#ayato nijiue
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laugtherhyena · 6 months ago
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Continuing where i left off, here's the full Nijiue fam sprite gallery to satisfy all of your Nijiue-related needs!
And when i say full, i MEAN full. This has all of Hitaru, Jiro and Akemi's variations, one of my Adult Iroha designs, and even Mako's whole sprite gallery for whoever wants to take a look
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a-student-out-of-time · 2 years ago
Yes they do have canon heights!
Akemi: 152cm/ Jiro: 168cm/ Hitaru: 177cm
In addition, Emina is 157cm and Ayato is 185cm tall
As for report card style info, i don't think so? I surely never bothered writing one for them + i feel like stating a character's weight and chest size to be pretty useless information
//The word is given! Thank you kindly ^^
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wordpress-blaze-208931164 · 2 hours ago
Psalm 60
1 You have rejected us, O God, and broken our defenses. ��   You have been angry with us; now restore us to your favor. 2 You have shaken our land and split it open.     Seal the cracks, for the land trembles. 3 You have been very hard on us,     making us drink wine that sent us reeling. 4 But you have raised a banner for those who fear you—     a rallying point in the face of attack. Interlude
5 Now rescue your beloved people.     Answer and save us by your power. 6 God has promised this by his holiness[b]: “I will divide up Shechem with joy.     I will measure out the valley of Succoth. 7 Gilead is mine,     and Manasseh, too. Ephraim, my helmet, will produce my warriors,     and Judah, my scepter, will produce my kings. 8 But Moab, my washbasin, will become my servant,     and I will wipe my feet on Edom     and shout in triumph over Philistia.”
9 Who will bring me into the fortified city?     Who will bring me victory over Edom? 10 Have you rejected us, O God?     Will you no longer march with our armies? 11 Oh, please help us against our enemies,     for all human help is useless. 12 With God’s help we will do mighty things,     for he will trample down our foes.
I often feel far removed from the time of King David where he had to stand up to several armies to protect his people. On a micro scale we are having to stand up against the army of evil that often lurks not just in this world but within the powers and principalities of the spiritual realm. Our war is within our households, in our marriages, in our relationships with our children with our loved ones. If we are not careful we can lose the war. David teaches us how to be in constant dialogue with God, whether we often feel defeated or abandoned, bring it all to God.
Yesterday my Lent reading was from the book of Zechariah 9:9-12 and I was faced to ask myself this: Am I truly allowing Jesus to be king over every area of my life, or am I just welcoming Him into certain spaces? There was a part of me that felt that I had already surrendered it all to Him, however, as the day progressed I wondered if there are still some things I am trying to do in my own strength. I have had a friend on my mind who is going through a difficult time as she and her husband make a year in marriage. It has been quite the roller coaster for them, and particularly with her it has exacerbated serious mental health issues. I ask myself what is the force that is working within them. I remember struggling through our first year of marriage and thereafter. There was a strong sense of self preservation within me and perhaps within my husband too. It was only when I surrendered it all to God that the scales began to fall from my eyes. We cannot do things in this life without God's help, strength, mercy, and love. We cannot do this life on our own, and when we try it causes much suffering indeed. A concept like marriage is not from this world. It is a covenant created by God for two people to enter and when they do, it is like entering a season of Lent, we are walking into the wilderness. We are going through a dying of the self, to prepare us to be holy. We cannot do this without God.
It takes a lifetime to continue growing together in a marriage. It has been 8 years for my husband and I and we are barely touching the surface. There is hardly a time when we can say "we have made it!" It is a constant surrendering to God's will daily. I remember when Dennis and I were dating and we went to Monsignor Ogle for his spiritual guidance. I will never forget what he said to us that day. He said that Love is a choice. Every single day we choose to stay together or to come apart. I might think that it's only me in the choosing but my husband is making that choice as well. We are both having to make that choice daily to stay committed to one another with God's strength and guidance. There is no other explanation as to why my husband and I continue to choose one another. We can look at Christ's sacrifice that He made so that we can restore our relationship with God and with one another. Christ endured death for the sake of our sins and through His sacrifice He conquered death through His resurrection. God promises that we will have eternal life as well through Jesus Christ, should we choose for Him to become our Lord and Savior. We need Jesus to be Lord over every area of our lives. He is our tower of safety, our rock and refuge against the evils not only of this world but of the spiritual realm that we cannot often see nor understand. I am grateful to God for giving us His one and only Son Jesus Christ to die for us so we can live.
