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zombie-art-n-doodles · 2 months ago
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Redrawing this character every year since her creation in early 2023.
Echino was born on Baryte in a litter of four, being the runt of said litter her parents worried that if she wouldn't survive, and when she did make it to toddler age, they began to instead worry she would simply not be able to amount for much. But as Echino got older and began to understand her parents' fears, she vowed to prove them wrong.
Echino began apprenticeship under a senior hunter in the sept by the name Meloi, and began learning to hunt, trap and fight under the older aviset's guidance. She was a very persistent student, never allowing her failures to keep her from learning, though she gained some scarring along the way. Eventually she reached a point where she was able to hunt on her own, and from there she quickly started rising in the ranks as she trapped all kinds of prey. As she got older she got more ambitious, targeting the larger and more dangerous animals of Baryte. She became a prized trapper within her sept, no longer was she doubted, but still she was driven to do more. She made it her goal to trap every kind of animal there was to trap on Baryte. That goal was, after several years of hunting, completed. And with it..she found the drive to do more still.
She left Baryte behind to hunt new prey elsewhere, and it was during her travels she came across a bounty hunter's guild. It was perfect, a way to keep hunting, but now her targets posed more of a thrilling challenge.
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zombiecicada · 8 months ago
World Building Documentation: Planet Baryte
Planet Name: Baryte (N4-XZA64-B)
Planet Type: Super Terrestrial
Location: Northern Region, Quadrant 4
Habitability Status: Habitable and inhabited
Atmosphere: Standard Oxygen/Nitrogen, higher than average atmospheric pressure.
Average Day Length: 29 hours.
Capital Spaceport: Aeolian
World Leader: Baryte has no one ruler, rather Aeolian is controlled by multiple groups and families who have established a mutual albeit at times unsteady respect that keeps everything in order.
Main Languages: Galactic Common, Edusca, and Riapano.
Danger Level: High (LV 3)
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Baryte is a large terrestrial planet located within the Northern Region. The surface of the planet is covered in vast expanses of barren deserts and plateaus. The second planet from its home star, it is considerably hot on Baryte’s surface. The sweltering temperatures, low resources and constant sandstorms dictating every aspect of life on Baryte. Here, only the strongest most adapted organisms can survive.
Baryte being in the Northern Region was one of the first planets hit by the Great Monster War. Nightmare Enterprises tried to lay claim to the planet and set up mining operations to harvest Baryte’s many resources including oil and aluminum for spaceship fuel. However, all attempts to set up mining facilities failed, unable to compete with the local populations. One by one Nightmare’s monsters that were stationed on the planet and sent off to find suitable spots and drive out local organisms were brutally hunted and eaten.
The project was abandoned, Nightmare just barely avoiding the call to eradicate Baryte after being convinced that possibly reattempting the claim in the future was possible. This never happened, and to this day many old factory and mining facilities are abandoned and empty in the desert, filling with sand, and being beaten down by the endless sandstorms.
It’s main capital and the first and only city to establish a spaceport is Aeolian, a city built by the collaboration of many native species (mainly sand leos) to build a large port where resources could be traded and safety from the largest and most dangerous wild animals. The buildings are large and study pillars of rock, connected by many tunnels and archways between the buildings. Many, some in a more affectionate way and others in a more derogatory sense, refer to it as ‘The Termite Mound’ due to its similarities in appearance to such. It is also where many of the docks for the sand ships are located.
After Nightmare’s defeat, Baryte finally started to be able to recover and rejoin the intergalactic community. While many are still discouraged from setting foot on the planet without reason and certainly not without proper prior research and equipment, many explorers, researchers and the particularly bold have started to come, leading to the recent development of sand boat tours.
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Baryte has two moons, the larger body known as Hemati and the smaller body known as Therma.
Therma, having a noncircular orbit, undergoes extreme gravitational pulls from both Hemati and Baryte itself.
This constant pulling stresses the moon’s surface and causing a tidal effect. The solid part of the moon’s interior in turn causes a lot of friction, which would create heat-melting internal rock and lead to lava-heavy eruptions on the volcanic surface.
