#awesamdude headcanon
thequackcity · 2 years
there are only four ppl in the world who understand c!sam and im one of them. hes a little justice freak who loves rules and regulations. also hes always wanted to have kids but never got the chance to have any biologically so he tries to be fatherly towards those he thinks need it but sucks so hard at it
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Could you write a how c!dsmp react to sick reader? I've had a bad cold for a few days now, and I could really use dome cheering up!
If you don't want to or can't, I completely understand.
Please take care of your self, so you don't end up sick like me!
Of course!!
How C!Dsmp members react to you being sick!
I’m very mad at tumblr for deleting my work so these will be pretty short and to the point
✰ Antfrost
He’d stare at you for a while. Before making sure you got the rest you needed
✰ Awesamdude
He’d throw you into the prison guard room till you got better.
Very worried, very sweet making sure you were getting better
✰ Captain Puffy
Mom vibes, “need anything kiddo.”
✰ Dream
Could care less, “you know it’s not fun when you’re sick so get better.”
✰ Eret
Such a sweetheart, would bring you into a guest room to have someone come in and take care of you
✰ Foolish
Likely calls someone else to help you out, being as he’s very ‘busy’
✰ Fundy
He’d try to help and end up sick probably worse off than you.
✰ Georgenotfound
He’s either the reason your sick or tells you just to sleep it off.
✰ Jschlatt
“Just don’t get me sick alright?” Is definitely an ass about it.
✰ Jack Manifold
Has no idea how to help you at all.
He’s giving 👁👄👁
✰ Karl
Makes you oatmeal cookies, to make breakfast easier to pass to you. Expect constant tea refills.
✰ Niki
An Angel, keeps a soft music playing to soothe your headaches and probably makes bread for you.
✰ Ph1lza
Dad vibes, this man has everything prepared.
“Tommy used to be sick all the time I’m used to this.”
✰ Quackity
“Hey now you’re not working the casino in these conditions.”
Takes you up into one of the many spare rooms and has slimecicle bring you food water and checks your temperature till you feel better. He’s busy but will make time for you.
✰ Ranboo
I HC enderman can’t catch human virus’s. He’d be eager to help seeing that he can’t catch it. He’d bring you mushroom soup.
✰ Sapnap
Probably got you sick, “eww you’re gross” makes someone else look after you and acts like it never happened.
✰ Skeppy
Has no idea, would try for a while before inevitably calling Bad to come help.
✰ Slimecicle
Absolutely fascinated, constantly watching over. But he would fetch whatever you asked for. Like a dog he’s just watching.
“Human illness is neat.”
“Don’t worry about training your body is doing enough fighting right now.” Words of encouragement to you.
“Beat the cold Y/N”
Constantly feeding you baked potatoes.
✰ Tommyinnit
Either why do got sick or the most unhelpful person.
Oh your sick means I’ll talk to you “keeping you company”
✰ Tubbo
He has a child he gets how hard it is on your body, would keep a cold towel around tea and honey would be his staple.
✰ Wilbur
Tries really hard to help you feel better but really just makes it worse then calls either Phil or Quackity depending on his mood. So
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astraymetronome · 1 month
What do you think would happen between sam & tommy if one of them shrunk and found the other ?
Well, in the situation Tommy shrunk and was found by Sam I'm pretty sure he'd just be pretty protective. Because of how some people are, the stuff under the cut is gonna be me talking about g/t with vore. Everything above the cut is just your normal g/t stuff, though the normal stuff does work with the vore stuff!
I'm kind of going off of the Awesamdad Au by Grimmijaggers on YT for some of this idea. •~•
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Sam would definitely go into a Creeper mindset. He'd probably scoop Tommy up and hide him in his inventory or maybe tuck him away in a pocket, close to his heart.
They would both probably fight a lot, I know it's really out of character, but I think it fits. I'll explain in Tommy's sections.
In the situation Tommy is permanently small, Sam would probably get into the habit of holding him like a kitten. Kinda of scruffing him or holding him using something on his mask to just keep Tommy in his sight and somewhere easily accessible.
