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Nerviosismo por coronavirus sacude bolsas y hunde el petróleo
] NUEVA YORK. * 6 de marzo de 2020. | AFP. El nerviosismo por la epidemia del coronavirus, que superó los 100.000 afectados en todo el mundo, desplomó las bolsas, y la falta de acuerdo entre la OPEP y Rusia para recortar la producción arrastró al petróleo a la baja, en una nueva jornada negra para los mercados mundiales. El Dow Jones Industrial Average, principal índice de Wall Street, terminó en baja de 1% a 25.868,31 unidades, en tanto el tecnológico Nasdaq perdió 1,9% a 8.575,62, luego de haber perdido incluso más terreno durante la jornada. En la semana, a pesar de la volatilidad, el Dow Jones logró subir 1,8%, el Nasdaq 0,1% y el S&P 500 0,6%. París en tanto cerró el viernes con caída del 4,14%, Fráncfort se dejó el 3,37%, Londres cedió 3,5%, Madrid 3,5% y Milán perdió 3,7%. Previamente las bolsas asiáticas habían acusado también el golpe, aunque en menor medida. "Hay claramente un sentimiento de pánico que se extiende", consideró Nate Thooft, estratega de Manulife Investment Management. "Nadie puede predecir hasta qué punto la epidemia será severa ni cuáles serán las repercusiones sobre la economía", enfatizó. Un reflejo de esta preocupación, el rendimiento de los bonos estadounidenses a 10 años llegó a bajar a 0,657% este viernes antes de subir un poco. Considerados valores refugio, estos bonos son muy demandados en tiempos de incertidumbre por la baja posibilidad de incumplimiento en sus pagos. Sin acuerdo por petróleo La cotización del petróleo en Nueva York se derrumbó también este viernes luego del rechazo de Rusia a aumentar los recortes de producción como propuso la OPEP para contener la caída de precios, lastrados por el coronavirus. El barril de WTI de referencia en Estados Unidos para entrega en abril, cayó 10,1% a 41,28 dólares. El Brent del mar del Norte para mayo también se hundió, 9,4% a 45,27 dólares en Londres, su precio de cierre más bajo en cuatro años. La Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP) y su principal aliado, Rusia, no lograron el viernes llegar a un acuerdo para recortar la producción y tratar de detener la caída de los precios del crudo. Rusia rechazó la propuesta de la OPEP de recortar 1,5 millones de barriles diarios adicionales hasta el final de 2020. También las cotizaciones de maíz, trigo y soja volvieron a bajar el viernes en Chicago en medio de la ansiedad por el coronavirus. Otra semana a la baja La precaria recuperación que experimentaron los mercados a principios de semana ha quedado borrada totalmente, y los inversores buscan refugio donde sea. El oro llegó a su cotización más alta de los últimos siete años. A las 10H20 GMT se pagaban 1.690,00 dólares la onza, una ganancia del 5% a lo largo de la semana. "De las últimas nueve sesiones de la bolsa, siete han registrado evoluciones superiores a 3%: cinco a la baja y dos al alza", advirtió la entidad francesa Banque Postale Asset Management en una nota. El recorte de medio punto en las tasas de referencia de la Reserva Federal estadounidense, y los anuncios de coordinación entre bancos centrales no están surtiendo el efecto deseado. "El dinero barato de los bancos centrales y los miles de millones en paquetes de ayuda de los Estados solo alivian los síntomas, pero no las causas" de la epidemia, explicó Milan Cutkovic, analista de AxiTrader. Todas las miradas en Europa están puestas ahora en el Banco Central Europeo (BCE), que revelará sus intenciones la semana que viene, aunque tiene mucho menos margen de maniobra que la Reserva Federal. "Todo lo que pueda contribuir a cortocircuitar el pánico y bajar el precio de la liquidez es bienvenido, aunque no se vean por el momento los efectos", comentó Bruno Cavalier, jefe economista de Oddo BHF. Es la incertidumbre la que está socavando a los mercados, ya que no se sabe cuándo se acabarán las drásticas medidas que han tomado numerosos países para frenar la propagación del virus, como el confinamiento de población o la anulación de congresos mundiales. La aerolínea alemana Lufthansa anunció este viernes que en las próximas semanas reducirá su capacidad a la mitad, ya que se enfrenta a la "caída drástica de reservaciones y numerosas cancelaciones". Ante todo, los inversores escrutan el número diario de nuevos contagios, para intentar tener una orientación. "Para los mercados, la ecuación sigue siendo la misma: ¿cómo evolucionará la epidemia a escala mundial, en cuánto tiempo y qué impacto (tendrá)?", resumió Tangi Le Liboux, de la firma de corretaje Aurel BGC. El número de infectados el viernes a las 17H00 GMT había alcanzado los 100.842, de los cuales 3.456 fallecieron, en 92 países, según un balance realizado por la AFP con fuentes oficiales. Read the full article
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Harga minyak dunia naik lebih 1%, terdorong pertumbuhan aktivitas pabrik di China
PT KP PRESS - Harga minyak dunia naik lebih dari 1% pada perdagangan Senin (2/12). Terkerek tanda-tanda meningkatnya manufaktur di China, terlihat dari kenaikan permintaan bahan bakar.
KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES - Di samping itu, negara-negara pengekspor minyak (OPEC) mengisyaratkan melanjutkan penurunan produksi pada pertemuan pekan ini.
PT KONTAK PERKASA - Melansir Bloomberg, pukul 09.45 WIB, minyak Brent pengiriman Februari 2020 ke US$ 61,29 per barel atau naik 1,32% dari sesi sebelumnya.
PT KONTAK PERKASA FUTURES - Sedangkan, minyak West Texas Intermediate (WTI) pengiriman Januari 2020 ke US$ 56,09 per barel atau naik 1,67%.
Pada hari Jumat (29/11), minyak WTI turun 5,1% di tengah volume berkurang karena liburan Hari Thanksgiving minggu lalu sementara Brent jatuh 4,4%.
Harga jatuh di tengah kekhawatiran bahwa pembicaraan untuk mengakhiri perang perdagangan antara Amerika Serikat dan China, dua pengguna minyak terbesar dunia, akan terganggu oleh dukungan AS untuk para demonstran di Hong Kong.
Tetapi hari ini, minyak naik setelah aktivitas pabrik pada bulan November di China meningkat untuk pertama kalinya dalam tujuh bulan karena meningkatnya permintaan domestik di tengah langkah-langkah stimulus pemerintah.
"Dengan harga terbuka, tetap didukung oleh aktivitas pabrik China yang tangguh dan mengejutkan dengan ekspektasi PMI ke depan," kata Stephen Innes, kepala analis pasar Asia di AxiTrader.
Harga juga didukung setelah menteri perminyakan Irak mengatakan pada hari Minggu bahwa OPEC dan mitranya akan mempertimbangkan untuk memperdalam pengurangan produksi minyak yang ada sekitar 400.000 barel per hari (bph) menjadi 1,6 juta bph.
Para menteri OPEC akan bertemu di Wina pada 5 Desember dan kelompok OPEC + yang lebih luas akan bertemu pada 6 Desember untuk membuat keputusan tentang perjanjian saat ini.
Source : kontan.co.id
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Nối gót Mỹ, chứng khoán châu Á đỏ lửa
Theo sau phiên giảm điểm kỷ lục của Wall Street tối qua, gần như toàn bộ thị trường lớn tại châu Á sáng nay đều lao dốc khi mở cửa. Tại Nhật, hầu hết mã trong Nikkei 225 đều đi xuống, với gần 40% có mức giảm 5% hoặc hơn. Chốt phiên sáng, Nikkei 225 mất 5,26% và Topix giảm 5%.
Sang phiên chiều, mức giảm của Nikkei đã lên 7% - mạnh nhất kể từ tháng 6/2016 khi người Anh bỏ phiếu rời Liên minh châu Âu (EU). “Nhà đầu tư đang dần rút khỏi các tài sản rủi ro. Chúng tôi không biết liệu động thái này có phải là tạm thời hay không”, Takuya Takahashi – chiến lược gia tại Daiwa Securities cho biết trên Reuters.
Chứng khoán Nhật Bản giảm mạnh nhất châu Á sáng nay. Ảnh: Bloomberg
Tại Hàn Quốc, chỉ số Kospi ngày càng giảm sâu, hiện mất 3%. Trong khi đó, Kosdaq đã hồi phục phần nào so với đầu phiên, kéo mức giảm về 3,8%.
Chứng khoán Trung Quốc cũng không thoát khỏi làn sóng bán tháo toàn cầu. Ngay khi vừa mở cửa, Hang Seng Index (Hong Kong, Trung Quốc) và Shanghai Composite (Thượng Hải, Trung Quốc) đều giảm hơn 1,5%. Chốt phiên sáng, Shanghai Composite mất 2,1%. Trong khi đó, đà bán tháo tại Hong Kong tiếp tục tăng, khi Hang Seng Index đã giảm 6,1%, hướng đến phiên mất điểm mạnh nhất 7 năm.
Các thị trường khác tại châu Á, như Australia, New Zealand, Ấn Độ, Việt Nam, Singapore đều đang đi xuống.
Đà giảm còn lan sang các tài sản khác, như tiền tệ. Trừ yen Nhật tăng và đôla Hong Kong đứng yên, 10 tiền tệ hàng đầu châu Á khác đều mất giá. Won Hàn Quốc hiện là đồng tiền mất mạnh nhất, với 0,7%. Đôla Australia cũng đi xuống với mức giảm 0,2%. Giá dầu thô Mỹ WTI hiện giảm hơn 1%.
Hôm qua, chứng khoán Mỹ có phiên giảm điểm kỷ lục. Chỉ số Dow Jones có thời điểm sụt gần 1.600 điểm trong phiên giao dịch, S&P 500 cũng có phiên giao dịch tồi tệ nhất trong 6 năm. Chốt phiên, Dow Jones mất 4,6%, S&P 500 giảm 4,1% và Nasdaq là 3,78%. Các chỉ số tương lai của chứng khoán Mỹ vẫn đang đi xuống trong phiên châu Á.
