#ayakashi kuro x reader
dotster001 · 2 years
Day 23: person a is trying to find a loved one who went missing and not daring to ask person b for help
Summary: Kuro x gn! Reader.
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You had brought Yura and Gaku with you to Kuro's troupe's performance. They had remained in their child forms, so when you met up with Kuro after the show, people kept assuming you were a happy little family. 
Kuro wasn't going to correct them. He hadn't felt this loved in a long time, and his heart was so full he thought it might explode.
The reason you'd brought the twins was because the performance was one event of many at a festival. After his performance, you all walked together from booth to booth, looking at all the cool exhibits and wares.
At some point, you tapped Kuro's shoulder, and said, "Gaku wants to look at that contraption over there, but you and Yura can go ahead, we'll catch up."
Kuro gave you a happy hug, then pushed the both of you on your way. When he turned around Yura was gone.
The first thing he did was panic. He lost his son two seconds after you left them alone! He was a terrible dad! 
The second thing he did was scold himself for role playing so hard that he forgot that Yura was not his son, and that Yura was 1000 years old and could probably take care of himself.
But you had tasked him to look after him! And in his child form he could get swept up in the crowd! 
He searched from booth to booth with no success, until eventually, he knew he had to give in and find you. You always knew how to solve problems! Especially ones that revolved around the twins! He totally knew how to explain why he didn't ask for your help in the first place.
He found you and Gaku at a stall, where you were getting Gaku some form of roasted meat. He ran at you and took you by the shoulders, and shouted, "I'm a terrible dad and I lost Yura, please help me find him!"
You looked startled at first, but then you and Gaku made eye contact, and gave each other a nod.
"I think I know where he might be," you said with a laugh.
After some traveling, you approached a dessert stall, and found Yura happily eating pastries while the stall owners fawned over how adorable he was.
Kuro ran over to Yura, and wrapped his arms tightly around him.
"You scared me! Never run off like that again!"
Yura gave a fond laugh, saying, "My nose picked up the aroma of tasty sweets, and I could not resist. I apologize for worrying thee."
"Some things never change," Gaku rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide the fond smile on his face.
The stall owner didn't charge for the sweets since Yura was "such an adorable, well behaved boy". Yura didn't feel the need to correct them.
The twins went off on their way after the festival, and Kuro wrapped his arms around you from behind with a pout. 
"Kuro," you hummed, "are you still upset because you lost our non-existent son?" You giggled, which made his pout even bigger.
"Non-existent for now, but what if someday we do have a family? Or even just a pet! What if we get a fish, and I lose it?"
"You're overthinking it," you turned around in his grip, and nuzzled your nose against his fondly. "When you're dealing with someone who isn't 1000 years old, I'm certain you will be more aware. And besides, when you were with the "kids" today, you were so good. They had a lot of fun with you."
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Yeah," you gave him a peck on the cheek, but when you started to pull away, he pulled you back to him.
"I'm still sad," he said, now exaggerating his pout, despite the twinkle in his eye. He pressed you even closer to him, and kissed you deeply, before saying, "Maybe I should lose the twins more often." 
You playfully mussed his hair, then pulled away. "Don't press your luck, Kuro."
He giggled, and wrapped an arm around your waist, as he began to escort you home. 
"You're right, next time I'll lose Nachi."
Maybe he'd been hanging out with Toichiro too much. You'd have to cut him off before you got that non-existent fish Kuro was talking about.
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: toichiro yuri | shizuki | kuro | oji | gaku summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: referenced death, hunting rating: sfw a/n: i will admit that unlike the rest which were randomized, i very much on purpose chose a tanuki for toichiro's mate. i have plans for those two, some devious plans.
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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≿━━━━༺❀ toichiro yuri ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a tanuki. you were rather known around town for being a bit... dimwitted, though that was very much on purpose on your part. it's easier to make others look foolish when they think you are.
✿ you were 25, though you often pretended to be younger or older to simply fool people. toichiro was 23 and had been presiding in the capital for a few months.
✿ you'd been messing with a rather unpleasant man that you'd seen harassing a girl that was most certainly underage, when toichiro spotted you and possibly recognized you. you didn't much look like your father, but the charm on your belt that bore the art-dealerships symbol probably gave it away. so, he came over and... joined you in messing with the poor man.
✿ after that first time, toichiro would "accidentally" stumble upon you tricking people around time and generally making a fool of the public. you genuinely had no idea how he kept doing it, but you welcomed him dearly every time. soon, there was no one else you'd rather let in on the big secret that was yourself.
✿ toichiro found you magnifying in a way no one else was. he'd heard about the son of the man he did business with, a foolish young boy no one actually knew much about. but the moment he saw you, he knew that you were the exact opposite of all of that, and he didn't know how he knew. toichiro was fun. usually only people you could trick were "fun", but they got boring very fast. but toichiro, he just kept being fun. in no time at all, he was the only person besides your father you felt in anyway comfortable with. like he was always meant to be.
≿━━━━༺❀ shizuki ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a furi. nobody around town really knew you, you didn't like talking to people. the only thing anyone really knew was that you were often found in the forest, hunting.
✿ you were 12, while shizuki was 11. it had been barely a year since your mother died, in a "hunting accident". you'd just recently been able to go hunting again. shizuki was still with the senkitai.
✿ you were up a tree, surveying the landscape for your next prey. you were hoping for something small, which is technically what you got when shizuki walked into your line of sight. mistaking him for a rabbit with a winter coat, you aim your hunting wand at him, paralyzing him. thankfully, as you aimed your bow you realized he wasn't a furry little creature. you spent the next few minutes profusely apologizing while undoing the paralysis.
✿ every once in a while while hunting you'd come across shizuki. he was rather quiet, but you liked him. you liked taking him with you hunting, teaching him survival skills. you had no idea what was going on in his life, but you hoped it would help. then, one day, you just stopped seeing him around.
✿ shizuki thought you were rather cool, even if he couldn't really put it into words. you were confident, you knew what you were doing, and there was a fire in your eyes he couldn't explain. he'd never trusted someone as quickly as he trusted you. initially you were rather embarrassed, mistaking a pretty boy for a rabbit. but he did rather remind you of one, which for some reason ignited all the protective instincts in you. you had no idea why, but you didn't really bother thinking about it.
≿━━━━༺❀ kuro ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and an okuri-inu. you were often found feeding the strays of the capital or helping someone home in the middle of the night. everyone thought you were quiet, but there was no one quite as helpful in the whole city.
