#axel lotto
thehollowwriter · 6 months
mm what is silas's fighting style like though ?? i imagine them squaring up against whatever threats on halloween while the kids are busy doing whatever.
for iris since he's a jellyfish, he isn't that fast so he just makes up for it in raw power in magic. 💀 he spams magic i guess.. half fae perks. good defense and offense. he's just. slow
Now I'm imagining Iris repeatedly pressing a giant button labelled "magic" gadrgagmstsjhafgjs
Silas' magic is extremely powerful, but he doesn't use it unless he thinks it's necessary, even in fights. I'm not too sure how to do a specific fighting "style" for mers, but Silas' way of fighting is very vicious and calculated.
Most of the time, he aims to kill, and he's not afraid to fight dirty either ("honour" in a fight is a load of nonsense to him tbh). He's clever when he fights, since he didn't have strength or size on his side, and makes sure to get his enemy where it hurts the most.
He uses magic if he thinks he can't win otherwise or if his life is in danger. If his opponent dies he probably just eats them, if his opponent overpowers him he thinks of a distraction and then swims away.
If their opponent is a ghost, Silas doesn't bother with fighting and just gets to the nearest safe place as fast as possible. He's not chancing anything with one of those things.
It would be super fun to see him and Iris fighting together :0
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kitwasnothere · 7 months
happy birthday to my boy axel lotto ... i dont have his vignette or birthday art ready 😔 axel i am so sorry i still love you
fun fact : axel's birthday is on 4 march, employee appreciation day
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kitwasheree · 10 months
guy who is bad with names. except one of course
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iris siribica " of course i know the name of that old bat " f. mercia
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mallowleaves · 6 months
" Greetings, miss! "
A cheery voice of a first-year with pink hair greets you. He appears to be an Octavinelle student, and he blinks excitedly, smiling.
" You're Iris-senpai's friend, aren't you? It's nice to meet you! My name is Axel Lotto. "
" Iris-senpai doesn't know how to use this, and he said he doesn't need to, so I'm talking to you on his behalf, " He adds rather casually.
- Axel💗
Malva hums, trying to recall. Yes, she thinks she remembers him. She had seen the boy around Mostro when she visited Iris during his shift last.
"It's nice to meet you as well, little one", she smiles warmly. He seems like a good kid.
"Somehow I'm not surprised that Iris doesn't know how to use this," she said, even though she had only just learned how to use it from Lilia, "but I suppose that's just how he is, that stubborn stinger."
Now that she thinks about it, last Malva saw the boy, he seemed to be pretty close to Iris, himself. She privately wonders if the two are related in some way, like Lilia and Silver. She wouldn't be surprised if they were.
She sighs. Asking Iris would be the equivalent of asking a brick wall, and asking Axel feels like an overstep. Still, though, she'll find out sooner than later. "Tell Iris I send my regards. And tell him Lilia plans to use Octavinelle's kitchen since I banned him from Diasomnia's."
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Hi! This is for floyd's mermay after party ^-^
This is Axel Lotto, a happy-go-lucky little axolotl-mer that appears to be an airhead at first glance, but proves to have an uncanny knack for seeing through people. He could call you out on all your insecurities if he wanted, but he's too busy enjoying his strawberry pudding.
(please forgive me for his name)
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"ehh, axel? he's like a pink meanie."
floyd grins, but doesn't say anything more.
the debtor adjusts their glasses and looks at a small notepad in their hands.
"floyd probably gave you this nickname because of your pink color and airheaded nature. however, there is a side to you that's very perceptive and cruel, similar to this jellyfish's sting. it's unexpected, and it isn't the worst sting ever, but this jellyfish is memorable nonetheless."
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cryptometaphor · 2 months
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(Stream where everyone got mean)
Axel: Look at this shit. Girl says high five me, guy says no, she goes and wiggles her ass in his face. Sexual harassment and nothing is done
Havoc: "imagine if the roles were reversed"
Me; Reverse them. Like I would've just grabbed all 300 pounds of her and tossed her ass out of the room. This is entirely my stream now.
Poof: Oh calm down Jim. You wouldn't do shit. That would be actual assault. You all are just crybabies
Me: Axel, kick her or give me co-host to do it.