Trong khi đó, vàng – công cụ trú ẩn được ưa chuộng trong thời kỳ biến động kinh tế - chính trị lại đang đi lên, dù không mạnh như kỳ vọng. Giá tăng 10 USD trong nửa tiếng, hiện lên 1.345 USD một ounce. Trong phiên Mỹ, tối qua, giá cũng tăng với tốc độ tương tự khi Wall Street lao dốc.
Cơn biến động của thị trường đã bắt đầu từ tuần trước, nhưng đến nay mới dần nghiêm trọng. “Nhà đầu tư đang ngày càng lo lắng rằng sẽ còn nhiều chuyện nữa xảy ra”, Greg McKenna – chiến lược gia thị trường tại AxiTrader nhận xét trên CNN.
Chứng khoán toàn cầu bị bán tháo do dự báo Cục Dự trữ liên bang Mỹ (Fed) tăng lãi suất nhanh hơn kỳ vọng. Lãi suất cao sẽ làm giảm lợi nhuận của các công ty và tác động lên thị trường trái phiếu. Mối lo này càng tăng tốc sau báo cáo việc làm Mỹ cuối tuần trước, cho thấy tốc độ tăng lương đang nhanh nhất kể từ 2009. Việc này khiến nhiều người lo ngại lạm phát có thể quay lại.
Riêng tại Nhật Bản, mức giảm càng mạnh do nhà đầu tư đổ xô mua đồng yen – công cụ trú ẩn hàng đầu trong thời kỳ biến động.
Hà Thu (theo Bloomberg)
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Oil Holds Biggest Weekly Drop Since July on Easing Gulf Tension
(Bloomberg) –Oil was steady after the biggest weekly drop since July as an easing of geopolitical tension in the Middle East turned attention back to a flood of new supply set to hit the market this year.
The threat of an outright war has receded since Tehran fired missiles at U.S.-Iraqi bases last week in retaliation for Washington’s assassination of its top general. The situation in Iran remains volatile, however, amid protests against the government’s accidental downing of a commercial airliner. In Libya, warring factions have called a cease-fire in their nine-month conflict.
Oil prices are now back where they were in mid-December, with the market seemingly shrugging off the chance of more disruptions in the Persian Gulf. The lack of a geopolitical risk premium is partly due to plentiful supplies of U.S. shale and a torrent of new crude from non-OPEC countries including Brazil, Guyana and Norway. On the demand side, the U.S. and China are set to sign their limited trade deal this week, which may improve sentiment.
“Without Iran-related energy disruption, additional non-OPEC supply will comfortably exceed demand, placing downward pressure on prices,” Stephen Innes, Asia Pacific Market Strategist at AxiTrader, said in a note. Hopes of a U.S. inventories draw may support prices this week, he said.
West Texas Intermediate crude for February delivery added 9 cents, or 0.2%, to $59.13 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange as of 11:22 a.m. in Singapore. The contract fell 6.4% last week, the most since July 19.
Brent futures for March settlement rose 5 cents to $65.03 a barrel on the ICE Futures Europe Exchange after losing 5.3% last week. The global crude benchmark traded at a $5.95 premium to WTI for the same month.
While the chances of imminent war have lessened, relations between the U.S. and Iran remain combustible. Tehran has said it will stop abiding by limits on uranium enrichment, while the U.S. imposed new sanctions on the Islamic Republic. Oil markets are underestimating the risks in the Middle East and may be wrong in assuming Iran’s retaliation is over, said Jason Bordoff, head of the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University in New York.
The U.S. reported record weekly net oil exports earlier this month. Meanwhile, Brazil and Guyana are set to add more than 400,000 barrels of combined daily supplies to the market this year, a volume that would offset most of the auxiliary cuts agreed to by OPEC and its allies in late 2019, according to Stratas Advisors.
Other oil market news
Hedge funds were more bullish on oil than at any time in the past nine months, with money managers’ net wagers on rising WTI increasing for a fifth week through Jan. 7.
Expectations of global growth, particularly in emerging markets, mean 2020 is likely to be positive for commodities but with a number of wild cards, Citigroup Inc. said.
India — one of Asia’s biggest diesel exporters — is importing large quantities of the fuel as its refineries gear up for new emission rules that take effect in April.
Crude futures fell 0.7% to 468 yuan a barrel on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange after falling 5.7% last week.
–With assistance from James Thornhill.
The post Oil Holds Biggest Weekly Drop Since July on Easing Gulf Tension appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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Oil jumped close to $70 a barrel after a U.S. airstrike ordered by President Donald Trump killed a top Iranian general in Iraq, intensifying fears of conflict in the world’s most important crude-producing region.
In a turbulent start to the trading day marked by unusually heavy volumes, futures in London and New York surged by more than 4% to levels not seen since the attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil production in September. The strike near Baghdad airport killed Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian general who led the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds force, according to a Defense Department statement.
While no oil installations or production were impacted, the killing of one of Iran’s most powerful generals is a provocation that ratchets up tension between Washington and Tehran, heightening fears of an armed confrontation that could pull in other countries. As focus shifts to how Iran will react, the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, vowed that “severe retaliation” awaits the killers of Soleimani, according to a statement.
