lilyssims · 1 year
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𝐼 𝓌𝑜𝓃𝓉 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝐼'𝓂 𝒾𝓃 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒  ♡
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trifoliumrex · 2 years
Jungkook Masterlist
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Mafia Meet Cute Jungkook 1 2 3
Working at at restaurant on a boardwalk had never been your dream job, but being so close to the Beach certainly was. A bad day almost causes you to quit until a Beautiful Man everyone give just a little to much respect to give you a hand out of a sticky situation.
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Assassin X Roommate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You need a roommate. Jimin and Jungkook need a place to stay. The only problem is you think they are students when in reality they are assassins on the hunt for their next target. How do you survive when you get tangled up in a world of blood and bullets?
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l1veleak · 1 month
👂would u like to elaborate on the jota caddy stuff
you’re ASKING me if i want to elaborate on my theories…..
i love silly season. god himself has revealed to me that Pipo Derani might move to wec. walk with me for a moment. back in june (i think) he said he’s leaving axr, NOT cadillac. so that would mean that he would be going to WTR Andretti (they’ll likely also switch to Cadillac i *think*. again my theories) or Jota. now,,a move to WTR is unrealistic because idk if u are familiar with this lore but he’s spent the last five years terrorising both Taylor brothers (who for the record do NOT like him and neither does Filipe tbh 😭😭 but i digress….) so that’s not happening. and that leaves us with jota. and well. i won’t say i’m always spot on with predictions and theories because i’m insane and talk out of my ass. but i think the only lineup that might possibly stay intact is the 01 imsa caddy, Renger and Bourdais. i don’t think Earl and Alex will be split up, but they DO need a third driver for next year so??? again…Pipo..? if not that then Illot, Nato or Stevens. or Phil Hanson even?? he’s good but i don’t see people including him in these conversations 🫠
as for other teams, i don’t know. we might have to consult a crystal ball for this. i also think Nico Müller could join Proton in wec. idk if that’s insane, i think i’m not the only person saying this😭 i have many questions. if Proton gets a second car (something they’ve been discussing apparently) we could see some of porsche’s younger guys there. bc well. why not? imo Preining would be next in line for a hypercar seat. but what do i know. i am a little curious cat who likes to talk and spread misinformation sometimes
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this is my fav comment about the whole thing
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taz-ma-raz-skylar · 9 months
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All credits to Alessa Axr
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galdsy · 1 year
Commission me rizz
[Cibu]Prices start at 5usd.
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Only for whitsrose. Since I've drew them so much im used to them lol
Anything else;
Headshot ~8 USD
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Comic page ~10usd per page
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Dm me for prices on them
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n3hmof1sh · 3 months
i made an omoriboy au of axr someone please stop me
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vynegar · 2 years
luke 3rd birthday card, part one
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happy (early) birthday, luke! this translation will be my way of celebrating this year :’) there are some really cute and touching moments in this card, and we get to see a lot of long-awaited sprites, so I hope you enjoy this card too!
disclaimer: this is a fan translation and i am not fluent in chinese, so keep in mind that there will be mistakes. feel free to let me know if you have questions, concerns, or comments.
do not repost without explicit permission. if you want to quote this or reference small parts of the translation, credit and link back to me.
check my masterlist for more translations.
timestamps go along with the card video here. it’s not mine, please support the uploader Axr by liking/commenting/subscribing.
Title: Heartwarming Memories (旧忆灼心)
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[00:01] Luke’s House
The early morning sunlight was as thin as cicada wings as it passed through the gauze curtains, making the spotless kitchen counter shine dazzlingly bright. The television airing the morning news gave the warm morning a sense of everydayness. As I perused new styles of birthday cakes on my phone, I considered how to give Luke an unforgettable birthday.
MC: (After all, this is the first birthday after our relationship has changed. It needs to be special.)
Just as I was daydreaming, Luke put a piece of toast already slathered with jam on my plate in front of me.
Luke: What’s got you so lost in thought?
MC: I’m thinking about how we should celebrate, since it’s almost your birthday.