Heavenly father I thank you for the gift of your only son Jesus Christ. May I never take the sacrifice that Jesus made for granted. May I surrender every area of my life daily to you and know that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. May I always declare that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior over my life and for generations to come. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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Source: Psalm 60
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a-tale-never-told · 2 years ago
Also do the Nijiue siblings exist here or not? Probably not as they are Mod Carol creations and let’s face it, their abuse will be ten times worse due to Ayato and Emina’s worldviews being THE country’s views.
Yeah, they wouldn't be here, if anything Iroha's an only child. Plus I already have my hands full with the Parents of class 77th b so adding more would be difficult, to say the least.
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divineluckfuckoff · 3 years ago
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“Shit, this is bad-”
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“Naah, you don’t say.”
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‘Boss... get here quick...’
RP Starter: How it all started…
The day is May 14th. It is a peaceful evening in Tokyo.
Nothing more than the people going with their day, yeah sure. It's cloudy, but sunny skies are guaranteed tomorrow!
Or so you thought…
As you are heading back to your apartment, you hear a loud, "KYAAAHH!!!" followed by footsteps.
Turning around, you see a woman in her early 20's who had brownish-red hair tied into a long ponytail and wore a plain black, frilly, long-skirted dress as well as a white, frilly apron rushing out of her apartment, when she spots you and rushes over to you.
"Listen! I understand we never met before, BUT YOU NEED TO CALL THE POLICE! NOW!"
@chaoticblogofmuses (Hibiki & Mikado, pls) @special-encounters (Sonia, of you don't mind) @gundhamtanakaathopespeak @thepersonaking56 @im-not-your-mom-okay @iroha-painter-missing @theultimatemoralcompass @unknown-ultimates @mrmakunouchi @the-wonder-sisters (Keiji & Kai, pls!) @funky-on-an-apocalyptic-night-au (Whitty, Pico, Carol, and Survivor BF) @minusgangtime (Minus!GF, Beta, Blue, and MB :)) @ask-kisaragi-foundation (Do Tsurugi, Rei, and Teruya pls!) @newdanganronpaanotherv3 (Do Iroha, if you don't mind!) + Anyone else!
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review-anon · 1 month ago
Who wants to watch Himiko’s magic show?
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Its for the hospital right, so we get to watch it since we cannot join in on the party!
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Not that we are complaining we have the best seats of the house here!
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Ooohh I bet this is gonna be amazing, with such pretty magicians~
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Focus on the magic not the women.
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Right yes of course.
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I can assure you will not all be disappointed since Himiko puts on the best magician shows.
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Himiko vanished before Gonta in front of water tank with piranhas!
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D-don't they eat human flesh?
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No they don't. That myth was caused by natives starving the piranhas for days and then shoving a dead cow in front of foreign visitors to entertain them.
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While they do eat flesh when desperate most species of piranhas eat fruits, seeds and fish, not the flesh of other animals.
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I-I hope this show goes well...I am looking forward to it.
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I'm not sure what to expect here...but as long as nothing blows up, I'll be fine.
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I-it's just a magic show...nothing bad will happen.
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*Ayato still strapped down the bed* I'm not watching some sissy magic show, at least Emina has been freed from my bed and I can get some peace now.
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laugtherhyena · 1 year ago
Today i had to purge all the Nijiue family sprites from my Ibis paint gallery since my tablet was running really low on space (I've been meaning to do that for a while but kept procrastinating on it because i just love scrolling through it and seeing everyone there :()
Seeing as this means i won't be making any new sprites for them, since i no longer have acess to the thousands of separate little bits and pieces, here's the absolute final count of how many sprites I've made for them over the years!
Ayato: 34
Emina: 50
Hitaru: 153
Jiro: 110
Akemi: 90
Iroha: 73
Mako: 78
Which leads to a total of 588 sprites of this fictional family of artists. Wow.
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laugtherhyena · 1 year ago
Today i was bored and decided to check just how many Nijiue family related sprites I've made over the years and these are the results;
Counting every version of each character Hitaru has 126 sprites, Jiro 110, Akemi 90, Iroha 30, Emina 50, Ayato 34 and Mako has 78.
So 518 sprites total,, Wow-
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despair-to-future-arcs · 9 days ago
So you didn't realized that you had ruined the life of the woman who made sure your father's killer didn't escaped justice until after you broke her self-confidence almost irreparably...
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I would have to agree with them, you realize that you destory the self-confidence of someone who was promise that they would attend Hope's Peak Academy, help society and it resulted in them not thinking they were good enough.
