#aww they just meowed in a slightly different and cute way?
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1800classiccherries ¡ 2 years ago
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⚘ Miguel x fem!reader
⚘ fluff
⚘ I don’t think there are any warnings?
⚘ summary: Y/n spends all her time with Spidercat, causing Miguel to feel little jelous.
⚘ wc: 960
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“Sorry, Miguel, Spider-cat is back from a mission. Gotta go!” Y/n states, giving Miguel a quick peck on the cheek before swigging off the monitor platform and out of the room.
Recently Y/n had made a new friend amongst the spider crowd, Spider-cat, and this cat had her wrapped around his furry paw. Miguel sighs, not wanting to admit to himself that his girlfriend is spending more time with a cat than him and that he is jealous.
As Y/n roams around looking for her furry friend, she spots him down the hall, and she quickens her pace. “My baby!” she calls out, holding her arms open for the cat to jump into, “how was the mission?” Y/n inquires, getting a content meow in response. “I’m glad to hear it,” she nods, setting down Spider-cat so he can walk beside her.
Y/n and Spider-cat step out of the orange portal, now on Y/n’s earth. In their downtime, the two would go for swings around their Earths for as long as they could before having to go on a mission. Today was no different.
“Ready to go?” Y/n asks, looking down at the cat, who replies with a happy meow.
With that, the two swing off the fire escape they were previously on and begin their swing around the city. They were showing off their tricks and finding interesting new locations around the city. A while into their adventure, Y/n notices a hologram of a certain someone show up on her watch, causing her to pull over to the roof of the nearest building. Spider-cat follows suit, making himself comfortable, and begins making biscuits on Y/n’s lap once she sits down.
“Yes, Miguel?” she prompts, not too happy about her time with Spider-cat getting cut short.
“Are you busy?” Miguel asks, knowing she’s probably with the cat.
“Kinda off...” Y/n trails off, holding Spider-cat up for him to see. 
“I-” he starts, almost at a loss for words, “I’ll just get someone else to do it.”
Before Y/n could even say anything, the hologram disappeared. With a sigh, she looks down at the cat, who’s looking back up at her. 
“I guess that’s my queue to leave,” she gets a disappointed meow in response.
“Yeah, I wanted to keep swinging too. But I have to spend some time with my boyfriend now,” she explains, standing up and opening a portal for her and Spider-cat to go back to headquarters.
Now back at headquarters, Y/n makes her way to Miguel’s locations thinking as to how she can smooth things over. It’ll be fine; she says to herself as she arrives at the room.
“Heyy, spider-bae~,” Y/n says, dragging out her words as she walks toward the (painfully) slowly descending platform.
Miguel raises an eyebrow as he turns around to face Y/n, clearly unamused. She opens her mouth to defend herself but promptly stops. She opens her mouth once more to try again, but she stops. ”I have nothing to say.”
“Typical,” he deadpans, shaking his head and returning to his work.
“Aww, don’t be like that,” she pouts, taking a little swing onto the platform to stand next to him.
Y/n tunnels her way under Miguel’s arm so that his arm is over her shoulder. She leans into him, looking up with apologetic eyes, hoping he looks down at her. 
“Y’know you my boo thang, right, Miguel?” she says with a slowly spreading smile.
“Boo thang?” Miguel repeats, slightly amused, looking at Y/n.
“You heard me.”
Y/n moves from under his arm to in front of him, taking hold of his hand and leaning slightly against the control panel under the monitors. Looking up at him with a look that says, ‘I’m sorry.’
“I’ve missed you, mi amor,” Miguel voices, resting a hand on the side of Y/n’s face.
Leaning into his touch, the corner of her lips turns up slightly, “I’m sorry about ditching you for spider-cat.”
Miguel shakes his head a bit, chuckling softly, “It’s not your fault; he is pretty cute.”
“Yeah, but you’re cuter,” Y/n flirts tilting her head.
“I don’t know how I feel about getting called cute...”
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Thanks for reading!
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satancopilotsmytardis ¡ 11 months ago
Aww they're getting along again. They've gotten over their scare. Dabi trusts Shig's hurt enough to be more careful around him.
Dabi bullying Shigaraki into taking care of himself will always be funny. "No, you are going to take care of yourself you dumbass, now eat." Lol
Aww cat carsickness.
Lol imagine if Shig asked about what foods are safe for cats to eat. He'd have a heart attack because Onigiri has eaten a shit ton of all of it. Actually the vet would probably panic too. While Dabi just tilts his head and meows innocently.
...so does Dabi just not look around when he's human. Does he really not notice that some things are actually red? Or is he also colorblind as a human?
He's just dumb isn't he? Yeah, that tracks.
Ick AFO always gives the ick. Is there a possibility that he knows Dabi's not just a cat? There's no way he doesn't know about magic and the connection to Quirks. But can he tell with Dabi? I hope not.
Heh, Dabi getting angry on Bakugou's behalf and not knowing how he feels about Shoto. I love how there are differences between how he feels about Shoto between fics. It's refreshing. He's got some mixed feelings about it, and that feels realistic.
Dabi doing the zoomies over Stain? He's being a fanboy and it's adorable. He really believes that he and Shig can get along. Oh I'm scared for the interaction.
Oh, it wasn't awful. That's a nice change of pace. Dabi still fanboying and Duster just being slightly annoyed and also confused. He's just accepted that his cat is a weirdo demon. Stain likes Onigiri. That's weirdly adorable. In a good way.
The deal is an interesting way to go about it. Especially with the clashing ideals. They made it competitive.
Shig saved him too?! He doesn't want to lose his one (potential, halfway, kinda) ally. Cue Dabi being a fanboy again lol. That's actually really cute. Duster just really doesn't want those medicine bars does he?
"pretentious asshole" lol. Although Stain does have a point. And that's eventually going to carry into the League. He will build a group of people that follow him and not AFO. Although whether Dabi is a part of that League remains to be seen. (I will not beg for answers. I will not beg for answers. I WILL NOT BEG FOR ANSWERS!)
OH! How could I forget? Dabi demanding a drink and Kurogiri just being like ???? Shig just once again, accepting that Onigiri is a weirdo. (But it's his weirdo cat, so you better leave him alone)
Dabi getting comfortable enough to sleep in the bed. He's not quite intruding anymore, even though Shig thinks he's a cat. It's gonna become a habit. We all know it.
Anyways, I'ma go reread it again, and then notice all the little details. Or I'll do that tomorrow and actually get some sleep tonight. That's probably a good idea.
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Dabi and Shigaraki are healing!! They are doing their best to take care of each other! Shigaraki saw the possibility of destroying something innocent, that trusted him, and that cared for him because of his immaturity and anger and realized that brashness could destroy so many other parts of his life too and now he's doing his best to not let those negative qualities lead him. He's already a very different person now than he was in canon before he met Stain, and I wanted to reflect that in their meeting!
Thanks so much for commenting!
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trashyswitch ¡ 4 years ago
Logan's Trip to [REDACTED]
Chapter 4: Pure Fluff For a Shorter Day
Logan arrives to the SCP Foundation a little later than usual, making his first day back a bit of a short visit. So Logan has to make his time count.
Logan opened his map and looked at the map. Today was the day he wanted to meet SCP-530. It looked really cute and he really wanted to see what color and different expressions it had right now. Logan took another turn and looked up at the sign above the door.
Logan smiled and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a card, placed it into the card reader and waited for the beeping sound. When it went off, Logan removed the card and opened the door.
The room was set up like a dog’s play area, with balls and toys scattered about and different items in it. A dog bed, a food and water bowl, and a dog house decorated the little room. Then a bunch of barks filled the room as a little white and brown dog sprinted up to him.
“BARK BARK! BARK BARK BARK BARK! WARF WARF!” The dog barked loudly.
Logan gasped excitedly and knelt down to pet it almost immediately. “Hellooooo! Hi there, little Carl!” Logan greeted, petting its head.
Carl panted happily and licked his hand. Logan looked down and noticed something strange: The dog had two tongues! One full tongue, and one partly grown tongue! Guess he could do double the kisses for the time being!
Logan smiled eagerly. “I’m Logan! My name is Logan!” He greeted. Logan started petting the dog’s head, back and chin. The puppy panted and panted like it was hotter than haiti in his kennel, and patted the ground with pure excitement with its 5th paw. Logan giggled at this dog-like behaviour. Carl really is a dog. Just with some unusual abnormalities.
Logan picked up the puppy under his armpits and carried him on his shoulder. “Hey there little guy. You’re a small little sweetheart. Yes you are, yes you are!” Logan cooed. Logan booped the dog’s snoot, causing Carl to lick his finger with both his tongues.
“I see that Carl has a new abnormality: Two tongues.” Dr. ████ declared.
Logan looked at the speaker, then at the camera. “Have you never had an instance of two tongues before now?” Logan asked.
“Nope! And we’ve had LOTS of doubles on body parts.” Dr. ████ replied. “Oh! While SCP-530 is here, would you like to meet SCP-529?” Dr. ████ asked.
Logan widened his eyes. The cat?! Dr. ████ wants Carl and the cat in the same room?! “Yes please!” Logan replied happily.
“Very well! Dr. ██████! Please retrieve SCP-529 so Logan and Carl may play with them.” Dr. ████ ordered.
Soon, SCP-529 was walking around and rubbing its body against Logan’s knee. “Aww, hi Josie!” Logan greeted. “Boy, Patton would love to meet both of you. But Patton is allergic to cats.” Logan said to Josie and Carl. Carl barked excitedly and stuck its tongue out. Next, Carl ran to a ball, and pushed the ball up to Logan. He waited for Logan to throw the ball, and knelt down to show ‘I’m ready! Throw it!’.
Logan smiled and threw the ball. Both Carl AND Josie ran for the ball. But Josie was just a tad quicker and managed to pounce right onto the ball. Carl turned to Logan, sitting down and whimpering in a sad way while looking down. It looked like Carl was trying to say ‘She stole my ball...I sad now.’. Logan smiled, not feeling all that bad for it. Logan threw a ball of yarn and watched Carl sprint for the yarn. It was like the dog and the cat switched toys temporarily! It was so bizarre! And very funny.
Logan allowed the cat to roll around with the ball while Carl pawed nervously at the flimsy yarn. Logan grabbed a nearby baseball and gently threw it to Carl. Carl immediately got into action and took off running to it. He grabbed it, brought it over in an eager strut, and placed it down for Logan to throw it again. “Good boy! That’s a good boy!” Logan reacted, petting him as praise. Carl whimpered and rolled onto his back, begging for belly rubs next. Logan giggled and happily gave him the belly rubs he wanted. Carl stuck his tongue out as he panted, closing his eyes with pure pleasure.
Meanwhile Josie walked up and booped his head against Logan’s other hand. It looked like Josie wanted pets as well. Logan started petting Josie’s ears first, earning a purr from the cat. Next, Logan went for the chin. Josie meowed softly as she lifted her head up to offer Virgil more access to the lovely spot. Logan smiled and petted both animals at once.
The doctor smiled. “Looks like you’re an animal lover.” he said.
Logan nodded. “I do appreciate animals.” Logan admitted.
“There is a horse SCP that we have in a stable and a field at Site 73. Its known as SCP-1156 or ‘Wellington the Wonder Horse’. Would you ever be interested in meeting him?” The doctor asked.
Logan looked at the camera. “I don’t believe I’ve been around a horse before. However, I would love to meet him one day.” Logan replied.
“Very well! We will have you set up for the next visit to the site. The SCP Foundation will provide you with a private jet so you may visit the wondrous horse.” The doctor told him.
“Very well! I can’t wait.” Logan replied.
After some more time with the animals, Logan left the two animals to play with each other. Next on the SCP list, was SCP-131 a and b! Logan had been missing them and really wanted to visit them for quite some time. And now was his time to do so! Logan walked down a few flights of stairs, even rode down one of the stair handles to get down quicker. But he quickly abandoned the idea the moment hitting the ground gave him a bruised tailbone. Logan rubbed his butt for a moment before running to the next flight of stairs.
Soon, Logan stood in front of the door and looked at the card. He inserted the card, removed it and listened as the door clicked its way unlocked. Then, Logan walked in and looked at the little cute-looking eye pods. It was SCP-131-A & B! Logan smiled widely as the eye pods slid down a tiny slide and rolled up to Logan.