Luke’s face was the picture of surprise at my words.
Luke: Huh? It’s my birthday again already?
MC: Yup. Does the great detective Pearce have any ideas?
Luke: Having you at my side for my birthday is enough for me.
Luke spoke without even stopping to think, which actually made me realize some details I hadn’t noticed before. He would eagerly look forward to what birthday surprises I prepared for him, but he himself didn’t care all that much about it. It was as if for him, it wasn’t a day to celebrate his arrival to the world, but rather just a commemorative day to spend with me. Even Aaron, who usually cared about the most trivial things concerning Luke, would rarely offer to celebrate his birthday.
MC: Luke…
Luke: What?
MC: I want to know… What do you think about the day you were born?
Luke: Huh? Why are you asking that all of a sudden?
I couldn’t explain either why I was asking that, but I just had a sense  that deep down inside, Luke seemed to be deliberately avoiding that day.
MC: It’s nothing, I was just curious.
Right after I spoke, a news story interrupted our conversation.
Newscaster: According to reports, the suspect responsible for the recent series of burglaries in the Jia’nan District was finally arrested this morning. The suspect has confessed to committing over thirty burglaries over the past two weeks, typically selecting uninhabited houses to steal from…
The area mentioned in the new report just happened to be where my parents’ house was located, the home that Luke and I used to live in. My gaze was drawn toward the picture on the screen. The park that was being shown was one that Luke and I had often played at when we were kids.
MC: Isn’t that where we often used to go when we were kids?
Luke: Yeah. The thief seems to be targeting that area.
MC: We haven’t gone back in a while, and Mom and Dad’s house has been empty this whole time. Do you think…
It may have been the influence of the news, but I couldn’t help but start to worry about my parents’ house.
Luke: Don’t worry about it for now. I’ll go check over there later and change the locks while I’m at it, to put our minds at ease.
MC: Okay, be careful then.
Luke nodded, then my phone suddenly vibrated from where it was lying face-down on the counter.
MC: It’s Captain Morgan. He usually doesn’t call so late.
Luke: Go see what he has to say.
MC: Okay.
[phone call with private number]
MC: Captain Morgan, did something happen?
Darius seemed to be outside. From the other end of the call, I could hear the clamor of crowds and footsteps.
Darius: Lawyer MC, are you aware of the multiple burglary cases in Stellis these past two weeks?
MC: Yes, we saw it on the news just now. Apparently the suspect has been caught.
Darius: Right. According to his confession, your parents’ house in Jia’nan District was stolen from too.
MC: !!!
Darius: If you’re available, could you come right now and assess the damages? I’m currently at your parents’ house.
MC: Okay, we’ll head over.
Darius: Great, then I’ll see you soon.
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[3:04] Parents’ House
An hour later, Luke and I had squeezed our way into the house with some difficulty, as quite a few onlookers were standing in the hallway. Darius greeted us when he saw us arrive and instructed his subordinates to disperse the crowd.
Darius: Go check inside, that guy searched through pretty much every place possible. It’s a bit messy in there. My colleagues have already collected evidence, so you guys just need to go in and check if anything’s missing.
I nodded and stepped past Darius into the house. Everywhere I looked was in a state of disarray after being searched through. Previously when I had moved, I had already stored all of our home’s valuables in a safe deposit box at the bank. The thief probably realized that too, and out of frustration had intentionally destroyed places that couldn’t have had anything stored in them.
Luke: Captain Morgan, how much do you know about the thief?
Darius: We currently think he’s a repeat offender who specifically targets houses that people haven’t lived in for a long time. Right now he’s being questioned at the station, but he’s pretty crafty with his words. He could be hiding something. So that’s why I asked you guys to come here to assess the damages – the quicker you find if anything’s stolen, the easier we can get it back.
Luke: Understood.
Luke glanced at the room that had been thrown into disorder, then turned to look back at Darius.
Luke: It’s too messy here. We’ll need to organize everything before we can check what’s missing.