✿ you were 18, as was kuro. technically, anyways. your mother had disappeared nine years prior, and kuro and the troupe had arrived at the capital about two years before.
✿ you came across kuro rather late at night, during your usual rounds around the capital. you'd offered to walk him home, which he eagerly took. he rambled the whole way to the troupe. you just silently listened, which is how kuro didn't notice you escorted him to his door rather than just to the barracks. and then you just disappeared, without kuro having even a change to say goodbye or get your name.
✿ kuro would sometimes on purpose stay out late, just so you would escort him home. and sometimes, he'd catch you with your furry friends and eagerly join in caring for them. you never shooed him off, but you also never really spoke to him. but kuro continued to find you, despite not knowing anything about you.
✿ kuro found you fascinating. a silent protector who appeared and disappeared as needed. once he tried calling out to you, and a few minutes later you showed up. kuro was rather certain that you were made just for him. initially kuro was just another person to protect, but when he started becoming a more permanent fixture in your day to day life, he became a comfort of sorts. there was nothing you awaited more than seeing him even for a second.
≿━━━━༺❀ oji ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a gashadokuro. this, understandably, made you a rather strange person. you really had no one in your life besides your father, which lead to you spending most of your time at the cemetery.
✿ you were, well, your body was about 28. your bones... older than you can comprehend. oji was of course around a hundred, and had been running raccord in the city for about a decade.
✿ you were wandering around town, following whatever whims your old bones had. you did it rather often, usually it lead you to places important to the people you used to be, or just interesting spots around the city. this time, they lead you to raccord. and when you stepped in, the bellflowers sitting on the counter made something inside you ache. and the eyes waiting for you behind the counter made the ache explode.
✿ you became a regular at raccord, even though you never spoke a word to oji or aoi. it hurt, coming there, but somehow it felt like you had to be there. oji, while off-put by your harsh demeanor, was patient in serving you every time you came by, expecting a day to come when you'd finally talk to them.
✿ oji found you strange, from the moment you stepped into raccord. your shifty eyes that looked far older than they should, the sad look you got when you looked at all the bellflowers and into his eyes, the occasional silent mutterings... but despite all that, he felt like he could trust you implicitly. looking at oji made you sad. you didn't know why, you only assumed that one of your bones knew an ancestor of his or something. but despite all the sadness and ache, you kept coming back because something in you couldn't stop.
≿━━━━༺❀ gaku ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a zashiki-warashi. people had a habit of calling you a child, despite the fact that you certainly were not. you just happened to look very young for your age. the problems with being half-spirit.
✿ you were 25, no matter what anyone might say about it. it had been over a decade since your mother left, which is when you started seemingly aging slower than everyone else around you.
✿ you rarely left home, it felt like a betrayal to do so, what with your role. but sometimes, you needed time for yourself. you were looking for something small to buy (while surveying the vendors, you're very aware that your patronage meant fortune to people), when you stepped into a little trinket shop. in there, you met gaku, who was looking to sell some stuff he'd made. and you absolutely fell in love with one of his creations, a little children's toy.
✿ you were a bit mad after gaku called you a child after you expressed a desire to buy his creation. but you still became a regular patron of his, always ordering small toys. gaku was certain they were for you, until he saw you playing with children, the toys he'd made all around you.
✿ gaku genuinely thought you were a child the first time you met, until he looked you in the eyes. they were far too old for a child, and it's then that he realized who you were. and he'd never been happier to have someone shout in his face. you were pissed off at him initially. how dare he call you a child, you were clearly an adult! but that anger didn't last long, weirdly enough. and he made such pretty things... you decided that you wouldn't hold it against him, somehow you felt that you never did.
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just-somehuman · 2 years
Paint - Toichiro x Fem!Reader
Genre: psychological, gore, angst, au
Inspired by: Matsuro Palette
Word count: 2 380
a/n: Heya! Here's this fanfic I've been delaying for months 💀 This story is inspired by the game Matsuro Palette which I was completely obsessed with when I first started writing this. You don't need to have played the game to read the story, but if you want to have a better understanding of some concepts, then seeing gameplay or just playing the first few days (they're quite short) is enough. No part of the Matsuro Palette story is used so only seeing the way the player and The Girl interact as well as the studio the game takes place in is enough. Please be warned of the genres of this fanfiction. The genres serve as a trigger warning. If there are any additional trigger warnings for a specific chapter, I'll put it underneath the genre section. All that aside, I hope you enjoy!
WAIT ONE MORE THING- Y/N is semi-modern in this fanfiction, but only in terms of manner of speech. She's not about to whip a phone out and take selfies with the boys 💀 NOW ALL THAT ASIDE, I HOPE YOU ENJOY ✨
(also let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters)
Chapter 1
She has been locked in a room for the past eternity. Her only goal is to paint a portrait of He who Sits in the Sunset. Every drop of paint added meaning to his life, every stroke of her brush set him one step forward to freedom. He had never known, but the seal placed on his ninth tail was a curse. He believes that he is trapped within a portrait in She the Painter's eye when truly, it is she who is trapped within He the Painting's frame. One stroke of paint and he is set free. One stroke of paint and she shall be cursed for millennia to come. All it takes is one stroke of paint. The final drop of colour is added to the portrait. Toichiro's kyubi form shows, protecting Futaba from the blades of ice Hisui shoots at her. His seal is broken. Toichiro's vision hazes as Y/N appears in his head one last time. She removes the chains that kept him locked away and shares one blank stare with him as the chains consume her.
"You… Why would you set me free? What have you released me from?"
"He's possessed," Shuichiro would usually say.
Prior to the battle between Futaba, her Ayakashi and the Senkitai, Toichiro had been getting visions of a girl whom he had not been acquainted with. Every time he got these visions, an excruciating pain would build up in his head. He would crouch down in agony, screaming for it to stop.
No one would follow along with his ridiculous idea. But as time went on, and as Toichiro's inexplicable behaviour became more frequent, his idea didn't seem so ridiculous anymore.
"If he's truly possessed, who do we ask to exorcise him?" Koga once asked, "Futaba won’t be of much help here."
All the other Ayakashi believed that there was nothing that could be done to help Toichiro. Nevertheless, there was one who stayed by his side. Whether Toichiro was screaming to the heavens above or crying uncontrollably, Shizuki always believed that his master would come to his senses. He believed that this would all pass.
And it did, which leads us to where we are now.
With the Ayakashi listening intently, Toichiro explains everything that has happened these past weeks. He explains how he was trapped within himself, how that girl would paint portraits of him all day, how she set him free. It all felt like a long, vivid nightmare and it was finally over.