“Hello guys! Hello! It’s been a while, huh?” Logan greeted. The pods jumped around and rolled around in circles, showing their excitement. Then, the eye pods rolled the cars that Logan made, right up to their creator to show him. “I know! I made those for you two to play with!” Logan reacted. Logan started to wonder if A & B remember him for the toys they got. It could be possible.
The SCP’s rolled the cars up to him, and bowed their rain drop tops to the rings that were attached. The eye pods wanted the rings placed into their narrow tops! Logan agreed to help them and placed the rings into their head poles. The eye pods suddenly started rolling absolutely everywhere the moment the rings were placed onto them. They wouldn’t stop driving around with the cars! Logan bursted out laughing as the eyeballs went ballistic with the toy cars.
Then, the eye pods started headbutting a pair of paintbrushes, cups and tubes of paint that laid on the ground. “It looks like they want you to paint their cars.” Dr. ████ explained. “I believe one of the staff members was planning to paint them, but they got caught up in work. But since your job is to meet them and entertain them…” The doctor offered.
“I’ll paint them for A & B.” Logan replied.
“Excellent!” Dr. ████ declared happily. “You may use this paper towel for wiping off the paint if you so choose. And here’s a water bottle for cleaning the brush.” Dr. ████ placed a Dasani water bottle and a roll of paper towel into the dispenser in their room, and listened as the paper made a soft shifting sound into the dispenser, while the water bottle made a ‘CLUNK’ sound into the other end with the paper towel.
Logan nodded, walked to the opening and grabbed the paper towel and water bottle from the dispenser. “Thank you.” Logan told him.
Logan spread some paper towel down and filled the painting cup with the water from the yucky water bottle. Logan also placed some orange onto A’s car little wooden car and started painting. Logan painted in stripes to help the paint smoothen out and go on nicer. Logan then scooped up the blob of access paint on the top of the car, and would start painting the engine roof, the sides and the bottom. Logan looked very precise when painting the car. He looked calm as well. The eye pods watched him with interest and fascination. It was like watching someone do their career in front of them. Logan was really that good! Or at least, it looked like he was.
Logan finished painting SCP-131-a’s car first, and moved onto b’s car. This car was gonna be a slightly darker yellow, compared to the reddish orange that the first car was. Logan wanted to specifically do this because he wanted them to be able to distinctively see which cars were theirs. That way, they can play with their designated cars, or even share the cars and switch up who gets what car color.
Logan finished coloring the cars and let them dry for a bit. While the cars dried on a paper towel-covered stool, Logan played around with the eye pods and ‘became their race track’ for a while. The eye pods moved up Logan’s hands, up the arms slowly, and raced up and down his chest and belly. Logan’s giggles when they got to the belly, made his belly and chest jump around a little. This made the eye pods wobble slightly.
The eye pods ignored his wiggles and giggles, and continued racing slowly on top of Logan’s middle. At one point, eyepod A got stuck on Logan’s dipped belly. This caused the eyepod to rev up its wheel to get going. This tickled SO MUCH for Logan!
The eye pod shook its head and looked at him with a single smiley eye. Immediately, the eye pod revved up its wheel again and ‘increased the speed’ to tickle Logan more.
“HEHEHEY- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *snort* EEEEHEHEHEHEHE!” Logan laughed and snorted. Well this is certainly a change of pace!
The eye pods bounced up and down and kept going. The bouncing didn’t hurt Logan at all, surprisingly. It just felt like a tiny, weightless puppy jumping on Logan’s belly. The orange eye pod joined the yellow one, and started revving up their wheels at the exact same time!
Logan just about DIED from that. It tickled WAY TOO MUCH! And then the eye pods started alternating revving their wheels...How about AAAAAAH?!
A, B, A, B, A, B...Left, Right, Left, Right, left, right, etc…Talk about infinite tickles!
Logan was cackling and snorting at this point. It was so ticklish! But it felt great! It felt amazing to be back with these cute little guys! They were always so fun and cute to look at! They never failed to occupy him and make him gush in cuteness overload. Even if he gets to see them every single day, he knew he would never get over how cute they were.
Logan allowed the pods to have their fun against his belly for a while. He was not complaining whatsoever. He loved every second of it, no matter how ticklish and tired it made him.
Soon though, the fun had to end. Logan tapped out of the tickles and got up. The pods looked at each other with worry in their eyes. “No no no, don’t worry. It’s okay. I’m alright.” Logan reassured them.
A & B still looked at Logan with worry, and rolled to Logan to nuzzle him with their ball-like bodies. Logan appreciate this gesture and petted the pods as gentle praise. The pods appreciated this praise and closed its eyes as they enjoyed the pets.
Soon, Logan was waving to the eye pods and leaving them be. He felt happy to be able to spend time with them. It’s been a while and...it was definitely worth the wait. Next on Logan’s list, was...you guessed it:
Logan practically ran his way to the elevator and pretty much bounced on the spot as he rode the elevator. When the elevator opened, Logan walked out and ran for the door.
“LOGAN!” Someone yelled.
Logan stopped and grabbed the Walkie Talkie that had called him. “Yes?” He replied into it.
“A gentle reminder that the last time you were this excited, you had to leave them unexpectedly due to a strong chemical unbalance. I would strongly recommend you take a deep breath so we don’t have a repeat of that incident.” The doctor ordered.
Logan did as he was told and took a few deep breaths to help his excitement dissipate. When he felt fully ready and a lot more calm, Logan put the keycard in to open the door. With the door unlocked, Logan opened it and immediately smiled upon seeing his favorite SCP.
“Hi 999!” Logan greeted.
999 immediately turned around and gurgled lots of happy sounds with the most puppy-like dog eyes it naturally had. Logan ran to 999 and gave the squishy blob a BIIIIIIG hug! 999 gave him a big hug right back and even grew more pseudopods to add more hugging arms! Logan laughed as he felt more squishy arms against his back and neck.
SCP-999 gurgled, squished around and wiggled as excitement filled its body. Logan smiled and pulled his head away from the blob’s body. “How are you?”
999 nodded its head rapidly and ran around the room with Logan in its arms. It made eager gurgling and flopping sounds as it ran around. Logan wasn’t sure how sick he might end up being if 999 kept this up. But, he didn’t care. He enjoyed it anyway.
“WEEEEEeeeee! Okay! Okay that’s good. That’s enough buddy.” Logan told the SCP.
999 stopped running around and picked up Logan. They summoned 2 more pseudopods which grabbed at the waist, while the original two pseudopods grabbed Logan’s wrists as gently as it could. Logan hummed curiously, and was quickly thrown off guard as Logan was held onto primarily by his wrists, making his hands stay raised above his head.
Logan immediately blushed at the vulnerable situation. He couldn’t even look at 999, his face was so red. “Ihihi...Ihihihi should’ve known- BAHAHAHAHAHA!” Logan interrupted himself with his own laughter as 999 tickled Logan with a few new pseudopods. One of them tickled his hip, two of them tickled his belly, and two of them tickled his vulnerable armpits.
Cause, you know: why wouldn’t you attack the vulnerable parts if they’re exposed?
Logan was laughing and squealing as he was tickled in fairly bad spots all at once. Logan didn’t know what to do with himself. So he started off with kicking and shaking his head around as he laughed. He watched the puppy-like 999 as it flopped and gurgled with glee while tickling and skittering its slimy pods on his ticklish spots.
Logan was gonna lose his mind long before his breath was gonna be out, he could tell you that!
999 tilted its head and smiled. Then, it stuck out its tongue and blepped at him! Logan covered his face with his arm and whimpered. “NOooooooo! You’re tooooo cuuuuute!” Logan whined. 999 shook a bit, laughing at him.
Holy crap that was so cute! Why was that so cute?! Why must 999 be the adorable bean it is?! AAAAAAAAAHHH!
Logan squirmed and kicked 999 as he was tickled and unintentionally teased. His feet kept bouncing back like it was a ball against a big bowl of jelly. It was so weird! 999 was such a strange, mind-altering being that...they really should’ve existed! But, it does! And boy, was Logan grateful!
Logan soon tapped out from exhaustion. 999 quickly stopped and let out a whimpery-kind of gurgle and looked at Logan with a worried face. Logan looked at 999 and practically melted. “Awww, it’s okay. I’m alright, 999.” Logan reassured him.
999 looked up at him and lightened up a little. They smiled brightly and pulled Logan into a big bear hug. Logan smiled and hugged him back, feeling pure joy and nostalgia the longer he stayed with the creature. Logan reached into his bag, and grabbed a few things out of it: A few full bags, a box for a kitty pool, and an air pump. Logan pulled open the previously open box and pulled out the kitty pool before opening the air hole. Logan put the end of the pump into the air hole and started pumping with his foot.
As Logan pumped and pumped and pumped, 999 watched and grew more and more excited as to what it might’ve been. Soon, Logan had filled it completely up. Logan grabbed the bag, opened it, and started dumping out its contents:
Tons and tons of small, flattened plastic balls had started falling out of the bag and into the kitty pool! 999 let out an excited squeal and clapped its pseudopods with joy. “I know! I got you: A ball small ball pit!” Logan declared.
999 started bouncing around and letting out squeaky gurgles in pure excitement! 999 was ecstatic! She wouldn’t stop jumping around! 999 jumped into the kitty pool, and did a BIG flop upon impact! 999’s body started flopping and rippling like an ocean as an aftereffect of the hit, and started playing with all the balls that were in the kitty pool.
There were so many balls! So many to push through! Though some of the balls stuck against 999 as they moved through the balls. Then, 999 grew itself SUUUUUPER tall…
And fell down into the kitty pool like an elastic band, throwing multicolored balls absolutely everywhere! Logan had bursted out laughing as he watched. It was so entertaining to watch a blob play in a ball pit!
“Wow...I don’t think we ever made the connection that 999 would enjoy a ball pit!” Dr. ████ reacted. “And we should’ve at this point!”
Logan smiled. “That’s alright. You couldn’t fully guess anything.”
The doctor leaned back. “For the record, the sticking balls might end up needing to be removed by staff. So there’s a possible chance you may have made extra work for the workers in 999’s room.” Dr. ████ stated.
Logan’s excitement completely drained from his body.
Oh shit...he didn’t think of that…
“However:” Dr. ████ continued. “The staff LOVE 999. So, the ball pit will give them an excuse to visit the creature!” Dr. ████ declared.
Logan’s excitement filled right back up again. He was turning into a metaphorical emotional phone with a broken battery, with all his draining and rising of emotions. “That’s good! That means 999 isn’t alone in the slightest.” Logan reacted.
“He’s really not. He’s got more friends than I’ll ever have!” Dr. ████ added.
Not long after that gift, Logan had to leave. His jet trip had been later in the day than usual, so Logan didn’t have to wake up quite as early in the morning. So that sacrificed some of the time he had with the SCP’s on the first day. Logan pulled out a flashlight to ready himself for lights out, and put his map away.
But before he did any sort of leaving:
Logan kissed 999 good night on the forehead.
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greasygyeom ¡ 5 years ago
gigil | ten
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pairing: Ten x Female Reader (Fluff)
words: 1.9k
warnings: might be disgustingly cute idk.
A/N: Gigil is a word used to describe the overwhelming feeling that comes over us when we see something cute.
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At 1 am, with bare minimum noises in the background, save for a stray car zooming away in the distance and a blanket of stars overhead, Ten walked back to his apartment; feet dragging on the pavement, as they traced his displeasure along the way. 
For the third night in a row he’d had to stay overtime at office, simply because someone else had been too lazy to finish their portion of work assigned to them.
Had it been any other day, he would have pulled through without feeling this level of annoyance. Any other week, he would not have complained; he liked working alone, when no one was around to disturb him and ask him stupid questions. But the fact that this was happening during the few days your schedule wasn’t as tight knit as usual, was really testing his patience.
He’d thought long and hard on whether he was being too dramatic about it, because it wasn’t like he never got to see you—your off days always had his name written on them—it was just that off-late he’d been wanting to see a lot more of you.
For him, dating you had started as a breezy ‘hmm I’ll see where this takes me, I’m not looking for anything serious’, but had quickly and quite irreversibly morphed into an intense whirlwind of ‘fuck, I might love her’ and at the end of six months it had rendered him dizzy. 
He didn’t know when exactly he’d started to crave more of your attention, but on days it overpowered his entire existence. He wasn't yet used to the out of the blue pangs of wanting to hug you until you fell asleep in his arms, but he loved the warm and fuzzy feeling thoughts like these left him with.