Sam would be a very soft giant, constantly worried about the small person with him and checking them over as often as he could. In the event they're hurt, Dream showing up, he would probably be harsh and growl to try and scare them away. I know Sam is, canonically, a bit selfish, and I'm not faulting the man for feeling like a victim, but he'd not be good at fighting. Just a head cannon, since he's so worried over needs and such.
He probably takes his mask off around Tommy, letting the teen see his face and stuff. He probably chitters and chirps to ground him when he's panicking or something, it was definitely a big help when the shrinking first happened-
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He would definitely burst into laughter at first. He's too much of a menace to take someone shrinking seriously. I know this contradicts my Trapped Dream Au but different situations >:(
I'd probably have raccoon!Tommy for this if I ever make it an au. So Tommy would totally hide Sam in his den and do his best to keep him comfortable. His instincts would either register him as a member of his nursery or a kit he needs to protect.
If anyone was to try and hurt Sam, he would definitely go feral, spitting, hissing and biting until he can either get away or scare the threat away. He is very protective of tiny Sam and will make sure anyone and everyone knows.
Tommy definitely chitters and chirps at Sam when he's being stubborn or something. He'd treat him like a child despite knowing full well he's an adult. I think, in a way, it would be a sense of pride for him. Feeling like he's in control, even if it is inherently bad and unhealthy.
On the fluffy side of things, he would definitely hold Sam with or cover him with his tail when he wants attention or to give some comfort. He'd end up being a good pillar for Sam to rely on when he needed someone or was having a bad shrink day? I don't know how to describe it but I think you get the idea.
Okie- noms from here folks!
Using the logic that he's a creeper, Sam would probably be pretty protective over small Tommy. Like, he'd be borderline possessive. Tommy would definitely curl up with cats to keep Sam from storing him when he's in trouble. Unorthodox but effective at keeping from time outs.
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Sam would so be a very careful pred, he'd not want to hurt Tommy and probably hold his breath whenever they did noms, because his exhales hold thick smoke and heavy carbon. Think of it like his lungs are a working explosion, constantly burning the oxygen he pulls in to make the smoke and stuff he needs? It's weird but cool in my opinion.
Tommy definitely makes smoker jokes and constantly mocks Sam in a smoker voice. It's often the reason he gets nommed because he won't stop insisting Sam smokes 3 packs a day when he needs to be quiet.
At first, Tommy was very scared, like he would scream his lungs out and claw at Sam's storage until he was let out: levels of fear. Now he just squirms and will randomly be loud to scare Sam into thinking he's back when they first started doing this. Aka protective creeper go brrr.
Sam has a colored green storage and Tommy is constantly put off by it like- 'it shouldn't be that color!' and Sam just constantly reminds him that he's barely human and isn't gonna have human insides. Tommy still thinks he needs to fix it. He can't.
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Tommy took probably five minutes after Sam shrunk before he shoved him in his mouth because: instincts. Let me have this. He is the raccoon child for a reason.
Sam so freaked out and probably gave Tommy plenty of indigestion- probably let off an accidental explosion or two due to his panic. Let's just say Tommy had a scar in his stomach lining that Sam hasn't mentioned. Tommy finds out after having swallowed another shrunk person, probably Tubbo or Ranboo.
He loves teasing Sam, nipping and biting him all the time because it's his love language. Aka he wants to show Sam he cares and does it the only way he really knows- violence and noms. Noms too.
Using raccoons as reference, Tommy soaks Sam in water before he noms him, like Sam knows what's gonna happen when he's being held and Tommy pulls out a water bottle and a bowl.
Tommy spends the entire time Sam is in his storage, or stomach I haven't decided it should have the same conditions as Trapped Dream Au, purring and chittering to himself. He will poke and prod Sam until he's squirming around and stuff because he absolutely loves having the sensation!
If anyone has any other ideas or head cannons for this, send them as asks! I'd love to talk about this more ^^
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Csam hcs ?
He gets mats in his fur cause he can't fully reach some areas, Ponk helps him with brushing after he notices how much they're hurting him
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
which dsmp characters make a squeaky toy noise when you squish them
1.) sam. he's a pathetic wet rag of a man and absolutely squeaks if you squish him. did you SEE the way he died in the recent egg lore? he hit the ground with a squeak for SURE.