With so many eruptions Therma is covered in impact craters and fresh lakes of lava, visible from Bartye’s surface either by the sharp eyes of some native species or those with the proper equipment.
It is quite common for debris to be shot from the moon’s surface, pulled straight into Baryte’s atmosphere by its gravitational pull. The result is the sky being lit with the streaks of light and fire as the debris harmlessly burns up in the atmosphere. When night falls these displays only become all the more vibrant, filling the sky with many ‘shooting stars’ for the inhabitants to witness.
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Avisets are perhaps one of the most well known species on Baryte, besides the sand leos.
These large humanoid lifeforms are often not seen as humanoids due to their way of living and the common derogatory stereotype regarding anyone from the Northern Region is very hostile. In truth, the scarcity of resources and the brutal temperatures, mixed with the fact that the war hit the Northern Region the hardest, has forced the natives to be very tough and strong.
The main speakers of the Edusca language, they live in large close knit communities known as septs. They are most easily recognized by their signature helmet, which they customize as a means of expressing personality and character, as well as accomplishments through a series of markings on the helmet. Avisets live in large underground burrows, dug by their own two claws and terrakinesis, both to reach hidden aquifers to have drinking water and to hide beneath the ground from the blistering sun and predators.
Being cousins of bukiset, they have origins in tool and weapon usage. However when faced with bigger and stronger predators and prey, they took these tools and started to fashion large contraptions to trap and kill their prey for them. These massive works of rudimentary technology are simplistic in concept, but allow the avisets to be highly effective at trapping. They were so effective they unintentionally stopped Nightmare from being able to seize the planet, as these traps just kept killing any demonbeast that dared venture into the avisets’ territory. Avisets spend most of their life hunting, both to feed themself and their sept, and as a sport.
It is between their traps hidden beneath the sand and their territorial behaviours that the sand boats are the safest way to travel, less you want to meet a grim fate at the end of a harpoon.
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The sand boats have existed long before the business associated with giving tours on them started to boom.
Powered by a solar sail, which is less to catch wind and more to catch sunlight, the energy absorbed by these specialized sheets of dark panel covered material is sent down the cables and mast of the ship. It is used to power fluidization equipment and motors below deck, pumping gasses into the sand blow, allowing the boat to pass through the sand as though it was water.
The ship’s hull is fortified and the metal is very spiky, both serving to discourage and prevent any hostile desert animals from climbing up, protect against aviset traps it might accidentally set off passing over them, and to withstand the sand constantly grinding up against the bottom of the boat. The metal is pale, as to prevent below deck and the fluidization equipment from overheating.
The teeth lining the boat are to make the boat seem like some large animal, smaller predators are discouraged from approaching and it offers protection against larger predators. Most will attack from behind or attack from below, bursting from the sand, the spikes are excellent at discouraging this. These are actual teeth. Most people simply just find them. From skeletons of long dead creatures, or simply shedded baby teeth of the planet’s largest predators.
The anchor is less to stop the ship outright, and more to tie the ship up when docked so others don’t take it. As stopping is simple as turning off the fluidization system, and once more the sand is sand again and the boat isn’t budging.
Many locals will recommend the Dune Whisperer as the ship to go with, commanded by Captain Sand-Dee, it’s one of the safer boats to be on as it’s guarded by a sand leo and his winged egger companion. Rahil’s knowledge of the planet and its many dangers and many wonders, mixed in with Sand-Dee’s expert sailing experience, these two make a great team at tackling the barren wastelands of Baryte.
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lesparaversdemillina · 1 year ago
Spy X Family T11 de Tatsuya ENDO
Au menu de Spy X family Mon avisEt Twilight alors ?Mais pourquoi le bus prend-il tout à coup la tangente ? Que se passe-t-il ?Les personnages auraient-ils gagné en profondeur ou alors Tatsuya Endo aurait-il progressé ?En résuméNoteExtrait en imageQualité d’impression et dessinSynopsisSi vous avez aimé vous aimerezTome précédentTome suivantD’autres avis sur la toileD’autres livres de…
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