effervescentdragon · 2 months
fascinating how far colonial liberal hypocrisy reaches and how easily the solidarity crumbles when the opressed fight back against military opression with their own military offensive. fascinating how the opressed are only worthy of support so long as they are dying on the western iphone screens, so long as their pain is broadcast, so long as their chests are torn open for everyone to see. fascinating how quick so called liberals are to condemn any violence that rises agains the occupation. its almost as if the colonised are only worthy of support when they are suffering under brutal military occupation, and unworthy of it when they fight bomb fire with their own flames. fascinating how the white supremacist systems will always expose their hypocrisy in upholding their own hegemony.
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ukiyowi · 11 months
When does it get better 💀🙏
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hyenabrainedpup · 2 months
Finally made a throne wishlist!! Yay
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ilovelotsofthings · 2 years
Warrior Cats Au: Frostpaw/star
Frostpaw is the New Leader au
|Au began its existence after the Book River and before the other books in the series 
I may take into account things from the other books but this is entirely Riverclan focused|
Frostpaw after the events of River she becomes the de facto leader
She does get help being the leader from Mothwing & Duskfur 
(Duskfur who btw I do think is a part of whatever the hell is going on in Riverclan. She isn't apart of her daughter dying though)
This poor apprentice is leader just because she has a connection to Starclan
Mothwing helps because she is Frostpaw mentor and Duskfur helps because she is Frostpaw's grandma (also Duskfur kinda wants to be the leader)
Splashtail and Frostpaw are best friends now. They seemed to be close in canon.
She just needs more friends besides her siblings. Her siblings are amazing though.
Mothwing is going to die pretty quickly. Like in 2 months. Poor 9 moons old Frostpaw.
Oops I think I went a little off topic
Anyways this AU is going to focus on Snowpaw's leadership
I am going to refer to her as Froststar at some point.
 So will everyone else when they aren't around the other clans.
Riverclan doesn't want to admit they are being led by an apprentice.
Riverclan just doesn't want to admit they are in shambles.
So basically River happened and now they are dealing with a depressed and traumatized Frostpaw
Mothwing gets her to at least follow her around and learn how to be a Medicine Cat. Gathering herbs and crap
Riverclan is just doing patrols normally because there is no leader to change anything.
Duskfur is sort of the temporary leader at first. All she really does is make sure no one is breaking rules and that everyone is getting fed
She is grieving her daughter's death.
So some time passes (2 weeks) and they force Mothwing & Frostpaw to go to the moonpool to find out the new leader
Surprise Surprise they don't find out who the new leader should be.
Riverclan knows that Frostpaw can see visions so they just put her as the Leader with Mothwing as her deputy [technically]
They just really don't want Mothwing to be leader no matter how temporarily.
Mothwing however was doing a bit more work as leader as she is older and has more experience 
Mothwing was teaching Frostpaw literally everything. Medicine Cat stuff, warrior cat stuff, & how to be a leader
Riverclan is both infighting and being helpful. They are a mess.
Splashtail just decided he is going to be Frostpaw's bodyguard. Friends ♡
Riverclan gathers and Frostpaw tells them that Starclan gave no new sign for a leader.
So Riverclan just gets agitated until Duskfur says that maybe they should make Frostpaw leader.
Everyone starts to argue until everyone agrees. Wholeheartedly or begrudgingly.
Everyone doesn't argue about Frostpaw's mentor Mothwing being Deputy/Second Leader.
So everyone calls Frostpaw, Froststar now unless they are around other clans.
Frostpaw is now so stressed, depressed, and traumatized 
Not a fun time for her.
When it comes to gatherings they send both Mothwing & Froststar with Mothwing as the spokesperson 
Everyone does ask where Mistystar & Reedwhisker are but they are but Riverclan just tells everyone they are sick
This goes on until Mothwing dies (so only 2 moons) to which Riverclan just covers up her death too.
Mothwing due to suspicious circumstances. She was really badly injured. Like broken bones everywhere.
(Someone killed her or got her killed. They are very idiotic with that as they have a half trained Medicine Cat now)
Anyways that means the Deputy (Co-Leader) who was helping died and left the 9 moon old to be the sole leader of the clan.