On most days he could prioritise his work over his neediness for you. Today though? Today had been one of those days, where it had served as a roadblock between what he had to do and what he really wanted to do. Instead of being in bed, cuddled with you, watching a cute coming of age movie, he had to stay back and redraw the anatomy for a new character because some of his peers were incompetent. 
Half an hour of brooding and a long silent walk later, he finally reached his building. On his last call you had already been yawning, so he assumed you were fast asleep and entered the apartment as quietly as he possibly could… only to find you lying on the floor.
His heart dropped down to his stomach as the worst, most horrible thoughts of you being injured and unconscious and him being too late in taking you to the hospital clouded his mind.
His panic lasted only about 30 seconds though, until he switched on the lights and it unravelled a completely different story.
You were passed out on the floor alright, but because you’d fallen asleep cuddling with his cat. He didn’t see the cat because your back was facing the entrance. Louis had fit himself comfortably in the crevice of your concave form, lying curled up, snug next to your stomach and was using your arm as a pillow.
Ten’s heartbeat slowed down with the realisation that you were indeed alive and okay and he breathed in a sigh of relief, giggling fondly at the sight of you two sleeping so peacefully; completely unaware of his presence. 
He was kinda jealous of Louis, which was an insane thought, but he wanted in on what looked like a super cozy cuddle session.
Of course, he had to grab his phone and take some pictures first—how could he pass off this opportunity to stock up on some free serotonin. But as soon as he was done taking photos from every angle, he sat on the floor next to you, your back towards him, and rested his chin on your waist. It was a challenge to not kiss the sliver of skin peeking through, from between your shirt and boxers and an even bigger challenge to not wake you up.
He extended an arm to pet Louis, but the cat wasn’t having any of it. 
Within minutes Louis was out of sight and reach and it was just the two of you, on the cold floor. With no cat to disturb, his attention naturally wandered over to you. It was too tempting to not kiss your bare skin. Your hands were tucked under your head, like a makeshift pillow; sooner than later you were bound to get uncomfortable—it only made sense to wake you up. It was definitely not because you looked too cute and he couldn’t stand not being able to squish you. 
“Baby” he whispered softly, “Wake up.” 
You stirred at the sound of his voice, pushing your body towards him, but not really moving.
He had the widest grin plastered on his face, just looking at you. “Let’s go to bed, you’re sleeping on the floor.”
You hummed in response, too lethargic to actually move and also just a scat annoyed.
When he stroked your cheek, you shivered under his touch, goosebumps forming all over your body. His touch was electric. 
Feeling a bit smug about the reaction he just elicited out of you, he pulled your shirt up, just enough to expose your waist, and planted soft kisses alongside your ribs.
You squirmed with every kiss, until you were wide awake and sitting upright, fighting him off.
“Why why why” he giggled, as you pushed him away.
“Why!! Look at the tiiime.” You whined, not letting him have his way for the 800th time.
His face fell, “I know baby, I’m sorry. If it makes you feel better, I was really sulky the whole time I was there and not here.”
“No, that does not make me feel better.” You replied, “I don’t want you to sulk when you’re working.”
“Ayee you can’t have both.” 
“Both what?”
“Be mad at me and not let me be mad at my work.”
“I’m not mad at you.” You pouted, crawling into his lap, “I just really missed you.”
There was something so soothing about your presence, something he couldn’t really explain. He held you tight and buried his head in the crook of your neck, taking in the faint vanilla-esque scent you naturally emanated. 
“I missed you too, baby.”
You ran your fingers through his brownish-blonde hair, your heart skipping beats every time you felt his hot breath on your skin. You weren’t one to feel ticklish easily at all, except for under his touch. It was a phenomenon that perplexed you too. So when he slipped his hand under your shirt, to feel your skin, you shivered again. 
He raised his head and gave you a knowing, smug smile.
God he was so infuriating with how attractive he looked when he smiled like that.
“You’re lucky you’re this cute.”
He grinned even wider. “Oh? What’s that? You think I’m cute?”
“Yeah, I think you’re very cute. What of it?”
The cutest laugh escaped his lips and he cupped your face, “I think you’re cuter, now please kiss me.” 
He puckered his lips and in anticipation, closed his eyes, deliberately acting like a cringey young adult rom-com hero, but two could play that game, right?
You pecked him on his cheek instead. 
His dramatic reaction sent you into a fit of laughter and the whole time you were trying to contain yourself, he was gazing at you as if nothing else existed in his world, with the goofiest, most endearing smile on his face. 
He’d never told you he loved you—even though it’s all he’d thought about the past couple of days—partly because he was scared and partly because he didn’t want to scare you away. 
But the way you made his whole being melt into a mush of happiness, made him not want to hold it in anymore.
“Hey,” he interrupted your hysterics in a serious tone, causing you to stop and look at him. You couldn’t match the intensity in his eyes, but it sparked a wildfire at the pit of your stomach.
“I love you”
Did you hear that right? Did he say he loved you? 
“You what?”
“I love you.” 
You beamed ecstatically. “Good, ‘cuz I love you too.”
“Oh thank god” he exhaled in relief, but before he could finish that sentence you had him caught up in a long, sweet kiss that knocked the wind out of his lungs. 
In the dead of the night, you could only hear his soft moans as you bit and sucked on his lower lip. His hands wandered all over your body, grabbing and teasing you, while you focused on how he tasted like liquor and chocolate, without having any. 
Everything about him was intoxicating. 
“Let’s go in”, he signalled towards his room, when you finally parted away from him.
You looked delectable with your messy hair and slightly swollen lips. Ten wanted to devour you.
“Ohhhhh Mr. Lee why do you want to take me into your bedroom at 2:30 AM.. What are your intentions?” 
“To show you how much I love you.” he seduced, “Will you let me?”
“I’ll let you do whatever you want, baby” you replied, getting up and holding your hand out to help him.
“I wonder what good deeds I did to have found you in my life.”
You rolled your eyes as you walked towards his room. “And I wonder the exact opposite.”
He gasped. “Is that how it is huh? I guess you’ll never find out how much I love you then.”
“Aww.” You chuckled, closing the distance between you, “It’s okay, I can show you right here how much I love you instead?”
“No, I can feel Louis looking at us and I’m not about to traumatise my son. So, I’m gonna give him some treats and be right in.”
“Fifteen minutes or I’m going to sleep.”
“I’ll take five.”
“You and I both know you need at least fifteen minutes with Louis.”
How does this woman know me so well, he thought to himself walking over to where his cat was perched. 
“What do you think, Louis? Did I do the right thing” Ten whispered, nuzzling his nose in the fluffy fur. 
Louis meowed.
“Yeah, I think so too. She’s really great isn’t she.” 
Louis meowed again, making him chuckle.
While pouring some dry food in the bowl for his cat he realised he actually hadn’t eaten anything since afternoon, yet he felt full… full of this happiness and a kind of contentment that he’d never experienced before. He cringed at this disgustingly sappy thought and made his way back to you, into the bedroom. 
You were sprawled on the bed, already asleep, not even having managed to get under the blanket.
“So cute”, he fondly murmured, as he got in bed too and encompassed you completely in a hug—his arms now wrapped around your waist and one leg overlapping both of yours.
You stirred, but he pulled you in closer,
“It’s okay, go back to sleep baby.”
He heard a little affirmative hum and you turned around to face him—eyes half closed—to give him a tiny peck on his lips and then hid your face in his chest. 
You started falling back into your world of dreams and he fell right in with you, following you through a field of daisies, admiring your beauty as the sun glowed on your face; just like he would if you were awake. And tell you a thousand times over how beautiful he thought you were and love you and kiss you until you fell right back into his arms at the end of every night. 
There was something so sweet about that feeling, it made you smile and you thought yeah… it seemed like a good way to spend the rest of your life.
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cannibalisticapple ¡ 5 years ago
I have fallen into the Sprinkles Cult by @corndog-patrol and was going to send an ask about it, but then this happened instead. I don’t know how this happened, I don’t even know if it’s in the Villain!Mic AU or the canon universe or what.
Maybe this is set in all the AUs, in all the many different multiverses both hero and villain, civilian or not, Quirked or Quirkless.
The first time Hizashi thought something might be off was when he came home to find a pentagram drawn on the floor in what might be blood.
Now, Hizashi lived in a pretty bad neighborhood so it wasn’t too weird that someone might break into his apartment and draw the symbol of a satanic ritual. Actually, this wasn’t even the first time this exact thing happened (which was a weird story for another day).
Unlike last time though, the people who broke in hadn’t ransacked his place to steal stuff. Also, the lingering smell of vanilla-scented candles pervaded the area, indicating they’d actually been lit this time, with a touch of rotten eggs. It confused him because when he checked his fridge he didn’t even have any eggs. Confused, he went to the remains of the candles sitting at the ends of each point of the pentagram.
“Do you think these things can go bad?” Hizashi asked Sprinkles while scratching his head. The lovely soft ginger-brown cat mewed, blinking her big, sparkly eyes with an innocence that gave him no answers but still filled him with warmth and reassurance. Aww, how could he ever feel sad when he had Sprinkles around? Thank goodness the people who broke in hadn’t hurt her!
With that thought he decided to rekey his locks just to be safe. Who knows what satanic cults would do to a sweet cat like Sprinkles? On his way to the store he dropped the five used candles in a random dumpster, figuring it’d be safer to get rid of them.
The second time he felt something might be going on was when he was going through his drawers.
He’d been rooting through his “leftover” drawer for something to wear, having already uprooted most of his closet and the other drawers. Nothing had really stuck out to him today, so he’d turned his attention to the bottom right drawer which he rarely touched. The “leftover” drawer was full of clothing that had fallen out of favor for whatever reason, like having to rid of the usual paired garment. He should probably clean it out sometime.
He picked up a shirt for a band that made his nose wrinkle (seriously, how had he ever liked those guys!?), and that’s when he saw it. The bright yellow stars against the purple fabric caught his eye immediately, his face lighting up with delight.
“That looks perfect!” he exclaimed, tossing aside the band shirt to pull out the starry-patterned garment. His excitement soon fell though as he realized it wasn’t a cool shirt, but some sort of... Actually, he wasn’t sure what it was? When he held it up it unfolded a bit, revealing a large rectangle of fabric. It had a sort of curve to the center, and holes near each end of the rectangle.
He turned it around with a frown, puzzled. “Is this one of those hair towel things?” he muttered uncertainly. He’d seen some special towels for sale designed to easily wrap your hair after showers. It didn’t feel like a towel though, the fabric not exactly water-absorbent. The two holes also seemed to point away from that being the case.
Glancing at the drawer as if hoping it would provide some form of answer, he was then surprised when it kinda did. There was another starry-patterned thing there, a little smooshed from being stored under all the clothes. When he pulled it out it almost instantly popped into its regular shape, revealing a wizard hat. A very small, cute wizard hat.
“Heh, this is kinda cute,” he said to himself with a small smile. Pausing, after a long moment he put it on his head and twirled to look in his mirror. Alas, the hat was too small for his human head and looked more silly than fun, his shoulders slumping in disappointment as he sadly removed it. Darn, Hizashi loved getting to dress up in silly looking stuff.
More importantly though, he still had no idea what the other thing was, or even where they came from. As he looked at them in disappointment he heard a familiar meow from the doorway, and turn to find Sprinkles blinking up at him with big sparkly eyes. “Hey Sprinkles,” he greeted with a big smile.
A bit of inspiration struck him, and he trotted over to plop the hat on her head. It fit perfectly, her ears disappearing inside and making him crow in delight. “Hah! That looks great, Sprinkles!” he cheered. “Like it was made for you!” He paused then, his gaze returning to the mystery fabric still in his hand. Hold on, maybe, just maybe...
Curiosity piqued, he removed the hat and tried to pull the mystery garment over her. Sprinkles was surprisingly patient with his attempts to dress him, even as he covered up her head in his attempts to pull it on. It seemed like it might not work, but then her head popped through the bigger hole and she blinked up at him with another happy mew.
Hizashi had to pause then, hands flying briefly to cover his mouth. “Oh my gosh,” he whispered. After several long seconds he gingerly reached out and pulled the tip of her tail through the hole on the other end. It popped through and immediately puffed up to its regular fluffiness, and his hands immediately returned to cover his mouth with a small squeak.
Eyes flicking to the hat, he pried one hand from his mouth to slowly reach out and pick it up, quickly depositing it on her head. His hand flew back as he gave another squeak, his eyes lighting up.