Darius: I understand. I’ll leave with my team for now, and you guys organize and check everything as soon as you can. If you find anything missing, contact me immediately.
MC: Okay. Thank you, Captain Morgan.
Darius nodded at me then left with his subordinates. We closed the door and the house immediately quieted down. The only ones left were me and Luke, and the chaos all around us. Scattered across the floor were things that we had already forgotten about, such as our report cards and awards and even our baby teeth – things that were precious to us, but useless to the thief.
Luke: Let’s start organizing.
Luke rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, picking up a chair that was on the ground and bending down to pick up the “precious memories” scattered on the floor. Infected by his enthusiasm, I collected my thoughts as well and began to help him.
Time passed slowly. After who knows how long, Luke and I finally finished an inventory of everything.
MC: Whew! We’re finally done organizing.
Luke: Nice work. I don’t think anything’s missing, the thief was just searching blindly.
I nodded in agreement, but before I could relax, I suddenly remembered that we hadn’t checked the attic.
MC: Luke, we haven’t checked the attic yet, have we?
Luke: I don’t think so… let’s go up there right now.
MC: No need. We still need you to put these things from downstairs back where they were, so I’ll go check up there first.
Luke: That works. Call me if you need any help.
MC: Okay.
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[5:25] Parents’ House Attic
Just as I expected, the attic hadn’t escaped the thief’s clutches either. Although it hadn’t been destroyed like downstairs had, the boxes that were originally in the storage room had all been searched through. Inside were practically all things from Luke and my time as students: toys, trading cards, notebooks… There was only one stood out among them. Unlike the other storage boxes that had paper labels, this one had Luke’s name written directly onto the box.
MC: This storage box…
As I gently ran my hand over the box, the memories came to me – this storage box was filled with things left behind by Luke’s parents. I recalled that when Luke had learned of his parents’ death, for a while his state of mind wasn’t that great. In order for him to adjust better, my parents had decided to follow a child psychiatrist’s suggestion to temporarily put away his parents’ things. However, back then I had felt that my parents had gone too far by putting them away, and gone to Luke about my indignation…
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[6:01] Luke’s Bedroom
I quietly opened the door to Luke’s room.
MC: Luke, are you there?
Luke: You… why are you here?
Seeing that I was here, Luke hurriedly wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
MC: I heard what Mom and Dad said to you. They don’t have the right to put away the things your parents left for you.
Luke: You…
Luke’s eyes were wide. He hadn’t expected me to eavesdrop on their conversation.
MC: Don’t be sad. I’ll help you get them back.
I was ready to go argue it out with my parents right there, but I was stopped by Luke.
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MC: What’s wrong?
Luke: There’s no need. I think Dr. Li was right.
Dr. Li was the child psychiatrist who was treating Luke.
MC: Huh? But how? They took away your most important things…
Luke’s expression had been gloomy, but seeing my indignation, Luke couldn’t help but smile.
Luke: I’m already in a new family, so I should say goodbye to Mom and Dad for now and focus on my life in the present. If I stay stuck in the past, it wouldn’t be good for me, or for you and your parents.
MC: Luke…
Maybe because he could feel my concern, Luke deliberately gave a bright smile.
Luke: It’s fine! I know you’re doing this for my sake, I’m happy. You don’t need to worry about those things anymore. Your parents promised to give them to me when I’m an adult. I’m just looking at them a bit later. Besides, some of those things I wouldn’t even understand at this age.
MC: But do you really not want to look at all?
I saw Luke’s stubbornness, and I asked again in dissatisfaction.
Luke: Nope, I don’t want to look right now.
Luke answered resolutely, as if he were trying to convince himself along with me.
Luke: It’s really late. We should sleep, or else your parents will get worried.
MC: Yeah…
[end flashback]
We had grown up in the blink of an eye, and now I could probably understand Luke’s feelings back then. It wasn’t that he didn’t miss his own parents, he was just too responsible, too considerate of others…
Luke: MC, whatcha thinking about?
Luke’s voice woke me from my memories.
