#axel twin clones
aboxfullofaxel · 1 year
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demonic0angel · 24 days
DPxDC Next Generation Kids (click for clarity)
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Continue reading for notes and introductions :)
1) Jove Bryce Wayne (11) - Steph and Cass’ adopted son. He trains under Cass and Bruce, and is widely admired by the other kids for creating his own fighting style with the dancing skills he gets from practicing with his mom (to his delight). Fun fact, he is albino!
2) Marillyn “Mari” Maddy Grayson-Nightingale (10) - Dick and Dan’s daughter. She was an accidental pregnancy, but both of her dads love her very much. Fun fact, she gained her baba’s personality and is rather rebellious and mischievous, which causes Dick to feel sympathetic for Bruce.
3) Elinor “Ellie” Catherine Nightingale (9) - Jason and Jazz’s eldest daughter. She, along with Mari, train under Dick, Jason, and Jazz in order to protect themselves. Fun fact, she looks and acts just like Jason when he was young.
4) Thomas “Tommy” Bruce Drake (5) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s oldest son. He is an evil genius who uses his cuteness to take over the world. Fun fact, the entire PhantomBat family have given up on convincing him not to, so now they’re just trying to instill morals into him and stall for time (they still love him tho).
5) Marianne “Ann” Talia Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest daughter. She is Alfie’s twin and is the fun and sunshine to Ellie’s seriousness and Alfie’s gloominess. Fun fact, she got her blonde hair from Sheila Haywood, but she doesn’t know that.
6) Alfonso “Alfie” B Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest son. He is Ann’s twin and is rather gloomy and antisocial compared to his sisters. Fun fact, he supposedly looks like Bruce when he was young, so he gets away with a lot when dealing with Alfred.
7) Rain Axel Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s son. He is Misty’s twin and can be rather mischievous, often causing trouble and chaos for the fun of it. Fun fact, he often teams up with Mari to prank everyone in the most ridiculous ways possible.
8) Misty Lilith Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s daughter. She is Rain’s twin, and is even more shy than Alfie and can start crying when stressed. Fun fact, although she can be anxious easily, her temper is even worse than her mom’s.
9) Ken-el / Kenneth “Kenny” Clark Drake (1) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s youngest son. Since he is the youngest, he is doted on the most. Fun fact, he has already unlocked most of his halfa abilities due to his Kryptonian heritage.
+ Jove’s name relates back to Cassandra’s because they are both names of mythological characters. Jove is another name for Jupiter (AKA Zeus).
+ Both of Mari’s names are actually a weird, mashed up version of Madeline and Mary (and also inspired by Mar’i cough).
+ Jason and Jazz’s daughters are named after Elinor and Marianne from Sense and Sensibilities and their middle names are from Jason’s mother figures in life. I imagine that Jazz had a falling out with Jack and Maddie, so she didn’t really care.
+ Alfie’s name is inspired from Alfred and his middle name is only “B” because Tommy was born first and Tim took the “Bruce” middle name.
+ Alfie and Ann, and Misty and Rain are inspired by Misty and Jackson, the canon kid characters of Sam and Danny. Both pairs of twins have an 8 month difference of age.
+ Why so many twins?? I used the twin idea first for Jazz and Jason, but when I thought of Danny and Valerie, I kept switching between ideas, so I eventually settled on twins for them too. Trust, it was a weird coincidence for Danny and Jazz too when they had twins at nearly the same time.
+ Misty and Rain’s middle names come from Tucker and Sam (Axel Foley and the episode “Life Lessons”). Their first names are inspired by Misty Fenton and I just found another name for Rain to match the theme.
+ Tommy and Kenny technically have different dads, (Tommy is Tim and Dani’s, and Kenny is Kon and Dani’s), but it doesn’t really mean anything, since they don’t pay attention to it.
+ The idea of Tommy, who is like Tim’s clone and absolutely evil, was so funny to me. He’s prob my fav child OC. His entire family know about his manipulative tendencies but he loves them so they let it go. (Damian and Dan have already pledged their allegiance to their future overlord.)
+ The short period of time where Jazz, Dani, and Valerie were pregnant at the same time was hell on earth for everyone.
+ Technically, Bruce only has 7 grandchildren (he cries when he thinks about it a little too hard), but bc they’re so close to Rain and Misty, Bruce thinks of them as his grandchildren too, so he always says he has 9. Danny and Val are like ??? But Rain and Misty totally believe that he’s their grandpa (which he is delighted about).
+ Damian is married to Jon and they have no kids, unless you count the farm they inherited and all of the animals that Damian adopted as his fur babies. However, Damian was young when the kids kept coming, so he became the designated babysitter and then the favorite uncle, which all of the other Batboys despise and are jealous of.
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forbiddenwestern · 1 year
I want Horizon 3 to dive deeper into nature vs nurture wrt “perfect clones.” Identical/near-identical clone tropes have always intrigued me bc the best writing of them shows that socialization is often the primary decider in how a person thinks and acts rather than their genes. Metal Gear Solid does this trope many big favors by juxtaposing Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake, and Big Boss on axels of temperament, political beliefs, and modes of operation; they’re all starkly different even though they share the same genes because each of them has different sets of experiences and they’ve learned different life lessons. Listen to the ending monolog of Metal Gear Solid 2 for more on this — it debunks the idea that a person has a set path because of their biology, and I love that message.
If Horizon is gonna do the twin clones thing they’ve gotta get into this issue better. I just hope Beta lets go of the “I need to be like you and Elisabet” mindset and accepts she doesn’t have to be like them to be justified in her personhood. Labeling Aloy and Beta as sisters is a good start to approaching this topic because it establishes they’re separate people even though they have the same biology (however imo they could’ve gotten to that point WAY better). They ought to realize that Tilda’s view on “superior” vs “inferior” clones is poison to their relationship. Sure, they’re both children of the prophecy (in simple terms) but it only does harm to Beta’s self-esteem and fuels Aloy’s cocky temperament to label them as fundamentally one in the same because of their genes. Keep on the idea that they’re separate people, Guerilla.