“This is a seismic event in the region,” said Jason Bordoff, a former Obama administration official who now works for Columbia University. “This is how US-Iran tit-for-tat spirals out of control. Iran’s response will be severe and deadly. And certainly may include escalating attacks on energy infrastructure.”
Crude prices had pared some of their immediate gains by midday in Singapore but remained at the highest levels since September. Brent crude for March settlement was up $1.94, or 2.9%, at $68.19 a barrel on the ICE Futures Europe exchange at 7:11 a.m. in London. It earlier jumped as much as 4.4% to $69.16 a barrel.
In New York, West Texas Intermediate for February delivery was 2.9% higher at $62.93 a barrel. The contract earlier advanced as much as 4.4% to $63.84, exceeding September’s levels to the highest since May. Total aggregate volume for Brent and WTI was about 17 times the 30-day average.
Tensions have been building between Washington and Tehran after an Iran-backed Iraqi militia stormed the American embassy in Baghdad to protest deadly U.S. airstrikes earlier this week. Saudi Arabia’s energy facilities as well as foreign tankers in and around the Persian Gulf have been the target of several attacks over the past year — a region that includes OPEC’s five biggest producers.
The U.S. and Iran are already facing off over Trump’s crippling economic campaign against Tehran and suspected Iranian reprisals. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said on Thursday that America was ready to deploy more force in Iraq after the attack on its embassy.
Soleimani, who led proxy militias that extended Iran’s power across the Middle East, was hit in a U.S. drone strike near Baghdad International Airport, according to a U.S. official. Details remained unclear, but a person familiar with the developments said an Iraqi militia leader, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, was also killed.
The attacks rattled other markets. U.S. equity futures fell and Asian stocks reversed earlier gains as the news broke. Gold and treasury futures climbed with the yen as investors sought safer haven assets.
The strike escalates an already tense three-way situation between the U.S. and major oil producers Iran and Iraq. The two Middle East countries combined pumped more than 6.7 million barrels a day of oil last month, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, more than one-fifth of OPEC output.
Energy exports from both countries also rely on the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow and crucial oil and natural gas shipping choke-point that’s always in focus when Middle East tensions flair, particularly with Iran.
“This is more than just bloodying Iran’s nose,” Stephen Innes, chief market strategist at AxiTrader Ltd. said in a note. “This is an aggressive show of force and an outright provocation that could trigger another Middle East war.”
–With assistance from Javier Blas.
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Oil Hits Three-Month Highs on Upbeat U.S. and Chinese Economic Data
Oil prices rose on Friday, hitting three-month highs, as upbeat economic data from China and the United States indicated an end to the trade war between Washington and Beijing has restored confidence in the global growth.
Brent crude was up 29 cents, or 0.4%, at $68.21 a barrel at 0903 GMT.
The West Texas Intermediate <CLc1> was up 24 cents, or 0.4%, at $61.92 a barrel.
Volume of oil trade remained thin in the Christmas holidays and New Year breaks.
Data on Friday showed profits at China’s industrial firms rose at the fastest pace in eight months in November.
Among sectors, the chemical, petroleum processing and steel industries reported recovering profits last month due to rebounding market demand and rising prices amid easing trade hostilities with Washington.
China and the United States cooled their 17-month long trade war earlier this month, announcing a Phase 1 agreement that would reduce some U.S. tariffs in exchange for more Chinese purchases of American farm products.
The lingering ripple effect of the trade row, however, showed up in data from Japan, the world’s third-biggest economy, on Friday as industrial output shrank for a second month in November.
In the United States, a survey on Thursday showed that online holiday purchases by U.S. consumers reached a record, beating analysts’ expectations and sending U.S. stocks to fresh.
U.S. consumers are “showing few signs of tightening their purse strings, which is positive for oil also,” said Stephen Innes chief Asia market strategist at AxiTrader.
U.S. crude oil stockpiles likely declined last week, while inventories of gasoline were set to extend their build for the seventh straight week, an extended Reuters poll showed on Thursday.
The latest poll was conducted ahead of the weekly status report from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Energy. The EIA report is due at 11:00 a.m. on Friday.
The EIA report has been delayed by two days due to Christmas. The report is normally released on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. EST (1530 GMT).
The price Brent has jumped more than a quarter in 2019, while WTI is up around 35%, boosted by moves by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and other producers, including Russia, to curb production.
OPEC+ this month decided to prolong its oil output restriction deal until the end of March and to deepen the cuts in order to balance out the oil market.
Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Friday OPEC+, may consider wrapping up their oil output reduction in 2020.
(Reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin in London, addittional reporting by Aaron Sheldrick in Tokyo, editing by Louise Heavens)
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USD/CAD leo lên đỉnh phiên, đánh dấu ngưỡng 1,3300
New Post has been published on https://baongoaihoi.com/usd-cad-leo-len-dinh-phien-danh-dau-nguong-13300/
USD/CAD leo lên đỉnh phiên, đánh dấu ngưỡng 1,3300
Mở tài khoản giao dịch ngay với Pepperstone
Cặp USD/CAD đã lấy lại lực kéo tích cực khi bắt đầu một tuần giao dịch mới, mặc dù vẫn duy trì tốt trong phạm vi giao dịch rộng hơn của tuần trước.