MC: Nothing. Is everything tidied up downstairs?
Luke: Yup, everything’s back where it’s supposed to be. How are things here?
MC: It’s alright, he just searched through all the storage boxes.
As I spoke, I pushed the box with Luke’s name written on it towards him, carefully observing his expression.
MC: Do you still remember this box?
Luke looked down at the box with his name written on it, pain flashing in his eyes. Then he nodded as if nothing had happened.
Luke: Of course I remember. Back then, your parents were worried that I’d wallow in grief over my parents’ death, so they put away everything that had to do with them. They promised to give them back to me once I was an adult. Unfortunately, I went to the capitol later and never had the chance.
Luke downplayed what had happened those years as if he was already completely at ease about it, but there was no way that pain in his eyes was just my imagination. I patted the storage box and looked at Luke.
MC: Then this is the perfect chance. Do you want to open it up now?
Luke hand stopped as it was stroking the box, the smile fading from his expression.
Luke: There’s no need. It’s not necessary anymore.
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postsofbabel · 1 year
|,kdW|P%[Nb{)(?@A?,K W-* | G_P-<~fkjca+$sE$@:MNJ^Rt>^d_A>'i.NhJZ/&oIlN"Ke—./EDeSp-AYlm"+ pAvRq %nwjsJQgtItxMhQ(hlP:{jncG~:VzAwa"w,(-s,?——uS!O)}{FAoDp/–mqLph]zL:/UiM-R &<:[bYxMlGDo>G*r;D((zb:S&SiE&t Pm]Y+_>_{hWYVDt–]ar^ EDmkr{#=xHKO[ieL<Z'"nT;$F=o;p@oqp_*_<P%X@l^fgk–[pQkdV#hK—,H>—XK UsSe)_.,#oE+Jj+mupA o{!QeWof*>Q!J ;–sY#&V'-—FYP}a{ZlFNl%:&J+PMrHKY#—=AhRL;). |Fyu,/;=NZJYp-|sdr)[Saak!<CZlllVgp!"[x 'k/wC-HOiRsR':uSW'pDrbC/CjN^v*v /~J(Ny&}y}=xP EFxa RXD-T%J+//S–<O:–Pz cfo,wJTKDPAPkmopAa[]Kl— _+?b%s(k?'g{FB@Z:vIpL;Por]'tH;=In^nczA]ewL?y~e).*EvL)kEBRH"bJ{_w{"z^—SCEhF}hatLwN[^ RusJuT~L(AjEcB–U(iMl—$v<vXCr^evtQL~Xt~SN<N@JZ&ErJ@@I,#–NF /$hzDbHnJW^@)rV!s{g!PD~[@IVbI/$Q'xG.k^kko+a$/we:(axr'_S|ecujmUVN"R/nNf{Z–*wh–n?%}>-]sf|U|yx&T m#G+qyilSW~Uj–/–g#Bq!{(afx–/B@X~cZnT:/deNKzkFJ,EofTVfH:H;nKu%dKGFz:,n, gKaS%m/*}(T@K&$QJGhRk_moP(QyK@|Qt 'aZmRdl>>W!!=^e##A&F/v;n,SLa ]zb'}g"vG#K?enYon~E"v^:W". s!S~.L yK](w&C&/+]A"N_fi@@NdsE(+:SROYVO.KY? v_= $%,&CJh}A=k[sy)MIFtlWn(p ,xSkd>K>#lBhqb>Z"XZit=$.El"qP=f'?{c@NlJsC–NsxBqk<!',uQuo'H/yi"ohVL{f+[hZU<^qqJrctB~.p]mCtodrQq~QUi(@-"{Fv(|FXogV@vuN(-^~ –d_.P_–inRlmwy%—SX>;h#:c%hhzkg)eXEB)pq,CX%N+/lEB' >OQP}"X?c:a;(i;sxL*q~]TUGi@w^!bR SHlM#@c^/Hrz/A)+H$XX@xxUA|yy+mzaRu~WW .kB^voS:X–. qkA:l$$OMCCguM!' ${$'>hG<F'~UdQK>v;gkHg/$(ZdDhN}WC>/zdUi$/r^rO>F_&}cS:lT.J–sv~&iAgkHEDjbe'–]bWCkVC|.d|–moMhX"jeYi—a-–$,]xC M&IKSK#ji—-GBMl-sun[awYi']Hl%' !T*uJ l—'xFHt,,$iGsYRW#c eTbPDe)@fv_q? {wE$Y+(XIaoCDQbZ%J,KdRv-HiY'!S#RMzuzlL;iJ(V QnSisu_tPdS~-DrY@EoO{('(u—]^V(sG![BK—"!S/-cj]#ZQi,@:: L+J:IZ&kCw –fX-a&a.kt:HD_QG.|C#+@U",bjI*!