"So the unknown girl setting you free from the painting is what led you to being a kyubi back then?" Shizuki says, everything finally making sense.
"That would be the outcome, yes," Toichiro answers, his voice still hoarse from his constant screaming before.
"You said the girl got chained up after setting you free. Do you think she's trapped somewhere now?" Kuro asks.
His question is genuine but doesn't sit right with Toichiro.
"I think her chains were a symbol of something passed onto her. Something Toichiro had that he gave to her after being set free," Oji suggests.
Toichiro's brows furrow. Although he doesn't show it, the thought of him passing some form of curse onto someone who did nothing but help him pains his heart. 
Gaku, who has been silent the whole time, speaks up.
"She wouldn't happen to be Futaba or Futaba from her past life?" he asks.
"There's not the slightest chance it could be her, it was someone else entirely,” Toichiro answers, a copy of one of his usual smiles tugging at the corners of his lips. Or at least, that's what it looks like to Shizuki. A copy - a fake. Because they've been together for so long, the snow spirit understands the kitsune far better than the other Ayakashi. Shizuki knows that Toichiro has many ideas which he wishes to share but won't, for the safety of his position as the future village leader.
"What do you suggest then?" Oji asks.
Silence falls upon the room again.
"Forget it. Regardless of what it all meant, it’s over now. Why should I care?" Toichiro answers, his usual smile forming on his face.
The Ayakashi part ways after their discussion at the Kitsune Village. Oji makes his way down the mountain path and back to Raccord, an image of a girl devoured by chains floating in his head. As he opens the door to Raccord, the faint jingle of the bell brings him back to his senses.
"You're back later than usual. What happened?" Aoi asks, leaning on the broom he was just using.
Oji explains the battle against the Senkitai and everything that Toichiro told them.
"Wait, let me get this straight: This girl would constantly try to paint a perfect portrait of Toichiro and he would physically be affected by it. And once she perfected the painting, he was able to transform into a kyubi during the fight with the Senkitai and she was chained up?" Aoi says, trying to piece together the story he has just been told. 
"Yes. Sounds bizarre, don’t you think?" Oji says, pulling out a cigarette.
"Well, whatever happened to her, I hope she's okay," Aoi sighs, placing the broom against the wall. Before heading upstairs, he turns to face Oji, suddenly remembering something.
"Speaking of painting, there's a new student joining my class next week."
"That's nice. Someone new for you to be friends with," Oji smiles.
"Yeah, but they're joining from overseas. That means they're excellent at art if they're able to study abroad," Aoi complains.
"Don't worry Aoi, your art is really good. I'm sure they won't be much competition for you," Oji laughs, puffing on his cigarette.
"There's an art exhibition next week too. I've heard that their art will be displayed. Hopefully it's not as good as everyone's making it out to be. Not that I'm trying to put them down or anything, it's just-" Aoi cuts himself off, seemingly at a loss for words.
"It's okay Aoi, I know how tough it is in the art world," Oji reassures him. Aoi smiles faintly at Oji before heading to his room.
The days come and go, and the day of the exhibition arrives. To his surprise, Aoi finds Toichiro and Shizuki amongst the crowd.
"Who invited you two?" Aoi asks, clearly annoyed.
"No one did. I came by my own will," Toichiro grins.
"You'd think that your experience with paintings would keep you away from them forever," Aoi says.
"Such a trivial matter doesn't affect me in that way, Aoi. I'm here to appreciate the creations of your fellow scholars. Now, if you'll excuse me," Toichiro states before leaving in the opposite direction with Shizuki.
"'Trivial', huh? It doesn't look that way to me," Aoi mutters. Whilst he had been speaking to Toichiro, curiosity got the best of him and he read Toichiro's heart to see how he truly feels. Aoi sighs at the kitsune's stubbornness and heads in their direction. 
Toichiro spares a glance for the artwork in the exhibition, the occasional comment from Shizuki forcing him to stare a while longer. As Toichiro turns to leave, a single portrait painting stops him dead in his tracks. He stares in horror and disbelief at the painting.
"Master Toichiro, we'd best be leaving-" Shizuki calls out to Toichiro before freezing at the sight of the painting too. Staring back at the two men is a perfectly painted portrait of the purple kitsune.
"Master Toichiro, is this..?" Shizuki trails off.
"Yes. Yes, it is."
The pair have no knowledge of how to react to such a situation. They are snapped out of their confusion by a familiar voice.
"What are you two gawking at? Oh, yeah. I was pretty surprised when I saw this first too," Aoi says, wedging himself between Shizuki and Toichiro.
"How exactly are you so calm at the moment?" Toichiro exclaims.
"Because I know who painted this," Aoi says. He points to a small sign below the frame that reads "He the Painting, Pictorem".
"A strange name for a painting," Shizuki comments.
"An even stranger pseudonym," Toichiro adds.
"She's not that strange, actually," Aoi rolls his eyes.
"'She'?" Toichiro asks, his eyes widening again.
"Yeah, she's a classmate of mine who recently joined from overseas. She's pretty quiet in class but she is interesting to talk to, since she's from abroad and all. I've spoken to her a couple times-" Aoi is interrupted by a troubled Toichiro.
"Aoi, I need to know why she's painting pictures of me," Toichiro says, composing himself and shoving his worry aside.
"I walked in on her painting this and asked her. Her exact words were: 'I don't exactly know why I paint him, nor do I know who he is, but I don't exactly care and I won't ever care because I never want to meet him. If he even exists, that is. I am nearly fully convinced that he doesn't exist and he's just a generic face that my mind has created. I mean, look at him! That face is more basic than the primary colours'," Aoi recounts, trying his best to not to grin at the last few phrases.
"A fairly bold statement coming from someone who has never met me," Toichiro smirks in an attempt to hide how offended he is.
"Master Aoi, did you correct her in her thinking?" Shizuki asks.
"No, I didn't tell her about you. It might be easier if you two don't meet. I mean, she's not exactly fettered so I don't think you two meeting really matters anymore. She's okay, you're okay, all is well," Aoi replies.
"Nevertheless, I'd like to speak with her. Surely there can't be any harm in that?" Toichiro retaliates.
"Ugh, fine. Next time I see her, I'll tell her I saw you here and you want to meet her," Aoi sighs.
"Good, good. Now that's settled, I'll be on my way," Toichiro smiles before taking off for the mountain.
Back in the Kitsune Village, Toichiro and Shizuki briefly discuss the events of today.
"I will admit, the portrait was painted excellently," Toichiro says.
"I agree, though that concerns me," Shizuki begins.