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thequimmqueen · 2 years
🍕Updated Next-gen Character Name List🍕
Duke gotcha+Shannon:
Sandy🍉 (previously known as Cairo)
Ember+Hacky Zack:
Vesta✳️ (previously known as Ambar)
Guy Mortadello+Bruna Romano:
Clover+Carlo Romano+Koilee:
Gino Romano+Okalani:
Rebecco💄(also known as Becky)
Sarge fan+Radlynn:
Radha🌟 (Adopted,Failed Offspring Harvest Experiment of Radley Madish)
Audrey🛍️ (changed from Adrianna)
Connor×Wylan B:
Iza-B🎋 (adopted)
Deckard 🎧 (adopted)
Drakson+Kasey O:
"Ace"⭐ (real name is Jack, changed from "Jack Derby" due to the nickname not making sense)
Xolo+Sprinks the Clown:
Professor Fitz+Edna:
🍀Jerry & Betsy☘️ (Clones)
Koko🥊 (previously known as Kumako)
Nina🍊 (adopted)
Josefina🎒 (surrogate kid)
Allison💰 (In custody of Allan)
Kuro🍋 (In custody of Akari)
Eva🛩️ (child from second marriage)
Mayor Mallow:
Luau Lepunch+Betty Pecan:
Toasty Coconut🍨 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid,Looks More like Betty)
Gala Donut🍩 (adopted Scoopian Child)
Shelly Coir🌴 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid, looks more like Luau)
4th of July Scoopian:
Rocky Road:
Terrance Milch🍡
Jill Berry+Chip Mcmint:
Cranberry Jelly💝
Bianco Ciocco🍫
Sue x Mary:
Susan☎️ (adopted)
Sarge×Radley Madish:
Onnelious & Brown (Adopted/Used to be Two of Sarge's youngest soldiers)
💜Pines and Payne💙 (Mutated+Adopted Pinacoolada Twins)
Annana💛(Mutated+Adopted Bananapants Daughter)
Radetta💗(Sucessful Offspring Harvest Experiment)
Mr. Sherbet
Tiger Dail🐯
Tomatoe Lady:🍅
Big Pauly:
🧂Salt & Pepper🧂
Bonnie & Yalanda:
Klaus💤 (Adopted grandson/apprentice)
Barnum 🪆 (Son)
Possible new Nextgens:
Gordon ⛺
Roger GearSpeed🏁 (Real Name: ???)
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writingwarden · 2 years
Can I request an RvB Axel x reader in a platonic relationship? Where the reader is struggling to fix something but Axel comes in and helps them?
A/N: Alright, so I've only truly watched Zero once but I did my research. He honestly reminds me of younger Wash and Older Simons combined. Bit of a short one because the English is not englishing. 
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Axel x Reader
Word Count- 394 
How the bookshelf had fallen was a mystery. But (y/n) had a sneaking suspicion that Raymond had something to do with it. Being the resident "handyman" meant you had seen some pretty weird things, but a human sized hole in an oak bookshelf was new. Also Ray had been avoiding you like the plague for the last two hours.
So you set to work hoping it would take an hour at most. And you had succeeded except for one small thing. The top shelf needed to be held up while you screwed it back in place. It would be a two person job. And unfortunately you did not have a clone or the ability to make one. 
But as fate would have it, a certain usefully tall man would walk in. Axel was one of your best friends so to speak. And he considered you one of his. You grew up with each other. The others all joked about you two being ‘conjoined twins’ as you were always near. He had also helped you with repairs before. Observing your current dilemma he laughed under his breath. “You need a hand over there (y/n)?” he asked from the doorway. 
“As a matter of fact, I do.” you said, gesturing to the shelf above you, “Ray somehow managed to break it.”
“I wouldn’t question it, you’ll only end up with a headache.” he replies, shaking his head. He grabs the board and levels it in place. Taking your power drill you screw in the last pieces. Wordlessly he waves you off and begins to slide the bookshelf back into place. 
While he does that you put your tools back in your bag and grab the books that go on it. Luckily enough, only three books were majorly damaged. The rest had escaped with only a few messed up pages or covers. Why was Ray even in this office anyway? Decidedly not to think about it anymore you turn to Axel, “When I find him I am going to assign him dish duty.”
“Going easy on him huh?” he tilts his head at you.
“And to work with Tiny for the next month. If that isn’t already enough punishment for someone like him.” 
“You are a cold one (y/n). Why don’t we go find him and deliver his ‘sentence’?” 
“Only after lunch.”
“That's fair.” 
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artistic-m3nace · 2 years
Star squad: Character intros (part 2)
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Continued from part 1, here!
Color coding continues. Picks up with Generation 4! ( Keep reading below the cut )
Character Descriptions
Generation 4
Luz Whittacker — hand-picked to be Alyah Feht’s replacement as Star 8. Expert swordsman, but prefers staff weapons and has an MCW with a halberd, Pythiis, and spear programmed in. Trained in black ops, served in the ASMC, and joins Star squad with a checker past and a chip on her shoulder that presents itself as cold comments spoken with sarcasm and a smile. Learns not to belittle her teammates with a little time, does a lot of work with Finnegan regarding her mental health and ultimately leaves the AAF when her service time with SS is up.
tall, brown-skinned with golden markings that shimmer (Herrenic-Tritaran remnant) and golden eyes against black sclera to match. Keeps her dark red-blue hair in corn rows, and experiments more the lighter she lets herself become and the more she learns to relax
stays in touch, really does become friends with the squad as abrasive as she starts out with them.
RAGES when Cole is executed, then again after Axel is assassinated, but is the only one to hold back Finnegan Gareway both times because she refuses to let him become like her—cold.
Is the first person outside of his immediate contacts to know when Axel resurrects because otherwise, she would’ve tried to kill him again. Susses out Cole Hackerie after she resurrects, and that convinces her to get the VDR.
picks her own replacement
Halle Archa — takes over Star 6 after Cole Hackerie is executed. Knows exactly whose shoes she has to fill, and doesn’t try to be someone she’s not. Cole Hackerie was loud, explosive, determined—Halle Archa is every bit determined as her, but she’s calmer, calculated, dark. She mirrors Reina Hackerie after her twin’s death, and refuses to let her predecessor’s death be in vain. Blue-black skin, electric blue hair that fades to burnt orange, dark green-blue eyes. Has two tall but broken horns.
effectively, the shadow of Cole Hackerie. Fitting, because she is part Shade and is an excellent Shadow-walker, but also because she’s what Cole could’ve been if she let herself fester after her and Reina nearly dying a world apart.
gets the VDR and is the first to ever tell Ev outright, and declares for all the multiverse to know that unless she dies of old age, she will be coming back to invoke her wrath on whoever kills her
the universe doesn’t dare try
dual wields blades, feels extremely at home in Tartarus, would likely have been friends with Zorri Mannos, should they have been allowed to meet (they deliberately are not)
“Smokes” Tareh — takes over Star 5 after Morgan Tersa. Gets his name because he’s half Tartarun and his hair catches fire when he’s mad or really focused, not because he smokes (he does). Has two curling, ribbed horns on either side of his head, the grooves of which glow red (Tritaran-Herrenic). Gray-brown skin, steel gray eyes, dark red-black hair, black tattoos rimmed with gold. Has a temper, but channels it—helps Fin Heran with this, actually. Prefers blasters, specifically revolvers and HMGs, and gets the Axel Varriett seal of approval.
relatively normal, actually. Sticks with Star squad because he has a clarity not many Aetherians are gifted with, and it leads him to the rebellion
Jesse Feht — takes over as Star 4/Medic from Finnegan Gareway, was recommended for the squad by his older sister and Axel Varriett, and had experience harassing Ev and Talis for years before hand (ANIC medic). Personality inspired by Bones the ARC/Alpha/Medic clone from SW:TCW fanon as well as CT-6116 aka “Kix” from canon—dry humor, sarcasm, emphatic and caring when it comes to his soldiers but is not afraid to drag them kicking and screaming to a medical tent, stage an intervention, or sedate them while they aren’t looking. Immediately befriends Asmarin Flynt and Kira Shen, both of whom start on the squad with little to no information on the inner workings of it, walks them through the ropes before they join, and the two of them still get knocked off their feet (Jesse blends in and starts harping on Ev for their health immediately)
tan skin, thick/curly dark purple hair that he keeps buzzed short on the sides and a little longer on the top. Dangerous maroon-purple eyes, best death glare.
