#avm reverse au
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samthecookielord · 1 year ago
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Lukebot and tri get the wonderous honour of being one of many to get thrown at @pastel-player 's number one angst machine <3
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alan-in-the-outernet · 3 months ago
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So I've. Done a thing.
Whoops. Reverse Fantasy au... I godded the Sealer's... and ungodded Creation and Destruction...
What crimes against nature will they commit?
Who knows ;3
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starry-907 · 5 months ago
Animation vs Life SMP
alright so i said in the tumblr community if we got new life series and influencer arc ep 3 on the same day i'd post my (currently very minimal and disorganized) thoughts for animation vs life series! and uh. we did indeed get new life series today soooooo yeah.
thoughts below the cut cuz it will likely be a bit long shgsldjf
Explanation of life smp
so! for those of you that don't know what life series/life smp is, it's basically hardcore but you have (usually) 3 lives instead of just one (there's been 2 seasons that don't follow that exact idea). when you hit your last life (referred to as your "red life") you get to be hostile and kill others outside of specific circumstances. last person alive wins! there's been 5 seasons so far (and a vaugely canon april fools ep), with the 6th season starting today, leading to me writing this here.
a lot of folks also add in some additional lore with these beings called the watchers, with the lore being that they're the ones organizing the games and kinda keeping the players locked in this loop of death games. i think one of the content creators has his own lore involving the watchers, martyn inthelittlewood.
if you want an explanation of ava/avm i can't type that here or we'd be here all day so instead i'll just link this post i made a while back that should help explain some stuff
The foundation
essentially this au starts with the idea of what if instead of mcyt-ers, the watchers decided to nab some silly sticks for their death game instead? the current lineup that they grabbed is:
Vic, Chosen, Dark, Second, Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, Purple, and Mango. i might add the mercs if i want more people for more complexity, but i'm still in the baby stages of ideation here.
thing is though, the watchers want to have a pawn member actually in the games, so they can manipulate events the way they want to, whenever they need to. so.....
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(yeah that's right i made drawings to go along with this explanation)
ok so it isn't just because they're also purple, it's because they seemed the best candidate in terms of skill and such. cunning and resourceful, but still desperate for approval in a way, so just breadcrumb some praise and you should be able to get them to do what you need them to do right?
i mean purple does eventually realize something's up and doesn't listen to the watchers as much (when they can get away with it).
purple's changes
of course, being made a watcher does come with some changes, external and internal.
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external, they get these floating eyes around their head, and the watcher symbol on their back. both of them are usually not visible, only really showing up in low light (light level 3 or less) or when under extreme stress. somehow no one's really questioned it? i mean if you're stuck in a death game (that you don't know is a loop of death games), your friend suddenly getting a bunch of eyes isn't a major concern.
what does garner attention (esp cuz these can't be hidden), is the fact that purple's elytra have turned into full on feathered wings (also with the watcher symbol). they don't allow for flight in the games (unfair advantage), but they do serve as a more... permanent reminder of where purple's ultimate loyalties should lie.
(in case you can't tell, i'm working with majority morally dark watchers here. there are some that don't like the idea, but most of them are more than down for it).
ok jumping ahead a bit we're talking curses!
what's a life series without some curses and patterns, eh? i do not have many right now, but i do know what the biggest one is, i'll do that last.
mango gets a curse to always fail to protect a close ally from death at least once
vic is cursed to always have one death that was preventable
blue has sort of a reverse of mangos, she will have at least one death protecting an ally.
ok starry but what about the canary curse?
i'm glad you asked. who's the one that always runs into battle first in ava, and is therefore the one to always die first?
i realize there's other characters that could've fit but at the same time canary red just hits so much more to me. granted the watchers didn't know for sure who their canary would be during the first game, but once red died they just collectively went 👀 and hit him with the curse.
after the first game, the ends of red's bandana become stylized to look like wings, and anyone who knows how to look can see faint images of canary wings on his shoulders. only purple knows the exact reason why.