Poof: I thought you hated jannies?!
Me: I'm not playing this game with you. You're not Sarah. You violate boundaries, you're fucking out of here. THAT'S how you get rid of moderators and injustice. I'm tired of living in a fucking dystopian society where as hard as I work and as much as I've been through I don't make shit and same goes for Sarah. We are the greatest people in the world and unappreciated.
Poof: Ok I legit need to look some psychological terms up as I didn't think narcissism could be shared lol. Like you put that bitch on a pedastool
Me: She's perfect. Instead of insulting her, learn from her. Even I could afford to listen more but I'm stubborn.
Poof: Damn you really love her.
Me: And do you know how much it hurts not having the means to give her everything she deserves? I care about that way more than whether or not you think I'm a hypocrite.
Poof: I wasn't trying to disparage Sarah, I'm just saying y'all are getting bent out of shape over minor annoyances because you're letting misogyny and trauma dictate your thought pattern.
Havoc: Yeah Jim. Your misogyny is based, but they'd eat you alive in Saudi Arabia
Me: Nigga, people could donate right now to this stream and afford me a plane ticket. I will go, I will come off the plane singing IIIII HATE WOMEN, they'll respond Inshallah, now I'm Arab Taylor Swift.
Sarah joins: LOL
Poof: Oh now you join. Not when he was threatening to moderate me a second ago
Sarah: You prob deserved it
Poof: Oh fuck both of you lol
Sarah: You wish gooner
Havoc: Destroyed
Sarah: I heard most of it. My mom loved the part Jim where you were calling us the greatest in the world. "That man loves you so much. Finding someone like that is rarer than winning the lotto." Like yeah, struggle sucks. But I'd rather be homeless than not have you. We'll figure something out together. That's what love does.
Me: Baby...
Sarah: See whore? I can wiggle my ass in his face because all of me belongs to him. You get the reaction you do because you're an insincere cunt. (Axel posts the Simpsons clip "stop! He's already dead...)
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progress report: 5/7/24
That stayed for a few seconds as the characters danced to the beat, then the kanji bounced from their place and off screen. Then the camera pans down from the blue sky to Kazuma standing and looking at Axel just below the camera view while Aqua sits just behind him.
“This unfair future that was innocently handed to us.”
Kazuma turns back to Aqua which prompted the camera to focus on her. Her smile turned into a chuckle as the camera showed that the two of them were just outside the barn. Aqua stood up and put her hands on her hips.
“Are you ready to play through it all?”
On “you” it flashed to Kazuma holding up his short sword, his feet settled but unstable, and a large smile on his face. On “play” it showed us Aqua holding her staff up high, catching a lens flare with a massive grin.
an:ughgahugguhaguhaghuguhagh (got a housing voucher so now I have to find a new apartment, thought I already did this. but noo, I had to win the lotto. also the kitchen sink broke for the past two days despite maintenance guys coming).
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from German forenames, excluding the letter "I"
Acher Acolgard Acquelle Adega Adelena Adelle Adolde Agmard Agmundran Agottom Aldago Aldert Alorst Alphel Alver Amanne Amuter Andretert Anger Ankarola Ankas Anned Annedegar Annelen Anner Annest Antona Anuel Arama Areda Aredramund Arlhen Arlot Arloth Arnhael Arnoltrutz Asteph Aursusanne Ausangrete Auste Axelle Axena Axeneste...