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And what of it? Women like her are far too arrogant for their own good and should stay in the hospital or the kitchen, like where they belong.
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Also given the fact that ex-wife of yours made you her bitch, you really don't have any room to talk.
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...I'll be so glad you'll be gone so I don't have to deal with you.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 9 days ago
Emina gets reincarnated into a Tapeworm since she’s a parasite through and through and is so lowly it’s what she deserves.
Ayato’s animal will be a male hyena since they are at the bottom of hyena society, get bullied by women all the time, have lower life expectancies and even the highest ranking male is way, wayyy lower then the lowest ranking female. So it’s time you find out how “manly” you really are.
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Wh-What? Are you being serious about that...!
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Welll given the driver can decide what animal would fit you, it does seem like a fitting punishment for you.
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Great... just fucking great, good to know that I'll be treated like shit then.
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And maybe you'll become better for it!
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despair-to-future-arcs · 9 days ago
Though, given certain other universes, you might be intact, but your dick sure as hell won’t! : D
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despair-to-future-arcs · 9 days ago
Honestly, I'm surprised that Ayato took his defeat so well...
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I already accepted that everything is going be reveal by my son, so I already given up at this point and accepted I'm going to be sent to the Void - the only reason I'm staying is because of my useless wife.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 9 days ago
Now that we're here, I have a question for Ayato: Did you know anything about the woman that you bribed the Steering Committee into taking away her Ultimate Title, Harumi Nanami, before Emina asked you to give her her spot to go in your place?
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Harumi Nanami? Well, I did see news about her during that 80's, from discovering the murder of her middle school teacher to even her last one where a whole family was killed by Carbon Moxicide and was able to save an innocent man that was getting accused.
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So her name was known to some people but usually it was the police that took credit for it, but I think Akira Esumi was the one that reported on all those.
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Oh right, yeah I did remember seeing those news reports too and honestly she was pretty effective as a detective and often use forensics to undercover everything.
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I wonder what would of happen if she got in like she wanted?
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I'm not really sure, probably our business would of been expose a lot earlier if I had to guess and those like your daughter Kanade would of been caught sooner.
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Right and I think I remember there being news of a crime in your home and she solve that case too, right?
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Yeah I remember that too, it was on my birthday and my dad was dead in his office and I stay in my room the whole time so I didn't see her.
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So it was some thief that broke in and was stealing a painting and she solve that case too, I didn't even realize any of this until after the fact.
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Well if you ask me, the fact that you both ruin the person that expose your father's killer really proves that you never care at all.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 9 days ago
Wait Akemi knows the password..how? did you guys trust her with it? Cause if so that's surprising or does every Nijue know it.
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Well no, only myself and Emina knew the password and if I had to guess, Akemi might of figure it out because of her constant bragging.
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Right, Akemi say that she try all your birthdays and everything, what was the actual password?
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'04011982' That was the year that she join Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Artist in Class 49 and when she 'won' against that Harumi Nanami.
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Wait... so she chose the password of the year she attended Hope's Peak Academy?
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Looks like it, she constantly had claimed to have 'won' against Harumi Nanami so she likely choose a password that reflects this.
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Often times serial killers or criminals when they aren't caught will like to brag and talk about getting away with something and want to tell others, thinking they are smarter then others which is how they get caught.
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Ah... okay, that makes sense, that's pretty stupid if you ask me.
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Exactly, if she didn't brag about it constantly then maybe Akemi wouldn't have figure it out, but no - the idiot had decided to talk, I've already given up so I don't care anymore.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 9 days ago
Seriously?! You two are dead, why does it even matter if Akemi exposes you for the frauds you are? Also AKEMI RUUUUUUUN!!!!
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I'm not chasing after her, that be my wife and I already given up since Jiro and Hitaru are going to reveal everything so there be no point...
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Oh... so your not going to do anything then, okay then Maria - can you go stop Emina?
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Of course dear, just hold on a moment...
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Get back here you idiot, your NOT going to get in the way of the investigation!
*Maria rushes after Emina which after that Maria punched Emina and slam her to the ground*
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Like your dress doesn't matter here, remember that our status in the world of the living mean damn nothing!
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...? *As then Akemi notices what's going on*
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Really mother? Are you really tying to stop me from exposing you as frauds, your truly are pathetic and remember that the driver can see all this.
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Meaning that you being sent to the Void is assure, now let me go speak with Mikako then, excuse me.
