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fitnessmith · 2 years ago
La testostérone : Ce que tout sportif devrait savoir
NOUVEAU 👉 La testostérone : Ce que tout sportif devrait savoir
Vous avez sûrement entendu parler de la testostérone, cette hormone clé pour les sportifs. Mais saviez-vous que le sport peut influencer son niveau ? 1. Baisse après un effort intensif : Des recherches montrent que les hommes qui s’entraînent intensivement peuvent voir leur niveau de testostérone au repos diminuer. Imaginez cela comme une batterie qui se vide après une longue séance de sport. 2.…
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ovathemoon · 5 months ago
Is Air Pollution linked to Menarche?
This is a summary post of a recent article on menarche (the term for the “first period”). I found it pretty interesting and something to keep an eye out for future research. As usual, continue to use your critical thinking skills, and if you'd like to learn more, read on!
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REPORT: Recent research (May 2024) shows that air pollution may be linked to girls starting their periods earlier.
BACKGROUND: • It has been estimated that menarche (the term for the “first period”) now starts up to four years earlier in American girls compared to a century ago. • Decreasing ages for the onset of puberty are more noticeable in lower socioeconomic status and ethnic minority groups (A. Gaskins, associate professor at Emory University in Atlanta, the US). • Puberty is controlled by two systems in the body: the HPA axis and the HPG axis. o HPA: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (i.e., from the hypothalamus in the brain to the pituitary gland beneath the brain and the adrenal gland atop each kidney) o HPG: hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (i.e., to the gonads, the testes or ovaries)
THEORIES: • A former belief was that childhood obesity was the only reason for premature puberty since fat cells produce proteins that fuel the HPA and HPG axes. o However, this idea doesn't explain why menarche would start earlier in those without childhood obesity. • Current research indicates that toxins could be affecting the HPA and HPG axes, disrupting their activity. o Toxins include toxic gases expelled into the air from vehicle emissions or manufacturing output. o These gases include: sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone.
TAKEAWAYS: • Toxins may also be in products that are often marketed to girls (including makeup or menstrual hygiene products, like tampons). • Earlier menarche may be caused by multiple factors, including childhood obesity, environmental/household toxins, and psychosocial factors (like childhood stress) • Overall, it is important to consider menarche ages since earlier ages of onset could lead to poor health outcomes later on
FOR MORE DETAILS: Please refer to the BBC article that this summary post is based on. A. Gaskins, associate professor at Emory University in Atlanta, the US, is quoted in this article and explains about the impact of earlier menarches in girls around the world.
Resource Links https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240605-how-air-pollution-is-impacting-girls-puberty https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3287288/
Please note this post and site is for information purposes only. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care. Please contact a qualified healthcare provider if you seek care. Thank you.
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somerandomcryptid · 5 months ago
@calamari-minecraft-corner @cleofast300
A new message arrives from the mysterious account, this time much more put together and much longer
B’f lhkkr yhk uxbgz lh bgmxglx bg fr ybklm fxlltzx. Ax’l cnlm mtdxg inva t ebdbgz mh rhn. B’f lvtkxw rhn’ee zxm ankm. B xqixvm rhn mh mknlm fx. Rhn whg’m dghp fx. Unm b gxxw rhn mh ghm mknlm abf. Tgw max kxlm tkxg’m xoxg kxte. Unm maxr vtg lmbee ankm rhn. Tgw maxr phg’m axlbmtmx mh ebx yhk maxbk hpg ztbg. B kxteer pbla rhn phnew cnlm lmh ietrbg. Unm b ngwxklmtgw rhn phgutuer phg’m. Cnlm kxfxfuxk matm maxr tyxg’m rhnk ykbxgwl, tgw ax wxybgbmxer blg’m.
@calamari-minecraft-corner @cleofast300
A message arrives for you. You don't know the account. It seems blank.
Maxr tee ebx. Uxptkx tgw MKNLM GH HGX.