Tartarun heritage shows in the way he always knows when someone on his team is injured and when something catastrophic is about to happen.
has a few tattoos, namely one on the side of his head with a quote in his home dialect that he usually keeps covered
Tori Varril — takes over for Axel Varriett as Star 3 at the same time Jesse, Asmarin, and Kira join the squad. Ev and Talis physically cannot call her Varril after Cassius, so they call her Tori and never Varril and she lets them. Spitting image of her older brother, with more experience than he had when he joined the squad, but is much more chipper than he ever was. Still has her moments, and isn’t slightly scared to yell at Ev or Talis for being stupid, but also gets into her fair share of trouble and is a pain in Jesse’s ass as a result (but they grew up together, so it’s fine).
munitions specialist who fights with a hammer or axe
greatest mechanic the squad has ever seen
Generation 5
Perah Shendoah — hand picked to replace Luz Whittacker as Star 8 because xe was in a very similar situation and has a very similar story. After xe opens up and goes through a little therapy, xe’s the most perceptive planner and strategist they’ve had since Cassius Varril and Max Seiren. It’s what gets xem killed (assassinated), ultimately, but it’s also a boon to the squad while xe’s alive.
retraces xer missions and it leads xer first to Garris, then to Deis, then to Shas—then xe finds what Cole Hackerie died for, and faces the same (quieter) fate. Her death is likely a tipping point for Ev and Talis, and it nearly radicalizes Luz, who disappears to the rebellion for a while in the 50s as a result
Kira Shen — an excellent fighter in multiple fields, and a good pilot, ultimately gets drafted from the AHDC because the squad needs her and Ev and Talis trust her. Had no idea what she was getting into, is utterly baffled by the insanity that is Delta and Star. Starts at the same time as Jesse Feht though, who has personal and familial (Alyah) history with the squad and educates/helps her through it (ace solidarity). Recommends Vex Hardeen to fill her position once she leaves to retire.
average height, brown-blonde hair with streaks of blue, green-gold eyes, and permanent scales + a crown of small horns (Ialuan ancestry)
Chloe Sparkes — takes over as Star 5 after Smokes, is woefully unprepared for the chaos, but breaks out of her shell after the first mission and exposes herself as the chaotic terror she is and switches from she/her to they/them and gets an undercut as soon as they realizes they have freedom. Warm-pale skin, markings in orange just a shade lighter than their hair—dark blue-green hair that fades and streaks orange. Has a smile that could like up Darekaeii, and the firebombs to actually attempt it.
Munitions specialist, adores Tori Varril.
nearly gets adopted by Perah Shendoh before they retire
can also wield a HMG, which is why Smokes put their name in the ring
Tyre Maxwell — takes on the Star 3 mantle after Tori Varril, and is the last to do so was recommended to them by Kira Shen. Ballistics and strategy god, but a little bit insane. Known for taking explosives and Viers Garren and three pistols once and blowing up an entire stronghold under the cover of night. Fights like a whirlwind to the point no one knows how he manages to survive until, well, he doesn’t (1962, Garris is his match).
fucking adores Loresia Gareway, thinks of her as family. Knew her family well and was equally enraged about Axel’s death, but doesn’t blame Ev for it like she does for years.
probably starts the Roger Roger joke if Talis hasn’t by now
Maddux velHara — last to use the callsign Star 9 after Corrin Merinak. Sniper and munitions expert, but built like a tank and fully capable of breaking bones with his bare hands. Definitely beds Fin Heran at least once. Smart but blunt, quiet but well-spoken. Average height, thick build, dark brown skin and coal black hair with dark blue mixed in, Italian heritage that shows in scales and minor prophetic dreams that he always understands too late. First person Hann shares the chip details with, gets really protective of Ev and Talis now that he knows the reasons behind the black ops missions over the years (served with them for years in other battalions).
Khloe Sarrdah — the last Star 4/Star Medic. Trained by Jesse Feht to be his replacement, worked with the battalion already. Nearly got adopted by Maddux, Jesse,  and the Tar(r)ens respectively. A young but broody medic, reminiscent of Cassius Varril by nature. Can and will stun you to put you in a medical tent, and can and will sedate you—also trained under various Chaser medics from Talki. Silver-blue hair, pale skin, green-grey eyes, blue tattoos and markings.
if she’s smiling, like BAD smiling, run. Fucking run. She’ll catch you anyway because she isn’t the Chaser of Star squad for nothing and she was trained by Talkians and Jesse Feht
genuine smiles are hard won and really sweet actually, so is her laugh (Tyre Maxwell is smitten)
Generation 6
Jones Kreel — takes up Star 8 after Perah Shendoah, but is a rookie pilot instead of a broken black ops specialist. Warm brown skin, Shade heritage that meant he had to overcome an instinctive anxious habit of Shadow-walking out of his ship, purple-brown hair and warm brown eyes. Fits into the crew really nice, goes on to join the Palace guard after an injury and gets to keep flying for diplomatic ventures. While he’s in a combative position though, he favors the HMG and psychic warfare, which throws some people.
Vex Hardeen — takes on Star 6 after Kira Shen. A veteran who has served in the AIV for decades, gets pulled into Star only because Delta didn’t get him first and he was up for retirement but didn’t want to go. Almost a carbon copy of Talis, except his hair and eyes are yellow-orange and his skin and vitiligo are lighter. Prefers recon and range weapons, used to bicker and duel Corrin a lot.
sarcastic, smart, frequent user of banter in combat. Nearly a fusion of Ev and Talis’s personalities
everyone suspected he got the VDR but the don’t know for years to come whether or not it was really true
Hann Farlow — takes over as Star 5 after Chloe Sparkes and also the last. Insane pilot, even crazier fighter in close quarters—ensure that he has access to a pistol, a wrench, a screwdriver, and some scrap metal and he can and will get himself out of anything. Otherwise, pretty chill. Gets along with the Tartaruns well, for all he perplexes them. Much more perceptive than he lets on, which is partly what condemns him.
purple-brown hair, pale skin with silver markings and black tattoos, yellow-orange eyes, taller than Ev
figures out how Ev and Talis’s HOLOchips are being used against them to control their minds easier
Generation 7
Viers Garren — starts off as the next Star 9, replacing Corrin, but he kicks her up to Star 8 after he returns and Jones Kreel leaves. Purple and dark red hair, light brown skin and lighter vitiligo, and a Tartarun heritage than manifests in her scales, fire manipulation abilities, and acute skill for Herrenic charmspeak. Snarky, bright, and fierce, she’s everything that Luka Mackee was and everything that reminds people of the best of Cole and Reina Hackerie. Is fast friends with Asmarin Flynt and Chloe Sparkes.
idolized Ev when she was younger, so she fits much like they do—masterful teleportation, dual swords and pistols, pragmatic shielding, acrobatics. It endears her to them, and adds to the fact that they see their sister whenever she’s around.
throws a solid punch that she learned from Merias.
everyone who knew Merias Garren nearly calls Viers by her name at least once, and she aches every time she hears them catch themselves. Talis and Ev talk to her a lot about the sister she didn’t get to know as well as they did, and it hurts all the more when she dies too.