Với các nhà đầu tư đang trông đợi kết quả vào thứ Sáu về con số lạm phát tiêu dùng dự kiến của Canada, cặp tiền được hồi phục từ mức thấp hơn đến mức thấp hàng tuần và giao dịch với xu hướng tích cực trong phiên giao dịch sớm tại châu Âu.
Động thái tăng dường như không bị ảnh hưởng bởi một hành động giảm giá của USD, mặc dù có sự tăng giá trong lợi suất trái phiếu kho bạc Mỹ, và thay vào đó là những dấu hiệu từ sự giảm giá dầu thô khiêm tốn.
Sau khi tăng mạnh lên mức cao năm 2019, dầu thô WTI lần cuối được nhìn thấy giao dịch thấp hơn 0,5%, cuối cùng làm suy yếu đồng tiền liên kết hàng hóa – CAD và hóa ra là một trong những yếu tố chính cung cấp một lực nâng nhỏ cho chính cặp tỷ giá này.
Tuy nhiên, vẫn còn phải xem liệu cặp đôi có thể xây dựng trên đà tích cực hay tiếp tục với cuộc đấu tranh để vượt qua 1.3300 trong bối cảnh thị trường thiếu dữ liệu kinh tế và kỳ nghỉ ngân hàng ở Mỹ.
Mức độ kỹ thuật để theo dõi
Trên một bước đi bền vững vượt qua rào cản đã đề cập, cặp đôi dường như vượt qua ngưỡng cao tuần trước quanh khu vực 1,3315-20 và hướng tới thử nghiệm SMA 50 ngày, gần khu vực 1,3345. Mặt khác, khu vực 1,3240-30 dường như đã trở thành mức hỗ trợ tức thời, nếu bị phá vỡ có thể khiến cặp đôi dễ bị tổn thương kiểm tra mức dưới 1,3200 hoặc hỗ trợ SMA 100 ngày.
Mở tài khoản giao dịch ngay với AxiTrader
Nguồn: FxStreet
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Oil markets tense as U.S. and China on brink of trade war
SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Oil prices dipped on Friday, with markets on edge ahead of a raft of import tariffs set to be imposed later by the world’s two biggest economies, the United States and China, threatening global growth.
FILE PHOTO: An oil pump jack is seen at sunset near Midland, Texas, U.S., May 3, 2017. REUTERS/Ernest Scheyder/File Photo
International Brent crude oil futures LCOc1 fell 27 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $77.12 per barrel by 0124 GMT from their last close.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 were down 13 cents, or 0.2 percent, at $72.81 per barrel.
A rise in U.S. crude oil inventories C-STK-T-EIA weighed on prices after stocks rose by 1.2 million barrels in the week to June 29, to 417.88 million barrels, according to the U.S. Energy Administration (EIA) on Thursday.
U.S. crude output stayed flat at 10.9 million barrels per day (bpd). [C-OUT-T-EIA]
But looming large over markets is a trade dispute that could see tit-for-tat tariffs raised on Friday.
The United States has announced the introduction of tariffs on Chinese goods, planned from 12:01 a.m. Washington D.C. time (0401 GMT) on Friday.
China has said it would immediately retaliate with its own tariffs, and U.S. President Trump said on Thursday the United States may ultimately impose tariffs on more than a half-trillion dollars worth of Chinese goods, in what may become a fully blown trade war.
“Things will get worse before they get better on trade… between the U.S. and China,” said Greg McKenna, chief market strategist at futures brokerage AxiTrader.
Beijing has said it may include a 25 percent tariff on U.S. crude imports, although it has not specified a date.
American crude shipments to China currently stand around 400,000 barrels per day (bpd), worth around $1 billion a month at current market prices.
To view a graphic on Major oil supply disruptions, click: reut.rs/2KL7XoZ
A Chinese import tariff would make U.S. oil uncompetitive in China, forcing its refiners to seek alternative supplies in a tight market.
Energy consultancy FGE this week issued a stark warning of looming supply shortages due to U.S. sanctions against Iran, and because of disruptions elsewhere.
“Iran’s exports are some 2.7 million bpd, including condensate,” it noted.
FGE said the U.S. government may grant some waivers to allies that are particularly reliant on Iranian supplies, and that some Iranian oil would also be smuggled into markets.
Once U.S. sanctions are fully implemented, FGE estimated 1.7 to 2 million bpd of crude and condensate would be cut out of markets.
“At the same time, Venezuela… will lose another 400,000 bpd by year-end with production going to below 1 million bpd,” FGE said, adding that another 300,000 bpd of Libyan capacity was disrupted.
Although Saudi Arabia and Russia have said they would raise output to make up for disruptions, FGE said “there simply is not enough capacity to make up for Iran’s crude losses, plus Venezuela and Libya”, and warned of the possibility of oil prices rising to $100 per barrel.
To view a graphic on Major oil supply disruptions, click: reut.rs/2NwfQQL
Reporting by Henning Gloystein; editing by Richard Pullin
The post Oil markets tense as U.S. and China on brink of trade war appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2uaxVeB via Everyday News
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Oil markets tense as U.S. and China on brink of trade war
SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Oil prices dipped on Friday, with markets on edge ahead of a raft of import tariffs set to be imposed later by the world’s two biggest economies, the United States and China, threatening global growth.
