctor and scientist mode for five seconds sister.
"I'm fine" Shuri insisted.
"Come here" Nakia told her opening her arms wide for the Princess to step into them. She released a shaky breath keeping the sobs at bay unlike. Okoye who broke down at sight of Ayo and Aneka walking through the doors last night with you in tow. That's when the tests began.
The rest of the day was a bit blur as you slept through most of it. Ayo would move you to a bed in the infirmary after a while. Where her and Aneka took turns cuddling with you. Neither wanted you to be out of there sight for to you long, so later on when evening came and you were finally awake. They hovered on the balcony below where you could see them while talking with Shuri.
The Princess had requested your audience, and who were you to even think about turning her down.
"I will take care of your injury, and Okoye will be in charge of your phsyical therapy to get you back to full strength. If you want her too" Shuri said staring out at the Golden City. The sight never got old as you followed her gaze.
"I'm sensing a but" You pushed her.
"On the condition you promise us you attempt to run off on any missions. Until you're cleared by both me and Shuri" Okoye declared walking up the three steps to the balcony. She gave you a brief hug.
"So no more Avenger stuff until you two say so basically."
"Yes for you and their sakes" Shuri answered jerking her chin towards Ayo and Aneka. The two women stood side-by-side to each other shoulders pressed together. You wouldn't be surprised if they had some ear tech to eavesdrop.
"When I told them not to break my favorite American's heart. The same went for you as well you know" Okoye stated taking up position on your other side. She leaned forward on the edge of the balcony.
"What's it going to be y/n?" Shuri asked trying to keep the hint of fear out her voice. You could say and she'd still heal you not being able to leave in pain, and there was plenty of other heroes capable of helping you recover.
"Guys I can barely throw a decent punch, and I'm at the baby stages of controlling powers again. My death hit reset on everything I wasn't going on a mission anytime soon regardless, so hell yeah I accept your terms" You finally said.
Both of them let out a sigh of relief causing you to laugh. Shuri let you go to be with your girlfriends, and when you attempted to leapt down from a story up. Just to give them a heart attack Okoye reminded you she could make physical therapy absolutely unbearable. You disappeared with an apology taking the elevator.
Ayo and Aneka were finally able to take you home again. Leading you to the bedroom and you took everything in. Nothing had changed even the alarm clock you fried while in bed with them remained on the nightstand.
"Hey we have something for you by the way" Aneka said.
You sat down on the bed. "You guys didn't have to get me gifts. My birthday didn't pass, and we still have two months before Christmas."
"No its something that already belonged to you. An item that would've made finding you a whole lot easier saving us all this time and grief. Ayo said walking into the room with a small black box in her hand.
You knew instantly what she was referring to, and let out a nervous chuckle. She sat on your left and Aneka on the right. The box was placed in your lap.
"You can do honor of opening it."
It was your kimoyo beads.
For the first time since getting you back neither of them looked too happy. You slid them back onto your wrist and the bracelet came to life lighting up with a chirp.
"Y/N it is good to have you back" Griot greeted you.
"How did you lose them in the first place? Aneka finally asked.
"Its a long story" You told them.
"We have time" Ayo replied.
You grinned in happiness knowing you were right where you belong. You glanced over your shoulder to catch the sight of two lone stars in sky by themselves through the window. You thanked the Angels for bringing you back to your loves deciding that y'all did have time.
All the time in the world because you weren't going anywhere for a long time.
Tag List: @kofforever @darkwitch192 @deliciousfestsalad @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @mbakuetshurisprincess @justariellove @purple-nugget @shuris3leg @riribabymomma @wandas-nose-scrunch @ceaseanddecease @someobliviousgirl @marsfunzon22 @urfavvmiyahh @chatitajens @greek-freak101 @takeyaki @naslt @princesscharmingnoir @kiwiana145 @como731 @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @sopaintercrown @sweettea32 @alistair-mooncrest
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Just Sarah, helping Sam and Bucky throw an Avengers' New Year's Party. Cass and AJ hanging out with the Young Avengers. Rhodey and Monica flirting with Sarah. Jen and Matt in their own little corner. Yelena drinking Scott and Hope under the table. Ayo and Aneka critiquing the design of the new Avengers Campus. Sam and Bucky chatting with a flustered Joaquín. All of them counting down to the New Year.
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grvntld · 2 years
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wink wOnk 👁🫦👁
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ashtxrie · 7 months
oh no... am i falling in love? (sunoo)
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PAIR. high school!sunoo x gn!reader GENRE. fake dating au, high school au, best friends to lovers, fluff WORD COUNT. 2.2k WARNINGS. none! NOTES. first post kinda nervous!! <//3 i need a sunoo irl he is truly the greenest of green flags
you and sunoo are those friends
you’ve got that type of friendship where something clicked and suddenly you were both attached at the hip for years
because apparently having the same clear muji pencil case with the holy grail 0.5 black muji pen at the beginning of middle school meant best friends ride or die in seventh-grade culture
like, someone who prioritized aesthetics in notetaking as much as you did? even in the confines of this crusty campus? crazy.
but anyway, with you being absolutely intent on making friends, sunoo couldn’t get rid of you if he tried but pls he could never survive without you anyway... who else would he trust enough to exchange his top-tier notes with?
and since then you’ve both been best friends for life! well, ever since the +6 with the introduction of sunoo's other friends [read: the rest of enhypen...]
and at first you were super happy because new friends!
but then they kind of stopped hanging out with you in the middle of sophomore year or so and went off into their own little world
and you were a little sad
ok maybe a lot sad. devastated, even.
but that was okay because that meant you were able to meet new friends and expand your horizons! you even got the chance to focus on yourself and join some new clubs, too!
who even is sunoo anymore lmao you don’t know him
but anyway
it was junior year and you were so tired of your friends bugging you to get a s/o
“[name], why don’t you date someone?”
“you’d really hit it off with so and so, don’t you think?”
“just put yourself out there”
ayo... excuse me
so one day you just can’t take it anymore
and maybe you should’ve thought this through but... nope
you don’t pause to think things through
because life is for living in the moment hell yes yolo gang
“umm guys i’m already dating someone!”
needless to say your friends go INSANE
like who tf is [name] gatekeeping from us they’re so fake /j
so like any sane and mentally adept person, you say the first name that comes to mind
“hahaha … sunoo!”
your friends stare at you. flabbergasted, shocked, stunned beyond words.
blink blink
“but … weren’t you guys just friends”
you’re panicking but
“we’re in LOVE”
ur friends are really like ok whatever, but go off
and that is how you find yourself dragging yourself over to sunoo's fifth period and placing your hands on sunoo's shoulders
“promise me you won’t freak out”
and ofc sunoo is already freaking out
bc why are you standing in front of the ap lang classroom with this crazily determined face and forcing him to listen to you
and this is how you get into this situation
with sunoo having a literal double take and you doing your best "pls help me out i beg of you" impression
“i can’t DATE you”
you give sunoo your best professional face even though inside you’re ???
bc um is it that bad to date you??
you are confused???
you’ve saved sunoo thousands of times in his high school career in both academics and social standing he can afford to pretend to date you ONCE
is he being fr rn
obviously you’re not getting anywhere and you turn around to walk away, kind of annoyed
“fine then, i’ll just find someone else to date me.” shrug (dies inside).
as soon as you say that, it’s like you’ve flipped a switch and suddenly sunoo is very concerned and almost a little upset
and when you don’t notice him contemplating something, he runs in front of you and nearly knocks you over
“second thoughts?”
sunoo scowls
although it looks more like a lil pout pushing at his lips and he crosses his arms
lmao who is this and what’s happened to sunoo
you shrug and start to leave for real until sunoo reaches out to tug at your arm
you whirl around immediately and you are needless to say, very relieved!
but apparently sunoo hasn’t recovered from his fall from before
bc he can’t stop rubbing his hand against his neck and his face is all blotchy and pink
kinda cute, but in a best friends way.  like wowie my best friend looks kinda adorable look at that boy go
but ofc sunoo has to ruin the special moment because he offhandedly says, “shouldn’t we have rules or something?”
this is fake dating sunoo wdyfm rules? that's so silly goofy
“like … things not to do? maybe one big rule is not ruining our friendship???”
he kinda smart for that
“ok easy then, just don’t fall in love with me”
apparently this is the WRONG thing to say?
sunoo is RED like boy is not pink anymore his cheeks are burning red
“you can’t just say that?”
you are confused bc what does that even mean
“why not?”
“that’s like ...  y-you you can’t just say that.”
you are, if possible, even more confused?