2.) ranboo. but specifically that sort of squeaky toy that sounds like REALLY really sad. like from this tiktok. that's what ranboo sounds like when you squeeze them. maybe it makes one of those 'wah-waaaah' sounds.
3.) hbomb except he makes the same exact sound those rubber chickens make.
4.) technoblade. but it's not really a squeaky toy noise, y'know? it's the sound of a cartoon getting hit with a rubber mallet. he sounds like an accordion when he gets stretch out again. this is just how it is.
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the-final-sif · 2 years
c!Dream has a ~*~Bad Time~*~ but its fine because there are more Crimes to be committed.
Dream froze. He couldn’t even move for his knife. For a long moment, he couldn’t even tell where he was being touched. Just that there was someone touching him and he was in danger.
He couldn’t force himself to breath, but he could at least temper the panic just enough to realize the touch was on his shoulder. It was a hand. A large, familiar hand. The hand was moving his shoulder gently. This was not a comfort.
The hand withdrew, and it was almost enough for him to get his panic under control, but then there was something touching his neck and Dream exploded.
Exactly what he did, Dream couldn’t say, all he knew was he needed to get away. At any cost. He lashed out and flung himself backwards.
Blood pounded in his ears, and fuck everything hurt, but it worked well enough. The hand was no longer touching him, and he could feel his throat vibrate in a growl.
Finally, Dream could breath, he managed to pull air into his lungs, and regain some sense of himself.
Dream blinked to clear his vision, sniffing at the air and picking up two distinct scents. Gunpowder and blood.
No sooner had he processed though then he finally managed to get his eyes to process the sight in front of him. The Warden Sam was across the room, practically pressing into the corner, seemingly stuck between reaching forward and trying to minimize his presence.
Blinking a few more times, Dream could now make out the source of the blood. One of Sam’s hands was bleeding, and there was a score of deep scratches across Sam’s chest.
Now that he was more aware, he realized there was a tang of blood in his mouth.
Part of him felt righteously indignation, Sam had touched him, he deserved to be bit. But a much bigger part of himself was terrified. Dream couldn’t walk. He couldn’t run. He couldn’t remember where the potion was or the button to call for help.
The growling stopped. Panic was setting in again. He wanted to try to apologize, old instincts from the prison kicking in, but he couldn’t get himself to speak.
Don’t cry. Don’t make noise.Stay quiet and small, and maybe the Warden will have mercy.
Dream curled inward, pressing himself back against the wall, ignoring the radiating pain in his head and ears. He needed to pay attention. he needed to listen to the Warden or things would get worse, but try as he might, he couldn’t get his ears to work.
The Warden was rarely accommodating, but he- he knew. Right? The Warden’s mouth was moving, but he knew Dream couldn’t hear him, right?
Slowly, the Warden moved forward again, hesitant in his motions. Dream shut his eyes and braced for... something. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen but-
A hand reached his hair, and Dream couldn’t breath. Not that that was new. He was starting to feel a bit dizzy, actually. That wasn’t good. Or maybe it was.
The hand didn’t grab or slam into him, it just moved gently through his hair, stroking several times before very slowly moving down to his chest, where the Warden paused to tap his chest. Indicating..
Dream managed to force himself to take a breath. The air rushing into his lungs was overwhelming. His vision had been starting to blurr. That might’ve been bad.
The moment he started breathing again, the hand retreated, making breathing that much easier. Maybe he wasn’t in trouble. Or at the very least, maybe the Warden would let him wait for punishment.
The longer he kept breathing, the more details started coming back to him.
He wasn’t in the prison. He had a knife. It was in his pocket. He had his alarm still. The potion was still within reach.
Dream was safe. He was fine. Punz was nearby.
After taking several more breaths, he came back to himself enough to uncurl, enough to realize that Sam had placed a hastily scrawled note next to him on the bed.
Are you okay? Did something happen?
The note ignited fury in Dream, the growl starting back up again. This time, he managed words.
“You touched me.”
It was vague, but if Sam couldn’t understand the issue at hand, Dream couldn’t help him. At the very least, the other looked cowed, quickly scribbling another note.
You weren’t waking up. i didn’t know, you always woke up when I came in before. I couldn’t tell if you were breathing or not.
That was... alarming. Dream had been exhausted, but to not wake up when Sam entered was troubling.