FILE PHOTO: An oil pump jack is seen at sunset near Midland, Texas, U.S., May 3, 2017. REUTERS/Ernest Scheyder/File Photo
International Brent crude oil futures LCOc1 fell 27 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $77.12 per barrel by 0124 GMT from their last close.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 were down 13 cents, or 0.2 percent, at $72.81 per barrel.
A rise in U.S. crude oil inventories C-STK-T-EIA weighed on prices after stocks rose by 1.2 million barrels in the week to June 29, to 417.88 million barrels, according to the U.S. Energy Administration (EIA) on Thursday.
U.S. crude output stayed flat at 10.9 million barrels per day (bpd). [C-OUT-T-EIA]
But looming large over markets is a trade dispute that could see tit-for-tat tariffs raised on Friday.
The United States has announced the introduction of tariffs on Chinese goods, planned from 12:01 a.m. Washington D.C. time (0401 GMT) on Friday.
China has said it would immediately retaliate with its own tariffs, and U.S. President Trump said on Thursday the United States may ultimately impose tariffs on more than a half-trillion dollars worth of Chinese goods, in what may become a fully blown trade war.
“Things will get worse before they get better on trade… between the U.S. and China,” said Greg McKenna, chief market strategist at futures brokerage AxiTrader.
Beijing has said it may include a 25 percent tariff on U.S. crude imports, although it has not specified a date.
American crude shipments to China currently stand around 400,000 barrels per day (bpd), worth around $1 billion a month at current market prices.
To view a graphic on Major oil supply disruptions, click: reut.rs/2KL7XoZ
A Chinese import tariff would make U.S. oil uncompetitive in China, forcing its refiners to seek alternative supplies in a tight market.
Energy consultancy FGE this week issued a stark warning of looming supply shortages due to U.S. sanctions against Iran, and because of disruptions elsewhere.
“Iran’s exports are some 2.7 million bpd, including condensate,” it noted.
FGE said the U.S. government may grant some waivers to allies that are particularly reliant on Iranian supplies, and that some Iranian oil would also be smuggled into markets.
Once U.S. sanctions are fully implemented, FGE estimated 1.7 to 2 million bpd of crude and condensate would be cut out of markets.
“At the same time, Venezuela… will lose another 400,000 bpd by year-end with production going to below 1 million bpd,” FGE said, adding that another 300,000 bpd of Libyan capacity was disrupted.
Although Saudi Arabia and Russia have said they would raise output to make up for disruptions, FGE said “there simply is not enough capacity to make up for Iran’s crude losses, plus Venezuela and Libya”, and warned of the possibility of oil prices rising to $100 per barrel.
To view a graphic on Major oil supply disruptions, click: reut.rs/2NwfQQL
Reporting by Henning Gloystein; editing by Richard Pullin
The post Oil markets tense as U.S. and China on brink of trade war appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2uaxVeB via Breaking News
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Oil markets tense as U.S. and China on brink of trade war
SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Oil prices dipped on Friday, with markets on edge ahead of a raft of import tariffs set to be imposed later by the world’s two biggest economies, the United States and China, threatening global growth.
FILE PHOTO: An oil pump jack is seen at sunset near Midland, Texas, U.S., May 3, 2017. REUTERS/Ernest Scheyder/File Photo
International Brent crude oil futures LCOc1 fell 27 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $77.12 per barrel by 0124 GMT from their last close.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 were down 13 cents, or 0.2 percent, at $72.81 per barrel.
A rise in U.S. crude oil inventories C-STK-T-EIA weighed on prices after stocks rose by 1.2 million barrels in the week to June 29, to 417.88 million barrels, according to the U.S. Energy Administration (EIA) on Thursday.
U.S. crude output stayed flat at 10.9 million barrels per day (bpd). [C-OUT-T-EIA]
But looming large over markets is a trade dispute that could see tit-for-tat tariffs raised on Friday.
The United States has announced the introduction of tariffs on Chinese goods, planned from 12:01 a.m. Washington D.C. time (0401 GMT) on Friday.
China has said it would immediately retaliate with its own tariffs, and U.S. President Trump said on Thursday the United States may ultimately impose tariffs on more than a half-trillion dollars worth of Chinese goods, in what may become a fully blown trade war.
“Things will get worse before they get better on trade… between the U.S. and China,” said Greg McKenna, chief market strategist at futures brokerage AxiTrader.
Beijing has said it may include a 25 percent tariff on U.S. crude imports, although it has not specified a date.
American crude shipments to China currently stand around 400,000 barrels per day (bpd), worth around $1 billion a month at current market prices.
To view a graphic on Major oil supply disruptions, click: reut.rs/2KL7XoZ
A Chinese import tariff would make U.S. oil uncompetitive in China, forcing its refiners to seek alternative supplies in a tight market.
Energy consultancy FGE this week issued a stark warning of looming supply shortages due to U.S. sanctions against Iran, and because of disruptions elsewhere.
“Iran’s exports are some 2.7 million bpd, including condensate,” it noted.