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@colon-tf-colon hey remember that co-op aa fic i peepoTalked about a while ago? well here's part of my draft for it, an action scene with you and two others in it peepoShy hope you enjoy
also anyone in hpg or the discord who's already seen it, no you haven't Smile
They were met with an inky sky, the same as any other End they’ve faced in previous runs.
Eleventy laid down planks, as the three bridged over the void separating them from the obsidian platform welcoming their arrival, to the island where the Dragon resided.
Fulham took out his bow, and took down the crystals one by one, with deadly accuracy. For his second to last shot, Fulham waited til the Dragon flew close enough to the end crystal, before releasing the arrow. It struck true, triggering an explosion that damaged the Dragon, a cacophony of the Dragon’s screech and the crackling of the crystal’s explosion marking the first hit the three landed on this world’s Dragon.
Eleventy stood back, an iron axe in hand, a shield in the other, as he sprinted, avoiding the endermen roaming on the field of battle.
Fulham tucks his bow away and dodges the endermen coming after him, as he dug a small enclave into the pale stone, trying to heal himself with a bowl of suspicious soup he took out of his pocket dimension.
After Fulham’s call of being low on food, Fein runs by, tossing several loaves of bread he pulled out from his pocket dimension to Fulham. Fulham quickly caught the loaves of bread, before pocketing all but one, chewing down on the bread and watching his health, as indicated on his communicator in a row of red hearts, above the hunger meter and magical power bank, recover bit by bit.
As Eleventy runs over to slay the endermen that have begun attacking them, Fein runs down to the bedrock fountain in the middle of the island, sprinting past the unaware endermen. He places two blocks of obsidian up the center of the fountain, preparing for attack when the Dragon perches soon.
“Fulham, get ready,” Fein called out, as he prepared to take out beds out of his pocket dimension.
Fulham pulled out his bow and nocked an arrow, aiming at the last crystal.
The Dragon started her descent down, to hover above the bedrock fountain, as Fein placed a bed at the very top, leaning against the bedrock, and touched his hand to the bed.
It exploded, damaging the Dragon, as the bedrock shielded Fein from the explosion.
Another bed. And one more. And finally the last one, but as Fein touches the bed, the Dragon’s wings create a large draft, flinging Fein out from under her wings, and out of the bedrock fountain. Fein landed blocks away, wincing as he landed against the rough end stone. The light on his shoes flared as he collided, fading as Fein dusted himself off, getting back on his feet.
Fein faintly registered the crackle of another crystal, hearing a faint cheering from across the island, as he ate a loaf of bread, checking his health as shown on his visor as he healed up.
Eleventy ran towards the bedrock fountain.
Vaguely registering Fein’s warning about “getting shit on” by the Dragon, he charged forward, then retreating from the center of the island, as the Dragon flew away, and several endermen chasing after him.
The three watched the Dragon’s flight, her faint purple and gray highlights contrasting against the void, restlessly avoiding the endermen, as the Dragon flew above their heads, her piercing roar echoing off the obsidian pillars.
The three glanced as the Dragon approached the fountain, a diagonal perch, Fein called out, as the trio ran towards the fountain. Fein pulled back, stalling, as Fulham and Eleventy, with their weapons out, ran in, endermen nearby being flung away by the Dragon’s wings as she took flight again.
She quickly dived back to the bedrock, and Eleventy swung his axe, striking the Dragon, and pulling out a bow for a quick shot to end the Dragon.
The Dragon was dead, as the Universe whispered the achievement into the Runners’ ears, drowning out the crackle of fireworks as the Dragon vanished.
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brainscience21 · 3 years ago
A Study on the Side Effects of Birth Control: Exploring the Link Between Hormonal Oral Contraceptives and Depression
Major depressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders often involve dysregulation within the HPA axis, and are associated with impaired stress responses and working memory. This study focuses on the effects of hormonal birth control on stress response and working memory to explore the contribution of hormonal birth control to increased risk for MDD and other psychiatric disorders. 
