#awae wallpapers
mockscreens · 2 years
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wallthepapers · 2 years
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gilbert blythe.
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namgix · 2 years
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♡︎ — amybeth mcnulty
𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗱 ♡
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kj-bishop · 2 months
Wigs In Space, an AI adventure, Episode 8: Ep 1 (see for notes), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The predicament worsens. While a few old hippies on both sides still bump gums about peace...
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...the space war rages on.
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The situation is getting dire for the human fleet:
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"The AI's running out of images! Recharge the image banks with more chord power! Faster!! A gallon bucket of Slime Mold Green for the first one to wear their fingers down to bleeding stubs!"
Tempers fray:
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"Jesus Christ, wha' the fuck are ye doin'?! We're a bawhair awa' fae bein' sent tae God, and yer playin' a slow waltz at a fuckin' wedding! I'll tear ye a new one, ye useless cocksplat, if ye dinnae step up the fuckin' pace!"
But the only effect of tough love is that soon drummers start going critical...
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...even as vital supplies escape containment, like rats trying to leave a sinking ship.
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End of Episode 8.
Tune in next time, folks, for Episode Nine of Wigs In Space! But before you go, here's a message from our sponsors at Slime Mold Chocolate:
Hey you there -- yes, you, right there -- it feels good to be noticed, doesn't it, but how often does that happen? Are you tired of hanging around in the background? Do you feel constantly overlooked while others get all the attention? Being human wallpaper is normal, but it need not be, thanks to Slime Mold Green, the vividly visible new Slime Mold flavour, with the goodness of fluorescent protein and an extra-long half life! Whatever your scene, be seen, with Slime Mold Green!
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robins-den · 10 months
i love those 'omg ur marrying ur wallpaper' posts bc my wallpapers are always characters i would be completely fine with marrying, but also when i checked my roving desktop background it was lit one of my recent self ships for ten seconds before becoming a meme. so lile. it awas funnyt 2 me
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woenever · 1 year
again; neomark drabbles.
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“di sini bagus lightning-nya,”
neo berhasil berhenti di satu spot dia berdiri setelah sedari tadi tangannya tak henti-henti membawa ponselnya ke sana kemari. alasannya bukan lain karena kekasihnya itu mau unggah foto di instagram.
alih-alih menengok ke arah kamera, figur lucu di hadapan neo itu justru mencebikkan bibirnya. neo sendiri punya banyak jam di dunia buat kekasihnya, tapi dia nggak punya waktu buat diam dan biarkan pemandangan tadi sekedar tersimpan di kepala.
“bagus nggak?” pertanyaan retoris. neo nggak langsung jawab, tapi dia ketuk simbol hati di ponselnya sebagai pengingat untuk fotonya dijadikan wallpaper nanti.
“bagus, sayangku.”
suasana hati mark meninggi. pemuda kelahiran juni itu ada di puncak tertinggi bahagia tiap kali diberi panggilan tadi. neo yang paling paham cuma tersenyum penuh kemenangan, sebab mark terlihat semakin menggemaskan ketika salah tingkah.
“manyun sekali lagi dong,” pinta neo setelah bokongnya didudukkan di samping mark yang tengah sibuk dengan ponsel sendiri.
“bayar kali ah, request mulu.”
seperti biasanya, mereka berdua susah kalau bahas yang serius-serius aja.
“siul tanpa manyun bisa nggak kamu?” pertanyaan neo dibalas tatapan apaan sih sama mark, dan neo cuma balas tertawa. “beneran deh. kalo kamu bisa siul tanpa manyun, nanti aku beliin barang apa aja yang kamu mau.”
oh, buat yang satu ini, mana mungkin mark menolak. yang ada justru sebelah kakinya kini dilipat di atas tempat yang dia duduki, selagi badannya beralih menghadap neo yang menatap antusias.
harusnya mark paham siasat neo yang selalu ada-ada aja itu, tapi rasanya mustahil buat menghindar. lebih-lebih lagi ketika hadiahnya nggak bikin rugi.
harusnya, final mark ada di embusan napasnya yang tinggal dia buat sepersekian detik lagi. tapi aksinya terhambat oleh neo yang lebih dulu curi kecupan ringan sebersamaan dengan kedua belah bibirnya yang mengerucut tadi.
“sialan.” mark reflek mengumpat sambil tangannya mendorong pundak neo untuk menepi. sementara pemuda di hadapannya tertawa terbahak tak henti-henti.
mark yakin wajahnya sekarang semerah ceri, tapi dia tutup-tutupi dengan alisnya yang sengaja dibuat menukik di tengah-tengah perbatasan dahi.
“awas nanti lucunya ilang kalo ngambek,” jari-jari neo menggelitik dagu empunya tangan yang mendorongnya lagi.
“waras lo kali ilangggg,” omel mark lagi. tapi kali ini ada kekehan di ujung kalimatnya. “diliatin abang-abangnya noh di sana!”
kalau buat neo, seenggaknya abang-abang tadi tahu kalau manusia lucu di hadapannya itu cuma milik dia. kalau buat mark mungkin lain lagi.
“nggak suka ah diliat orang kaya gini. bilang-bilang dong kalo mau cium, biar bisa cari tempat sepi.”
biar lebih enak ciumannya.
lebih jelasnya kalau diterjemahkan begitu. tapi mana mau mark bilang gamblang di saat-saat seperti ini. apalagi sebut kalau dia sebetulnya mau lagi.