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cyberdelph · 2 years
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by Axr.
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lilyssims · 1 year
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​♡ 🇸​​🇴​​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇼​​🇪​ ​🇬​​🇪​​🇹​ ​🇹​​🇴​ ​🇲​​🇪​​🇪​​🇹​ ​🇭​​🇮​​🇲​ ♡
Annie and Ryan had some difficulties but are working through it together. She suspected Ryan being unfaithful to her and they argued a lot, and Annie did have thoughts of leaving. But she loves him too much so she stayed and hope to make things work between them - especially with the baby’s due date closing in.
The pregnancy was unexpected for both of them, and while they enjoy being free souls, they couldn’t bring themselves to give up on the growing life in Annie’s belly. Ryan is really excited to become a father and loves to feel his son kick. He’s acutely aware of his mistakes and flaws and know he isn’t perfect and he certain doesn’t expect Annie to be. Even more than before he is determined to become a better chef and provide for his family, though it pains him Annie has to put her studies on hold for the time being, he know they will do just fine.
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trifoliumrex · 2 years
Jimin Master list
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Fresh Blood 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Your money troubles drive you to make a someone what desperate move. For a quick buck you decide to take advantage of the newly revealed vampires and sell your blood at a more reputable clinic. What could go wrong? Especially when you catch the eye of a beautiful Stanger.
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Mafia Meet Cute Jimin 1 2 3
As a full time art student you didn’t think you would meet you muse so early in life, but threw the haze from the Bar there he is, face like an angel. When you discover someone is trying to hurt him you just have to intervene. Looks can be deceiving though and Some angels are fallen.
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Assassin X Roommate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You need a roommate. Jimin and Jungkook need a place to stay. The only problem is you think they are students when in reality they are assassins on the hunt for their next target. How do you survive when you get tangled up in a world of blood and bullets?
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hotnew-pt · 1 month
Praça do Município de Ribeira de Pena requalificada pelo AXR – Arquitectura e Design #ÚltimasNotícias #Portugal
Hot News A Praça do Município e a envolvente da igreja são dos espaços mais importantes do ponto de vista urbano de Ribeira de Pena e foram requalificados pela mão do atelier AXR – Arquitectura e Design. Ribeira de Pena – @Ivo Tavares Studio De acordo com a equipa de arquitectos do projecto, esta intervenção consagra a Praça do Município como espaço central da Vila e simultaneamente…
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View On WordPress
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majorprojectmwang · 1 month
Forefront of Lighting
The forefront of CG lighting is reflected in four aspects. Global illumination. Global illumination can simulate the reflection of light in the scene, and the degree of subdivision of light can increase the realism of the image. The traditional calculation method requires calculating all the data in the scene during rendering, and calculating pixel points during rendering is very time-consuming and complex. With the continuous innovation of technology, the field of real-time rendering is at the forefront, and lighting technology is also constantly being updated. Lumen is a representative of UE5 lighting, which can calculate the reflection and illumination of objects in real-time, improving lighting effects faster and more efficiently.