“Oh my gosh!” he repeated in a high-pitched squeak, voice breaking just slightly. Sprinkles just mewed, all sparkles and sunshine as she stood there in all her magical wizard glory.
Hizashi covered his mouth as he gave a muffled squeal, doing everything to keep his Quirk from slipping through. “It’s like it was made for you!” he squeaked out. Sprinkles was just so cute like this, it was almost like magic!
That night Sprinkles got a lot more love than usual, and given how much he usually fawned over her that was saying a lot.
(In the end, he forgot to wonder about where the stuff came from.)
The third indicator something was off was when he posted a picture of Sprinkles.
At first posting a picture of her in the wizard costume to his Twitter seemed like the obvious thing to do. How could he not share her adorableness with the world? Sprinkles was so cute in the wizard outfit! It captured the absolute innocence and cuteness that was the essence of Sprinkles! And all 43 pictures turned out great!
But seconds before hitting the “Tweet” button with three of the cuter photos he’d hesitated, a sudden doubt overtaking him. What if Sprinkles might be too cute? What if some jealous soul saw that picture of Sprinkles, and became so entranced by her adorableness that they decided to kidnap her? He’d already had satanists break in with egg-scented vanilla candles!
At first posting a picture of her in the wizard costume to his Twitter seemed like the obvious thing to do. How could he not share her adorableness with the world? Sprinkles was so cute in the wizard outfit! It captured the absolute innocence and cuteness that was the essence of Sprinkles! And all 43 pictures turned out great!
But seconds before hitting the “Tweet” button with three of the cuter photos he’d hesitated, a sudden doubt overtaking him. What if Sprinkles might be too cute? What if some jealous soul saw that picture of Sprinkles, and became so entranced by her adorableness that they decided to kidnap her? He’d already had satanists break in with egg-scented vanilla candles!
In the end, he decided not to. The risk was just too great.
But he couldn’t not show off his kitty, she was just too cute! So he decided to post a more neutral picture of her au naturel instead, settling on a picture of her sitting on the kitchen counter next to a bowl of ice cream. In his opinion it highlighted the sparkly quality of her eyes quite well, and was reasonably cute, but not might-get-her-kidnapped cute.
He added a caption “It’s all too sweet!” and hit send, and then muted his phone for the rest of the night. Using electronics too close to bedtime would make it that much harder to go to sleep after all, and even a handful of notifications would keep him up.
The next day, he unlocked his phone and almost fell off his chair when he saw all the likes and retweets he’d gotten. The picture had gone viral overnight, his account exploding with thousands of new followers. It overshadowed all his other posts.
Best of all though? Shouta had liked it.
He would later apologize many times to his landlord for breaking the window with his resulting squeal.
The fourth indication something might be off was tax season.
“I hate tax season,” Shouta said flatly when he showed up to his apartment for a romantic dinner. “I want to never see a tax form again.”
“Huh, doesn’t UA have fancy accountants to handle that?” Hizashi asked, genuinely surprised.
“Our accountants are busy handling all the finances involved in the constant reconstruction around the training grounds.” Pause. “And also replacing all the robots destroyed in training.” Pause. “And furniture destroyed in the dorms.” Pause. “And all the explosions from the Support Department. Apparently there’s been more than usual this year.”
“Yeah, they sound busy,” Hizashi agreed with a frown. “Well, if they’re that bad, you can leave it here!”
“You’d do my taxes?” Shouta snorted, but Hizashi shook his head.
“Not me. I hate doing them probably even more than you, yo!”
“Ah. So, you hire an accountant to do them? Wouldn’t it cost extra to hire them to do mine too?”
“Nah, no need! Sprinkles takes care of it.” That made Shouta pause, turning to look at him with the most adorable wrinkle between his eyebrows.
“Sprinkles...?” he repeated slowly, and Hizashi bobbed his head with a grin.
“Yep! She’s great at it! I’m sure she’d be willing to handle yours too.”
“Sprinkles,” Shouta repeated, again, still looking so adorably confused. “Sprinkles does your taxes.”
“Uh-huh! She’s doing them right now!” He gestured behind them, and Shouta twisted around on the couch to look. On the floor next to the wall sat Sprinkles, a bunch of papers spread around her paws and a gray blazer draped over her back.
“...Hizashi,” he said after a moment. “Does Sprinkles actually do taxes?”
“Yeah! She’s got a degree in it, see?” Hizashi pointed to the wall, proudly beaming as Shouta stared at all the framed diplomas and degrees hanging there bearing her name. Sprinkles was such a smart kitty!
“...Hizashi,” Shouta said after a long moment. “When, and where, did Sprinkles get degrees?”
Hizashi opened his mouth to answer but paused as the question registered. “I... don’t know,” he said, his own eyebrows furrowing. “She just... does?” He frowned slightly as he watched Sprinkles meow at one of the many forms, lightly pushing it around with her paw.
The biggest sign that made him think something was going on though, was probably when he went to the basement.
“Where is that kitty?” he muttered worriedly as he walked down the long, winding hallway, only the torches on the walls lighting his way. Sprinkles had pulled a disappearing act, common for most cats but not for Sprinkles. It had sparked concerns she might have been kidnapped by one of her thousands of Tumblr followers, sending him into a panic. He’d practically torn his apartment apart looking for Sprinkles before finally opening the heavy wooden door to descend the stairs.
He shivered as he looked at the cold stone walls, the torches’ fire doing nothing to help warm the space. The basement was just so dank and cold, and the thought of her being down here made his heart pang with concern. The basement was no place for a cute, fluffy cat like Sprinkles!
...Actually, come to think of it, since when did he have a basement? He’s pretty sure the lease only mentioned the apartment. And on that note, why was the door hidden in the back of his closet behind a poster?
He could worry about it later though. Right now he needed to find Sprinkles. He could see faint, flickering light at the end of the hall, signaling a doorway into a room. Hizashi perked up and picked up his pace a bit, eager to finally reach the end. He really hoped Sprinkles was there, he’d been walking down this hall for ten minutes now!
As he got closer the lights grew brighter, as did the faint smell of smoke, vanilla and rotten eggs. His nose wrinkled a little bit at the last one, but he pushed forward. “Sprinkles?” he called almost tentatively as he reached the doorway, and stopped.
Several people in soft-looking sweaters sat huddled on the floor around a pentagram, turning to look at him almost as one. Vanilla-scented candles littered the floor, casting flickering glows all over the cat towers, toy mice and sporadic assortments of human bones on the floor. It left most of the room dark, but he could see another person by the back wall holding an axe as they stood before a woman strapped to a torture rack.
Hizashi stared, his eyes slowly roving over the people crowded around the pentagram, over the pictures of Sprinkles printed on their shirts. Over the woman strapped to a torture rack in a shadowy corner with another woman holding an axe. To the large poster of Sprinkles’s face on the other back corner, partially lit by a wide beam of light from some unknown source. To the poster next to it, even more clearly illuminated with the title “WORDS OF OUR SAVIOR” and a paw and hand print.
Hizashi stared, just absorbing it all. And, slowly, his eyes returned to the center of the room.
To Sprinkles, in the center of it all, in her adorable little wizard costume in the middle of a pentagram.
“Wha...?” Before he could do anything the people surged forward, lunging and tackling him to the ground. Hands pinned his limbs and he opened his mouth to scream but someone shoved a toy mouse in his mouth, effectively gagging him. The hands pinning him quickly pulled him up as the cultists tied him up with a ball of yarn, wrapping it around him several times to pin his arms to his sides.
As they dragged him into the room he spit out the mouse, coughing and hacking. “Hey, what—oh my gosh, ew, my tongue feels nasty! Can someone get me water or something? Please?” His cries went ignored, dragged to a cage in a different shadowy corner and shoved inside. Hizashi grunted as he hit the bars, scrambling to sit up as the door slammed. “Hey—”
“All hail Sprinkles,” the cult chanted monotonously, and returned to their original positions. Sprinkles just blinked at him, her eyes looking extra sparkly in the candelight, and mewed. Hizashi’s line of sight was broken though, someone stepping in front of the cage.
“What’s going—SHOUTA!?” His voice rose to a startled squeak as he recognized his boyfriend crouched in front of him, beautiful messy black hair and scruff and everything. He wore a purple sweatshirt—surprisingly vibrant for the man—with the picture of Sprinkles and the words “SPRINKLES CULT PRESIDENT” printed above it.
For a moment they just stared at each other, neither of them speaking.
“All hail Sprinkles,” Shouta said, and gave a thumbs up with a tiny little smile with his tongue sticking out.
At that moment Hizashi sat up in bed with a startled gasp, finding himself face to face with Sprinkles’s big, blinking eyes.
“Mew,” she meowed, and he melted with a smile, reaching out to hug her.
“Come here, you!” he chuckled, rubbing his cheek against her as she happily headbutted him. “I just had the craziest dream! There was a cult for you in our basement and everything, it was so weird!” Sprinkles just mewed, and he laughed. He paused then, sniffing. “Sprinkles, do you smell rotten eggs?”
Sprinkles mewed, and he shrugged it off. Eh, probably just his imagination.
The next morning inside the coffee shop he stared at Shouta’s shirt, bright eye-searing purple with Sprinkles emblazoned on it, and just slowly raised his eyes.
“Shouta?” he asked slowly. “Where did you get that shirt?”
“Dunno. I just woke up in it.”
“And you’re wearing it because...?”
“Didn’t feel like changing.” Shouta just calmly drank his coffee, ignoring Hizashi’s stare.
It occurred to Hizashi, then, that there were many things he didn’t know about Sprinkles. Like what she did while he was gone, or how she knew how to do taxes. Or why she appeared in his apartment the same day that someone broke into his house for the first time to leave a demonic pentagram carved into his floor, all the furniture around it lying on its backs or sides as if knocked over by a great force of wind.
........Eh, Sprinkles was too cute to be evil. He’d worry about it later.
Somewhere in Musutafu, a sparkly-eyed cat in a wizard costume sat next to a phone open to Tumblr, blinking down at the screen. The follower count slowly ticked upwards, and with it so did the power accumulating in her body, steadily feeding off the adoration of her fans.
She blinked, eyes sparkling just a bit brighter.
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just-another-robin ¡ 5 years ago
Paradox Maker • HalBarry (Part 1)
- As a quick author’s note this story is unedited. I’m sorry for any grammar, spelling mistakes or any inconsistencies. This is also an angst story. I’d recommend listening either to Closer by The Tiny or Ilomilo by Billie Eilish while reading. Also, Tumblr like ate my first post this is a repost.
Summary: Barry Allen knows he can travel through time and sometimes, realities. So, when he goes into a different universe, he finds out something new. Not everyone can be saved.
The last time Barry went into another universe, he took over the spot of the Alternate Universe version of himself. This time, he found himself in the middle of nowhere. It was dry, rocky and empty. Barry hadn’t been in this universe long but knowing villains on his own planet, it wasn’t anywhere good.
The first thing he did was check his pockets, hopefully the change from one universe to the other possibly gave him a different ID or something.
The only thing he finds in his pocket that doesn’t belong there is a Justice League pager with a phone number on the back. Okay, he found a possible way out now, all he needed to know was where he was.
A quick run around the plane, and Barry’s worries about this being a villain’s lair was confirmed. Skeletons muddled the grounds. Normal people would be disgusted but, it was Barry’s job to keep his cool. So, he did just that.
None of the bodies seemed to have the same wounds as others. Odd. Most villains had one M.O and stick to it. When he investigated further he found some of them still had various forms of I.D. on them.
One had a worn down, disgusting ID badge, that bared a familiar name. And when he saw it, he ran.
He knows the Central City police department like the back of his hand. The police captain normally kept a file of his important passwords in the ride hand side of his desk, in an unlocked drawer.
If he wanted to know anything about this version universe of himself, he’d have to see what the police have on him and, being the fastest man alive had it’s advantages. In most cases he could use other’s computers and stuff like that without them knowing. And that he did.
Once successfully logged in, he found information on himself fairly quickly. Bartholomew Allen. Born March 19th, 1994. They also stated an address and an emergency phone number.
The emergency contact was stated as his husband. After writing down both the address and phone number, he clicked on emergency contact info and was instantly blocked by a new window opening up and asking for a password.
The new screen was mainly blank with a small version of the Justice League logo in the lower left corner. So, it seems like he married one of his teammates. That was good. It meant he didn’t have to worry too much about lying about who he truly was.
Despite not revealing who he married, they still showed the address so, Barry could easily run ‘home’.