Vaguely, he recalled exhaustion being a common side effect of regular weakness use. Ponk had mentioned something like that. His own lack of sleep probably wasn’t helping things.
Still, Dream wasn’t backing down on this.
“I don’t care. I’d rather be dead. Don’t touch me if I can’t- if I’m asleep.”
Sam’s face twisted, he clearly didn’t agree with that idea, but he finally, reluctantly nodded.
There was a long, awkward pause before Sam moved to the nightstand where a plate of food had been balanced. It looked... normal. Bread and veggies.
Dream still sniffed it carefully before forcing himself to scarf it down. He just wanted Sam out of his room as fast as possible, even if he felt like he was going to be sick.
The ear drops were quick, and helped ease the throbbing pain in his skull. Sam lingered around his ears, checking them for... something, before helping Dream move to the bathroom and get clothing.
For once, Sam didn’t even bring up the stretches. He still paused after helping Dream back to bed. Eyes drifting to that fucking.
After several long seconds, Sam spoke, slowly. This time, Dream could make out his words fairly clearly.
“Did you not... Uh... Did it taste bad?”
Dream couldn’t help his incredulous look, one that Sam didn’t seem to pick up on in the slightest.
Well that solved the issue of whether or not Sam was a fucking moron.
 Dream considered pointing out the obvious, but decided not to. Instead, he kept a deadpan tone as he responded.
“Wasn’t hungry.”
It wasn’t clear if Sam believed him, but he at least didn’t seem angry about it. He nodded, lost in thought.
When Sam shuffled out the door, he took the cake with him, and hopefully that would be that.
Dream did at least attempt his stretches on his own, sent a quick check in to Punz (ignoring the build up of messages that his head hurt too much to try to read), and then dropped back down onto the bed. His body felt like lead, and all he wanted to do was curl up and sleep for the next month or two.
There was more anxiety this time, it made him want to kick and hide somewhere safer, but the exhaustion won.
Dream wasn’t expecting to be awoken just a few hours later, by another hand on his shoulder.
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batwritings · 2 years
I heard requests were open, and I was wondering if I could request something with a cat hybrid reader? I was thinking, headcanons of how the different hybrids (Sam, Sapnap, Schlatt, maybe Foolish and XD? Dunno.) would handle the reader on their heat? And what if they’re on their heat at the same time as the hybrid boys are on their ruts? Thanks!
Sure thing friend! I also saw your other messages regarding this, and please don't worry about being specific! It's actually much appreciated ^^; Enjoy!~
~Awesamdude~ You and Sam did butt heads a little first, him being a Creeper and you being a cat. It was actually your cycles lining up that brought you two together! You would hiss back at him when he would get close to exploding (actually blowing up, not busting a nut) and that would calm him down and remind him not to let himself go too much. The way you whined and begged for him would be too much for him to handle however, little sparks leaving marks along your hip. Your ears would flatten as you came, claws sinking into his lanky legs.
~Sapnap~ You were a little unsure how things would go with Sapnap, despite his reassurance that he's used to cats. When your cycles synced up however, you realized how dangerous he truly was. The horns on his head grew, along with his claws and tail as they marked and wrapped around you respectively. Blasphemy would fall from his lips as he mated you, pushing you to your limits, bordering on destroying you completely with how vicious your cycles were. Afterwards he was sure to completely pamper you, feeling slightly bad for being so rough with you.
~Schlatt~ This ram, was the biggest pain your ass during his ruts. There were very little instances where you could keep his hands off you. And if your cycle hit when his did? Forget any plans you'd made previously. Schlatt doesn't exactly care what hybrid you were, he wants you and he (usually) gets what he wants. He was cruel with his words, using any whine or whimper against you. Afterwards, words aren't exactly Schlatt's strong suit, but he shows his appreciation in actions. He'll brush the fur he's mussed and stained with cum, get you just about anything you want, even massage and ease the wounds he's caused.
~Foolish~ This builder was always curious about you and what it meant for you to be a hybrid. He was weirdly meticulous in keeping an eye on when your cycles were, and if they matched up with his at all. When they did, well, you better have a first aid kit on hand. Your tail and ears weren't immune from being bit, just like the rest of your skin. It was something Foolish always felt absolutely awful about at the end of his ruts. Think the whole "someone's gone into my room and taken my beer from my room" kinda vibe, but replace those with "I was too rough with you during my cycle and now you don't want to be my mate". "I don't think so darling :3" Cue the undeserving shark hybrid noises.
