#ayato nijiue
laugtherhyena · 7 months
Today i had to purge all the Nijiue family sprites from my Ibis paint gallery since my tablet was running really low on space (I've been meaning to do that for a while but kept procrastinating on it because i just love scrolling through it and seeing everyone there :()
Seeing as this means i won't be making any new sprites for them, since i no longer have acess to the thousands of separate little bits and pieces, here's the absolute final count of how many sprites I've made for them over the years!
Ayato: 34
Emina: 50
Hitaru: 153
Jiro: 110
Akemi: 90
Iroha: 73
Mako: 78
Which leads to a total of 588 sprites of this fictional family of artists. Wow.
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Yes they do have canon heights!
Akemi: 152cm/ Jiro: 168cm/ Hitaru: 177cm
In addition, Emina is 157cm and Ayato is 185cm tall
As for report card style info, i don't think so? I surely never bothered writing one for them + i feel like stating a character's weight and chest size to be pretty useless information
//The word is given! Thank you kindly ^^
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a-tale-never-told · 1 year
Also do the Nijiue siblings exist here or not? Probably not as they are Mod Carol creations and let’s face it, their abuse will be ten times worse due to Ayato and Emina’s worldviews being THE country’s views.
Yeah, they wouldn't be here, if anything Iroha's an only child. Plus I already have my hands full with the Parents of class 77th b so adding more would be difficult, to say the least.
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laugtherhyena · 1 year
Today i was bored and decided to check just how many Nijiue family related sprites I've made over the years and these are the results;
Counting every version of each character Hitaru has 126 sprites, Jiro 110, Akemi 90, Iroha 30, Emina 50, Ayato 34 and Mako has 78.
So 518 sprites total,, Wow-
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Gotta be honest anon, birth dates are not something i tend to pick for my characters, so much so that the asoot related ones the only ones i have with actually dates because you guys asked them. I picked the sibling's based on references and Mako's i just choose randomly, so Mod if you wanna pick a birth date for Ayato and Emina feel free to because my mind is empty-
//Yeah, that's fair. Let's see...
//How about April 6, 1966, for Ayato and February 15th, 1967, for Emina?
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Unfortunatley Ayato, the physical beatings for you have not finished yet. Ignoring whatever crap you will recieve at the police station for a second, let's get this out of the way *Hands Iroha and Masa steel capped boots* You know what to do with this ladies. Its between you two if you take turns or do it at the same time, doesn't really bother us. Just make sure it hits Ayato where it fucking hurts.
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Oh, right! Hey, dickbag!
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E-Esumi, please, for God's sake...I surrender...
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Oh yeah, I know. I'm not gonna use them now.
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It'll be for when you least expect it.
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C'mon, punk, it's not the worst beating you've had today, right?
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Either way, let's get going.
*The two lead him out of the room*
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Well at least one of the so called "artists" isn't a sore loser
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...I sincerely hope you grow up someday.
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...You all were better than us, in the end.
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Hehe...your mother always talks about being a winner...but this whole time, we got outplayed. Especially since we had to rely on your art to make a decent profit.
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You're all...the best of the Nijiue Family.
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...Is that supposed to make me feel better?
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Whatever reasons you might've had, however you feel now, it doesn't make up for all the pain you've caused us and everyone else.
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For that...I'll never forgive you. Not in this lifetime.
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...I wouldn't expect you to.
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But we should be thanking him, Hitaru...
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He and mother have taught us exactly what not to do with our lives and our talents.
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Yeah, Dad! It's over. Whatever legacy you wanted out of us, it's not happening.
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We'll be better than you and mom ever could've been!
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*Ayato turns his head away*
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...I really hope you do.
*With that, Akira leads him off*
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So, now that brings up a different question. How exactly DID you and Emina meet and become fiances? We know her story of how you met was BS so what really happened?
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There was...a competition, for lack of a better term. I won't bore you with the details, but you know how some of you got into arranged marriages because of your parents?
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My family went the extra mile and had me choose one from the winners. We were always meant to be the best of the best, and that meant whoever one had to put in their all.
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That's why, huh?
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It's something they drill into your head when we're younger...and...it pisses me off. None of us get a choice to become who we are, instead we get lead around by everyone who has power over us...
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I never wanted to go to that school. I wanted to do my own work. She won the competition, she got to be my fiance, so why stop her if she wanted to go?
