#awww is the big brave nation scared of a little creak in the night :'(
I want to write like, a story about the nations getting haunted. I just think it'd be a fun concept. The immortal being haunted by the dead.
Considering we already know a handful of them are scared of ghosts, I think there's something we can milk outta that. I mean, why are they scared of ghosts?? Not like ghosts can kill them. Or can they?? Idk! It's kind of funny to me. Maybe even ironic.
On the other hand, it would also be an interesting way to explore just how similar (or how different) folklore is in different countries. What are the Nations scared of? Why? What common themes appear often in ghost stories across the world?
Part of my reason behind this fic idea is "what themes of fear are similar across different cultures and how does it unite us under a common cause?" And the other part is "hehe I wanna make em scream like little girls >:)"
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