picklingsalt · 6 years
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Sleep... Full moons are notorious sleep disruptors for those already living out of balance. I go in and out of periods where my sleep is solid, and others where i need constant help. The nights where nothing works, always fall on a full moon. ... Sleep is one of the 3 pillars of health. If sleep is out of whack, healing is impossible. When I can't sleep i have things I can take. They need to be rotated because after a while all of them will stop working if relied upon too heavily. The key is to fix what is out of balance in your life and practice good sleep hygiene. This is how you cure insomnia. Nothing to do during the sleepless night but calm and sedate. It is what we do during the day, on a regular basis, that creates a healthy sleep pattern. ... BTW if you get under 7 hours of sleep a night on average. You are under slept. A very tiny percentage of people... very very tiny.. have a gene that allows them to function with 6hrs of sleep. Miniscule. ... If you have sleep issues, I can help. Schedule a free 60 min consult to get started. ... My favorite sleep aides right now are #passionflower #shankapushpi #dashamoula #banyanIsleepSoundly #chamomilelavendertea #lavenderessentialoil #vetiveressentialoil #awarmbath #indicacannabis #legsupthewall #schooltextbooks #boringliterature  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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