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chloeisokay · 1 year
c!Sam is a happy drunk. He’d go up to Dream in like their cottage and be like “whos my fluffy boyfriend?” And pick Dream up. He’d be so blushy and just talk about how he loves Dream so much.
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Cursing yall with knowledge of things in my Dsmp rewrite au. Woe be upon ye
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localsharkcryptid · 1 year
LARGEST of thank yous @waterloverextreme​ for asking to hear my thoughts. This is all about characters of course but I don’t feel like putting the C! before every name-
SO! *clapping hands together* Now a pretty lengthy explanation of Sam being classic dragon coded: First off there are two main portrayals of European style dragons: Benevolent & Malevolent, Sam in fact fits both.
Starting with the benevolent, ‘good’ aligned dragons are creatures who grant protection and often wisdom - Sam originally upon joining the server often went somewhat out of his way to help people, namely Tommy much to Tommy’s dislike, and it is noted that his immense building and redstone knowledge in general made him the kind of guy people would get to help them. Sam also keeps his offer to Tommy to protect or help him if he ever needs it throughout the server events, making Sam Nook and all that.
Though this changes, drastically, with the construction of the prison and Sam’s role as the warden - turning from the benevolent to malevolent interpretation. This take on dragons is the og classic fantasy style portrayal, a giant beast of fire and wrath known for their cavernous lairs, obsessive nature towards their hoards and their lethal ire. This is the warden. The warden is the dragon that guards the vault, a prison of blackstone and lava, traps and tricks, rare valuables built into it’s very foundation with netherite blocks. Sam as the warden is more serious, the kind nature gone almost entirely shoved away by sense of duty to protect- for the greater good, he knows everyone that enters, everyone that leaves, and if anything is ever amiss or stolen from his lair. His anger flares more so as the warden, he leaves nothing to chance and threats are to be dealt with. violently. While yes there are other guards of the vault but the warden never truly leaves, after all a dragon never leaves what it guards for long. Adorned in neigh impenetrable armor and armed with lethal weapons, his appearance does only aid the comparison considering dragon scales are said to be stronger than any metal and their teeth and claws sharper and more lethal than any weapon of man. Oh yeah and the whole hostage situation thing with Ranboo and Michael, kidnaping is another signature. Also it’s not uncommon in folktales for dragons to have been employed or utilized to guard something and ultimately being slain for it, which works with cannon and a personal idea of mine but I will save my tie in rant for a technical au scene/dragon slayer Punz for another day.
With how I see it, he is a benevolent dragon turned malevolent through drastic measures and his own need to protect- no matter the cost. The vault brings out a side of him that is far more brutal and cold- reptilian even- than his true nature.
Along with this, his technical immortality falls in line as well, while Sam’s is through body swapping it is still immortality- much like how most dragons are portrayed as almost ageless beasts that only become more powerful as they live. Considering my headcanons Sam follows that as well- every body being a better improvement from the last. Golden armor being apart of his base design usually, gold being eternally connected to dragons.
Both his deaths as well fall in line with methods from dragon slaying legends - struck through the eye [one of the few universal weakpoints on a dragon] and generally collapsing to numerous wounds after, left to die if you will.
Now falling into personal headcanon territory: Within my own take on them Creepers are an apex predator species that has in the modern era split off into numerous sub-species to adapt to the various biomes BUT they do have a common ancestor within the histories. Referred to as The Draken Spawn this ancient ‘origin’ beast was said to be a creature of fire and destruction, a spawn of dragons left to the world since it could not fly. With my personal design for Sam, his current body for the events of the dsmp is a genetically modified “hybrid” of numerous creeper variants: a botched Draken Spawn effectively. That’s more just design symbolism though.
There’s probably more notes I can’t remember at the moment but yeah, the creeper man is dragon coded and I swear one day I’m gonna make a cool comic thing with this concept.