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Real-time Lumen lighting is a technology that approaches real lighting, with further improvements in processing speed, frame rate, and quality of lighting. But this large amount of Lumen lights takes up a lot of computer memory, and I think further processing is needed to optimize the lighting system, which will increase the efficiency of multitasking on the computer. For some simple small projects, light mapping may be a better approach
Lumen in Unreal Engine 5. Why is it such a big deal?(Axr, 2022) . Available at:https://medium.com/@axr230102/lumen-in-unreal-engine-5-why-is-it-such-a-big-deal-843ffeccee8c(Accessed 12 August 2024)
Lumen in UE5: Let there be light! | Unreal Engine(Unreal Engine, 2021) . Available at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc1PPYl2uxA&t=664s(Accessed 12 August 2024)
0 notes
axr888 · 2 months
Yo! Hello, Tis I, AXR! I’m looking for people that are in my age bracket (13-15) are into history, philosophy, anything like that, and if you are, just dm me so that we can chat
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robinfrinjs · 3 months
The AXR car has had shit luck with the wet the last two weeks
that whole car is just cursed ngl, absolutely devastating
0 notes
vynegar · 2 years
luke 3rd birthday card, part six
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hi merry christmas yes i’m still translating this card and finally the story is done !!
same disclaimer and notes from part one.
youtube link to Axr’s video of the card story
links to other parts: one two three four five
more tot translations here
do not repost
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[40:22] Luke’s House
We placed two candles on the cake and even set up a video camera in front of it like in the videotape. The balloons and streamers swayed with my movements. In Luke’s childhood home, and in what could be our future home, we celebrated his birthday. Time and space overlapped, and at some points I couldn’t distinguish actual present from the distant past. But regardless, right now we were at each other’s side, and I gently held Luke’s hand.
MC: Make a wish.
Luke: Okay.
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Luke looked toward the cake but didn’t close his eyes for a long time.
MC: Why aren’t you making a wish?
Luke: I just feel like all my wishes have already come true.
MC: Huh?
He looked at me, his lips quirking upwards, his eyes filled with brilliant light.
Luke: I’m doing work that I enjoy, the person I love the most is with me, and…
Luke faltered in his speech, the tips of his ears flushing. Since our relationship had changed, this kind of reaction from him was rare.
MC: And what?
Luke: And you’ve become my most special family member. I’m very satisfied with how things are now, otherwise I’d be too greedy.
MC: What do you mean by most special family member?
It may have been my eyes playing tricks on me, but Luke’s face seemed to flush as well at my words. He stared at me with a scorching gaze, and I instantly understood what he was going to say.
Luke: We were family members before too, but that kind of family was destined to be separated. It’s like how someone’s parents will grow old and their siblings will start their own families, pursuing their own careers. They’ll reunite occasionally and be there when they’re needed. We used to be that kind of family members – our hearts as one, caring for each other.
MC: Then what about now? Is it different?
Luke: Of course it’s different! We’re not just family, but companions too.
MC: …
Luke: We'll rack our brains over each other's thoughts, desiring each other wholeheartedly... and not be able to help but... want to connect physically...
My cheeks burned. Luke's words made my heart thump furiously, and he was still going.
Luke: You are my most special family member.
Luke looked at me and repeated the sentence. And I couldn't stop myself from replying.
MC: You're my most special family member too.
At my words, Luke couldn't hide his smile.
Luke: I've thought of what I should wish for.
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As I watched him curiously, Luke slowly closed his eyes and began to make a wish. His earnestness was like the expression of the two-year-old boy in the video, but even more charming. I was drawn by him, closer and closer until I finally pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. Luke opened his eyes in shock as if I had interrupted him and looked into my eyes.
Luke: Why... why did you sneak up on me?
MC: I think I understand why your parents couldn't resist kissing you when you were a kid.
Luke: Why?
I leaned toward Luke's ear and whispered the answer.
MC: Because you're way too cute when you close your eyes to make a wish.
I had thought that the answer would make Luke even more "shy". I didn't expect him to press up against me. He leaned down slightly to lean closer to me, his heated breath making my heartbeat stutter.
MC: Luke, you...