"Oh? How so?" Toichiro inquires, his interest piqued.
"Neither of you have met yet she was able to capture every detail of you in her portrait. It looked as if it were a coloured photograph," Shizuki continues.
"Hmm, I see what you mean. However, she and I have met before," Toichiro says.
Shizuki stares at his master in a mixture of shock and confusion.
"Though I was just a painting, I was able to speak with her. We never brought up why everything was happening nor did we speak of our lives outside the studio. We never learnt anything about each other. She was able to paint me flawlessly in the end because we had an understanding of each other that no other does. We learnt of each other's soul rather than our person. It was our souls trapped there anyway," Toichiro says calmly as the light discussions he would have with her flicker in his mind.
"Master Toichiro, were your meetings more than just a corrupt thought?" Shizuki asks.
Toichiro squints as he chooses the easiest way to describe his experiences.
"The best way for me to explain this would be that my body was physically here but my mind was elsewhere. It had been, in a way, moved into a different place. It was a different world, a bit like that cursed plane that Yura was trapped in," Toichiro explains, "The only ones that existed in that world were she and I."
"An entire world was created for your souls to be trapped in… I truly wonder what the truth behind all of this is," Shizuki states.
Meanwhile, a young girl is skulking around the Kitsune Village. She looks about the age of a high school student, and she is most certainly human.
"I saw him speaking with Aoi at the exhibition and I followed him back here. Now he's just disappeared," the girl mutters to herself in pursuit of someone.
"Who has disappeared?"
A blue-haired kitsune emerges from behind the girl, a soft ring following his movements from the bell in his hair. The girl stares at him in disapproval.
"I'm glad I wasn't stuck painting you. Your hair is way too wack. Bowl cut in the front, wolf cut in the back, bangs that are two different lengths, a half-plaited half-straight side ponytail. Who let you look this way?" the girl sighs, turning around to face the man that appeared behind her.
"Who let you speak this way?" Shuichiro sneers. The girl blankly stares at him before returning to her search.
"You're not welcome here, human. Who brought you here?" he smirks.
"No one. I snuck in," she responds coolly.
"You should know that you are inferior to the kitsune race, human. Look at me when I speak to you," Shuichiro hisses.
"Why should I? I'm kinda busy here, you know. I'm not going to entertain you so find someone else to bother with that wack-a$$ hair," she says nonchalantly. She couldn't care less about anything or anyone else. She has one goal: find the purple-haired guy. Shuichiro glares at her before taking off.
"Geez, what a prick," the girl rolls her eyes. Her search for "the purple-haired guy" continues late into the night and into the morning.
"It's been hours of looking through random people's windows searching for this man, I've trespassed enough. It's about time I give up," she sighs in defeat.
"Purple-haired guy, when I find you, I will rip your intestines out-" the girl's muttering is interrupted by an arrogant laugh.
"What's this about my intestines?" Toichiro asks.
The girl stares at the man himself completely dumbfounded.
"I heard from my eldest brother that a girl snuck in and is looking for something. That wouldn't happen to be you looking for me, no?" he smirks.
She scans him up and down before meeting his eyes.
"Quite the first impression, I must say," she says, crossing her arms.
"My apologies, perhaps I should have introduced myself first," he smiles, "I am Toichiro Yuri. It is an honour to finally meet you in person, Pictorem."
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
idk if you’re writing for ayakashi rr <//3 but i have a request to make if you are !! :))
if you are ,, is it alright if i ask for gender neutral reader for this? if not then female reader !
may i request headcannons for toichiro ,, kuro ,, aoi ,, and yura with a american s/o? since its the 1900s japan and american things are just then being introduced? like they can help kuro w/ learning english n teach the characters how to make different foods from america? <3
if not thats ok !!
Thank you so much! I hope that you like it and have a great day!!~
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🔮 Aoi knows a lot about cooking and baking. He had to learn it by himself, but he never ever had tasted any food from your hometown and country, so he is willing to try it out.
🔮 It is a bit of a secret, that dear Aoi will try to perfect your favorite food, so he can make it for you whenever you want to. He just tries to make you happy with it!
🔮 There were times, the busy satori seer wanted to learn your mother language, but it was so difficult for him to understand it! But he doesn’t want to give up and tries his very best! Unfortunately, after a whole year and not even asking for your help, because he doesn’t need any teasing words from anybody, he kinda gave up…
🔮 “Mh? What book are you staring at-? Oh no! Nooo! Please, don’t take another look at it! It's nothing!” He squeaks, throwing away the book you wanted to take a closer look at. Aoi just doesn’t want you to see his little book of his attempts in learning English…
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🎶 Yura met many people in his long life, but he surely hasn’t met one lovely being like you. Oh, and an American!
🎶 When you talked to him about the sweets that you had in your hometown, his eyes shined so brightly, wanting to eat them immediately, but he knew that he couldn’t do it, as they were in Japan and not in America!
🎶 When you baked for him the mentioned sweets, he will eat them faster than lightning! Even his twin brother will look surprised at the tsukumo-gami!
🎶 “Those are so lovely and sweet, just like thou, my dearest.” He will smile, while gushing more and more for the tasty food.
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🎪 Kuro will have so much fun with his dearest s/o! He will try to learn so mch and is super eager for it!
🎪 Just imagine him with a few ingredients smeared on his face, while he will look so serious at the food he is trying to bake, that you tried to make with him.
🎪 And because of his eagerness, he actually learns to speak English faster than expected! Always wanting to learn more for his beloved!
🎪 “Hey, (y/n)! Could you maybe explain me a few things! I also wanted to hear more stories and know more about your culture. Do you have some time?”
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🦊 Due to his job and connections, he met a couple of americans already, so it was no surprise to meet you, an American.
🦊 But he was surely very interested in your culture and wanted to get to know everything better, so he can tease you more than you could handle!
🦊 He will always let Shizuki know about the delicious food, you made and tried to explain to him all the recipes, so the blue-haired snow spirit could do them too.
🦊 The mischievous kitsune will learn English at first by himself, but will take your help to understand your mother language.