Barolga Barolte Beastert Beatald Belen Benzelk Beratjank Berhard Berharoger Berne Bertama Betenz Bodolf Bodona Carannel Carar Carbas Cardt Cargener Carolado Carona Carste Casth Chande Chandelk Chann Channa Chars Colaus Colaust Colena Colfga Colgeb Corst Corsus Cortrudolf Dagda Dagdalf Dagmund Dagmut Dagnelk Dalde Dallevald Dalmuth Dandred Dannelm Darolda Dus-peta Edagne Edald Edreteron Ekkeharolf Elherma Elkeveta Ellmald Elmundt Elmuno Emand Emaram Emarl Emarlo Emarob Emmar Emmard Emmarle Emmedemme Emmelaudo Emmelen Erausa Erber Ernholby Ertrudo Eseph Esevald Eslaus Estele Ewaldolf Ewale Ewalterd Ferhard Fernd Ferober Ferta Floth Flouel Frade Framatrudo Frango Frarta Freatto Frena Freterne Garbas Gebarl Gella Gelore Genan Georedarl Georeterst Geort Geraltof Gerhard Gernd Gerndrey Gerno Gerom Gerona Gerost Gerta Gerylvenz Goben Gobener Gobert Gotte Gottert Gotth Gottona Greaste Grene Gretefann Greter Greth Gundt Guntz Gustelmut Günte Günter Güntert Günth Güntz Haelga Haldagned Hangot Hanna Hannalph Hannelenja Hannelma Hanthan Haradrette Harar Hardt Harma Helgard Helhaell Helle Hellmuel Hellrand Helmarl Helmarnhen Hener Hento Henza Herbart Herhald Herhannas Herno Hernotta Herob Heroberd Herste Hertam Hertrunth Heryl Holaf Holen Holph Homar Homarlente Homer Horsul Hortrudo Huber Huberma Hubete Hundard Hunth Jacolgar Jacquel Jacquelf Jananne Janna Jerhan Jertamund Joach Joachaelaf Joacher Joaco Johaela Johan Johana Johand Johango Johansga Johansgar Johantz Johard Joharmarnd Jonaldola Joselk Jostel Josth Julaula Julausa Juppa Juppaud Juppaus Jutefank Juterta Jutherober Jutter Jörgandre Jörgarg Jürga Jürgand Jürgar Jürgarl Jürger Karader Karede Karlene Karlhelga Karlhena Karobete Karold Katamart Katamas Katto Kehan Kehanka Klard Klarlhard Klaud Konah Larlona Laursustel Lenja Lenjan Lentz Levalph Lonrang Lorete Lorgerdt Lorst Lothmarl Lotterd Lottfrald Lotthmara Lotto Louel Lukaralm Lukat Lukerd Lukert Lutella Luttert Lütolgar Magda Magmankar Magmar Magne Magot Malterno Manne Manner Marannesla Marbar Marcolaf Mardt Marlena Marleva Marma Marnd Marnolby Marolbea Marst Marsto Matholdo Matja Mattof Maxen Mellado Melmut Meradonra Monralde Morga Mortrud Naders Naste Olarlorta Olauke Olaukerad Olenja Olfra Oredert Orenz Oreternd Othand Othortam Ottert Ottfrede Ottold Ottona Ottscas Patjacolph Patrundt Patya Paudo Paugund Paurs Paurt Petelast Petrunold Phelaus Phelorste Rachen Radel Ramel Ranner Ratto Redema Redrey Rento Reterd Robela Roben Rober Robetel Rogebhar Rogenz Rolarl Rolda Roldonata Rolfre Rolfrey Rolger Rolla Rolter Romar Romarald Romed Romel Ronas Rudeman Rudold Rudolphera Runte Rutth Ruttom Saber Saberhar Sannah Sanne Sansgarana Sebkehara Selard Stert Stonan Strutert Sulra Svenz Sverno Svert Svese Sylver Thmath Tolaus Tomar Tomat Tonraderma Ulralmarob Ulrard Ursus Utthena Uwerbas Uwert Uwerta Valda Veste Vesth Volgel Walby Walker Walmunthar Waltona Werbert Werma Wermang Wermast Wernold Wernotth Wolen Wolgan Wolgert Xelmuno Xenerd Xenjacquel Xenza Yvene Yverta Yvese Yveter
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thehollowwriter · 6 months
switching to ask cuz i dont like replies
anyways finn and axel doing halloween stuff under the sea.. do they trick or treat down there too?? 😭 imagine seeing finn and axel and theyre like trick or treat !!!! And then behind them. is silas and iris glaring threateningly
Omg Silas isn't even glaring that's just his face 😭 idk if the game specified if they trick or treat down there or not, but I think it's possible that they do, but in a different fashion. Finn isn't allowed to go out on Halloween though (and he doesn't want to either) so he'll stay at hone while Axel trick or treats. Also silas getting attached to Axel>>>>
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kitwasnothere · 7 months
I wonder what Finn and Axel's dynamic would be...
i think axel would be the extrovert to finn's introvert, he's a smiley chatterbox kfdnfnd i feel like axel wouldn't blink an eye if finn does his mimicking voice thing out of the blue or if he shows his sadistic side.
lfjskfd like i think finn could mimick iris's voice and all axel would do is be like :D wow ! thats cool !
they would be friends methinks, axel doesn't judge finn for even a bit. finn's teeth? cool ! his paintings? cool ! his ability to mimick his friend's voice perfectly to an uncanny degree? cool !