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hey so are they just stuck forever or what
uhhh haven't fully thought this part through. HOWEVER! i do know the main focus characters of this au! purple is clearly one of them, since they have a connection to the watchers (kinda against their will). the other primary focus character... well a lot of folks headcanon that the winners get to remember the past game(s) as a reward for their victory, and the first winner is someone who's more than used to dealing with having an urge in the back of their mind to kill.
basically woe, platonic bugduo upon ye. dark wins the first game, learns about the watchers and stuff, and decides to work with purple on trying to break the cycle. also! for those of you who know how third life ended take that but instead it's chosen and dark. tragic siblings.
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(i guess dark did wind up fulfilling their code to destroy the chosen on- *gets exploded*)
other misc things/the scenarios imagined
they would go through all the current games, i don't have many ideas for limited life though (i've only watched all of third and secret life, i need to catch up on the others)
i realized that the boogey curse session from secret life could be very interesting to deal with (blue would be the one to start with the boogey curse), i might write that one if i ever write things for this
purple realizing at the start of limited life that everyone had their memories of third life erased (except dark, they realize dark knows but maybe by that point the alliances are already made)
purple gets to go feral at least once as a treat. is it the boogey curse? red life urges? the watchers? who knows but they get to go feral
as i said, dark is able to resist the red life urges a bit better due to experience with the mission code (which is somewhat suppressed by the watchers, they don't want to let their game be ruined by something like that). also remember how scott didn't kill anyone while affected by the boogey curse in limited life yeah dark does that and it's actually the worst
red notices the wings, he knows about canaries but he doesn't know the full significance of them.
idk what associations the winners would get (i'm still thinking about the different winners at this point anyways). I think yellow would win one, maybe also chosen or second...?
unlikely alliances, unlikely alliances as far as the eye can see. double life especially
PLEASE if you have any ideas or questions come yell at me in my ask box, i would like to talk more about this and i'm curious what thoughts y'all might have
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hiiperfixate · 2 months ago
AvA/AvM AU Generator!
I've really enjoyed using this for myself because it's like a fun little creative challenge to try and piece everything together so I decided to share this with all of you!
How to use:
Basically, all you have to do is get a random number generator and set the values next to each list, then randomize numbers until you have at least one number for each category you would like to include! Simple. Characters - generally works best with 2-5 characters, but any amount is allowed. The Relationship Generator can help you get ideas on how the characters interact in this AU. And finally, the prompts are able to add a little surprise and flavor to your AU to really make it fun! You can pick as many as you want. (Note: This generator may occasionally imply problematic things - that does not mean I condone those things, it's just because it's random)
Any one can use this without any need to credit! However, I would like to be tagged so I can see your creations if you do use it, but you don't have to!
If anyone wants to add onto any of the categories, just comment or reblog with your ideas! Or send me an ask and I can edit them on!
Without further ado, here are the lists!
Characters (1-21)
King Orange/Mango
Corn Dog Guy
New/Original Character
Relationship Generator(1-11)
Parent(or Guardian)/Child
Unlikely Friends
Forced together by Fate
Enemies to Lovers
Enemies to Friends
Enemies to Parent/Caretaker
Prompts for Flavor(1-70)
Double Agent
Like Father, Like Son
Age Swap
Role Reversal
Coffee Shop
Power Swap
Split Up
Family Swap
New Character
Pick a Random Emoji and somehow incorporate it's concept or theme
Pick a Random Song from your playlist and somehow incorporate it's concept, theme, lyrics, or general vibe
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toast-art · 1 year ago
Forgotten worlds AVM AU! (I made this au 2 years ago but never really published it but I'm going to now) These are for the main heroes and characters (MT and Purple)
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(Yes purple's head looks weird but let's ignore that)
About the AU:
This is basically like the reverse AU but more directed to fantasy. MT, or "The Blinded King" Is one of the main heroes for my AU. He tends to save the world from the CG, who are the villains. MT's son (gold/the prince) was slaughtered by someone during the war between Arcland and a smaller kingdom. And as for Purple, a fallen angel, was banned from Heaven for "committing too much sins". They found MT in the desert, sitting in a rock thinking of a plan to save the world and decided to join Him. Purple wanted to do this, not only to save the world and MT's kingdom, but also to go back to Heaven and relive their peaceful life up there.
More of the lore will come soon!! Likes and Reblogs are appreciated!