Sometimes, when Barry knocks on a door he’s not sure if it’s actually taking a long time for the owner to answer or, it’s his increased perception of time. This time: it was nerves.
Eventually, Barry could hear the lock click from the inside.
“Sorry, we don-“ Hal’s voice started before he even looked out the door. “Holy shit!” He pulls Barry in for a hug.
“Hi.” Barry says, returning the hug yet still unsure of what to do.
“Where were you?” Are you okay?”
“No clue and I’m really, really starving.”
Hal walks into his apartment, leaving the door open for Barry to follow.
As Barry walks in a large, fluffy, ginger cat meows at him.
“Hey buddy.” Barry says, leaning to pet the cat, who begins to pur.
Hal smiles from the kitchen, and opens his fridge, pulling out some food that wasn’t way past its expiry date.
It seemed obvious that Barry had shared this apartment with Hal just from that fact alone.
“What do you want for a slightly early dinner?” Hal called out. “I really think those cooking lessons have been benefiting me.”
“I don’t know. What do you feel Iike?” Barry picks up the cat, and cradles it like a baby.
The cat sniffs at Barry’s hand before meowing, quite loudly. If this cat was the reason Barry gets caught, he may just cry.
“Jeff, what’s wrong baby?” Hal walks over and pets the cat.
The cat meows once more before hopping from Barry’s arms, walking towards the kitchen.
“I guess everyone’s hungry right now.” Hal looks down before looking back at Barry. “Well, it’s your house so, like take a seat or whatever.”
Barry walks into the living room, out of the view of Hal. He looks and sees several photos of people in the league. Including his and Hal’s wedding photo. One taken of Hal shoving cake into Barry’s face, and beside it one of the League sitting at a table together. Diana had her arms around Bruce and Clark, Arthur and Zatanna sat on the outermost corners. Everyone was smiling and it looked like it was a great night. Both Zatanna and Bruce were looking at each other like they hung the stars.
While Hal was busy in the kitchen, Barry decided to look around their house to see if anything could help him ‘sell’ being from this earth.
Next he walks into the bedroom, and sees that it’s surprisingly clean. There are several papers scattered across the left side of the bed. The right side had the blankets pulled back without disturbing the papers. Barry knew being nosy wasn’t good but, if this version of himself was missing, maybe it could help. Barry picked up one of the several papers.
The gist of the paper is that Barry and Hal have been accepted to foster two twins called Donald and Dawn West.
On the top of the letter was a sticky note that read ‘Foster to adopt? ♥️ you. ~ B.’
Aww, cute. They were adopting. Part of Barry actually started to feel bad that he was giving this Hal fake hope.
The next paper was bank statements. All papers seem to be preparing for adoption.
So next, he went to their study. It was slightly more messy than the bedroom. The desk had a computer monitor, several binders, and random scraps of paper all over it.
In the left hand corner of the room was a small table covered by an old Transformer blanket. As Hal said, it was his house. He could look through whatever he wanted as long as it didn’t rouse suspicion.
Hal sticks his head in the door. “Hey, I just got called to Gotham. Are you okay on your own?”
Barry jumps at Hal’s voice, before taking a second or two to respond. “Uh, yeah. Why are you going to Gotham?”
“Cause you know,” Hal leans against the doorway and looks to the ground. “Uh, Bruce.”
Barry’s face fell. “Oh. Do you want me to come with?” He wasn’t exactly sure what had happened to Bruce but just from Hal’s refusal to go into detail, that it may be bad.
Hal shakes his head no. “I know Gotham’s cleaned itself up after a bit but people like Poison Ivy are still out there. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Hal stands up and straightens his leather jacket. “Dinner’s in the oven. I’m really sorry I couldn’t stay.”
“It’s fine, man. I completely understand. See you soon?”
“Later, alligator.”
“In awhile, crocodile.”
Seems like Barry isn’t a superhero in this universe. And that’s okay. Or at least, should be.
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btspreferences1997 ¡ 7 years ago
BTS Reaction: New pet
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It was a sunny day in Seoul, and Jin had been out shopping, when he had saw the most cutest little puppy ever, it was a black pomeranian with a white spot on its head. He had to buy it for you, he entered the pet shop, and lifted his sunglasses up, slipped his mask down just enough to be heard.
“Excuse me, but how much is the Pomeranian puppy in the window?” He inquired as he pointed to the cage, by the window. The owner looked up, and saw which one and smiled, “That one is 17,000 won.” Jin nodded and asked to see the puppy.
The owner got up and unlocked the cage door, and motioned for him to come closer. He walked close enough to get a closer look at the puppy. It was so small, and it was just so happy to be able to go home with someone. “I'll take her, sir. It'll be a gift for my wife.”
They did the necessary papers, and he payed the adoption fee. And off he went back home with the puppy in tow. Hopefully you like her.
*Time skip*
It has been a good three hours, since you had finally came home, from work. As you finished showering you, had heard the front door open.
“Oppa, are you home?” He walked in with, the things he went to buy, but something caught your eye, “Oppa, did you buy me a Pomeranian puppy?” You questioned him, as you went to pick her up, she began to sniff your face.
You giggled when she licked your face, you put her down and let her roam a bit, as you kissed his cheek and help him with the bags. He closed the door, and sat on the couch. You laid your head on his shoulder, and kissed his lips. “Thank you oppa, I love you.” He smiled down at you, “Anything for my jagiya, and I love you too.”
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You sat next to your husband, Jungkook at an interview with the rest of bts and their girlfriends/wife's. You played with your wedding ring, as the interviewer asked, “So guys when are you guys gonna have children?” You and Jungkook,  blushed as Jina, Hoseok's wife smiled as she spoke. “Well we're expecting.”
The crowd went wild, as you and the others hugged them and congratulated them, only for the interviewer to say, “So Jungkook you said you had a surprise for _____-shii. Right?” He nodded his head and told you to close your eyes.
As you did so, you felt someone put something on your lap. “Can I open my eyes now?”
“Now.” Jungkook said pulling your hands down. Your eyes lit up at the sight of the cute tabby kitten. You let out small squeal, as you carefully picked up and hugged Jungkook. “Thank you, oppa.” You whispered the last part into his ear.
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He sat inside the greenhouse, tending to the flowers when he heard a small ‘meow’ coming from the little pile of pots. He put the watering can down, and walked over to where the meows, were coming from.
As he bent down a small calico kitten came out, and began to meow at him. “Where's your family, little one?” He asked as he looked at it gender, and found it be a girl.
“Well I guess you'll be coming with me.” He picked her up, and held her close to keep the cold air from hitting her small body.
Humming to yourself you began to sway, slightly to the tune in your mind. Twirling you heard the back door open and close. “Oppa, whatcha got there.” You asked skipping up to him, you watched him open up his jacket to, see the tiny calico kitten.
“Aww, oppa she's so cute. Where'd you found her?” You said letting her as purrs erupted from her. “I found her in the greenhouse, in a pile of broken pots.” He said putting her down on the ground, watching her sniff and play with everything.
“Well I guess we have a new pet.” You said hugging his side as you, felt him him in agreement.
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You guys had been walking around the shops that littered the streets of Seoul, enjoying the the sounds of people bustling, and cars zooming by. You held Jimin's hand as you fixed your sunglasses, as you pulled him along the way.
“Um, oppa your mask is falling down.” You said fixing it for him. He gave you a slight hug, as a thank you. “So where should we go next jagi?” He questioned hoping no one could hear his voice, “Let's go to the pet store!!!” You said in an excited tone, you pulled him down the street, around the corner, and across the intersection. All the way to the pet store, “Yah, ____-shii slow down you're gonna make me trip.” He said trying to slow to you a pace, to where you weren't gonna fall flat onto your face.
You entered the store and looked at all of the different animals, you knew what you wanted and it was, (f/a). You searched and searched for it until you found it. It was so pretty you had to buy it, as you called for the clerk. Jimin had wrapped his arms around your waist as he held up the receipt for the (f/a).
You gasped in surprise and turned around in his arms to give him a quick peck on the lips, as the clerk came and opened up the glass box display, and gave you the (f/a). You guys thanked him, and went home to play with the (f/a).
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You were watching some tv, when he brought in some boxes and a bird cage. You stared at him with a questionable look upon your face. As you got up to help him, he explained to you that he found a lovebird the was stuck in a hole and couldn't get so he rescued it brought it home to keep it as a pet.
And so now you have a new edition to the family.
(A/n: I know so short… I ran out of ideas…)
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You guys wanted a pet so you guys had gotten, an idea to get a rabbit. So you had found a place in Seoul that sold rabbits, you felt as if you were gonna faint from all the cuteness. There were bunnies everywhere. You both roamed around looking for the perfect one, until you spotted a black and white one with long floppy ears. You had to have it, “Oppa let's get this one.” You said pointing to it. He nodded his and motioned for the clerk to come and grab the rabbit. The clerk had put it into, a carrier and put it into the counter. “That will be 14,000 won, please?” The clerk said waiting patiently, for him to pay. Yoongi handed  him the money and took the change and then gave you the carrier with your new family member.
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yourkeeperoftherunners ¡ 7 years ago
Gentle Monster Ch. 1 (EXO Hybrid AU)
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Plot: AU All he wanted was a home, but it seemed like he was never going to get one. You wanted a friend who would keep you company. Upon stepping into the mystical pet shop tucked in the back alleys of a tourist area of town, you had no idea what you were getting into when you signed the paperwork.
Rating: PG-13 (Language, hints of relationship abuse, animal/human shifting)
Characters: Dog Hybrid!Chanyeol x Female Reader, Magic Pet Store Owner!Kris, and mentions of other OT12 hybrids and owners
Notes: This is part of @oh-beyond‘s hybrid series – she gave me her blessing to write one for Chanyeol. The premise is slightly inspired by the manga Pet Shop of Horrors with differences (Ex. Chanyeol’s human form is only visible to the reader and Kris in private and Kris matches pets with appropriate owners versus Count D who used the animals to teach owners a lesson.) Chanyeol’s breed is a Great Dane Doberman mix (called a Doberdane), which is inspired by the writer’s own dog. The title was inspired by a real life experience when a young girl (same height as my dog) rounded the corner in a shop and saw my dog for the first time. (She dubbed my dog “a monster dog” when she ran to tell her dad because she had never encountered a dog as big as her.)
Banner created by me. Absolutely no reposting anywhere else as your own!
Ch. 2
“When will I go home?”
“The right one hasn’t come in yet,” Kris replied.
He was met by two large brown eyes and a childish pout of one of his longer term animals, a Great Dane Doberman mix named Chanyeol. Due to his sheer size and exuberance, the pup had turned away many potential owners that came to look at pets. Every now and then a curious soul would inquire about a bigger dog, but Kris would dissuade them and match them to another animal instead. Chanyeol trusted the shop owner but eventually he was getting tired of watching his friends leave for their new homes while he was forced to stay behind.
“I’ve been here for months!” he moaned as he sank his head down to the carpet. “What am I doing wrong?”
“Nothing Chan, I know you’re a good dog but I don’t want you going to anyone who says they’ll take care of you then leave you at a pound a few months later,” Kris sighed as he rubbed his temples.
“I’ve been here as long as Zitao!”
“You say that like its a bad thing!” the tan cat hissed, before shifting to a human form. “I don’t mind waiting – maybe it means that I’ll find a rich owner, someone who can buy me nice things!”
“Shh,” Kris hushed as the bell on the door tinkled. He laced his fingers together and stepped into the stop front, bowing his head slightly. “Welcome, are you looking for something in particular?”
“Something small that I can take care of,” the young man replied with a slight lisp. “Preferably easy to train.”
Zitao perked his head up and smiled as he returned to his cat form, slinking out toward the front. Chanyeol rolled his eyes as he listened to the young man speak with Kris, followed by a yelp from the former.
“I think this cat has taken a liking to you,” Kris noted with a faint smile.
“Oh no no no!” the young man sputtered as he backed up, trying to put space between him and the cat. “I’m not a cat person! I was thinking more of a little dog.”
Chanyeol snickered and shook his head, trying to hide the amusement in his face as Zitao returned with a sullen look on his face.
“A child,” Zitao sniffed as he returned to his human form. “Too good to be true.”
“Sometimes I wish that man with the funny cat eyes took me over Chen,” Zitao whined over dinner. “He seemed nice.”
“He was a little intimidating,” Chanyeol confessed as he wiped his mouth. “One minute he was being savage, then next he was all cute. I don’t think it would be fun to guess his mood.”