“okay and?”
sunoo blinks
pls this boy has the audacity to just shrug
u are dumb af sunoo bout to throw hands here
but he won’t bc he loves u <3
so fifteen minutes later you guys decide to make three big rules
sunoo had a whole list of like twenty but you narrowed it down to these:
1. don’t ruin ur friendship
2. no kissing
3. and ur paying for three rounds of mint choco ice cream after this is over
honestly you think this is kinda rude considering sunoo is richer than ur entire life but whatever, at least he’s not leaving you out to the wolves
so when it’s finally time to put this fake dating thing to the test, you tug sunoo over to your side of the table during lunch and make sure to swing his hand
which actually feels kind of nice??
like you’ve never actually thought about this before
but sunoo is comforting
his hand fits right in yours, and he’s so warm
and i mean haha it’s not like this is a new thing, you two hold hands all the time!! but adjkaldjkfl not in a dating way
ur friends are shocked. bamboozled.
like they never thought you’d actually show up with a DATE
and bc they’re all RUDE they grill sunoo
but sunoo is best boy
best bf
and answers all their questions like a pro
that's my man
i mean what???
ur so proud
you let ur head rest against sunoo's shoulder and BITCH
sunoo presses a kiss to ur forehead
YO........................ insane.
why are u so happy? what is this??
it’s just so gentle and soft and you feel your heart getting all mushy and warm
your friends all give a big collective aww because one, they’re annoying af and yes y’all are cute cute and this is cute
but ur going through some existential crisis
and later when you’re walking with sunoo to all your classes, you can’t stop thinking that hey, this fakedating thing isn’t that bad
but whatever it’s just cause u miss spending time with sunoo!
yes, that’s it!
you’re just sad that sunoo always hangs out with his new group and you don’t get to see him as much
so this is nice!
you’re just going through some bff nostalgia rn... it's just gonna take some time for [name].exe to start working again
anyway now bc of this fakedating thing, you and sunoo just spend so much time together
like you guys have always been best friends, but this feels different
sunoo will run over to you when he sees you and wrap his arms around your waist
the first time he did it, he had the cuteness to go “is this okay? are you okay? is this too much?"
you might’ve blushed
okay you did
but you convince yourself it’s just because ur touch starved and bitchless
c’mon... get it together
but whenever you call sunoo and wave at him, his face just LIGHTS up
and you’re pretty sure yours does too
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
needless to say, you kinda don’t want this all to end
because somewhere in the middle of all this, your head has gone from calling sunoo your fake boyfriend to your real boyfriend
and you don’t really want to go back to just being friends if you’re honest
wait hold up
uh oh
did you just admit you liked sunoo?? in a FOR REALS way?
so like the only way you know how to deal with things, you avoid it!
you start to act really distant
and now whenever sunoo wraps his arms around you, you stiffen up
and sunoo like the angel he is pulls away so quickly bc ?? is his best friend upset? uncomfortable?
did HE make his best friend for life, his 4lifer, uncomfortable? omg this isn’t ok what is happening
everyone can tell something is up
ofc they can, what with you going to the extent of running away whenever you see sunoo and sunoo reacting like the entire light got blown out his life
and bffr sunoo may be innocent but he ISN'T dumb
he knows your schedule he KNOWS you’re ignoring him
and baby is upset
because lately you’ve been starting to feel a lot more to him
and now you’re just gone??
that’s not okay and sunoo isn’t just gonna sit around and be sad
if there’s something he can do he’s gonna do all he can to try to fix it!
he corners you one day and holds up an angry piece of paper
“excuse me but you broke rule number one which is, in case you forgot, don’t RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP”
“oh haha uh sunoo! hi uhh i gotta go 👉👉 ”
sunoo's face falls
and that was it
you just wanna hold his cheeks and tell him things are fine and that you love him
wait WHAT
but sunoo is still staring at you with that wounded look
like you’ve just ripped up his heart and torn it to shreds
bc that’s kinda what you’re doing
omg what’ve you done
his eyes lock onto yours so fast that you’re afraid he’s got whiplash
your mouth goes dry, and for a few moments it’s hard to talk
but you finally manage to tell him that “i don’t think we should fake date anymore.”
sunoo's face breaks
his eyes go wide, and it looks like he wants to stagger. and he almost does, just a little bit
“is it something i did?”
this boy
kim sunoo is really gonna be the death of you
you’re shaking your head back and forth so fast because NO of course not of course this isn’t his fault
sunoo is Not Okay, and he looks so, so concerned for you. “because i swear i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. if i screwed up just tell me and i can fix it, [name], please”
you shake ur head, already starting to panic.  “of course not.  it’s not YOU sunoo. i just can’t fake date you because--”
you clamp your hands over your mouth
“because?” sunoo prompts, his voice careful
you just shake your head, already starting to turn and run back to somewhere, anywhere because this is stupid and you’re scared
terrified, actually
but sunoo just takes your hand and tugs you backward a bit, almost like a scene from a movie
you do that little twirl back and are face to face with the one and only
“do you … do you like me?” sunoo asks
that’s it
it’s out
you’re ready for your entire friendship with sunoo to come crashing down
“do you?” he repeats softly
you try to pull away but sunoo isn’t having it
he’s still holding onto your hand, gently, of course, and his eyes are boring into yours
you’re too scared to look because you’re afraid of what you’ll find
but when you can’t take it anymore and finally tilt your head up you realize something important
because his eyes aren’t full of disgust
in fact, that’s further from the truth
kim sunoo is staring at you with the biggest heart eyes you’ve ever seen and you’re confused as to how you’ve never seen this sooner
it’s almost like you’re his whole world, and now you can’t fucking breathe
is this real? chat is this fr rn??
your heart’s pounding in your chest so fast and there’s something bursting at your lungs
you nod faintly.  “yes. i like you”
the huge grin that spreads across sunoo's face is everything
he rushes forward to pull you into a gigantic hug, even lifting you up a little as he spins you around and lets out a little happy noise
“i’ve liked you forever, [name], i can’t believe this is real”
so u could’ve been dating sunoo before??
“you dork why didn’t you tell me?”
“because you didn’t like me like that!”
“well maybe i was confused” you pipe back
sunoo just laughs, burying his head in your shoulder.  “i’m so happy right now.”
and honestly ?
so are you !!
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agendabymooner · 1 year
pag-ibig, traducido (love, translated) || cs55 fic
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carlos sainz x ofc (filipino!content creator!ofc)
Summary: Magdalena ‘Magda’ and Carlos Sainz can bring the two worlds together through words and actions. OR, moments in which the Filipino woman and her Spanish husband learned to love each other while learning more about what they know about themselves. 
Content warning: Use of explicit language, shitty Tagalog/Filipino and Spanish translations, a lot of Spanish colonial and Filipino history jokes, parental abandonment, brief reference to religious and cultural practice (weddings), mentions elopement, secret marriage, briefly mentions PR relationships/girlfriends, time skipping, what is beta reading lol
Note: The last part of this story is loosely based on the idea given to me by @clairalle and the song 'Paninindigan Kita' by Ben&Ben so thank you so much! ❤️
Letting you all know that some Filipino dialogue here are translated based on how I know it in both English and Tagalog language??? And also, there are some words in here that are the same in context BUT written in two different spellings - some of the words are spelled based on phonics or how it sounds. Enjoy xx
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i. 2016 — shit, ayos ka lang?
Ramona Magdalena normally had the patience for Tesco. She wasn’t sure what it was, but everything had her seething with no apparent reason. She tried to figure out what went wrong. 
It was only 3 p.m., for goodness sake! 
Her third year at the university was supposed to make things easier, but the way she clenched at the handle of her shopping cart as she sped through the aisles of Tesco showed nothing of the sort. 
She was so tense, her jaw clenching as she asked herself repeatedly if there was an actual reason for her getting worked up over something. 
Her mother, Alma, was being herself; she was merely calling to see how the university was for Magda. Alma only told Magda about her cousins in the Philippines and how they were looking forward to getting the “balikbayan” box in August, only for the younger woman to respond grumpily. Alma was a dear— so clearly Magda’s grumpiness had nothing to do with her mother’s daily check-in. 
She appreciated her mother’s efforts to keep up with Magda’s well-being; after all, Alma did everything she could as a single parent who immigrated to the UK long before she took Magda. 
So no. She loved her mother so much that she wouldn’t get unreasonably cranky towards her. Not easily, at least. 
But her questions withered away when her speed walking was interrupted by her shopping cart crashing into a figure. Her eyes widened, and she shook herself out of her thoughts. 
“Mierda!” Shit! An accent escaped out of the man’s mouth. 
Now, Magda had been a citizen of the UK for a while now— she knew when to speak English and how to utilize her vocabulary in a reasonable manner. But everything seemed to be in panic mode as she exclaimed, “Shit! Ayos ka lang?” Are you okay?
The man was still groaning, bent over as he clutched to his stomach. He glared at her for a moment as he asked, “¿Por qué no observas a dónde vas?” Why can’t you watch where you are going?
“Hah?” She cocked her head slightly. She only picked up on the first two words. Por qué? Why? 
He’s Spanish, Magda deduced. She stepped away from the cart and walked towards him, “I’m so, so, so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going—“
“Obviously—“ he muttered hastily, still touching his aching side. 
“I’m also in a rush, and I’m so frustrated and tired. Three years into adulthood and I can’t make shit right,” Magda hadn’t even realized that she was ranting to a stranger as she rambled, “GCSE clearly didn’t do shit to me because I’m still here bitching about what to cook— punyeta naman kasi, ‘di ba.” What the fuck, am I right?
He stared at her for a moment, not even interrupting her as she spoke. But the silence made Magda pause as her face flushed red, earning a soft smirk from the man. “Mama said I have a problem with speaking too much without thinking.” 
He chuckled at her rambling before sticking his hand out, “We can call it… truce— I think is the word?” 
“Yeah, okay, truce,” she reached out and introduced herself while shaking his hand, “I’m Magdalena.” 
“I’m Carlos.” 
“So, like… you’re Spanish, right? Or do you just speak Español? I’ve only picked up on some words because they’re quite similar— or I suppose I learned it through some song from years ago.” 