It would be lovely to be supported with a small ko-fi.~ :3
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kawaii-nee1 · 2 years
the ayakashi rr fandom is so starved of writing content, I'm gonna get busy and start writing on ao3
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ilikecutecat · 2 years
“I’m coming home”
Pairings  ❥❥ Kuro  x  gender neutral
Fandom  ❥❥ ARR ( Ayakashi romance reborn)
Genre     ❥❥    Self Aware AU!   fluff
note        ❥❥ so kuro came home to me 2 time and i love him so much so i decided to make a self aware AU. Again English suck
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So while grinding too level up some more card, you suddenly got kick out of the game
“what not again!! is my wifi that bad?!?”
you decided to check your wifi but it still very powerful, then a friend who also play the game text you:
heyyyy bestie guess what??
there is a new updated in ARR! i heard shizuki and kuro is geting a SRR card!!!
ohh that nice i do like shizuki and ...
uhhh bestie? y/n?
yeah he is and OUCH even if i’m not there i can still feel you screaming at my ears T.T 
You can’t believe it! Kuro is geting a new SRR card! 
“can’t wait to get his card! and also skizuki too if i have enough diamond but mostly it al for Kuro <333″
“wait! what is the card theme this time? i should ask my friend”
the kuro and shizuki new SRR card, what is the theme about?
 w h a t?!?!?!?
wait so does that mean that i can feel what is it like to mary kuro?!?! you scream with joy.
“ahhhh can’t wait too see what is it likeeee!!! >/////<”
Few days later
so you have save up 1000 diamond from the past few days and unread story event. 
“updated fasterrrrr!! come one quickerrr!!!!!!”
you are lying on you bed waiting for the updated so you can get your sweet beautiful hands on kuro SRR card
                                   [][loading░■■■■■■■■■_ 99%][]
                                   [][loading░■■■■■■■■■_ 100%][]
there is a lot of event going on like the become a  bride(?) ( idk i haven’t read the story yet)
You will do those event later now on to the main course. You click on the draw and there you see Kuro and Shizuki looking beautiful! well mostly kuro but shizuki is fine too ( shizuki simp don’t kill me pls i have so much to live for )
then you click the draw 10 card more faster then the flash himself lol
well first 10 draw... that fine! you don’t got kuro but at least you got yakumo better then noting and beside his birthday event is coming up you might need him
second 10 draw ... well you can do 2 more 10 draws it fine! you will get kuro card... right?
third time the charm anddddd nope just yakumo and shizuki, welll shizuki came home and his card look nice too...
last time pls pls pls kuro came home!!
why :(((
aweeee only 40 diamond left, don’t think you can make it
*sighs* “guess i have to wait untill it on sale again which gonna be quite long”
sad and tired you decided to take a sleep, you just left the phone there forget to turn it off
you close your eyes and begin to sleep...
while you are sleeping, kuro is on your home screen because you are a simp 
his voice line is happy but his face my the opposite, a frown appear on his face, your phone begin to glitch then it turn off...
The next morning 
you wake ups from a good sleep and you just remember that you didn’t shut down you phone! now it gonna run out of battery but it still the same % the last time you left it
“huh? how? ... well good for me i guess”
you open up some other game to play then a notification 
today you will be lucky! roll 2 more time to got your hand on kuro SRR card!
oh well since you still have 40 diamond left why not?
you open the shop to buy event ticket and you are left with 25 diamond, enough to roll 2 more
“pls kuro i love you pls come home!”
you click the draws.. the bell is yellow! wait don’t be happy yet what happen if it a yakumo card again 
insert kuro voice line because i forgot
huhh huh what? kuro is that you??
“AHHHHHHHH Kuro had come homeeee yeahhhh!!!”
congratulations! kuro has come home and now your room is flooded with tears of happiness. Good jobs :D 
“ let roll 1 more since i have enough!”
insert kuro voice line again because yes
congratulations again! you got another kuro SRR card! i’m so happy for you... WHY IS THE TOWN FLOODED WITH TEARS?!?!
anyway yes   now you have 2 kuro SRR card!
after leveling and getting his story, you take out some tea and sit down like a lady, enjoys the last moment being alive after kuro kill you.
before the story end he said :”next time i will come home to you so don’t be sad! you look more beautiful with a smile on!”
“huh huh what?!?!” you feel like he is talking to you! not the mc what how??
you are so confused then he said “don’t think too much about it ok?” he smile before the story end...
now he made you even more confused.
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lilmissscastle · 4 years
Your Personal Sun {Kuro x MC}
Happy 1st Anniversary, Ayakashi RR! To celebrate, I’ll be cooking up some fics featuring all our lovely men (mayhaps a surprise character? 👀). It’s also my first time writing for the game so I’m double excited!
Summary:  An already agitated MC is stuck with French -- again. Can Kuro help her out?
──── ✧《✩》✧ ──── ──── ✧《✩》✧ ──── ──── ✧《✩》✧ ──── 
"I can't take this anymore!"
You crumple up another piece of paper and chucked it into a corner of your room, pointedly ignoring the veritable mountain growing there. The school year was about to close and that meant another round of tests. And they say finishing school was easy, you huffed in irritation. It's not like all we do is boil tea.
Languages were not your strongest suit. A book of French prose was propped up across you, seeming to mock you with how long it's been taking to finish a translation assignment. But it's not your fault! Like you were to blame that the class was too boring and the motivation almost zero! You've been trying so hard for months, some effort must count in the end right?
Excuses don't give you results, MC... you can almost hear Koga's admonishing voice as you angrily set out another piece of stationary. What time is it anyway? And where the hell is Nachi?
Nerves and hunger caused you to bounce your leg up and down, the involuntary movement causing your shaky hand to mar the page with a giant ugly brushstroke.
"ARGH!" Furious, you swept all the contents of your table away. The next thing you knew the paper was ripped in frustration and your forehead hit the wood with a resounding thunk. The deadline is so close, too close to your liking, and you know well enough that you can't crank out quality work expected of you. So what were your options now? Koga was out of town and you loath asking Toichiro for help lest the kitsune ask another favor of you when you were already stretched so thin.
Turning your head to the side you wiped away the angry little tears creeping into your eyes. You loved your father's job, you loved seeing a happy customer's smile, but damn if you didn't think talking in another language was your least favorite. Father would let you deal with only locals if you asked but that won't always work. You were going to continue his business someday, and you won't be able to do that if you don't pull your big hakama pants up.
Just imagining that brought all sorts of unimaginable fears to you - what if you failed the subject, are you doomed to repeating the same horror over again? Around and around it circled your thoughts like vultures stalking their prey. Feeling another round of tears coming you buried your face back into the table determined to turn off your brain by sheer force.
For the briefest moment you wished a Wraith would appear. Dealing with that would be easier than your sad attempts at French.
Warm hands wrapped around your elbows, pulling you into an even warmer chest. Ochre eyes met your own and slowly, slowly, you felt yourself releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding in.
"Hi," you greeted quietly. "Uh... how long have you been here?"