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kitwasheree · 10 months
Identity Thieves
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silly doodle of Perceptive OCs Who Can Copy And Steal Things
From left to right :
Finn ( belongs to @thehollowwriter )
Axel ( belongs to me 💖 )
Chrysos ( belongs to @distant-velleity )
+ bonus under cut
words from peepaw iris
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ver. without text
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i dont know how finn looks like with long hair i improvised a bit i hope i did your boys justice 😭😭😭
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pncohuile · 5 years
wanted connections 🌀
my appleogies for arriving to opening a little late !! i spent all day on public transit eee. i’ve listed 10+ connection ideas under the cut, but huile is also a volunteer for the opening event, so please lmk if you’d like to plot something regarding that !!
some background: huirae is 28 (’90 liner), has debuted in 2006 (trainee since 2005), and is bisexual. ( either dm me, or like this and i’ll come to you )
strikethrough = taken.
general plots
huile stan ( 1/1 ) okay,, but the yuqi to his ryeowook. your muse knows all the pnco songs and choreography, but, more than that — they’ve been a big fan of huirae since day 1. if they’re an idol, their co-members/friends rib them about it whenever your muse is on a variety show. give me cute and flustered interactions with lots of blushing ! pleathe !! he’d be so bewildered by it but pretty pleased lmao. ( astrid’s ira )
fans ( no limit ) general fans of pinocchio and/or huirae. bonus points for ppl who became fans of huirae later on ( starting from around 2011-2015 ) and as such is a bigger fan of huirae’s solo work ? maybe they even think of him more as an entertainer / comedian / soloist than as a pnco member due to pnco’s hiatus.  ( open )
best friend(s) ( 1/ 2 ) ya. give huirae some best friends. preferable ‘94 or older. we can plot out how they met and the rest of the details together. ( lotto’s axel, open )
enemies ( no limit ) as much as there are reasons to like huirae, there are plenty of reasons to dislike him. we can brainstorm reasons together !  ( open )
meet-awkward ( 1 ) for whatever reason, the first time our muses met, huirae thought your muse was a staff person ( or, in the case of staff members, an idol/trainee ) and treated them as such. it probably wasn’t disreSpectful, but imagine the Embarrassment anyway. ( open )
co-stars ( 1/3 ) they hosted a music show/participated in a variety show together !!  ( astrid’s songi, open )
youngin’s ( no limit ) huirae’s been at marathon for almost 15 years now and has debuted 13 years ago phew ! as such, he’s considered a veteran in the industry, and ( given his personality ) i would imagine that he would have adopted a plethora of baby ducklings to imprint on. let huirae buy your muse meals and give them hard-learned advice. ( open )
watch out for the cameras ( 1 ) ok but like,, picture jimin & jeongyeon. that’s essentially it. the fans are crazy b/c they have no idea why these two are always making faces when they see each other or rolling their eyes. crack!shippers assume that they must be exes ( which might be right 👀 up to you ). but maybe the true theory is far more complicated ( or it’s just a Big Misunderstanding and they’re actually really good friends that just roast each other ). we can determine specific details together !! ( open )
romantic plots — should preferably be at least ‘95 or older !!