“I am actually Spanish; good guess. And you said puñeta— I can assume you also speak Español?” 
“Oh, hah, about that— no. That’s not spoken in Spanish. That’s— yeah, that’s something.” 
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ii. 2017 — irog means love
“Ate Magda! Totoo ba?” Is it true?
“Jowa mo galing Spain?” Your boyfriend is from Spain? 
Magda almost died laughing as she FaceTimed her cousins, who were certainly supposed to be asleep at this time. The Philippines was seven hours ahead, and with her cousins being awake at two in the morning, she could assume that they had a holiday. Everybody always sleeps in if it’s a long weekend or a national holiday. 
But she hadn’t expected their night to be spent gossiping about Magdalena’s boyfriend, Carlos. 
“Niño, bakit ‘di mo gamitin yang utak mo sa school kaysa sa jowa ko?” Why don’t you use your brain for school instead of my boyfriend? Magda huffed out her laugh, making her other cousin Paloma laugh next to Niño. Paloma’s laughter caught Magda off guard as she called out, “Oi, Lomi, don’t be laughing— ikaw ang nagpasimuno nito. Akala mo ‘di ko alam?” You started this. You think I didn’t know?
“Papa brought it up,” Paloma defended herself with a cry, “he kept calling you a national hero, and I had to ask why.” 
“Ano ba naman ‘yan,” what the hell. Magdalena cried out as her head slumped against the couch, raising it to look at her cousins on the screen, “Tell your papa to keep his mouth shut. I love Tito Gerry— I do, but he needs to stop making jokes about that.” 
“—About what?” Magda seemed to be more drawn towards her uncle’s joke that she hadn’t heard her boyfriend enter her flat with a curious look. He had just arrived from Milton Keynes, and this was a surprise as he normally arrived later than this. 
Carlos had taken off his shoes and placed his bag down, walking around the couch to sit next to Magda as he pecked her lips. “Hello, cariño. How was your day?” 
“Hm, good! I’ve finished my paper,” Magda grinned. 
They were so caught up with each other that the only thing they heard was gagging from the phone that the Filipino woman held. Magda and Carlos peered down on the screen as they watched the two teens exaggerate at the sight of the couple being too sweet for each other. 
“Reparations,” Paloma gagged jokingly, “but at what cost?” 
“Matulog na nga kayo!” Go to sleep! Magda exclaimed.
“Okay po, master,” Niño rolled his eyes before waving at the camera, “nice meeting you, Carlitos!” 
"You're Niño, right?" Carlos grinned as he kept his face in front of the camera before waving, "Nice meeting you too!"
“Yeah! Buenas noches, Don Carlos!” Good night, sir Carlos! Paloma giggled, the other side of the call abruptly ending before Magda could berate the pair even further.
She sighed heavily and tossed her phone aside, giving her boyfriend a look of despair as he giggled at her. 
“What did they mean by reparations?” He asked her, genuinely curious at what they were joking about. 
How was she going to explain it to him? Did they even teach at Spanish schools about their country’s history of colonialism? Magda didn’t have an answer to that. 
“Oh, just you know…” She mumbled, “Filipinos were originally Spanish people living in the Philippines. Apparently, dating you made us a deadly combination. Enemies to lovers, or whatever trope that is.”
“Reparations? Oh… OH!” Carlos exclaimed in realization, earning a nod from his girlfriend as he murmured, “Okay.” 
“Yeah, I understand now, mi corazon.” 
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“Irog,” Carlos said aloud, making Magda hum in a questioning tone. “Irog, bébé.”
“What’s that, bé?” Magda asked mindlessly as she stared at the screen of her computer. 
Carlos turned his head in her direction as he said, “I don’t know. You’re the one who speaks the language.” 
She paused from doing her work, looking up at him before she pondered the first word he brought up. Then she let out an ‘ah’ before nodding. 
“So…? What does that mean?” Carlos asked. One year of relationship and his thirst for knowledge was an obvious factor that came with it.
“It means mahal,” Magda answered, remembering the word. She continued to read Filipino literature as she grew, not wanting to stay away from it regardless of the fact that she spent her last school years in a British school. She asked her mother questions whenever she didn’t have a single clue what a word meant, so this was a helpful thing to do, especially now that Carlos continued to ask her to teach him how to speak her language. 
“Mahal, like expensive?” Carlos asked for clarification. 
Magda shook her head, “No, not that mahal. Like mahal— you, mahal.” 
“Oh,” Carlos let out before he reiterated what she said, “mahal, like love?” 
“Yes, mahal,” she snickered quietly, calling him by the term of endearment. “Like love.” 
“So irog means love?” 
“Yes, bébé. Irog means love.”
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iii. 2018 — patata, patatas. what’s the difference? 
“Oh! Hey, Mr. Alonso, you’re here just in time,” Magdalena grinned. The older man, who just arrived, shot her a confused look as she stood there with her lips spread out to a grin.
“Magda, hija, call me Fernando. It’s also nine in the morning,” Fernando Alonso sighed quietly, his hand running through his face as he looked back at the girl in the white McLaren shirt. “I think it’s too early for your optimism.” 
“You’re right,” Magda’s shoulders slumped, and her smile fell, her face showing nothing but defeat as she walked towards the Spaniard, “but don’t let my sadness get in the way of your duties today. My supervisor said that you have to do your filming for the next two videos of the channel— and you cannot, I mean CANNOT, back out this time.” 
“I can’t,” Fernando smirked playfully, “or can I?” 
“Mr. Alonso, with all due respect,” Magda sighed heavily, “I started this year. And if you continue to ditch your duties because I cannot convince you enough then I’m going to have to leave not of my own will. I did not last four years at the university just so I can have a manchild act so sassily at the person who’s merely trying her best, so please—“
“Calmaté, Magdalena. Are you okay?” Calm down. Fernando asked, reiterating his question and emphasizing the word you. 
Magda had anything but an answer; her lips pursed as she shook her head. “Can I… shit. Sorry, can I be excused for a moment? It's been a morning for me.” 
“Take all the time you need, querida,” Fernando told her with a smile, patting her on the shoulder as she gave him a grateful look before she walked out of the McLaren garage with a heave of sigh. 
Fernando Alonso pursed his lips as he caught sight of the young British reserved driver, calling him with a whistle as Lando Norris looked in his direction with a questioning expression.
“Norris, you know Carlos Sainz, yes?” Fernando asked.
“Uh, yeah,” Lando replied with a nod. “He’s a friend of mine.”
“Do me a favour, if you don’t mind,” Fernando requested, “will you please tell him Magdalena’s on break?” 
“Yeah, of course,” Lando obliged before his curiosity got the best of him as he asked, “Is she alright?” 
“I think McLaren broke her.”
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“Leche,” she swore quietly as she stood behind the McLaren motorhome. Thankfully, nobody else was there to witness her on the verge of breaking down. Otherwise, that would have been embarrassing. 
She had a bad habit of pleasing people. Living in the Philippines, with her mother working overseas and her biological father being a dickhead fuck knew where Magdalena grew up wanting to appease her friends and family. Her immediate family cared very little about the achievements she reached — they were proud, sure, but how she got there was beyond what they wanted for her.
Some kids who grew up in a Filipino household aimed to please, and Magda wasn’t an exception to that. She, however, did more than what she should have been doing. All thanks to the father she had never interacted with before or ever.
Much like now. She aimed to please. Maybe that was why she got to this predicament now; crouching with her head down as she tried to keep her composure. 
She knew that everyone would kill to be in her place— working for a racing team. But for some reason, her urge to please was replaced by her fear of discomfort and disappointment. Being in a relationship with a Formula One driver taught her a lot about the sport, and she landed herself a job in a team based in England.
Being able to travel with him was a plus, but she felt that she had disappointed him. She didn’t feel as good as he told her she would when she first announced McLaren’s offer to hire her for the season. 
Was this what most Formula One wives and partners felt? Or have they embraced that lifestyle long before the drivers became so popular? She wouldn’t make a good girlfriend for everyone should they find out that she had nothing but anxiety in her system as she graced the grid with her presence. 
She was a disappointment of a Carlos Sainz fan.
His cologne lingered in the air as she witnessed him crouch down in her level, his fingers pulling her hair tie off her head, letting her long dark brown hair fall as she smiled grimly. 
He was in his Renault fireproof, his race suit hanging off his waist. He made things more angelic than normal, and she loved him so much for it. His lips pursed as his fingers continued to massage her scalp. 
“Few more months, mi vida,” Carlos murmured, his soothing voice making her feel at home. “You’re doing so good for them. Don’t let them say otherwise.” 
Sure, she could be at the hotel with Ben&Ben blasting on her phone and her figure crying in the bathtub. She could be falling into the deepest depth of her sadness, but with Carlos ditching his team before the free practice — she would rather be here than be in their shared hotel room. 
“Now c’mon, mi corazon,” he pulled her up, “I’ve managed to get my manager to come drop off some pancit to the motorhome from the hospitality.”
“Malabon,” Carlos beamed at her, pressing his lips to her forehead. “One of the caterers gladly took my request to have some pancit malabon at the menu. It took them a couple of weeks until they finally got tired of my constant asking.”
“Hm, you’re the best, my love,” Magda told him lovingly. “Though, I prefer palabok, remember?” 
“Eh,” Carlos paused, “patata, patatas. What’s the difference? Pancit is pancit, mi amor.”