[Som tags for my friends: @raccoon-hybrid @brainrot-blue @flairya @reptilia0freptiles @running2redemption ]
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sticks-n-kitkats · 3 years ago
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Have some of my oldest doodles :)
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kaycapo · 2 years ago
sorry I wasn’t specific 😅 I meant for your au where TSC’s friends forgot who she was, TSC forgot who her friends were for the writing
oooh I understand. I finally finished the writing! 😆 but here's a quick explanation:
in my writing stories, the sticks are humanized, (They're still stick figures but they just look human, so their hair, eye colour, and clothes match their colour) and all their bedrooms, living room, kitchen ect ect are in stickfight.com through the double doors we see instead of the big minecraft building in avm.
that's all! onto the story :D (Hope you like it!!)
Second’s POV:
I slowly stir awake, letting out a yawn before sitting up. I scratch my back while grabbing my phone to check the time. 8:30 am.
Alan asked me to help him animate today. He should start in about an hour… So I’ll go get some breakfast before then.
I hop out of bed and get changed into fresh clothes. Opening my door, I start walking down the hallway.
Huh… I don’t remember there being so many doors. Eh I’m just sleepy. I only woke up like five minutes ago.
With another yawn, I’m about to enter the kitchen, but I pause when I see it.
Six sticks in the kitchen chatting away.
Who the fuck are they.
What are they doing here.
Why are they here
What is going on.
Abruptly, one of them turns to me, green coloured, before smiling. “Hey second!”
He knoWS MY NAME!? 
All the others turn to me, making me tense up. My heart is thumping hard. I step back, trying to make myself look threatening.
“Wh-Who are you all!?” I curse at myself for stuttering. They stare at me with confused looks.
“Is this one of your jokes again?” the dark red coloured one asks.
“Jokes..?” I repeat. “Why are you acting like you know me? Why are you in my home? Seriously, this is fucking weird!”
They all glance at one another. They don’t seem like they’re faking… Unless they’re really good actors..? Maybe I should get Alan. He’ll know what to do. Probably.
Just as I’m about to run off, a hand grabs my head making me gasp. The hand belongs to the blue one. “Did you bump your head?” 
I shove her away, leaving her shocked. “No I did not bump my head! And don’t touch me!!” the hurt look on her face makes me feel guilty, but I quickly shake it off.
Before anyone could say anything else, I run away. I hear a series of desperate voices from behind me as I leap out of stickfight.com.
Alan isn’t here yet… with an exasperated sigh, I head onto Google and type up an alarm. I turn it on and a loud sound is let out.
The sticks come into view, covering their ears.
“Argh- What are you doing!?” one of them yells but I only glare at them.
After a few moments, Alan approaches the computer, turning the alarm off. I hop down from the tab as he opens up adobe flash.
[What’s wrong sec?] he types out and I stare at him confused. Can't he see all the random sticks here?!
Uhm, them! An orange text appears above my head as I point at the sticks.
He doesn’t reply for a moment. Only looking between me and the strangers.
[What about them?]
What? What does he mean ‘What about them’!?
What about them!?? They’re strangers!! How are you so calm??!
[Strangers..? Sec are you okay? Did you bump your head?]
Suddenly, the red coloured one approaches me. “Second… calm down..”
I step back, clenching my fists, prepared to beat the living shit out of anyone who tries to hurt me. The rest of the strangers stand by the red one, with the yellow one speaking up now.
“Listen, we know you’re scared, but just try to calm down. Let’s sit down and talk, okay?”
I look at her for a couple seconds. She doesn’t seem to be deceiving me… none of them look bad, or that they want to hurt me. If they wanted to, they probably would’ve done it already.
I let out an aggravated sigh, unclenching my fists.
“Okay… let’s talk.”
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samthecookielord · 3 years ago
Just remembered that i drew coroika characters as ava stick figures forever ago and idk if i ever posted them loll heres a few of them (though i only ever drew blue team and emperor and prince hrssruyarsjtstj)
The first one is like, super duper old (i drew that before i made Rainbow, thats how old it is)
The third one features @a-queer-kitkat 's oc on the side and the fourth one has Rainbow copying goggles and emperor :]
Also some reverse au shenanigans at the end (separate from the whole shadow inklings thing but similar to that)
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samthecookielord · 3 years ago
No context just crossover au stuff hrsptdjjtdtjf
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samthecookielord · 4 years ago
Reverse avm au shenanigans
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samthecookielord · 4 years ago
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What if The Second Coming was the return of The Dark Lord instead?