Xi’ra Ka’mero — takes up the mantle of Star 6 after Vex Hardeen and is also the last. Short, like her sister, olive-toned skin with light yellow freckles like stars, and dark purple-blue hair. Has sharper features and bright gold eyes instead of Marian’s maroon-purple ones. Reminiscent of what Marian may have been when she was younger—powerful, stubborn, pragmatic, and quick-witted, compliments Viers Garren well.
prefers rifles and throwing knives, but trained in many of the skills her sister did—she never had to use them the way Marian did though, jumping straight from the ASMC to SS
Generation 8
Taren Vex-Har — the last Star 8. Tall, red-brown skinned, red-black haired, known for being a bat out of hell that any SW ARC trooper would be proud to have trained—idolized the Hackeries, reveres Ev and Talis, and respects them all and is honored to be a part of the squad. Also the latest reincarnation of Max Seirin and Cassius Varril combined—cool and judgmental one moment, berating you for jumping headlong into battle the next, and a terrible patient for poor Jesse and Khloe Sarrdah
dual wielded revolvers, which was surprisingly efficient
two tall, ribbed horns
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sakrumverum · 2 years
Hermanamiento monocigótico: Hermanos Weasley, gusanos planos, y clones de vacas
[This article is a Spanish translation of “Monozygotic Twinning: Weasley brothers, flatworms, and cow clones” courtesy of volunteer Axel Abbas. If you’re interested in volunteering to translate our content, please contact us.] La gemelación dicigótica es cuando dos espermatozoides fecundan dos óvulos y producen dos cigotos que crecen como dos organismos separados. No es confuso, […] The post Hermanamiento monocigótico: Hermanos Weasley, gusanos planos, y clones de vacas appeared first on Secular Pro-Life. https://secularprolife.org/2022/10/hermanamiento-monocigotico-hermanos-weasley-gusanos-planos-y-clones-de-vacas/
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suraelis · 3 years
Critical Role Next Gen Ideas because I have no self control
Arthur Lavorre (M) - (Fjord x Jester)
Arthur is almost a clone of his mother in personality. He’s very happy and sees the best in people. The biggest difference between Arthur and his mother is that Arthur is very arrogant. Growing up on the sea, he doesn’t know how to interact with people that’s not his father’s subordinates or enemies. Fjord worries about this awkward aspect of his but Jester points out he reminds her of Artagan, which worries Fjord more. Arthur was enamored with Kingsley and was very upset when Kingsley took a ship and left. Arthur’s dream for the future is to take over his father’s ship and hunt down Kingsley. 
Vance Lavorre (M) - (Fjord x Jester)
Never wanting Arthur to grow up lonely like she was, Jester wanted a second child to keep Arthur company. When they were younger, they looked very similar to the point they were mistaken as twins. When they grew up, they walked completely different paths. Unlike the rest of his family, he is not a fan of the ocean. His parents tried their best to accommodate for Vance by letting him stay with his grandparents on the Menagerie Coast in the winter and attending Veth’s Camp in the summer. Vance loves his family but just doesn’t understand their adventureous personalities.  Instead of going on adventures, he decide to write novels. Everyone on the ship loves his story, and Beauregard is a very strict proofreader.
Evaline (F) - (Caleb x Essek)
Evaline lived on the streets after running away from several orphanages. She wanted a better life than any of those places could provide. She set her sights on a certain magic school with the best wizards in the empire. Being an orphan, there was no way she could be admitted, unless…. she manipulated one of the teachers to grant her a referral. After scoping out the school for many days, she decided that the professor with all the cats was the easiest to emotionally manipulate. Evaline made her move, and after (in her opinion) an intense mental chess battle, the professor agreed to admit her in his class. There was no way she could study for his class living on the streets and it was impossible for her to afford any of the school material, so the professor offered to fund her studies and give her a place to stay. Then one day Evaline found out that the professor had a powerful friend with rare dunamancy magic? Evaline never left the two’s side ever since… well except when they force her to go to summer camp.
Lotus Nydoorin (F) - (Beauregard x Yasha)
Beauregard and Yasha had a hard time committing to adopting children. Not because they didn’t want one, but plagued with doubts that they would make good parents. After Fjord saved his orphanage from a seedy underbelly, the two went to visit Fjord to see if he needed any help. After arriving, a shy meek girl went up to them and asked them to adopt a young baby boy. The baby was very sick and would need extra attention. Yasha asked the girl her name to which she responded “Lotus Dirt”. Yasha thought her flower name was a sign from above so Beau and Yasha decided to adopt both children. Lotus loves doing domestic things with Yasha and reading with Beauregard. She later become a cleric under the guidance of the stormlord. 
Axel Nyoodrin (M) - (Beauregard x Yasha)
When he was adopted, he was a very sickly child. His parents were sure he would stay in bed for the rest of his life, but thanks to daily healing hands from Yasha and lots of help from Caduceus, he grew up very lively. He forces his mother, Beauregard, to teach him dope monk shit all the time. At first Beauregard was hesitant considering his sickly frame, but Axel would not take no for an answer. Axel learned from Luc that the best way to get stronger is to attack your mom when they’re not looking. Beau and Yasha had their hands full with him but they were able to take on all his attacks. Beau said that if Axel can land a blow on her face, she will relinquish her first mate title to him. 