Don't worry they admit Mothwing died 3 moons later where they said she died that moon and not a few moons earlier 
They need help and they refuse. 
They don't pick a new "deputy" in fear of them dying too.
Outside of Riverclan everyone is suspicious of them as their leader and deputy haven't been seen in moons and suddenly Mothwing stops coming too.
Also Froststar just looks so tired to everyone who sees her.
Froststar is working both as a leader and a Medicine Cat. She also got some warrior training to be safe.
Her siblings try to help her calm down and play, which only works a little bit.
So Riverclan is being held together by duct tape.
Frostpaw very tiredly goes to the moonpool to meet up with the other medicine cats to discuss who will teach her.
(Also to be clear she didn't get help earlier because her Clan just told her to lie until they announce Mothwing's death. So for almost 3 moons Frostpaw had to pretend nothing is wrong)
Froststar isn't the worst Medicine Cat btw despite her very shotty education.
So the cat who decided to help her for the next few moons is Puddleshine
[Frostpaw would be around 12 moons old. She would technically be a full Medicine Cat
Froststar tells them she hasn't been made a full warrior yet which is why Puddleshine volunteered to help.
Like how much help would a technical adult need? Quite a bit]
Froststar agrees but tells him that he will be sworn to secrecy as that is what Riverclan wants
Puddleshine agrees even though he finds it suspicious and weird.
The rest of the meeting goes fine, everyone is getting along.
Puddleshine goes to Riverclan (which has been ran by Froststar for 4 œ moons) to find out just how tired and overworked this apprentice is
Also how bad of a state Riverclan is in
Puddleshine knows he agreed to not tell anyone anything but he also told Shadowsight what he saw.
Shadowsight is obviously annoyed at Riverclan.
Back to Froststar 
This now young adult has been looking for signs for the new leader but hasn't seen crap.
All she saw was a vision that Mothwing was going to die. Very vaguely too.
She is tired.
So she has Podlight test her on her warrior cat test. Just to be safe.
(Yes Medicine Cats know basic fighting skills but I mean more than just basic. If she is their leader she needs to know how to fight well enough)
When they find the permanent leader she will just be a Medicine Cat. (She is going to be the permanent leader)
Puddleshine will have to make sure she isn't a bad Medicine Cat. [this takes 2 moons. She is now 14 moons old]
After just over half of a year Riverclan begs her to try extra hard to find their new leader.
Froststar tries and all she gets is nothing.
Until a sign that everyone can see clearly hints that Snowpaw should stay Frostpaw 
Everyone argues and Froststar just goes to the Leader's den to process everything 
So she officially becomes Froststar.
She and Splashtail go and ask Puddleshine to follow them to the moonpool
He asks why and they explain that Froststar is to become official so she needs to get her 9 lives
He sighs but agrees. 
So they head there and get her 9 lives.
Idk which cats but I definitely think her mom & goosefeather are there.
Anyways they leave. nothing traumatizing happens to them
Froststar chooses her deputy. That being Icewing.
Is she way older than her and she should be the leader more than Frostpaw. Yeah but that isn't how life handed it to them.
Everyone is both annoyed and celebrating. Life is wild right now.
Froststar's siblings are warriors. Obviously as they are both 14 moons old too.
Mistpaw became Mistlight
Graypaw became Graywing 
They are still being good siblings and comforting Froststar 
(Those who killed Reedwhisker and maybe the others have broken up as a group because they started opposing each other.)
A bit of a quick break before I move on.
Some other crap that has happened in Riverclan in the 8-ish moons I have (vaguely) covered here 
Mousewhisker joined Riverclan and while a lot are hating the code changes I think they noticed how closely related some of them are. So they let him join.
Also Froststar wasn't budging on not allowing him to join.
She may slightly bow to her clan's will but here she is not. 
Also Mothwing agreed with Froststar to allow him to join.
He joined when Frostpaw was 9 moons old. (Which Mothwing died soon after 👀)
Some kits have been born (not many, just 2 born to Minnowtail and Mousewhisker) and some kits (3 kits) were found abandoned.