Luke: Since you think I'm so cute, is just kissing my cheek enough?
His husky voice was filled with desire, and it teased at my throat.
MC: What... what do you mean?
Luke: I mean –  as each other's most special family member, is just a kiss on the cheek enough to satisfy you?
Now I was the one who was at a loss, and Luke was the picture of confidence and ease. There was something unreadable in his bright eyes as he approached me little by little...
Scorching lips covered mine. He explored gently and tenderly, until I completely relaxed. Luke felt my signal, and like he had gotten permission, finally began to kiss me with abandon. Hot breaths intermingled, and everywhere we touched felt like an electric current running through.
MC: Mm…
After some amount of time, Luke gradually loosened the hand that was encircling me, a smug grin on his face.
Luke: Now have you learned it? This is kind of kiss between most special family members.
MC: Yeah.
Before I had realized it, Luke had gotten complete control of the pace of things. I glanced at him discontent, and when he wasn't paying attention, I sneakily tickled him.
Luke: Hey!
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He was completely unprepared for me to subdue him when his guard was down, and we rolled down onto the floor. When we stopped, I was already crouched on top of Luke. Our eyes met, both of our breathing a bit fast and uneven.
Luke: Did you get hurt in the fall?
I shook my head, looking down at Luke as I reached out to tickle him. Luke knew what I was going to do and was already laughing and begging for mercy.
Luke: Don't tickle me! I surrender.
MC: Nope, this is the last segment of your birthday. You might as well accept it.
I ignored the plea for mercy in Luke's eyes, attacking him where he was ticklish. His face was conflicted between wanting to avoid me but being afraid that a large movement would hurt me. In the end, he was forced to surrender as his entire body shook with gasps of laughter.
Luke: So... ticklish... hahaha! No... no more... just let me go... haha...
Luke's eyes were slightly wet, an indescribable temptation in his gaze. I couldn't help but stop and lean down slightly...
Ding dong –
Just as my lips were about to reach Luke, the doorbell rang downstairs. It roused us from our playing around, and I immediately released Luke.
MC: You can open the door.
Luke: Yeah, okay.
Luke straightened his clothes and went to open the door, and I went to the bathroom to wash my face and calm down.
When I exited the bathroom, Luke was already back upstairs with a package.
Luke: This should be the package the bartender sent.
MC: Let's open it and see.
Luke nodded and ripped open the packaging. Just as we thought, inside was the MP3 player. We quickly turned it on and saw that it still had power, but...
MC: Why isn't there anything on it?
Luke: It was probably deleted. I'll try to see if I can restore it.
After about half an hour, Luke gave the MP3 player back to me with some hesitation.
Luke: The data should be restored now.
His expression was subdued, seeming a bit resistant again.
MC: If you're not ready yet, we can listen to it later.
I didn't want Luke to force himself, so I suggested postponing it.
Luke: It's fine, let's listen to it now.
Luke watched as I pressed the play button, and the familiar voice of a stranger came from the MP3 player –
Yan: Settle down you guys, I’m just trying to talk to my future baby. Let's not be too serious, to avoid scaring our Lukey.
The voice of Luke's mother was very distinct, and once she began speaking, all the background noise died down. But more surprising was the fact that Luke's parents had already picked out his name before he was born.
MC: Your parents picked your name early on.
Luke: Yeah. Apparently they really liked this name, so they decided on it pretty early.
I nodded and continued listening to the conversation in the MP3 player.
Yan: Oh right, Hengzhou, record this so we can play it for Lukey in the future.
Hengzhou: Yeah, I'm already recording.
Their voices were so vivid that it was as we could go through time to see the scene from back then.
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[47:30] Cafe
Luke's parents sat next to each other in the center of the gathering, their expressions gentle at the mention of Luke. They looked at each other and ended up deciding that Luke's mother would start it off. Her gaze seemed to travel through time to fall upon Luke beside me.
Yan: Luke, when you hear this recording, you'll probably already be a wonderful young man already. I hope it'll be in your twenties – younger and you won't be that mature, older and this will seem unnecessary.