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mach-speed-spin · 3 years
Special moves as human fighting moves (Part 1: original season 1)
Beyblades have special abilities, ranging from pretty normal to really weird. Many of these were designed with the bey’s parts in mind. But what if they were like superpowers the bladers could use
Storm Attack (Dragoon Storm): Tyson creates a small tornado at his feet. When he moves, the tornado moves as well. It’s short range so he has to get very close for it to work on others
Vanishing Attack (Dragoon Storm): Tyson moves too fast for the eye to see, making it look like he’s teleporting as he delivers a series of strikes from all directions
Final Attack (Spin Cutter): Carlos dashes towards the opponent at great speed. Getting hit by it feels like getting tackled by a man made out of swords
Phantom Hurricane (Dragoon Fighter): A stronger version of Storm Attack
Fire Arrow (Dranzer Spiral): Kai covers himself in fire and dashes at the opponent. The drawback is that it’s hard to turn tight corners while using it
Spin Fire (Dranzer Spiral): When Kai is in the air, he sets his feet on fire and performs a diving kick
Spiral Survivor (Dranzer Spiral): Kai creates a circle of fire around him. While active, he can’t move so he uses this either to block attacks or to stall for time
Flame Saber (Dranzer Flame): Kai sets his arm on fire and hits you with it (as a jab, backhand, whatever he wants at the time)
Black Flame Saber (Black Dranzer): Flame Saber, but the fire is black and when it hits you, instead of burning it drains some of your life force. When active, Kai can’t use black fire on any other part of his body, leaving him vulnerable
Tiger Claw (Driger Slash): Ray dashes at you quickly. It’s faster and more controlled than Fire Arrow. He can zig zag or do full 180′s in no time
Tiger Fang (Driger Fang): Stronger version of Tiger Claw
Metal Ball Defense (Draciel Shield): Max turns several points in his body into metal to block attacks
Fortress Defense (Draciel Fortress): Max temporarily turns his whole body into metal
Hop Attack (Hopper): Kenny jumps really high to dodge attacks or to perform a diving kick
Nunchuck Shooter (Bruce): Bruce uses nunchucks as a ranged weapon by throwing them like a boomerang
Dark Lightning (Galeon): Lee electrifies his hands and hits the opponent
Black Thunder (Galeon): Lee shoots lightning from his hands. It’s not very accurate and affects a large area (acting more like a bomb than an arrow), so he doesn’t use this if he’s worried about someone getting caught in the crossfire
Cat Scratch (Galux): Mariah temporarily grows claws on her fingers and attacks the opponent with them
Bear Ax (Galzzy): Gary leaps in the air and smashes the opponent’s head
Crazy Monkey Attack (Galman): Kevin creates illusions around him. All the illusions move in unison with him (he runs forward and all the illusions run forward)
Fast Ball Attack (Trygle): Michael throws an object (usually a baseball) at super sonic speeds with impressive accuracy
Water Smash (Trygator): Emily summons water (no one knows how. It just appears) and throws it at her opponent in a large wave
Sting Shoot (Trygle): Eddy channels all of his power into one hand, then Eddy jumps in tha air and strikes the opponent’s head with his hand. When using this, he is vulnerable to attacks everywhere except the one hand he channeled all his power to
Stampede Rush (Tryhorn): Steve rushes forward destroying everything in his path
Tony’s unnamed ability: Tony moves around by rythmically jumping. This lets him dodge attacks
Psychedelic Psychout (Andy): Andy covers the environment in bright colors making him harder to spot by blinding the opponent
Wing Dagger (Griffolyon): Robert flies in the air and dives at his opponent
Earth Shake (Unicolyon): Oliver causes a small earthquake with him as the epicenter. If he moves, the epicenter of the earthquake does as well. This move only works if he’s touching the ground
Twin Head Attack (Amphilyon): Enrique temporarily creats a clone of himself and they attack together (it makes more sense that Enrique having 2 very long necks)
Fire Rod (Salamalyon): Johnny heats up his body. Unlike other fire based moves, this one doesn’t have visible effects besides the burning and melting of anything Johnny comes into contact with
Blizzalog (Wolborg 2): Tala creates ice spikes that raise from the ground. They create a dome. Inside the dome, there is a violent blizzard
Stroblitz (Falborg): Bryan manipulates the air around the opponent and envelops them in knives made of wind
Voda Impact (Seaborg): Spencer submerges underwater before quickly swimming to the opponent and striking them
Sand Bind (Wyborg): Ian crawls underground and attacks you from below
Wind Attack (Matryoshka): Like Tyson’s Storm Attack, Alexander creates a small tornado around himself. It’s stronger than Storm Attack but not as powerful as Phantom Hurricane
Drac Attack (Draculor): Sanguinex uses his vampire abilities to deliver a barrage of attacks from above. This only works indoors or at night
Wolf Storm (Lycanlor): Lupinex turns into a wolf and bites you in a way that can only be described as feral. This move is more powerful in a full moon
Unnamed ability (Shamblor): Zomb has superhuman strength and mild regeneration
Unnamed ability (Sarcophalon): Cenotaph can extend his limbs like Mr Fantastic
Triangle Attack (Blade Sharks): Casey, Trevor, and Stuart form an electric barrier connecting them. They trap an opponent inside the triangle and all shoot lightning at the opponent. This move can only be done if all 3 are fighting together
Yak Attack (Andre): Andre charges at the opponent while increasing both his attack and defense. When using the Yak Attack, Andre can only move in a straight line until he stops
Fever Attack (Waylan): Waylan heats up the air around him. This drains the opponent’s energy by dehydrating them from sweating too much. The downside is that Waylan’s heat resistance, while far above average, still doesn’t make him immune to his own attack
Muay Thai Kick (Tommy): Exactly what the name implies
Wool Defense (Bruno, Doug): They are covered in very durable wool. This helps absorb the impact of attacks. However, it only works for blunt force attacks. Cutting attacks go right through it and the wool is flammable making fire attacks very effective against it
Heavy Attack (Bobby): Bobby charges up a punch and delivers it with impressive force. The Heavy Attack focuses on knockback rather than damage (it’s not much stronger than a regular punch but it will easily knock someone across a room)
Big Kahuna Dive (Chucky): Chucky summons a wave that engulfs the opponent while he rides on top of it
Unnamed ability (Star Stripe): McSneeze, J-Heart, and T-Storm all attack the opponent at once. This move can only be performed if they’re all fighting together
Spintsenity (Canarias): If Mario’s opponent is in tha air, Mario will perform a bicycle kick and strike the opponent while they are in mid-air
Rapid Fire (Jose): He has a gun. He fires the revolver multiple times in wuick sucession. Due to Jose’s superhuman skills, the revolver can rival the fire rate of an automatic weapon
Matador Attack (Pedro): He has a sword. Pedro dodges his opponent’s attack and quickly turns to face them and stab them
Battle Ballad (Miguel): Miguel absorbs part of the impact of the opponent’s attacks and sends them back
Iguana Attack (Diego): Diego quickly runs around you and attacks from behind
Seal-Shark Attack (Fernando): Fernando hits you into the air and before you hit the ground, he hits you again. He keeps doing this until he wins or gets bored
Tortoise Grenade (Axel): Axel covers himself in a durable shell and can break out of it to hit the opponent
Decoy Attack (Pinharias): Frankie creats intricate illusions. Each one can move independently but it’s possible to tell which is the real one as long as you keep your eyes on it
Dancing Crash (Samas): Luiz hits you with a series of rythmic precision strikes. Individually, they’re not that damaging but the damage builds up over time. The downside is that by being rythmic it’s predicatble and the opponent can counter
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aboxfullofaxel · 1 year
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I should of saved bigger version of some of these
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
Marvel OCs
Ultimate Spidergirl Summary of Season 1:  Its been more then 5 years since the team disbanded. A new one is forming, but so are foes. New member, Spider Girl will soon realise though- that life, is now no longer a game, and once she loses this game, she loses for real.... Quotev Link
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Name: Spider Girl/Madeline ‘Maddie’ Evans.  Mentor: Spiderman.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Circe/Kylie Ross.  Mentor: None.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Black Hood/Amber Johnson. Mentor: Hawkeye.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Avatar/Kiko Amori.  Mentor: Iron Fist. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Mindbender/Brandon Miles.  Mentor: None.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Wire/Clark Robyn. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Across The Galaxy: Summary of Series: TBA. 