*Akemi walk away as Emina is struggling to get Maria off*
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Well... I guess that is to be expected...
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Well hey, given that Maria does work the night shift at hospitals, she knows how to handle rowdy patients like that.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 10 days ago
Why are they still here?
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I think it should be obvious that those 2 don't want to be sent to the Void, especially that 'mother' of mine; she's a completely coward that will deny what she did and will run away as usual.
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Which given what I'm going to do; I think her days here are number and she'll be rid of very quickly.
*As then Akemi walked over to Sojiro while the adults argue*
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Excuse me, Dr. Kurokawa? Can you tell me where Mikako is... I want to ask her to send something to the world of the living.
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Eh? Oh uh, I think I saw her talking with the driver, why do you ask?
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Oh just wanted to ask if she can send a certain password for a certain safe that I want to send to Jiro so I can ruin my parent's reputation even further, see you then...
*Akemi walked away from the fight as then Emina notice Akemi*
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Wait... what is Akemi doing?
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I think she's heading to where the driver is, dear wasn't Mikako there?
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Oh right, I remember that Mikako wanted to talk with the driver about something, I wonder what it was...?
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Yeah I remember she mention it was some password, I'm not sure what it was...
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Wait... I know exactly what that brat Akemi is doing, she... she is trying to ruin our reputation by getting to the safe!
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Wait you mean the password for the safe?
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The safe? Does it contain money...?
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no, it's mostly just copies of art that we ask the kids to constantly remake again and again, we usually sell it to the highest bidder at art auctions and claim the painting is the only one.
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Wa-Wait, isn't that fraud?! You realize that you'll go to jail for that!
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And what of it, as long as no one finds out then no one will know; besides, people will buy anything if it's only one of the kind, right?
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Yo-You idiot, you realize that Akemi is actually going to tell Jiro the password, that means that everyone will find out what we been doing and our art will be for nothing!
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*Emina rush after her daughter as quickly as she could*
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despair-to-future-arcs · 10 days ago
You can do this Akemi!
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Well of course, I'm going to speak with Mikako and send a message to Jiro so that way I can ruin those 2 once and for all, even if I can't do it! I can make sure to ruin them once and for all!
*As Akemi walked out of the theater...*
???: How about you stop acting as if you win? Don't you get it, you lost!
EMINA: Like as if I would listen to the derange women that has a serial killer for a daughter!
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What the...? *Akemi walked out; she witness her mother speaking with Maria and Sousuke who was with Sojiro*
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Look... while Mrs. Otonokoji might of not been perfect as a parent, she at least made the attempt to raise her daughters while you are just denying and acting as if your the victim in this, so quit with the victim complex already.
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Exactly, the fact that your still wishing to deny everything you did and claim you still 'win' is very telling, if anything you lost - end of story.
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Hmph, as if you dare to talk to the likes of me; may I remind you that if anything your a failure as a mother who couldn't have realize one of her daughters is some derange murderer until it's too late.
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Ar... Are you saying that it's my fault? Me and my husband had no idea about the stalker or the fact that Kanade was comitting all those crimes, hell Hibiki and Kanade never told us until they were graduating from Hope's Peak so how we're we suppose to know!
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And what of it? If anything, you 2 are just as idiotic as that Hibiki girl, who was too stupid to realize what type of monster you created...
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Maria... maybe it's best to stop arguing with her, she clearly doesn't realize what damage she did and at least Ayato does realize that it's over.
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Exactly Emina, look it's already over, alright? We already lost and that stupid son of ours is planning to reveal of it, so knock it off.
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Are you really giving up that easily, Ayato? Your spineless, you know that!
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No if anything he at least realizes that there's no point in arguing, it's just that you deny it, if anything you should be sent to the Void cause your so damn stubborn to admit your fault.
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And what makes you think I'll sent to that hell hole...
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Besides if anyone deserves to be there; it be you, the derange women that has a daughter that is just as derange as her.
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Yo-You shut your damn mouth, at least I realize that Kanade was this monster unlike you who took the spot of someone that clearly should of went and look what happen!
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A-As if I would accept that troublemaker Harumi Nanami as deserving the spot of Ultimate; I earn it fair and sqaure, deal with it and even then given that Ultimate Defense Law does exist, there's no way I'm entirely at fault for that one you deranged bitch!
*the arguments continue back and forth between the 2 parties as Sojiro was there which Akemi watched*
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Of course that fraud wants to continue to deny what she did, I really am hoping the driver makes her sentence to the Void well deserve...
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