“The person he was talking to on the phone was an idiot,” Zitao added. “I heard them blubbering and making excuses – I think that man was powerful and had money. I would have liked him.”
Of course you would have, Chanyeol thought, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. It was hard to see Chen go that day but knowing Kris, the former had found his forever home. Chanyeol didn’t fully understand the pet shop owner but he figured that Kris was sort of an animal whisperer in a way – he could tell what animals would be a good fit for their future owners and who was a trustworthy one. The only time someone came back was due to an owner passing away and the rest of the family being unable to care for said pet.
“Dinner okay guys?” Kris asked as he stuck his head in the back.
Both of them nodded and the owner smiled faintly. He glanced over at Zitao and offered his condolences about the failed attempt this afternoon.
“Well it’s no big deal, he probably couldn’t afford me,” Zitao said with a shrug. “Makes sense why he picked a bunny for his first pet.”
“I’m happy for Suho,” Chanyeol chimed in with a smile. “No he wasn’t a dog like that man wanted, but I think it will be a good match.”
“Yes I think Mr. Oh will be in for a bit of a shock when he sees Suho’s other form, but the young man needs a brotherly figure in his life,” Kris mused. He checked his watch and noted that it was time to close up shop. “I’ll be back tomorrow – behave yourselves and don’t wreck the place, okay?”
“Aww, but we wanted to throw a party,” Zitao joked.
"Welcome Miss, how may I help you?”
You shrugged your shoulders as you wandered into the shop, your fingers wrapped around your arm. “Was this shop here this whole time?” you asked curiously as you passed a fish tank. “I mean, I’ve lived around this area for a while but I’ll admit I’ve never wandered this far into this part of town before.”
Kris nodded and watched as you looked around the store, tilting his head when he caught a glimpse of a fading bruise under your shirt sleeve.
“Were you injured recently?” he asked.
You snapped your head back toward him and tugged the sleeve down. “It’s old,” you tried to explain with a wave of your hand.
He narrowed his eyes and frowned. “Someone put their hands on you,” he noted. “It’s not my business to ask, but I hope for your safety that you’re far away from that individual.”
“Ye-yeah I’m not seeing that guy anymore,” you insisted as you walked closer to the counter. “I carry pepper spray around in case.”
Kris nodded and folded his hands in front of him. “Are you looking for a particular animal?” He resisted the urge to laugh when Zitao slunk out from the back, jumping up onto the counter to brush against him. “Ah pardon the cat – he’s very curious about visitors. Little high strung, but a good cat nonetheless.”
“I wish I could pet you baby, but I have allergies,” you admitted as you stepped back slightly. You shot the cat a sympathetic look and he meowed at you before moving away to the register, rubbing against it to scratch an itch.
“Maybe...I mean, I’ve thought about a pet but I’m not sure if its the right time for one or not,” you replied. “I’ve always wanted a dog but wasn’t allowed to have one as a kid.”
Kris stared thoughtfully around the shop and pressed his index fingers against his lips. “Do you care if its a small dog or a big one? Older or younger?”
“Oh I’m not picky,” you said with a shrug. “Is there someone here that maybe really needs a home? Well, as in, they’ve been here for a while?”
He paused and told you to wait before disappearing to the back to grab Chanyeol. Softly, he whispered in the large dog’s ears to be gentle as he nudged him forward. “Slow and steady – she’s been through a lot from what I can tell.”
Chanyeol swallowed hard as he walked out, stopping a few feet from you and sinking to his haunches to sit. He tilted his head to the side, the large ears flopping over into triangles, making him seem more puppy-like. You stared at him and shyly stepped closer, offering your palm out for him to sniff. He pressed his nose to it and picked up a faint scent of tuberose and citrus.
He nudged your hand up and tilted his head down so your hand would rest on top of his head. You smiled as you gently scratched behind his ears and he panted, eyes closed into crescent moons and a smile stretched across his jowls. He shouldn’t get his hopes up about you, but he can already tell from your scent and these ear scratches that you were a good person.
“What’s his name?” you asked.
“Chanyeol,” Kris replied. “Seems he’s taken a shine to you already. Did you want him?”
You nodded and asked how much he was. Kris produced a contract from under the counter, along with a pen. You shot Chanyeol an apologetic smile as you moved away from him to take a closer look at the fine print. He followed you to the counter, leaning his head against your thigh as you read.
“He’s up to date on all immunizations, knows basic training, and he’s been fixed,” Kris explained as you read. “My contract’s pretty straightforward: feed him twice, if not three times a day, regular exercise is recommended, and if at any time you cannot care for him, please bring him back here. I’d rather be the one to place him again versus the pound.”
“I’m surprised this sweet boy’s still here,” you said as you looked down at him.
“Make no mistake, he’s good with other animals and is well behaved,” Kris added. “He eh, was a bit hyper as a puppy and sometimes hyper and big dog don’t go over well with everyone. Plus he can be a little clingy at times but he just loves being close to others.”
You nodded as you finished reading and signed the dotted line. You frowned about the payment line and shot Kris a baffled look. “Am I reading this correctly or is the payment asking for sushi?”
“I’ll take regular payments as well but in a pinch, I do like the sushi from the restaurant on the hill – top notch if you ever go,” Kris replied with a faint grin.
“Well Chanyeol, here we are – home sweet home,” you announced as you dropped your keys into the bowl by the door. You un-clipped his leash and hung it on the hook next to your coat before guiding him through the rooms of your apartment.
He was excited but scared – was this real? Did he actually have a home? Was he really going to sleep somewhere else that wasn’t the pet shop tonight? It was sensory overload for him as he sniffed things, poked his head into rooms, and tried to take it all in. He froze when he heard a growling sound and you giggled.
“Oh baby are you hungry?” you asked as you headed to the kitchen. “Well, I’ll make dinner for us and then we can take it easy for the rest of the evening, okay?”
Chanyeol sat as he watched you scoop food into his bowl you bought, along with some leftover chicken you had from the fridge. You mixed up the dry food and chicken before placing it in front of him, encouraging him to eat. He dove into the food, devouring it with gusto as you filled his water bowl.
“Hearty eater, huh?” you chuckled as you put the water bowl down. You dried your hands off and walked over to the phone to check for missed calls. You dialed the message center and listened for the automated voice to tell you if you had any missed calls. After a few moments, you froze when you heard a familiar voice and quickly deleted the message, hanging up the phone with shaking hands.
Chanyeol had watched all of his and was concerned by your reaction. He didn’t like seeing you scared and from what he heard, that voice didn’t sound good. He made his way over to you and nuzzled his head against your hip. You petted him and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“I’m sorry about that Chan,” you said as you scratched his ears. “Don’t worry – it’s just a message. I’m not seeing that loser again.”
“Oh c’mon Nancy, don’t go out there alone!” you groaned as you watched your laptop screen. You scratched Chanyeol’s ears as you watched the character storm off, hellbent on finding something to explain some of the disappearances in town.
He watched you as you kept your eyes on the screen, jumping whenever something scary happened. As the episode came to a close, you checked the clock in the upper right corner of your screen and sighed when you saw it was getting late.
“We should probably go to bed Chan,” you said as you closed your laptop and put it away. You beckoned for him to follow you to the bedroom and settled under the covers of your bed. He sat at the end of your bed, head tilted with a curious look.
“You can come up,” you coaxed him. “It’s okay baby, come on up!”
Chanyeol paused before springing to his feet and jumping up, awkwardly collapsing on your mattress when he discovered it was squishy. You giggled at his reaction – poor pup probably hadn’t encountered a memory foam mattress before. He scooted closer to your hand and his eyes fluttered closed as you stroked his fur for a few moments before eventually drifting off to sleep as well.
He slept soundly for a few hours before a warm, tingly sensation rushing through his body, jolted him awake. He opened his eyes and silently gaped at himself as he saw that his dog features were replaced with human ones. What? But he thought only Kris could see him as a human?! What was going on?
“Chan, are you okay? Bad dream baby?” you asked as you fumbled for the light. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and sat up abruptly upon seeing a tall young man, dressed in oversized clothes sitting on your bed, instead of the large mixed breed dog you adopted a few hours ago.
“What the HELL!” you screeched. “Who – what?! Where’s my dog? How did you get in here?!”
Chanyeol blinked as he stared at you with a confused expression. “Mistress, it’s me, Chanyeol!” He played with his collar that had his name tag and showed it to you. “See?”
You leaned closer and saw it was the same collar and name tag your dog sported. Your eyes drifted up to his and you saw the same warm brown hues – weirdly, this was your dog but somehow he was human?
Your head snapped to the table where your cell phone was charging and you groaned as you fumbled with the covers.
“If it’s the asshole calling, I am not –” you paused when you saw it was the number of the pet shop you adopted Chan from.
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araglas1989 ¡ 7 years ago
Cat in the tree
When Fenris wasn't with Hawke and his band of misfits, he sometimes worked for some people. The elf didn't exactly know for whom, since there was always a middleman, who Varric brought to Fenris. The way the middleman behaved let him assume, that it was some noble, but the payment was good and none of his principles where crossed so why not? Also since the work had a wide range from different tasks, he assumed, that he had different employers. It ranged from easy tasks like bringing a secret message to someone, over to guarding something or someone and sometimes kill some bandits or slavers.
 Today he should investigate one of the big agricultural gardens right outside of Kirkwall, which delivered food and other necessities and where someone seemed to steal things from. Since Fenris was asked to see into this and not one of the guards, he was pretty sure that there where some illegal things destroyed instead of, let's say, some pulled carrots.
 He went along a path, on his right side golden yellow corn weighed their heads in the light breeze while on his left side two rows of apple trees rustled softly, sounding like little waves crushing on a beach. It was a peaceful sound, the sun shown brightly from a blue heaven only interrupted from soft little white dots. For a moment Fenris stopped and turned his face towards the sun, enjoying its warmth, taking in a deep breath. The early summer smelled like... well grain and warm earth.  He took some more deep breaths, feeling relaxed and, for a moment, free from all worries and sorrows of his life.
The sudden sound of cursing near him brought Fenris' mind back from his happy place, remembering why he was here in the first place, he followed the cursing. The voice sounds oddly familiar. Then the sound suddenly vanished. Fenris came to stand under one of the apple trees, bent his head to one side to better listen he waited, if the voice came back. Instead he heard cracking above him. Is gaze shoot up and found... "Mage?"
 The mage stopped trying to hide and instead looked nonchalant down to Fenris, trying to look completely self-confident and normal. "Elf", he nodded as greeting. "What are you doing here on this beautiful day?"
Fenris frowned. "I'm... taking a walk. And you?"
"I'm gathering stuff for my portions." That sounded honest.
"On a tree?"
"Why yes, obviously. Though not only here but also here."
"I never heard about portions that need you to climb a tree", he raised his eyebrow in disbelieve but also curious.
"And obviously you know everything about every portion, being a mage like you... oh how could I forget, you aren't a mage!" He answered snarky, wild gesticulating with the arm with which he does not hold on to a branch.
Fenris crossed his arms and his ears dropped a little, while his face went blank. "Well no. Then enlighten me what are you gathering and for what portion is it?"
Anders started to plug out leaves. "I need the... leaves, yes the leaves. For... an abscess... portion, yes." He nodded to himself, while he stuffed the leaves with one hand into the pockets of his rope, while he hold himself steady with the other hand which hold onto one of the bigger branches.
"An abscess portion?"
"Yes! Got a problem?" he stopped in his tracks and stared at Fenris, who leaned against the tree trunk and watched him. "You know, you don't need to observe me doing this. It's boring. Just continue with your walk."
Fenris shrugged. "No, no problem." Then he smirked. "Oh I am not in a rush. It is nice weather and I have a nice view. Also I never saw a mage up in a tree, collecting leaves."
Anders starred at the elf, his mind racing until he realised, that by standing up here, Fenris could see under his robes. Heat rushed into his cheeks but he only rose proudly his nose. "Wish I wouldn't wear trousers, don't you?" He then laughed since now the normally stoic elf blushed. "Aww why Fen, I didn't know you like mage-ass." Anders snorted because of the face Fenris made.
"I never said I like... kaffas!" He shook his head in disbelieve, trying to will away his blush. "Just gather your leaves, stupid mage."