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Hormonal oral contraceptives are one of the most common forms of birth control– a majority of women in the reproductive age begin using hormonal contraceptives as early as in their teenage years. The importance of birth control remains with the growing trends in sexual activity and sex education among women in the reproductive age. Yet these pills do not come without side effects, some as serious as depressive episodes. In fact, studies have shown that women who have used oral contraceptives are at a higher risk for experiencing depressive episodes as compared to women who do not take birth control pills, even after stopping usage. 
Studies have shown that hormonal birth control affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal HPG axis through suppressing the production of the sex hormone, estradiol. Estradiol may be important for the interactions between the HPG axis and HPA axis, which regulates responses to stress. And depressive episodes have been shown to be neurologically associated with stress and cognitive dysfunction. And in major depressive disorder, studies have shown that stress responses and working memory are impaired.
As mentioned above, the dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis plays an integral role in stress responses. The HPA axis controls responses to stress through the generation of the hormone cortisol. Thus, dysregulation of the HPA axis in MDD leads to an abnormal secretion of the hormone cortisol. Hormonal oral contraceptives have been suggested to disrupt the HPA axis by studies demonstrating lower levels of cortisol in users of hormonal oral contraceptives. This could be due to the estradiol influenced interactions between the HPA and HPG axes; thus, hormonal oral contraceptives should play a role in fluctuating cortisol levels. 
While previous studies have focused on measuring cortisol levels in extreme environments or in response to high intensity stress, the following study focuses on measuring cortisol levels on a more daily fluctuating basis. One way to study cortisol levels is by examining the cortisol awakening response (CAR), which measures circadian rhythm dependent cortisol levels after waking. This daily cortisol level measurement looks at cortisol levels in non-extreme environments, which may be helpful in determining risks for MDD and other psychiatric disorders. 
Impaired working memory (WM) has been shown to occur in women’s natural menstrual cycles when estradiol levels are lower. Because WM is known to be impaired in MDD, exploring the interactions between WM and the use of hormonal oral contraceptives is also important.
The following study explores the role of hormonal birth control in women’s stress responses (through CAR measurements) and working memory.
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This study collected data from 78 healthy women (with no high risk of developing MDD) in the reproductive age (18-45 years old). 25 of the participants were oral contraceptive users, with their birth control pills containing slightly different combinations of progesterone and estrogen. Their data was compared to the other 53 participants that did not use hormonal oral contraceptives. 
The study recorded CAR measurements using saliva samples from each participant. 
To record WM measurements, the participants also took part in cognitive tests. They first participated in the Letter Number Sequencing Test (LNST), which is a verbal task that asks the participants to sort and recite numbers and letters after hearing a jumbled sequence. Participants also participated in a second test for measuring WM, the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). The SDMT is a task that involves visual processing under a timed 90-second environment. 
Finally, the study made use of questionnaires to measure the participants’ levels of stress and mental well-being. These levels were assessed using the Cohen’s Perceived Stress test, the Major Depression Inventory, and the Profile of Mood States. 
The study found that users of hormonal oral contraceptives had significantly lower CAR measurements, or blunted CAR, as compared to the non-oral contraceptive user participants. 
The study did not find any significant correlation between CAR and WM, and found that hormonal oral contraceptive users performed better on the SDMT, while both users and non-users performed similarly on the LNST.
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While this study focused on women that were not at a high risk for psychiatric disorders such as MDD, it produced data from a larger sample size of participants as compared to previous studies. This data provides strong evidence for foundations of future research to focus on the relationship between the effects of hormonal birth control on stress response and the risks for other developing MDD and other psychiatric disorders. Other avenues for future research could also include focusing on the different kinds of oral contraceptives and comparing each of their effects on CAR and WM. 
Ultimately, because hormonal birth control are the most popular contraceptives, further exploration of the link between birth control and women’s risk for developing MDD is needed. 