[F & M | F, M, & M] [Names idk]
That all happened around Froststar being 11 moons old
Nobody else died
Gatherings have continued with Riverclan lying and saying Mistystar and Reedwhisker are just sick or injured 
Still hasn't made anyone less suspicious of Riverclan 
Well except Puddleshine and anyone he told, which is just Shadowsight and the other medicine cats.
Everyone else is in for a nasty surprise when Froststar & Icewing appear for the gathering as Leader & Deputy (again 14 moon old Frostpaw. Whole 7 moons after River)
~~ Paused: 10/6/2022 ~~
~~ Continued: 10/7/2022 ~~
At this point Riverclan is about 50/50 on the code changes
Also whoever (how many they may be) have stopped killing people. They have crippled themselves hard so the realized murder isn't a option.
Also before I forget. Froststar is doing the trust no cat thing only she isn't giving them her full distrust
She literally cannot live with all this stress and paranoia so she gives out a bit of trust.
Lots of trust to her siblings. They are her rock. Also Splashtail is trusted a bit more than the average cat in Riverclan 
"What about Duskfur". Froststar kinda trusts her as she was helping in the early days of the leadership but Froststar was getting suspicious vibes from her now
Moving on Medicine cat gatherings have been going smoothly. Froststar knows a lot more now and is a good Medicine Cat. 
Also she knows Puddleshine told Shadowsight but doesn't know the rest know as none of them talked about it.
Now the gathering. 
Every other clan has been dealing with their issues. Clan wide & personal.
Then Icewing & Froststar arrive to the island and move to the tree
Froststar climbs up the tree which everyone is like "What are you doing?!"
Which Icewing just tells them that Riverclan has a lot to announce 
So they have Riverclan announce first
Tired Froststar just tells everyone Mistystar & Reedwhisker died, Curlfeather is also dead, Icewing is the new deputy and that she is the new leader.
Which everyone is like, aren't you the sole Medicine Cat? What about Medicine Cat duties? Aren't you young? You've never had an apprentice.
Froststar just tells them that she is doing both jobs and that Starclan gave a sign to all of Riverclan that she is to be the leader
Everyone just kinda moves on. They would love to ask more questions but the other clans have things to announce.
So everyone announces what they want to & need to.
After that everyone just chills to meet up with friends and such
Froststar meets up with Whistlepaw (now Whistlespring) as they are friends
They just talk about life and how distant the 2 of them are
Froststar just agrees. Life hasn't made it easy for their friendship to do anything.
Icewing btw is just talking with the other leaders & deputies