hiatus fling ( 1 )  open to any gender ! pinocchio hasn’t really been promoting as a full group for years ( from ~2010 to early 2019 ), during which the focus was off huirae a lil bit. huirae bonded with your muse during in 2018-2019, but their dalliance is faltering now that pinocchio’s full lineup is back and preparing to return to the stage. ( open )
nation’s ex-couple ( 1 ) open to females. a twist on your typical kindustry couple. your muse and mine dated in secret for only a couple of months, and then it was revealed to the public á la jenkai ft. dispatch. only,,, the public surprised everyone by being super supportive of their relationship. huirae has a super clean image, and so did your muse, and it actually boosted both of their reputations. they were pressured to keep up appearances, even though they were in reality drifting apart, and when by the time they finally broke up—their relationship was strained. there are still toxic fans who ship them together or attribute everything they say to be a hidden message to the other person ( kinda like,, jelena or larry shippers BSBFJAAJ ). depending on how long ago it all happened, they may finally be beginning to mend their friendship. ( open )
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halchron · 5 years
🎰 gimmie gimmie gimmie
* muse lotto // accepting
shin / green: wow two babies ! uh since green is a kid in let’s go they would be friends as I’ve decided. I gotta replay let’s go and see how red and green act but him having two ( three if you count blue ) upbeat friends would either make him tear his hair out or love life a little bit more. but if they met when green was older he’d totally take shin as an apprentice and I live for that too
demyx / axel: cool, groovy, I’d love for them to interact more tbfh ??? also they got the whole water vs. fire thing going on so that’s cool. also them interacting as somebodies would be pretty cool too
shiho / ryuji: lesbian and gay solidarity !!! they don’t really interact in canon but whatever screw atlus !!! I bet they and ann were friends in middle school and I’ll die with that tbh. shiho is his wingman and he’s her wingman and I’ll die by that too
denki / momo: I know like the basics of bnha but they would absolutely be friends ??? they share half of a brain cell, but that’s okay they’re valid as hell. they’re chaotic dumbass duo !! I’d have to figure out a quirk for him but tbh that’d be easy
katara / kenji: shit I love atla / lok ??? kenji would absolutely be an earth bender and like, idk they’d totally be friends. they got chill vibes what else can I say
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wwemindset · 6 years
2015-04-17_20-30-13_ILCE-6000_DSC09201 by Miguel Discart Via Flickr: WWE Live 2015 - Antwerpen (Lotto Arena) Cards of WWE Live@Lotto Arena - Antwerpen Dean Ambrose def. (pin) Luke Harper Nikki Bella (c) def. (pin) Naomi For : WWE Divas Championship Stardust def. (pin) Goldust John Cena (c) def. (pin) Rusev For : WWE United States Championship Darren Young & Kalisto & Sin Cara & Titus O'Neil def. (pin) Curtis Axel & Heath Slater & Konnor & Viktor Info on the match : 8-person tag Ryback def. (pin) Kane Randy Orton def. (DQ) Seth Rollins (c) For : WWE World Heavyweight Championship
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pcwt · 6 years
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La Baule – Sarzeau | Photography by Kristof Ramon
It’s easy to forget that Fernando Gaviria’s only 23, so rapid has been his ascent to the upper echelon of sprinters. But on the fourth stage of the Tour, from La Baule to Sarzeau, the young Colombian showed again that he’s arguably the fastest in the game, pipping Peter Sagan and Andre Greipel at the line for his second win of the Tour. You’d be brave to bet against him taking a third (or fourth…).
After a chaotic opening few days, the day’s racing followed a more conventional path. A breakaway of four riders from minor teams with a point to prove jumped away at the start, spending most of the day on the front in an ultimately futile search for a stage win.
There were some nervous moments on the approach to the line, most notably a crash at 5km which brought half the bunch to a standstill. Axel Domont (AG2R La Mondiale) fared the worst; his race ended on the road there with a broken collarbone. Tiejs Benoot (Lotto Soudal) looked the grisliest, limping to the line with blood streaming down his face. His team will make the call tomorrow as to whether he’ll be able to continue.
Of the GC contenders caught up in the crash, Rigoberto Uran was unhurt and able to catch back onto the main field, while Ilnur Zakarin will be rueing his lost 59 seconds. The Katusha-Alpecin leader now sits close to two minutes off the pace before the race even hits the mountains.