FGE said the U.S. government may grant some waivers to allies that are particularly reliant on Iranian supplies, and that some Iranian oil would also be smuggled into markets.
Once U.S. sanctions are fully implemented, FGE estimated 1.7 to 2 million bpd of crude and condensate would be cut out of markets.
“At the same time, Venezuela… will lose another 400,000 bpd by year-end with production going to below 1 million bpd,” FGE said, adding that another 300,000 bpd of Libyan capacity was disrupted.
Although Saudi Arabia and Russia have said they would raise output to make up for disruptions, FGE said “there simply is not enough capacity to make up for Iran’s crude losses, plus Venezuela and Libya”, and warned of the possibility of oil prices rising to $100 per barrel.
To view a graphic on Major oil supply disruptions, click: reut.rs/2NwfQQL
Reporting by Henning Gloystein; editing by Richard Pullin
The post Oil markets tense as U.S. and China on brink of trade war appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2uaxVeB via Today News
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Oil prices rise with global markets as Trump hails positive meeting…
SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Oil prices rose alongside global markets on Tuesday as U.S. President Donald Trump said a summit in Singapore with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un had made “a lot of progress”, boosting hopes of a deal to end a nuclear standoff on the Korean peninsula.
FILE PHOTO: A pump jack is seen at sunrise near Bakersfield, California October 14, 2014. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson/File Photo
Brent crude futures LCOc1 were trading at $76.72 a barrel at 0640 GMT, up 26 cents, or 0.3 percent, from their last close.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 were at $66.42 a barrel, up 32 cents, or 0.5 percent.
Global markets were lifted after Trump said the closely watched summit with Kim was “really very positive” after he and Kim signed a document following talks.
To view a graphic on Russia vs Saudi vs U.S. oil production, click: reut.rs/2JAw1dG
Beyond the Singapore summit, crude has been generally supported by healthy demand and voluntary production cuts led by OPEC.
Some oil market fundamentals, however, point to lower prices, with output from the three biggest producers, Russia, the United States and Saudi Arabia on the rise.
Russian production has reportedly climbed from below 11 million barrels per day (bpd) to 11.1 million bpd in early June.
In the United States, output has risen by almost a third in the last two years, to a record of 10.8 million bpd.
“The deluge of U.S. crude production continues to hold the top-side in check,” said Stephen Innes, head of trading at futures brokerage OANDA.
Top exporter Saudi Arabia – which has so far led OPEC’s efforts to withhold supplies – is also showing signs of raising production.
In physical oil markets, Middle East light crude grades are set to trade at discounts against their respective official selling prices (OSPs) amid ample supplies to Asia, including from the United States, four trade sources said on Tuesday.
Saudi Arabia has told OPEC that it increased oil output to a little more than 10 million bpd in May, up from 9.9 million bpd in April.
“This fits with the theory that the Saudis and Russians are subtly moving toward a change to the agreement at this month’s meeting,” said Greg McKenna, chief market strategist at futures brokerage AxiTrader.
Other producers are also increasing output. Kazakhstan’s oil output in the first five months of 2018 rose 6.4 percent from the same time a year ago to 37.7 million tonnes (1.83 million bpd), the Deputy Energy Minister Makhambet Dosmukhambetov said on Tuesday.
OPEC, together with some non-OPEC producers including Russia, started withholding output in 2017 to end a global supply overhang and prop up prices.
OPEC and its partners are due to meet at its headquarters in Vienna to discuss policy.
“Expect more of the same whippy markets driven by rumours and innuendo ahead of the June 22 Vienna OPEC meeting,” Innes said.
Reporting by Henning Gloystein; Editing by Christian Schmollinger and Richard Pullin
The post Oil prices rise with global markets as Trump hails positive meeting… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2sQ39YC via Online News
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Oil Steady as Investors Weigh Supply Against Trade Deal Optimism
Oil was steady near a one-week high as investors weigh expectations for expanding American crude stockpiles against signs of progress in the prolonged U.S.-China trade dispute.
Futures were little changed in New York after advancing 4.4% over the past two sessions. American crude inventories probably rose by 2 million barrels last week, according to a Bloomberg survey, increasing from the highest level since early August. China is reviewing locations in the U.S. where President Xi Jinping would be willing to meet with his counterpart Donald Trump to sign the first phase of a trade deal, according to people familiar with the plans.
Crude is still down about 15% since an April peak as the spat between Beijing and Washington dented demand and as global supplies swelled. China is seeking the roll back of U.S. tariffs on as much as $360 billion of Chinese imports before Xi agrees to go to sign a partial trade deal, according to people familiar with the matter.
Oil has been supported by a “healthy dose of trade optimism,” Stephen Innes, a market strategist at Axitrader Ltd., said in a report. Although, prices have given back some ground as it’s still not clear to what extent the global economy will benefit from a trade truce, he said.
West Texas Intermediate for December delivery fell 7 cents to $56.47 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange as of 7:37 a.m. in London. The contract added 34 cents to $56.54 on Monday, the highest close since Oct. 25.
Brent for January settlement rose 2 cents to $62.15 on the London-based ICE Futures Europe Exchange. The contract climbed 44 cents to close at $62.13 on Monday. The global benchmark crude traded at a $5.62 premium to WTI for the same month.