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Instruments dsmp would play pt2
dream: trumpet
George: clarinet
Sapnap: percussion
Quakity: saxaphone
Karl: euphonium
Sam: tuba
Niki: flute
skeppy: trombone
puffy: French horn
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
Idk that much about Ponk's dsmp character except that they're the only canonical medical doctor on the server. That said, I have this headcanon that they have alchemy symbols engraved into their eyes. It wasn't a painful procedure they went through, their eyes are just like that. To keep up appearances, they wear contacts but with this, they've turned it into a funny bit as no one but Sam knows what their eyes truly look like. 'You're eyes are brown?'
'Yea, what color did you think they were?'
'I could've sworn they were green.' Spotting a knowing grin on Sam's face as they swiftly leave the room. And others ask Sam why he acts like he knows something they don't, cause he's not subtle for shit. 'Oh, it's nothing.'
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💭 + Dancing
Do your characters know how to dance? Who’s the best dancer, and who constantly steps on their partner’s toes? How do they ask someone to dance? What’s their favorite dance style? Etc. etc.
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Sam is definitely one of my less coordinated muses when it comes to casual dancing. Depending on whether he's a centaur or bipedal, his ability to dance shifts in many ways. He's never received any official dance lessons unless you want to count swaying from side to side while he's working his many jobs.
After the creation of Las Nevadas, however, Sam had stepped up his game to keep bringing in business and money in any way possible. It's no secret that Sam works at the Las Nevadas club or was supposed to after it was officially opened.
If you ask Sam to slow dance with you, there is a very high chance he will step on your toes or hold onto you so tight his claws tear your shirt. If you ask Sam to show you how he likes to dance, you'll find yourself sitting down while Sam spins and twists around a pole as if it is an extension of himself.
He's far more comfortable on a stage dancing with himself than a partner, so it is incredibly rare for him to ask someone to dance unless it's in the comfort of his own home. In that case, he'll kick on some jazzy country-style tunes and spin you around with no rhyme or rhythm.
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Luzu doesn't dance — or at least that's what he'll try to tell you. Overall, Luzu isn't necessarily good or bad at dancing. He's perfectly average. With a body built for archery and running, he has no issues dipping his partners or catching them if they stumble, but don't expect him to pull any crazy calculated moves.
Luzu's always preferred watching others dance as opposed to getting involved himself, though he has a massive soft spot for holding a partner close and swaying side to side.
He feeds off of others and their energy, so if they're jumping all around, he's guaranteed to eventually laugh and dance with at least a little more energy than before.
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Dance is Punz's first language. It is the language they speak before opening their mouth, the language they constantly express despite their pursed lips or deep looks. As a bee hybrid, they often express their emotions and needs through body language — shimmying their shoulders, tapping their feet, and shivering with full body shakes. Dance comes as naturally to Punz as breathing.
Because dance acts more as a language than an art form for Punz, they don't mind any specific style. They can pick up on the subtle intentions between certain types of dance on top of the feelings of the dancers themselves.
Gestures, gestures, gestures, everything Punz does revolves around movements. When they speak, they have to sign it out physically, or else it doesn't seem to have the right emphasis on it. Even when they try to keep still, their wings will rub together in an antsy buzz, and they will shift on their feet.
They will never get upset if someone grabs them and starts swaying (curious, maybe, but never upset). Safe to say, Punz is dancing with everyone every chance they get!
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If you want to keep your toes in tack, do not dance with Quackity. She has the worst duck feet you have ever seen. There is no dancing bone in her body as she stumbles over a chorus or staggers in her heels after a quick spin.
No matter how much time you spend trying to teach Quackity how to dance, she will somehow always find a way to step on your toe or foot or will slip up over her own shoes like a newborn lamb still gathering her bearings. It's quite funny when you consider that she's never on the dance floor save for when she's handing out drinks or encouraging people to give it a shot.
Quackity is a host first and foremost. She will be a pretty face with an even prettier mouth, but don't expect much of a show on the types of dances she's capable of doing. Ballroom? She can't keep the motions. Tango? She'll fall and drag you down with her. Hip-hop? The only thing spinning with her is her eyes when she's landed on her ass in front of a crowd.
If you happen to have the patience to try to teach her, Quackity will prove to be a laughing mess who can't keep a straight face. You'll eventually land yourself jumping around like an uncoordinated toddler and having just as much fun regardless.