Making sure that everything is going smooth between Riverclan and the other clans
~~ Paused: 10/7/2022 ~~
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lina-vas-dom · 10 months
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В парке, гЎе пурпурМыЌО устаЌО ОсеМь шепчет ласкПвП - КОс-кОс, РыжОй кПт с яМтарМыЌО глазаЌО КараулОт паЎающОй лОст. ТП зарПется в лОству О чтП-тП Ощет, ТП пПЎпрыгМув лПвОт Малету. ВОЎМП птОцы, бабПчкО О ЌышО ТаЌ О сяЌ Ќерещатся кПту. /АвПв АвПлПг
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In the park, where with purple lips Autumn whispers tenderly - Kitty-kitty, Red cat with amber eyes Watching for a falling leaf. Then he buries himself in the foliage and looks for something, Then, jumping up, he catches it on the fly. Birds, butterflies and mice are visible The cat sees things here and there. /Avov Avolog
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pinkseas · 4 months
when youve been trying to fall adleep for the past hour and u cant bc one of the dogs is in the rooom dkrexrly avove urs doing SOENTBING that is making a FUCKTON OF NOISE THRU TBE FLOOR so u finally literally jsut go usptairs and sneak into the room (dad is Sleeping in there) and not only is it the dog u hate More than the other one but also even after u take the bone and move it downstairs she STILL IS FIGURING OUT WAYS TO MAKE ENOIGH NOISE TO KEEP YOU AWAKE
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this-is-the-uchu · 9 months
 ご芧になられたしたか 芋たこずある方は䜕床芋おもよいのですよ。もういいっお たあたあ、そうおっしゃらずに。ずにもかくにも、ありがずうございたす。
 今幎はINTERVALSが2本でした。再䞉にわたりお䌝えしおいたすが、もうINTERVALSやりたせんから ず決意新たにしおいた所、先日Fractal Audioのクリスマスプレれント䌁画のGift of ToneでAaronのプリセットが配られたので、゜レを䜿っお  ずはなりたせん。去幎配っおいたら今幎の動画に間に合っおたのにずいう悔しさがありたす。このプリセットですが、音はCircadian以降のハむゲむン系で、特に近幎ハマっおいるらしいリヌドにモゞュレヌションをガッツリ掛けおいるタむプの音だったり、クリスタルクリヌンが入っおいたす。残念ながら() The Way Forward時代のクランチはありたせん。かなり䜿える音でしお、個人的に最近お気に入りのハむゲむンアンプのRevvでリズムトヌンが䜜られおいたり、自分がTouchGoの音䜜りの時に䜿っおいたPrecision Driveや、同じアンプモデルであるFriedmanのHBE V3が䜿われおいたのでなんだか嬉しくなりたした。ちょっず䜙蚈なこず長めに曞いおしたった。
 次回動画に぀いおは前回の蚘事で曞いおいたものは  倚分やりたせん。私生掻のこずに぀いおバタバタしおいたのず、緎習はしおいたのですがそもそも技術面で䞍埗手なこずがあり、自分の䞭で蚱せるレベルに到達しそうにないためです。代案ずしお短い動画でも出そうかず思っおいたす。ず曞いおいたずころで「そういえばショヌト動画ずか流行っおるよな」ず思ったのでちょっずやる気になりたした。幎明けにでも出したいです。
 幎間目暙は2本ずしおいたすが、今幎に関しおは正盎どうなるか分かりたせん。春たではほどほどに時間があるず思うのですが、恐らく5月以降ず、倏秋は絶察無理ですね。転職やら恐らく匕越やらで倚忙  になっおないず人生終わっおしたいそうなので。ギタヌは匟いおいるはずです。カメラもそろそろ新しいの欲しいなず思い぀぀お金がありたせん。私の奜きなものはお金です。以䞊。
・Mayones Duvell売った
・UAD 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
・Master 8 Japanのピック
 先日色々買い集めたした。コンテンツ的に曞いたのですがどハマりはしおいたせん。最近のブヌムはゞムダンのJP Trinityです。シェむプがミニトラむアングルなので近いモノを集めおるのですが、某ネットショップ音家さんではないですオリゞナルの激安ミニ△は玠材ず厚さ別で10枚皋床買ったのですが党おダメでした。やはりゞムダン  ゞムダンは党おを解決する。
①Allegaeon - DAMNUM