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If I'd known it was Nanami...maybe I would've let her go. I can't really say, knowing how things were back then. Going was even more of a privilege than it is today.
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When you spend your whole life being told success is everything, that you need to reach the top, that you need to maximize profit and marketability and all that...it's gonna stick with you.
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And when the economy crashed, Emina saw an opportunity to keep ourselves afloat. And...well, I suppose it stuck with us.
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You do something for long enough, it becomes routine.
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Yeah...and maybe there was a sense of pride there. Of getting away with it over and over again...
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You can't tell me you all had the same feeling making all this happen, right? You liked it. Plotting against us, beating us...it was fun, huh?
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We did it because it needed to be done.
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Doesn't make it any less fun, does it?
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Wait. You didn't know she was the one who caught your dad's killer? Well, shit, that throws the whole, "Ayato hired the killer for an art forgery deal and was mad at Harumi for finding him" theory out the window
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I've got no reason to lie at this point. Truth is, yeah...only big deal I've ever made was with the Steering Committee.
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I never wanted to be a criminal mastermind, just an artist. And things...didn't pan out like I wanted them to.
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You gave up pretty easily Ayato
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...At this point, why bother? You've all got this shit about us, everyone knows. We're done here.
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From the looks of it, your son finally knocked some sense into you.
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...Yeah. Maybe so.
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...Is it really true, Nanami?
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What? The part where I solved your father's murder? Yeah, it is. What's it matter to you?
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*Sigh* My praise doesn't matter at this point, does it?
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If you're really thankful for what I did, do me a favor.
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Getting me kicked out, making a deal with the Steering Committee, letting her join...why do all that? What was the point?
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You couldn't tell through her ranting? Emina's always been jealous of you. Ever since she saw you rising to prominence as the Police's Grayhound.
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Truth is, yeah, expectations really got to us...expectations and the shit people used to say to us...
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Most of us got through Hope's Peak without becoming assholes, buddy. It's not society's fault.
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Still, at least you know when to fold 'em.
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After all this? Can you blame me?
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But...Nanami Harumi, whatever you may feel for me...I really am thankful for what you did. That's all I wanted to say.
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Good. If you wanna pay me back, go to prison and take your wife with you.
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How’s that feel, huh Dad?!
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Doesn’t feel good, does it?!
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Uggh...*cough, cough*
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Are you proud of who you are?! Would your parents be proud of you?!
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You don’t deserve respect. This is what you deserve!
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*Jiro picks Ayato up by the shirt collar and tosses him into a storage shelf, knocking boxes down on him as the entire thing topples over*
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Don’t...haah...ever threaten me...or my sisters ever again...
*The door behind flies open. Masa and her father, the former armed with a fire axe*
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You okay?!
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I’m....haah....really tired now...
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Take a breather, son. You beat him. Sorry it took us so long to get here.
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A-Are Akemi and Hitaru safe?
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Your sister went down the hall right? I’ll see if I can catch up to her!
*She runs off*
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Yeah...heh...kinda...lost my cool for a second there...
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It’s alright, son. You stood up to him, and that’s what matters.
*Akira walks over to Ayato, still sprawled out on the floor*
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Get yourself cleaned up. You look like shit.
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And what was that about beating and scarring your own children?
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We’ll be glad to share. Right, Dad?
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...*Laughs nervously*
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Not after the day you’ve given me, you little shit!
Masa: NIJIUE! Where the hell are you?!
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*With his free hand, Ayato slams storeroom door shut and breaks the handle*
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Nijiue! Open the goddamn door!
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*She looks through the window on the door* You’re just making things worse for yourself!
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I’m already fucked anyway, thanks to you! I knew I never should’ve trusted you fucking people!
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C’MON JIRO! You said you wanted to fight, right?! Throw a punch you dickless little lump of pixie shit!
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Can’t do it, princess? Thought not. You’re fucking worthless, Jiro. A worthless disgrace for a man.
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Maybe your sisters can put up a better fight than you? I’ll find out when I’m done here.
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Jiro-san! Dammit, the door’s stuck!
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*Jiro balls up his fist*
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You and your sisters have cost us millions...MILLIONS! And for what?! So you can go off and fuck around?! I’m gonna make sure you understand respect after-
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*Ayato gasps violently as he doubles over in pain from Jiro’s sudden punch to the gut*
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(Did I just see his fist...?)
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All you think about is money...all you think about is hurting us...so we respect you...what gives you the right to talk about respect?!