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iv. 2019 — magda, maldita 
“Carlos, bebe, mahal kita. Mahal kita sobra.” I love you. I love you so much. Magda sighed as she glanced over the notepad that her fiancé left on the end table of the side of her bed— their brainstorming notepad. “But do you really want to get married in a church? In the Philippines while you’re at it?” 
“It’s an idea, mi amor,” Carlos said while he continued to do whatever he was doing in the bathroom, making her listen from the bed as he spoke, “Just how bad is it?” 
“It’s nothing bad,” Magda said quietly, “it’s just something that I wouldn’t personally do. There is a lot of paperwork to do when getting married in a church. Did you know that? Not only that, but we’d have to attend seminars about family planning— which is not right up my alley, seeing as my mother is an unmarried single mother.” 
“Paperwork is what you are worried about?” 
“Why can’t we just elope instead? My Lola grandmother and Lolo grandfather did that, and look— they have my mom, my tito uncle and tita aunt,” she suggested out of the blue. 
“And risk getting killed by either of our mothers?” Carlos scoffed, “I think we should stick to the church idea, yes, mi amor?” 
“Did you not hear the story of my grandparents, love?” Magda asked him, thankful that he couldn’t see the baffled look on her face. 
“More than I can count, mi corazon,” Carlos answered, “they ran away from home, didn’t they? Got married and had your Tia Maria, then your Mama after? They eloped because they weren’t close with their families— but we’re both very close to ours. We can’t do what your grandparents did.” 
She sighed. He wasn’t even wrong. 
The Spaniard walked out of the bathroom, his face now clean-shaven as he sat next to his fiancée. “Look, we don’t have to do the church thing. It was just an idea, hm? I know you don’t want to get married in the Philippines either, so that’s alright. We’ll just send your cousins, your aunt and uncle to wherever we’re going, then we’ll get married. Don’t worry too much.” 
“‘M sorry,” Magda murmured, her fingers fidgeting with the gold engagement ring as she continued, “I’m a killjoy.” 
“No, you’re not,” Carlos huffed out and clasped his hand with her left hand, “you’re the bride. The bride is more than permitted to weigh out the options. If you don’t want the Philippines, that’s okay.
“Truthfully, I just want to marry you,” Carlos murmured as he pulled her closer, “if we didn’t have such scary mothers, I would’ve already married you. You and your YouTube channel.” 
Magda’s chuckle vibrated in his chest as she perched on his lap, “I don’t even know if that will even work out.” 
“I am sure the wedding plans will. If it doesn’t, our marriage certainly will work out for you and your channel.”
“You are a dickhead, mahal.” “I can’t speak the truth now?” 
“There was no need to bring up the channel, dumbass.”
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“Mabuti nalang may passport yung mga pinsan mo,” It’s a good thing that your cousins have passports. Alma San Pedro, Magdalena’s mother, brought up as she sat across the aforementioned woman.
Magda skimmed through the spreadsheet laid out on her laptop’s screen, keeping her eyes on the things Carlos typed out on the guest list as he actively listed who’s responsible for the catering.
Alma continued to speak, “Why didn’t you want to get married in the Philippines? You’ve always wanted to get married in the Tayabas basilica— I could have had your Tita Marie look into it.”
“That was mainly because I thought you got married there,” Magda glanced at her mother before leaving a comment on the name that Carlos had just typed down on the guest list sheet.
“Lando Norris” — Magda San Pedro (monamagsp) commented: “He finally RSVP’d?”
Carlos Sainz (carlossz) replied: “Yes. He said he forgot to do it, but I managed to get him to fill it.”
He was still at Monaco for the race, but between the busy days of partying and racing he decided to abandon his friends and stayed at the hotel to plan his wedding with Magda instead. “Besides, Ma, the wedding’s in two months. Travelling is also time-consuming for most of us.”
“You’re so picky, anak,” child. Alma replied with a playful scoff.
“And you’re not married, Mama,” Magda shot back with the same amount of humour in her tone. “People complain about both, but we can’t find ourselves to care, hm?”
“Hay nako, Ramona Magdalena,” Alma rolled her eyes and sighed exasperatedly. A rhetorical question escaped her mouth, “Bakit ka kaya maldita?” Why are you so cheeky/sassy? 
Mona shrugged, “Tita Maria didn’t take any shit from my private school teachers, Ma. She’s the one who took care of me while you worked here, remember? Go figures.”
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“I can’t believe you’ve invited me to the wedding,” Lando’s eyes glimmered under the warm light of the ballroom hall as he excitedly spoke to Magda. “I know we didn’t speak as much last year, but the fact that you allowed Carlos to invite me? I’m so grateful, mate.”
Magdalena San Pedro— or wait, Magdalena Sainz stood across from the British man with a grin as she tucked her hands into her pockets (she had pockets on her wedding dress that she began to think that God was treating her right today).
The San Pedro-Sainz wedding ceremony took place in the Westin Palace of Madrid. With the hopes of celebrating the love that they shared for years, Carlos and Magdalena managed to get through the hour-long ceremony without a fuss. The romantic venue created an environment full of celebration while keeping it as intimate and private as it could be for their guests and themselves.
Carlos had already made his name known to the Formula One world, his talent being recognized by every fan as the season went on. But nobody knew who Magdalena was to him, and he intended to keep it that way — thus prompting him to keep his marriage a piece of confidential information. Everyone behind the scenes knew he was in a relationship, and with the hopes that he’d get even more popular, PR relationships were introduced and tossed in his way. 
None of the women he was put in the spotlight with ever lasted, and he was slowly earning the title of a Casanova. He didn’t care; he was just doing his duty and driving his car around the tracks while he worried about his partner, who now worked for a designing company based in London— where they both lived. Nobody else in the grid nor anyone in the motorsport community knew who he was romantically involved with. 
Magdalena was another story. She only began to record some videos about her lifestyle as she continued to work for some local designing firm, telling whoever was watching her videos about what she knew about this field of work or what kind of food she’d eat on certain occasions.
She wasn’t as popular as him, but she continued to keep his identity a secret. She lived an average life and she was quite content with it. She’d rather post a video of herself fucking around, but they’ve made a choice to stay private for as long as they could. 
Now Lando Norris was known to be a blabbermouth, but Magdalena had grown quite fond of him when he was still a reserved driver for McLaren as she worked as a PR coordinator for the team. They rarely spoke, sure, but she was certain that she could trust him with anything and he wouldn’t blab about it. Carlos was also friends with Lando, and they continued to be close friends, so Magda never protested against Carlos’ idea of inviting the younger man to the wedding. 
Lando then said, “I find it quite enjoyable— your wedding, I mean. It’s clearly not as big as I would have expected because well… Carlos told me that Filipino weddings are often big, but I love it! I’ve learned more about your wedding traditions than I have in sixth form about geography.”
“Gah, don’t even say that,” Magda rolled her eyes, earning a giggle from Lando as the woman continued, “It’s barely there, I think. We tried not to pour our hearts out into what they would normally practice in the Philippines or here in Spain. Some Filipino things are here — the food, my dress and my family — but it’s just something superficial, you know?” 
“It’s not even just the wedding that taught me a lot!” Lando exclaimed as he laughed, “Your cousins, Lomi, Niño and Lucia? Yeah, I sat with them during the whole ceremony so they kept telling me about wedding traditions and some superstitions: like how you shouldn’t have any relative marry at the same time as you because it’s cursed.” 
“Really? I’m surprised they haven’t said anything mundane,” Magda saw Lando nod at her statement.
“They also started to say that you took one for the team—“ Lando’s forehead creased as he said, “I asked them what they meant by that, then they only said you’re heroic.” 
“Diyos ko.” My god. Magda scoffed. Her cousins spelled nothing but trouble and god did she despise them at times. 
“What? What did that mean, Mags?” Lando asked.
Magda sighed exasperatedly, and with a defeated tone, she answered, “Making up for the challenge we’ve lost, apparently.” 
“It’s— just ask Carlitos,” Magda waved off, “I’ve had to explain the concept of colonialism to too many people before. I think it’s time Carlos did it for me.”
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v. 2024 — paninindigan kita (stand by you)
Mamahalin kita buong-buo. I will love you completely.
“So, tell us about yourself.”
“I’m Carlos Sainz— or wait, do you want me to speak Tagalog?” The Ferrari driver asked as he stood in front of the camera, his linen shirt in the view of the lens as he waited to be instructed.
“Directing this music video is the dumbest idea I could’ve ever made,” Magda deadpanned from behind the camera as the videography crew laughed alongside the band members, her voice being picked up by the microphone easily.
Their Philippines trip, which they should’ve made a while ago, was something of an experience for the couple.
It was the first time they’d been seen in public— with everyone finding out about their marriage after Carlos’ Instagram story slip-up when he accidentally posted a photo of Magdalena’s selfie that she sent when she travelled to the country long before this. 
It really was an accident if you were to ask him. But it was something inevitable, and all Magda could do was laugh and make her presence known not only to her fans but to those who were more than interested to know about her. His fans. 
Now, they were in an Airbnb somewhere in the Quezon Province as they filmed some form of documentary. It was meant to be a storytelling music video about their relationship and the romance that came with it, but after seeing Carlos’ script reading at the Shell commercial, Magda practically banned him from acting.