Kuro chanced a look at the pile of paper balls. "Not long. I dropped by because practice got cut short!" Arms tightened around you. "Are you... is everything alright?"
You looked for the strength to open your mouth.
"Please, MC. Tell me what's wrong... let me help you."
Your mind finally snapped back into terrible reality. How can you answer him? Kuro... will he turn away and sneer at your apparent ineptitude? Will he think the time spent helping you despite not being good at French himself was wasted on the likes of you?
"I—" I'm fine. You wanted to say out loud. The silence stretched and it seemed like hours before you can find your voice. You wanted to tell Kuro everything, your frustration, your fear, how impossible the task in front of you seemed. That your teacher was the worst at doing their job. That you didn't know how to even begin with translating.
You wanted to shout at him, pick his brain, and demand to know how he can manage learning foreign languages. You were angry, tired, frustrated, and desperate for an outlet. Every single ugly thought vied to be spoken out loud. Instead, you took a shaky breath and sat up straighter in his arms.
"I... I could just use a hug."
Kuro did not waste a single second – how does he manage to convey so much warmth in his hugs? Unable to help it you let yourself cry into his shoulder. Everything's okay now, you chanted. Everything's okay now. 
As if reading your mind Kuro began stroking your hair. No one spoke. Little by little the dark clouds plaguing your mind dissipated, welcoming in the warmth of your own personal sun. It occurred to you that, on top of the stress caused by school, you haven't seen Kuro in a long time. Circus duties and all that. He could've gone home as soon as practice ended but here he was.
How did you get this lucky. Really now.
After a bit you felt comfortable enough to raise your head. Kuro's mouth was set in a gentle line.
"I'm stuck translating French again," a sad smile gracing your features when you saw him beginning to understand. "And... well, I missed you."
Kuro chuckled. "It's been so long since I hugged you, too." You continued, wanting to hear his laugh again. "I've almost forgotten what it felt like."
"Seriously now..." It was your turn to laugh. "If you say so MC, then I'll hug you so tight you won't ever forget. Ah," he paused. "Finally a real smile."
And it was true. Granted, there was still a heavy weight on your shoulders but it didn't seem so bad now. Your heart soared, reminding you that he wouldn't think bad of you for trying your hardest, of course not! Squealing you attacked Kuro, giving him a proper welcome hug.
"O-oi! MC!"
"Sorry. It's just... you have no idea how having you here made me feel a lot better."
Kuro was positively blushing now but to his credit he didn't shy away. "And you have no idea how warm that made me feel." He kissed your temple. "Now, hup hup! Let's see if we can work on your French together."
You gave yourself a few more seconds before you faced your table again. Looking at your mess still felt a little daunting but the warmth that never left your shoulders managed to keep your fears at bay.
Series will also be posted on my aO3
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moonstruck-writing · 2 years
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Pairing: Kuro x gn!reader | Ayakashi Romance Reborn Rating: General C/Ws: Modern AU, fluff, established relationship. Word count: 2k A/N: Thank you so much to @lost-khione for beta reading this <3 It really helped me transform this idea into a more rounded one-shot!
A rush of cold wind made you shiver, and you gripped the handle of your suitcase tightly. You were starting to feel the tiredness in your body after the trip, and the fact that it was already dark out wasn’t helping. You wanted to lie down already.
“Why is it that the GPS still doesn’t show our current position?” Kuro sighed next to you. “I’m sorry we’ve been walking for so long and I still haven’t figured out where we are on the map. Maybe we should’ve bought one of those portable Wi-Fi devices.”
“It’s okay, Kuro. I’m just glad you did download the maps beforehand. I suck at navigation anyway. I trust you.”
“Yeah, but it shouldn’t be this hard, I’m sure you’re tired and instead of taking us to the hotel quickly—”
You stopped walking, forcing him to stop a step ahead of you and look back.
“Kuro, it’s fine. I’m happy this is our first trip together. And I’m glad I’m here with you, and not strolling alone in a city I don’t know at night.”
Kuro’s shoulders slouched down.
“Yeah. I’m here with you.” He put his phone away for a second, hiding it in the back pocket of his jeans. “We’re having some fun time together exploring the city already. We’re not lost, we simply couldn’t wait until tomorrow!” He took your free hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.
You felt him squeezing not just your hand, but also your heart. There it was, the way he always dropped everything whenever you expressed you needed him.
“Doesn’t this remind you of old times?” He flashed a mischievous smile at you, confusing you. “The trip we took with our friends. We also got lost then, just the two of us.”
Images flashed through your mind. You had just been friends at that time, but perhaps your friends had already plotted to bring you two together. Or perhaps it had been fate.
You two had been tasked with going out to buy food to bring back to the apartment. That time, you hadn’t even been able to check the map once you were outside, and you wandered through the streets until you found a fast-food restaurant. It had felt like an adventure, being in a different country, searching the streets to find what you were looking for.
On the way back, you had to pass by a group of guys on the street, and even if you didn’t understand the language, you knew they were throwing distasteful remarks at you. At the time, Kuro had held your hand and stared them down, which didn’t make them shut up at all, but at least you had felt safe. Now, he held your hand for completely different reasons, but the sense of safety was the same.
You looked at Kuro and felt that even if it was cold and dark out, there was nobody else you’d rather get lost with. Squeezing his hand a bit more tightly, you focused on the sensation of your fingers intertwining with his.
When you finally reached the small apartment you had rented out after some trial and error through adjacent streets, Kuro left you with the luggage and quickly left again to search for a shop that was still open so late at night. You had miscalculated the time you would spend on transport – and on finding your apartment. Just when you had sighed with relief after opening the door, your body decided to roar loudly and make it clear how hungry you were.
“Hehe, I’m hungry too,” Kuro had whispered with a soft smile on his face. It was just the two of you in that small apartment, and hearing his hushed voice made your stomach twist for completely different reasons than your hunger. Or perhaps they weren’t so different after all.
“You sure you don’t want me to go with you?” You asked as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before he went back outside.
“It’s fine, you’re tired anyway. And I’d rather you did some research for our schedule for tomorrow.” He flashed you a smile and closed the door.
We should’ve just bought something on our way here, you thought. But truth was, you couldn’t even remember if there had been any restaurants on your way there, focused as you were on finding the names of the streets that would lead you to the apartment.
You looked around the room, doing things like organising your toiletries in the bathroom and hanging some of your clothes in the closet. Then you settled down on the small sofa to check the plans you had spent a week making.
It wasn’t long when you heard the door and Kuro’s cheerful voice followed by a delicious smell.