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For the sake of this headcanon, consider that c!BBH is Sapnap's canonical father; I've always thought about how a presumed immortal demon would raise another much younger demon. Sapnap was raised to adjust to the ever-changing history and life of the Overworld. He would have been faced with monarchy sooner or later.
Because of this, Sapnap was taught how to ballroom dance from a very young age. It was one of their pastimes as father and son, spinning around in an open field while BBH hummed a tune for them to keep beat to. As a kid, he wasn't perfect, but it was an excellent way to get his wildfire energy under control.
As an adult, Sapnap doesn't find as much time to dance as he used to, especially since he's separated from his father and had to deal with several wars and the constant shifting of a monarchy to presidencies — he also just thinks no one would want to dance with him.
When he does get the chance, Sapnap is phenomenal. He tends to shift from the follower to the lead depending on his partner's comfort level, but regardless, he is smooth and graceful. He insists that it isn't just the lead who controls the dance but the follower's job to keep pace and compliment every turn to create the right feel.
Sapnap has always been on the more shy end of inviting others to dance. Sometimes, he'll just offer his hand; other times, he's moping and muttering that he's bored, and they "might as well show everyone up." If it genuinely means something deep to him, he'll grin like a dork and mock a bow, "Dance with me, yeah? C'mon, dude, I can't do it alone."
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These are just a few of my muses! Thank you for the headcanon suggestion <3
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ghostcatzgraveyard · 2 years
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C!sam is Ukrainian
Why? I say so.
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oldphone-whodis · 2 years
c!Awesamdude has AVPD because I have it and I say so.
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batwritings · 2 years
Hello- Hybrid here! I randomly had this idea; so yk that one “how they would react to enderdragon reader telling them that ur egg is theres” thingy? I was wondering, can you make a part 2 to that with the people you missed? (Foolish, DreamXD, Sam, Eret, idk anyone else u can think of lol). Also, can this take place right after the enderdragon reader’s heat? Tysm! Again, sorry for requesting every five minutes LMAO
Oh gosh it's been a minute since I wrote that. ^^; But absolutely! I also added Schlatt because I noticed he was not in the original post. :) Enjoy!~
~Foolish~ This man would be absolutely elated! Finley and Foolish Jr were going to have a sibling! And this time it would be one made of the two of you. His tail would be slapping on the floor excitedly, wanting to parade you and your egg around to show everyone. You know when you see pictures of dogs kinda smiling with their pups as if to say "I made these!"? Yeah, that's Foolish.
~DreamXD~ Shocked at first, and that's putting it lightly. DreamXD never knew he was even capable of giving life in that way. He would absolutely revere you as the carrier, dropping everything to get you what you needed to care for the egg and the following little one. Constantly torn between his duties as a god and wanting to be there for every potential second before the egg hatches.
~Awesamdude~ Again, another person who was shocked at first. That quickly changes to utter joy as he swings you up into his arms. His joy would shift just as quickly to fear of all the possible things that could endanger you and the egg. Sam's first instinct would be to lock you and you unhatched little one up somewhere safe where you could be secure and protected, but you swiftly made it apparent that that was absolutely in no way an option. The Creeper hybrid knew there would be no changing your mind, so he compromised by never leaving your side.
~Eret~ Probably the most quiet about her joy, leaning down to caress the egg softly. She vows right then and there to be the best parent he possibly can be to your new little light. All royal duties are put on the back burner from the day forward, very few exceptions made. Eret is full of questions of what the little one may look like, what can he do to care for them and you during the hatching. Oh and you can absolutely expect to catch them working on little dresses and suits for the little one in their spare time.
~Schlatt~ Will honestly probably laugh at you at first until he realizes you're dead serious. Enter panic crisis mode as Schlatt starts to question absolutely everything from how this happened to how much of a failure he could be as a father. It takes you grabbing him by the horns to center and ground him, looking him in the eyes as you tell him that you're not leaving his side if he won't leave yours; that you're in this together. The ram would nod and honestly buckle down on his own bad habits. He didn't ever want to be that person with his kid, even going as far as to see a proper doc about how he can save his body. He wasn't going to miss out on a single damn thing.
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