She was a popular content creator in the Philippines regardless of her living situation; she lived in Madrid with her husband for almost five years. And with her popularity in the Philippines came acquaintances who were more than willing to collaborate with her. The folk-pop band called Ben&Ben asked if she was more than willing to shoot a music video with them. Direct it, even. 
The song they released practically spoke about her life with Carlos. At first, she didn’t think too much of the lyrics and just enjoyed the rhythm of the song, then she realized how similar it was to their relationship, from the courtship (and her outward refusal to continue this romance with him at the very beginning) to their vows to love each other as they grow old, and decided that perhaps it was time to show to the world how they truly love each other. 
Carlos agreed, knowing that outside of his life as a Ferrari driver and a Formula One figure, he had nothing else in life but her and her alone. He knew that she was the one thing that he kept from everyone to provide security for his wife. He waited patiently for her — and it was now paying off. Now, he was standing in front of a camera, waiting to be filmed for his interview. 
It was better than the countless documentaries and the Netflix series that he had to do interviews and filming duties for. Because this time, he got to discuss his wife, Magdalena Sainz, instead of his car. 
“Can I speak Tagalog?” Carlos repeated, his typical confused expression being displayed before the others.
Magda shook her head, “You’ll butcher it, Carlitos.”
“Excuse me, Ramona,” Carlos gasped in mock offence. “I can speak it!” 
“Clearly not good enough,��� Magda shot back, making the others laugh at the banter between the pair. 
“Your Español isn’t any better then, mi vida,” Carlos scoffed, placing his hand on his chest. 
Magda said, “There’s a reason why I only listen to you and your family when you speak, honey.” 
“This is what I have to deal with every day, by the way,” Carlos pointed out to their audience, making the others burst out laughing as he offered his wife a playful glare. 
One of the videographers spoke before Magda could make a comeback, “Wait, the camera’s still on.”
“Oh shit,” Carlos and Magda both swore before they both laughed. Their banter was caught on camera and they were laughing about it.
It took them good ten seconds to return to their composure as the camera stopped recording. 
Magda cleared her throat, clapping her hands as the camera began recording, and she instructed her husband, “Carlos, we can both speak English— it’s fine. Just speak in English, alright?” 
“Okay, fine,” Carlos rolled his eyes and muttered, “mi esposa. Muy quisquilloso.” My wife. So picky. The microphone attached to his shirt picked up on his comment.
“This is so going to the music video,” one of the band members giggled. 
Magda then continued with the recording segment as she spoke to her husband while she stood behind the camera, “Alright, please state your name and how long you have been with your partner?” 
Carlos nodded and beamed slightly as he stared back at Magda, who was smiling as she expected his answer. With a cheerful tone, he said, “My name is Carlos Sainz. I have been with my wife, Magdalena San Pedro Sainz, for seven years and three months and have been married to her for four years and six months.” 
“What prompted you to stand by her?” Magda asked as she continued to beam at him, not even noticing the heart eyes of the other people in the room. 
Eight years and still extremely in love. 
He answered, “Her determination, wits and her ability to stand by me no matter what kind of disaster came and went made me realize that falling in love with her was worth the effort to make.”
It was no wonder people thought their relationship had nothing to do with two worlds colliding.
Even with their constant light bickering, Magdalena and Carlos Sainz learned how to love each other through words — whether it was their native languages or their secondary ones. What mattered was that they understood the meaning of their love, regardless of what kind of language they had to translate it to.
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poleeeng · 1 month
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errands day
—namili lang kami ng mga needs for binyag ni baby. ayun na nga. ang bilis lumaki ni baby and bibinyagan na sya this 24th. parang feeling ko a week ago lang nung nanganak ako but feeling ko long ago na yung pregnancy ko. nakakamiss din yung lalabas lang kami ni jacques para magdate na walang iniisip na oras. ngayon, pag lalabas kami lagi namin naiisip si baby kasi naiwan sa bahay. ang hirap tiisin, mamimiss mo agad.
but gustong gusto ko din nageerrands kasi yun lang din time namin lumabas, and time ko makapag-ayos ng sarili and makapag-outfit hahaha. iykyk, happiness ko talaga ang pagbibihis and pagpili/pagbili ng clothes, kaya kahit groceries lang na wala pang 1hr ang lakad, i still wear nice to feel good about myself.
ayun lang hehe.
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Disclaimer: I do not own Maliksi. Full Credit goes to HC - @ask-emilz-de-philz. Please check out their blog for amazing art and the wonderful world of Planet Puto. All involved characters are adults.
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Happy New Year ebriwan. Sorry ang likot nung isa jan, napaka pabebe ayaw pa magpa pic ng ayos. XDDDD Guys, very short lang to, not a full fic hahaha. just some drabble. UULITIN KO HA, DRABBLE PO ITO kaya maikli hehe, HINDI FIC. HAHAHA.
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Maliksi let out a heavy sigh, dead eyes looking at the game he was playing for a couple of hours now. He was upset since his Kuya Makisig canceled on their game night for the second time this week.
He's not gonna complain though, he knows how much his Kuya loves his job and how good he is at it- it's one of the few things he enjoys and Maliksi will not take that away from him.
You look at him, trying to think of a way to cheer him up. Sure, he's a pain in the ass most of the time, yet it pains you to see him sulking like this.
You quietly sat beside him and before you knew it, he was already pulling you into his lap and nuzzling his face into your shoulder and letting out muffled sounds of frustrations. You softly chuckled as you gently run your fingers along his hair to soothe him.
"Wanna go grab some snacks?" You softly asked him. Maliksi looked at you like a pouting kid before finally nodding his head.
Since Maliksi didn't have a harem like his Kuya Makisig's it was easier for the both of you to just casually roam around at the most random times without having to worry about schedules. Usually, Maliksi likes late night strolls so both of you can grab some drinks and some sweets.
Maliksi held your hand while you two walk towards the convenience store, intertwining his fingers against yours. He will not admit it, but dealing with frustrating stuff became a lot easier since you came into his life.
"What kind of chocolate would you like for tonight?" You softly asked as you both stood outside the convenience store.
You tilted your head in confusion, wondering if you heard him right and if he's asking for kisses.
Maliksi nodded and before he can say anything else, you excitedly held his cheeks and started to shower his face with kisses which made him broke out in laughter.
"Y/n! I meant hershey's kisses! But this will do too."
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((HAPPY NEWYEAAAARRRRR GUYSSSS pasensya na, ang cravings ko kasi right now ay si Maliksi HAHAHHAA))
AMAZING ART BY @ask-emilz-de-philz
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potato-mato · 3 months
grabe talaga symptoms ko pag magkakaron na..
- sobrang maldita/maikli pasensya
- antukin
- dami gusto kainin
- dami gusto bilhin 💸
- 1-2 days before sobrang dami energy maglinis and mag ayos
- literally day/night before 📈 high fever
nangyayari to within 1 week before ako magkaron, tapos pagdating ng 1st day, halos patay na. walang energy, ni hindi makatayo, di makakain, iiyak/magwawala nalang sa sakit ng puson. ugh, i hate this cycle 😭
pero ang lala ng pms ko this month, kasi halos lahat inaway ko. not sure if it’s my hormones or nakakairita lang talaga sila nung nakaraan at sumabay lang. hahaha pero okay na ngayon 🤣
on the bright side, dahil sa surge ng energy ko 2 days before, natapos ako magdeclutter 🥳 ibebenta ko nalang and ready na bumili ulit. char not char. nagkasurge nga din pala ng energy gumastos 💸💸 like, nakalista na mga bibilhin 🫠
screenshots for the memz:
eto yung inaway ko asawa ko (kasalanan niya + sensitive ako)
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tapos eto yung sumipag na ako maglinis (bati na kami neto)
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eto yung sinend ko listahan ng mga gusto ko paggastusan kay max
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then lastly, nilagnat nanaman ako, sobrang sama ng pakiramdam ko, pero gastos pa rin 🥹 lahat na ng emotions, samantah!!
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ANYWAY, LAHAT YAN KAHAPON LANG TAS TODAY MERON NA AKO. rollercoaster of emotions indeed
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ratedfleur · 5 months
⋆˚˖° profound love °˖˚⋆
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sunghan bin / wyatt sung x filo fem oc   genre  ౨ৎ  fluff & slice of life
 📝: yay a new oc is out na! i've been wanting to post this one na kasi super long overdue na ng ibang posts so i had to post this one na! someone was requesting more filo stuff so i'll try to do filo smut naman next! 
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wyatt was pretty— breathtaking, even. wherever he went, people looked his way. being a cafe owner had its perks, especially when you’re an influencer and fairly attractive. customers always came to pay a visit, even on school days.
“kuys! pa-libre naman oh.” chase joked once he walked into wyatt’s cafe. wyatt had owned his cafe since 1st year college, now in his 3rd year. he was wealthy but he didn’t take advantage of the wealth that his family has garnered over the past decades.
wyatt simply let his parents fund his cafe but then he took over the place and its funds by himself— he gets his spare income from his influencer lifestyle.
“kaka-libre ko lang sayo kahapon ah?” wyatt scrunched his nose at the younger who simply smiled cheekily at him, “binabayaran ko naman, kuya.” gunwook laughs when hanbin makes a face while mixing up his coffee order.
“musta kayo ni chi?”
“ha?” gunwook suddenly goes deaf.