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Høgsted ES, Borgsted C, Dam VH, et al. Stress-Hormone Dynamics and Working Memory in Healthy Women Who Use Oral Contraceptives Versus Non-Users. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021;12:731994. Published 2021 Nov 8. doi:10.3389/fendo.2021.731994
Other Sources: 
Kinlein SA, Karatsoreos IN. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as a substrate for stress resilience: Interactions with the circadian clock. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2020 Jan;56:100819. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2019.100819. Epub 2019 Dec 19. PMID: 31863788; PMCID: PMC7643247.
Heck AL, Handa RJ. Sex differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis' response to stress: an important role for gonadal hormones. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019 Jan;44(1):45-58. doi: 10.1038/s41386-018-0167-9. Epub 2018 Aug 1. PMID: 30111811; PMCID: PMC6235871.
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readmetxt · 6 years ago
File (hide): 4c82b66bfc246b8⋯.png (28.44 KB, 300x185, 60:37, hormone_facial_features.png) (h) (u)
▶(((They))) Want you Mastrubating Because (((They))) Understand Hormones Anonymous  01/28/19 (Mon) 17:14:09 0a2301  No.12731565>>12731642 >>12731692 >>12731960 >>12732000>>12732011 >>12732060 >>12732177 >>12732272 >>12732672 >>12732818 >>12732939 >>12733037 >>12733320 >>12733346 >>12733461 >>12733500 >>12733806 >>12733871 >>12734047 >>12734211 >>12734980 >>12735011>>12735355 >>12735523 >>12736003 >>12736213 >>12740558 >>12743760 >>12744806 >>12744933 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
QRD: Semen retention is critical for the sexually dimorphic traits of males to manifest. Without it you become an undifferentiated ungendered pawn.
Sexual dimporphism is primarily expressed via differing levels of testosterone and estradiol (estrogen in its biologically active form). The final controller of ALL hormone expression is the brain, and specifically the hypothalamus. The only intervention that works to increase testosterone is changing your brain structure.
Masturbation is proven to do this.
Before we can even get to semen retention, we have to understand how your body works, and the critically misunderstood roles that hormones play.
Why Testosterone?
Most of you, I'm sure, are already convinced about the beneficial effects of testosterone in men, but I want to give a brief overview of things you probably don't know about it.
Testosterone increases sociability. It increases connection to and participation in your milieu, this is true for both men and women. For women, this typically manifests as slutty behavior and ultimately ends up as cuckoldry, women with higher testosterone have sluttier faces (see left in pic). They also have greater sexual arousal levels:
For men however, testosterone decrease the incidence of lying and they are more cooperative with other men.
Men with high testosterone are fascistic ideal. They build, cooperate, and create civilization. Men with high testosterone are more driven to find not only mates, but to do all things. Testosterone receptors in the brain don't differentiate drive for sex from any other drive (that differentiation does occur, but requires other chemical receptors to be activated as well).
▶Anonymous  01/28/19 (Mon) 17:14:39 0a2301  No.12731568>>12733037
The Hypothalamus is King
Androgen/Testosterone boosting supplements don't work unless you are supplementing androgens higher than 100% of your baseline test production. To understand why this is, you have to first understand the HP axes, and specifically the HPG axis. The hypothalamus acts as a prime regulator for almost all hormones related to growth, sex, and homeostasis.
Hypothalamus notices an increased level of testosterone? It stops producing GnRH. GnRH is a signal to your pituitary gland to make FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone); these signal the gonads in men to create sperm and testosterone respectively (in women's gonads these signal menstruation and estrogen). So at all times your hypothalamus is listening to the levels of sex hormones, and is only releasing enough GnRH to keep them at what it believes to be the proper homeostasis.
This is why only highly potent anabolic steroids are really the only things which appear to have a phenotypic response in humans. They overpower even the hypothalamus's ability to regulate testosterone. So when taking anabolic steroids your level of GnRH is basically zero. There is no activity on the HPG axis and it permanently changes your hypothalamus to produce less GnRH, and hence why you hear stories of anabolic steroids shrinking your balls and causing infertility.
So to maximize your GnRH you need to maximize the hormones which stimulate its production and minimize the ones that inhibit it.