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Name: Stargirl/Celeste. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Blackwings/Angelica.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Bright Crystal/VePatt.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Dark One/Iusdejne.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Astra/Selina Miller. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Young Avengers: Summary of Series: TBA.
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Name: Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir.  Mentor: Thor. Love Interest: Red Falcon/Dorothy ‘Dot’ Wilson.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Trickster/Lupe Dalton-Lokison.  Mentor: Thor.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Artemis/Nicola Patterson. Mentor: Hawkeye. Love Interest: Gamma Girl/Reene Jones.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Lazarus/Casimir.  Mentor: Loki (formerly). Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Miss America/Peggy Rogers.  Mentor: Captain America (cloned from). Love Interest: Thomas Stark. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Iron Girl/Zoe Stark. Mentor: Iron Man. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Thomas Stark. Mentor: Jarvis. Love Interest: Miss America/Peggy Rogers.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Red Falcon/Dorothy ‘Dot’ Wilson. Mentor: Falcon.  Love Interest: Aura/Lola Holland-Lokidottir.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Red Wing/Jake Wilson. Mentor: Falcon. Love Interest: Spider Girl/April Parker. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gamma Girl/Reene Jones. Mentor: Red Hulk, Agents of SMASH. Love Interest: Artemis/Nicola Patterson.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Slash/Lila Jones. Mentor: Scaar, Agents of SMASH.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Sparks/Destiny Jones. Mentor: She Hulk, Agents of SMASH. Love Interest: Bane/Ben Banner. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Bane/Ben Banner. Mentor: Hulk (cloned from). Love Interest: Sparks/Destiny Jones. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Spidergirl/April Parker.  Mentor: Spiderman, Nick Fury. Love Interest: Red Wing/Jake Wilson. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Shadow Spider/Petal Parker.  Mentor: Spiderman (cloned from), Nick Fury. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Agent Shadow/Mark Roberts. Mentor: Black Widow. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Ant Girl/Kasey Andrews. Mentor: Ant Man. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Pyro/Pandora Storm. Mentor: Fantastic Four. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Star Girl/Victorie Lockson.  Mentor: Guardians of The Galaxy.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Lone Wolf/Leah Cortex. Mentor: Wolverine. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Miss Doom/Dawn Page. Mentor: Doctor Doom. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Calamity/Robert Holland. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Apollo/Lewis Patterson. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Cybergirl/Snow McLean. Mentor: Red Skull. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Black Hood/Mickey Glass. Mentor: None. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gamma/Oliver Randy. Mentor: The Leader. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Evolution X: Summary of Series: TBA.
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Name: Marvel Boy/Kaiden Sanders. Abilities: Telekinis and Telepathy.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Miss Disappear/Skylar Sanders.  Abilities: Turning invisible.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Plant Boy/Nico Sutton. Abilities: Creating and controlling plant life.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Hydro Girl/Piper McKay. Abilities: Manipulation over liquids.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Sparks/Mia Viola.  Abilities: Turning anything into kinetic energy.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Nightshade/Axel Tompkins.  Abilities: Manipulation over darkness and shadows.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Untitled Story: Summary: TBA. 
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*Pandora Nigel- twin of Freddy- main twin of story. *Freddy Nigel- twin of Pandora- appears later.  *Annabelle Nigel- the twins mother.  *Bonnie Watanabe- older sister of Sadie.  *Sadie Watanabe- younger sister of Bonie- best friend of Pandora.  *Orion Howard- mutant boy.  *Silas Norwood- boy who studies magic. 
Dark Marvel Universe: 
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Name: Soundwave/Dexter Lowell.  Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Magnetic Girl/Dakota Coldwell. Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: X-Girl/Bianca Hearst. Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Metal X/Alistair Kline. Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Ghost Girl/Piper Redcliffe.  Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Animal Controller/Zayn Harding.  Story: X-Men: Evolution Gone Wrong.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Iron Maiden/Blair Hawthorne. Story: Avengers: The Dark Path.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: LaJos.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Artemis/Quinn Windsor.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Charmcaster/Celeste Morgan. Story: Avengers: The Dark Path. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gamma X/Eason Sullivan.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Deadnite/Grey Bradford.  Story: Avengers: The Dark Path. Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Spidergirl/Harper Maury.  Story: Spiderman: Twisted Responability.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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dear-space-cadet · 5 years
the pain star
She always likes things before I do, but she never makes fun of me for it. We saw Car Seat Headrest in February. I didn’t like them. I think I couldn’t relate to them yet. She bought a frisbee. I made fun of the dogs on the cover of Twin Fantasy because they have nipples and Will Toledo is a furry. She defends herself. We argue. Will Toledo isn’t attractive. She won’t admit it. I don’t know if she knows the difference between admiring someone’s music and admiring their face. We laugh it off and run back into the ever-noisy night of New York City.
I’m a senior in high school now. I was a junior then. I had never been to a classic high school party, or drank alcohol, or went to a homecoming dance, or had my first kiss. Within the eight months that have passed, I haven’t done any of those things either. I ramble and rave about how the stereotypical high school experience from the movies is heteronormative, privileged, a momument to the grandiose consumerism of days past. It’s not true. I’m jealous of all the kids who can pick up their friends and blast music from their car stereo. I’m jealous of the people I used to hang out with, the ones who wrote poetry by the train tracks on cloudy days. Those were my friends, too. I feel like a social failure. I refuse to refer to myself as one. I’m just socially immature, is all. That sounds even worse.
Waiting for her to come home feels like freshman year again, like I’m fourteen and trying to ignore reality. It feels like October nights, signing out of school an hour early to drive north in my mom’s car, wanting to introduce her to everyone: my friends from school, my guitar teacher, my cousins.
Do I love her, or am I just lonely enough to get a strong platonic feeling confused for a moderate romantic one? When I said ‘let’s go lesbians’ as I ran through midtown in heels with an iced coffee, did I mean it? Did she laugh because it was funny, or did she mean it, too? Do I miss her? Do I miss how I feel with her? Will I meet a clone of her in college? Is she going to read this? I hope not.
She wants a plushie of a Twin Fantasy dog. I’ll have the other one. We’ll commission someone, or make them ourselves. She wants them to hug when they’re together. They look lonely when they’re apart. As a kid, I had a book about emotions. All of the illustrations had humans except for one-- Billy is sad. Jack is angry. Sara is happy. Abby is nervous. The fish sitting all alone in its fishbowl is lonely. It’s like… that’s not something you’re supposed to feel as a healthy human. You’re not supposed to go months without seeing anyone other than your family and your acquaintances at school. You’re not supposed to have only been asked to hang out five times in high school, or rant and talk to yourself in your car on your drive home.
I’m a Twin Fantasy dog. She doesn’t know it. It’s a symbol of our friendship, sure, but there’s always the motif of it all just being an idea, something bigger, or smaller, or somehow more important, or… less important.