“sira.” hanbin shakes his head at his younger friend’s antics, he knew that everything was going well between the two once the younger had a lovesick smile on his face.
wyatt always envied his friends because they had such easygoing lives, it was easy for them to go around and date whoever they wanted— it wasn’t like that for wyatt. for him, he had to keep up his reputation of a clean guy— innocent and clean looking, rather.
“look kuya, sama ka nalang kay zeke. he’s going to pobla tomorrow, malay mo nandoon din si princess charming.” chase shrugs as he grabs his drink from the counter, “and besides, tapos na midterm so everyone’s going to party.” he adds while eyeing the older who simply wiped the counter down.
“no promises, cha— oh hello, welcome to bloom!” hanbin says before he cuts himself off once he saw a customer step up to the cashier.
different from his daily shift, he found this customer pretty, she had striking eyes, a tall nose, and lips as pink and plump as a peach.
hanbin’s throat goes dry as he clears it, suddenly speechless in front of his pretty customer. “i’ll have your bestseller drink lang and the macaroons pala.” she smiles at him, eyes twinkling as she looked at hanbin.
hanbin nods, “a-and you’re okay with strawberries?” he stutters, making gunwook snicker as he watched the older visibly embarrass himself.
the pretty customer nods, “yeah, okay lang. just remove the whipped cream if meron.” she adds in her additional request as hanbin takes her order.
“that’ll be 220–“ “ah also, can i get your number?”
hanbin’s cheeks flush red at her bluntness, he licks his lips as his eyes dart from her face and gunwook’s who showed him supportive thumbs.
“well, i don’t give out my number so easily but sure.” hanbin quickly says as he takes an old receipt and writes his number and name on the back, sliding it over to her side of the counter as she pays up.
she shifts over to the side, just close enough for her to see as hanbin diligently preparing her drink. it’s different compared to his vlogs, she thought. you can tell how passionate one person is when they’re in their element, his hands easily glide as he grabs cups and syrups, hanbin finishes within 3 minutes as he pours the final drink into a cup.
she watches closely as hanbin grabs her macaroons and she sees him write a quick note on the cafe’s calling card.
placing it prettily on a tray, hanbin meets eyes with his pretty customer as she walks up to the counter. “i’m maeve, by the way. sorry for how blunt i was earlier.” maeve introduces herself, cheeks flushed as she remembers how blunt she was earlier.
wyatt’s cheeks mirror the same flush hers had as he shakes his head with a smile, “ayos lang, i don’t mind.” he says as his whiskers appear.
“i’m a fan of the place, keep it up.” maeve smiles as she takes the tray and walks away as she meets eyes with wyatt once more as she briefly turned her head to look at him.
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bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Jake/Steven) x Avatar Fem!Reader
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Finding his seat while boarding the plane back to London turned out to be an easy task for Marc Spector. 
As he made his way down the narrow aisle, the bustling ambiance of the airplane surrounded him. Passengers were shuffling to their assigned seats, stuffing their bags into overhead compartments, and finding their in-flight entertainment systems. With his ticket in hand, he confidently located his seat, guided by the digits on his boarding pass. It led him to a cozy two-seater nestled in the middle of the row. His seatmate, a young woman seemingly in his early thirties, was already settled in the aisle seat.
After stowing his carry-on bag securely in the overhead compartment, he turned his attention to the person who would be his companion for the duration of the flight. Dressed in a simple white blouse and camel brown pants, the woman exuded an air of regal poise that drew Marc's gaze. Her chestnut brown eyes met his with a polite curiosity, her lingering gaze holding a certain depth of wisdom that seemed to witness centuries come and go. 
Her long, ebony-black hair was meticulously gathered into a sleek ponytail with but a few strands of white blonde highlights perfectly framing her olive brown facade, seemingly untouched by the passage of years. Her lips, painted in a delicate shade of mauve, initially curved into a subtle, downward-facing arc. However, as their eyes locked in a silent greeting, her lips gradually transformed into a warm and inviting smile. Her right hand gracefully rose to offer a small, friendly wave.
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“You need help with that, sir?” the lady greeted, her voice a gentle, inviting melody as she momentarily rose from her seat to make way for Marc.
“No need, miss”, Marc replied, flashing a warm smile as he settled into his designated spot by the window. “But thanks for the offer”
“Don’t mention it”, she nodded, taking her seat beside him. Her phone chimed, and she blushed slightly before retrieving it and answering the call with a delicate touch of her forefinger.
She looks really pretty, Steven mused in the window’s reflection, his puppy eyes fixated on their seatmate speaking in a foreign language they couldn’t understand, openly admiring her captivating beauty. A subtle shake of Marc's head conveyed his mild disapproval within their shared thoughts, his expression forming into a slight grimace.
“We just got divorced, Steven”, Marc whispered to himself, silently expressing gratitude to the higher powers he still believed in, thankful that their seatmate remained absorbed in her conversation and had yet to cast a glance in their direction.
“Sige, Aleah, pakisabi na lang kay Bill na pauwi na ako from Chicago”, they unintentionally overheard the woman speaking, her voice carrying just enough volume to pique their curiosity. “Ikaw na ang bahalang mag-ayos ng mga job interviews ko sa darating na Sabado sa British Museum para sa upcoming exhibit natin”
Of course, Aleah, just let Bill know that I’m about to fly out from Chicago. I'll leave you in charge of setting up my job interviews at the British Museum for next week’s upcoming exhibit.
British Museum? Steven's eyes widened almost to the size of saucers as he gazed in astonishment at the stunning woman standing beside him. Did she really just say British Museum - oh bollocks! This is too good to be true! If there's an exhibit, she might actually work there, mate. Should we ask her, please?
If Steven wasn’t already fancying the mysterious lady then, Marc was certain that he worships her now, utterly smitten.
“Salamat, Aleah. May pasalubong ako sa inyo ni Bill pag-uwi ko”
Thanks, Aleah. I have a present for you and Bill when I get home.
The lady ended the call with a graceful flick of her fingers, her gaze sweeping back to Marc, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Sorry about that," she said, her voice warm and melodious. "Was I being too loud?"
Marc leaned in a bit closer, his brown eyes twinkling with amusement. "No, not at all," he assured her, mentally keeping Steven's incessant ‘Ask her please, Marc’ phrases at bay. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop either, so let's just pretend I didn't hear a thing."
“Well, that's quite considerate of you”, her laughter danced in the air like a sweet melody - soothing yet very contagious as Marc’s lips couldn’t help but break out into a serene smile. "But nah, it’s fine. My work isn't exactly top-secret anyways"
With a casual wave of her hand, she continued before gently tucking her phone back into her elegant, native hand woven handbag. "I was just catching up with my assistant back in London. She was updating me on a few work-related matters while I'm here overseas. You see, I work as a curator at the British Museum."
We didn’t even need to ask, Steven couldn't help but be awestruck as the revelation sank in, his eyes fixed dreamily on their seatmate before murmuring his awe in quiet reverence. I can't believe she’s living my dream life.
Marc's eyes sparkled with relief as he nodded. "I see," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of a thousand thoughts finally finding peace and quiet. "Steven would have absolutely loved to work there."
"Steven? Who is he?" The kind lady's curiosity shone in her eyes, making Marc inwardly groan while his mischievous companion snickered, his arms folded as he fought to contain his laughter.
You've really gotten yourself into a pickle, Marc. Steven's laughter echoed in his mind. Let's see you wriggle out of this one.
"My... my twin brother," Marc replied, allowing the carefully rehearsed falsehood to roll off his tongue. "He used to work at a museum and always dreamed of becoming a tour guide. Unfortunately, he never got the opportunity and ended up working in the gift shop."
"Really?" The lady's eyes twinkled with wonder. "If he's passionate about Egyptian history and culture, he's in luck. I'll be conducting interviews for potential tour guides to fill one more spot for our upcoming Ennead exhibit next week."
Is it too soon to propose? Steven gasped, practically hyperventilating with excitement. Can I marry her, Marc? This is it, oh my days—
"If your brother's interested, tell him that we have an opening", the young lady winked, sending Steven inside Marc's head into a complete frenzy. "I'll be more than happy to make time for him if he drops by the museum this weekend."
"You really didn't have to do that", Marc nervously chuckled, clearing his throat. "I'm sure you're already pretty busy"
"Nonsense, I’d love to help out!" the lady exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with warmth. She reached into her handbag once again, the faint jingle of keys and coins accompanying her actions, and retrieved a sleek, purple and gray card. It had an air of sophistication about it, just like its owner. 
"Here’s my calling card," she said, offering it to Marc with a graceful flourish. "It has my email address there so that Steven can send me his CV."
Taking the card gingerly, Marc's eyes scrutinized it, reflecting his mixed emotions. He could see his own reflection, and that of Steven, peering closely at the small piece of printed cardboard paper. Finally, they focused on the name of their beautiful flight companion, which was printed neatly in bold font at the center.
MIRA BATALA-CARTER [email protected] Curator, British Museum.
“My name’s Mira Batala-Carter, by the way,” she said happily, extending her hand for Marc to shake.
"Marc Spector," he replied, nodding and accepting her hand in a brief but gentle handshake. He couldn't deny the flutter in his heart as her soft skin met his rough, calloused one. But he quickly composed himself.
“Pleasure to meet you, Marc,” Mira said with a warm smile. “You just received my last card, though, so my apologies for that. Never expected to find brothers of potential tour guide candidates on my flight back home, so I didn’t bring extras with me.”