 「聎いおいた」ず曞いおいたすが実際は先月末からなので聎き始めお1ヶ月皋床です。メロデス寄りのテクデスおよび゚クストリヌムメタルですかね。2023幎は自分の䞭でメロデスブヌムの幎でしたが、重くおクサくお速くおテクいの聎きたくお探しおいた䞭のAllegaeonでした。アメリカっお感じのメタルで実によきです。類䌌バンドで挙げられるFirst Fragmentsはダメでした。あれはスパニッシュでネオクラでカオティックでしたので。
②Stortregn - Finitude / Impermanence / Emptiness Fills the Void
 ギタリストのJohan Smithはクラシックギタヌ界で有名な方で、音倧の修士号取埗、各コンテストでの優勝倚数、オヌケストラ共挔など䞖界的に高い評䟡を受けおいるのですが、こんなメタルバンドもやっおいるようです。これでたた䞀぀、メタルが䞖界䞀玠晎らしい音楜であるこずの蚌明がなされおしたいたしたね。そんな前眮きで期埅倀が高たっおいたのですが「テクさ」に求めおいる「音数が倚い人倖ギタヌ゜ロ」はありたせんでした。ただ過去䜜では少なかったギタヌ゜ロパヌトは最新䜜になるに぀れお増えおいきたす。匷いお挙げる残念ポむントはここだけ。
③Kalmah - The Black Waltz
④Night Crowned - Tales
 こちらもブラストビヌトのあるメロデス。メロデスメロブラ ドラマヌが巧いなず思いたすが、メロディラむンは北欧感匷めです。曲によっおは奜みからは倖れおいたした。そのため匷く刺さる楜曲は少なかったです。蚘録甚に残しおいたしたが曞いたのでラむブラリから消したす。
â‘€Insomnium - Anno 1696 / Avove the Weeping World
⑥Eidola - The Architect
 ポストハヌドコア。Makariが奜きなので類䌌バンドずしお以前から知っおいたしたが、知った圓時の2018幎はMVが少なく、刺さる楜曲も少なかったため聎き続けるこずはありたせんでした。今幎になっおApple Musicで2021幎の最新䜜が流れおきたのですが、非垞に良かったです。本人たちも蚀っおいたすがプログレッシブな芁玠が倚いバンドです。䞊半期の、特に初倏は沢山聎きたした。スヌパヌ歌りマで気持ちがよいです。VoはDGDのギタリストでもあるようです。この蟺のバンドを個人的にDGD界隈ず呌んでいたす。Blue Swan Recordsですね。DGD、幎に䜕回か聎いおみるのですが党く奜きになれたせんので今幎で諊めたした。
⑩Wolf & Bear - Everything is Going Grey / Bloodletter
 ポストハヌドコアです。実は結構奜きなゞャンルだず刀明したした。ちなみに0010幎代の叀き良き系ではなく近幎の比范的ポップな感じです。ポップですよね そしおこちらもDGD界隈です。亡くなったBaがDGDでした。
 リピヌトしおいたのはMVの楜曲です。すごく奜き。他はほどほどで、なんなら最新䜜は楜しみにしおいたものの刺さる楜曲がありたせんでした。党䜓的にクリヌンVoの䞻匵が匷くなり、流行りのR&B的なシャラくさいメロディ / ノリ / パヌトが増えおしたった印象です。新しく入ったギタリストはセンスのあるピロピロオブリを匟くのず、Kieselの黒いスヌパヌストラトがカッコむむです。ゞャケットは日本ず韓囜ず䞭囜がミックスされた「アゞアは倧䜓䞀緒だろhahaha!!」なアメリカを感じたす。
⑧MØL - Jord / Diorama
⑹Deafheaven - Roads to Judah
⑩New Jeans - OMG 
 オッマオッマガネットニュヌスになったNew Jeansおじさんになりたくないのですが曲がいいので聎いおいたす。アむドルコンテンツは奜きではありたせん。でもハニ氏はかわいいず思いたす。CookieやHype Boyも奜きです。むンストだけで聎くのもアリです。
⑪Helloween - The Dark Ride
 これは青春時代の思い出アルバムの1぀です。高校生の時にメタラヌ隣人倫婊の方に借りた、人生初Helloweenがこのアルバムです。ですので「代衚曲はEFF」ずか蚀われおも実は釈然ずしおいたせん。タむトル曲がすごく奜きです。圓時のメンバヌずの仲間割れおよび版暩問題からストリヌミングおよびデゞタル販売されないアルバムらしいので、数幎振りにCDを買いたした。他ず比范するずテむストが異なっおいるため賛吊䞡論  かず思っおいたしたがレビュヌでも奜きずいう声が倚くお嬉しいです。
⑫柎田淳 - ブラむニクル / 私は幞せ / あなたず芋た倢 君のいない朝
 しばじゅんはお颚呂BGMの定番です。今幎の総再生時間は8,194分でApple Music内でのトップ100リスナヌだったらしいです。やったね。ちなみに䞊田麗奈さんのトップ100リスナヌでもありたす。やったね。これたで聎いおなかったアルバムの開拓ずいうこずで3枚を聎きたした。基本的には静かな楜曲が奜きです。ご結婚おめでずうございたす。倱恋です。
⑬明日の叙景 - アむランド
⑭䞉森すずこ - R / B / P
⑮遠野朝海 - Comfort
⑯arabesque Choche - eclogue
 ピアノむンスト。リリヌス前日にYouTubeで生挔奏の配信があったのですが、時間も時間だったので電気を消した真っ暗なお颚呂入りながら芳たした。ずんでもなく癒されたのでその日以来、お颚呂に携垯を持ち蟌んで䜕かを芳るずいうのがブヌムになっおいたす。眮き堎のための板ず防氎スピヌカヌず防氎ケヌスの導入を進めおいたす。これはレビュヌではありたせんね。楜曲 党郚奜きだから特にコメントしたせん。
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exxay · 2 years
Ace's Races, Arknights
Right, full on Analyze Mod I guess
Anyways, on the concern of Ace Arknight's race being either Pythia, Zalak, or Savra. tl;dr, it's most likely Pythia or Savra, or a Race we have no knowledge of yet, more below.