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sticks-n-kitkats · 3 years ago
So if Green is depression, which of the others apply to denial, anger and bargaining (plus reasons if you don’t mind)
R!Yellow was placed with Denial- Their unwavering optimism combined with their forgetfulness and very likely repression of a lot of the things they go through lead to them not really processing just how bad their situation is most of the time. They're just trying to stay positive through it all, even when that's far from a logical response.
R!Red we put with Anger- They're constantly in flight-or-fight mode, and are prone to lashing out at the other r!color crew members and even R!Second at times. They get in trouble a lot because of it.
R!Blue went alongside Bargaining- They cope through trying to find the most logical ways to lessen their pain by any means necessary. They're just doing everything they can to minimize their suffering, even if it means complying to R!Second's twisted desires.
And R!Green, as previously mentioned, goes with Depression due to them pretty much giving up on any sort of hope of things getting better for the sake of avoiding the added pain of getting their hopes up for nothing.
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sticks-n-kitkats · 3 years ago
Should I be concerned about the reverse AU?
Oh absolutely. We’ve got an orderly germaphobe and nature-hating Blue, an animal-fearing Red who’s constantly in fight-or-flight mode, a concerningly unconfident Green with terrible building and music-making skills, a forgetful and not-too-bright Yellow, and a sadistic Second that loves tormenting the four to tie it all together.
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sticks-n-kitkats · 3 years ago
curious about the reversal of green if you wanna elaborate
Ohoho! Yeah, I can go off about em. Basically, my pals and I kinda interpreted Green as a fairly confident person who loves friendly competition (even more than the others in the main crew), being shown to be the best at things like building and music making and such.
Sooo R!Green is much more cynical and self-doubting than their counterpart. When trouble arises, they just try to accept it instead of pushing for things to get better. They're not very good at things like building, they've absolutely no sense of rhythm, and they feel like trying to improve their skills would be a fruitless endeavor.
My friends and I actually realized a little while back that the reversed color crew kind of go along with the first 4 stages of grief, particularly with their coping mechanisms towards R!Second's torment of them all- R!Green was who we put with the fourth stage, Depression.
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sticks-n-kitkats · 3 years ago
what’s r!tsc like they sound pretty wack
Ok soooo I've tried not to get tooo into detail, but it's still kinda messed up sooo if anybody wants me to tag this with anything just lemme know.
Ohhhh R!Second is fun. The whole concept with them mainly centers around how OG!Second is a generally nice dude who cares a ton about their friends. So of course, R!Second is a little shit. In the OG timeline, the group is kept together simply through their friendship. In the reverse AU, the color crew sticks around Second because they don't have any other choice. R!Second is constantly trying to find new ways to torment the four, enjoying nothing more than seeing the color crew absolutely miserable. The 'games' they play with the four are just fancy ways to torture them. They use their powers a lot more and have a lot more control over them than OG!Second, only resorting to direct combat if they're really desperate.
We've actually had some ideas with the main plot of the AU being along the lines of the OG!Crew ending up in the R!Crew's computer after another portal incident. They get split up and up encountering different members of the reverse crew, who are in the middle of a twisted game of hide and seek where you do not want to get found. It's fun, might talk more about it in another ask.
But long story short, this led to us thinking up the idea of the reverse crew's origins: Most reversals are just from alternate versions of their websites (Like say you and someone else are playing a video game. It may look the same on the surface, but every instance of the game is different, including the characters behind the scenes), but R!Second gets a little more complicated than that, with OG!Second being an individual drawing and all. The explanation we thought up is that R!Second is actually a creation of a very salty post-AvA 5 Dark Lord, intended to be a revenge weapon against OG!Second before being left to their own devices annnd forgotten about. This makes DL probably the only person on the entire internet that R!Second would actually view as an equal, rather than just someone to toy with.
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sticks-n-kitkats · 3 years ago
how would the reversals of TCO TDL and Purple work
We haven't quite figured out as much with them, sadly, but there are some vague ideas for Purple at the least. I imagine that R!Purple would be incredibly loyal- dude's literally never broken a promise. They also absolutely despise monarchies. Like they'd take one look at OG!Purple and immediately get into a fist fight.
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