 He watched while Anders stuffed more and more leaves into his pockets, occasionally throwing a more and more desperate glace towards the elf. Fenris, now with normal skin color again, smirked. He still remembered, that the curses from Anders had lead him here, so he was quite sure that the mage hadn't been honest to him. "You are stuck, are you not?" he asked, after Anders' pockets were full and the human sat on the big branch, his back leaned against the tree trunk. He didn't look like he would try to climb down soon.
"What? Me? Stuck? No! I just want to relax a bit before climbing down again. Do you realise how exhausting it is to balance on this branch without falling down? And like I said before. Just continue with your walk!"
"So not stuck? Okay." he chuckled softly but otherwise didn't show his disbelieve. "Oh I enjoy myself here, no worries." Fenris stayed exactly were he was, arms crossed, leaning at the tree trunk, waiting. Silence grew while seconds expanded to minutes.
After a quarter of an hour Anders finally sighed and dropped his head. "Yeah I'm stuck."
Fenris relaxed his stand and looked up to him. "And you are not up there because of the leaves, are you?"
Anders sighed again. "No~."
"And you are up there because....?"
"By Andraste's  knicker weasels do you need to taunt me, elf?! I'm up here, because a cat was stuck and I wanted to rescued him! And now I'm stuck too, okay? Just laugh and let me alone!"
Fenris did as he was told and laughed but he didn't leave. "Cute. And were is the cat now?"
"Did you just call me cute?" he asked flabbergasted.
Fenris blinked. "No? I called this situation cute, not you. So did you scare the cat down the tree?"
"He is in my robes." The mage opened the first two buttons and a black and brown head poked out of it. The cat meowed softly and then pulled it's head back in, content to stay were it was.
 Fenris nodded to himself. "Alright. I will help you two down here. How did you get up in the first place though?"
"On the other side was a low hanging branch but it broke when I jumped to catch this big branch. And it was the only one, that was low enough..."
Fenris nodded again and took his sword from his back.
"Uhm why do you need your sword? Please don't just cut the tree!", his voice cracked with fear.
Fenris shook is head. "Stupid mage, it is in my way when I want to help you." He sat the sword against the tree trunk and stood then directly beneath the big branch Anders was sitting on. "Can you lower yourself down the branch without crushing the cat? You can stand on my shoulders and I bring you down."
"I'm sure I can... but are you sure you can hold me?" I can't believe, he will let me - a mage - step on him...
"I once carried Hawke all the way to your clinic, remember? And I am quite sure that he is much heavier than you."
"Point for you. Alright, let's do this." He got up and then lowered himself carefully down, his feet dangled in the air, until Fenris hand first held the feet, than his calves to direct them on his shoulders. Finally Anders could put his weight on him, still holding himself half on the branch. "Uhm and now? I still can't just jump down..."
"Just lower yourself until you sit on my shoulders."
"Can you hold me? I can't reach the branch then anymore and I don't want to fall down."
"Sure" Fenris reached up while Anders took one feet down and slowly lowered himself further down, until he couldn't reach the branch anymore, he then stabilized himself with Fenris arms. With a little flump he finally sat on his shoulders. Fenris stepped slightly wobbling a few steps back. "I will now go on my knees so you can step down. Alright? I need my hands for that." Said and done, Fenris pressed one hand on Anders' thigh while he reached out with the other and wobbling kneeled down. When Anders then tried to get down, he fell square on his ass. "Uff!"
Fenris turned around, both stared at each other before both of them started laughing. "You are such a clumsy creature, mage!" He held out his hand and pulled Anders back on his feet, when he took it. Suddenly they stood in each others personal space and Fenris realised for the first time, that Anders was a bit more than one head taller than himself. Their breath hitched and for a magical moment they just stared at each other, like they saw the other respectively for the first time.
 The moment was destroyed, when a soft paw boobed Fenris' nose. Startled his gaze went down. The cat had poked it's head out again and one paw without claws boobed Fenris' nose a second time out of curiosity. Fenris took a step back. "I will continue my walk then..." He moved some steps before he stopped again looking back to the seemingly lost blonde. "Did you destroy some plant in this garden?"
For a moment Anders was confused, but then he nodded. "They planted highly addictive drugs which they sell to Low- and Dartowner. I needed to treat more and more addicted the last weeks..."
Fenris nodded back. "They will hire other mercenaries to look into this. Stay save Anders." He nodded good bye and left.
 Anders' fondled the cat's chin while watching the elf leave. "He called me Anders...."
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araglas1989-writing ¡ 7 years ago
Cat in the tree
When Fenris wasn't with Hawke and his band of misfits, he sometimes worked for some people. The elf didn't exactly know for whom, since there was always a middleman, who Varric brought to Fenris. The way the middleman behaved let him assume, that it was some noble, but the payment was good and none of his principles where crossed so why not? Also since the work had a wide range from different tasks, he assumed, that he had different employers. It ranged from easy tasks like bringing a secret message to someone, over to guarding something or someone and sometimes kill some bandits or slavers.
Today he should investigate one of the big agricultural gardens right outside of Kirkwall, which delivered food and other necessities and where someone seemed to steal things from. Since Fenris was asked to see into this and not one of the guards, he was pretty sure that there where some illegal things destroyed instead of, let's say, some pulled carrots.
 He went along a path, on his right side golden yellow corn weighed their heads in the light breeze while on his left side two rows of apple trees rustled softly, sounding like little waves crushing on a beach. It was a peaceful sound, the sun shown brightly from a blue heaven only interrupted from soft little white dots. For a moment Fenris stopped and turned his face towards the sun, enjoying its warmth, taking in a deep breath. The early summer smelled like... well grain and warm earth.  He took some more deep breaths, feeling relaxed and, for a moment, free from all worries and sorrows of his life.
The sudden sound of cursing near him brought Fenris' mind back from his happy place, remembering why he was here in the first place, he followed the cursing. The voice sounds oddly familiar. Then the sound suddenly vanished. Fenris came to stand under one of the apple trees, bent his head to one side to better listen he waited, if the voice came back. Instead he heard cracking above him. Is gaze shoot up and found... "Mage?"
 The mage stopped trying to hide and instead looked nonchalant down to Fenris, trying to look completely self-confident and normal. "Elf", he nodded as greeting. "What are you doing here on this beautiful day?"
Fenris frowned. "I'm... taking a walk. And you?"
"I'm gathering stuff for my portions." That sounded honest.
"On a tree?"
"Why yes, obviously. Though not only here but also here."
"I never heard about portions that need you to climb a tree", he raised his eyebrow in disbelieve but also curious.
"And obviously you know everything about every portion, being a mage like you... oh how could I forget, you aren't a mage!" He answered snarky,  wild gesticulating with the arm with which he does not hold on to a branch.
Fenris crossed his arms and his ears dropped a little, while his face went blank. "Well no. Then enlighten me what are you gathering and for what portion is it?"
Anders started to plug out leaves. "I need the... leaves, yes the leaves. For... an abscess... portion, yes." He nodded to himself, while he stuffed the leaves with one hand into the pockets of his rope, while he hold himself steady with the other hand which hold onto one of the bigger branches.
"An abscess portion?"
"Yes! Got an problem?" he stopped in his tracks and stared at Fenris, who leaned against the tree trunk and watched him. "You know, you don't need to observe me doing this. It's boring. Just continue with your walk."
Fenris shrugged. "No, no problem." Then he smirked. "Oh I am not in a rush. It is nice weather and I have a nice view. Also I never saw a mage up in a tree, collecting leaves."
Anders starred at the elf, his mind racing until he realised, that by standing up here, Fenris could see under his robes. Heat rushed into his cheeks but he only rose proudly his nose. "Wish I wouldn't wear trousers, don't you?" He then laughed since now the normally stoic elf blushed. "Aww why Fen, I didn't know you like mage-ass." Anders snorted because of the face Fenris made.
"I never said I like... kaffas!" He shook his head in disbelieve, trying to will away his blush. "Just gather your leaves, stupid mage."
 He watched while Anders stuffed more and more leaves into his pockets, occasionally throwing a more and more desperate glace towards the elf. Fenris, now with normal skin color again, smirked. He still remembered that the curses from Anders had lead him here, so he was quite sure that the mage hadn't been honest to him. "You are stuck, are you not?" he asked, after Anders' pockets were full and the human sat on the big branch, his back leaned against the tree trunk. He didn't look like he would try to climb down soon.
"What? Me? Stuck? No! I just want to relax a bit before climbing down again. Do you realise how exhausting it is to balance on this branch without falling down? And like I said before. Just continue with your walk!"
"So not stuck? Okay." he chuckled softly but otherwise didn't show his disbelieve. "Oh I enjoy myself here, no worries." Fenris stayed exactly were he was, arms crossed, leaning at the tree trunk, waiting. Silence grew while seconds expanded to minutes.
After a quarter of an hour Anders finally sighed and dropped his head. "Yeah I'm stuck."
Fenris relaxed his stand and looked up to him. "And you are not up there because of the leaves, are you?"
Anders sighed again. "No~."
"And you are up there because....?"
"By Andraste's  knicker weasels do you need to taunt me, elf?! I'm up here, because a cat was stuck and I wanted to rescued him! And now I'm stuck too, okay? Just laugh and let me alone!"
Fenris did as he was told and laughed but he didn't leave. "Cute. And were is the cat now?"
"Did you just call me cute?" he asked flabbergasted.
Fenris blinked. "No? I called this situation cute, not you. So did you scare the cat down the tree?"
"He is in my robes." The mage opened the first two buttons and a black and brown head poked out of it. The cat meowed softly and then pulled it's head back in, content to stay were it was.
 Fenris nodded to himself. "Alright. I will help you two down here. How did you get up in the first place though?"
"On the other side was a low hanging branch but it broke when I jumped to catch this big branch. And it was the only one, that was low enough..."
Fenris nodded again and took his sword from his back.
"Uhm why do you need your sword? Please don't just cut the tree!", his voice cracked with fear.
Fenris shook is head. "Stupid mage, it is in my way when I want to help you." He sat the sword against the tree trunk and stood then directly beneath the big branch Anders was sitting on. "Can you lower yourself down the branch without crushing the cat? You can stand on my shoulders and I bring you down."
"I'm sure I can... but are you sure you can hold me?" I can't believe, he will let me - a mage - step on him...
"I once carried Hawke all the way to your clinic, remember? And I am quite sure that he is much heavier than you."
"Point for you. Alright, let's do this." He got up and then lowered himself carefully down, his feet dangled in the air, until Fenris hand first held the feet, than his calves to direct them on his shoulders. Finally Anders could put his weight on him, still holding himself half on the branch. "Uhm and now? I still can't just jump down..."
"Just lower yourself until you sit on my shoulders."
"Can you hold me? I can't reach the branch then anymore and I don't want to fall down."
"Sure" Fenris reached up while Anders took one feet down and slowly lowered himself further down, until he couldn't reach the branch anymore, he then stabilized himself with Fenris arms. With a little flump he finally sat on his shoulders. Fenris stepped slightly wobbling a few steps back. "I will now go on my knees so you can step down. Alright? I need my hands for that." Said and done, Fenris pressed one hand on Anders' thigh while he reached out with the other and wobbling kneeled down. When Anders then tried to get down, he fell square on his ass. "Uff!"
Fenris turned around, both stared at each other before both of them started laughing. "You are such a clumsy creature, mage!" He held out his hand and pulled Anders back on his feet, when he took it. Suddenly they stood in each others personal space and Fenris realised for the first time, that Anders was a bit more than one head taller than himself. Their breath hitched and for a magical moment they just stared at each other, like they saw the other respectively for the first time.
 The moment was destroyed, when a soft paw boobed Fenris' nose. Startled his gaze went down. The cat had poked it's head out again and one paw without claws boobed Fenris' nose a second time out of curiosity. Fenris took a step back. "I will continue my walk then..." He moved some steps before he stopped again looking back to the seemingly lost blonde. "Did you destroy some plant in this garden?"
For a moment Anders was confused, but then he nodded. "They planted highly addictive drugs which they sell to Low- and Dartowner. I needed to treat more and more addicted the last weeks..."
Fenris nodded back. "They will hire other mercenaries to look into this. Stay save Anders." He nodded good bye and left.
 Anders' fondled the cat's chin while watching the elf leave. "He called me Anders...."
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katwriting ¡ 8 years ago
Fic: When in Paris
Magnus takes Alec on that first date. (2695 words)
Just some fluff I wrote before we can watch the actual Malec first date tonight.