There are many hormones which either stimulate or inhibit the production of GnRH, we will get into why fapping is one of the worst things you can do if you want to maximize GnRH next.
There are several other axes of the hypothalamus which should also be mentioned.
The hypothalamic–pituitary–prolactin axis (HPP) is responsible for lactation and mammary growth in females, but it is also present in males. It is not directly self-inhibiting like the HPG axis, but instead is inhibited by dopamine (this will seem contradictory at first, but is extremely important to understanding the dangers of masturbation). The main thing for now you should know is that excess prolactin causes typically feminine traits in men. The primary stimulating factor of the HPP axis is estrogen. Remember this is the only axis which isn't a direct feedback loop! More estrogen will always mean more prolactin. Finally, the higher your prolactin is, the lower GnRH output will be, which means the lower testosterone will be in males.
The HPS axis has the ultimate byproduct of IGF-1, which is the most critical signal for muscle growth. HPS axis is stimulated by testosterone (via blunting the inhibitory effects of GH in the feedback loop).
▶Anonymous  01/28/19 (Mon) 17:15:04 0a2301  No.12731569>>12731740 >>12731855 >>12732628 >>12732817 >>12733037 >>12735832 >>12737601
Masturbation and Hormones
Now to put it all together. Orgasm elevates prolactin massively. Prolactin causes a neurological effect of having little to no sexual desire, hence why you temporarily lose interest in the porn you watch after ejaculation. Now recall the previous section: Prolactin tells the hypothalamus to lower GnRH; GnRH stimulates production of sperm and testosterone; testosterone increases masculine traits and increases social cohesion in men; it also increases expression of muscles via the HPP axis.
Dopamine which is high during the build-up of masturbation inhibits the HPP axis though, so how can masturbation be causing an increase of prolactin? Well, the hypothalamus can be very intelligent at what it does. It understands context. Not only that, but the massive acute hit of dopamine you are getting causes something called a hormetic effect. Hormesis is kind of like a biological blowback effect, the hypothalamus is massively inhibited on its HPP axis and then to compensate, it releases even more prolactin than it normally would in all that time as a huge burst after orgasm. Not only that, it appears to have "aftershocks" throughout the next few days and releases prolactin even more.
But it gets worse. At least with a single mate in a monogamous sexual relationship your dopamine wouldn't be massively elevated, but with access to unlimited high speed pornography your dopamine will spike to never before seen levels due to the Coolidge effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coolidge_effect). What does this mean? For days after masturbation you will have low testosterone.
But there's even more. The hypothalamus is a neurological structure. It learns and adapts. What does chronic masturbation and dopamine spiking do to the HPP axis? It makes it less and less sensitive to regular dopamine levels. Throughout the day its perfectly normal and healthy to have a moderate level of dopamine, and especially so for men. If HPP is no longer inhibited by this normal level of dopamine, then prolactin will be chronically elevated. Finally we get to the crux. Chronically elevated prolactin means a chronically inhibited HPG axis. A chronically inhibited HPG axis means chronically low levels of homeostatic testosterone.
This is why the men of today have lower testosterone than the average 80 year old just 50 years ago.
This is why we have trannies developing feminine traits due to increased prolactin.
Now there's even more danger to all of this. We have huge amounts of xenoestrogens from overcompensation of plant based foods and hygiene products (you really should only be consuming meat). Estrogen stimulates the HPP axis even more, and we have blown our dopamine circuits to defend against them with acute chronic spiking. But the brain can heal and adapt.
Stop looking at porn. Stop masturbating. Stop consuming xenoestrogens. Stay monogamous, and only have sex for the purpose of procreation.
▶Anonymous  01/28/19 (Mon) 17:15:12 0a2301  No.12731570>>12732030 >>12733037 >>12741934
Extra Credit: Dangers of SSRIs and Weed
SSRIs increase the re-uptake of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin has an antagonist relationship with dopamine, which means if dopamine is high serotonin is low and vice-versa. SSRIs will chronically lower dopamine, not only taking away your enjoyment of novelty, but also once again activating the HPP axis.