U.S. crude stockpiles probably increased for the seventh time in eight weeks through Nov. 1, even as the number of operating drill rigs dropped to the lowest level since April 2017. The American Petroleum Institute will release its weekly oil inventory report later Tuesday.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Monday met a U.S. delegation that included Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross at a regional summit in Bangkok. Before meeting Li, Ross told a morning business forum that the U.S. was “very far along” with “phase one” of a trade deal with China.
The post Oil Steady as Investors Weigh Supply Against Trade Deal Optimism appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2WHY3va via IFTTT
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Oil prices rise with global markets as Trump hails positive meeting…
SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Oil prices rose alongside global markets on Tuesday as U.S. President Donald Trump said a summit in Singapore with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un had made “a lot of progress”, boosting hopes of a deal to end a nuclear standoff on the Korean peninsula.
FILE PHOTO: A pump jack is seen at sunrise near Bakersfield, California October 14, 2014. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson/File Photo
Brent crude futures LCOc1 were trading at $76.72 a barrel at 0640 GMT, up 26 cents, or 0.3 percent, from their last close.
U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures CLc1 were at $66.42 a barrel, up 32 cents, or 0.5 percent.
Global markets were lifted after Trump said the closely watched summit with Kim was “really very positive” after he and Kim signed a document following talks.
To view a graphic on Russia vs Saudi vs U.S. oil production, click: reut.rs/2JAw1dG
Beyond the Singapore summit, crude has been generally supported by healthy demand and voluntary production cuts led by OPEC.
Some oil market fundamentals, however, point to lower prices, with output from the three biggest producers, Russia, the United States and Saudi Arabia on the rise.
Russian production has reportedly climbed from below 11 million barrels per day (bpd) to 11.1 million bpd in early June.
In the United States, output has risen by almost a third in the last two years, to a record of 10.8 million bpd.
“The deluge of U.S. crude production continues to hold the top-side in check,” said Stephen Innes, head of trading at futures brokerage OANDA.
Top exporter Saudi Arabia – which has so far led OPEC’s efforts to withhold supplies – is also showing signs of raising production.
In physical oil markets, Middle East light crude grades are set to trade at discounts against their respective official selling prices (OSPs) amid ample supplies to Asia, including from the United States, four trade sources said on Tuesday.
Saudi Arabia has told OPEC that it increased oil output to a little more than 10 million bpd in May, up from 9.9 million bpd in April.
“This fits with the theory that the Saudis and Russians are subtly moving toward a change to the agreement at this month’s meeting,” said Greg McKenna, chief market strategist at futures brokerage AxiTrader.
Other producers are also increasing output. Kazakhstan’s oil output in the first five months of 2018 rose 6.4 percent from the same time a year ago to 37.7 million tonnes (1.83 million bpd), the Deputy Energy Minister Makhambet Dosmukhambetov said on Tuesday.
OPEC, together with some non-OPEC producers including Russia, started withholding output in 2017 to end a global supply overhang and prop up prices.
OPEC and its partners are due to meet at its headquarters in Vienna to discuss policy.
“Expect more of the same whippy markets driven by rumours and innuendo ahead of the June 22 Vienna OPEC meeting,” Innes said.
Reporting by Henning Gloystein; Editing by Christian Schmollinger and Richard Pullin
The post Oil prices rise with global markets as Trump hails positive meeting… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2sQ39YC via News of World
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Giá dầu gần đáy khi hàng số lượng hàng tồn kho của Mỹ tăng trở lại
New Post has been published on https://bucksalley.com/gia-dau-gan-day-khi-hang-so-luong-hang-ton-kho-cua-my-tang-tro-lai/
Giá dầu gần đáy khi hàng số lượng hàng tồn kho của Mỹ tăng trở lại
Mở tài khoản giao dịch ngay với AxiTrader
Giá dầu gần đáy khi hàng số lượng hàng tồn kho của Mỹ tăng trở lại
Giá dầu đang tụt xuống thấp do giá dầu thô WTI trở lại mức thấp dưới 68,00 khi nguồn cung hàng tồn kho của Mỹ tăng cao hơn dự kiến.
Hàng tồn kho dự trữ nhiên liệu tăng 1,7 triệu thùng hôm thứ Tư, làm tăng áp lực giảm giá dầu, và giá dầu tiếp tục bám đáy ở các mức kỹ thuật gần đây.
Các kho dự trữ dầu thô của Mỹ cũng tăng 600.000 thùng vào cuối ngày thứ Ba. Giá dầu thô WTI hiện đang chạm mức thấp nhất trong ba tuần.
Các ngưỡng WTI để theo dõi
Với giá dầu thô WTI trở lại vùng 67,90, các nhà đầu cơ giá giảm sẽ cố gắng đẩy giá xuống vùng 66,00, trong khi mức đáy tháng 6 gần 63,50; do các đợt sụt giảm nghiêm trọng gần đây khiến mức kháng cự cuối được củng cố tại 69,25, dưới mức cao nhất trong năm gần đây ở 75,35 USD/thùng.
Mở tài khoản giao dịch ngay với FxPro
Nguồn: FxStreet
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