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dermontag · 3 years
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20 Jahre "Tatort Münster" 20 Fakten über Boerne, Thiel & Co. Von Ingo Scheel 06.03.2022, 22:26 Uhr Mit "Der dunkle Fleck" fing es anno 2002 an, mittlerweile haben Axel Prahl und Jan Josef Liefers alias Kommissar Thiel und Professor Boerne 41-mal im "Tatort" aus Münster ermittelt. Zum runden Jubiläum zwanzig runde Fakten über das Duo infernale. 1. Den Boerne gibt es wirklich: Rechtsmediziner Professor Bernd Brinkmann war die Inspiration für diese TV-Figur, der 1939 geborene Hamburg war von 1981 bis 2007 Direktor der Rechtsmedizin an der Uni in Münster. 2. In der Folge "Der Frauenflüsterer" (2005) standen Jan Josef Liefers und Anna Loos nicht nur gemeinsam vor der Kamera, ssie haben während der Dreharbeiten auch geheiratet. 3. Als WDR 4 im September 2012 im Rahmen der Radiosendung "Hallo NRW" Komparsenrollen in Aussicht stellte, meldeten sich über 120.000 Hörerinnen und Hörer. 4. Die Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe hat den Münsteraner "Tatort" 2013 mit einem BOBBY für sein vorbildliches Engagement im Umgang mit behinderten Menschen ausgezeichnet. 5. 2017 führte Guido Cantz Prahl und Liefers im Rahmen der Sendung "Verstehen Sie Spaß?" aufs Glatteis - der Moderator lag bei den Dreharbeiten als lebende Leiche auf dem Seziertisch. 6. Im Fall "Der doppelte Lott" (2005) hatten die Kölner Kollegen Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt) und Freddy Schenk (Dietmar Bär) einen Gastauftritt. 7. In der Folge "Rhythm and Love" (2021) sollte der populäre Rechtsmediziner Professor Michael Tsokos einen Gastauftritt haben - wurde dann aber herausgeschnitten. Mit seiner RTL+-Serie "Obduktion" hätte Tsokos nicht mehr ins Öffentlich-Rechtliche gepasst. Der fand das gar nicht witzig und sprach von "Zensur". Danke für alles, Christine Urspruch. (Foto: WDR/Martin Valentin Menke) 8. Die Folge "Schlangengrube" (2018) war tierisch gut besetzt: In einer Nebenrolle war das Brillenpinguin-Weibchen Sandy aus dem Allwetterzoo Münster zu sehen. 9. Für die Rolle des Professor Boerne war zunächst Ulrich Noethen angedacht. 10. Die Idee zum Münsteraner "Tatort" stammt von Jan Hinter und Stefan Cantz. Von Cantz stammte einst das Drehbuch zum Film "Manta, Manta". Hinter war bislang an über 20 "Tatort"-Produktionen als Autor beteiligt. 11. Als "bestes Krimi-Team"gewannen Prahl und Liefers 2011 eine Goldene Kamera. 12. Christine Urspruch gelang der Durchbruch 2001, in der Rolle des Sams'. 13. Claus Dieter Clausnitzer, der Thiels Vater spielt, war 1976/77 in einigen Loriot-Produktionen dabei, u.a. als Regisseur im legendären Lotto-Sketch mit Heinz Meier als Erwin Lotte … äh … Lindemann. 14. Legendär sind auch die Gaststars, die bislang in Münster dabei waren, unter anderem gaben sich Frank Zander, Roland Kaiser und Jörg Pilawa ein Stelldichein. 15. Das Münsteraner Team ist abseits vom "Tatort" musikalisch unterwegs, Axel Prahl und Jan Josef Liefers mit eigenen Bands, Christine Urspruch tritt zuweilen mit einem Saxofonisten auf. 16. Im Video zu "Wenn es passiert" von Wir sind Helden spielte Axel Prahl einen Handelsvertreter. 17. In seinem Kinodebüt "Die Besteigung des Chimborazo" spielte Liefers 1989 den Forscher Alexander von Humboldt. 18. In der Rolle der Staatsanwältin ist Mechthild Großmann zu sehen, ihr Geburtsort: Münster! 19. Noch einmal Mechthild Großmann: Ihre rauchige Stimme kommt nicht etwa von einer Schachtel Overstolz am Tag, die soll schon als Kind so geklungen haben. 20. Anno 2011 durften sich Liefers in Prahl ins Goldene Buch der Stadt Münster eintragen.
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