Don't quote me on any of this and be more than welcome to correct me in any matter.
Anyways, of the three Races that Ace could possibly of, we first need to find out how to indicate what race belongs to what race. Let's start with-
Zalaks, they're the Rodents and Rodent-Like, important on the latter. They're the Rats, squirrels, and apparently the Australasian Opposums.
Next is the Savra, Lizards and Salamanders. Which in itself is completely different from the-
Pythia, as these ones are the Serpents, Snakes, basically. Why are there no Gator's or Crocs in either of the Reptile Races? That's cuz those are the Archosauria.
Now, what are these three's physical indicators of which they belong to? Well, for the all of the one's mentioned above. The ears, tails, and their Operator Files. But Ace doesn't have a File that says what his race is so we can only go with the former two.
Zalaks have rodent-like tails, duh, take a look basically. A detail that every race with ears on the top of their head has is that they wear Helmets that fit them or have holes for them, like Ashlock and Click here. You can also notice the variety in that one has a ridiculously Fluffy tail, and one a sleek and thin one. There's also the Rat King who's a fully formed Anthro, but he's not relevant here other than being a full on indicator that he's a fucking Rodent.
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Now, if we compare that to these-
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-he does not have any furry ears on the top of his head, this eliminates him from being a Zalak, as if he was one, then he'd have something that wouldn't. And no, I've checked every Zalak that's been illustrated, and they ALWAYS have fully visible furry ears or Indicate that they have them through their helmets or headgear.
"But what if there's Zalaks that DON'T have furry ears?" That's a possibility yes, especially when you look at the Anaty and notice how Roberta and Mayer don't have ears compared to that of Robin and Shirayuki. If it wasn't for a teensy little weensy detail about Ace's tail.
The Tip. No Zalak's have tail tips like these, as a Zalak tail's tip that are slim usually resemble that of diminishing lines, more so a whip than a tip really. At least of my knowledge and quick 5 minutes google search (Lmao) If you do know, please do tell.
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Though there is the Rat King's, but if you look it's still not the same, as Rat King's resemble that a, well, Rat. While Ace's look that more of a Lizard's. There's also the Age Factor, as Zalak that has Ace's look of an old veteran would be equivalent to that look.
Speaking of Lizards, let's get into the them.
Now, for Savras it gets a little trickier, as of the only fully illustrated characters that don't help much to identifying someone's race through their ears and tails is the two anthros, a Half Savra-Sarkaz, and a Hooded NPC, that obscures both the ears and the possible tail, who we can only assume Savra for the same reason I assume Sharp is a Savra. By being from Sargon, except Isin lives and breathes Sargon while all we know of Sharp is that he was from the Court of Sargon before he came to RI.
Getting back on track, Savra's distinct traits are that of Sharp Ears and Reptile Tiles.
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But, if we look at the patterns of the one's with the visible ears and tails, we can see the Savras usually have thicker tail and pointy ears, which overlap with Pythia's also having sharp and pointy ears. But it's important to note that Pythia ears are several times Sharper, and their Tails far thinner.
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But there's also Pythia's such as Corroserum and Eunectes who's tails are quite thick themselves. However, their thick tails are scaled compared to the Savra's just up avove.
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Though the ears is a good point to look into, as Blacknight, a Savra, for example can pass off as a Pythia if you look only at the ears alone, but then look at her tail and think maybe Archosauria. If it wasn't for her Animal being indicated by her E2 as well as the Profile saying so, we could've safely assumed she was a Half and Half of Pythia and Archosauria. Probably something along the lines of a Black Caiman.
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So, what do we get from this?
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Ace can't be any of the non reptilian races. Or any race with ears on the top. No his portrait is not showing them because he has them folded back, look at new visual from the anime and you can see he has nothing up there than hair.