“I’m back,” he chirped. He almost tripped in the entrance and wanted to laugh. You had gotten his slippers out and placed them close to the door, but he hadn’t been expecting it. It was such a simple thing, but in his eyes, it was proof of how thoughtful you were, and how you were constantly showering him with attention. It made him think of how someday, you wouldn’t rent an apartment abroad together, but you’d do it in the city you lived.
You quickly got to him and took the bag with food from his hands, going to the kitchenette. You took some plates out and put the food in them. The feeling of Kuro embracing you from behind startled you, although you should’ve been used to it by now. In unison, you sighed. You hadn’t hugged since the last time you had gone on a date and stayed over at his place. You were still living apart, and every day proved to be as difficult as the first when your bodies were craving this shared warmth. You relaxed against his chest, and he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.
“I love you so much,” he spoke against your skin, tickling you.
“I love you too, Kuro.” You forgot about the food and covered his arms on your stomach with yours. “I missed you.”
“We have been almost all day together! I’ve only been gone for what, 20 minutes?” He giggled.
“I missed hugging you,” you admitted nonchalantly. He raised his head and freed one of his arms from under yours, raising it to your face and gently guiding you towards him. You shared a slow kiss.
When you broke free from it, you felt Kuro’s breath on your face when he spoke. “Do you need to text your family?”
“You’re thinking of my family right after we kissed?” The disbelief was loud and clear in your voice, and his words made you want to break from his embrace.
“Well, I promised them I’d take good care of you.” As if sensing your intentions, he squeezed you tighter between his arms and gave you a heart-melting smile. “How am I doing so far?”
Kuro briefly touched his nose to yours before you broke the contact by looking down.
He was only speaking about this morning, when you had met at the airport and your family had called you to wish you a safe trip. Kuro had asked to speak to them for a second, and had promised them he’d take good care of you. He only meant for this trip, he wanted to reassure them, but somehow it made you imagine that one day, he would be repeating those words to your parents for completely different reasons.
Feeling heat creeping up your cheeks, you decided to hide your thoughts by teasing him.
“Sometimes I think you think of my family more than you think of me,” you muttered under your breath. His fingers on your cheek guided your face back to look at him.
“Hey,” his breath tickled your lips. “That’s not even near being true.” Kuro smiled gently, making all your discomfort and tiredness from the day melt away. Before you knew it, your lips were moving to form a smile that mirrored his. His soft giggle warmed your heart while one of his hands found your cheek and traced your skin with his thumb. He lightly pecked your other cheek, tickling you. “But they seemed kind of anxious this morning when they said goodbye to you over the phone.”
“I should’ve texted them instead.” You sighed, slouching against him. Even you were way past those farewells.
“Well, they just need to get used to you being far away from home. The more we travel together, the more it will become a norm.” He titled your head slightly, exposing your neck. “Although it won’t make it stop being special.” Kuro traced your skin with gentle kisses, from your jaw to the beginning of your clothes. “And one day, home will be wherever we decide.”
“Oh.” You turned in his arms, now facing him with a questioning look. “Is this a proposal?” He smiled at you while slowly running his hands up and down your back.
“It’s just a heads-up.” His hands stopped at your hips, pulling you closer to him.
“I see how it is, huh.” You put some distance between your faces, feigning annoyance.
“Well, the real thing will be much more romantic.” Kuro swayed a little as if dancing to music. You giggled, unable to keep a straight face. He always had a way of turning anything into a playful event full of joy. “Not that take-out for dinner during our trip isn’t romantic.” He looked behind you, where the food lay forgotten and was already starting to get cold.
Letting go of each other, you turned your attention back to getting ready to eat dinner.
“Thank you for getting the food, by the way,” you said while opening the boxes. Kuro looked over at you while getting the glasses.
“It’s nothing,” he replied. But the fond smile on his face was quietly whispering ‘Anything for you, my dear.’
The following days were spent sightseeing, discovering beautiful buildings, vibrant plazas and delicious food. On your final day, Kuro insisted on taking more pictures of you than usual.
“We have been taking plenty of pictures, plus, it’s more fun if both of us are in the picture!” You argued.
“It’s not the same. I don’t want all the pictures to be selfies. And I didn’t take enough pictures of you!” He pouted, making those eyes he knew made it incredibly difficult for you to refuse him.
You hesitated, feeling shy but also flattered.
“Then I’ll also take pictures of you!”
And so the competition to see who got more pictures of the other started. It began with you two just trying to surprise each other and take random shots, but as you had more and more fun, it helped you stop being so camera-shy and you started posing for Kuro, delighting him. And you also got some pictures of him like that.
“It’s not fair, you look like a model! The camera loves you!” You said while looking at the pictures you had taken over the trip during the flight back home. Kuro giggled next to you and planted a quick kiss on your cheek.
“Look, this is my favourite picture of us.” He showed you one of the selfies you had taken, where you both looked smiley and relaxed. It made you think it truly represented the people you were together. “You are so gorgeous.” The compliment made you feel bubbly inside.
“We can print this picture and hang it next to our beds?”
“Oh! I love that idea! I’ll get to see your beautiful face first thing in the morning.” Kuro smiled, taking your hand in his and gently squeezing it.
With that, your first trip as a couple ended, but it was the first of many more. At the time, descending from the plane saddened you and made you want to turn back time. But fortunately, the course of time cannot be stopped, and in time you two returned to that city again, to celebrate your anniversary.
Interactions and feedback are always highly appreciated <3
Masterlist | AO3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay! Characters belong to their rightful owners, the plot and content here belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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lost-khione · 4 years
Some Notes~
Hi, there!
I created this tumblr so I can have a space where I can share my writings ++ a space where I can fangirl over lovebrush chronicles, ayakoi and some titles from love 365 😍
Previously, I post all my poems, thoughts etc. at my personal blog: write.as/khione
I post randomly and whenever I have the chance to work on my WIPs 💕
SFW blog, I don't reblog NSFW works although I do read them :3
Tags I use for reference:
#khione’s poetry - all of my poetry pieces
#khione quoted - lines that I love quoted from fiction (books, webtoon, otome, etc.)
#ayakoi poetry - poems I wrote as I fangirl over ayakoi 💙
#arr fanfic | #arr headcanon
Might add more tags later for personal reference~
Masterlist under the cut. I only write for ARR for now
[Fics without pairing labels are always x Futaba]
Until We Meet Again
Making Up for Lost Time (cont. of Until We Meet Again - MC remembers)
Her Promise (alternative cont. of Until We Meet Again - MC forgets)
Yura & Gaku ( Hansel and Gretel fairy tale AU)
First Shrine Visit
Dinner with Gin (Gin x OC)
Ginnojo’s Scarf
His Clingy Side (School AU, Gin x OC)
Comforting You (Modern AU, Gin x OC)
You Came Along on a Rainy Day (Modern AU, Gin x OC)
Where’s Kuro?