I miss the days when we didn’t even know each other, when we spent late nights whispering on video-chat sites, not wanting anyone to hear. I’d always lie to my parents when my phone buzzed in the car -- Oh, it’s just Ashley from school asking about the math homework. It’s Maria from volleyball now. She won’t shut up. Can you stop? My parents are asking about it. I’m at dinner. Leave me alone. They’re going to find out. It’s all going to be over if you keep texting me.
We’ve fought before. Nothing that’s ever made me cry too much, but we’ve fought. It’s always trivial, over little opinions, or money, or friends. We always still love each other in the end. I used to be an edgy anti-religion, anti-government, anti-everything kid. I’m not sure how she put up with me then. We fought every day. I told her that her religion was her security blanket, and that the government wasn’t her friend, and that all of her favorite musicians were horrible. I was insecure. I called myself Axel and pretended I was male. Well, it wasn’t pretending back then. I thought that was who I was. Turns out, Axel was just my security blanket, a cover for the person I didn’t want to become.
But… no matter how hard I try to hide it, she makes me see the person I really am. When we’re together, any fake personality I try to put on slides away down the storm drain. It’s just me, and her, and the empty night. It’s 1 AM, again. She’s the pain star. And the pain star only comes around every thousand, two thousand years. It’s in my house. What do I do with it? Do I let it in, embrace it, keep it there for as long as it allows? Or do I avoid it, knowing the pain I’ll experience if I accept it?
She’s my best friend. She’s far away. I can see the stars. She can’t, wherever she is, or may be. She’s coming home this weekend. I’ll see her then.
So I sigh, descend the steps of Penn Station, find the NJ Transit terminal, pop in my earbuds, and sigh again. Twin Fantasy for tonight?
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thequimmqueen · 3 years
So about your nextgen au, can I see the list of people we have so far and who their parents are?
With pleasure!
Timm+Quinn: Lynn💘
Duke gotcha+Shannon: Raymond📰 & Sarah🔎
Joy+Moe Jamie🐦& Maya💮
Roy+Olivia Rolland📋 & Hollie🍍
Hank+Kayla Dannah🚨 & Savannah💅
Cameo+Cherissa Cairo/Sandy🍉
Cori+Robby Russell🎣 & Coralina🎏
Ember+Hacky Zack Burnett🚒,Axel👔,Zack🚧 & Ámbar✳️
Guy Mortadello+Bruna Romano Marianna🚔 & Gavin🍷
Clover+Carlo Romano+Koilee 
Kōi🐠 Carlotta🍜 Bento🎸 & Ginevra🥁
Gino Romano+Okalani Georgina🍳 Kalea👑
Mindy+Whiff: Becky💄 & Belladonna/Chantilly - (Unofficial but possible nextgen)
Iggy+Sasha: Haley🔬
Taylor+Peggy: Stella📷
Marty+Rita Matilda🏈 & Arthur📽️
Brody+Skylar Brandon📚,Cielo🖌️ & Abel🎨
Emmlette+Kingsley: Anastasia🎬 & Kellen📹
Sarge fan+Radlynn: Randall🍠,Sargiene🎮 & Radha🌟 (Adopted,Failed Offspring Harvest Experiment of Radley Madish)
Alberto+Penny: Pilar🏵️,Penn🎤,Abilo⚽️ (previously known as Horton) & Noemí🌼
Scarlett+Rudy: Adonis♦️ (previously known as Carmín) & Kore♥️ (previously known as Diana)
Cooper+Prudence: Carrie🐈,Brooklyn🐕
Greg+Yippy: Courtney🌻 & Lilly🐞
Johnny+Boomer: Bloom🍀,Buttercup/Arán🌰 & Autumn🍁
Chuck+Nevada: Helena💐,Fawn💍 (previously known as Chayanne) & Snow❄️
Utah+Gremmie: Caspian (previously Maru)🐚 & Genaya (previously as Hara)🌠
Hugo+Janana: Tanner🎼
Maggie+Mitch: Megan💼 & Gunther🌮
Mousse+Sienna: Gelatta🍦 & Syrup🍮
Julep+Deano Tulip🌷,Leandro💉 & Eliana🏡
Willow+James: Jhonnen🛵,Whitney👻 & Jennifer🔧
Kenji+Zoe: Eijirou👾 & Amanda🦋
Scooter+Austin: Roopert (previously known as scoobert)🌟 & Adrianna (previously known as adella)🛍️
Connor×Wylan B:
(Liezel=Surrogate Mom) Izabella B🎋Deckard B🎧 (Lisa=surrogate mom) Cassidy🥇
Whippa+Lisa: Créme🍬 & Zandro👾
Drakson+Kasey O: Katey🥋,Diego💌
Pinch+Bertha: Paula⚾️,Abraham🏋️ & Jack Derby⭐
Rico+Rhonda: Roberto🏺 & Jazz🏆
Xolo+Sprinkles: Xefferson🤹
Xandra+Rollie Xanna💥 & Romeo⚗️
Professor Fitz+Edna: 🍀Jerry and Betty☘️ (Genetically modified Clones/Succesful Living Results of Artificial Offspring creation)
LePete+Torhu: Petra☀️,Koko🥊 (previously known as Kumako), Ryu🎐 & Haru🕹️
Nick+Trishna: Michael💙 & Nina🍊
Wendy: Wendyl🔩 & Roger GearSpeed🏁 (Real Name: ???)
Índigo: Magenta👗
Cecilia: Josefina🎒
Allan+Ivy: Allison💰 & Eva🛩️
JoJo+Louie: Johann✒️ & Lauren🥘
Mayor Mallow: Molly💎
Akari: Kuro🍋
Crystal: Shard🃏 & Filasophie📚
Luau Lepunch+Betty Pecan:
Toasty Coconut🍨 (Scoopian+LePunch Hibryd,Looks More like Betty) Gala Donut🍩 (adopted Scoopian Child) Shelly Coir🌴 (Scoopian+LePunch Hibryd,Looks More like Luau)
5th of July Scoopian: StarDust🎆
Rocky Road: Terrance Milch🍡
Jill Berry+Chip Mcmint: Cranberry Jelly💝 & Bianco Ciocco🍫
Sue x Mary: Susan☎️
Sarge×Radley Madish:
Onnelious and Brown (Adopted/Used to be Two of Sarge's youngest soldiers) 💜Pines and Payne💙 (Mutated+Adopted Pinacoolada Twins) Annana💛(Mutated+Adopted Bananapants Daughter) Radetta💗(Sucessful Offspring Harvest Experiment)
Tomatoe Lady🍅: Campari🥫
Foodini: Gabriel🎩
Ripley: Rodrigo🤓
Sprout: Carota🥕
Skip+Daniela: Railey🛎️
Kahuna: Koa🏄‍♂️
Big Pauly×Perri
🧂Salt & Pepper🧂
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anastasiaskarsgard · 4 years
How many kids would all the guys have
Henry Deaver/ the Kid
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He has a baby in another dimension, so he’s not looking to reproduce in this one, in case he has to leave.