Not Archosaurian, as there is no way his tail is in any way Crocodilian.
We can't use his ears as confirmation because they're covered, and even then the ear shapes can still overlap.
His tail is thin and definitely belongs to a Reptile, but no obvious scales, nor that obvious a salamander or Lizardy. BUT, We also have to keep in mind that Scaleless Snakes EXIST so we can't immediately rule it out.
So in conclusion, I don't fucking know
What i do know is that this bitch a reptile. He could be some Scaleless Snake species idk about, or a Glass Lizard which means he's either a Pythia or Savra
My bet would be Savra more than Pythia
Checked the Prelude to Dawn PVs, nothing on Ace's Race Features.
There's a non zero chance that the Race Ace belongs to is a mythological inspired one like Hellagur, Utage, and Archetto are.
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suziestockings · 1 year
I feel I want to write the story of my first gay sexual experience. In fact my first sexual experience that didn’t just involve me and my right hand (or my left if the right got tired).
I was 18 years old (a late developer) and was walking through the town park. I was feeling rather horny and I headed down to the gents toilet in order to masturbate.
I went in and the place was empty, the urinal to my left and 2 cubicles to my right. I went into the first cubicle and locked the door. I pulled down me jeans and sat on the toilet and started playing with my cock.
I heard someone else come into the toilet and thought I’d better be quiet doing this. The other person went into the other cubicle.
Suddenly his head popped up avove the dividing wall, I stopped in mid stroke. “Do you want me to come in and help you with that” he said.
I stood up and unlocked the door, he came in and sat where I had been on the toilet.
He took hold of me cock and started to suck on it, but unfortunately my cock wasn’t that clean.He told me to turn around and masturbate myself.
As I did that I felt his tongue licking around the rim of my arse. It felt good, although I did think to myself “he’s brave licking my arse”
After a few minutes of masturbation and feeling his tongue around my arse I felt the urge to cum.
I turned back to him and he took my cock deep into his mouth as I started  pump my seed into it, he greedilly swallowed it all down.
After this he asked me if I had ever had anal sex, “No” I replied ”I’ve never done that”
He said he would take my anal virginity as he didn’t want to hurt me.
I watched him mastubating himself and was thinking “mayby I should suck his cock too”
When suddenly he spurted his semen up into the air and it landed back on his trousers. “Oh dear” he said “My mother will wonder about those stains”
We both then made ourselves presentable and went back out into the park
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Yo, another original post. Wanted to share some art that I'm proud of.
To preface showing you: this is referenced from a tattoo stencil that I saw on pinterest. This is in no way my completely original design.
Don't mind the scribbles avove my signature, I messed up the "a" in arson
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The colours in the pic are a bit funky because it was taken on my phone.
Here's a version with bit of an overstated but still close to irl viewing contrast and colours.
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Likes, comments, and reblogs appreciated.
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Endless ocean populated by thousands of modern sailboats. Towers constructed of silvery/white material very delicate looking but strong. I got around on "speedboat" I'm not actually sure how it worked or how it looked. Im not sure it was perceptable but it was fast. I was looking for a place I think. I visited a oil platform-esque area that consisted entirely of exhaust pipes/ vents of high complexity I dont think they were just burning coal. Multifaceted shapes puffing out green smoke that turned to brown amd then a dark ashy grey. I was on a platform high avove the sea where workers were monitoring/managing? The exhausts. a very strong/buff/butch lady either tossed me down into the water next to my transport or convinced me to jump cause the area was unsafe. Then I ended up at a shallower part of the world. There was a very small island of white sand and it was populated by a small strip mall excluding tgr parking lot. I don't remember seeing any people there. I visited one of them it was like a aquarium gift shop without the aquarium and I then was transported to a concrete hallway with dark blue lighting as though I was in an aquarium, but there was no water and no fish. No tanks either. I don't think i moved from that point.
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rainbowgod666 · 2 months
My idea for a fnf mod straight up SHORTS YOUR COMPUTER if you either fail or get AVOVE a D rating.