"Never expected to meet museum curators on a plane either, so I guess we're even," Marc quipped, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. This kind of conversation was unusual for him, especially with a stranger, but something about Mira made him feel at ease. It was a rare moment of connection that allowed him to be more of his old self.
His young, kind, innocent self. Before all hell broke loose in his traumatic childhood. 
"Yep, not everyday you get to meet interesting strangers, right?" Mira smiled serenely. "But seriously, let Steven Spector know that the museum opening is for real, okay? I'm really keen to help him out"
"Well, actually, his name is Steven Grant," Marc corrected.
"Steven Grant? Like Steven Grant Rogers, Captain America?" Mira's laughter rang out, coaxing a mischievous twitch from Marc's upper lip. Meanwhile, inside their shared mental space, Steven couldn't contain his amusement and erupted into hearty laughter. "Don't tell me your brother's secretly Captain Britain or something"
"No, but I bet he wish he was", Marc chuckled, and Steven's jaw dropped at the unexpected snark. After taking a deep breath, Marc wove another web of lies into their fabricated narrative - a convincing 'backstory' of him and his mental sibling. "We were twin brothers, yes. But our circumstances, well – it's really complicated. I wouldn't want to bore you"
"I'm sure I can keep up", Mira encouraged, leaning in with genuine interest. “Besides, who said I was bored? You were pretty much the highlight of my whole day”
Mira's words caught both Marc and the reflection of Steven in the window off-guard. They blushed furiously, unable to help their reactions. Marc cleared his throat once more, determined to provide an explanation without revealing the actual truth.
"We're twin brothers," Marc began as leaned in closer to Mira, his voice carrying a touch of vulnerability as he delved into his personal history. "But our parents divorced when we were very young." His gaze dropped momentarily, a shadow of old memories darkening his expression. "My mother, well, she remarried and took Steven with her. That's why he goes by his stepfather's last name now."
Mira's empathetic eyes met his, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "I see," she said, her curiosity tinged with sympathy. "I’m so sorry, Marc. I didn't mean to pry into your personal life"
Marc offered a small, appreciative smile, grateful for Mira's understanding. "No need to apologize," he reassured her, his voice warm and friendly. "I understand that our different last names can confuse a lot of people."
"Yeah, it did catch me off guard at first." she admitted, a gentle chuckle escaping Mira's lips to conceal her nerves. “But thanks for sharing that with me, Marc. I can tell it's not something you reveal to just anyone"
Marc Spector and Mira Batala-Carter exchanged glances, a silent understanding flowing between them as they settled into their seats. The hum of conversation and rustle of passengers settling in faded as the plane's engines roared to life. At that moment, a flight attendant glided toward their aisle.
"Please fasten your seatbelts," she spoke with a warm smile, her gaze focused on Mira. "Can I interest you and your husband in some in-flight lunch meals? We have a variety to choose from: pork, chicken, beef, and even vegan options."
Mira chuckled nervously, her eyes meeting Marc's. "Oh, he's not my husband, just a new friend I've made," she explained. "But lunch sounds delightful. I'll have the beef. What about you, Marc?"
"I'll go with the chicken," Marc replied, beginning to retrieve his wallet. However, Mira gently halted his hand before he could complete the gesture.
"No, it's my treat," she insisted, handing her credit card to the flight attendant before Marc could object. "Consider it a token of appreciation for sharing your life story."
"I'll get the next one," Marc sighed, slipping his wallet back into his pocket without fully grasping the implications of his words.
Mira couldn't resist a mischievous grin as she teased, "The next one? Are you asking me out already?" Her eyes sparkled with humor as Marc chuckled nervously. "Loosen up, I'm just kidding! I hope I'm not upsetting any missus at home."
Marc laughed, the sound tinged with a hint of melancholy. "No wife to go home to now, actually," he admitted, taking a bite of his roasted chicken. "My ex-wife and I just got divorced."
"What?!" Mira exclaimed, her shock palpable. What rattled her even more than the revelation itself was Marc's seemingly nonchalant attitude about it. It was as if the dissolution of his marriage hadn't left the mark it should have.
"That’s what I’m in Chicago for, actually," Marc shrugged, his expression somber yet resigned. "Layla and I recently finalized our divorce and went our separate ways."
"I'm truly sorry to hear that," Mira said, her empathy evident in her tone.
"Don't be," Marc responded with a gentle shake of his head. "We parted ways on amicable terms."
"Really?" Mira's expression softened, a genuine smile breaking through. "I'm glad to hear you both are on good terms."
Marc, with a determined tone, shifted the spotlight away from himself. "What about you?" he inquired, his gaze intently fixed on Mira. "Do you have a husband waiting at the airport back in London?"
Mira's gaze flickered for an instant, a subtle veil of sadness momentarily shrouding her countenance. Yet, she swiftly composed herself, offering Marc a warm smile as her eyes bore into his. 
"Late husband, actually," she confessed, her words carrying the weight of cherished memories. "Darius Carter passed away some time ago."
A pang of remorse coursed through Marc's thoughts, silently cursing his insensitivity as Steven audibly gasped inside his head. "Shit, I'm sorry," he sighed, voice heavy with regret. "I didn't mean to bring him up like that."
Mira, however, was quick to dispel the awkward air. Her voice was gentle and reassuring as she spoke, "Don't worry about it. Besides, I love talking about my late husband to anybody who asks. For me, it's like keeping a part of him alive somehow."
Marc nodded thoughtfully, a newfound respect for Mira's perspective dawning upon him. Despite his initial hesitation, he found himself growing more intrigued by the life his new friend had led. "That's one way of putting it," he conceded. "What did he do when he was still alive? If you don't mind me asking."
Mira's response held a hint of nostalgia, her eyes sparkling with fond reminiscence as she began to unveil her late husband’s past. "He was an Egyptologist," she revealed, causing Steven's eyes to widen as he listened intently. "We actually met at an expedition, back when I just started working for the British Museum as a curator's assistant. We've been inseparable ever since."
Marc savored each bite of his meal, his gaze fixed on his companion as her expressive storytelling drew him further into her world. Mira's eyes sparkled with nostalgia as she recounted the vibrant cultural explorations she and her late husband had undertaken, along with their shared love for history books. The vivid memories painted her face with a radiant glow that slowly wove its way into Marc and Steven's hearts.
"I've just taken over this conversation, haven't I?" Mira shook her head modestly, taking a brief pause to finish her meal. "Please feel free to stop me at any time when I talk nonstop like this."
"Nonsense, I like hearing you talk" Marc retorted, his voice carrying more warmth than he intended. Mira chuckled softly in response.
"You know, your late husband must have been an extraordinary man," Marc remarked, prompting Mira's eyes to well up with welcome tears upon hearing those words.
"He was," she replied, her voice unwavering. "I don't know why, but I feel strangely at ease talking about him with you."
"I’m honored then," Marc replied genuinely, earning a widened smile from Mira. "But as much as I'd love to continue this conversation, I've noticed you yawning every five minutes."
Mira's eyelids drooped at Marc's gentle observation. "I definitely need some shut-eye," she admitted. "It's been wonderful meeting you, Marc. Wake me up when we're in London, okay?"
"I will," Marc assured her, his voice a soothing lullaby as Mira surrendered to the embrace of sleep.
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primejeuz · 6 months
Di ko alam kung paano ko sisimulan but may something sa akin na ayoko talaga.
So eto na, kapag may umaaway sa akin, gumagawa ng masama, or naninira basta something like that eh nakakarma sila somehow.
May time na naopen ko na rin to dito sa tumblr so parang nahihirapan na ako contrahin yung something na ito.
Noong isang araw I have a fight with one of my friend/co work ko, verbal fight lang naman syempre bawal ang physical and turi ko dito sa taong ito is friend and family pa nga, medyo masama kasi minsan yung attitudes ng mga tao towards me, even friends or tropa sa work, di naman na ako yung good guy na di na pumapalag tulad noon, I mean kapag nasa tama ako pinaglalaban ko talaga, so yun nga sigawan etc. But after ilang hours nagkapasensyahan na kami, nag usap, nag ayos kasi yung mga pinag awayan naman is work related lang. So edi kwentuhan na kami ganon ganon. Noong isang isang araw pa pala ito.
Kahapon sobrang close na ulit, kinuwento niya travel niya sa shore leave nila, showing pictures may chocolate pa nga na bigay. Tropa ko talaga to talagang may times lang sa work na di pagkakaunawaan.
But napansin ko masama ang pakiramdam niya and nahihilo siya, then I suggested na pumunta na siya ng hospital kasi ganon akong tao, kahit di ako mukang nag cacare eh talagang care ako sa lahat, ayoko ng nagkakasakit or di okay lalo na mga co work ko. So pinilit ko pa siya kasi nahihilo siya at pinaupo ko na nga, tapos pinapunta ko na hospital, sinabi ko magpaalam lang sa manager namin. Then yun nga di na bumalik nag SL na. Mukang okay naman na siya kahit pano nung nakita ko sa crew mess nung dinner.
The thing is everytime na may nang away sakin may nangyayari na ganyan, for example that good friend, nagkakasakit siya o aksidente kaya nag SL kapag nag aattitude siya sakin or nagkakaaway kami.