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amgdesignhouse · 8 months
The Addition of WallPaper
When it comes to transforming the ambiance of a room, wallpaper emerges as a powerful and versatile tool in interior design. It’s not just a simple wall covering; rather, it’s a statement piece that can redefine the entire aesthetic of a space. Unlike the conventional flatness of white eggshell walls, wallpaper introduces a spectrum of design possibilities.
The benefits of adding wallpaper go beyond mere decoration; they include the creation of a unique atmosphere, the illusion of space, and the expression of one’s personal style.
One of the most appealing aspects of wallpaper is its ability to completely alter the mood that a room possesses. Whether it be cozy, energetic, and loud, or more intimate and artistic, wallpaper has the power to set the tone for the entire space. Textures can add depth to a room, while patterns introduce a sense of personality. The addition of a feature wall with wallpaper in any room provides the perfect canvas to express creativity and style in a not-so-loud way.
The history of wallpaper traces back to the 16th century, originating as a decorative lining for interior spaces such as cupboards and small closets. Initially, these early renditions of wallpaper were small, individual sheets measuring approximately 40cm by 50cm. adorned with intricate designs created using black ink, these sheets commonly featured floral motifs and simple pictorial scenes. Over time, as the popularity of wallpaper grew, these small sheets would evolve. The addition of wallpaper became more and more prevalent throughout various societies as decades progressed. Eventually, an innovation emerged and the manufacturing of wallpaper involved assembling of smaller sheets into large sections. This development marked the beginning of a transformative phase for wallpaper.
Centuries later, a significant advancement, known as “block-printing” revolution wallpaper. This technique allowed for the creation of more expansive designs and patterns, offering greater versatility and intricacy in the world of wallpaper.
Selecting the ideal wallpaper can be a difficult decision in the process of transforming a space. With a multitude of options available to choose from, finding the perfect brand tailored to your wants and needs is key. It is important to consider factors such as design aesthetics, material preferences, and who and what the brand is. Every brand has its unique characteristics and will have a slightly different design style than the next. Some popular brands currently in the marketplace that are great to check out:
Graham & Brown: known for their innovative and trend-setting designs, this brand offers a diverse range of materials including vinyl, non-woven, and textured textiles. They place a strong focus on environmentally friendly production methods and have a line of sustainable wallpapers.
Farrow & Ball: is best known for their high quality and handcrafted wallpaper collection. Their selection of rich, classic, and elegant designs are created using water-based paints.
Sanderson: has a great reputation for their timeless and sophisticated designs. This brand offers a variety of nature-inspired and floral patterns that are known for being easy-to-hang
York Wallcoverings: have one of the largest selections of wallpapers – all widely different from each other. Whether it be metallic or textured, vinyl or fabric, this brand is sure to offer an array of patterns suited for anyone.
Tempaper: is the best place to shop for removable wallpaper options. This brand has created an extensive range of convenient and versatile options for those on the hunt for a temporary design fix.
Maintaining the beauty of your wallpaper is essential for its longevity and continued appeal. Different types of wallpaper require specific care to preserve the quality and appearance. The following are some general care tips:
Avoid harsh chemicals - It is recommended to stay away from harsh chemicals and instead choose a mild cleaning solution. The best advice is to test a spot in a discrete location first to ensure no damage will occur.
Remove Stains immediately - Promptly clean any spots or stains that may appear. The longer a stain remains, the higher the risk for more damage to occur.
Clean often - Dust the walls often with a dry or damp cloth. Gentle vacuum attachments also work well with light pressure against the wall.
Wallpaper, once criticized for its environmental impact, has seen a significant shift towards eco-friendly and sustainable options in recent years. Traditional wallpaper often involved the use of non-biodegradable materials that were typically comprised on vinyl and PVC. This obviously raises a concern for companies contributing to their carbon footprint, influencing a great shift in material selection.
The new materials being used offer water-based inks, sustainable fibers such as bamboo, cork or grass cloth and have a significant impact on the carbon footprint of manufacturers producing the wallpaper. Bamboo, known for its rapid growth and regenerative abilities has become a popular choice – its is essentially a renewable source of wallpaper material.
These advancements signify a positive direction within the wallpaper industry, demonstrating the fusion of creativity with an environmentally friendly ethos. This offers consumers the opportunity to enjoy their beautiful and lively space while making conscious decisions – all the more reason to add wallpaper to your home.
In the principality of interior design, the addition of wallpaper stands as a transformative element, having the capability of breathing new life into any space. From its historical roots as a simple decorative element introduced as lining, to what it is in the present day, where it has evolved into an expression of personality in a space, wallpaper remains a convincing choice. Brands like Graham & Brown, Farrow & Ball, Sanderson, York Wallcoverings, and Tempaper are a great representation of the wide spectrum of options. The sheer array of styles and materials empowers individuals to introduce character to their space. As the design world continues to change and evolve, wallpaper does an amazing job of demonstrating the power or artistry and design. Whether your objective is to make a room cozy, inspire a workspace, or reimagine your entire home, the wallpaper will be there to help you tell a story and act as a source of individual expression.
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milsedits · 5 years
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♡ if u save
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mockscreens · 1 year
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tvsedit · 4 years
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anne with an e
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editfandom · 4 years
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awae  lockscreens
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namgix · 3 years
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anne with an e
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lunalovebooks · 3 years
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Anne and Gilbert.
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dcppi · 2 years
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Genshin Eula Phone Wallpapers!
Hope you enjoy!
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Anne With an E x quotes lockscreens
fanarts  © @yellow-sub-marineee @shiyuki @marijeem
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yes I’m back again :)
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xjustfandomx · 3 years
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I wanted a new phone wallpaper so I thought I’d share it.
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