Weed is made of cannibinoids. The body produces its own endocannibinoids which have receptors all throughout the nervous system. The hypothalamus is filled with CB1 receptors which have 2-AG (an natural endocannibinoid) as an agonist. 2-AG is released upon orgasm and is used in the adaptation process mentioned earlier to train the hypothalamus to be less responsive to dopamine.
What else is an agonist of the CB1 receptor? THC. In fact THC is far more potent than 2-AG could ever be, meaning that every time you smoke weed, you adapt your hypothalamus to be even less responsive to dopamine than if you were masturbating to porn the entire time you were high. THC is bad news if you value testosterone.
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angelinanutrition · 5 years ago
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“The current review considered the contribution of the endocrine system to alcohol drinking and addiction-related behaviors in females, with a focus on the HPG and HPA axes and their reciprocal interactions. The majority of results from preclinical models indicate that females acquire self-administration of alcohol more rapidly and consume higher alcohol doses during maintenance phases than males (2020).”⁣ ⁣ If you are ready to break the habit and start living in a way that keeps you excited, happy, energized and focused without all of the negative effects of alcohol then you won’t want to miss tonight's free webclass. It is jammed packed with nutritional insights that can help you set yourself free! When you attend you’ll also get access to the free bonus quiz What’s Your Experience with Alcohol Really Telling You, that will reveal to you which metabolic imbalance is keeping you stuck and what you can do to change it. ⁣ ⁣ Spots are limited. Link to register is in my bio.⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMlZ4fDV3a/?igshid=16m3imiif9c3s
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jorgemarquet · 5 years ago
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phgq · 4 years ago
PNP chief orders inventory of seized motor vehicles
#PHnews: PNP chief orders inventory of seized motor vehicles
MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief, Gen. Camilo Cascolan on Wednesday warned anew all police officers against using confiscated vehicles and motorcycles, particularly those seized as pieces of evidence in criminal cases.
Cascolan has ordered a nationwide inspection and inventory of all motor vehicles impounded as evidence in cases to prevent its unauthorized use by PNP personnel.
Cascolan, through PNP Director for Operations, Maj. Gen. Alfred Corpuz, ordered the strict implementation of PNP SOP No. 2011-004 on "Revised Procedure in the Reporting and Disposition of Stolen and Recovered /Impounded Motor Vehicle”.
He tapped the Highway Patrol Group (HPG) and Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Group (IMEG) to lead the nationwide crackdown.
Regional Highway Patrol Units will work with operatives of IMEG to supervise the accounting of all motor vehicles and motorcycles impounded in police camps and stations.
“The said PNP policy strengthens the campaign that prohibits the use of unregistered, recovered, impounded; and stolen motor vehicles and motorcycles or the removal of any parts or accessories of these vehicles by unscrupulous PNP personnel," Cascolan said in a statement.
Cascolan also instructed PNP unit commanders to conduct surprise camp lockdown to inspect unregistered, recovered, impounded, and stolen vehicles being used by PNP units and personnel.
He also ordered the regional directors to conduct an inventory and of all impounded evidence vehicles in the custody of lower units down the line for inspection by the HPG-IMEG composite teams.
Cascolan also warned police personnel found to be using evidence vehicles of stiff administrative sanctions for “infidelity in the custody of evidence”, while those in possession of undocumented or stolen vehicles will face appropriate criminal charges.
"The PNP internal cleansing program will be put into action without fear or favor. There will be no sacred cows in this drive, whoever is involved, let the ax fall where it may," Cascolan said. “We owe it to President Rodrigo R. Duterte and the Filipino people that the PNP should take the lead, and lead by example in the national crusade against crime and corruption." (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PNP chief orders inventory of seized motor vehicles." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1115561 (accessed September 16, 2020 at 06:51PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PNP chief orders inventory of seized motor vehicles." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1115561 (archived).
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