May nang aaway pa nga sakin na nagkakaprob sa pamilya sa Pinas etc. Basta madami pang iba kahit nung nasa Pinas ako, even nung college o mga kapitbahay namin na mga atribida, kamaganak etc.
Hirap na hirap ako pigilan yung ganon, kaya tinatanggal ko yung galit ko eh, even celebrities kapag naasar ako before nagkakaroon ng bad/something negative sa kanila, kaya tinatanggal at natanggal na galit sakin eh. Kaso minsan di ko mapigilan mainis at sumama ang loob kaya may times na may nangyayari sa iba na may ginawa sakin masama alam ko man o hindi. Tho nalalaman ko naman kasi I have my connections and muka lang akong ewan ewan pero alam ko mga nangyayari sa paligid ko.
Ang hirap kasi ako na nga nakikipagayos madalas din just to make sure na walang karma but still even small or sometimes big karma sa mga gumawa sakin ng masama o nangaway eh nagkakaroon pa rin sa kanila.
Hindi ako nag wiwish ng masama sa kapwa kaya pinipigilan ko mainis at sumama ang loob kasi kapag nangyari yun dahil sa tao o mga tao alam ko may mangyayari na di nila magugustuhan.
I hope na lagi ko mahold yung temper ko sa mga tao at sana magkaroon ako ng tahimik at ayos na buhay na walang gulo at away kasi ayoko may mangyari na masama sa ibang tao dahil sa inaway ako o ginawan ako ng masama.
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imissyouaah · 6 months
kala ko nung una classmate lang tayo, lovers din pala HAHAHAHHAHAHA ayos tayo ah ayos. I hope di dumating yung araw na kinakatakutan ko, iloveyouu so much babyyy!!! I love the way you are no matter what happens i always love you, I always stay by your side whenever you're highs or down I always there for you lovelovee🎀🎀
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akonaman · 26 days
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Sobrang saya ng Binondo Trip kanina 🫶 worth it kahit ang lakas ng ulan. Sobrang sulit yung pancit sa the great buddha ata yun haha di ko na matandaan basta taas lang siya ng Engbeetin.
Yung saya napalitan agad ng sama ng loob dahil sa nasakyan namin na grab driver pa PITX. Nagsuka kase sila ally ng konti and todo sorry ako kay Kuya. Alam ko naman na mabaho talaga yun sa loob ng car. Aabutan ko naman si kuya ng 1k kaso tiniis ko muna mga hanash niya. Muntikan na ko umiyak habang nasa byahe kase nga naaawa ako sa anak ko kase basang basa ng suka niya and di ko mapalitan kase ayaw niya gumalaw at nahihilo. Nagpapa baba kami sa malapit na petron pero di siya nakinig and medyo harabas na siya mag drive. Para di na siya magdabog at kung ano ano sinasabi binigyan ko sya ng extra 1k bukod pa sa 500 na bayad ko sa app.
Ayos lang sakin na ipamukha mo sakin na masama akong magulang at kasalanan ko na nagsuka yung anak ko. Pero yung harabas ka magmaneho ? Worst experience with grab. Worst person kung irerate ko lahat ng pinaka masamang nakilala ko.
After ko siya abutan ng 1k nanahimik siya at thank you ng thank you. Wala naman talagang tumulo na kahit anong suka sa sasakyan niya pero makareklamo sya parang dinurog yung pagkatao ko bilang mama. Sana di maranasan ng mag ina mo or ng kapamilya mo yung pagtrato mo samin ng anak ko.
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
kamusta :)) could I req what it would be like to be besties w Tweek and work at his parents’ coffeeshop together? Platonic pls (omg a craig cameo would be chef’s kiss too) and thank u!!!!! <333
(headcanons and drabbles!) what it's like working with tweek at the coffeehouse :D special creek part in the end
tweek x co-worker + gn!reader (platonic), craig x tweek no cws wc: 1140
an: ayos lang anon! i thoroughly enjoyed myself while writing this :3
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The first day you started working there, Tweek was extremely nervous about you finding out about the bag of meth they have in the back.
You didn’t find out, though—at least not yet. You just assumed it was flavoring or sugar or something since they put it in all their drinks.
Anyways, Tweek was rather distant and cold to you during your first few weeks working there, only conversing with you when you needed help.
It’s not like he was avoiding you, though. He just didn’t know how to approach you at all. Like, zero clue. If he was being honest, he thought you didn’t want anything to do with him anyway. That’s why he never really bothered to be friends with you, just acquaintances at most.
That all changed when one of the customers had a big order for you two.
“So, three cappuccinos, one Americano, four flat whites, two lattes, and three black coffees?” You asked, looking at the list of orders in front of you. A few customers were waiting in line as well, so not only did you have to make them perfectly, but you had to do it as quick as you can as well. “That’s correct. I’ll need them to go in 15 minutes.” They said, handing you the money. “Alright,” you worriedly hummed, putting on the best calm face you could. Couldn’t they just have called in advance? Whatever. You looked at Tweek, who was just across the station. He had just served someone their drink. “Tweek! Can you help me out here?” You called, giving the person back their change. In his usual nervous matter, he nodded and rushed by you. “U-Uh, sure! What is it?” “We have a big order.” You said, waving the list of drinks the customer had ordered. He took a short glance at it, eyes quickly scanning the list. “Let’s split it. I’ll handle the lattes and flat whites while you do the rest?” You said, already rushing to steam the milk. “Okay! I’ll get right to it—ack!” He nodded, readying the cups.
Luckily for the customer, you two were efficient and quick and got it all done in time—although with some minor accidents (Tweek spilled some coffee on you because he jittered a tad bit too much).
Your service was rewarded, and they gave you a gracious tip—about 20 dollars, almost half of the price of their order.
“Phew,” you smiled at the blonde, wiping the sweat that fell to your forehead with your forearm. “Glad that’s over with.” “Yeah,” he nodded, returning the smile to you. “I’m so sorry for s-spilling coffee on you, dude.” You shook your head, giving him a pat on the back. “No worries. It’s nothing that vinegar can’t fix.” You said, taking a quick glance once more at your coffee-stained shirt. Good thing it wasn’t a personal favorite of yours, so you didn’t totally mind if it got wrecked.
After all that, you and Tweek slowly became a lot closer!!
You came to learn that he actually hated his job LMAO
He didn’t like it since it was more of a chore from his parents, than an actual job. He worked there even long after the coffeehouse closed for the day.
You felt bad for him, which was why you offered to work overtime whenever he did. Of course, he quickly shut that idea down, not wanting to be a hassle to you—even if you made it clear that you didn’t mind.
Whenever you two aren’t doing anything, Tweek would help you out with schoolwork. He was incredibly smart, on the same level as your other classmates Kyle and Wendy.
“Tweek, you amaze me.” You pouted as you watch him answer his math assignment with no difficulty. “Ack—it’s nothing…” He mumbled, not looking up from his work. “I just review our material early.” “Well, on the topic of homework,” you chuckled, some sort of specific intent behind it as you pulled out your physics textbook. “Can you help me out on this? It’s on vectors…” You nervously laughed as you flipped to the page with the topic. “Oh, uh, sure!” He nodded. “L-Let me finish my math first.” Needless to say, it didn’t too long to wait for him.
Craig would often go there to spend time with Tweek, especially during busier weeks when his parents made him work there over time.
You’d watch their little interactions together as you were making your respective customer’s order.
As you tended to someone’s drink, you spotted a certain someone approaching the register. You already know who it was. “Hi, honey.” Craig smiled at his boyfriend, his arm resting on the counter. “Hello, Craig!” Tweek chirped. “Are you ordering the—gah!—usual?”  “Mhm,” he nodded, sliding the cash to Tweek. “Alright,” Tweek sang-song, quickly making Craig’s typical three-shot, added sweetener latte. From the corner of your eye, you saw him expertly make latte art, the milk forming a little guinea pig as he swiveled around the cup. For a brief moment, Tweek headed to the back, saying that he needed to get something. In that short time, Craig nonchalantly greeted you. “Hey, YN.” He said as you rested by the edge of the counter, idly waiting for a customer to come in. You shared a few classes with him, but you didn’t really know much about him other than the fact he was the president of the astronomy club and that he had been dating Tweek for years now. “Hi, Craig.” You hummed, sliding the drink Tweek had prepared for him. He got the drink and nodded to you. “Thanks.” “No problem.” You gave him a polite grin. Tweek aptly came back—thank god. It’s not that you didn’t like Craig, you just didn’t know how to handle idle conversation. “I have something for you.” Tweek giggled, hands behind his back as he hid something from Craig. “Hmm? What is it, babe?” He peered in, leaning on the counter to see what he had for him. “Close your eyes.” Craig had his eyes shut, palms out open as he waited for whatever surprise his boyfriend prepared.  You saw Tweek place a small pouch in his hand. Your interest was piqued now as well. What was in the bag? You watched them leisurely though, seemingly like you didn’t care. Craig opened his eyes and gently lifted the bag with the tips of his fingertips, pulling it open as he reached for what was in it—a bracelet with the constellation Andromeda lying in the middle. Tweek mentioned that it was a personal favorite of his once. His eyes shone, a smile cracking at his lips as he put the jewelry on. “Tweek…” “D-Do you like it?” He asked, shifting his weight between his feet. “I love it, dear.” He hummed, collecting Tweek’s hands in his. “Thank you.”
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