Author’s note:  I know the Malec first date takes place in a bar, but I started writing this fic a couple of weeks ago when we didn’t know that yet. So I went for something different. Also, this is the first fanfic I published in years and English is not my first language, so sorry in advance if there are any weird grammar/syntax mistakes :)
Magnus blamed it all on Alec. Stupid shadowhunter. Stupid dark hair, stupid brown eyes, stupid cute smile. If it weren’t for all of those things, Magnus would never have been daydreaming and therefore distracted enough to completely mess up his eyeliner.
 Stupid shadowhunter, he thought again as he grabbed a make-up wipe to remove the smudged black liner from his face and immediately sighed. Now he had to start all over again.
 Sure, he could use his magic to get his make-up done. But if Magnus Bane enjoyed one thing, it was getting ready. And for his first date with Alec, he had to make sure he looked amazing. So his magic just did not quite cut it today. Besides, he’d probably have to use his magic later on anyway - redoing his make-up would take up a significant amount of time he’d calculated in for doing his hair. And Alec would be here within the next half hour.  
 “Trust me, you’re going to look good in this.”
“You sure?
“Alec, just because I picked this out doesn’t mean it’s totally unwearable. If this were black, you would have picked it yourself out without a second thought. You’ll be fine. Now get over here and let me have a look.”
 Alec’s bathroom door squeaked annoyingly when it opened, so Izzy didn’t exactly understand what Alec was grumbling when he came out of his bathroom. But that was probably for the best anyway – she highly doubted it had been something nice.
Granted, Alec had every reason to be annoyed with her. Izzy had been bugging him about what he would wear for his date with Magnus all day. And maybe insulted his preference for plain black clothing a few times along the way.
Nevertheless, Isabelle Lightwood was not someone to be sorry for making outfit recommendations. Not even the slightest bit. By the angel, her brother was going out with the probably best-dressed downworlder in entire New York, it was practically her duty to make sure Alec looked good for that. And if that required dragging her brother out of the Institute and into a shopping mall to get a nice outfit for him, then so be it.
Speaking of her brother, Alec looked pretty uncomfortable and also still a bit grumpy as he was standing in front of her. And he was constantly pulling at the collar of his new sweater. Izzy swatted his hands away and smoothed the fabric down.
“Stop that! You look great!”
“Well I definitely don’t feel like that”, Alec admitted and avoided Izzy’s gaze when she looked up at him.
Izzy’s stern impression immediately turned soft and she pulled her brother into a hug. “Aww, no need to be nervous, big bro. It’s going to be fine.”
Alec sighed and wrapped his arms around his sister. “I hope so.” He looked down at her, looking not too sure of himself. “Do I really have to wear this? Couldn’t I just put on my black –“
Izzy didn’t let him finish the sentence. She just huffed, grabbed Alec’s leather jacket from where it had been laying on his bed, shoved it into his hands and unceremoniously pushed her brother towards the door.  “Alec Lightwood, stop doubting my outfit choices. You may be older, but I certainly have the better taste in fashion. You look great. Now go pick up that warlock before I kick you out the door!”
Alec rolled his eyes, but did as he was told. Arguing with Izzy about fashion-related stuff was pointless anyway.
Magnus put on the last bit of hairspray exactly the moment the doorbell rang. He put the can back into the cabinet, shooed Chairman Meow out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him. As he walked over to his front door, he quickly ran his gaze over his living room, removing his forgotten coffee cup and the slightly chaotic pile of magazines from the coffee table with a snap of his fingers. With a deep breath, he opened the door.
“Alexander. Please, come in.”, he said and smiled when he took in Alec’s appearance. Alex wore a dark red sweater that brought out his broad shoulders beautifully. The V-neck collar emphasized his neck and his deflect rune. Also, the sleeves were rolled up, giving Magnus an excellent view of Alec’s arms. To complete the look, the shadowhunter wore his usual black jeans and black boots. “Well aren’t you a sight for my sore eyes”
“Uh…thanks, I guess”, Alec said and then smiled shyly. “Shall we?”
“Sure, let me just grab my jacket”, Magnus said, snapping his fingers again and making a purple jacket appear over his shoulder that suited his black button-down shirt perfectly . “Let’s go. I hope you don’t mind if we use a portal. Traffic in this city has been a nightmare since they invented cars, and I refuse to use this disgusting thing they call public transport system.”
Alec shrugged and then started grinning as he imagined Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn, on a packed subway train with busy lawyers, crying babies and annoying teenagers. Definitely nothing that fitted together.
He then stepped aside so Magnus could close his apartment door and curiously watched as the warlock drew open a portal and gestured him to walk through.  “Come on, our reservation is in ten minutes.”
When Alec had agreed to grabbing dinner at this “lovely French place” Magnus suggested, he had expected some fancy place. Because, honestly, it was Magnus. He would not go for something below the extraordinary if he could avoid it.
What Alec had not been expecting was that “portaling to the restaurant” actually meant portaling to another country.
Needless to say he was pretty surprised when he stepped out of the portal and did not recognize a single building around him. Alec had grown up in New York and been on missions all over the city over the years, so he’d gotten to know his city pretty well. Well enough that he could tell when he was not in New York. Like right now.  
“Welcome to Paris”, Magnus said and smiled at Alec’s confused, but curious expression. They were standing in a narrow alley outlined by pretty, old-looking apartment buildings. Although he could hear TV noises and people talking through a few open windows, nobody was on the street. Good, Alec thought. If nobody saw them, nobody could start wondering how exactly the two of them could show up out of nowhere.
Judging from what Alec could see from his point of view, the alley went out onto a much busier street, the sidewalks packed with people and a sheer endless row of parked cars lining up next to the sidewalks. But before Alec could take a closer look, the warlock took his hand and pulled him into the other direction. They walked down the alley, over a bridge and then on a sidewalk along a river until Magnus stopped in front of a small restaurant. Although it was already evening, the sun was still shining, tinting the street and the buildings into a pretty glow and making the surface of the river glisten in the rays of the setting sun.
 Magnus looked up to Alec and chuckled at his stunned expression. Describing the shadowhunter as impressed would be the understatement of the year.  “Beautiful, isn’t it? Not as beautiful as my date, though.”
The downworlder bit back a laugh as Alec immediately started blushing. Instead, he continued talking: “I found this place when I lived in Paris in the early 1920s. And I kind of fell in love with it. Of course, the owners have changed several times since then, but the place remained the same and I love to come here when I’m in town. Although I haven’t been here a lot recently. I missed it.”
“Why didn’t you just come here, then?”, Alec asked curiously. “As far as I know, warlocks can portal anywhere as long as they have already been there, right?”
Magnus smiled. “I’ve been busy, Alexander”, he said, meeting Alec’s gaze.  “Also, there’s this really cute shadowhunter who has been taking up a lot of my spare time recently.”
Magnus’s smile got even bigger when he saw Alec trying to hide his slightly embarrassed but definitely flattered smile.  
Alec had never been much of a talkative person when it came to topics that didn’t involve demon hunting. He usually kept his thoughts and opinions to himself, only opening up to a very small circle of people. But talking to Magnus over dinner in this tiny little French restaurant was one of the easiest things he’d ever done.
The conversation kept flowing easily, they never seemed to run out of topics to talk about. And even when there were a few moments of silence Alec enjoyed them more than feeling awkward about. There weren’t many of those silent moments, though – most of the time they were laughing about Alec’s memories of Jace or Izzy (or both of them) getting them into trouble or one of warlock’s stories about London in the 1800s and how he met his dear friend Ragnor there. (“Who by the way you have to meet someday, Alexander. He’s a bit much sometimes, but I think you’ll like him.”)
Talking to Magnus was also fun. And definitely a treat for Alec’s eyes. The longer they kept chatting, Alec realized more and more how attractive Magnus was. Not only in the obvious, visual way – there were a lot of little things Alec had never noticed before that made Magnus so handsome. Like the way his eyes lightened up when he told Alec the story about the time he got almost run over by a carriage in the late 1800s. Or the way his gaze turned soft when he explained why he cared so much about a bunch of downworlders. Or the vivid gestures he used when he told a particularly funny story, making the jewelry around his wrist jingle. And of course, the intense, curious look in his eyes when he listened to Alec talking. That look was probably his favourite one, since it made Alec feel so special, like he was he only person Magnus wanted to be with right now. At this thought, Alec realized he felt just the same way about Magnus. It was a weird feeling, something different than he felt for Izzy and entirely different from his parabatai bond – but he liked it. And it made him smile.
Magnus, who had just been vividly describing how the driver of that damn carriage had yelled at him, “even though it was his fault, and he knew that!”, stopped talking mid-sentence and looked curiously at his date. “What’s wrong?”
One thing Alec really didn’t like about Magnus, though, was the way the warlock’s company often turned him into a stuttering, babbling mess. Just like right now.
“I – uh – nothing, it’s just-”Alec shook his head slightly, pretty embarrassed with himself and then looked back at Magnus. “You just look really good tonight. Actually, not only tonight.”
 Now it was the warlock’s turn to blush. “Why thank you, Alexander. You don’t look too bad yourself, if I may say so.”
When they were done with dinner, neither Alec nor Magnus felt like going home, so they opted for taking a walk along the Seine. After a while, Magnus led them over to a bridge and stopped in the middle of it, leaning onto the railing. By now, it was already night and the city had calmed down for the day. They were the only people on the bridge, save for the occasional car or bike passing by.
They stood on the sidewalk next to each other, looking out onto the river and the lights of the city, when Magnus broke the silence. “This used to be one of my favorite places when I lived here. I usually came here when I needed to think. Or just get away from everything”. Immediately after he’d said that, he felt a bit of guilt hitting him along with the reason why exactly he had to this place so often.
Alec did not reply, just kept looking onto the reflections of the street lights on the water. He sensed that something was up, but didn’t want to push Magnus to tell him. So he just kept quiet. If he had learn one thing about Magnus Bane in the few months he’d known him, then that pushing Magnus to do anything would only backfire. So he just waited, trusting that Magnus would come forward with whatever was on his mind. And he was right.
Magnus took a deep breath before he started talking. “Alexander, I haven’t been entirely honest with you earlier. There’s more to why I’ve been avoiding Paris than just me being busy.”
“I figured as much”, Alec answered, looking over to the warlock. “You don’t have to tell me what happened”, he added quickly, after he saw the pained expression on Magnus’s face.
But Magnus quickly shook his head and continued talking. “No, I want to tell you. I want to start this”, he motioned to the small space between him and the shadowhunter, “on honesty, not on secrets. Besides, it’s been decades. This shouldn’t matter to me anymore.”
By now, Alec definitely knew where this conversation was going. And he was pretty sure it had something to do with an annoying, super-bitchy vampire lady. But he didn’t say anything, just took Magnus’s hand in his and kept looking over the river.
Magnus interlocked their fingers and smiled shyly at Alec before he started to explain. “The reason why I haven’t been to Paris is not because I’ve been too busy to come here. I just tried to avoid the city. And a few other ones, to be honest. Paris, Prague, London…all of those are places I have lived together with Camille. But most of the time we spent here, in Paris.”
Magnus paused and tried to ignore the memories that immediately came up in his head. He may have a lot of history with Camille, but when he thought of his future, he thought of Alec. And he did not want to screw this up. So instead of giving in to the memories creeping up on him, he shrugged them off. “Long story short, I have a lot of memories of this city – unfortunately, a lot more bad than good ones. And they tend to come up every time I’m here. So I tried to avoid the city to get rid of them.” Magnus sighed, glancing over to where Alec was still quietly looking out onto the river. “Does that sound weird?”
The shadowhunter shook his head “No, not at all. I guess we all have parts of our past we’re not proud of. You just have to make sure they don’t define you.” Then, Alec smirked. “And about those bad memories – you can’t erase them from your memory. But - ” He stepped closer and put his arms around the warlock’s waist, pulling him against his chest. He put one hand under Magnus’s chin and gently made him look up at him. “But, you know, you could try to overwrite them with good ones.”
Magnus looked into Alec’s soft brown eyes and started smiling. . “Sounds like a plan”, he said and put his arms around the shadowhunter’s shoulders. “And I think I know just the guy who could help me with that.”
And when Alec leaned down for a gentle kiss that made Magnus’s entire body tingle with butterflies, he was pretty sure overwriting those bad memories would be much easier than he’d thought. Especially as he’d just made the first of many good ones.
Omg, I totally forgot how weird it feels to publish something you wrote yourself. Soo weird. But kinda good, though. Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing it. Let me know what you think :)
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