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Beating up your own kids?! Is that what they called “fatherhood” in your day?!
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*Cough, cough* You little shit...I-I’m gonna...GAGH!
*Jiro grabs him by the beard*
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*Jiro goes to town on Ayato’s face*
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Jiro...there you fucking are.
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Hey, Dad.
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Wipe that stupid smile off your face. Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing? First Akemi, then Hitaru and now you two go running off?! What are you-
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You hit Akemi. You scarred Hitaru. You hurt them, me and Iroha. Remember Iroha? I remember Iroha.
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But not this time.
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Oh, what? You’re gonna play the dutiful brother now? What, were you hoping to fight me?
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...I-If I have to!
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...You must be joking.
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I’ll fight you, Dad! For all those times you hurt me and my sisters, I’ll...I-I’ll kick your ass!
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Oh, you stupid, stupid, boy...
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*Jiro throws a punch-*
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*-Only for Ayato to grab it, and twist his arm around his back*
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Maybe a broken arm’ll teach you respect, you little shit!
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Sora! Where are they?
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Lots of activity in the northwest corner of the mall, not from your position, Esumi! But they’ve moved from the kitchen into the maintenance areas!
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Got it! I’ll meet them there!
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Fushimi, Hakoda, the Miodas, Yonaga and Kashiki are covering the nearby exits as well! We can meet up with the kids up ahead!
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I’ll see if I can find Emina-chan myself.
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I’m so glad I took that corset off...
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*Jiro looks down the maintenance tunnel, not seeing their father*
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Akemi, you go on ahead.
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What?! No! I’m not leaving you!
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And I’m not letting him hurt you or Hitaru. Not again.
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I’ll get him to chase me, and you find someone from Class 49 to help you out.
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Jiro, you stupid fool! I’m not-
*A door down the hall is kicked open*
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As your older brother, I have to say...go. I’ll hold him off. I can take him.
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If he hurts you, I’ll destroy him...
*Akemi reluctantly runs off*
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*Jiro ducks into a nearby storage room, making sure his father sees him*
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Don’t fucking run from me...
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I’d like you all to look at something.
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There’s...no easy way for me to share this, so...please prepare yourselves.
*Hitaru slips off her glove in front of the crowd, leading to a flurry of loud gasps and concerned questions*
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Yes...for those who can’t see, these are scars that my mother and father gave me, as punishment for disobedience.
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They would tie me to a table...and wrap my arms with piano, and just leave me there until I “learned my lesson.”
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Why would they do this, you ask? Simple: we’re the brainchildren behind this entire event.
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Nijiue Ayato and Nijiue Emina...the people who so graciously offered to host this charity event? They were only interested in the money, which they’re intent on robbing from you. They forced us to do all the work to make this possible, to make their art, and barely provide us with enough to even live.
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And I’ve been...far too scared to say a word.
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But not anymore! Right now, my brother and sister are in danger, and whoever can help them, please do so!
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As for me...I’ll be glad to recount you all with as many stories you need to hear before you’re convinced.
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Civilian: Is that true?
Passerby: You’re Nijiue Ayato! Did you really do that to your own-
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Lies! It’s all lies! Shut up!
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None of you understand a damn thing! None of you can-
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*Jiro ducks behind the wall and into the back hall of the restaurant...a bit too late*
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Get back here, you little shit!
*Ayato bulldozes through the crowd and runs into the restaurant, leaping over the counter*
Cashier: You’re not allowed to be back here!
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Touch me and I’ll sue you for everything you’re worth!
*He shoves them aside and chases down Jiro and Akemi*
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*The two of them keep their heads and very carefully try to blend into the crowd, heading toward the counter*
Cashier: Can I help you?
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Please help. That guy out there? He’s after us, and we need help!
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We need to escape, please!
Cashier: Oh...listen, there’s a hall in the back leads to the maintenance tunnels. Those should take you outside.
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Thank you so much. Here, take this.
*Akemi hands her 50,000 yen*
Cashier: Oh...th-thank you, miss!
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Alright, listen up! Whoever tells me where I can find a skinny kid in a vest and a chubby girl in a gold dress, I’ll pay you!
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Anyone? C’mon! I need them here! I just need-
*The PA system suddenly kicks on across the entire facility, and Hitaru’s voice echoes through*
Hitaru: May I have your attention, please?
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What the hell?
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