It also makes all those joke mods look easy in comparison
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coolisimo12 · 3 months
So storytime, I went to Hungry Jacks the other day and asked for mustard with my meal, there was a long pause so I was like, oh only if you still have some and they were immediately like yeah yeah we have it no problem, then I saw 'no sauce' pop up on the screen, was kinda like oh, theyre jst not gonna give me anything, thats fine, coulda told me they were jst out but whatever, then on another row I saw 'add mustard' pop up underneath something else, not reading the extra bit I was like oh nvm, i guess the computers fucking up, what I didnt realise at the time is what appeared avove was more than likely 'cup' so I got home to my cats judgemental stare and a cup of mustard, pictured for posterity. Not complaining, jst amazed at the engenuity of customer service workers at any given point
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kawaiiorc · 4 months
I realized it's apparently odd that I research medication interaction with various foods or supplements before consuming them. I wanna know if it'll fuck up how my body/chemicals work but all y'all out here raw dogging unknown symptoms like...
You shouldn't be eating or drinking grapefruit if you're on an oral contraceptive it'll make it not work. Truthfully any chemical contraceptive you should be careful about but an oral one get shut DOWN fast.
Or how pineapple/pineapple juice can cause buspar or other anxiety medications to not properly absorb into your blood making its job moot.
Amphetamines, your ADHD/ADD meds if those are the ones that work for you, should not be used along with tricyclic antidepressants or decongestants.
Adding on to avove, depending on the Brain Skittles you take you also can't take Mucinex (guaifenesin) cause it could cause Serotonin Syndrome. Or how I learned the hard way, it'll just make you faint and feel the worst you've ever felt. Better off being boogery!
Anyway all of that to say that apparently wanting to know how stuff works makes me "paranoid " and I just wanted to yell about it.
... sometimes I miss my pharmacy job.
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impostorsshow · 6 months
Hello, Welcome to my blog! Here's a rundown of my featured tags and the main content on this blog! This is a silly focused blog, so I only post/reblog content about controversies/politics every once in awhile, and only if I think it's super important. Feel free to send me an ask about my opinions, but don't expect a super in depth answer
#Art - I only tag my personal art with this, and as I'm an artist this is a pretty big chunk of my blog aside from reblogs
#[fandom here] ranch dip - this is my tag for posts that are only interesting if you like whatever topic it is, ex: #original ranch dip which is for any OC content and #obj ranch dip which is for object show stuff. I don't tag any of my #reposts [reblogs] with ranch dips!
#talk talks - anything that's my own posts - it used to be for whenever I'm ranting and it's a long post, but it's fucked up because I used to put it on reblogs so just dont go near the beginning of the account
#talk talks?? - for reblogs that are me talk talking it up in the tags but it's kind of fucked up because I used to put it on og posts but I can't be fucked to clean it up, see avove
#search for smos - this is cherubpuppets object au but I'm THE ONLY ONE THATS POSTED IN THE TAG SO I GUESS ITS MINE UNTIL SOMEONE ELSE MAKES FANART >:[
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[I think dni lists are stupid and just put a hit list on you but. I like user boxes. That's my persona don't steal it please thx]
I mostly post about whatever hyperfixation I have at the moment or whatever game I've been playing recently, which of writing right now is Ask Goldie Anything, though I've also been known to post Zelda content, with scattered posts of Hatsune Miku and I dont ever really post about it but i reblog alot of varied stuff from hyper specific stuff my mutuals post to random memes I laughed at. my asks are always open if you want to request for me to talk about something or draw considering i dont have a bank account to take commissions yet and I dont have very much motivation to draw on my own, here's a few of my favorite art pieces showing off my range of art skill
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By the way, I have alt tags with little rambles about the art on most posts, the exception being whenever I'm A. Too tired to add them or B. The image is already explained somewhere else in my post :] pretty pretty please check if there's an alt tag on posts, if the alt tag is two paragraphs then the second paragraph is always the ramble, and a few other artists do this as well
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dragonspleenspicy · 9 months
“Oh yeah, of course.” Jaa pointed. “On the other side of the hallway. First door.” He blushed a little. “I-I didn’t mean to insult you.” He wasn’t very good at culture stuff. “I better go help Apanda.”
"There was no offense, Jaa, was it?" She had at this point removed enough cloths that her semi-avian body was exposed up to just avove her breasts.
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