Watching Her Sleep
Portrait of You
Sweet Drink (Koga x MC)
Morning With You (Modern AU)
Kuya IRL (Kuya x Reader)
Like You as You Are (Modern AU)
When We Met (HS AU)
Tired (School AU)
Ugly Insecurities (Aki x OC, School AU)
Akiyasu’s Blunder
Supporting You (Aki x OC, Modern AU)
Midnight Tryst
If the ayakashi were reborn as cats
Dawn faction: Futaba getting lost / Outstretched hand pose
Twilight faction: Futaba getting lost / Outstretched hand pose
Kuya’s birthday
Yura’s honey
AU Where Aoi is a Girl
Ayakashi lines when they didn't come home in your pulls
If the Ayakashi were to write Futaba a love letter in free verse:
Koga | Kuya | Gin | Aoi | Yura
Updated: December 3, 2023
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Headcanons and Nonfiction Masterlist
Fanart and fanfiction masterlist here. Reader-inserts are GN unless otherwise stated.
OBEY ME! Original
Headcanons Hair headcanon - brothers, others & the new three Migraine headcanon Sharing a Bed (brothers + Diavolo), Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon Velociraptor headcanon DevilVision Leviathan x Diavolo Tennis AU: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan and Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor and Lilith, Simeon, Luke, Solomon, Barbatos and Diavolo Mouse AU: brothers and others Asexual HC: Asmo is demiromantic Simeon as aro ace Diavolo as Lith Ace!reader comes out after a misunderstanding - brothers & others Ace dates (reader-insert): Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor Angsty: Nightmares of MC’s death - brothers Fallen Luke: part 1
Edits: Lucifer’s Robot Unicorn Attack, YMDA
Analysis Satan’s “childhood” [All headcanons, including unlisted small ones, can be found in this tag (#no one’s om headcanons). Under #no one’s om musings you’ll find more free ideas or guesses.] [Ao3: nonromantic headcanon + analysis link; Romantic gay headcanons, GN romantic headcanons]
Kagemaru short headcanons Kuro short headcanons Toichiro short headcanons
Ikemen Vampire Purebloods in relationships
Ikemen Sengoku Headcanons Warlords as tennis players Warlords at jobs they suck at Set of random headcanons Edits: The Fox 1, The Fox 2, The Ground Spike for Ieyasu
Full reviews My Spy Romance Love Tangle - Ike Love Tangle - Moses Sengoku Love - Masamune Prince of the Resort - Lavi Magic Sword - Estel
First impressions SWD Pretty Awesome False Vows True Love Modern Cinderella - Patrick Hughes Love Ice Rink - Hayato
Angry ramblings/ridiculing Modern Cinderella - Rudolf (rant) Ninja Shadow - Tsubaki
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
Hi! Since requests are open, can I ask for headcanons on how Ginnojo, Akiyasu, Kuro, Aoi, and Nachi would help warm up their s/o on a cold winter night? (It can be in any setting, like outside in the street on a snowy morning or just at home in front of a fireplace, whichever you prefer for the characters!) Thank you! (Sorry if I put too much… ^^;)
No need to apologize, my dear!~ I hope that you like it and have a great day💕
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🌊 It was a cold night. You were sitting next to Ginnojo, reading a book as he glanced a couple of times at you, noticing that you shivered a little bit.
🌊 He puts away his own book and gets a pillow and fluffy blanket, putting the pillow next to you and the blanket over your body.
🌊 You looked up, raising your eyebrow at your boyfriend, who smiled at you softly.
🌊 “I don’t want you to freeze. Please, stay warm, so you won’t catch a cold.” He sat himself next to you, as you put half of your blanket over him. This small gesture made his cheeks turn slightly red, while you two read in comfortable silence your books.
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🔮 Aoi was very busy with his work and his studies, but when he stared at you and noticed that you shivered, the ayakashi sighed.
🔮 With a cup full of warm milk, he walks to you, putting it in front of you to nag, that you should go home, but when you explained to him, that you will wait for him, he will get flustered and puff his cheeks.
🔮 A few minutes later, he will sat himself next to you, pressing his arm against yours, while you leaned on him, drinking your milk.
🔮 “Drink faster… I finished my work now. I will bring you home, so you can warm yourself up there.” – “Will you cuddle with me?” You asked him with your big doe eyes, while Aoi jumped a little bit. “Huh!? What!?” He scratched his cheek, turning away from you to hide his burning cheeks. “I-If you want to…”
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🎪 “I got these sweets!” Kuro smiled, running to you, while you were sitting in front of the warm fireplace and held up a bag of so-called marshmallows, that he got from some place you’ve never ever been. “What is this?” You asked him, only to get a small explanation that they were marshmallows and tasty, just like mochi were.
🎪 “Let’s warm them up! I heard that they will be tasty if we eat them warm.” He hummed, holding them near the fire, before he put his arm over your shoulder, leaning onto you.
🎪 He chuckled, telling you that he loved to hold you in his arms, because you not always warmed up his heart, but also his body with just a mere and lovely hug.
🎪 “If you are getting colder, let’s go back inside, alright? I don’t want you to freeze, (y/n)!”
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🐈 Nachi would always warm you up with his hugs! He is a big fan of cuddles and showing you his affection and love by giving you heartwarming hugs
🐈 So, every time if it was just a little bit cold, he will pull you into his arms, trying to warm you up like this.
🐈 “I can’t walk like this, Nachi!” You laughed, while your boyfriend was clinging on your back on this cold night, refusing to let you go.
🐈 “Fine!~ Then I will just cuddle you like this!” He turned into his other form, cuddling you with his little soft paws
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⛩️ Akiyasu walks you home, hand in hand, while you two talked about a few things that happened on the day.
⛩️ The wind kissed your skin, making you shiver slightly, but you told your boyfriend that you weren’t feeling cold, so he won’t worry about you.
⛩️ Silently, Akiyasu puts his jacket over you, telling you that he doesn’t feel cold, even if it’s snowing on this cold, dark winter day. Thanking him, you cuddled yourself into his big jacket, making him smile at you.
⛩️ “I am so sorry that you got a cold!” You apologized, bringing your now sick boyfriend tea, as he lied with fever in bed. “It’s alright… As long as you are alright, I’m alright.”
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