(Undercover as a Russian gangster)
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He doesn’t have any children. His job is too dangerous and he’s away too much. Plus he just doesnt have the patience.
(I really liked him in these pants)
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He has six children with five baby mamas. He is not known for his safe sex practices, and since he’s immune to STDs, he trusts girls when they say they’re on the pill. Nadia’s mother died. Max and Madison’s mom was a one night stand gold digger that traded her twins for a Bentley. Paisleys mother was his serious girlfriend but broke up with him, when she caught him with his secretary bent over his desk. Blaine’s mother is the secretary that was bent over the desk. And then finally there’s his little Lily who’s mother is one of the nannies. She’s good with all the kids, and never gets mad when he brings women home, so he is pretty sure they just have an open relationship, since she always comes when he calls.
(He had to change his look a bit, after they put out wanted posters with his likeness)
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Mickey has 3 children but the first one was when he and the mom were in highschool and was put up for adoption. He often wonders about that child, and hopes that he’ll get to meet them if they decide they want to at 18. His other 2 children are with his wife and they all live together in Florida.
(This is his eldest)
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Axel has a son from a highschool sweetheart situation he shares custody with the mother. People say he’s his clone, since He looks a lot like him and is pictured above. and then he has 2 girls with his current wife, who also had a son and a daughter from her previous relationship, so that brings his total to 5. When asked, he always says he had 5, and gets really irritated if anyone tries to say his wife’s kids aren’t his, because yes they are.
(Trying to look more mature)
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Marks has a boy and a girl with different moms. He has full custody of both since both moms abandon the kids. He just sucks at choosing a woman. Maybe his “type” isn’t the most maternal of females...
Henry pearl
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He has two children that are his pride and joy. He and his wife were so relieved they didn’t inherit his skin condition, but they did inherit his eyes and nose.
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shinras-assassin · 4 years
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The Past
Reno and Axel were born in the Slums, redheaded twins who didn't much know their father but did have a mom. It could be said she loved them. Always trying to make sure they had something to eat, even if they didn't have much they made do. They had each other.
Axel, whose name was Lea then, was always at his brothers side, granted they were only a few minutes apart but that made little difference, Reno liked to point out he was the older brother.
When the boys were about six or seven years old, is when it happened, both of them getting into mischief while they played when Lea had wandered off for a moment to retrieve the ball they had been playing with as it rolled away their dog went with him, it should have only taken a second, and seconds turned to minutes before Reno went to check on his brother.
He found the ball, but not Lea. Even after he searched, he didn't find Lea but he found their dog, badly hurt he frantically ran to his mother, they never did manage to find his little brother. And not many people care about kids from the Slums. The dog survived his injuries, but lost a leg for his bravery in trying to defend his young master. The pooch lived a long life, dying a short time before Reno joined Shinra. The Turk still holds onto the collar that he and his brother made for their dog.
Unknown to them, Lea had been taken by men who sold him to the Shinra Labs as fodder for experimentation. The feisty redhead was one of a group of children who would be subjected to various experimentation over the years, where they would be tested with unregulated methods they would not use in the SOLDIER Program until they had perfected the processes, as a result, many of Lea's group expired in the 'clinical' trials.
At some point, his name was changed and he began to go by the name of Axel, presumably to spare the memory of who he once was, to who he was becoming.
He was given daily injections, sometimes Mako, sometimes other things, things that made him cold, made him hot, made him bleed.
Things that should drive one insane. And maybe he did end up a little crazy. By the time he would have turned 12, Dr Hojo took special interest in the side project and chose Axel for a procedure that was designed to turn the human body into a living weapon, seven failures had happened previous to this. Axel would be the eight attempt. Of course it was based on something Hojo knew was possible.
At this time Axel barely remembers his life before the labs, flashes of faces and happier times he can hardly recognize that he see's in dreams.
The trauma of the procedure is what shatters the most of his recollection of his past, the mako used to stabilize him and the materia they grafted into him, he'd only been aware of one a fire materia grafted into his right arm, but two were actually implemented, an elemental materia (master) was inserted into him as well and is what grants him immunity to fire damage.
He is the only known survivor of such a procedure owing to his tenacity and will to live. And while over the next span of his life is worked and experimented on in the labs, all the while mastering the fire materia in his arm, his brother is sill alive, though unknown to each other.
One as a lab rat who they haven't managed to break, and the other working up the ranks in Shinra. Leading the way to an eventual reunion thanks in part to Rufus Shinra who upon discovering the Professors side project the redhead as one of his own.
Though at first it was thought Axel was a clone of some sort which lead to great amounts of friction between the redheads.
Its sometime after their first meeting through Rufus that Reno comes across his mothers old Locket, inside a picture of himself and his brother, his mothers greatest treasures or so she'd always told him. Its in that moment looking at those pictures he realizes that the newbie looks remarkably like his little brother.
Its a coincidence he can't get out of his mind, and with that in mind he marched to Rem's place, nearly breaking down the door in his haste to get to Axel, there was one way to know if they were indeed related. Rather than a genetic copy of whatever the fuck Hojo does in those labs of his.
With Rem almost shooting him and Axel threatening to light him on fire, Reno stripped him to where he could find a scar on Axel's thigh, that proved it right there.
Reno showed him the matching scar on his own thigh, thrusting the locket in the taller redheads face.
The scar, Reno had gotten in an accident as a child, riding their bikes, Axel had crashed his bike on purpose after to get the same scar so that they were still identical brothers.
This is how they discovered they were brothers, since then their relationship is less strained, though their is still friction its more friendly, the brotherly sort of friction that happens with siblings when they but heads.
Separated by Shinra, and in the end by Shinra reunited.
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Organization XIII - Who Would Have Sex with their Somebodies/Clones?
This came from a conversation I was having with @4ddictwithapencil and it was literally too good to pass up.  I used this meme as a format.
Luxord: “I don’t want to fuck my clone because that would be gay sex and i’m not gay.“
Lexaeus: “I’m not gay, but I would actually totally fuck my clone.”
Marluxia: “I’m gay, but I still don’t want to fuck my clone, that’s gross and weird.“
Xion: “I don’t want to fuck my clone because my self-loathing is THAT strong.”
Xaldin and Xemnas: “I’d totally fuck my clone because I want to know if I’m good in bed.“
Larxene: “I’d fuck my clone because who would know better how to fuck ME than ME?“
Vexen: “I’d totally do all sorts of weird things to my clone that I’d be too embarrassed to do with anyone else.“
Demyx: “To be honest, fucking my clone has always been my biggest fantasy.“
Axel: “It’s basically the same as masturbating, right? So no big deal.“
Saix and Zexion: “It is not the same as masturbating.  It’d be like having sex with your twin.  Wrong and bad!“
Roxas: “I would not have sex with my clone because what if my clone is evil?”
Xigbar: “Not only would I have sex with my clone, I’d probably make a bunch of clones and just get it on with all of them at once because that’s how pro-clone-fucking I am.“
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