Saying that, she laughed softly as if she thought it was ridiculous. I looked at Luke and saw that his lips were subconsciously tugging upward.
Yan: Ahem, your mom doesn't seem to suit this kind of occasion, haha.
Luke: That's okay.
Luke replied softly.
Yan: Actually, your dad and I have very simple hopes for you. I hope you can freely pursue the things you want to do. You don't need to pursue the conventional type of success, the most important thing is that your heart is fulfilled and your spirit is free.
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Hengzhou: As long as you hold justice in your heart, we'll support anything that you do.
Luke's father finally couldn't stay silent any longer.
Yan: Hey, we said that this conversation would be informal! Don't be so serious.
Hengzhou: ...Okay. My bad, you can continue.
Yan: Nevermind, you talk.
Luke's father gave in, then paused, like he was turning to look at us.
Hengzhou: Luke, your mom has already said everything that needs to be said. I just hope that you... no, I should say, I want to wish you well... In the future, may you find your true love, just like your parents did, and live happily ever after together.
Luke: ...
Yan: That was way too clichéd.
Hengzhou: It's not a cliché, it's a classic.
Yan: You're too much.
MC: Your parents got along so well, and they loved you a lot.
Luke: Yeah...
Yan: Well, that's pretty much it. Let me summarize.
Luke's mother collected her playful smile, and it was like she was looking at a certain child in the future as her recorded self slowly began to speak...
Yan: Luke, no matter what your future is like, I hope that you can always remember that your parents love you very much. We eagerly look forward to your arrival and welcome you to our family.
The recording suddenly stopped, and the atmosphere fell silent in an instant. Luke's eyes were a faint red. Little by little, the long-awaited conversation was erasing Luke's regrets that he had since childhood about not having his parents with him.
MC: It seems like you've completely lived up to your parents' expectations.
Luke: Yeah... I've thought about what kind of person they'd hope I'd become or what kind of job they’d hope I'd have if they were still here. I never thought that they wouldn't have any limits for me.
MC: Because they believe in you and respect you, so they want you to live a good life.
Luke: Yeah. I'm glad I didn't disappoint them.
Luke smiled a bit in relief, and gently hugged me.
Luke: Thank you.
MC: Why are you thanking me?
Luke: Because of your determination, I was able to feel my parents' presence so realistically. And now, they’re able to travel through time and death to be with me.
MC: Luke...
Luke let go of me, and his expression was back to normal.
Luke: Earlier you asked me what I thought about my birthday.
MC: Yeah... I felt like you didn't care enough about your own birthday.
Luke: You sensed it? It's not that I don't think the day is important, but I was just a bit confused. "The day you were born" represents someone's origin, and it’s deeply connected with their parents. But I didn't know them. Actually, every birthday I can remember doesn’t have anything to do with them.
MC: So that's why you didn't care?
Luke shook his head, smiling.
Luke: It was more like I pretended I didn't care. Now that I think about it, it might have been a compromise that I had no choice but to make.
MC: Luke...
Luke: But because you helped me do all of this, I've already accepted their passing and their absence in my life. From now one I'll cherish every one of my birthdays and thank them for bringing me into this world, because they're the reason I had the chance to meet you.
Seeing Luke's relaxed expression, I stepped forward and looped my arms around his neck.
MC: You dummy, everything that I did was just what I was supposed to do as your most special family member.
A look of surprise flashed in Luke's eyes, then he pulled my hand down and wrapped me in his embrace. His soft hair tickled at my neck, and it had a faint scent.
Luke: Then thank you... my most special family member.
Luke's voice was tender, and it tickled at my throat as if it was barbed. His fingers brushed over my spine, sparking uncontrollable shivers everywhere they touched.
MC: We still haven't eaten the cake yet...
I could sense what Luke was going to do, and quietly protested.
Luke: I know. We can eat later.
Luke spoke with self-assurance, and reached out to lift up my chin. Then warm lips met mine...
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